Consistency check of repository & knowing whether files are being watched

2004-05-13 Thread marko

is it possible to check the consistency of a repository? Sometimes I
modify my repository by hand... something forbidden, I know...

Also it would be interesting to know whether there is a way to check
whether all files of a given repository are actually being watched...

Moving directories in the repository around isn't a big deal, but moving
files and forgetting to modify the CVS/fileattr entries can become
troublesome, I guess.

That is why I am asking.


Info-cvs mailing list

Consistency check of repository & knowing whether files are being watched

2004-05-13 Thread marko


is it possible to check the consistency of a repository? Sometimes I
modify my repository by hand... something forbidden, I know...

Also it would be interesting to know whether there is a way to check
whether all files of a given repository are actually being watched...

Moving directories in the repository around isn't a big deal, but moving
files and forgetting to modify the CVS/fileattr entries can become
troublesome, I guess.

That is why I am asking.


Info-cvs mailing list

Checkout from a Linux-based repository with DOS line-endings

2004-05-17 Thread marko

I have a repository located on a Linux cvs server.

My source code files are coded in DOS (CR+LF) style.

My cvs client is WinCVS.


Sometimes I take the whole repository home and check the actual source
code out under Linux, to later copy it to my Windows partition. This
sounds a bit odd, but I don't have a 2nd computer at home to make it the

The problem: line endings are now of course Unix style (LF).
 This is a pain, since you'd have to dosify the whole tree,
 before you can actually work with the sources...


How to solve this?

2 Possibilities:

 a) Let WinCVS handle the repository under Windows directly. Checking out
might be ok, but committing something could screw everything?!

 b) Use some magic optional switch unter Linux while checking the tree
out... (Question is which one?)


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Checkout from a Linux-based repository with DOS line-endings

2004-05-18 Thread marko
Hi Spiro & Doug,

> > It is no problem to move the repository around, if you don't go across
> > the border LF/CR+LF.
> But it IS important, when transferring a repository, to avoid using an
> ASCII transfer that could convert line endings in ,v files...

That's exactly what I was afraid of! So I see there is no easy way to
overcome this trouble. I guess the only way is which got described by Doug

THanks for your responses!


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Checkout from a Linux-based repository with DOS line-endings

2004-05-18 Thread marko
Hello Spiro,

> So, the line has to be:
> "It is no problem to move the checked out working copy as long as you
> don't cross the border LF/CR+LF".
Well, but, perhaps I misunderstand you, I do cross that border! And that's
the trouble. My repository (created and maintained on linux' cvs) uses LF,
but I'd like to check the source out in CR+LF, which obviously doesn't
work so easily... Need to try what Doug recommended. Let WinCVS work on a
copy of the repository directly and hope it would take care of the
LF->CR+LF conversion. But, as stated before, I am afraid that WinCVS might
screw things up when I try to add files or commit changes to that
repository since it doesn't know anything about the LF-origin of it...
And, of course, as Doug noted, also the filenames might be changed
uncontrollably by Windows as well... Tricky task. So, looks like I need
either Linux or Windows running on an OS-emulator so that I could use the
true linux cvs pserver... OVERKILL... :)


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Re: Consistency check of repository & knowing whether files are being watched

2004-05-19 Thread marko
Hi Jim & Mark,

if I try to write my own script for checking the consistency of a
repository, which things I should take into account? I mean, would it be
enough to read the content of each dir recursively and then check whether
all files got really included in the fileattr file like

FThe1stFileName _watched=
FThe2ndFileName _watched=

and check that every subdir-containing directory has the entry

D   _watched=

or are there still other quircks which have to be taken care of.

Of course this assumes that the repository is currently not in use,
meaning that there are no edited files.

Well, one could think about what you once mentioned that there might be
entries like this

Fwbl804.FIS _watched=;_editors=kaening_flmpc25>Tue May 18 14:14:01
2004 GMT+flmpc25+P:\MIRROR;_watchers=kaening_flmpc25>tedit+tunedit+tcommit

So one might detect also editors and watchers optionally... Or even throw
them out as someone liked to do...

Question: Do you know anything else which might cross my way? No quircks?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Checkout from a Linux-based repository with DOS line-endings

2004-05-19 Thread marko
Hi Spiro,

thanks for your detailed explanations. I once did a similar routine, also
using diff and patch.

Though, I wanted to avoid this procedure, because it doesn't allow me to
do intermediate commits to the repository. I have to work at home with a
local copy which gets checked in only at work. This is not really an
option if one prefers to work step by step...

But anyway, thanks for the info, I guess that could be of value also for
other readers of this list!

What concerns cygwin: that might be a good try! I have to test that as
well. But what troubles me is the mangling of CaSeS in file names. Windows
behaves here kind sort of unpredictable...


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Consistency check of repository & knowing whether files are being watched

2004-05-19 Thread marko
Hi Mark,

> Nothing comes to mind, but it has been a long day... have you considered
> a file that has only been added to a branch or removed from the mainline
> (it will be in the Attic/ directory).
well, I considerd the Attic/ as a subdir of the repository as all the
others. The script could iterate through it as usual. But I see that I was
wrong. The attic doesn't have a fileattr! So it's not so easy.

That's the kind of snare I expected! :)

So, I guess, the processing of the Attics would require a parsing of the
,v-files, since I assume the watch or edit information there. But perhaps
I am mistaken. Is it possible to remove a file which is still watched or
edited. I guess at least the latter should be impossible. Or is the
information about watches/edits lost in such a case? Anyway, those files
wouldn't be so important anyway, since they belong in principle to trunks
which have state 'dead', right?!

That brings me to the question how can I get information via cvs about
files being held in attics?

Also I do not know what happens if you have several watches on more than
one revision of a file... Have to test, but expect that to be simply
appended to the according line in the fileattr file together with
information which revision is actually in focus.

OK, still collecting all these thoughts to get an idea what I have to take
care of, since I do not really want to screw up my repositories with a bad
designed tool... Looks like it's not so easy to set it up.


Info-cvs mailing list

binary files bad idea? why?

2004-05-19 Thread marko

just read that handling of binary files with cvs is a bad idea (or
something similar).

Well, I guess one has to add that cvs might not be that suitable for the
case of binary files, but, nevertheless, you won't run into trouble if you
properly define them as of type 'binary' at initial import of add to a


Info-cvs mailing list

RE: binary files bad idea? why?

2004-05-19 Thread marko
> Just use the "-kb" option when adding files.
That was my point, I just didn't mention that option, sorry.

> I don't think CVS handles diff between binary files well...
Well, it doesn't, certainly. That can only be done with additional
software, of course.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Consistency check of repository & knowing whether files are being watched

2004-05-19 Thread marko
forgot this:

> Possibly, or it may assume that you have to get tricky in the patterns
> used to account for files that are in use.

Well, that's the question! Looks like it would be better to consider the
tricky case, since most repositories might be in use ;)

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Getting files by CVS version

2004-05-19 Thread marko
> Hi, how do I get an older file if I didn't tag it? So say I have
> version 1.1 and i just commited version 1.2, how do I checkout version
> 1.1 again?

update -r 1.1 yourfile

You should read the corresponding chapter on "update" in the manual.

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2004-05-19 Thread marko

the "FAQ-o-matic" looks quite messy. There are many empty entries, why is


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Consistency check of repository & knowing whether files are being watched

2004-05-24 Thread marko
Hi Mark,

> The CVS/fileattr directory in the parent may list a foo,v file that is
> found in Attic/foo,v  however, it should not be possible to have
> both a ./foo,v and an ./Attic/foo,v in the same tree, so the added
> expense is mostly in processing the CVS/fileattr files using a search
> path to find the real ,v-file.

OK, that's good to know.

> > That brings me to the question how can I get information via cvs about
> > files being held in attics?
> Shortly, on feature the 'cvs ls' or 'cvs rls' command will be useful to
> you... Otherwise, using something like a 'cvs log -r1' may be useful.

Strange, my cvs 1.11.5 doesn't have a (r)ls command...
But well, by parsing the output of the log you'd be able to find the
string "Attic" in the RCS file path... ok

> > Also I do not know what happens if you have several watches on more
> > than one revision of a file... Have to test, but expect that to be
> > simply appended to the according line in the fileattr file together
> > with information which revision is actually in focus.
> To be honest, I have not tried it.

I found in one of my fileattr's a line which contained a "_watchers" and
an "_editors" entry just appended to each other separated with a ';'. A
further test showed that additional watchers or editors get simply
appended to the concerning entry with a separator ','.

To determine which watchers and editors are active on a repository
shouldn't be too complicated, since you simply would need to issue the
"cvs editors" and "cvs watchers" commands and parse the output, and filter
out the user names. These should be compared with the actual users in
CVSROOT/users. If somebody wouldn't be in that file you could trow a
warning. This of course requires a users file which is kept up to date.

> Well, the cvs advisory locking ('cvs watch', 'cvs edit', and 'cvs
> watchers') commands are not necessarily as well integrated as might be
> desirable. If you find bugs, feel free to send patches...

I am getting a bit surprised right now... I thought these commands are of
crucial value for environments where many people work on one and the same

By the way, I found in one of my repositories the following line in a
fileattr file

Fremove _watchers=kaening_flmpc23>edit+unedit+commit

What does this mean? A file named "remove" doesn't exist, apparently.
The 'F' should tell me that it is a file, or not?! But there is another
file in the corresponding Attic folder, which got removed from the HEAD
at a certain time, but its name is not "remove" either!


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Consistency check of repository & knowing whether files are

2004-05-25 Thread marko
Hi Larry,

> He said "on feature".  1.11 is the "stable" branch, 1.12 is "feature".
I see! I am new to this list, so I didn't know about this terminology! :)

> > I am getting a bit surprised right now... I thought these commands are of
> > crucial value for environments where many people work on one and the same
> > repository...
> No, they're a sop to people who don't really believe in the CVS
> philosophy.
;) Thanks, I got the message. Of course you'd be able to live without
these commands, I know. But you are right: a sop - that might be the best
description... Haha. But I think they are of use if you don't like to cope
with conflicts created by working in parallel with a file. ;)

But looking at the title of the thread they might also lead to a certain
pollution in your repository if you have to many people playing around
with watches... :)


Info-cvs mailing list

To developers: Is there a CVS server incompatibility with CVSNT since last security update?

2004-05-26 Thread marko
Hi CVS developers,

a few days ago, when SuSE put the latest security update on the web, we,
of course, did that crucial update immediately. But, strangely, with our
WinCVS and TortoiseCVS clients problems started. It turned out that
suddenly everything checked out was "in the way" during next update!

I joined the discussion concerning strange behaviour of the "SF cvs
servers" (but I guess they are cvs servers on *n*x systems, so perhaps
this should be addressed to you?!) on 2004-05-19 which can be found at:

where it is eventually claimed that there is a server problem, not a
client problem.

What do you say to this?

Now I use with WinCVS the latest CVSNT 2.0.41a, which is said to have a
workaround hotfix to overcome the server troubles. With that it works
fine. TortoiseCVS obviously also released a new version.

I don't know what is going on here, perhaps you have more specific
information (probably from SF) or discuss this already on the developer
mailing list...

... I just wanted to let you know about it.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: To developers: Is there a CVS server incompatibility with CVSNT since last security update?

2004-05-26 Thread marko
Hi Boris,

> Hallo marko,
> Wednesday, May 26, 2004, 10:09:10 AM, you wrote:
> m> Hi CVS developers,
> ich würd die aktuellste CVS Version vom Hersteller runterladen und
> installieren.

Well, that's true. Perhaps I should not use the security-patched cvs of
SuSE 8.2, which is actually 1.11.5 (Release 112) but instead go for the
latest version which is somewhere above 1.11.16, right? (Can't check it
since is still down.)

;) Well, true, might be it's all my own fault then...

Thanks for the hint!


Info-cvs mailing list

How safely "move" files from one branch to the other?

2004-06-18 Thread marko

I've a directory with a few files. There exist 2 branches for this
directory, say A and B.

I checked out the branch A and committed the changes. Only then I noticed
that I should have modified branch B instead.

How do I safely "move" the files from branch A to branch B?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: How safely "move" files from one branch to the other?

2004-06-21 Thread marko
Hi Tyler,

On Fri, 18 Jun 2004, Tyler wrote:

> > How do I safely "move" the files from branch A to branch B?
> For a small change like this, it's easiest to:
> - back out the changes from branch A
> (in A sandbox)
> cvs up -j[new rev] -j[previous rev] [list of files]
> (verify changes and commit)
> - merge changes into branch B
> (in B sandbox)
> cvs up -j[previous rev] -j[new rev] [list of files]
> (verify changes and commit)

Well, ok, that's a possibility, of course, but it has the drawback that
you have all changes which are caused by the simple swapping of branch
names reflected in the repository files in a very inefficient manner.

I understand that this is the standard way of doing changes like this,
though I hoped that there might be another way to force a modification of
the branch tag names instead...


Info-cvs mailing list

How to tell CVS that it should use the proper date/time

2004-07-08 Thread marko

I wonder how CVS can be convinced to set the original date/time of a file
at checkin time when I do a checkout!


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: How to tell CVS that it should use the proper date/time

2004-07-09 Thread marko
Hi Larry,

> I'm having a hard time parsing that sentence, but I think that's what it
:) sorry for my poor english.

> If you mean you want checkout to record the current timestamp of the
> file rather than the time of the checkin, that would also break things
> like make.  Import, however, has the -d option to do just that.
that's what I wanted, right. I don't want the checkin time, I really want
the actual timestamp of the file!

Will check that option -d.
Thanks for your help!


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: How to tell CVS that it should use the proper date/time

2004-07-09 Thread marko
Hi Larry,

On Thu, 8 Jul 2004, Larry Jones wrote:

> If you mean you want checkout to record the current timestamp of the
> file rather than the time of the checkin, that would also break things
> like make.  Import, however, has the -d option to do just that.

oops, I couldn't find a -d option in cvs' info docus. Perhaps it's still
not supported in 1.11.5?!


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: How to tell CVS that it should use the proper date/time

2004-07-12 Thread marko
hi larry,

> > oops, I couldn't find a -d option in cvs' info docus. Perhaps it's still
> > not supported in 1.11.5?!
> It's mentioned in the Quick Reference, but not in the detailed guide.
> It's not new, it's been there "forever".
thanks for the hint. Strange that it isn't visible in the info manual!
Look like that needs some refinement or update...

Anyway, as I see now there doesn't seem to be a comparable option for the
add command, though. Only import would allow this, add won't!

Am I right? If so, it would be quite strange...


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: coaxing scientists to use cvs

2004-07-12 Thread marko

I also use cvs for LaTeX sources and have the same problem with the diffs.

It always depends on how you format your sources. With code it's easier,
much easier. Every line contains a certain piece of code.  But text source
can't be handled in this simple way.

I used to write one-line-paragraphs in Emacs to be able to have automatic
line wrapping, but doing so leads to huge ,v-files eventually, because a
tiny change in a paragraph triggers a complete substitution of the whole
thing... If you do the word wrap yourself you have similar problems, just
because of a single letter you can still end up with many diffs all over
the place...

I'd guess CVS is not so well-suited for this job. Of course keeping the
revisions is essential, but for the diffs you'd need something else in
that case. I recall a certain discussion on this list about other ways of
diffing and custom diff programs, though I have to admit I didn't follow
that thread. I guess textual content would be such a case where this would
come in handy. Right?!


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: coaxing scientists to use cvs

2004-07-13 Thread marko
> my strategy is:
> never refill/reformat existing paragraphs.
> This strategy has the advantage
> that the diffs reflect better the logical units
> that I'm changing.
True. I did the same also, but you may end up with pretty scattered pieces
of text if you change your sources very often over time. The sources
readability itself deminishes... But I guess that's the only chance

> Emac's 'ediff'  is very helpful here.   It let's you  go through diffs
I know. I used that also quite a few times.

> merge CONFLICTS.  It displays the  2 old versions and the merge result
Didn't do merges up to now with this.

> 'pcl-cvs' package--a Emacs frontend for CVS--is really wonderful.
haven't used pcl-cvs very often up to now, since am mainly working with
Windows now...

But, well, just to add that: I fully support your ideas concerning keeping
sources of LaTeX under CVS' control. I just wanted to underline that there
are some tripwires in your path if you do that. I understand your boss, my
bosses acted exactly the same way, so that I had to do all the updating
myself and find their changes and handle the cases they didn't use the
most up-to-date versions... ;) neverending story ;) Happens all the
time! :)


Info-cvs mailing list

how to un-add an added but uncommitted file?

2004-10-13 Thread marko

say I 've added wrongly a file named FILE to a repository. I still haven't
done a commit on that one. If I do a

 cvs remove FILE

the files get's thrown away and doesn't belong any longer to the module.

If I simply delete the file and do an update on the module I get the

 warning: new-born FILE  has disappeared

So far so good, both methods seem to "remove the file from my repository",
well I know, actually the file is not there yet, but anyway...

BUT, I'd like to preserve the file itself! Is there a way of un-adding a
file which got by accident added without deleting it??


Info-cvs mailing list

RE: how to un-add an added but uncommitted file?

2004-10-13 Thread marko
Hi Edwin,

> Maybe this is an obviously stupid suggestion but how about in your second
> method instead of deleting, you rename it... Then rename it back after you
> do the update?
OK, that would solve it, but yes, it doesn't really sound like a perfect
solution, because I'd have to rename, update and rename again... Strange!


Info-cvs mailing list

RE: how to un-add an added but uncommitted file?

2004-10-13 Thread marko
Dear Jim and folks,

> Strange is in the eye of the beholder.
true! :)

> To me, it seems very strange that you want to preserve a file, but not
> have it in CVS. Surely if it's that important it should be under version
> control?
Well, say it's obj-file or an exe which you added just accidentally while
going through a bunch of files. You don't want to restart the compiler to
recreate them, perhaps... That would be my arguments! :)

OK, I see, I have to live with the renaming thing. :) Not that I am
totally against it, it's only that I thought there might have been a
cleaner way to achieve that! :|

Thanks for your responses!

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Problem to delete CVS directories...

2001-09-12 Thread Marko Faldix

Dear Mr. Sanchez,

we had the same problem and came to the conclusion that the only way to
delete directories from a modul as well as deleting a whole modul is to be
done via filesystem on the unix machine, i.e. log in on your unix box and
change to the repository directory, then delete the respective subdirs you
want to get rid of. Fortunately, the rest of the CVS system is not affected.

In advance,

Marko Faldix
M+R Infosysteme
Hubert-Wienen-Str. 24 52070 Aachen
Tel.: 0241-93878-16 Fax.:0241-875095

"Hector Sanchez-Villeda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im
Newsbeitrag news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Dear sirs,
> >
> > I have installed CVS in one of my UNIX boxes, then I included several
> > directories for testing purposes and I tryed to delete them
> permanently
> > according to CVS documentation, but it appears that the directories
> > and files went to the ATIC directory.
> >
> > How can I get rid of them?
> >
> > Any help is appreciated.
> >
> > PD. My E-Mail is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > Sincerely
> >
> > Hector Sanchez
> > University of Missouri

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: HELP! Howto disable binary flags on files

2001-09-12 Thread Marko Faldix

"Josh Baudhuin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Well, you can use  cvs admin -k  on the existing files, but is it
> possible there's some systematic problem which caused the files to get
> created -kb? (Or was it just a user error?)
> cvs admin -kkv 
> This is one of those commands that can be done recursively, so be
> carefule not to undo the  files...


where do you type in the cvs admin commands. As user on clients? I tried in
unix command line in the repository directory on the server, but there was
no file "entries" found, which normally resides on the client after
checkout. But on the client, we have NT 4.0 with jCVS an the cvs admin
command did not change anything. So where is the command line for this

Marko Faldix
M+R Infosysteme
Hubert-Wienen-Str. 24 52070 Aachen
Tel.: 0241-93878-16 Fax.:0241-875095

Info-cvs mailing list

giving up CVS

2001-09-14 Thread Marko Faldix


we tried to use jCVS for  * LARGE *  directory trees consisting of html
files and binary files like .gif, .jpg and so on.

We consider giving up cvs for our web projects because of the number of
problems with large directory trees with mixed files (binary and text).

We had binaries which occured as text and so they couldn't be repaired
anymore. I studied several days cvs and found out, that binaries can only
while importing handled as binary. If forgotten to type in all binary types
during import you've lost.

Adding a file is a problem for us. If one of us works a day, he will have to
add whole parts of new directory trees or many new files - binary and text -
in different subdirs. Adding as binary and adding as text is for our purpose
very uncomfortable and here is again loss of data in cvs possible because
you have to handle cvs which so much care.

It was recommended to us to use cvs, but I think by an old unix C programmer
who only has to deal with one single text file.

What we are looking for is something like CVS but combined with saving data.

Using cvs became a safety problem to us. Everything that is stored in cvs
has to be saved on third media before.

What do you think about that? Are there any web programmers here using cvs
with success and how to you save data?

Marko Faldix
M+R Infosysteme
Hubert-Wienen-Str. 24 52070 Aachen
Tel.: 0241-93878-16 Fax.:0241-875095

Info-cvs mailing list

error writing to lock file (IBM AIX)

2002-04-29 Thread marko sarunac

I am maintaining a large cvs server with a few repositories on there.
Each repository is on it's own logical filesystem (IBM AIX box)

In one of the repositories i keep getting the following problem

No locks are set.
cvs [server aborted]: error writing to lock file

This is a binary file that is < 1MB but the server version is about 20
MB with approx 20 revisions at a time.

This is the only file this happens on and before what i had to do is
rename the file to filename_old.bin and then do a fresh checkin of the
new version

It is not a diskspace issuelots of room all accross the
systemincluding the /tmp.

Any help is greatelly appreciated!!!
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