(no subject)

2003-11-26 Thread Pardeep Duggal


I want to use java api's over cvs code. want ot connect to cvs 
thru my java application in a windows environment. Some sample code if possible. 
Can somebody help me with the same ? 
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Preventing users from Tagging files

2003-11-26 Thread Mike

Thanks. Everyone has been very helpful.

You hit the nail on the head.  

Adding tags is quite safe, it is the removal of a tag that messes up our repository 
structure.  We do back things up nightly, but its a huge waste of time recovering from 
the backups when a tagging mistake occurs.

I've tried out a modified version of the script on my test cvs server and it works 
great.  I'll move it on over to production next week.


Thanks for the help.


 --- On Tue 11/25, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:



Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 17:41:47 -0800 (PST)

Subject: Re: Preventing users from Tagging files

On Tue, 25 Nov 2003, Kaz Kylheku wrote:brbr On Tue, 25 Nov 2003, Mike wrote:br 
br  I am aware that I can use the unix file system permissions to preventbr  
developers from checking in files into CVS. But is there a way to preventbr br 
In addition, you can use the commitinfo scripting mechanism to stop commitsbr for 
just about any criteria: bad code formatting, missing bug numberbr in the log 
message, etc.br br  people from TAGGING files [or retagging] while still 
letting them checkinbr  those same files? Or am I just asking a stupid 
question?br br You can implement your custom restrictions in a script specified 
in br the taginfo administrative file.  The taginfo script could check thebr 
user identity and reject the operation if that identity is blacklisted.br br 
(But really, if you can't trust some developers to tag properly, howbr can you 
trust them to commit anything?  Learning a tagging system andbr sticking to it is 
far less complex than all the things you have to dobr to become a competent 
software developer. :)brbrbrTagging is not really the issue, it is deleting tags 
that is.  And once youbrhave deleted a tag, it is gone.  I have always thought this 
was a weaknessbrof CVS.  History of all commits are retained, even deleting a file 
from thebrrepository really does not delete the ,v file, the file is just moved 
intobrthe attic.  But when you delete a tag, there is no history you can 
revertbrfrom, besides your last repository backup.  Even competent developersbrcan 
accidentally delete something they did not mean to.  Everyonebrcan be confused from 
time to time.  This is a strong argument for havingbrgood and frequent backups of 
the CVS repository, in lieu of somebrother home grown tag backup 
mechanism.brbrAt work, we prevent everyone from deleting tags, except one user, 
brcvsadmin.  This way, if there is a tag delete snafu, we know who didbrit. There 
is our implementation; YMMV.  You could easily make this bra more generic 
implementation, and lookup the username from a file ofbrauthorized 
users.brbrtaginfo entry:brALL  $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/tag.sh 
${USER}brbrbrtag.sh:br#!/bin/shbr#  Everyone can addbr$brif [ $3 = 
add ]; thenbrexit 0brfibrbr#  cvsadmin can do 
everythingbr#bruser=`whoami`brif [ $user = cvsadmin ]; thenbrexit 
0brfibrbr#  Nothing else is allowed.br#brecho $@  $4/tag.logbrexit 
2brbrbrAdambrbrAdam Bernstein   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 mailing listbr[EMAIL PROTECTED]brhttp://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/info-cvsbr

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Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Loading files into CVS with a declared date

2003-11-26 Thread Schrum, Allan (Allan)
Please take a look at the sccs2rcs.csh script (You can browse to this source
at http://ccvs.cvshome.org/source/browse/ccvs/contrib/sccs2rcs.in ) which
converts SCCS files to RCS files. After the procedure you move the RCS files
into the CVS repository directly. While your tools are not SCCS, this script
will show you how to use the RCS ci tool to create entries with the correct
timestamp as well as create binary RCS files.

CVS uses the RCS file format, so there is no compatibility problem.


-Original Message-
From: Kevin Oberman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 6:03 PM
Subject: Loading files into CVS with a declared date

I hope this is not a FAQ. 

I have the job of transitioning a large archive from an in-house system
to CVS. I have all of the tools to do the maintenance of the repository,
but I need to load all of the historical data into my repository. I have
the time-stamps when these files were entered into my archive and the
change-log information.

Is there any way to force a commit to put a timestamp on a commit? Any
hacks to cvs to allow this? I guess what I want to do is:
cvs commit -D 1997-10-23 20:45 file, but there is no such command.

Any ideas?

R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Phone: +1 510 486-8634

Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs rlog -rTAG1::TAG2 doesn't handle newly added files

2003-11-26 Thread Larry Jones
Matthew Herrmann writes:
 I'm having problems with cvs rlog and -rTAG1::TAG2 not outputting changes
 for newly created tags.

Update your server to the most recent release (1.11.9).

-Larry Jones

Do you think God lets you plea bargain? -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Please help..

2003-11-26 Thread John Wards
Hi All,

I am seriously new to CVS.

I have a large project that has been developed by my self for the past 18 
months but is about to be taken on by a few other people so I though CVS 
would be a good way of working.

I seem to have turned all of my original source files within the directory to 
have a .v extention and a lot of stuff has been added to these files.

Please tell me their is an easy way to get my files back!

I seem to have figurered out now how to make a repository from my original 
source files but they all have a double .v (.v.v) file extention now!!! Doh.

Thanks in advance!!

Info-cvs mailing list

Exporting with 1 tag name

2003-11-26 Thread Andy Jones
Can anyone help me think around this one?

We are finally getting around to making releases from CVS.

We have a product that is split up into a number of seperate 
modules.  Ideally we would like to be able to release the whole project, or 
just a module.

I intend to follow the simplest solution here - I'm going to tag all the 
files with a release tag and then do an export.  If I'm releasing the 
whole product I'll put the name of the product as part of the tag; if I'm 
releasing a single module then I'll put the name of the module as part of 
the tag.  And, of course, if a file is part of a product- and a module- 
level release, it gets two tags.  No problem.

However, I'm a little concerned that if a customer gets a product level 
release followed by a module level release then the ident string for the 
module code will not have any relation to the ident string for the rest of 
the product.  The customer will see rel_tapestry_2_3 (product) and 
rel_ta_4_1 (module) and not know which came first.

The best solution I can conjure up is that a module release is always 
predicated on a product release.  So instead of rel_ta_4_1 (s)he would 
get rel_tapestry_2_3_ta_4_1.  In effect that makes a module release a 
sort of patch release.

Andy Jones
QA Bod
Tapestry Software

Info-cvs mailing list

affect of large numbers of tags on performance

2003-11-26 Thread Dickson, Craig


We use an automated 
build tool that performs many builds each day. Each time there is a successful 
build it applies an appropriate tag to our CVS repository. This has been running 
for a number of months now and on many files there are well over 100 tags - for 
files that don't change much, all 100 tags are on the same version number. 
Obviously this tag count is going to simply increase over 

Does anyone know if 
we should be concerned about this? How does such a large number of tags affect 
performance (checkout, commit, tag, log etc)? How does it affect the size of the 
repository in terms of disk space? Should we be looking to implement a scheme to 
purge old tags?

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Please help..

2003-11-26 Thread David Wood
Two things. 

First, did you work for 18 months on something without making backups? 

If you never made backups, then whether it was a mistake setting up CVS, 
some other kind of mistake, hardware failure, fire, or theft, you were 
destined to lose your work. I hope, however you resolve this issue, that 
you will always make nightly backups in the future. If you are ahead of 
me, and you have backups after all, then you can always use them to undo 
whatever you've done. I'm guessing, but at this point it may be easiest.

Second, to get help you will need to be much more specific about exactly 
what you did when you figured out how to make a repository from your 
original source files. How did you set everything up (CVSROOT, etc)? What 
commands did you run? It sounds like you have some confusion about 
repositories versus working directories and the import process. Did you 
read the CVS manual before you started? I fear from your description 
you've gone pretty far down the wrong way. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 11/26/2003 
11:32:10 AM:

 Hi All,
 I am seriously new to CVS.
 I have a large project that has been developed by my self for the past 
 months but is about to be taken on by a few other people so I though CVS 

 would be a good way of working.
 I seem to have turned all of my original source files within the 
directory to 
 have a .v extention and a lot of stuff has been added to these files.
 Please tell me their is an easy way to get my files back!
 I seem to have figurered out now how to make a repository from my 
 source files but they all have a double .v (.v.v) file extention now!!! 
 Thanks in advance!!
 Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Please help..

2003-11-26 Thread David Wood
You need to spend some time with the manual, and/or the various tutorials 
on the subject. As you are discovering, if you're not understanding the 
manual, forging ahead anyway may not be the best decision.

A repository is a database (that holds its data in RCS files - ending in 
.v). You create a repository in an _empty_ directory, somewhere separate 
(with cvs init), and then you import sources into it from wherever you 
have them (with cvs import). 

Then you do a cvs checkout to create a new CVS working directory from the 
repository - and that is where you then do your work. (Often people will 
move or zip the original directory they imported from, and then move their 
CVS working directory into its place.)

You've created a repository right on top of where you are working, which 
is bad. I confess at this point I'm not sure what you've got in those 
files (perhaps someone wiser than myself can offer a shortcut?), but my 
best guess is that it will be easier to recover from backups than to 
reconstruct your sources from what's left of them now (.v.v files).

At any rate, since you have backups, there is no reason to panic. In the 
future, just put your repository somewhere separate (/home/cvs/repository 
?). And of course, have another go at the manual (or some of the other 
reading materials) to get a better handle on how the system works.

John Wards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 11/26/2003 12:25:42 PM:

 On Wednesday 26 November 2003 4:57 pm, David Wood wrote:
  First, did you work for 18 months on something without making backups?
 Yes yes of course, but they are not with me currently and I am in a bit 
of a 
  Second, to get help you will need to be much more specific about 
  what you did when you figured out how to make a repository from your
  original source files. How did you set everything up (CVSROOT, etc)? 
  commands did you run? It sounds like you have some confusion about
  repositories versus working directories and the import process. Did 
  read the CVS manual before you started? I fear from your description
  you've gone pretty far down the wrong way.
 Yes I read the manual and I should have probably been a bit more 
detailed but 
 I thought ah someone wil know an easy undo comand.seems not then :-(
 I got a bit confused with all the CVSROOT stuff etc.
 My source files are in /home/johnwards/www/sportnetwork
 I thought I should have done this:
 export CVSROOT
 cvs init
 cvs import -m SportNetwork first import -d sportnetwork sportnetwork 
 This was wrong :-( I think. As its changed all my files...
 I am really confused by the manual...all I want to do is set up CVS 
 my source files...how on earth do you do it as I am really 

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: affect of large numbers of tags on performance

2003-11-26 Thread Paul Sander
There's a small incremental cost per tag per file:  Each tag is represented
by a line in each RCS file.  This is typically less than 100 bytes but
it depends on the length of the tag and the depth of the branch to which the
tag is applied.  In terms of time, this amounts to probably a few
milliseconds per file per 10,000 tags to process in most cases.  The
performance penalty is greater for cvs log due to the overhead to display

I used a method similar to yours for 5 years on several projects, without
much complaint about performance.  I did find myself wishing to be able to
clean old tags just to reduce clutter, but there was no technical requirement
to do so.

--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We use an automated build tool that performs many builds each day. Each time
there is a successful build it applies an appropriate tag to our CVS
repository. This has been running for a number of months now and on many
files there are well over 100 tags - for files that don't change much, all
100 tags are on the same version number. Obviously this tag count is going
to simply increase over time.
Does anyone know if we should be concerned about this? How does such a large
number of tags affect performance (checkout, commit, tag, log etc)? How does
it affect the size of the repository in terms of disk space? Should we be
looking to implement a scheme to purge old tags?

--- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-26 Thread Derek Robert Price
Hash: SHA1

I settled on a compromise for the nonce.  I fixed the latest case
insensitivity bug I knew of in 1.11.x and removed case insensitivity
support from feature entirely.  I've also added some tests of behavior
involving heterogeneous combinations of case sensitive and case
insensitive clients and servers to both branches though I've yet to get
it set up for nightly testing (if anyone knows how to get Cygwin sshd to
allow access to a mounted Samba share via its login shell, I could use
some assistance).

Since things look stable without case insensitivity support, I will
probably remove support from stable too if any new bugs crop up.

I'll probably roll a new release early next week.


- --


Get CVS support at http://ximbiot.com!

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Netscape - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Please help..

2003-11-26 Thread Steve deRosier

Perhaps John could try this?
A suggestion to untangle:
1. Create a repository properly.
2. Copy the .v.v files into the repository manually.
3. Checkout the files into a working directory. (getting a .v file)
4. Copy the .v files manually into the repository.
5. Checkout the files into a working directory. (hopefully getting back 
the originals.)

This assumes that the creating the repository over the original files 
didn't muck them up too much.

Don't just try the above suggestion till we get more input.  I'm just 
floating an idea and I think the experts here might have something more 
to say about it.

Understanding how the repository is different from the working directory 
is crucial.  A few clif notes:
* You create a repository in an empty directory.  This repository is 
separate and very different from the data you actually work on.  In our 
case our repository is in /swdev/cvsroot.  This is what the CVSROOT 
environment variable is set to.
* You use ONLY cvs commands to get data into and out of the repository. 
 Ideally you'd never directly touch the repository data.
* You work in a separate working directory (off of your home directory 
probably, in my case /home/derosier/projects) and you check out your 
source code modules there.  When you've made some changes you want to 
check in, you do a 'cvs commit' command.
* Even if you run CVS locally, think of it as a server.  It's a black 
box where you store things.  You make requests to get data out, work on 
it, and then make a request to store data back in. From an OOP point of 
view: It is encapsulated data with a very well defined interface or API. 
 Use the interface, don't touch the data.
* If the above doesn't make sense to you, then read it again, read the 
CVS manual again until it makes sense.  Do not try to setup and use CVS 
without understanding this.

Hope this helps,
- Steve
David Wood wrote:
You need to spend some time with the manual, and/or the various tutorials 
on the subject. As you are discovering, if you're not understanding the 
manual, forging ahead anyway may not be the best decision.

A repository is a database (that holds its data in RCS files - ending in 
.v). You create a repository in an _empty_ directory, somewhere separate 
(with cvs init), and then you import sources into it from wherever you 
have them (with cvs import). 

Then you do a cvs checkout to create a new CVS working directory from the 
repository - and that is where you then do your work. (Often people will 
move or zip the original directory they imported from, and then move their 
CVS working directory into its place.)

You've created a repository right on top of where you are working, which 
is bad. I confess at this point I'm not sure what you've got in those 
files (perhaps someone wiser than myself can offer a shortcut?), but my 
best guess is that it will be easier to recover from backups than to 
reconstruct your sources from what's left of them now (.v.v files).

At any rate, since you have backups, there is no reason to panic. In the 
future, just put your repository somewhere separate (/home/cvs/repository 
?). And of course, have another go at the manual (or some of the other 
reading materials) to get a better handle on how the system works.

John Wards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 11/26/2003 12:25:42 PM:

On Wednesday 26 November 2003 4:57 pm, David Wood wrote:

First, did you work for 18 months on something without making backups?
Yes yes of course, but they are not with me currently and I am in a bit 
of a 


Second, to get help you will need to be much more specific about 

what you did when you figured out how to make a repository from your
original source files. How did you set everything up (CVSROOT, etc)? 

commands did you run? It sounds like you have some confusion about
repositories versus working directories and the import process. Did 

read the CVS manual before you started? I fear from your description
you've gone pretty far down the wrong way.
Yes I read the manual and I should have probably been a bit more 
detailed but 

I thought ah someone wil know an easy undo comand.seems not then :-(

I got a bit confused with all the CVSROOT stuff etc.

My source files are in /home/johnwards/www/sportnetwork

I thought I should have done this:

export CVSROOT
cvs init
cvs import -m SportNetwork first import -d sportnetwork sportnetwork 

This was wrong :-( I think. As its changed all my files...

I am really confused by the manual...all I want to do is set up CVS 

my source files...how on earth do you do it as I am really 


Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

CVS check in privileges

2003-11-26 Thread Hamid Ghassemi
Is there a way in CVS to allow check in privileges for a directory or a file in 
repository to a certain group of developers so that only they can make changes to 
files while others can work on the rest of the repository, without creating an 
entirely new repository?  What we are trying to do is limiting check in access to only 
few developers for some specific files or directories.

Thanks in advance.
Hamid Ghassemi

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-26 Thread David Wood
Is the problem that you're not sure how to get the network drive into the 
sshd filesystem root? Or that when you try to that it fails?

If it were the latter, it would be reminiscent of a similar problem I had 
trying to get apache to serve files from a network drive on Windows XP. We 
found that the Local System Account that the apache service ran under by 
default did not have permissions to access the drive. 

If you were having trouble with it, you might look into what user the sshd 
process is running as, and whether that user has permission to access the 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 11/26/2003 
02:25:14 PM:

 Hash: SHA1
 I settled on a compromise for the nonce.  I fixed the latest case
 insensitivity bug I knew of in 1.11.x and removed case insensitivity
 support from feature entirely.  I've also added some tests of behavior
 involving heterogeneous combinations of case sensitive and case
 insensitive clients and servers to both branches though I've yet to get
 it set up for nightly testing (if anyone knows how to get Cygwin sshd to
 allow access to a mounted Samba share via its login shell, I could use
 some assistance).
 Since things look stable without case insensitivity support, I will
 probably remove support from stable too if any new bugs crop up.
 I'll probably roll a new release early next week.
 - --
 Get CVS support at http://ximbiot.com!
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Netscape - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
 Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: CVS check in privileges

2003-11-26 Thread Jim.Hyslop
Hamid Ghassemi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What we are trying to 
 do is limiting check in access to only few developers for 
 some specific files or directories.


Jim Hyslop
Senior Software Designer
Leitch Technology International Inc. (http://www.leitch.com)
Columnist, C/C++ Users Journal (http://www.cuj.com/experts)

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Please help..

2003-11-26 Thread David Wood
I had the same thought, Steve, and I think the same concern - given what 
he did, the repository _might_ have been a valid one the first time 
through - and it might be a valid repository of the repository now. But 
without knowing the nuts and bolts of the repository and import process, I 
can think of reasons why it wouldn't be. 

Of course, there's not much to lose in performing the experiment, as long 
as you take care and keep copies of everything. I'll be curious to hear if 
following these instructions would work.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 11/26/2003 
02:46:10 PM:

 Perhaps John could try this?
 A suggestion to untangle:
 1. Create a repository properly.
 2. Copy the .v.v files into the repository manually.
 3. Checkout the files into a working directory. (getting a .v file)
 4. Copy the .v files manually into the repository.
 5. Checkout the files into a working directory. (hopefully getting back 
 the originals.)
 This assumes that the creating the repository over the original files 
 didn't muck them up too much.
 Don't just try the above suggestion till we get more input.  I'm just 
 floating an idea and I think the experts here might have something more 
 to say about it.
 Understanding how the repository is different from the working directory 

 is crucial.  A few clif notes:
 * You create a repository in an empty directory.  This repository is 
 separate and very different from the data you actually work on.  In our 
 case our repository is in /swdev/cvsroot.  This is what the CVSROOT 
 environment variable is set to.
 * You use ONLY cvs commands to get data into and out of the repository. 
   Ideally you'd never directly touch the repository data.
 * You work in a separate working directory (off of your home directory 
 probably, in my case /home/derosier/projects) and you check out your 
 source code modules there.  When you've made some changes you want to 
 check in, you do a 'cvs commit' command.
 * Even if you run CVS locally, think of it as a server.  It's a black 
 box where you store things.  You make requests to get data out, work on 
 it, and then make a request to store data back in. From an OOP point of 
 view: It is encapsulated data with a very well defined interface or API. 

   Use the interface, don't touch the data.
 * If the above doesn't make sense to you, then read it again, read the 
 CVS manual again until it makes sense.  Do not try to setup and use CVS 
 without understanding this.
 Hope this helps,
 - Steve
 David Wood wrote:
  You need to spend some time with the manual, and/or the various 
  on the subject. As you are discovering, if you're not understanding 
  manual, forging ahead anyway may not be the best decision.
  A repository is a database (that holds its data in RCS files - ending 
  .v). You create a repository in an _empty_ directory, somewhere 
  (with cvs init), and then you import sources into it from wherever you 

  have them (with cvs import). 
  Then you do a cvs checkout to create a new CVS working directory from 
  repository - and that is where you then do your work. (Often people 
  move or zip the original directory they imported from, and then move 
  CVS working directory into its place.)
  You've created a repository right on top of where you are working, 
  is bad. I confess at this point I'm not sure what you've got in those 
  files (perhaps someone wiser than myself can offer a shortcut?), but 
  best guess is that it will be easier to recover from backups than to 
  reconstruct your sources from what's left of them now (.v.v files).
  At any rate, since you have backups, there is no reason to panic. In 
  future, just put your repository somewhere separate 
  ?). And of course, have another go at the manual (or some of the other 

  reading materials) to get a better handle on how the system works.
  John Wards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 11/26/2003 12:25:42 PM:
 On Wednesday 26 November 2003 4:57 pm, David Wood wrote:
 First, did you work for 18 months on something without making 
 Yes yes of course, but they are not with me currently and I am in a 
  of a 
 Second, to get help you will need to be much more specific about 
 what you did when you figured out how to make a repository from your
 original source files. How did you set everything up (CVSROOT, etc)? 

 commands did you run? It sounds like you have some confusion about
 repositories versus working directories and the import process. Did 
 read the CVS manual before you started? I fear from your description
 you've gone pretty far down the wrong way.
 Yes I read the manual and I should have probably been a bit more 
  detailed but 
 I thought ah someone wil know an easy undo comand.seems not then 
 I got a bit confused with all the CVSROOT 

Re: CVS check in privileges

2003-11-26 Thread JacobRhoden
On Thu, 27 Nov 2003 07:14 am, Hamid Ghassemi wrote:
 Is there a way in CVS to allow check in privileges for a directory or a
 file in repository to a certain group of developers so that only they can
 make changes to files while others can work on the rest of the repository,
 without creating an entirely new repository?  What we are trying to do is
 limiting check in access to only few developers for some specific files or

The best way to do this is to have a script which checks repoitories/files 
against certian usernames and either allows/or disallows the checkin to 
continue. It took me a while to figure out how to do it, so I have made a 
website explaining what I did (:


You need to customise the script for your own usernames and repository / file 


Jacob RhodenPhone: +61 3 8344 4478
Melbourne University   Mobile: +61 403 788 386

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Loading files into CVS with a declared date

2003-11-26 Thread Kevin Oberman
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Sander)
 Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 14:34:00 -0800
 CVS has no such option, but RCS does.  The ci program, which creates a new
 revision in a ,v file, can override the system time when storing a
 timestamp.  To use it, you must muck directly with the repsitory.
 --- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have the job of transitioning a large archive from an in-house system
 to CVS. I have all of the tools to do the maintenance of the repository,
 but I need to load all of the historical data into my repository. I have
 the time-stamps when these files were entered into my archive and the
 change-log information.
 Is there any way to force a commit to put a timestamp on a commit? Any
 hacks to cvs to allow this? I guess what I want to do is:
 cvs commit -D 1997-10-23 20:45 file, but there is no such command.
 --- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks to all who replied, Paul Sander, Mark D. Baushke, and Allan

I think using ci to insert my files into an RCS repository looks like
the ticket. Can I then import the RCS repository into a cvs repository?
That looks like the a job for cvs import. Since the CVS repo is being
newly created and will be empty at the start, it looks like I can just
dump all of my files into the RCS repo and do an import into CVS. 

Am I reading the man pages correctly?

Thanks again and have a Happy Thanksgiving (even if you live in another
country and have never eaten cranberry sauce)!
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Phone: +1 510 486-8634

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Re: Loading files into CVS with a declared date

2003-11-26 Thread Paul Sander
--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Sander)
 Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 14:34:00 -0800
 CVS has no such option, but RCS does.  The ci program, which creates a new
 revision in a ,v file, can override the system time when storing a
 timestamp.  To use it, you must muck directly with the repsitory.
 --- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have the job of transitioning a large archive from an in-house system
 to CVS. I have all of the tools to do the maintenance of the repository,
 but I need to load all of the historical data into my repository. I have
 the time-stamps when these files were entered into my archive and the
 change-log information.
 Is there any way to force a commit to put a timestamp on a commit? Any
 hacks to cvs to allow this? I guess what I want to do is:
 cvs commit -D 1997-10-23 20:45 file, but there is no such command.
 --- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think using ci to insert my files into an RCS repository looks like
the ticket. Can I then import the RCS repository into a cvs repository?
That looks like the a job for cvs import. Since the CVS repo is being
newly created and will be empty at the start, it looks like I can just
dump all of my files into the RCS repo and do an import into CVS. 

Am I reading the man pages correctly?

Do not run cvs import on RCS files; you'll end up versioning the RCS
files themselves, which is probably not what you want.  Instead, just copy
the RCS files into your CVS repository, in whatever shape your source tree
demands.  Then write your modules database to suit.

--- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Please help..

2003-11-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Have you tried to check out files from the repository you created?
I understand there is some question as to the integrity of the repository
you created, but I can think of no better way to determine if all is
well than to try a checkout.

The safest way to do this is the following:

export CVSROOT=/home/johnwards/www
mkdir /tmp/test_checkout
cd /tmp/test_checkout
cvs co sportnetwork

It sounds to me from reading your description of how you created this
repository, all you did was create a whole bunch of ,v files in the same
directory where the source files you imported were located. Not how you want
to normally create a repository, but that should not have resulted in any
data loss of the files you imported.

I just tried what you did and I got some ,v and ,v,v files for some of the
original source files. This happened for some, but not all of the source
files.  I believe this is what happened. During the import CVS creates a
source control file (the file,v file) for each file being imported.
However, since you were creating the repository in the same directory as
where you were importing from, the CVS picked up some of the newly created
file,v files as source files that needed to be imported into the repository.
That resulted in the creation of the file,v,v files.  Why this did not keep
recursively picking up all of the ,v files and then the ,v,v files to create
,v,v,v files and so on is beyond me.

The good news is no data has been lost, at least in the test I performed.
You should be able to safely do a checkout like I describe above, then
delete all of the file,v files that you get as part of the checkout.  But
absolutely make sure you are doing this checkout test IN A NEW WORK
DIRECTORY, separate from any directory in the /home/johnwards/www path.
These file,v files you get as part of this checkout can be safely deleted,
because they were created as part of the recursive import that happened as I
describe above.  All they are is an import of a CVS file1,v file, which is
of no use to you.  You will also see the corresponding file1 file, which
is the source file you want.

After you do this checkout test and prune out the files,v files,
make sure you can still build your project, or whatever integrity
check you can perform over these files to insure they are in a good state.
Assuming that goes well, then start over, and create a new good repository.

You almost had it right.  From reading what you did, the only mistake
I can see that you made was setting your CVSROOT=/home/johnwards/www.
Do this instead, and you should be in good shape:

  mkdir /home/johnwards/cvsroot
  export CVSROOT=/home/johnwards/cvsroot
  cvs init
  cd /tmp/test_checkout
  cvs import -m SportNetwork first import sportnetwork vendor_tag release1

After you do this, you then need to checkout the source code you just
checked into CVS into a new, empty work area.  I'd do the following:

  cd /home/johnwards/www
  mv sportnetwork sportnetwork.saveme
  cvs co sportnetwork

Make sure you archive off and save /home/johnwards/www/sportnetwork.saveme,
just in case you need to go back to this mixed up work area to
recover any files.

I think you can recover from your original mistake, assuming you have
not panicked and done something in the interim that has made your original
mistake worse.

I hope some of what I have described above is helpful to you.  

Good luck,

Adam Bernstein   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://mpgedit.org/~number6

On Wed, 26 Nov 2003, David Wood wrote:

 I had the same thought, Steve, and I think the same concern - given what 
 he did, the repository _might_ have been a valid one the first time 
 through - and it might be a valid repository of the repository now. But 
 without knowing the nuts and bolts of the repository and import process, I 
 can think of reasons why it wouldn't be. 
 Of course, there's not much to lose in performing the experiment, as long 
 as you take care and keep copies of everything. I'll be curious to hear if 
 following these instructions would work.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 11/26/2003 
 02:46:10 PM:
  Perhaps John could try this?
  A suggestion to untangle:
  1. Create a repository properly.
  2. Copy the .v.v files into the repository manually.
  3. Checkout the files into a working directory. (getting a .v file)
  4. Copy the .v files manually into the repository.
  5. Checkout the files into a working directory. (hopefully getting back 
  the originals.)
  This assumes that the creating the repository over the original files 
  didn't muck them up too much.
  Don't just try the above suggestion till we get more input.  I'm just 
  floating an idea and I think the experts here might have something more 
  to say about it.
  Understanding how the repository is different from the working directory 
  is crucial.  A few clif notes:
  * You create a repository in an empty directory.  This repository is 
  separate and 

Re: affect of large numbers of tags on performance

2003-11-26 Thread Paul Sander
In addition to tagging, we also built a manifest of the source files,
checked it in, and applied the same tag as was applied to the rest of the
build.  The manifest was stored separately from the source code so that
developers wouldn't muck with its tags.  Our rebuild procedure used that
file to populate a workspace rather than relying on the tagged sources,
in case the developers fudged the tags for any reason after the build
completed.  (We also had a changeset mechanism, and having the manifest
in advance made the integration and reversion computations easier.)

Our manifest included the path of the source file relative to the root
of the workspace, plus the version number.  This worked because we didn't
use the modules database and instead used directory names from the repository
directly.  All of our source code lived in a single repository, also.

To do this today, you'd want to include the contents of the Repository file,
the path (relative to the top of the repository) to the RCS file, the version
number, and the path to the source file (relative to the top of the workspace).

--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you are worried about not being able to get a older build using a tag,
when you delete the tag, stick the file revision, name, folder name, EXACT
date/time of commit etc in a database along with the tag you are deleting in
SQL database. You can get these info from the rlog/log files. In future if
someone says give me build_xxx .. Simply do a lookup in the SQL database
for this date, get the EXACT date/time of the commit and just use that as a
'tag'. CVS allows passing the date/time to get a revision. Like CVS co
2003-10-10 14:00 will give me all the commits I did that are near or
exactly matching October 10th, 2003 2:00 PM ...

--- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

Importing into Different Repositories

2003-11-26 Thread Narendhran K
Hi All,

I am having more than 2 repositaries. I am importing source files into the repositories. I want to know how to do this.

Is there any option in the import command. It always goes into only one repository.

Advice is highly Appreciated.

Thanks in Adv

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