Re: listing the modules

2001-10-25 Thread Mark A. Flacy

> "Dave" == Dave Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Dave> r... r.. read the manual? manual? whats that? why thats almost
Dave> genius! RTFM!  wow! I would have NEVER thought of that .. the people
Dave> that know you must be so proud .. to know someone who just cries out
Dave> at a moments notice RTFM!  everyone! lets all say it together .. say
Dave> it loud and say it proud!  RTFM!  RTFM! RTFM!
Dave> now thats over .. does anyone have any REAL advice on how they deal
Dave> with the module file? has anyone written any scripts to automatically
Dave> update the modules file?

Let's see.  In your previous posting (included below), you didn't ASK those
questions.  You asked "how do I create it" and "are there special things to
put in it".  Both of those questions are answered in the FM.

If you didn't understand the FM, feedback upon what wasn't clear would be
actually helpful. 

Dave> "Matt Riechers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Dave> news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> Dave Smith wrote:
>> >
>> > so, how do I create that modules file? are there special things I should
>> > place in it?
>> > the modules file I have on the server has each module listed twice .. If I
>> > remove one of the listings CVS gives me errors when I run 'cvs co -c'
>> >
>> > Dave
>> -Matt
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: update vs. checkout

2001-10-29 Thread Mark A. Flacy

AFAIK, you can only update a module that you've already checked out.

So, you should only have to check out once (at the beginning) and update
ever after. 
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Sendng updates to a directory

2001-10-09 Thread Mark A. Flacy

Well, let's see

That was section C.7.2;  section C.7.1 is about the "loginfo" file.  Hmm. I
wonder if the two are related somehow.  In fact, as I look at section C.7,
all is revealed, especially when you realize what section C is about.

Did you even READ the documentation or simply expect us to spoon-feed you?
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS - setup reserved checkout

2001-10-12 Thread Mark A. Flacy

Your reply, as written, contradicts itself.
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Making a file writeable

2001-10-12 Thread Mark A. Flacy

The problem is that you have multiple developers modifying the same area of
code without communicating with each other.

The way that you haven't solved that problem in the past is to not allow
two developers to be able to modify the same source file at the same time.
That costs you time when the areas of code that the developers are
modifying are non-overlapping (two different methods of the same class, for
example).  Since you don't seem to be complaining about your inability to
do *that*, I guess that your management is unable to divide the work in
such a fashion or your code is so spaghetti-like that you *cannot* divide
your work in such a fashion.

It seems that you should find a source control tool that acts the way that
you wish.  That tool isn't CVS.
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS - setup reserved checkout

2001-10-12 Thread Mark A. Flacy

Conflicts are easy to produce *when you have multiple developers working on
the same segments of code*. 

If you are doing a lot of that without any coordination between the
developers, you are going to have a lot of problems.  Period.
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: question about cvsignore

2002-01-02 Thread Mark A. Flacy

My local respository is in /usr/local/cvsroot.

I went into my working area and issued...

cvs -d /usr/local/cvsroot/ co CVSROOT

... I then changed into the new working area subdirectory of CVSROOT and

echo "*.class *.txt *.jar" > cvsignore
cvs add cvsignore
cvs commit -m "New file" cvsignore

...and things are added into the repository as expected.

Does that help?
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: need help with binaries

2002-02-01 Thread Mark A. Flacy

In fairness to the original poster, I probably would not wish to read a
manual written in a foreign language.
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Converting ClearCase to CVS

2002-02-14 Thread Mark A. Flacy

Out of curiosity, why are you moving from ClearCase to CVS?
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Hierarchical team integration in CVS

2002-02-14 Thread Mark A. Flacy

>From his description, I suspect that this is a Java project.

Each package *will* be in its own directory in that case.
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Converting ClearCase to CVS

2002-02-15 Thread Mark A. Flacy

Oh yes.  I've felt that the return that we get from CC around here is not
worth what we are paying for it.  I'm not high enough in the food chain to
change things.
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: refactoring when using CVS

2002-02-20 Thread Mark A. Flacy

Refactoring in C or C++ is child's play in CVS.  In almost all cases, you
don't have to move things into a different directory.

In Java, a refactoring into a different package practically forces a move
into another directory.  That's a real PITA with CVS; while that may be my
problem rather than CVS's, it would entice me to find a tool that makes it
less of a problem for me.
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Reflecting changes with cvs import

2002-02-20 Thread Mark A. Flacy

> "EB" == E B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
EB> Why doesnt cvs import 'remove' files when it can
EB> 'add' files?

You *are* joking aren't you?
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: refactoring when using CVS

2002-02-21 Thread Mark A. Flacy

> "David" == Thornley, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Noel Yap [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> > Refactoring in C could just as easily leave you with
>> > a whole lot of
>> > deleted files and a whole lot of new files.
>> The difference is that as a language, C doesn't demand
>> such changes (ie renames and moves), while Java does.
David> Yup.  In that respect, I consider Java broken.

Well, to be absolutely picky Java really *doesn't* care where the source
files reside.  In fact, there doesn't have to be any correlation between
the source file name and the resulting .class files.

It simply makes finding things in the Java source difficult; it also would
not allow you to do incremental compilation or even figure out the

If you have all of your source in one big pile, you can do a "javac *.java"
and things should sort themselves out.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: refactoring when using CVS

2002-02-21 Thread Mark A. Flacy

> "Paul" == Paul Sander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Paul> Unfortunately, if this is what your build procedure consists of, 

Don't be silly.  We have our own make tool (written in Java in fact) that
enforces various packaging layers during designer compilation and

Paul> then you lose traceability between your sources and shippables, and
Paul> you can't assess the impact of any change you make to your source
Paul> code.  That makes it really really hard to accomplish the common task
Paul> of shipping minimal patches when bugs are found in the product.

I believe that you would be insane to handle Java source in the fashion
described in my previous posting.  My point was, however, that the language
does not *force* you to keep the source in some sort of coherent order so
that it's incorrect for people (including me) to claim that it does.
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: refactoring when using CVS

2002-02-26 Thread Mark A. Flacy

Of course, from your very own web page you state... 

  However I have so far resisted any temptation to learn anything
  significant about any of the bastardised half-breed languages such as
  C++, Perl, etc., or even most of their ill-begotten offspring such as
  Java, C#, etc. it doesn't surprise me very much that you have such a uninformed
opinion on the matter.   
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: OT: C++, yuck!

2002-02-27 Thread Mark A. Flacy

> "Thomas" == Thomas S Urban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Thomas> On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 12:59:48 -0500, Greg A. Woods sent 2.8K bytes:
>> "dynamic binding" isn't a feature you could ever possibly decide on
>> needing up front for any kind of project you'd ever even get close to
>> justifying C for!  Get real!
Thomas> You're wrong. Read what I wrote again.  Projects I am working on satisfy
Thomas> the description I gave.  Then again, I'm not real, but I'm working on
Thomas> it.

In this case, he's correct.  After all, if you need dynamic binding, then
you can't use C and therefore can't justify using it for said project.  :-)
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: OT: well bred language [was RE: refactoring when using CVS]

2002-02-27 Thread Mark A. Flacy

Ruby?  With the Perlish syntactic trash like...

  "It uses simple naming conventions to denote the scope of
   variables. Examples: simple 'var' = local variable, '@var' = instance
   variable, '$var' = global variable. So it is also not necessary to use a
   tiresome 'self.' prepended to every instance member."


No thanks.
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: renames under CVS

2002-02-28 Thread Mark A. Flacy

> "Noel" == Noel Yap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Noel> Also, search tools will be useless if this programmer were
Noel> programming in Java since the class names would be as meaningless as
Noel> the filenames.  I suppose he then could start relying heavily on
Noel> comments.

There is no requirement for the source file name to be remotely related to
the name of the class(es) contained within it.

There *is* convention and it *does* make life easier when you do so, but it
is *not* a requirement.  jtags will work in either environment.

I assume that the OP who has the C function jumble uses something along the
lines of cscope anyways.

Info-cvs mailing list

OT: Java filenames and classes

2002-02-28 Thread Mark A. Flacy

>>>>> "Noel" == Noel Yap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Noel> The following output suggests otherwise:
Noel> nyap:jpmpsdev@EQUINOX:~/proj/asdf> cat
Noel> public class Aoeu
Noel> {
Noel> public static void main(String[] args)
Noel> {
Noel> System.out.println("Yo");
Noel> }
Noel> }
Noel> nyap:jpmpsdev@EQUINOX:~/proj/asdf> javac -classpath .
Noel> class Aoeu is public, should be declared
Noel> in a file named
Noel> public class Aoeu
Noel> 1 error
Noel> Am I missing something here?  Is there a flag to make
Noel> this error into a warning?
Noel> If there isn't, I think the "should" in the warning
Noel> should be changed to "must".

I sit partially corrected.

A public class must sit in a file that matches the classname.  A package
level class does not.  The directory where the source resides does not have
to match in any fashion the package statement included in the source file.

FWIW, in java 1.2.2 the error message contained "...must be defined in a

So yes, you cannot willy-nilly stick all of your java source in files whose
names have no connection to the classes defined within.  You can, however,
do so with package level classes.  You can also place all of those files in
any directory structure that you wish; however any autodependency stuff
will not work in that case.  

 Mark A. Flacy   Architect Weasel CS3K Solution OAM&P, Group B824 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (972) 685-8347  (ESN) 445-8347
 Any opinions expressed above are my own.  Any facts expressed above
 that you could detect means my weasel wording needs work.
"Engineering is the art of making what you want from things you can get."

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: OT: Java filenames and classes

2002-03-01 Thread Mark A. Flacy

You are repeating the first scenario; there is nothing new here.
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS and Jar files: Should you import Jar into the Repository? Why or why not

2002-03-05 Thread Mark A. Flacy

> "Richard" == Richard Caley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Richard> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Greg A Woods (gaw) 
gaw> With CVS and non-diff-able, non-patch-able files we're talking about
gaw> using a tool that's not even remotely suitable for the job at
gaw> hand.
Richard> Lets be concrete.
Richard> Say I have a software project consisteing of some number of
Richard> directories with text files in it. I keep this in CVS because I
Richard> want version tracking.
Richard> Now, someone comes along and tells me every software project needs
Richard> an icon, so this here GIF has to be part of the build. Obviously I
Richard> need to version control it in sync with the source to be able to
Richard> build old versions.

No, you need to keep track of the version of the icon used when you hit
certain release points of your software.  Do you change the icon often
during development?  Are those intermediate versions of the icon worthy of

Richard> Solution 1 is to set up some other versioning system (software or
Richard> ad-hoc) to version control the image file. This gains me nothing and
Richard> costs me support overhead and possible errors compared to solution 2.
Richard> Solution 2 is to check the GIF file into CVS. This gains me simplicity
Richard> and reliability and loses me nothing compared to solution 1. I can't
Richard> diff the versions of the GIF anyway, so the fact that CVS won't add
Richard> this ability is not an issue.

Solution 3 is to maintain the binary image files in another directory on
your repository machine.  Add steps to your loadbuild scripts (which should
be version controlled) to fetch the correct image and install it to the
correct place.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS, SSH, (Light) Security

2002-03-07 Thread Mark A. Flacy

> "Richard" == Richard Caley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Richard> I would like to give some people read only access. Preferrably only to 
Richard> some modules.
Richard> CVS provides no support, as it does for pserver.
Richard> I can't, so far as I can see, use file permissions, users need write
Richard> acess to the repository to make lockfiles etc all over the place.

That's not the same as giving them write permission on the individual files.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: english text only?

2002-03-19 Thread Mark A. Flacy

List?  What list?  I'm reading this in the newsgroup

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Forcing commit for a group of files

2002-03-20 Thread Mark A. Flacy

If it hasn't changed, why do you wish to act as if it has?  Is this related
to the use of CVS internal version numbers?
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: english text only?

2002-03-20 Thread Mark A. Flacy

> "Greg" == Greg A Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Greg> Count me out.  I don't do news much any more -- e-mail is far easier for
Greg> me to handle.  I'll stay on the list and continue to campaign for
Greg> subscriber-only access (which will at least kill half the spam or more).

(dons NOMEX outfit)
  Reads as if you are using poor tools for your news reader.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: lock-modify-unlock model and cvs admin -l

2002-03-22 Thread Mark A. Flacy

> "John" == John Lippiello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
John> Hi
John> My company uses the lock-modify-unlock model of software 
John> development.  


John> We are considering moving to CVS.  

OK.  That rather implies that you are not going to do the first sentence
any more. 

John> I see in the Cederqvist document in Sec. A.6.1 that there is a way to
John> lock using "cvs admin -l".  At the start of section A.6 is a comment
John> that some of the options in this section have questionable usefulness
John> and may be removed.  Does anyone know if the "cvs admin -l" is
John> classified as having questionable usefulness.

Why would you want to use a concurrent version control system in a
non-concurrent fashion? 
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: where is inetd.conf?

2002-03-24 Thread Mark A. Flacy

Linux 6.2?  What is that?  The kernel's only up to the 2.5.x...

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: newbie question

2002-03-25 Thread Mark A. Flacy

"info cvs" Look for "Starting a new project".

( gives the same information)

It appears that you should also look at

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: arch

2002-04-08 Thread Mark A. Flacy

Yep.  The site has been down for about a week now. (

I haven't done much with it yet.  It seems powerful, but somewhat confusing
to use; I think that's a direct function of not having done much with it.
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: arch

2002-04-08 Thread Mark A. Flacy

To be precise, arch (larch, really) has had a presence.  In fact, the
developer is already "eating his own dog food" and has the larch repo
available under larch.  

I think that he's merely upgrading his apache server.  What I downloaded is
most certainly not vaporware.
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: merge mode for XML

2002-05-05 Thread Mark A. Flacy

No doubt that's why nobody ever does it the other way on planet Earth.

Except, maybe, apache MIME magic.  Or the "file" test.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: ant and cvs directory structure?

2002-05-12 Thread Mark A. Flacy

What do you mean by a project?  I don't understand your setup.

Why wouldn't you simply keep 


directory structure?  (Which above won't make sense unless you look at it
with a monospace font.)  If you don't want all of the subdirectories to be
checked out, create some modules to allow you to pick and choose.

(I also think that ant is the wrong solution to compiling java source, but
that's extremely OT for this newsgroup.)
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Vendor branches and head revisions

2002-05-20 Thread Mark A. Flacy

Why not simply add an empty comment to each file in the trunk at the very
beginning?  That way they are all modified.
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: problem when using shell script to checkout huge binary files (>70MB)

2002-05-25 Thread Mark A. Flacy

It probably *is* a java problem.  The java run time process starts up with
a given amount of heap space.  Try adding a -Xmx128m to the java command
line to see if that makes a difference.

java -X  will give you all of those non-standard options.
Info-cvs mailing list