file permissions

2003-03-26 Thread Lu Fang
Hi, all
I have installed CVS with cygwin under windows2k operation system. It is 
working properly. Further more,I want to specify the files permissions for 
different group of users. I have read the cvs manualfrom

and I have used the command chmod to specify a read only access rights to 
the repository for the user named cvsuser, but I found that when I log in 
as cvsuser and tried to access the repository, I can check out file and 
commit file properly, except that there is a warning which said that can 
not write to history file. What I want is that there should be a totally 
fail if without write permission, but not only a warning there.

By the way, can I make the restriction to prevent some user from reading 
some files from the repository? It seems that I can not take away the read 
permission from users by using command chmod. It seems that all the 
directories and files should be readable at least for all the users.

Can anyone give some help? thanks alot!

Lu Fang

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setuid failed: Permission denied

2003-03-01 Thread Lu Fang
Hi, all
I set up a CVS repository with cygwin under win2k OS. But when I try to 
check out a module from repo, I got the follwing problem:

$ export CVSROOT=:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/lufang/repo

$ cvs login
(Logging in to [EMAIL PROTECTED])
CVS password:
$ cvs co CVSROOT
setuid failed: Permission denied
cvs checkout: authorization failed: server kaguya rejected access to 
g/repo for user cvsuser

It seems that I can login as cvsuser successfully,  but when I do cvs 
commands, the error raised. what is wrong about it?

this is the content of CVSROOT/passwd file:
I can login as user lufang and do all the cvs commands to access my repo 
properly, only have above problem with logging as cvsuser, and I found 
that if I edit the passwd file as :

then, everything is ok.I don't know why? By the way, lufang and cvsuser 
both are my NT system users here. I want to fix the problem here becos I 
want to define the permissions to access directory/file in my repository so 
that some files can not access by some users.
But now it seems that all my cvs users have to bounded to a particular 
system user which is lufang , otherwise it can not access to repo 
properly. Since this problem exists, how can I define the r/w/x permissions 
for different user.

can anyone give some suggestion , thanks a lot!


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cvs checkout: authorization failed

2003-02-24 Thread Lu Fang
Hi, all
I set up the cvs with cygwin under windows2K OS. I want to try a pserver 
connection protocol for my cvs repo. And I have followed some steps as shown 

1. install and setup inetd, i have configured it properly and it works.
2. I also got telnet working successfully.
3. I created file /CVSROOT/passwd, it contains:
4. I added passwd into the end of the file CVSROOT/checkoutlist
And It seems that I can login with either lufang or joy successfully, but, 
when I try any cvs command after I just login , it said that the 
authorization failed.

You can see this clearly here:

$ /usr/sbin/inetd start

$ telnet kaguya
Connected to kaguya.
Escape character is '^]'.
CYGWIN_NT-5.0 1.3.19(0.71/3/2) (kaguya) (tty0)

login: lufang
Last login: Mon Feb 24 21:35:12 from kaguya
You are successfully logged in to this server!!!
-bash: kpsexpand: command not found
$ export CVSROOT=:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/cvsroot
$ cvs login
(Logging in to [EMAIL PROTECTED])
CVS password:
$ cvs co CVSROOT
Fatal error, aborting.
: no such user
cvs checkout: authorization failed: server kaguya rejected access to 
cvsroot for user lufang

Can anyone help? thanks alot!

lu fang

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ssh : connection to host refused

2003-02-06 Thread Lu Fang
Hi, all
I want to use CVS/SSH on windows2000. I have installed CVS under cygwin. and 
I set
export CVS_RSH=ssh
export CVSROOT=:ext:username@host:/var/cvs
but whe I try to connect to my cvs repository, I always got the error msg:
ssh : connection to host refused. connection failed.

Then I go to cvs connection troubleshooting page, i type
rsh hostname cvs -v
I still got the error :
hostname :connection refused

rsh.exe: can't establish connection

Anyone can tell me how to fix this problem? Thanks a lot!


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set up cvs under cygwin with ssh

2003-01-31 Thread Lu Fang
Hi, can anyone tell me how to set up cvs under cygwin with SSH? and how to 
do the configurations and testing after set up it. I want some details 
instructions. Thanks a lot!

lu fang

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commit a file through web

2002-12-30 Thread Lu Fang
Hi, all
I am designing a web-based interface for my cvs repository. I used cvsweb 
and i can successfully get the list of the content of my cvs repository. But 
I also want to check in new file to the repository through web. I want to 
get a same effect as I do this by typing Dos command or by using wincvs. But 
I have no any idea how to do it. Can anyoneone give me some suggestions.
Thanks a lot!

Best wishes!

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install sandweb under windows

2002-12-30 Thread Lu Fang
Hi, can anyone tell me how to install sandweb under windows. I have 
downloaded zip file for snadweb and unpack it , but I don't know how to 
install it properly. I have looked into the install file, but got nothing 
helpful becos it seems that it is not written for installing under windows 
OS. How to deal with it then? Pls help!
Thanks alot!

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errors found in cvsweb

2002-12-07 Thread Lu Fang
I am using cvsweb as the interface to check the conyents of my cvs 
repository, but I found that there is a important hash %fileinfo which 
hasn't been defined in cvsweb configuration file.It caused the big problem 
that the correspoding info(revison, author, etc)for each file can not be 
retrieved and caused that all the files regarded as not found. I think it 
is quite strange. If the author of cvsweb want us to define it by 
ourselves,at least it should be mentioned.But I never saw any topic talking 
about this problem. Can anyone help?

Best wishes!


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why only the directory can be listed there?

2002-11-28 Thread Lu Fang

I have set up a CVS server under win2000 OS. I want to design a web based 
interface to check the content of my repository. So I set up appache web 
server and installed activeperl also. I also used CVSWEB. I have done some 
proper settings for all of them, but when I use the cvsweb to check the 
content of my repository, I only can see the folders listed there. when I 
click further to see  what files contented in that folder, there is a blank 
page displayed. I really don't know what's the problem and my project can 
not continue for several days becos i can not solve this problem. Really 
need ur help! thanks a lot!

By the way, when I use DOS comment line to access the repository, the file 
can be listed out there. So I think my CVS should have been set up what's wrong?


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