Re: Email notification of checkout...

2000-08-09 Thread Eric / Chang-Cheng, Chao

When writing that program, keep in mind that cvs will automatically pass the
module name as the argument. In your modules file, you can have an entry like

module1   -o program   dir/abc

Note that there should not be any argument specified for the program inside
the modules file. The module name is passed behind the scene.

"Reinstein, Shlomo" wrote:

 I have never used it, but according to the CVS manual by Per Cederqvist
 (page 127, C.1.5. Module options), you can add an option ('-o prog') in the
 'modules' file in the repository which will specify a program to run
 whenever files in a module are checked out. The program runs with a single
 argument, the module name. So, try to specify a program there which will
 send the email notification.


 -Original Message-
 From: Stuart Carter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 1:31 PM
 Subject: Email notification of checkout...

 Apologies if this is a silly question, but I've just taken over
 the CVS repository, and now my boss wants email notification of
 check-outs (by lunch-time!)...

 Is there any easy way to do this? I have looked into the history
 command which displays them, but doesn't email. I've also looked
 into the email notification system (watch) and it doesn't seem
 to notify of checkouts, just edit/unedit and commit.

 Am I missing something?

 Thanks in anticipation,


[Q] multiple repository and patching changes

2000-06-20 Thread Eric / Chang-Cheng, Chao

Hi, is it possible for CVS to generate all the changes I have made to a
module and save these changes as a patch file?

I'm asking this because I have two repositories and I wish to have CVS
generate all the changes I have made on the first repository since the
last tag and save the information as a patch file so I can apply the
patch file to the second repository. ( I make most of my changes on the
first repository and some changes on the second repository and they are,
unfortunately, not connected by internet. )

If there is such functionality, what is the command ?


[Q] Will I lose my file?

2000-05-25 Thread Eric / Chang-Cheng, Chao

Hi, everybody, I'm wondering what happens in this situation:

1.  I tagged the files in my project as "Release1".
2.  After some more changes to the project, I decided that I do not
need a certain file and do a "cvs remove" on that file, followed by a
"cvs commit".

Now, do I get that file back if I check out "Release1" of the project or
did I just removed it from "Release1" as well ???

