added/removed files

2003-07-19 Thread Jayashree

Is there any admin file in CVSROOT where I can 
configure to get a mail when a new file is 
added/removed in a repository?


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^M Characters - files in dos format

2003-07-03 Thread Jayashree
Is there any way to detect 
files in dos format during check-in.
Anybody has a script for that?
I find ^M characters if files are baselined 
in dos format.
Anyways to avoid this??


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Info-cvs mailing list

Log Message - help

2003-06-25 Thread Jayashree

I forgot to write log message while checking in
few files.
Is there any way to add change log alone to these
files. There are around 15 files and all of them 
are showing *** empty log message ***  now. 
Can somebody help me ASAP.


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Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvs diff - new files

2003-06-19 Thread Jayashree
I tried -N option with cvs diff.
It still does not spot files created
Any more ideas?
I would like to know why there is such
a difference when using pserver and not.
Can somebody explain?


-Original Message-
From: Greg A. Woods [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 17 June 2003 12:36 PM
Cc: CVS-II Discussion Mailing List
Subject: Re: cvs diff - new files

[ On Tuesday, June 17, 2003 at 11:24:26 (+0530), Jayashree wrote: ]
 Subject: cvs diff - new files

 I've noticed that cvs diff does not show new files
 when the export CVSROOT is not using pserver.
 Any ways by which I can find out new files to be baselined
  in a folder?

How about trying cvs diff -N?

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Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218

cvs diff - new files

2003-06-16 Thread Jayashree
I've noticed that cvs diff does not show new files
when the export CVSROOT is not using pserver.
Any ways by which I can find out new files to be baselined
 in a folder?
Why does it show with a ? a.c only when I use pserver? 


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Info-cvs mailing list

WinCvs1.2 - Problem

2003-06-06 Thread Jayashree


I am facing a peculiar problem with check in/out in CVS. I 
 am using Wincvs 1.2 version. I checked out a 
document of size 5kb. Updated some sections and 
checked in. ( forced binary format). ( Size is 7 KB now).
When I checked out the same file just for verification, 
to my surprise I found,  the size to be of 1 KB 
with a single line. How can I get the updated version  
of it. No probs with the previous version. 
I tried to check in and out many times. 
The same problem occurs. Could you please tell me 
where I  have gone wrong?
(Is forced binary format ok?)


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Info-cvs mailing list

CVSROOT/modules file - -o option

2003-05-30 Thread Jayashree

Anybodyz  used/tried -o option in CVSROOT/modules??
If so can you please explain me about the option.
What I need is the latest tagged checkout of a module 
which I have given an alias.
Something like this . In modules file i've added - test -a abc/test.
Now If I say ... 
$cvs co test ,   I should get the latest tagged version of test.

Can i use -o option of modules file for this.Any ideas...??



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cvs checkout

2003-03-24 Thread Jayashree

I want to checkout a dir avoiding some unwanted sub-dirs.
I know that I can omit dirs by tagging the rest of the dirs and 
doing a checkout as cvs co -r rel1
I have a test dir and I don't tag that dir.
When I do a cvs co abc, this test dir should not be checkout.
What should I do for this? 
Can somebody help me! 


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Info-cvs mailing list

Checkout of selected modules

2003-02-12 Thread Jayashree

I want to know if I can checkout specific folders.
I know that we can co giving the dir name(s) specifically.
But, my requirement is something like I have to checkout 
a set of dirs with a name for the set .
Like : If I say $cvs co example,
I should get CVSROOT/test,CVSROOT/test1,CVSROOT/test2/a.c ...

Can somebody help me on this.


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Info-cvs mailing list

Checkout of selected modules

2003-02-12 Thread Jayashree

I want to know if I can checkout specific folders.
I know that we can co giving the dir name(s) specifically.
But, my requirement is something like I have to checkout 
a set of dirs with a name for the set .
Like : If I say $cvs co example,
I should get CVSROOT/test,CVSROOT/test1,CVSROOT/test2/a.c ...

Can somebody help me on this.


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Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Checkout of selected modules

2003-02-12 Thread Jayashree
But I think I will get the latest revisions
of the files. What do I do to co a tag in
a similar condition?


-Original Message-
From: Prem Prakash Pathak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 12 February 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: RE: Checkout of selected modules

Under CVSROOT, you can use one administrative file named modules. You can
define a set directories under this file , which is known as a module in CVS
terminology. or you can say module file is used to define aliases and
alternate groupings for database in the repository.
For Example:
The paths given on the right are relative to the CVSROOT variable.This gives
developers an alternate name by which to check out a project or a portion of
a project.
Alongwith this you can also specify the directories which you don't
want to get under specific module.
For Example:

You can checkout module file thru checkout command, do ur changes(define
ur modules)  checkin.

-Original Message-
From: Jayashree [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 3:22 PM
Subject: Checkout of selected modules

I want to know if I can checkout specific folders.
I know that we can co giving the dir name(s) specifically.
But, my requirement is something like I have to checkout
a set of dirs with a name for the set .
Like : If I say $cvs co example,
I should get CVSROOT/test,CVSROOT/test1,CVSROOT/test2/a.c ...

Can somebody help me on this.


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Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Checkout of selected modules

2003-02-12 Thread Jayashree
But with respect to modules
file,can I specify a tag name in
the alias option.


-Original Message-
From: Prem Prakash Pathak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 12 February 2003 6:10 PM
To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; Prem Prakash Pathak;
Subject: RE: Checkout of selected modules

You can use checkout command like this,

cvs checkout -r TagName ModuleName
Using command like this, you will get the revision under specific TagName.
However If you will use simple checkout(without tag option), it will get you
the latest revision avalaible under the repository.


-Original Message-
From: Jayashree [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 5:55 PM
To: 'Prem Prakash Pathak'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Checkout of selected modules

But I think I will get the latest revisions
of the files. What do I do to co a tag in
a similar condition?


-Original Message-
From: Prem Prakash Pathak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 12 February 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: RE: Checkout of selected modules

Under CVSROOT, you can use one administrative file named modules. You can
define a set directories under this file , which is known as a module in CVS
terminology. or you can say module file is used to define aliases and
alternate groupings for database in the repository.
For Example:
The paths given on the right are relative to the CVSROOT variable.This gives
developers an alternate name by which to check out a project or a portion of
a project.
Alongwith this you can also specify the directories which you don't
want to get under specific module.
For Example:

You can checkout module file thru checkout command, do ur changes(define
ur modules)  checkin.

-Original Message-
From: Jayashree [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 3:22 PM
Subject: Checkout of selected modules

I want to know if I can checkout specific folders.
I know that we can co giving the dir name(s) specifically.
But, my requirement is something like I have to checkout
a set of dirs with a name for the set .
Like : If I say $cvs co example,
I should get CVSROOT/test,CVSROOT/test1,CVSROOT/test2/a.c ...

Can somebody help me on this.


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cvslocks dir in $CVSROOT

2002-12-16 Thread Jayashree


I've created a CVS repository.
I would like to know if it is really necessary to  
mkdir cvslocks dir for every repository that I create.
Also,What would happen if I don't specify LockDir in 
$CVSROOT/config file?
But I have cvs logins specified in $CVSROOT/readers 
and $CVSROOT/writers file. Is that not enough to handle read/write 
permissions for cvs logins.

Can somebody explain me about this?


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cvs import of (symbolically) linked files

2002-10-01 Thread Jayashree


Can I cvs import symbolically linked directories or linked files in a


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Info-cvs mailing list

cvs update

2002-09-06 Thread Jayashree


$cvs status a.c 
File: a.cStatus: Locally Modified
   Working revision:1.40Mon Sep  2 20:46:00 2002
   Repository revision: 1.40/home/cvs/a.c,v

What does the time stamp  Mon Sep  2 20:46:00 2002 mean?
Is that the checkout/update time or checkin time of the file? 


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Info-cvs mailing list

Checkin version numbers

2002-09-04 Thread Jayashree

Hi ,
Need a small clarification...
I have a file a.c. Currently, the revision number is 1.3.
If I do a checkin the revision number will become 1.4.
Suppose, I want the checkin revision to be 1.7 wherein I will checkin 1.4 at
a later point of time.
Is this possible? If so,what should I do??


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Info on htpasswd

2002-09-01 Thread Jayashree


Where can I get info to know more on htpasswd file?
Can I checkout using linux system login ?


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Error while opening a zip file in Wincvs

2002-08-28 Thread Jayashree

I am using Wincvs1.1 version.
I tried to checkout a file into my local directory.
But I get an error when I try to open the zip file.
Please note that in Linux I am able to co and open the zip file without any
Why is it giving error in Wincvs?Could somebody help me !


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Checks before versioning a file

2002-08-10 Thread Jayashree


Is there any way by which I can check for tab characters,#if 0's in
a file while checking in.
Also, can somebody let me know if the file format can be checked while
chcking in.
This is to avoid Ctrl-M characters when a file is versionised in dos format.


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etc/xinetd.d/cvspserver file

2002-07-15 Thread Jayashree


When I try to checkout a directory from the repository,I get this error
msg -

cvs [server aborted]: can't chdir(/home/test): No such file or directory

Why does it need a directory under /home?
What configuration am I missing in xinetd.d/cvspserver file?
Can somebody help me ASAP!


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