Re: setting vacation message

2003-07-25 Thread Kristopher Hollingsworth
Rock on, I'm getting tired of receiving all these vacation messages, I'll respond to 
e-mails in a week stuff.

--- Mahantesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Vijay Kumar wrote:

Can someone please tell me how to set vacation message ? 
I donot wish to receive any emails for a week. 

hey, that is your question regarding your mail server or mail client, 
why are you asking it on cvs list?
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.jpg and .gif

2003-07-24 Thread Kristopher Hollingsworth
Hey guys, I uploaded my website the other day to our CVS Repository, and when we 
checked it back out some of the image files were corrupt. Any idea why this might have 
happened? Thanks for any help.


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Creating a Repository and maintaining directory structure

2003-07-23 Thread Kristopher Hollingsworth
Hey all, I am trying to create a CVS repository from either the WinCVS interface, 
or the Command Line 1.11.5, and I need to be able to recreate the directory structure 
so that drive statements. The directory structue looks like this


Well, you get the idea, and I'd like each system to be a seperate module, ACS.264, 
ACS.321, ACS.334, ect. ect., each one still in the c:\acs\standard\vol002 directory 
structure. If anyone can help me with how to do this, I'd greatly appreciate it. 
Thanks in advance.

-Kristopher Hollingsworth

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Re: I am new to CVS..

2003-06-20 Thread Kristopher Hollingsworth
   I just recently started and got my CVS system to work, just started testing it... 
I'd suggest starting at to set up a server, and then either just download 
the binaries at or checking out Anyway... good luck.


--- Sudheer Babu, Nukaraju [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am new to CVS. I had experience in Clearcase.
i want to install and test on Windows platform first.
Can any body give some suggestions how to start CVS (from
installation,configurstion etc..)
Is Server and Client s/w is separate??
Please give me some sugestions


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Login Home

2003-06-20 Thread Kristopher Hollingsworth
   I'm trying to login from the command line to :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/ACS and I 
get the following error:
could not find out home directory
Any help would be appreciated.

 -Kristopher G. Hollingsworth

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Re: Login Home

2003-06-20 Thread Kristopher Hollingsworth
   Thanks guys, it all works now. Much appreciated.

   -Kristopher G. Hollingsworth

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Thanks to all.

2003-06-18 Thread Kristopher Hollingsworth
  Just wanted to say thanks, got the CVS Sever up and running finally, just started 
testing it... Hopefully all will go well. Thanks again to all who helped me out.

-Kristopher G. Hollingsworth

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Re: checkout/commit onto/from shared disks.

2003-06-17 Thread Kristopher Hollingsworth
  This is more or less what I'm trying to set up, Checkout/commit over a small LAN 
here. Everything would be over shared drives, but I don't know how to setup the 
CVSServer, so if someone could point me to some documentation on this or any other 
help towards that end... The Repository would be on this machine which is Windows 98 
(I should be able to come up with a more elegant setup in the future, but for now, I 
really just need this to work as it is.) With two other Windows machines accessing the 
repository. Anyway... Thanks in advance for any help...

   -Kristopher Hollingsworth

--- Greg A. Woods [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[ On Tuesday, June 17, 2003 at 13:03:52 (+0100), David Bowring wrote: ]
 Subject: checkout/commit onto/from shared disks.

 This would comprise of one central server upon which all the developers
 home directories and cvs server would reside.  They will be logged into
 any one of many machines (nodes).  My concern is being that each of our
 developers home directories will be a disk share from the central
 machine, and all the checkout/commit will be done via pserver onto these
 shares (I am considering using NFS to create the shares).  If anyone can
 give me any guidance or foresight of any pit falls with such a
 mechanism, it would be gratefully appreciated.

There is no problem with CVS sandboxes on NFS.

However in such a scenario it would be not just unwise to use
cvspserver, but unnecessary as well.  Just use rsh!  Rsh is FAR more
secure than NFS.

   Greg A. Woods

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Re: checkout/commit onto/from shared disks.

2003-06-17 Thread Kristopher Hollingsworth
  Yeh... That'd be nice, I'll see what I can't talk them in to doing... Oh well, 
Thanks for the help, it's appreciated.

   -Kristopher G. Hollingsworth

--- Greg A. Woods [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think you're in the wrong newsgroup/mailing-list.  As far as I know
this CVS doesn't run as a server on M$-Windows-98.  There is
supposedly a version of CVS available for M$-NT, but it has its own
user-support mailing list.

In any case *I* would strongly recommend burning your Windoze install
and putting something like FreeBSD, NetBSD, or Linux on your server,
or even some commercial UNIX System(TM).  :-)

   Greg A. Woods

Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Okay... A bit more detail

2003-06-13 Thread Kristopher Hollingsworth
  Thank you all for all the help you've already given me, and here is where I am at, 
I've got the repository set up in c:\ACS\Standard\Vol002\ACS.402\CVSROOT, I've got 
another directory called Work for the checked out files, the Repository is on this 
machine. So when running WinCVS what do I need to set my username/server, and password 
authentication to, and from there, how do I set up other user accounts? That's what 
I'm currently trying to figure out, but if I'm doing things a bit out of order any 
help would be appreciated again... Alright, back to reading documentation!

  -Kristopher G. Hollingsworth

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Quick Question

2003-06-12 Thread Kristopher Hollingsworth
   Okay... I was digging through the mail archives and couldn't find an answer to 
this, so I thought I'd go ahead and ask, how do you set the CVSRoot enviromental 
variable on a Windows 98 machine? *Grins sheepishly.* Thanks in advance.

-Kristopher G. Hollingsworth

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Another question

2003-06-12 Thread Kristopher Hollingsworth
  Okay... I've got the CVS Init to work, *Dances* Thanks all for the help, now I'm 
trying to get the Repository to work with WinCVS 1.2, what I can't seem to figure out 
how to do is set up a username/password for it. Sorry for all the questions, but I 
just have no idea what I'm doing, and you are all so very helpful, so thanks again.

  -Kristopher G. Hollingsworth

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Re: Quick Question

2003-06-12 Thread Kristopher Hollingsworth
Actually... you can do it from the Command line... Just Set CVSROOT=C:\Path Just 
thought I'd get that out for the Archive for setting Windows 98 Enviromental Variables.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

you have to be admin maybe ...
it is under control panel -  system -  environment
add your variable and your var name

| |   Kristopher Hollingsworth [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| |   Sent by:  |
| |   info-cvs-bounces+thomas.maciejewski=us.socgen.|
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| | |
| |   06/12/2003 04:38 PM   |
| |   Please respond to tiphares|
| | |
  |   To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  |   cc: 
  |   Subject:  Re: Quick Question

  Unfortunately, there is no option for Env. Variables on the System
Properties menu... Any other ideas? Thanks again.

-Kristopher G. Hollingsworth

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Re: Setting up CVS

2003-06-11 Thread Kristopher Hollingsworth
  Alright, thank you very much, I'll see if I can't get it up and running off this 
machine, if not I may try and talk them setting up a 2k/NT machine or a Linux box... 
Either way I've learned a lot and I may be back to ask more questions soon. Thanks 

 -Kristopher G. Hollingsworth

--- Fabian Cenedese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If possible use a WinNT+ machine as server so you can use cvsNT as service.
(or even a linux machine, doesn't have to be powerful :)
If not available you need to have a shared drive. cvs can cause problems on
that, read in the mailing archives. But as you're Windows only it might work
Then you need a client, be it the pure command line cvs or some GUI like
WinCVS. After setting up the repository (on command line with simple
'cvs init S:\RepoPath' (S like shared drive, RepoPath what you like but
preferably without spaces) you can continue with adding/importing/
checkouting :) /committing etc...

bye  Fabi

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Setting up CVS

2003-06-09 Thread Kristopher Hollingsworth
Greetings, I'm trying to set up CVS for the first time and have no clue as to what 
I am doing, and I've read through a great deal of documentation, and am still 
completely lost at where to begin, so if someone could just point me in the right 
direction, it would be greatly appreciated, I'm setting it up on Windows 98, and 
really don't know where to begin... So thanks in advance for any help.

-Kristopher G. Hollingsworth

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Re: Setting up CVS

2003-06-09 Thread Kristopher Hollingsworth
Yes, trying to set up a repository for Source Code, and the goal is 
to have it running on 3-4 machines here in the office, all on a LAN. All
 Windows machines. That's the goal, is just be able to have programmers 
at each workstation be able to access the code on this machine being 
used as the fileserver...

   -Kristopher G. Hollingsworth

--- Gianni Mariani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What is your goal ?  Are you going to have multiple machines access the
repository ?  Are you even going to set up a repository ?

Like, what are you trying to do ?


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Re: Setting up CVS

2003-06-09 Thread Kristopher Hollingsworth
   Indeed, unfortunately I'm the new guy, and it's a small setup, and they've just 
been throwing stuff together for the past 30 years or so, simply to get it to work in 
the easiest way possible with the least amount of effort... It started as an 
accounting firm, and then a computer programmer or two came along... so I'm not to 
terribly happy with the setup. And I'm just a little intern, s I'm just trying to 
improve things a bit and only have a slight clue as to what I'm doing really... so 
I've spent most of my time reading through quite a bit of documentation and just doing 
research on ways for Source Code Management and other ways to improve security and the 
overall setup at work... But now my brain hurts and I'm off work, so I'm going to 
relax for a bit and come back for a bit more research... Thanks for the input. It's 
greatly appreciated.

   -Kristopher G. Hollingsworth

--- Gianni Mariani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Kristopher Hollingsworth wrote:

Yes, trying to set up a repository for Source Code, and the goal is 
to have it running on 3-4 machines here in the office, all on a LAN. All
 Windows machines. That's the goal, is just be able to have programmers 
at each workstation be able to access the code on this machine being 
used as the fileserver...


I believe you're out of luck with Win98.

You might be better of getting a linux box and running a pserver off that.

You could also set up an NT/W2k machine as a CVS server.

Has anyone tried using cvs directly with Windows shares running on Win98 ?

(If I were you, I'd be very careful with this option and I'd test the 
heck out of it.)

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