Re: How to tell CVS that it should use the proper date/time

2004-07-08 Thread Derek R. Price
Jim.Hyslop wrote:

I'm not sure I follow this. How would using the timestamp of the file
instead of the time of checkin break make?

The problem is that the CVS doesn't guarantee that the files 
are copied
into the workspace in the same order in which they were 
checked in.  So
for derived files like and that might be checked in
(these might be bad examples, but you know what I mean), 
unpleasant things
can happen if their timestamps come out in the wrong order.

I think I was unclear - I meant the timestamp that the file had before it
was checked in, not the timestamp of the file when it was checked out. I
*think* that's what the OP was looking for.
In other words, if I last modified the file on June 30, and checked it in on
July 1, currently when you check out the file, CVS will set its timestamp to
the check-in time of July 1. If, instead, CVS set its time to the last
modified time of June 30, how would that break make?

It wouldn't, but it could break the RCS archive file contract that says 
that internal commit timestamps will be increasing.  This would in turn 
break operation of the -D arguments to various commands.  It could also 
open up a minor security hole in that the server would now have to trust 
the client for timestamps.

It's possible that you could achieve the result you are describing by 
adding a newphrase to the RCS files so that timestamps and commit times 
were stored separately for each revision.  I don't think you could cause 
any major havoc if those time stamps were then used instead of commit 
times to set timestamps just on checkout (not update).

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Re: How to tell CVS that it should use the proper date/time

2004-07-08 Thread Derek R. Price
Larry Jones wrote:
Derek R. Price writes:

It wouldn't, but it could break the RCS archive file contract that says 
that internal commit timestamps will be increasing.

Is there such a contract, given that RCS's ci has a -d option that lets
you set the date to anything you want (and its default is the file's
timestamp, not the current time)?  On further consideration, I'm not
sure that that would cause any problems (unless CVS really does depend
on revisions being in date order).

Yes.  RCS_getdatebranch() in rcs.c stops when it finds the first date 
that is too old. From RCS_getdatebranch() in rcs.c:

   /* walk the next pointers until you find the end, or the date is too 
late */
   while (p != NULL)
   vers = p-data;
   if (RCS_datecmp (vers-date, date) = 0) cur_rev = vers-version;
   else break;

   /* if there is a next version, find the node */
   if (vers-next != NULL) p = findnode (rcs-versions, vers-next);
   else p = NULL;
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: How to tell CVS that it should use the proper date/time

2004-07-08 Thread Derek R. Price
Derek R. Price wrote:
Yes.  RCS_getdatebranch() in rcs.c stops when it finds the first date 
that is too old. From RCS_getdatebranch() in rcs.c: 

Of course, this doesn't necessarily mean that that can't be fixed, but 
any archive file that took advantage of it would no longer work quite 
correctly with old versions of CVS and maybe RCS.

I also suspect that there will be at least some administrators that 
would rather we set at least the commit timestamps securely in 
client/server mode.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: edit document in several branches simultaneously

2004-02-24 Thread Derek R. Price
I'm moving this discussion to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  If you reply to this 
email, please remove [EMAIL PROTECTED] from the address list.

Paul Gelderblom (ptok) wrote:

I checked with Matthew Ogilvie, who earlier published a version of the
advisory locks patch including documentation and test cases.
Matthew writes:

I just posted an updated version of the patch on sourceforge:

Or: The patches link under

Derek: Could you indeed review this patch and see wheter it can be included
or needs more work?
If needed and insofar as Matthew is not doing it, I'm volunteering to do the
additional work needed to get this patch included in the official CVS source

Thanks Paul!  I asked Matthew to seperate the patches into more easily 
consumable chunks a long time ago and I didn't realize he had actually 
done so.  Thanks for the link!

Anyhow, here's what I've reviewed so far.  I'm going through the file 
roughly in order:

## makeComboPatch-contributor: cvs-sanityCvsrcFix
This fixes one case when the server was using the users .cvsrc file,
sometimes causing artificially failed tests.

I've committed something like this patch to both stable and feature.

## makeComboPatch-contributor: cvs-sanityCwdFix
This subpatch fixes a problem with Linux 2.2 with bash 2.05b.
Without this fix, an earlier workaround (cd .. from a removed
dirctory) does not work in my environment.
Is this really a common problem?  Bash 2.05b is a development release 
(as in not stable) of Bash, and I'm reluctant to put support into the 
test suite for a bug that only shows up in pre-releases of Bash.

## makeComboPatch-contributor: cvs-releaseFix
This subpatch fixes a problem with cvs release ... where it will
screw up ./CVS/Entries when you try to release a subdirectory (it
was modifiing ./CVS/Entries when it thought it was modifiing

I've committed something like this patch.  The original patch was way 
overkill.  I've committed a revised version of it to both stable and 
feature along with a cleanup patch for some issues I discovered in 
client.c while reviewing this issue.  Feel free to take a look at the 
commit logs for more information.

Reviewing this patch caused me to note that the way release() 
continuously calls various functions and then restores the initial 
directory repeatedly seems slightly disorganized.  Is there a good 
reason that the functions it calls are not responsible for restoring 
directories themselves?  If noone else has a feel for this I'll probably 
try and answer this question myself at some point in the future.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: a commit script

2003-03-13 Thread Derek R. Price
I am currently out of the office and unable to reply to your email.  I will
return to the office on Monday, March 17th, 2003.  If this matter cannot
wait, I can be reached via phone at (717) 579-6168.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: pvcs to cvs

2001-10-24 Thread Derek R. Price

christian liesch wrote:

 I did like to know if it is possible to migrate a pvcs archive to a cvs
 archive without loosing the history?


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Suburbia:  Where they tear out the trees and name the streets after them.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Meta-issue: recent spam surge]

2001-10-24 Thread Derek R. Price

David Taylor wrote:

 And don't forget to protect Greg Woods from spam ;-)

 bounce_matching_headers for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 But, seriously folks, what's wrong with leaving it up to each list member to 
 what to filter, and to apply the filter through client mail software?

Efficiency.  Proper forum.  All that sort of thing.  Besides, in my experience I 
get a copy of each spam in my personaly mailbox as well as the copy sent to each 
list I read.

Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Nor was it uninteresting to the world that an experiment should be fairly and
fully made whether freedom of discussion, unaided by power, is not sufficient
for the propagation and protection of truth: whether a government conducting
itself in the true spirit of its constitution with zeal and purity and doing no
act which it would be unwilling the whole world should witness can be written
down by falsehood and defamation.  The experiment has been tried; [we] have
witnessed the scene; our fellow citizens have looked on, cool and collected.
They saw the latent source from which these outrages proceeded; they gathered
around their public functionaries, and when the Constitution called them to the
decision by suffrage, they pronounced their verdict, honorable to those who had
served them and consolatory to the friend of man who believes he may be
intrusted with his own affairs.

   - Thomas Jefferson; 2nd Inaugural Address, 1805

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVSHome reorganization? (Was RE: GUI to CVS)

2001-10-24 Thread Derek R. Price

Jimmy Rimmer wrote:

 I was going to answer this question by posting a link to's
 Tools list, but that list seems to have disappeared; all that's left are
 the Hosted Tools, which doesn't include TortoiseCVS, jCVS, tkCVS, or any
 of the CVS frontends.

 Did that page disappear?  Where did it go?

  -Original Message-
  From: Brian Grayless [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  I want to use CVS as my versioning system, however, I want to
  make sure
  before I install it that there is a good, easy to use, GUI.

Two clicks away from the front page via the CVS Documentation link in the
top nav bar.  If you think this is too hard to navigate, download the `www'
project from  Patches are welcome!


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

- Thomas Jefferson

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Possible to use PAM as authentication on linux?

2001-10-24 Thread Derek R. Price

Johnny Ljunggren wrote:

 Is it, and if so, how?

 Johnny Ljunggren, Bærefjellvn 15, 3160 STOKKE
 Tlf: 918 50 411, ICQ: 50630605
 Info-cvs mailing list

Steve McIntyre [EMAIL PROTECTED] recently submitted a patch
for this to bug-cvs.  I dont know if it works, but I've created an issue
to track it:

Please feel free to do any of the work needed to get this adopted in the
main tree.  I believe that Alexey Mahotkin has implemented PAM support
on the nserver project too.  You might look there.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Needing someone is like needing a parachute. If he isn't there
the time you need him, chances are you won't be needing him again.
- Scott Adam's _Dilbert_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Routine to encrypt passwords for the password file for Sun Solaris

2001-10-05 Thread Derek R. Price

Mudit Sachdev wrote:

 Hi Anyone know of a routine I can use to create a password file on
 Sun Solaris system?

To crypt 1 password:

perl -e'print crypt password, salt' file


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Five days is not too long to wait for a gun.
Five days is not too long to wait for a gun.
Five days is not too long to wait for a gun...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Taginfo question

2001-06-19 Thread Derek R. Price

Andy Baker wrote:

 Must be a pretty fundamental change to get the result Mark wants. Is there
 any documentation for this patch? I'd like to apply it but I'd rather
 appreciate what it does before applying it.

First, I just noticed that I posted the link to the wrong patch.  The proper
link was:

The first link I posted was to another patch that provides functionality on top
of this one and doesn't do everything it should, so I'd leave it alone unless
you really want the additional functionality as it stands or feel like dooing
some hacking.

Anyhow, there isn't much external documentation.  You can review my previous
posts - here's the results of searches for ccvs.newfmtstrings.1-11.diff on
the bug-cvs and info-cvs archive on

Use those if you want abstract descriptions.  Be sure to follow the threads.
The best thing to do is probably review the portions of the patch which affect
doc/cvs.texinfo and maybe the individual ChangeLogs in the patch file itself if
you want itemized functionality descriptions.

Hope that's useful.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I have sworn upon the alter of God eternal hostility against every form of
tyranny over the mind of man.

- Thomas Jefferson

Info-cvs mailing list


2001-06-19 Thread Derek R. Price

Greg A. Woods wrote:

 Ah, but in this case I can.  Everything I've described about tracking
 the renaming/moving of files using cvs rm and cvs add with magically
 meaningful comment strings can be easily automated by a front-end.  No
 change is necessary in CVS itself to achieve this functionality,
 therefore it is provably not a necessary feature of the basic CVS

I agree, although I might argue that if you were the person who were going to add
this functionality, the most efficient place to add it would be on the CVS server
since it shouldn't require any client support and adding the functionality to the
server should make the feature immediately available to most clients on most
platforms.  Besides, storing metadata in log messages is rather messy.

Of course a wrapper implementation could make the feature available on a server
that didn't otherwise support it, but I'd consider that mostly moot since most of
the other features and bug fixes that make it into new CVS releases can usually
justify upgrading.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
As honest as the day is long.

- S. Z. Sakall as Headwaiter Carl, _Casablanca_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: trouble setting up Chroot'd CVS Server: no such user

2001-06-18 Thread Derek R. Price

Rob Eso wrote:

 [rae@skywalker myproj]$ cvs -d $CVSROOT import myproj v1 r1
 Fatal error, aborting.
 cvs: no such user
 cvs import: authorization failed: server vader rejected access to /cvsroot
 for user rob

Please read the sections of the manual on setting up a CVS server, connecting
to a server, and possibly Trouble connecting to a CVS server in the
Troubleshoting section.  There is a manual available online at .

It looks like you didn't log in or logged in with an invlaid password.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )

Elsa, I'm no good at being noble but it doesn't take much to see that the
problems of three little people doesn't amount to a hill of beans in this
world.  Someday you'll understand that.

  - Humphrey Bogart as Rick, _Casablanca_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs installation

2001-06-15 Thread Derek R. Price

prasad marumokham wrote:


 We have linux 7.0 on pentium III 500MHz processor.
 We had download cvs software from

Either of these should be fine if you are running RedHat Linux.  They will sometimes
work on other Linux platforms, but only if you use a similar directory structure to
RedHat.  The install command is:

rpm -ihv rpm file

and must be run as root.


This should be suitable for most systems.  Read the `INSTALL' and `README' files in the
distribution for instructions.

 Which one is suitable to my system and also please give me installation instructions.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I will not fake seizures.
I will not fake seizures.
I will not fake seizures...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS - Obsolete files

2001-06-15 Thread Derek R. Price

Koti wrote:

 what is diff between cvs rm and cvs delete?
 I am using cvs 1.10, I never heared about cvs rm.
 From which version cvs rm is available?

[dprice@magus dprice]$ cvs --help-synonyms
CVS command synonyms are:
add  ad new
adminadm rcs
annotate ann
checkout co get
commit   ci com
diff di dif
export   exp ex
history  hi his
import   im imp
log  lo rlog
loginlogon lgn
rdiffpatch pa
release  re rel
remove   rm delete
rtag rt rfreeze
status   st stat
tag  ta freeze
update   up upd
version  ve ver
(Specify the --help option for a list of other help options)
[dprice@magus dprice]$


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS control dirs w/o checkout?

2001-06-15 Thread Derek R. Price

Tomki wrote:

 Hello, I have a huge repository that I need to check into CVS.
 My CVS server's connection to the internet is not fast, and the
 international connection dependability is not high.
 So I am using FTP to retrieve the tree to be checked in.  Is there a way to
 place the original dirs under CVS control without actually checking out the
 entire repository to the host website?

Your question was unclear to me.  Perhaps `cvs import'?  `cvs add'?  `cvs co
-l .'?


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Information is the currency of democracy.

- Thomas Jefferson

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS and AFS

2001-06-15 Thread Derek R. Price

Charles Karney wrote:

 We use CVS in a mixed Windows and Linux environment.  Recently we switched
 from accessing the CVS repository vis ssh to a Linux machine on which
 CVSROOT was a local disk to having the CVS repository in AFS and having all
 clients access this as a local file system.

 The motivation for this change was

 * to simplify user authentication;
 * to allow finer grain control over access to the repository.

People will often be flamed on this list for using a shared network drive containing a 
repository.  At _best_, if your
AFS software is good, you probably want to use ssh access to your Linux server which 
keeps the repository in AFS space.  Search
the mail archives for more.

If you want simplified authentiction you might consider the Kerberized CVS client, but 
I've never tried building it under
Windows.  Assuming you've been using Kerberos with AFS, you probably have most of the 
hooks in place.

 While things are basically working OK, we are running into some problems as
 I'd be interested in hearing other peoples' experiences.

 (1) Windows does loose matching on the case of filenames.  On one occasion
 this has led to the filenames in the repository been spontaneously
 changed.  The way this happened was (I think)

 * On a Linux system, I did 'cvs remove NOTES.DOC', followed by
   'cvs add Notes.doc', i.e., a 'safe' rename.
 * On an NT system (using WinCVS 1.06), a user modifies NOTES.DOC (which
   he still has checked out) and CVS apparently matches this with
   Notes.doc in the repository and alters the repository name to
   NOTES.doc when he checks this in.
 * I do a 'cvs update' and am surprised to see NOTES.DOC resurrected.

 It would seem that the Windows versions of CVS should try REALLY hard
 not to do this.

It's possible that the Windows version of CVS doesn't know it is doing this.  More 
likely, the AFS client/server is saying, sure
I have NOTES.DOC!  when Notes.doc is requested, then assumes that the user really 
wants to write Notes.doc for a write.  This
is a basic problem with UNIX file shares being used form Windows.

 (2) If the CVS repository is an AFS and if access to the repository is
 granted by virtue of an AFS token in the name of NAME@CELL, this name
 should be used in the log messages instead of the possibly random
 Windows (or Unix) user name.  Lots of the Windows checkins are by
 'Administrator' which is not very informative.

Sounds like you'd like to use ssh or pserver access.  How is CVS supposed to know this 
is what you wanted and not that you'd
granted every user access to the AFS repository as user 'cvsdev' and you really wanted 
the Windows user ID in the logs?

If you're really in the mood to hack, and you don't want to maintain this yourself, 
you might try and start a discussion with
some of the folks who know GSSAPI or who are currently doing security work on 

 (3) If an NT user checked out administrative files in $CVSROOT/CVSROOT,
 modifies one of them and checks it back in the latest release in
 CVSROOT carries DOS conventions.  When accessing the repository from
 Linux, I then get

   cvs log: syntax error in /afs/ line '
 ' is missing '='

 Either the Unix clients should care about foreign newline conventions
 in $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/config, or the Windows clients should ensure that
 these files have Unix newline conventions.

This is another common problem with network share access to a repository.  Any number 
of solutions have been proposed from the
CVS server preserving whatever line endings it finds to always using UNIX 
conventions.  Patches happily accepted.  Search the
list archives for more.

 (4) It's too bad that AFS's notion of machine-independent pathname doesn't
 carry through to Windows.  Having to set up drive letter e.g., Z:
 pointing to /afs/CELL/ breaks this notion and is so retro.  I'd like to
 be able to use


 instead of


Is this a Windows problem or a CVS problem?  If Windows, why are you telling me?  If 
CVS, have you tried converting back slashes
to forward slashes in your root specification?

 (5) Finally, we love to have network-level encryption of the data in AFS
 files.  Is this on anyones radar screen?

Network level encrytion?  Shouldn't this be invisible to applications?


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Problem at Importing

2001-06-14 Thread Derek R. Price

Sangeeta Gupta wrote:

 FRIENDcvs import -m try work start1 start2
 ksh: cvs:  not found
 cvs [import aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)

The CVS executable isn't in your path on the server.  You need to set the
CVS_SERVER variable on the client side to a complete path to the executable or
add the correct directory to your path on the server.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no god.
It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.

- Thomas Jefferson

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS tags

2001-06-14 Thread Derek R. Price

Alexander Kamilewicz wrote:

 cvs -q get -r releasetag  logfile

cvs -qn co -r releasetag module


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
It'll take a miracle to get you out of Casablanca and the Germans have outlawed

- Sydney Greenstreet as Senor Ferrari, _Casablanca_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: (no subject)

2001-06-14 Thread Derek R. Price

Alex Flores wrote:

 I need help please.  I can not merge a branch into my main trunk.  I
 am a ClearCase man.  I can not figure out how to use the CVS merge
 utility or how to resolve conflicts.

 cvs commit: Examining .
 cvs [commit aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages
 if any) D:\CVS\CVSwork\practice_folder

This is generally a bad sign.  There's a section of the manual on
trouble shooting a CVS server, and this looks like the symptoms of the
common problem of inetd not actually launching a CVS server, but your
previous sucessful updates tell me that something else might be wrong,
like your commit is causing a core dump.

Likely this means you have an old and buggy version of the server or a
poorly hacked version of the server.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I will not squeak chalk.
I will not squeak chalk.
I will not squeak chalk...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Maintaining branches...

2001-06-14 Thread Derek R. Price

Mike Castle wrote:

 On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 03:26:31PM -0400, Derek R. Price wrote:
  Mike Castle wrote:
   And I think that this complete merging happens less than you might think.
   It cannot handle the situation where a specific set of changes is migrated
   before another (i.e., -j tag1 -j tag2).  It may not even be off of an
   immediate branch, but rather a couple over.
  What can't it handle about this and why?

 Originally I was thinking only highwater marks.

 But I guess something like a .newsrc style range/set would work.  (Ok, what
 IS that data structure properly called?)

 But consider the following sequence:

 branch at 1.1.  Branch has and

I'm going to pretend these are valid branch version numbers for the sake of
argument. is made, and that particular change is needed immediately on the
 branch branch, so only it is moved over.  So 1.2 == 1.1 +

I'd probably call this 1.1 +  And it would really mean 1.1
+ + X, where X is some arbitrary set of changes (possibly null,
possibly including conflict resolution).  Assuming the ancestor won't always
provide all the needed information.

 Changes and are made.  Now we want to migrate all of those
 changes onto the main branch.

 So now we have to be able to tell cvs to:

 diff -r1.1 -r1.1.0.2, apply patch

 diff -r1.1.0.3 -r1.1.0.5, apply patch

I thought the idea here was that you could say merge branch 1.1.0 and CVS would
say, you already merged change A on DATE - (s)kip this portion or (r)emerge?


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I will not bring sheep to class.
I will not bring sheep to class.
I will not bring sheep to class...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: not able to commit

2001-06-13 Thread Derek R. Price

Donald Sharp wrote:

 I would highly recommend you read the cvs documentation
 about sticky tags and how to properly use them.

And note that this is a perfectly valid operation with stick branches, which the 
documentation will sometimes refer to as sticky tags.  You might want to
read enough about branches and tags to distinguish the two as well, if you can't 


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Justice: A decision in your favour.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: AW: update errors

2001-06-13 Thread Derek R. Price

Schell Walter wrote:

 I'm getting errors when I call update, are these happening because the
 CVS/Entries file is missing? How can I get these files back from the

 Rename the directory classes und do a checkout classes; seems to me, as if
 the directory is not the result of an earlier checkout and therefor no
 CVS-directories exist. (Maybe it is the source of an import).

Actually, it looks like your CVS/Root files are present, so something
evidentally created them.  If you've made changes to the files in those
directories and changes have happened on the server, recovering is going to
be very hard.  You need to figure out which versions you checked out in the
first place, check them out again, and copy the changed files over them, then
reattempt your update.  Alternatively, if you can restore your Entries files
from a backup, that could work too.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Nobody likes sunburn slappers.
Nobody likes sunburn slappers.
Nobody likes sunburn slappers...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: commit problem

2001-06-13 Thread Derek R. Price


 cvs server: sticky tag `v1-0-0-0' for file `telcom/telcom_tags_pool.dat' is
 not a branch
 cvs [server aborted]: correct above errors first!
 *CVS exited normally with code 1*

Read the section of the manual on sticky tags, branches, and branching and


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I will finish what I sta
I will finish what I sta
I will finish what I sta...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: ASCII and Binary

2001-06-13 Thread Derek R. Price

tal eran wrote:

 Can i use cvs to update web pages that contain ascii(html) and binary(image

Yes.  Be sure to tell CVS which files are binary.  Please see for more.

Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect (
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Let me tell you the most beautiful story I know.
A man was given a dog, which he loved very much.
The dog went with him everywhere,
but the man could not teach it to do anything useful.
The dog would not fetch or point,
it would not race or protect or stand watch.
Instead the dog sat near him and regarded him,
always with the same inscrutable expression.
'That's not a dog, that's a wolf,' said the man's wife.
'He alone is faithful to me,' said the man,
and his wife never discussed it with him again.
One day the man took the dog with him into his private airplane
and as they flew high over winter mountains,
the engines failed
and the airplane was torn to shreds among the trees.
The man lay bleeding,
his belly torn open by blades of sheared metal,
steam rising from his organs in the cold air,
but all he could think of was his faithful dog.
Was he alive?  Was he hurt?
Imagine his relief when the dog came padding up
and regarded him with that same steady gaze.
After an hour the dog nosed the man's gaping abdomen,
then began pulling out intestines and spleen and liver
and gnawing on them,
all the while studying the man's face.
'Thank God,' said the man.
'At least one of us will not starve.'

-Orson Scott Card, Children of the Mind

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: chage of modules in the modules file

2001-06-13 Thread Derek R. Price

Andreas Wolff wrote:

 I released Version1 with a module module1 that consists of dir1 and dir2
 While developing Version2 I droped dir2 and added dir3, i.e. module1
 consists now of dir1 and dir3. This is now reflected in the current version
 of the module file.

No.  The modules file is not versioned.  I avoid using it myself in favor of
adding the -Pd options to cvs update in my ~/.cvsrc.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I will not call the principal spud head.
I will not call the principal spud head.
I will not call the principal spud head...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: how to identify a release

2001-06-13 Thread Derek R. Price

Andreas Wolff wrote:

 I want to identify a release of my source.

 I understood that the tag mechanism can be used for this purpose. But in
 this case I have to apply the tag to each file. I am afraid that in big
 projects with lots of files this may take a reasonable amount of time.

 Is there a better (faster) way to identify a release?

The tag comand is recursive by default:


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Metaphors be with you.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: How to set up a complex project

2001-06-13 Thread Derek R. Price

Fran Fabrizio wrote:

 - What happens when they release a new tarball?  We've already made
 changes to some of their stuff so do I create a new vendor branch, put
 their new stuff on it, and then merge the branches?

Just reimport it.  CVS will manage the merge for you.  Read the manual on
vendor branches and the import command: .

 - Is there any way to check in the whole project at once if there are
 binary files in it?

Read up on the '-W' option to the import command.

 - Will I have to change all of the 100+ (rough estimate) Makefiles so
 that they compile somewhere else instead of right there in the working

Probably not since the directory structure shouldn't change.  Hopefully
they wrote their Makefiles to handle a relocatable root.

 - Is this feasible at all or am I going about this all wrong?


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I will not defame New Orleans.
I will not defame New Orleans.
I will not defame New Orleans...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Where is CVS for SunOS 5.7 ???

2001-06-13 Thread Derek R. Price

Alexey Mahotkin wrote:

  SB == Stan Berka [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 SB Because the only thing I see is for 5.6 and earlier.  Please, help!

 As far as I know, it should be somewhere at

You can look, but they've been slow to update to new releases of CVS
lately.  I'd go with the 5.6 binary on or build a new one from
the 1.11.1p1 source.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Black holes are where God divided by zero.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Stale CVS locks

2001-06-12 Thread Derek R. Price

Reinstein, Shlomo wrote:


 It happens many times that CVS users execute some CVS command (e.g., cvs
 log), and then, before it finished executing, they abort the command using
 Ctrl+Break or a similar manner. The outcome of this is that the read locks
 generated by CVS remain in place, and prevent other users later from
 checking-out modules (or performing other CVS operations on these modules
 that contain the read locks).

 I'd like to know, is there a common way of handling these problems? If not,
 can you recommend us how to deal with this? If don't know if it matters for
 this problem, but we're using CVS (the same repository) from both Windows
 and Linux, and we're not using the client/server model of CVS (and we can't
 start using this model now). The Ctrl+Break case may perhaps be solved by
 capturing those keystrokes, but there may be other reasons for stale CVS
 locks such as when a machine crashes, so I think this problem should be
 solved more generally.

What version of CVS are you using?  In general, CVS will clean up after
itself, ctrl-break or no.  A hard kill (kill -9) or a server core dump or
system crash could still leave lock files around, but these are currently
deemed to happen infrequently enough that extra handling (beyond a sysadmin
going in and deleting the files) is unecessary.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Since English is a mess, it maps well onto the problem space,
which is also a mess, which we call reality.

- Larry Wall

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS problem over Mandrake Linux

2001-06-12 Thread Derek R. Price

Matthew Riechers wrote:

  I start a Windows cvs client and try to connect as anonymous.
  The client return this message:
  CVS.EXE [login aborted]: could not find out home directory.
  I can not find where is the problem.
  Any ideas?
  Thanks in advance.

 Make sure $HOME is specified in your environment.

More specifically, HOME should be specified in your client environment.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
He who laughs last thinks slowest.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Stupid newbie question

2001-06-12 Thread Derek R. Price

Matt Keyes wrote:

 Hey all...
 If I'm using Debian Linux, should I download the .gz file or the
 .rpm?I thought Debian didn't use rpm, rather apt, but I'm not sure...

You'll want the .gz, though if you want to figure out how to build a
debian package and submit the conf file, we'd welcome the patch.

Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
He who laughs last thinks slowest.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: disk space, import

2001-06-12 Thread Derek R. Price

Tomki wrote:

 Documentation on indicated that it could be done by having
 '-T /newdirectory' in the /etc/inetd.conf cvs line.
 No luck, but also no further errors.
 I also attempted adding this option to the import line.  No luck, also no
 further errors.
 I eventually discovered that I could accomplish my goal by setting
 CVS_SERVER='cvs -T /newdirectory' to indicate how the remote server was to
 store the temporary directory..
 But there was no documentation anywhere that I tried to find it, that led

If setting CVS_SERVER did the trick, you are using rsh as an access method
rather than pserver.  Changing the inetd line only works if inetd (via cvs
pserver) is used to run the server executable.  The :ext: and :server: methods
use CVS_SERVER and then the default.

I think this would have been apparent if you had been reading about the :ext:
method.  See 2.9.2 Connecting with rsh.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
If genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration, I
sure wind up sharing elevators with a lot of bright people.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Mailing Diffs on Commit

2001-06-12 Thread Derek R. Price

Scott D. Pham wrote:

 How do I invoke cvs to mail diffs on commit ? Any ideas of scripts ?
 Thanks !!

The loginfo and sometimes commitinfo scripts are usually used for this
purpose:  You might
try adapting the log or commit_prep  log_accum scripts in the contrib
file of the CVS distribution if you want something more complex.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
... God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.  The
people cannot be all, and always, well informed.  The part which is wrong will
be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive.
If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner
of death to the public liberty.  ...  And what country can preserve its
liberties, if it's rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people
preserve the spirit of resistance?  Let them take arms.  The remedy is to set
them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them.  What signify a few lives
lost in a century or two?  The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to
time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.  It is its natural manure.

- Thomas Jefferson, Nov. 13, 1787, letter to
William S. Smith, see _Jefferson On Democr

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: importing into a named branch

2001-06-11 Thread Derek R. Price

Jayaraman, Kamalnayan wrote:

 How do I import a directory and its subdirectories into a branch if I do not
 have a numeric branch tag?

The branch name argument to the import command creates a vendor branch if it
doesn't exist.  If this doesn't help, please RTFM before asking again: .


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
If virtuous, [the government] need not fear the fair operation of attack and
defense. Nature has given to man no other means of sifting the truth, either in
religion, law, or politics.

- Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 1792

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Loginfo Problems

2001-06-11 Thread Derek R. Price

Brad Pfautsch wrote:

 CVS Version: 1.10.7-7
 Linux Version: Debian 2.2 r2
 WinCVS Client v1.2
 MacCVSClient v1.6

 I now have keeping a checked out copy working, but I'm getting some errors
 when committing using either WinCVS or MacCVSClient.  Here is my Loginfo
 file (Less the quotes):

 ALL /usr/local/bin/cvs-log $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/commit.log $USER
 ^module1echo Updating module1 on Webserver; /usr/local/bin/module1 

 ^module2echo Updating module2 on Webserver; /usr/local/bin/module2 

 ^module3echo Updating module3 on Webserver; /usr/local/bin/module3 

 ^module4echo Updating module4 on Webserver; /usr/local/bin/module4 


 This is what is generated in the log window:

 In D:\TEMP\module1: cvs -q -z6 commit test.asp
 Checking in test.asp;
 /var/cvs/cvsroot/module1/test.asp,v  --  test.asp
 new revision: 1.13; previous revision: 1.12
 Updating module1 on Webserver
 sh: : command not found

 Success, CVS operation completed

 This is the contents of /usr/local/bin/module1:

 # module1 update

 sleep 2
 cd /mnt/module1
 cvs -d /var/cvs/cvsroot -q update -d module1  $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/updatelog

 Regardless of the error, it executes the update.  In this scenario, I do not
 receive this error on module4.  If I move module1 to the bottom of the list
 in loginfo, I do not receive the error.  I've seen other posts to this
 mailing list using similar syntax as I am for the loginfo file, but maybe I
 am overlooking something.  Any help will be appreciated.

Is module1 executable?  Try running the script sh -x from loginfo and examine the

Also, I don't think it's realated to this particular issue, but you should consider
upgrading to 1.11.1p1 .  Many bugs have been fixed since 1.10.7.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I will not show off.
I will not show off.
I will not show off...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: edit -c

2001-06-11 Thread Derek R. Price

 make  all-recursive
 make[1]: Entering directory `/root/tmp/ccvs'
 Making all in lib
 make[2]: Entering directory `/root/tmp/ccvs/lib'
 Makefile:282: *** missing separator.  Stop.

This is most likely due to you using a different version of Automake than we did
and allowing it to rebuild your Makefile.ins.  There is a script named
`' in the root of the development version of CVS which is intended to
touch the files in the correct order to prevent automake from rebuilding anything,
but simply unpacking the 1.11.1p1 distribution file should have the dates set
correctly anyhow.  If they're not, I'd like ot know.

Is it possible you altered a,, or acinclude.m4?  If so
you'll need to install the latest beta version of Automake.  1.4f, I believe.  The
development version of automake (1.4g) should be usable as well.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Nobody ever loved me that much.

- Humphrey Bogart as Rick, _Casablanca_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs log options ( was Re: cvs rtag -r BRANCH -D date)

2001-06-11 Thread Derek R. Price

Stephen Rasku wrote:

 cvs admin -o uses a colon syntax to specify a revision range and cvs log
 uses the same (or similar) syntax to specify revisions (except for the
 space problem mentioned above) but it uses a different syntax for dates.
 First of all, it uses -d instead of -D and it uses a greater than/less
 than syntax.  I would prefer using a -D syntax that mirrors the -r syntax.
  So you would do some thing like this:

 cvs log -D date -D now
 cvs log -D start -D date
 cvs log -D date1 -D date2

This sounds usable.

 I would also change the -r option so that it matches cvs update and cvs
 diff.  It would work like this:

 cvs log -r rev1 -r rev2
 cvs log -r rev.origin -r rev
 cvs log -r rev -r HEAD
 cvs log -r branch
 cvs log -r branch1 -r branch2

Hmm... interesting.  This might be doable without loss of functionality in
conjunction with Stephen Cameron's .origin/.trunk patch.  I'd like more
feedback on Cameron's patch before adoption, though.  If you'd like to
download and try it, Steve keeps it at .


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I will not sell school property.
I will not sell school property.
I will not sell school property...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Patch: Missing annotate.c file in MS VisualC project file

2001-06-11 Thread Derek R. Price

Jerzy Kaczorowski wrote:

 Here is the patch (diff actually) that will fix the problem of building the
 Windows version of cvs.exe - the file annotate.c was missing from the
 cvsnt.dsp project file.

Checked in with a few minor modifications.  Please include ChangeLog entries
with future patches.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I will not bribe Principal Skinner.
I will not bribe Principal Skinner.
I will not bribe Principal Skinner...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs rtag -r BRANCH -D date

2001-06-11 Thread Derek R. Price


  Simply allowing both -r and -D is intuitive, but it does cause
  problems for diff.  I'm throughly undecided about what the best
  approach is.

 One option to specify one revision (-rbranch:date) seems cleaner
 than two (-rbranch -Ddate) in all cases, especially where more
 than one option may be specified, as in cvs log and cvs diff.  The
 choice of ':' was unfortunate, though, because it conflicts with the
 RCS-style revision range specification, as in 'cvs log
 -rrev1:rev2'.  The '@' character, as in branch@date, would
 have been a nice choice.  Come to think of it, since '@' isn't legal
 in revision numbers, tags, or dates (I think), maybe support for this
 syntax could be added (everywhere: for diff -r, update -r, update -j,
 get -r, ...) without breaking anything.

 Anybody see problems with this?

Maybe.  I'm not sure about the datespec rules either, but if we go with
'@', I'm going to say date@branch is probably the more generally
intuitive way to select a point (date) on a branch due to the meaning
already assigned to '@' in other (non-cvs) contexts.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
This is the fourth?
- Thomas Jefferson's last words
(he died on the 4th of July)

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Permission problems

2001-06-08 Thread Derek R. Price

Giuseppe Milicia wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 don't kill me if this has been debated to death already... :)

 Recently I changed my CVS root from a local mounted network drive to a
 client-server thing.

 What happens is that when I add new files these belong to the wrong group.
 Normally they would belong to the 'development' group of which I'm part
 but now they belong to my own group (i.e. my login)

 Any ideas?? How do I change this?

You probably want the setgid bit.  'chmod -R g+s' /cvsroot or something like
that on the server.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
BREAKFAST.EXE exited with non-zero status: Cereal Port Not Responding.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: can't commit! permissions question

2001-06-08 Thread Derek R. Price

Schwenk, Jeanie wrote:

 I've included two examples below complete with error messages.  The first is
 me logged into cvs as user cvsadmin in the cvsgrp group.  There are two
 modules:  rat and DEV.  The second example is me logged in as user jschwenk
 in the users group.  Unfortunately, I did not set up the initial repository
 nor did I install cvs.  Are the files supposed to be read-only?

Yes.  You need write permissions in the directory or in the LockDir (read about
the 'config' file in the CVS manual) even to check out files.

It's possible that the user you have CVS running as isn't a member of the
'user' group it appears you $CVSROOT is owned by.  Either change the
owner/group of the files and directories under $CVSROOT or change the
user/group that the cvs server runs as.  As Larry mentioned, sometimes setting
the setgid bit ('man chmod') helps too.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )

If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of exclusive
property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, which an
individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to himself; but the
moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession of everyone, and
the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it.  Its peculiar character, too, is
that no one possesses the less, because every other possesses the whole of it.
He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening

mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me.
That ideas should freely spread from one to another over the globe, for the
moral and mutual instruction of man, and improvement of his condition, seems to

have been peculiarly and benevolently designed by nature, when she made them,
like fire, expansible over all space, without lessening their density at any
point, and like the air in which we breathe, move, and have our physical being,

incapable of confinement or exclusive appropriation. Inventions then cannot, in

nature, be a subject of property.

   - Thomas Jefferson

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Info-cvs digest, Vol 1 #603 - 14 msgs

2001-06-08 Thread Derek R. Price

Ron Smith wrote:

 Then, I had one other minor problem -- it said it could not create
 the .cvspass in my home directory.  I created an empty .cvspass there
 and now everything works perfectly!

That's a known bug that's been fixed in the development version.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I saw nothing unusual in the teacher's lounge.
I saw nothing unusual in the teacher's lounge.
I saw nothing unusual in the teacher's lounge...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Spaces in directory or file names

2001-06-08 Thread Derek R. Price

Todd Denniston wrote:

 Donald Sharp wrote:
  It seems to work for me when I just tried it..
  Create a test repository and create a filename with a space in it
  try different things with it.  See if it works.
 well one thing it seems I can not do is use the directory as a module
 i.e. in the modules file
 proj_source proj_rootdir/proj Source
 proj_source proj_rootdir/proj\ Source
 proj_source proj_rootdir/proj Source

 none of the above will work.
 I get the following for the above
 cvs [server aborted]: there is no repository /CVSROOT/proj_rootdir/proj
 cvs [server aborted]: there is no repository /CVSROOT/proj_rootdir/proj\
 cvs [server aborted]: there is no repository /CVSROOT/proj_rootdir/proj

 server 1.10.7
 client 1.10.8

 looks like I am going to at least have to get rid of spaces in the dir names,
 unfortunately the above dir is not the only one with spaces... time to pull out
 bash, and sed :{

Or abandon your use of the modules file.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I did not see Elvis.
I did not see Elvis.
I did not see Elvis...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Download documentation

2001-06-08 Thread Derek R. Price

Todd Denniston wrote:

  I would like to download the CVS online manual
  to be able to use it locally.
  I mean the one you get on
  I did not find it anywhere, even not in the complete
  CVS distribution.
  Where can I get it?
  Kind regards
   Anke Koelzer

 cd cvs-1.11p1/doc
 makeinfo --html cvs.texinfo --force
 or if you want better output you might try using texi2html (like Derek did to
 create the pages).

 when you made the pages did you have to do any fudging about to get it to
 work?  I did not expect to have to use the --force with makeinfo.

Quite a few actually, including applying several patches that had been sent to
the texi2html list and then fixing some bugs of my own.

Both my and the other guy's patch submissions have been ignored and their CVS
server's been down for months.  Maybe time to get the code a new home?

Anyhow, I can post the working version of texi2html if you like, either as a
complete distribution or as patches against, um, 1.65.  I think 1.65 was a
development version too.  Anyhow let me know if you want any of that.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I have sworn upon the alter of God eternal hostility against every form of
tyranny over the mind of man.

- Thomas Jefferson

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: an issue that could cause false failure of

2001-06-08 Thread Derek R. Price

Alexey Mahotkin wrote:

 There was an issue reported by users of cvs-nserver where test suite
 would fail with

   FAIL: basica-o1

 The cause of this failure was existence of 'cvsadmin' group, and user
 running make check was not in that group.  check.log shows:

 PASS: basica-r5
 ** expected:
 cvs [a-z]*: while processing more than one file:
 cvs \[[a-z]* aborted\]: attempt to specify a numeric revision
 ** got:
 cvs [admin aborted]: usage is restricted to members of the group cvsadmin
 FAIL: basica-o1

 I am not sure whether this is something to worry about (though I could
 imagine situation where it could really bite someone), so I'm writing
 this message to at least leave trail in archives.

I'm afraid the short term fix is to tell the user to run the test as a user
who is a member of cvsadmin or to run on a machine without a cvsadmin
group.  The long term fix might be to allow the name of the cvsadmin group
to be set in the CVSROOT/config file.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I used to think people were crazy to get tatoos.  Nowadays, I envy
them that clarity of thought.  There was at least one point in their lives
when they thought they knew what they were doing.  They could walk into a
tatoo parlor and say, I want a big old pig, in red and black, with flames
shooting out of its nose!  And I want it right there!  That's who I am!

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Problems running cvs pserver

2001-06-06 Thread Derek R. Price

Sven Dowideit wrote:

 on solaris when i do a login with 1.11p1 it failes with the error failed to
 read /home/sven/.cvspass

 when i create that file everything works fine.

 (i kinda expect to be told that its fixed in the dev version :)

Yeah.  Larry fixed that about a month ago, but thanks!

 2001-05-05  Larry Jones  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 * login.c (password_entry_operation): Only warn if unable to open
 .cvspass for reading: may be initial login and it doesn't exist yet.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
106.  Charlie was a Chemist, but Charlie is no more.
  What Charlie thought was H20 was H2SO4.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS search

2001-06-05 Thread Derek R. Price

Olivier Schlatter wrote:

 Hi, I'm looking for a web interface which can be able to do a search
 inside each file of a CVS module.I tried CVSSearch, but the query runs
 on the CVS comments and not inside the files.Do you know something
 that can help me. Thanks a lot in advance.Olivier

If you used cvsweb and then indexed your web site (with htdig maybe,
I think there are several OS ways to do this), you should get the effect
you're asking for.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad.

-- Salvador Dali

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Setting up a CVS repository on the web

2001-06-05 Thread Derek R. Price

M. Edward Borasky wrote:

 I want to set up a CVS repository on the web. I need to have access
 controlled by a password. How do I do this? Is there code available to do it

Browse for information on/links to CVS web clients.  You
might try a general web search too.  If you just want a source browser, you
might be able to set up cvsweb and use Apache's (or some other web server's)
native access controls to control who uses it.

My employer, Collab.Net offers slightly more complex services along these
lines.  Check the link in my sig if you're interested.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
72. Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue...

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Problems running cvs pserver

2001-06-05 Thread Derek R. Price

Sven Dowideit wrote:

 Heya Larry,
 i have had another stab at it, and I still cannot build a pserver cvs that

  ./configure --without-gssapi still leaves gssapi libs in the Makefile
 and when i hack the configure script to leave off all of the gssapi stuff, I
 get an exe that does not seem to work correctly. Telneting to 2401 replies
 as it should, but doing a cvs login results in the cvs client waiting
 permanently for something after i enter my password.

 has anyone built cvs on Solaris without kerberos installed ??

I fixed the autodetect code to deal with this before 1.11.1p1, I think.  It is
definately fixed in development.

In any case, compiling 1.11.1p1 with --without-gssapi should do the trick.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
My name is not Dr. Death.
My name is not Dr. Death.
My name is not Dr. Death...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs log

2001-06-05 Thread Derek R. Price

Zanabria, Moises wrote:

 I need to create a report with the following information:

 symbolic names:

 I tried with cvs log but I can't filter the information for specific Tag.

 somebody have a query or script to generates a similar information.
 Any information I will appreciate.

Actually, you should be able to grab log information for a specific tag
using 'cvs log -r'.  You might have to use a filter to parse off the header

[dprice@empress dprice]$ cvs -H log
Usage: cvs log [-lRhtNb] [-r[revisions]] [-d dates] [-s states]
[-w[logins]] [files...]
 -l Local directory only, no recursion.
 -R Only print name of RCS file.
 -h Only print header.
 -t Only print header and descriptive text.
 -N Do not list tags.
 -b Only list revisions on the default branch.
 -r[revisions] Specify revision(s)s to list.
rev1:rev2   Between rev1 and rev2, including rev1 and rev2.
rev1::rev2  Between rev1 and rev2, excluding rev1 and rev2.
rev:rev and following revisions on the same branch.
rev::   After rev on the same branch.
:revrev and previous revisions on the same branch.
::rev   Before rev on the same branch.
rev Just rev.
branch  All revisions on the branch.
branch. The last revision on the branch.
 -d dates Specify dates (D1D2 for range, D for latest before).
 -s states Only list revisions with specified states.
 -w[logins] Only list revisions checked in by specified logins.
(Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)
[dprice@empress dprice]$


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
There are plenty of businesses like show business.
There are plenty of businesses like show business.
There are plenty of businesses like show business...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Strange error: EOF in value...

2001-06-05 Thread Derek R. Price

Donald Sharp wrote:

 I'm attaching a script that will find the damaged version for you.


Type: Perl Program (application/x-perl)

I don't suppose you'd consider GPLing that and resubmitting it to bug-cvs so
I can drop it in the contrib directory?


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it
expects what never was and never will be...  if we are to guard against
ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be
- Thomas Jefferson

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Export from Clear Case into CVS?]

2001-06-05 Thread Derek R. Price

Noel L Yap wrote:

 I'm not sure if one exists for ClearCase, but the jist of any of these scripts
 is to checkout each version of each file from one VC system, then check each of
 them into the other (while trying to preserve comments and who checked stuff

There's a script in the contrib file of the CVS distribution which
might be useful to adapt to work with multiple VC systems.  You might also consider
Laine Stump's vss2cvs script that gets bounced to this list every once in awhile.
Check the email archives for a copy - links are available on .


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I will not aim for the head.
I will not aim for the head.
I will not aim for the head...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

[Fwd: Export from Clear Case into CVS?]

2001-06-05 Thread Derek R. Price

Please send these sort of questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Doesn't expecting the unexpected make the unexpected become the expected?


I was wondering if there was a way to export data from ClearCase into CVS? I
am thinking maybe with a perl script, but could someone point me in the
right direction.


Ray O'Neal
Quality Assurance, Core Analytic Technology
Goldman Sachs  
311 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 1400
Chicago, IL 60606

Ph. 312.697.2926

Bug-cvs mailing list

Re: Broken log message in fresh CVS

2001-06-05 Thread Derek R. Price

Larry Jones wrote:

 Alexey Mahotkin writes:
  When I'm working at work (on older CVS) I have to type i in vi to go
  into insert mode.  At home (on newer CVS) I have to type O in vi to
  insert new blank line and go into insert mode.  Am I clear? :)

 Just always type O -- CVS deletes trailing blank lines from the
 message.  But it doesn't delete leading blank lines, and that's where
 the old blank line was if you did have an rcsinfo template.

This saves me deleting the leading blank line when I commit to the CVS
source itself too:

:e ChangeLog
:buf #


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Was today really necessary?

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs rtag -r BRANCH -D date

2001-06-05 Thread Derek R. Price

Alexey Mahotkin wrote:

 If I try to say

$ cvs rtag -r BRANCH -D 23 Jan 2001 TEST junk

 it says

cvs [rtag aborted]: -r and -D options are mutually exclusive

 The thing is that those options are mutually exclusive only when -r
 specifies non-branch tag.

 If there is no other method of tagging branch by date, this should be
 made one.

   $ cvs rtag -r BRANCH TEST junk

 works like a charm.  Probably it's not so hard to extend its

If this is going to happen, I might suggest that it be made to match the
format for 'up -j'  (-jbranch:date), both for uniformity and because
there are some commands, such as CVS diff, where -r -D would be
ambiguous (for diff, -r -D -r -D could specify a diff between two dates
on two branches, so does -r -D mean the user wants a single diff between
the local version and a date on a branch or between a branch and a
date?  The current operation would provide the latter).  Anyway,
-rbranch:date should be usable across the board and some of the code
might already be in place due to the 'up -j' operation.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Tar is not a plaything.
Tar is not a plaything.
Tar is not a plaything...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS GUI (Solaris 2.8)

2001-06-04 Thread Derek R. Price

Howard Zhou wrote:

 Hi, Derek,

 Do you know which CVS GUI can be customized easily? It seems to me that it's
 tkCVS but I just want to confirm. Also do you have any comparison on these
 GUI packages such as proscons?

Not really.  I can tell you from experience that jCVS could be a bit slow but
was fully featured.  I haven't used tkCVS in years but when I did, it was still
underfeatured.  I just saw an email on [EMAIL PROTECTED] that a new
version has been released though.  It might be worth checking out or asking
about on that mail list.

You're probably correct about tkCVS being the easiest to customize.  It is a
script after all.  Since it execs an external CVS executable, it's probably
also the easiest to keep up to date with the most recent release of the CVS
command line tool.

gCVS is probably fastest, of course.  I'm guessing it is all in C and has the
CVS client code built in.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution

-- John F. Kennedy

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: make check fails on redhat 6.2

2001-06-01 Thread Derek R. Price

Larry Jones wrote:

 Derek R. Price writes:
  Larry, unfortunately, 'date +%z' doesn't appear to be portable, but 'date -u' is
  defined to return UTC by SUS2.  Any objections to something like 'expr abs\(`date
  +%M` - `date -u +%M`\)/10' to grab the minute differential?

 Other than the fact that most expr's don't understand abs()?

I didn't look that up.  I figured 'if x  0 then x *= -1' is easy enough to write,
even in shell...

  And that it doesn't work unless the offset is 0 or 30 minutes? (If the offset is
 negative, you need to add 60, not negate it.)

Good point, I was assuming that the only fractional timezones would be 0 or 30, but
that's easy enough to do if others exist... now 'if x  0 then x+= 60'...  Okay, the
third timezone page I found actually lists some of the odd island states with 45
minute offsets for their zones, so I guess this would be the way to go.

  Also, I'm not sure how
 common date -u is -- a quick check here didn't turn up any systems
 without it, but it's not in V7 Unix which is my touchstone for *real*
 portability.  Fractional timezones are rare enough that I'm not sure
 it's worth worrying about, other than noting in TESTS (which I've
 already done, but haven't checked in pending the outcome of this

Well, if we add this and get too many complaints, we could back it out.  The other
option is to fall back on the old code if 'date -u' fails...  it would be a net gain.

  We could probably get the hours exact this way too with a little bit of effort.
  I don't know if that's important to this particular test.

 It's somewhat important -- the point of that test (and some of its
 neighbors) is to ensure that imported files get timestamped correctly in
 the repository.  Right now, they make sure it's at least in the right
 ballpark (assuming you're not in a fractional timezone), but it would be
 better to check it exactly if there's a highly portable way to do that
 that isn't too complicated.

Well, I say the above might add 50 lines of code so far.  Not so bad.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I am not a dentist.
I am not a dentist.
I am not a dentist...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list


2001-06-01 Thread Derek R. Price

Greg A. Woods wrote:

  Well, yeah.  I think this discussion started about the generic socket
  provider hook I provided, initially with the idea that it would be useful
  with an SSL provider.  This leaves CVS room to use authenticating and
  non-authenticating channel providers now - a non-authenticating provider
  (one which doesn't have/provide a useful user ID on the server) will use the
  old authentication server, at the least for logging purposes.  If the
  administrator desires something more secure, she can work that out for
  herself - the hooks are there.

 So build your little provider as an external program that CVS can call
 and there'll be no problem!  (well, at least not within CVS! :-)

That's exactly what I did.  I'm sorry, I thought that was clear.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
My father often told me,
We have servants and machines
in order that our will may be carried out
beyond the reach of our own arms.
Machines are more powerful than servants
and more obedient and less rebellious,
but machines have no judgement
and will not remonstrate with us
when our will is foolish,
and will not disobey us
when our will is evil.
In times and places where people despise the gods,
those most in need of servants have machines,
or choose servants who will behave like machines.
I believe this will continue
until the gods stop laughing.

-Orson Scott Card, Children of the Mind

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: deleting branches.

2001-06-01 Thread Derek R. Price

Donald Sharp wrote:

 I just tried using the admin -n command in a test repository.  I'm getting:

 donsharp-u5:27 cvs admin -nFOOZLE: bar
 RCS file: /nfs/swtrf/repository/test/c/bar,v
 cvs [admin aborted]: revision `' does not exist

 I know doesn't exist, but that's the branch revision number...

Actually, CVS still understands the original RCS file format, so you can attach the
tag to rev 1.5.2 and everything should work properly.  I'm not actually sure why
both branch specification formats are supported by CVS.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I will not sleep through my education.
I will not sleep through my education.
I will not sleep through my education...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Linux security issues as they pertain to CVS

2001-06-01 Thread Derek R. Price

Greg A. Woods wrote:

 The problem is that I see it as if you're trying to say that CVS Pserver
 plus SSL equals secure.  It most certainly does not.  You have no
 provable authentication and thus no provable accountability.

Not on the server side, but it prevents sniffing.  Server certificate checking can
prove to the client that it got the correct server and this can prevent the user from
sending her password to an imposter.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
My father often told me,
We have servants and machines
in order that our will may be carried out
beyond the reach of our own arms.
Machines are more powerful than servants
and more obedient and less rebellious,
but machines have no judgement
and will not remonstrate with us
when our will is foolish,
and will not disobey us
when our will is evil.
In times and places where people despise the gods,
those most in need of servants have machines,
or choose servants who will behave like machines.
I believe this will continue
until the gods stop laughing.

-Orson Scott Card, Children of the Mind

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS LockDir Help

2001-06-01 Thread Derek R. Price

Donald Sharp wrote:

 On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 08:28:24PM +0600, William Asquith wrote:
  Sorry to kept this up.  The  removal might
  have made the difference.  It is now
  apparently working for 'junkcvs', but checkout is not working for
  'fortworth'.  Here is CVSROOT (should permissions be stricter for
  [asquith@balrog txdotcvs]$ ls -l
  total 16
  drwxrwxr-x3 asquith  cvsadmin 4096 May 31 15:05 CVSROOT
  drwxr-xr-x3 asquith  txdotcvs 4096 May 31 15:06 cvslocks

 The group txdotcvs doesn't have write permission in the cvslocks directory.

The usual UNIXy thing to do to support multiple users/groups using the same
lockdir is to set the sticky gid bit on the lockdir.  This enables BSD style
directory permission inheritance on many *nices.  That's uysually accomplished
through something like 'chmod g+s lockdir'

Of course if both users already have the same default group then you won't
need to do this.  Just set the group write permissions as Donald pointed out.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I will not sleep through my education.
I will not sleep through my education.
I will not sleep through my education...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: How to mirror a cvs repository?

2001-06-01 Thread Derek R. Price

Fabrice Gautier wrote:

 ould like to create a local cvs server which mirror another
 repository. I only have anonymous access to the original repository.

You might look into CVSup  rdist.  Links for CVSup are available from .

Try the mail archives too.  This question comes up frequently.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I will not expose the ignorance of the faculty.
I will not expose the ignorance of the faculty.
I will not expose the ignorance of the faculty...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Permission denied when using CVS remotely

2001-06-01 Thread Derek R. Price

Kris Thielemans wrote:

 I've set -up CVS on our Linux system (SuSE 6.3,cvs 1.10.7). It all works
 Now I'm trying to access the archive remotely. I try this from both a Sun
 (solaris 2.7, cvs 1.10.7) and NT (4.0 sp5, using the cvs version 1.11
 distributed with cygwin).

 I get Permission Denied error messages when I try certain things, while it

These error messages are tough for me to interpret as well, but the /tmp
directory would be my first suspicion.  Check your
/usr/local/cvsroot[/module[/...]] and any LockDir you may have set as well.

Upgrading your server to 1.11.1p1 (available from ) might
help matters as well.  Many error messages have been improved and many bugs
have been fixed in the year or two since 1.10.7 was current.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
It is as useless to argue with those who have renounced the use and authority
of reason as to administer medication to the dead.

- Thomas Jefferson

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: lock/authorization fails

2001-06-01 Thread Derek R. Price

Jeffrey Bacon wrote:

 WinCVS Error (on remove command):
 cvs server: failed to create lock directory in repository `/home/cvsroot':
 Permission denied
 cvs server: failed to obtain dir lock in repository `/home/cvsroot'
 cvs [server aborted]: read lock failed - giving up

This is a permissions problem on the server.  You need write access to the
directory, even to read, unless LockDir is set on the server to some directory
you do have write access to.

 CVS Command Line Error: (on login command)
 $ cvs login
 (Logging in to jbacon@core)
 CVS password:
  for user jbaconrization failed: server core rejected access to

The server rejected access.  This could be a bad cvsroot, a bad userid, or a
bad password.  If you update your CVS server to 1.11.1p1 you would get better
error reporting out of it.

 Using CYGWIN tools in Win2000.  I've tried deleting my .cvspass file and the
 only way we know how to fix this is delete the entire local copy of the
 source and re-check it out -- not great as I have changes not checked in.

If deleting the local copy of the source fixes the problem, then try overriding
your root using the -d option to CVS.  Sounds like you were using a different
cvsroot when you checked out the code.  If you want to edit all the CVS/Root
files in your local workspace to point at the correct repository that could
work too.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the
people themselves, and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise that
control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them,
but to inform their discretion.

- Thomas Jefferson, 1820.

Info-cvs mailing list


2001-06-01 Thread Derek R. Price

Greg A. Woods wrote:

 [ On Friday, June 1, 2001 at 13:59:20 (-0400), Derek R. Price wrote: ]
  Subject: Re: CVS  SSL
  Greg A. Woods wrote:
   So build your little provider as an external program that CVS can call
   and there'll be no problem!  (well, at least not within CVS! :-)
  That's exactly what I did.  I'm sorry, I thought that was clear.

 Huh?  All I've seen are patches to CVS, not a proper stand-alone module!

Perhaps I don't understand.  What exactly are you proposing?


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
You can't fool me, sonny!  It's turtles all the way down!

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Put .deps directories in .cvsignore files?

2001-06-01 Thread Derek R. Price

Stephen Cameron wrote:

 Hi, I've checked out CVS sometime ago from,
 and now I do:

 [scameron@zuul ccvs]$ cvs -z3 -nq update
 ? lib/.deps/argmatch.Po
 ? lib/.deps/dup2.Po
 ? lib/.deps/fncase.Po
 [ ... loads more ? files...]
 ? src/.deps/[loads of ? files...]

 Should there be .cvsignore entries for these .deps directories?
 Or is there a reason not to?

These directories were briefly checked into CVS because of a mistake of
mine.  I've since deleted them from the repository, but for one reason
or another CVS kept checking out the empty directory, or perhaps, more
specifically, creating admin files for them when they already existed in
the workspace, despite -P being passed to cvs up.  This is probably a
bug but I never researched it fully enough to document it.

If you delete the .deps/CVS dir once and remove the .deps entry from
CVS/Entries, you shouldn't experience any further problems.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
89. A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs edit: dying gasps

2001-05-31 Thread Derek R. Price

Bina Kshatriya wrote:

 If there is a watch set on a file and I try to use
 cvs edit filename to edit the file, I get an error
 message: cvs edit: dying gasps from the respository
 host.  The weird part is that I have used watches
 before and did not receive this error message.

This isn't enough information for me to diagnose this problem properly.
Could you set CVS_CLIENT_LOG to some absolute path and filename (for
example, '/tmp/cvslog', and don't forget to export CVS_CLIENT_LOG if
your shell requires it), rerun the offending CVS command, this time
specifying '-t' (trace), and post the result of the 'cvs -t edit
filename' command, the result of 'cvs version' (or, second best, 'cvs
-v' since the version command is relatively new), the result of 'uname
-a' (and/or a description of your system), and the contents of both log
files (in the example, '/tmp/' and '/tmp/cvslog.out') to


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
My karma ran over my dogma.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Multiple CVS and same files

2001-05-31 Thread Derek R. Price

Erik Mattsson wrote:

 Well I found a solution, it is possible to use symlinks (unix)
 when creating files and directories in other directories.
 It is both possible to symlink the directories and files and
 committing works lika a charm now :)

 So I ended up with a layout such this one

 cvB/xml - cvsA/xml

I think this is fairly safe with directories if you are keeping locks inside
the individual repositories.  It probably doesn't work properly with LockDir
set in the CVSROOT/config file if you are referring to multiple projects in a
single repository and almost certainly doesn't if you are referring to
projects in separate repositories.

There are quite definately locking and other issues involved with symlinking
files.  Search the mail archives of this list for more.  There was a recent
discussion on the topic of symlinks.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
A polar bear is a rectangular bear after a coordinate transform.

Info-cvs mailing list


2001-05-31 Thread Derek R. Price

Greg A. Woods wrote:

 I am most definitely not limiting CVS to any security model!  I am
 arguing vehemently for total elimination of any *and* all security
 models from *within* CVS.  CVS has no business even suggesting an
 appropriate security model for anyone -- in a client/server
 implementation it need only make use of *any* external tool capable of
 connecting it to an instance of itself acting as a server on some other

Well, there _is_ a basis of at least suggesting models in the docs.  I know
that when I was a novice user I much preferred, well, this'll get you up
and running if you need it, with appropriate warnings to directions like,
go learn Kerberos and talk to us later.

 Furthermore CVS has no need to include any built-in security model or
 even any built-in communications support, not on any modern platform!

Keep in mind that I view pserver as more of a logging aid that can double as
a simple, if possibly dangerous, security implementation if necessary.  I've
never been one for making it impossible for a user to shoot themselves in
the foot as long as the appropriate warnings were present.  I'm just not so
egotistical as to think that I'm going to understand every one of their
problems and I think the flexibility left in many *NIX programs has enabled
their use for many probably unforeseen purposes.

As for excluding communications support, well, it's there, at least, for
user-side simplicity's sake.  Not everybody has a copy of tcpserver lying
around yet.  Especially not on Windoze, I'm guessing.  And opening a simple
TCP socket is fairly simple nowadays, even from inside a program.

 You're free to use any external remote job execution tool that meets
 your own security requirements.  If it's as simple as 'nc' and 'nc -I'
 then that's your business.  If you want to use rsh in the clear then
 that's your business to.  If you choose to use SSH, or stunnel, or any
 of the above in combination with a VPN then that's fine too.  You should
 feel free to run your CVS server on a single-user operating system if
 you want.  Issues of security should remain totally orthogonal to CVS
 (and indeed should be deemed inappropriate for this very forum!).

Well, yeah.  I think this discussion started about the generic socket
provider hook I provided, initially with the idea that it would be useful
with an SSL provider.  This leaves CVS room to use authenticating and
non-authenticating channel providers now - a non-authenticating provider
(one which doesn't have/provide a useful user ID on the server) will use the
old authentication server, at the least for logging purposes.  If the
administrator desires something more secure, she can work that out for
herself - the hooks are there.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
We have plenty of youth, how about a fountain of smart?

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Diffs by a particular user-id

2001-05-31 Thread Derek R. Price

Shubhabrata Sengupta wrote:


  I want to see the diffs between two static tags - but I only want to
 see it for checkins done by a particular user. How do I do that.

You'll have to script something that reads logs or history to get the
revisions you want diffs between then run cvs diff.  This might be as simple
as 'if cvs log -rtag1:tag2 filename |grep username /dev/null 21; then cvs
diff filename; fi'


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Man who run in front of car get tired.

Info-cvs mailing list

[Fwd: CVS again]

2001-05-31 Thread Derek R. Price

I thank you for your quick reply. your answers have been very
helpful. today i came to know from my senior about why this
software is needed.(he does not have any idea,came to know
through someone)our overseas client has the source code of
the software and at times there is a version conflict
Though you have answered my query but i put the same
question again
Can i distribute the entire project on the web ?
Can we host the source code  centrally so that both the parties can
have access to it and at any given point of time
. in this case there is no need to maintain two separate copies(one at
client side,one for us) this will lead to easy maintenance and
no discrepency with respect to source code. Is it possible
if it is how could it be done?.

What does client interface and Web based interface mean with
respect to cvs. which interface does it support.

There are several web browsers, at least one web client and a java client
available, but no, strictly speaking, CVS is not browser based.(your reply)
what are the names of web browsers ,web client(what do you mean by it0
Java client?
if i were to use it what are its advantages over
Visual Soure Safe and what are its disadvantages.
as i am doing a comparative study between the two and
your answers would be very helpful to me in ginving
a correct report to my boss.

i would be certainly going through the sites mentioned
An early reply would be appreciated.
Thanking  you in anticipation

Amit Madhok

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [Fwd: CVS again]

2001-05-31 Thread Derek R. Price

Derek R. Price wrote:


 Subject: CVS again
 Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 07:00:00 -
 From: amit madhok [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I thank you for your quick reply. your answers have been very
 helpful. today i came to know from my senior about why this
 software is needed.(he does not have any idea,came to know
 through someone)our overseas client has the source code of
 the software and at times there is a version conflict
 Though you have answered my query but i put the same
 question again
 Can i distribute the entire project on the web ?

If you really mean web, yes.  There are at least several web browsers and a
web client.  I consider the web client to be somewhat clunky.  Poking around
on should provide links to some of the other clients.

 Can we host the source code  centrally so that both the parties can
 have access to it and at any given point of time
 . in this case there is no need to maintain two separate copies(one at
 client side,one for us) this will lead to easy maintenance and
 no discrepency with respect to source code. Is it possible
 if it is how could it be done?.

CVS is good at remote repositories.  Read the manual on  Security might be another matter.
There's some discussion of those matters in the manual, but you might want to
scan the recent discussions on this list about that.

 What does client interface and Web based interface mean with
 respect to cvs. which interface does it support.

 There are several web browsers, at least one web client and a java client
 available, but no, strictly speaking, CVS is not browser based.(your reply)
 what are the names of web browsers ,web client(what do you mean by it0
 Java client?

There are pages and pages of doc describing what features are required in a
minimal CVS client much less a fully functional one.  Basically a client
should allow write access in my current simplistic usage. jCVS is the name of
one of the Java clients.  Again, poke around on or try web
searches.  jCVS is pretty good, IIRC, CVS itself compiles and runs on a lot of
platforms, and there are several usable GUIs ( ).

 if i were to use it what are its advantages over
 Visual Soure Safe and what are its disadvantages.
 as i am doing a comparative study between the two and
 your answers would be very helpful to me in ginving
 a correct report to my boss.

VSS is bad at networks.  CVS is good at it.  VSS uses a locking model.  CVS
allows concurrent development.  Read the manual of search the list archives
for more detail - this comes up a lot.

I'm reluctant to turn marketer/evangelist, but we already advertise Karl
Fogel's book occasionally, so here goes...

My current employer, Collab.Net, provides complete (sic) solutions along these
lines to assist distributed development, including integrated CVS
repositories, user management, public/private projects  ACLs, issue tracking,
mailing lists  archives, and more, and most of it is open source...  I don't
know if you wanted anything this complex/expensive, but you ask a lot of
questions, so hit their site (link in my sig) if this sounds interesting.

Of course, if you're determined to learn CVS, please make use of the manual,
web pages, mail archives, and FAQ (links to many of which are available from ), preferably before asking new questions on this info
list, but we'll likely try and help anyhow, even if just with more links.

 i would be certainly going through the sites mentioned
 An early reply would be appreciated.
 Thanking  you in anticipation

I do my best.

Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect (
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I will not teach others to fly.
I will not teach others to fly.
I will not teach others to fly...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: make check fails on redhat 6.2

2001-05-31 Thread Derek R. Price

Manik Bafna wrote:

  Either your touch command is broken or you live somewhere with a
  fractional timezone. does:
  touch 1225180134 cdir/cfile
  Which should set the timestamp of that file to 2034/12/25 18:01:34 in
  your local time.  It then expects the corresponding UTC time to be some
  date between 2034/12/24 and 2034/12/26, any hour, any seconds (many
  touch commands don't set the seconds correctly), but it expects the
  minutes to be exactly 01, whereas your system has 31.

 Right I'm +5.30 hours ahead of UTC so 18:01-05:30 = 12:31
 But how do I select a different time zone in Linux Redhat 6.2

'TZ=UTC0; export TZ' or the like may work.  I had to hit a lot of man pages last
time I tried to solve that one and I don't remember having much luck.

Larry, unfortunately, 'date +%z' doesn't appear to be portable, but 'date -u' is
defined to return UTC by SUS2.  Any objections to something like 'expr abs\(`date
+%M` - `date -u +%M`\)/10' to grab the minute differential?

We could probably get the hours exact this way too with a little bit of effort.
I don't know if that's important to this particular test.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I don't suffer from stress.  I'm a carrier.
- Scott Adam's _Dilbert_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: AW: commitinfo and client/server

2001-05-31 Thread Derek R. Price

Schell Walter wrote:

 You're right. I only looked in $PWD; executing `pwd` shows the right

 thank you

 AIUI, on the server side you will actually be in the /tmp/cvsblah
 directory when your script is called so a quick examination of 'pwd'
 give the game away.

And checking `pwd` might not be necessary as relative paths should find
you the files just fine.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Re: Graphics

A picture is worth 10k words, but only if the words describe the
picture.  Very few arbitrary sets of 10k words can be adequately
replaced with a picture.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Linux security issues as they pertain to CVS

2001-05-30 Thread Derek R. Price

Greg A. Woods wrote:

 [ On Tuesday, May 29, 2001 at 09:18:33 (-0500), Thornley, David wrote: ]
  Subject: RE: Linux security issues as they pertain to CVS
  Any problems with running pserver over an encrypted channel?  It seems to
  met that would be just as secure as ssh access (and, of course, just as
  unsafe - the biggest potential security problems being the guys on both
  ends of the channel).

 That more or less defeats the purpose since you usually have to have a
 real identity to establish a secure channel connection to a server in
 the first place so why not just use that channel for remote job
 execution?  (unless you're talking about an IPsec VPN tunnel, but then
 you've got different issues to worry about)

No you don't.  A secure channel only need authenticate the server, possibly
using an external certificate authority, a la HTTPS.

 CVS pserver on the other hand is under the full and direct control of
 the (or rather *any*) user at the other end so you cannot transfer your
 trust to the client CVS program and you cannot be sure that the person
 at the remote keyboard really is the same joe -- there's no secure
 link between the authentication done by the remote client computer to
 allow that user to access it and whatever might be claimed over the
 pserver channel.  Therefore pserver even over a secure channel is not
 itself secure.

Which is perfectly fine and possibly even desirable when you, as CVS
administrator, have no control over the client machine anyhow.  If I have root
access on the client I could use any login I wished anyhow.  In other words,
you'd rather know I knew the password you gave me.

In this case the secure channel should protect you from password sniffers.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Cynic:  Someone who smells the flowers and looks for the casket

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: [Newbie question] When LOGIN fails

2001-05-30 Thread Derek R. Price

David A. Cobb wrote:

 Today I was working with a repository at the other end of an SSH tunnel.

 My CVS LOGIN was rejected: server denied access to ${CVSROOT}

 However, while experimenting with Xemacs/PCL-CVS I requested to STATUS,
 and then to UPDATE my directories.  Both functions apparently worked.

 Does this indicate that the login only applies to a comit?
 Is this by design, or is it a big security hole?

No.  You were most likely using different logins/passwords/roots somehow for the
different cases you describe above.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
151.  H lp!  S m b dy st l   ll th  v w ls fr m my k yb  rd!

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Linux security issues as they pertain to CVS

2001-05-29 Thread Derek R. Price

Mark wrote:

 I think a good explaination of how to run pserver as a non-root
 user would be good to have in the CVS manual.

Like Larry said, as long as all the CVS users in CVSROOT/passwd map to
the same user that the CVS binary is running as, things should work.

Documentation patches happily accepted.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Five days is not too long to wait for a gun.
Five days is not too long to wait for a gun.
Five days is not too long to wait for a gun...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Linux security issues as they pertain to CVS

2001-05-29 Thread Derek R. Price

Thornley, David wrote:

  -Original Message-
  Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 7:48 PM
  To: Mark
  Cc: CVS Mailing List
  Subject: Re: Linux security issues as they pertain to CVS
  The problem is that pserver cannot be made secure.  Literally cannot.
  It runs on a raw, insecure TCP circuit and is subject to all kinds of
  man-in-the-middle attacks, connection hijacking, spoofing, etc.
 Any problems with running pserver over an encrypted channel?  It seems to
 met that would be just as secure as ssh access (and, of course, just as
 unsafe - the biggest potential security problems being the guys on both
 ends of the channel).

It depends on the encrypted channel implementation and SSH configuration...
SSH, I know, can be configured to change the encryption keys once an hour
and the like.  I expect some of the channel encryptors are capable of
similar but I don't know the details.

Of course, SSH _could_ be granting shell access to users which is a separate
security issue.

And with both SSH and pserver, the security of the user's local file system
is a limitation since if the ~/.cvspass or the ~/.ssh/* secret keys are
compromised then so is your system.  SSH does allow a password to encrypt
the secret key but there may be no way to guarantee that your users are
using that feature and it's possible that using that feature in a useful
manner is a challenge for some users.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government
from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of
- Thomas Jefferson

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Accessing CVS from a remote machine

2001-05-29 Thread Derek R. Price

Bekai wrote:

 I am new to both linux and CVS and have the task of setting CVS up on a
 linux box so that it can host our projects.
 I installed Red Hat 7.0 and was able to import , checkout  locally, but
 when I try to access it from a windows or Mac client, I get the
 following error message.

 (Logging in to cvs -d :pserver: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
 cvs login: authorization failed: server rejected
 access to /home/myaccount/cvsproject/CVSROOT for user cvs -d :pserver:

 I have tried several of the suggestions in the online documentations and
 website without any success.
 Does anyone know the specific meaning of this error message.
 Thank you

That could be a bad --allow-root= option, a bad password, or a non-existant
user id.  If you are running a current of CVS (1.11.1p1) and you sent all
the error strings from your run, then it was a bad password.  If it is an
earlier server or you didn't send the complete output of your failed run,
then it could be any of the three.

If that's not enough information, try reading through the Trouble
Connecting to a CVS Server section of the CVS manual on


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
105. I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Linux security issues as they pertain to CVS

2001-05-29 Thread Derek R. Price

Greg A. Woods wrote:

 [ On Saturday, May 26, 2001 at 03:07:20 (-0400), Larry Jones wrote: ]
  Subject: Re: Linux security issues as they pertain to CVS
  Greg A. Woods writes:
   So, if you don't have root access then how the heck do you propose to
   implement CVS Pserver?!?!?!?  (Hint:  you cannot.)
  Of course you can.  All you need to do is run a private copy of inetd
  (or whatever replacement you like) as a non-root user, have it run CVS
  as the same non-root user, and use CVSROOT/passwd to map all valid CVS
  users to that same non-root system user.  QED.

 Yeah, and there's nc -l too.  But is either going to work in a
 production environment in a development shop?  I doubt it

Why not?

 I'll bet it'll bring any sane and knowledgeable security officer down so
 hard on your head too that you won't even know what hit you.



Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
170. If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Windows command line

2001-05-29 Thread Derek R. Price

Arlene Govender@iCommerce wrote:


 Can someone please help me. We have cvs lying on a UNIX box. We need to
 check in and check out from inside Siebel which is lying on a NT machine.
 Can someone please help me with the WindowsNT Command lines that are needed
 to access, check in, check out etc from the cvs repository.

 Any help with regard to this will be greatly appreciated.

It should be the same arguments you'd pass on a unix command line.  There's a
manual online at .


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
126. Always proof-read carefully to see if you any words out.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS/RCS notion of state

2001-05-29 Thread Derek R. Price


  You should be able to mimic this using tags though.  Tag releases with
  one tag, keep experimental versions on a branch or vice versa.  Read the
  sections of the manual on on tags and branches and if

 Gosh this seems overkill for such a seemingly simple feature.  I don't
 understand why the CVS developer community would want/need this feature for
 incremental development.

Maybe I don't understand what you are asking for, but I think that the concept
of tags and branches applies fairly simply to a convenient development model.

  you don't have the idea yet, Karl Fogel's book has some good
  explanations of this and other typical release management processes
  using CVS.

 I've got Fogel's Open Source version of the book.  Is there something in the
 tree-ware version that addresses this that the open source version doesn't.

Not that I know of, but I don't know the specific differences.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
You seem... to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all
constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would
place us under the despotism of an oligarchy  The Constitution has erected
no such single tribunal.

- Thomas Jefferson, 1820

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Windows 2000

2001-05-29 Thread Derek R. Price

Bill May wrote:

 Is CVS supported on Windows 2000

Um, noone has contributed any Win32 binaries lately, but I think it
usually still keeps working through bug reports even if you have to
compile it yourself.

You might encounter bugs a little more often since some of the
case-insensitivity stuff still hasn't been worked out and no nightly
testing goes on that I know of, but I was using it up until recently
with NT 4.0 and know that these bugs aren't very common.

You might try , , and as well for more information.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Were it left for me to decide whether we should have a government without
newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment
to prefer the latter.
- Thomas Jefferson
(appeared )

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Installing CVS on Windows 2000

2001-05-25 Thread Derek R. Price

Gupta, Kavita - VIST wrote:

  I was trying to install CVS on Windows 2000.
 I set up the PATH, HOME and CVSROOT variables correctly.
 Now when I type cvs co temppro where temppro is a directory in $CVSROOT
 I get the following error:
 cvs co aborted no such host c
 Even when I use absolute paths like
 cvs -d :local:c:\usr\CVS co temppro I get the same error message.
 What am I doing wrongly.
 Thanks in advance for your help.

You might try paths with forward slashes rather than back slashes.  Other
than that the command you report above looks good and the :local: mthod
should be preventing it from looking up hosts at all, I'd think.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I will not eat things for money.
I will not eat things for money.
I will not eat things for money...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: log since a tag

2001-05-25 Thread Derek R. Price


 Anyone know a good way to see all the log messages since a given tag?

You probably want the '-d' or '-r' options.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Anybody know how I set this laser printer to stun?

Info-cvs mailing list


2001-05-24 Thread Derek R. Price

And another few notes that might help convince you:

1.  This patch makes no changes to the existing server
2.  Nobody is required to use pserver
3.  pserver isn't required to run as root


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
One woman has hurt you and you'll take it out on the rest of the world?  You're
a coward and a weakling!

- Ingrid Bergman as Elsa, _Casablanca_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Unsubscribe

2001-05-24 Thread Derek R. Price

Patrick Lynch wrote:

 Please, help me -- how do I unsubscribe from this list...I forgot my gnu

It's in the mail header of all mails from this list.  As for forgetting your
password, the quickest thing to do may be to wait - the mailing list mails it
out to users once a month, but if you read the mailing list help, also availble
in the headers of all emails form this list, there are probably instructions on
how to go about it.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
One woman has hurt you and you'll take it out on the rest of the world?  You're
a coward and a weakling!

- Ingrid Bergman as Elsa, _Casablanca_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Information about multiple checkouts

2001-05-24 Thread Derek R. Price

Roberts, Iwan(LIT) wrote:

 IMHO I believe that the main problem with CVS is that assuming we replace
 checkout with cvs edit in the statement below, user A marks a file for
 edit, user B also marks the file for edit, user A gets a notification that
 user B is about to edit the file, but user B is not informed that user A has
 previously marked the file for edit, therefore one party is informed, but
 not the other.  Is there a way for both parties to be notified ?

Some of the patches Noel mentioned are intended to prevent two non-determined
users from editing the same file at the same time.  The editor information is
also available to anybody using the 'cvs watchers' command.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Bart Bucks are not legal tender.
Bart Bucks are not legal tender.
Bart Bucks are not legal tender...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: vss2cvs migration of shared files

2001-05-24 Thread Derek R. Price

Laine Stump wrote:

 equivalent functionality in CVS. Some people emulate it by symlinking
 the ,v file in the repository into multiple directories, but doing so
 is begging for trouble, since CVS sets mutex locks on a per-directory
 basis to prevent multiple processes simultaneously writing to the same
 ,v file during commits and tags. Having a ,v file existent in two
 directories breaks the data model that is assumed for proper operation
 of these locks, and will eventually lead to a corrupted file.

Even aside from the locking issues, which may not be too hard to fix
since CVS must be tracing the symlinks to do the final 'mv' of the
temporary RCS file it writes to correctly, CVS _isn't_ tracing things
like the Attic in regards to symlinks.  If the file is removed from the
trunk, all the symlinks to it will break when the archive is moved to the
attic.  If a symlink is moved to the Attic its parent and other symlinks
won't be (I don't think this one is fatal).  To avoid this cheaply, a CVS
interface would have to be added for adding shared files ('cvs radd'?)
and metadata maintained.

There's a less important issue where tagging can attempt to tag a file
multiple times when a symlink exists.

I might be missing some issues as well.  Anyhow, right now it is messy
and it all sounds like an awful lot of work to fix.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
We shall have our follies without doubt.  Some one or more of them will always
be afloat.  But ours will be the follies of enthusiasm, not of bigotry, not of
Jesuitism.  Bigotry is the disease of ignorance, of morbid minds; enthusiasm of
the free and buoyant.  Education and free discussion are the antidotes of both.
We are destined to be a barrier against the return of ignorance and barbarism.

- Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 1816

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs_acls and Avail

2001-05-24 Thread Derek R. Price

Anita Chacko wrote:


 Has anyone tried the cvs_acls/avail combination?
 I don't seem to be able to make it work.Will this work
 only if the script is in the /usr/local/bin/cvs_acls
 I have one more line
 ALL $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/commit_prep2 -r
 in my commitinfo,but a/c to the manual,it will be
 executed in *addition* to the DEFAULT line,which I
 gave as
 DEFAULT /home/anitac/cvs_acls
 The cvs_acls is just not doing anything even if I gave

 unavail | anitac |/test/rep1
 It still is allowing me to commit.I have put the avail
 file in $CVSROOT/CVSROOT as said.Can anyone help?

Firstly, the DEFAULT line is only executed if there weren't any other
matches besides ALL.

Try putting /bin/false in as the application on the DEFAULT line
instead and see if the line is being exec'd at all.

If the DEFAULT line is being executed properly you might want to try
passing some sample CVS generated command lines to your acl script and
trace the script to see what it does with them.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
If you can read this, please flip me back over... (seen upside down, on a Jeep)

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS and Solaris 8.x For Intel

2001-05-24 Thread Derek R. Price

Larry Jones wrote:

 Jim Urban writes:
  I am new to CVS.  I just downloaded Solaris 8.x (for intel x86) from Sun for
  our server.  Which version of CVS do I need?  I only see Solaris for Sparc,
  not intel x86.

 I think you need to download the source and build it yourself.

And I'd love to post your binary on if you'd care to submit it to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] after you build it.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Life in a vacuum sucks.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Information about multiple checkouts

2001-05-24 Thread Derek R. Price

Noel L Yap wrote:

 Some of the patches Noel mentioned are intended to prevent two non-determined
 users from editing the same file at the same time.  The editor information is
 also available to anybody using the 'cvs watchers' command.

 Technically, it's the 'cvs editors' command although those editing the file are
 generally watching it, too.

Sorry.  I don't usually use that feature and was writing from memory.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
All work and no play makes Bart a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Bart a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Bart a dull boy...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: problem to make WinCVS connect to my Linux CVS server

2001-05-24 Thread Derek R. Price

Pedro Henrique Ponchio wrote:

 I try several options, but no one works at all ... BTW, the curious
 thing is that on my Linux servers, everything is running well, the cvs
 init, checkout, import, etc etc 
 Please, what should I do to make the things happen in the windows side

What error message are you seeing on windows?


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
The advertisement is the most truthful part of the paper.

- Thomas Jefferson

Info-cvs mailing list


2001-05-23 Thread Derek R. Price

Greg A. Woods wrote:

 [ On Tuesday, May 22, 2001 at 00:44:41 (-0400), Derek R. Price wrote: ]
  Subject: Re: CVS  SSL
   Why does this have to be made so difficult?
  Writing an RSH wrapper was my first idea.  It turned out to be difficult because
  CVS expects RSH to handle the 'setuid' in this case.  This code will tunnel an 
  pserver connection with all that entails.

 OH!  Pserver!  I see.   But that begs the question!  Why bother?
 Seems silly to me to make a pserver connection secure when you can't
 make pserver itself secure.  There's no net gain in security.

Yes there is.  The connection can no longer be sniffed.  Stealing a user's password 
now require access to the user's machine to read the .cvspass file.

 However if you insist on going down this silly road, why not just run an
 stunnel server, just like one would do with ssh, and simply tell the
 CVS client that your repository is :pserver:user@localhost:/cvsroot?
 Seems like the only obvious way to go if you ask me

Because this works without setting up a permanent tunnel.  That's one less step of
overhead involved in connecting.  Your typical user doesn't want to worry about
establishing a tunnel.  They want their client to connect.

 Hacks to CVS itself are most definitely unnecessary.

Hacks are always unecessary.  This one happens to be somewhat useful, simple, and fits
tidily in with the existing code.  Besides, the pserver operation can now be tested
locally (except for the tcp code, which wasn't being tested anyhow) by shoving 'cvs
--allow-root=... pserver' in as the socket provider.  I have my entire 
running that way with only a few modifications.  This is also useful.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I will not buy a presidential pardon.
I will not buy a presidential pardon.
I will not buy a presidential pardon...

- Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Help....

2001-05-23 Thread Derek R. Price

Larry Jones wrote:

 Ingolf Steinbach writes:
  Do you have a pointer to information on which commands are affected? We
  have used this method for a while on a busy CVS server without encountering
  any porblems. Would it make sense to modify these assertions for future CVS
  releases such that symbolic links work?

 It seems to me that it's mostly the r* commands, but I'm not sure.  The
 problem is that CVS tends to change directory inside the repository and
 then do pwd to find out where it is.  If the root is a symlink, the
 result of the pwd doesn't start with the CVSROOT and CVS gets terminally

Donald Sharp proposed what I think is the proper fix to this some time ago on

Unfortunately he never implemented it.  Patches will be happily accepted.  :)


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Bugs come in through open Windows.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: How to get list of tags?

2001-05-23 Thread Derek R. Price

A.R. (Tom) Peters wrote:

 On Tue, 22 May 2001, Derek R. Price wrote:

  A.R. (Tom) Peters wrote:

 I second that.  I inherited a source repository where people have been
   using CVS but didn't really know how (well, maybe I don't either; and yes,
   I have read the Coriolis book).
 I like to see all the tags that have been applied to a module.  `cvs
   history -a -T` does not give what I want.
   - it shows lots of tags not related to the module I want
   - it does not show tags that I recently applied (or tried to...)
   - each tag occurs numerous times
   - it does not show if a tag is a sticky tag or a branch tag, which is of
   vital importance.
   By the way, the output of `cvs history` is sub-optimal.  I could not find
   documentation of the actual meaning of all the columns with this
   particular command.
  This information is there.  There is a link to a thorough description of the 
history command in the above.

 I'm sorry, I've perused that section and its links, but I did NOT find any
 description of the meaning of the OUTPUT of the `cvs history` commands, in
 particular not on how to interpret the output with the -T option.

Well, you missed at least one link:

 Any specific information, especially on how to determine if a tag is
 sticky or a branch tag, would be welcome.

Sticky tags are only relevant to the repository.

T 2001-01-05 17:56 + scjones foo [test:A]

T   operation (tag)
2001-01-05 17:56date time
+   I don't recall - may be a general
line number change field
scjones user who performed action
foo module tagged
[test:A]see below
test  tagname arg
A A|D|tagname where
A   add
D   delete
tagname tag applied to (copy/branch operation,
e.g. 'rtag -roldtag test' would produce

Documentation patches gladly accepted.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I do not have diplomatic immunity.
I do not have diplomatic immunity.
I do not have diplomatic immunity...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS Server running in Windows

2001-05-23 Thread Derek R. Price

George F. Gross wrote:


 According to CVS' site the Windows version is experimental. Well, I've
 downloaded CVS 1.11.1p1 source and compiled it to Windows 2000 with Interix
 2.2 without problems (in fact, I just had to comment out all the references
 to file systems links in filesubr.c).

 Have you ever try this ? What do you think on that ? Do you see any
 disadvantages of using this Windows CVS server instead of a Solaris one ?

 Please reply directly to me, as I didn't subscribe to this list yet.


 ps: I've compiled it with (old!) gcc cygnus-2.7.2-970404, which is the
 version that comes with Microsoft Interix 2.2.

In my experience, the client works fine from windows.  the server works fine
for a local repository.  i'm not sure how you'd get the application to
daemonize and listen for connections under windows maybe tcpserver
compiled under cygwin?

You might try for a (albeit older) version of CVS designed to
serve from NT.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
155. I had a life once... now I have a computer and a modem.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: ...::: INETD x XINETD ?? Cvs server problem :::...

2001-05-23 Thread Derek R. Price

Larry Jones wrote:

 service cvspserver
port= 2401
socket_type = stream
protocol= tcp
wait= no
user= root
passenv = PATH
server  = /usr/local/bin/cvs
server_args = -f --allow-root=/usr/cvsroot pserver

 (If cvspserver is defined in '/etc/services', you can omit the port

What system requires the passenv=PATH?


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I have sworn upon the alter of God eternal hostility against every form of
tyranny over the mind of man.

- Thomas Jefferson

Info-cvs mailing list


2001-05-23 Thread Derek R. Price

Greg A. Woods wrote:

 [ On Wednesday, May 23, 2001 at 10:30:22 (-0400), Derek R. Price wrote: ]
  Subject: Re: CVS  SSL
  Yes there is.  The connection can no longer be sniffed.  Stealing a
  user's password would now require access to the user's machine to read
  the .cvspass file.

 Maybe you forget that most security issues come from within.  I don't
 know how hard it would be to break but I suspect your connections are
 all protected by the very same key (after all you only have one real
 identity at the server side and you've got to negotiate the secure
 connection *before* anything inside CVS can be used to identify the fake

I only added code to cvs to exec an external socket provider and then run
a pserver connection over that link.  Whether that socket provider is
cleartext, like say tcpserver, an SSL connection using the same key every
time, or an SSL connection smart enough to rotate keys like SSH does is
irrelevant to CVS.  This should allow the user some flexibility.

Also, in regards to problems from within, I telecommute to work via a cable
modem.  My firewall logs show packets from an entire class A subnet bouncing
off the wall.  I'm guessing that means ATT is providing something that at
least _looks_ like a single LAN to something like, at least, my entire
county of something over 1 million people.  Not to rag on them too much, but
1 million people probably includes a fair number of teenagers with too much
time on their hands who might think it an interesting game to sniff

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and an SSL link for my
pserver connection is a significant security leap given my setup.

  Hacks are always unecessary.  This one happens to be somewhat useful,
  simple, and fits tidily in with the existing code.

 hmmm...  I'd rather see pserver ripped out entirely.  It's not even
 necessary for anonymous access.  What a waste of effort..

What alternative do you propose?

 Because this works without setting up a permanent tunnel.  That's one

  less step of overhead involved in connecting.  Your typical user
  doesn't want to worry about establishing a tunnel.  They want their
  client to connect.

 You don't have to set up a permanent tunnel, but a session tunnel
 (started when the user first boots his client, or whatever) is certainly
 more efficient than setting up a secure connection per CVS invocation.

  Hacks are always unecessary.  This one happens to be somewhat useful,
  simple, and fits tidily in with the existing code.

 hmmm...  I'd rather see pserver ripped out entirely.  It's not even
 necessary for anonymous access.  What a waste of effort..

The actual code difference from something like a :ext: server is only around
100 or 200 lines.

   Besides, the pserver operation can now be tested locally (except for
  the tcp code, which wasn't being tested anyhow) by shoving 'cvs
  --allow-root=... pserver' in as the socket provider.  I have my
  entire script running that way with only a few
  modifications.  This is also useful.

 You're running your builds and as root?  What a major major
 mistake that is!  You're probably wide open to remote root-level hacks!
 (they're just not directly obvious, and a bit harder to hide from

Not at all.  I wrote the tests to log in as a bogus username and set up
CVSROOT/passwd to map to whatever username the script is running as.  Thus
the setuid suceeds...


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
If you can read this, please flip me back over... (seen upside down, on a Jeep)

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