Server Crash...

2005-02-03 Thread Patrick Liechty

I had a cvs server running on Solaris.  The hard drives began showing signs
of crashing, so I pulled all the data and cvs files off to a Windows
machine.  I need to pull the latest release of my projects from cvs.  I
tried connecting to a local repository with Wincvs, but it says it can't
read the config files.  That makes sense, they are in a UNIX style naming
convention.  Is there any way I can get the latest release of my project out
of this UNIX config now that it is on Windows?

Patrick Liechty

Info-cvs mailing list

Force Log Notify commits ?

2004-12-12 Thread Patrick Guio

Dear all,
I wonder whether there is a way to do the following
* Force non empty log when commit (or reject commit if log empty).
* Create a formatted entry with the log in a ChangeLog.
* Notify commit automatically to a list of people (as with sourceforge 

Info-cvs mailing list

cvs server?

2004-10-25 Thread Patrick Guio

Dear all,
I try to find some documentation about how to set up and use the
'cvs server' command but I cannot find that much.
I would like to use it with ssh forced command.
Shall the '--allow-root=' option point to a $CVSROOT or can it 
directly point to a project within a $CVSROOT?
In other words does it need access to $CVSROOT/CVSROOT?
If so how do I restrict r/w access to only one of my project when 
accessed from a special ip?

Info-cvs mailing list

Call for Articles

2004-07-22 Thread Patrick Egan
If you have a passion to write on various Configuration Management,
Testing and Application Development related topics, we would like to
invite you to participate as a contributing editor for the CM Crossroads

The CM Journal, now in its third year, is published monthly by CM Crossroads
and delivered to over 22,000 members of the Configuration Management
community.  This month we will feature discussions on Release Management,
and if you feel strongly about how Release Management affects the CM process
we can still a few additions.

Below is the editorial calendar for the rest of the year
 Aug 17 - SCM Methodologies
 Sep 21 - Build and Deploy
 Oct 19 - Product CM vs. Project CM
 Nov 16 - Incremental Integration
 Dec 14 - Useful CM metrics

You can view previous editions of the CM Crossroads Journal at

I you would like to submit and article for this month's Journal or for any
upcoming publication please contact me directly.

Patrick Egan
Editor- CM Crossroads

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: RES: CVS Java Client

2004-05-11 Thread Patrick Adewunmi

I am looking for java code. Thanks.


Marcelo Carvalho Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL 
 Do you want java code or cvs commands ?
 Marcelo Carvalho Fernandes
 Smart Tech Consulting
  -Mensagem original-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] nome de Patrick
  Enviada em: quarta-feira, 5 de maio de 2004 20:19
  Assunto: CVS Java Client
  I am looking for a sample code to use for javacvs or jcvs whereby I
  can log into my cvs server and perform add, update, checkin and
  checkout from my java program. A Look at the javadoc provided with
  javacvs or jcvs does not have any sample code showing correct usage.
  Thank you for your help.
  Info-cvs mailing list
Info-cvs mailing list

CVS Java Client

2004-05-05 Thread Patrick Adewunmi

I am looking for a sample code to use for javacvs or jcvs whereby I
can log into my cvs server and perform add, update, checkin and
checkout from my java program. A Look at the javadoc provided with
javacvs or jcvs does not have any sample code showing correct usage.
Thank you for your help.

Info-cvs mailing list

Cvs 1.11.6 windows binary

2003-07-15 Thread Patrick Martin
Title: Cvs 1.11.6 windows binary


I could not find the win32 binary for cvs 1.11.6 on
Are we obliged to build it from the sources for this platform?


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Info-cvs mailing list

additional fields

2003-06-18 Thread Patrick Kennedy

I'm new to implementing CVS, and have a question regarding the fundamentals
of the CVS repository.

Is it possible to add custom fields to the repository?

I want to attach some meta data (eg: description, synopsis etc) to files in
the repository, but the standard version I've installed (CVSNT) doesn't seem
to accommodate this.

Secondly, can the revision field by a string or does it need to be an
auto-incrementing number?

Any help anyone can provide would be most appreciated.


Patrick Kennedy
Head of Technology
CMW Interactive

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Changes since a tag but only the revision and check in comments

2003-03-05 Thread Patrick Lee
If I am using the syntax:

cvs log -r rev1::rev2 module

And I have added new files that are tagged with rev2 but the files 
don't exist with the rev1 tag, is it possible to have cvs log show 
those files with log comments since the first revision of the file?


At 04:48 PM 2/28/2003, Larry Jones wrote:
Tony Obermeit writes:

 How can I obtain a list of changes that have occurred since a tag to the
 latest version, I want to see the revision and check in comments only.

You want rlog, not rdiff.

Info-cvs mailing list

Ignore no revision warning in cvs log

2002-12-16 Thread Patrick Lee
Is there a way to ignore the no revision warning message when using the 
cvs log command? I am using a CVS build that I checked out from around 
11/11/02 timeframe to use the new cvs log -r tag1::tag2 syntax. But 
if tag1 does not exist in the file (e.g., a new file that was added), 
CVS currently gives a warning but doesn't print any log information. I 
would think you still want to see the log for tag2. Otherwise there is 
no way to know a file was added.



Info-cvs mailing list

Re: New member

2002-11-19 Thread Patrick Malaison

Thanks for the info although you quoted me wrong on my second question, your
answer made sense. So to be more specific, I will be setting up CVS for a
multi platform, multi OS environment where the developers will work either/or
remotely in the office, some of them are very junior and some of them highly
experience. I will also be supporting those users so I was thinking of using
a web client so that I would only have to support one CVS client.

By best I meant easy to support, easy to learn, lots of functionality and
a high quality product that is stable, and offer good security . Do any of
the web clients fit that bill?

Zing, Mark wrote:

Patrick Malaison writes:

My goal is to set it up as a remote CVS server. How's the security using 
pserver, what is the best client giving the fact that I will have a 
multi-OS user bed?

As has been said, ssh rocks.

The other part of your question doesn't make a lot of sense, if you think
about it.

 "What's the best language to use, given that
  I will have an international user bed?"

Obviously, the "best" client will depend on what OS the user is using.
*You* can use whatever client you want.

Also, "best" client depends on the what the user likes.  Power-users will
probably find the command-line cvs clients available for Linux, FreeBSD,
Cygwin, OS-X, etc perfectly servicable.  Others may feel drawn to the GUI
clients made for most platforms.  Web clients exist that run on every
platform that runs a browser.  "Best" isn't much criteria to go by...they
*all* work.


Patrick Malaison

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: pserver problem, still

2002-09-19 Thread Patrick Nelson

Patrick Nelson wrote:
James P. Schmidt
I've confirmed all my configs are correct, and that the path to cvs can be
seen by everyone... re-built the repository, making sure ownership and
permissions are correct... made sure the passwd file is correct... ugh,
and just enjoyed a quick city-wide power outage (yay for continue
interrupted message!)... and I STILL can't connect via pserver:

 cvs -d :pserver:zaren@(host):/usr/local/cvsrepos login
CVS password:
cvs login: authorization failed: server (host) rejected access to
/usr/local/cvsrepos for user zaren

The Cederqvist suggests telnetting to the server to troubleshoot:

One good debugging tool is to telnet servername 2401. After
connecting, send any text (for example foo followed by return). If
CVS is working correctly, it will respond with

cvs [pserver aborted]: bad auth protocol start: foo

which I did:

 telnet (host) 2401
Trying (host)...
Connected to (host).
Escape character is '^]'.
cvs [pserver aborted]: bad auth protocol start: xxx

Connection closed by foreign host.

So it appears that the server *is* working correctly, but it still won't
let me connect.  I'm going a bit buggy trying to figure out why this still
isn't working.  Any other idea from someone with more experience? :)

It looks like your password is wrong.  If your using CVSROOT/passwd those
password entries need to be encrypted not plain text.  Could this be the

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: pserver problem, still

2002-09-19 Thread Patrick Nelson

James P. Schmidt wrote:
No, I think I have the right password.  I used the password encyption
script in Fogel's book to generate the password, and I know I have the
format right for the entry - it's only one line :)

Could you display the CVSROOT/passwd file line in question?  Have you tried
redoing the password encryption and then adding it to the CVSROOT/passwd?

Make sure the passwd file is in $CVSROOT/CVSROOT subdir.  That's CVSROOT
under your cvsroot subdir, which looks like it would be:


Info-cvs mailing list

RE: pserver problem, still

2002-09-19 Thread Patrick Nelson

James P. Schmidt wrote:
*ding ding ding* We have a winner! :D  I just had passwd in
/usr/local/cvsrepos.  Thanks :)  And thanks to Larry for all his help,
too; you helped solve a few other config mistakes along the way. :)

Love it when something works!!!

Info-cvs mailing list

[WinCvS]: Problem with SSH access: [checkout aborted]: end-of-file from server

2002-08-29 Thread Patrick Van der Veken

Hi all,

I am using a CVS server on RH7.3 which works very well in :pserver: setup
with WinCVS 1.2 client. However I trying to configure WinCVS with SSH. I
have created a correct set of public/private keys that work well with Putty

However, when I am trying to use plink from within WinCVS I am getting the
following error:

[checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)

There are not other messages so I have no clue what is going on.

Any Ideas?



Info-cvs mailing list

[WinCvS]: Problem with SSH access: [checkout aborted]: end-of-file from server

2002-08-29 Thread Patrick Van der Veken

Hi all,

I am using a CVS server on RH7.3 which works very well in :pserver: setup
with WinCVS 1.2 client. However I trying to configure WinCVS with SSH. I
have created a correct set of public/private keys that work well with Putty

However, when I am trying to use plink from within WinCVS I am getting the
following error:

[checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)

There are not other messages so I have no clue what is going on.

Any Ideas?



Info-cvs mailing list

Working with FP import

2002-07-30 Thread Patrick Nelson

I have a customer who I want me to implement cvs so they can get in control
of their web development.  The problem that I have come up with is that
their web site is developed with ms Front Page.  FP has these index
directories with text files in them which have names like the files in the
parent directory.  So, I have file that are binary and a matching file that
is text like:


The MyLovely.jpg is the image file and vti_cnf/MyLovely.jpg is the text
file.  The problem comes with importing this.  I have do a very slow and
manual process to do this by hand.  I was wondering if there is a way or if
someone has a process to handle this kind of situation.

Info-cvs mailing list

Is there a better way

2002-07-29 Thread Patrick Nelson

What is the best way to pull a previous release out of the repository.

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Error on pserver SOLVED

2002-05-29 Thread Patrick Nelson

Patrick Nelson wrote:
Tried this also:

Copied the repository to a local location and used the -d option and checked
out and in just fine.  So again it appears to be something with the pserver.

Well I'm not sure why but it is working now.  When I have a moment I will
try to figure it out, but what I did was restore a backup of my etc
directory that was made last night.  Rebooted the system and everything now
works like a charm...  God I love daily backups!

Info-cvs mailing list

Error on pserver

2002-05-28 Thread Patrick Nelson

RH 72 and cvs 1.11.1p1 as a pserver available to a private network only.

Have been using cvs system for awhile and went to check in a module tonight
and got an error:

cvs commit: Examining .
cvs [commit aborted]: received broken pipe signal

If I run the same command again I get the same error, but on the third
running I get the following error:

cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: unrecognized auth response from cvs.nen: cvs: error while
loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory
cvs [commit aborted]: shutdown() failed, server cvs.nen: Transport endpoint
is not connected

Anyone know what this means?

I did a locate for the and it found it at:


Wasn't using kerberos authentication was using a $CVSROOT/passwd file

I changed to the system the repository is on and was able to check out and
in with no problems so it seems that it has something to do with the
pserver.  All that happened today is a backup of the cvs repository (normal
daily cron event).  Anyone help me with this problem?

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Error on pserver

2002-05-28 Thread Patrick Nelson

Patrick Nelson wrote:
RH 72 and cvs 1.11.1p1 as a pserver available to a private network only.

Have been using cvs system for awhile and went to check in a module tonight
and got an error:

cvs commit: Examining .
cvs [commit aborted]: received broken pipe signal

If I run the same command again I get the same error, but on the third
running I get the following error:

cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: unrecognized auth response from cvs.nen: cvs: error while
loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory
cvs [commit aborted]: shutdown() failed, server cvs.nen: Transport endpoint
is not connected

Anyone know what this means?

I did a locate for the and it found it at:


Wasn't using kerberos authentication was using a $CVSROOT/passwd file

I changed to the system the repository is on and was able to check out and
in with no problems so it seems that it has something to do with the
pserver.  All that happened today is a backup of the cvs repository (normal
daily cron event).  Anyone help me with this problem?

Tried this also:

Copied the repository to a local location and used the -d option and checked
out and in just fine.  So again it appears to be something with the pserver.

Info-cvs mailing list

on commit command run

2002-05-14 Thread Patrick Nelson

Or really any command.  I realize that this may not work but, I thought I'd
ask the cvs pros.  

I've been reading through cvs documentation and have setup a emailing
process in the loginfo file of CVSROOT with a command line like:
  ALL mail -s CVS Commit [EMAIL PROTECTED]

great works reasonably well. But the thing that I would like to do is to do
something with the files that are committed.  This would involve getting the
name of the committed file in it's check-out'able form.  So if the files
that were checked in were testbrnch01.tst and tstcase12.tst under mtest/otf/
and mtest/itf/ in the cvs repository, I could send that to a script with:

  ALL CIParser mtest/otf/testbrnch01.tst mtest/itf/tstcase12.tst

and have those files added to the call to CIParser command line.  Is this
kind of thing possible with cvs 1.11.1p1 or am I dreaming?  There does not
seem to be command line substitution variables for the file name like the %s
%V and %v offer but don't solve.

Info-cvs mailing list

Setting up CVS for use with Pserver

2002-05-05 Thread Patrick Burleson

Hello all,
I have read the docs about setting up pserver and the permissions needed
and all of that, but I don't see things working like they are documented.

I have xinetd 2.3.0 and cvs is configured as such:

service cvspserver
port= 2401
socket_type = stream
protocol= tcp
wait= no
user= root
passenv =
server  = /usr/local/bin/cvs
server_args = --allow-root=/cvs pserver

/cvs is owned by cvsuser with the group of users. The permissions on the
directory are 775.

when I try to login as a user in the /cvs/CVSROOT/passwd file whois mapped
to local user (not cvsuser) I get the following error:

cvs server: cannot open /root/.cvsignore: Permission denied
cvs [server aborted]: can't chdir(/root): Permission denied

I am assuming I shouldn't be running the server as root, but maybe as the
cvsuser user, but how do I do the directory permissions in this case since
cvsuser surely won't be able to setuid to whatever user logs in. I have
multiple projects where I want users added the project's group and be able
to only read/write in their projects and be denide access for the other
projects. Basically, I want a user's access based on what groups they are
members of.

I know that isn't exactly clear, but anyone out there want to take a stab at
pointing me in the right direction? Docs or anything like that?


Info-cvs mailing list

CVS Merge Help....File added on both Trunk and Branch

2002-03-15 Thread Patrick Burleson

Hello all,
 I have the problem where a file was added both on a Trunk and a
branch and CVS is giving me the foo.c exists, but has been added in
revision BAR error message when I try to do a merge. I have read many
posts about this subject, but the answer was always what causes this
message, not how to fix it. I need to get the revision on the branch
into the Trunk as it is the correct one. How do I go about doing this?

Info-cvs mailing list

trouble with pserver : inetd go down for ten minutes !

2002-02-12 Thread Patrick Goldbronn - SFME/LGLS


I use cvs in pserver mode
cvs version is 1.11.1p1
my system is redhat 6.2 with inetd 0.16

All work fine but .

When I do a script that ask for a list of cvs file to do an action like
this :

for f in $files_list
cvs log $f

I get, after some successfull, an error message : 

:2401 failed: Connection refused

When I see in log file, I find :

inetd[13407]: cvspserver/tcp server failing (looping or being flooded),
service terminated for 10 min

Does someone has an idea what's happen ?
I don't know if it is an inetd or a cvs server trouble :-((
I suppose cvs server can support many clients requests at same time but
I'm not sure !


# Patrick GOLDBRONN #
# CE-Saclay, Bâtiment 460   #
#   #
# Tél : 01 69 08 73 55  #
# Fax : 01 69 08 96 96  #

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: trouble with pserver : inetd go down for ten minutes !

2002-02-12 Thread Patrick Goldbronn - SFME/LGLS

Matt Riechers wrote:
 Patrick Goldbronn - SFME/LGLS wrote:
  When I do a script that ask for a list of cvs file to do an action like
  this :
  for f in $files_list
  cvs log $f
  When I see in log file, I find :
  inetd[13407]: cvspserver/tcp server failing (looping or being flooded),
 Each time you run a cvs command, it opens a connection to the server, and the
 number of times you're calling cvs is over the server's connection limit. Some

Right, but this connections are not in parallel, so there is one
connection at one time (I suppose ! Perhaps shell run in parallel ?). 

What is this server's connection limit ? Could we increase it ?

 1. Avoid putting cvs calls in loops. Instead, do something like 'cvs log
 $files_list' or 'find files |xargs cvs log'

no because I want information for one file and I make something if it
has some information

 2. run the script on the cvs server machine (local mode)

I can do that :-), but I prefer not if possible.

  I suppose cvs server can support many clients requests at same time but
  I'm not sure !
 It can, but it depends on inetd to manage those requests, so it also depends on
 its limitations.

Well I have found an option in inetd man page : nowait.max where max
is the max numbre of connection in one minutes (default 40)

I have put in my inetd.conf nowait.120 and all work fine 

Thank you very much

# Patrick GOLDBRONN #
# CE-Saclay, Bâtiment 460   #
#   #
# Tél : 01 69 08 73 55  #
# Fax : 01 69 08 96 96  #

Info-cvs mailing list

Unsubscribe subscribe

2002-01-29 Thread Patrick Law

Info-cvs mailing list

what is the opposite of cvs import

2002-01-16 Thread Patrick K

hi i am new to cvs and am having a problem figuring
this out:

what is the opposite of cvs import?

it seems to me that the effect of cvs import
repository vendor-tag release-tags is to create a
repository in the home/CVS/repository directory.

now how do i get RID of everything just created? how
do i turn back the clock? do i just delete
home/CVS/repository/* and rmdir home/CVS/repository


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Info-cvs mailing list

Newbie : please help me to migrate from RCS to CVS

2002-01-11 Thread Patrick FRADIN


I'm working with RCS since 4 years ago and our software director want to 
migrate to CVS for many reasons.

Now, we have many TclTk applications derived from a main framework base. 
i.e. we have a framework tcltk RCS directory with common classes.

Each new application is derived from this common base by linking 
framework classes (xxx.tcl,v files) into application directory.

So, when we update a framework class, all applications are updated with 
simple co command...

How can I reproduce this architecture with CVS please ?

I create two samples modules in my repository to make test : one for the 
framework and the other for a test application. To do this I use import 

But I can't checkout these two modules into the same working directory ! 
I have some error messages. I don't want to use links into working 
directory because some developpers works under Windows and others under 
Linux. I know Windows don't manage very well links.

Please, have you a suggestion or policy ?

Thanks in advance.

Patrick Fradin

Synelec Telecom Multimedia

PS: Please excuse me if explanation are not simple but I'm new with CVS 
... and I'm french too ;-)

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS on VMS mailing list ?

2002-01-07 Thread Patrick Spinler

I posted a patch against 1.11 for the VMS rename command to cvs-bugs a month or two 
ago.  My message got no response whatever, so I'm not certain where to take it from 

The issue I found is that when using a repository with watch on, CVS will not update 
any changed files, since the files in the local repository are read only.  My patch 
just turns on write permission before the new file is rename()ed onto the existing
file name, then replaces the original permissions.

(Searching my sent mail folder ...)


-- Pat

--- cvs-original/cvs-1_11/src/filesubr.cTue Jul 11 15:32:02 2000
+++ cvs-1_11/src/filesubr.c Mon Dec  3 09:24:28 2001
@@ -395,14 +395,25 @@
 const char *from;
 const char *to;
+int change_to_read = 0;
 if (trace)
(void) fprintf (stderr, %s- rename(%s,%s)\n,
 if (noexec)

+if (ifaccessible (to, F_OK)  ! isaccessible (to, W_OK))
+   {
+   xchmod (to, 1);
+   change_to_read = 1;
+   }
 if (rename (from, to)  0)
error (1, errno, cannot rename file %s to %s, from, to);
+if (change_to_read);
+   xchmod (to, 0);


Miller Dale Contractor HQ AFWA wrote:
 I would be interested in a VMS CVS group.
 Here is some background on what I am doing.  I use CVS 1.11.1p1 on all
 platforms.  I have CVS client running on DEC OpenVMS V7.2-1.  I use pserver.
 I have CVS running on DEC ALPHA running OSF1 V4.0, SGI running IRIX64 6.5,
 and IBM AIX. I have CVS repositories on OSF1 and IRIX64.  The VMS CVS client
 is using the OSF1 CVS server.
 I use CMS on some VMS processors, however, a recent project did not purchase
 CMS so I am using CVS.
 I have extensive work with SCCS, RCS, CMVision, CMS, and CVS.  I have
 converted all our CMVision projects to CVS.  I greatly prefer UNIX over VMS.
 However, I have one VMS project using CVS.
 Current problems I have encountered with the VMS CVS port include:
 cvs export and checkout error off after handling about 250 files and
 A work around is to repeat the command until all files are processed.  I
 believe this has been explained to be a problem with the VMS rename program.
 I would be interested in a fix for this.
 I learned that a module name cannot start with d or D.  For example, I
 did an import creating a repository with a module name of dips (a Government
 acronym).  The import ran great.  I could do rlog and rannotate commands
 without any problems.  But if I tried to do a checkout or export I got a
 could not chdir error.
 DIPSD-cvs checkout dips/ssies_gdas/apga/apga.for
 cvs [checkout aborted]: could not chdir to dips/ssies_gdas/apga: invalid
 This was strange because I have other modules that work fine.  I finally
 renamed the module and the could not chdir problem vanished.
 On the server side, I did a mv $CVSROOT/dips $CVSROOT/vms_dips and now
 checkout and export both work.
 I believe CVS might be seeing the starting d in the module name as a d
 option on the checkout and export command.  If this is true there may be
 other options on other cvs commands that could present a problem.
 Please let me know if a VMS group is formed.
 Thanks, Dale Miller
 -Original Message-
 From: Patrick Spinler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 11:36 PM
 Subject: CVS on VMS mailing list ?
 I'm writing you this because I see from browsing info-cvs and bug-cvs
 that you are all developing or using cvs client on VMS, with varying
 degrees of success.
 Recently I have started doing the same, using CVS 1.11 (?p1? - sorry
 I'm at home right now  my VMS box is at work) with patches obtained
 from the net.  Would you be interested in forming a CVS on VMS mailing
 list to discuss issues surrounding this port ?  If can't
 provide such, I could.
 Please let me know if you're interested in a vms specific forum for
 discussions of CVS.
 -- Pat
 p.s.  are patches better sent to info-cvs, bug-cvs or some other place ?
 p.p.s.  which forum to ask questions about flow of control  logic in
 the code ?

  This message does not represent the policies or positions
 of the Mayo Foundation or its subsidiaries.
  Patrick Spinler   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Mayo Foundation   phone:  507/284-9485

Info-cvs mailing list

rename bug on OpenVMS - Patch

2001-12-03 Thread Patrick Spinler


On OpenVMS if you try to call the C runtime library rename function
where the target file already exists and has only read privileges, the
rename call with error.

This happens in CVS if you've set your repository to strict locking
(admin -L), user 1 commits a file, and user 2 does a cvs update.

The following patch (against cvs 1.11) works around this issue.  

Comments please ?

--- cvs-original/cvs-1_11/src/filesubr.cTue Jul 11 15:32:02 2000
+++ cvs-1_11/src/filesubr.c Mon Dec  3 09:24:28 2001
@@ -395,14 +395,25 @@
 const char *from;
 const char *to;
+int change_to_read = 0;
 if (trace)
(void) fprintf (stderr, %s- rename(%s,%s)\n,
 if (noexec)

+if (ifaccessible (to, F_OK)  ! isaccessible (to, W_OK))
+   {
+   xchmod (to, 1);
+   change_to_read = 1;
+   }
 if (rename (from, to)  0)
error (1, errno, cannot rename file %s to %s, from, to);
+if (change_to_read);
+   xchmod (to, 0);


  This message does not represent the policies or positions
 of the Mayo Foundation or its subsidiaries.
  Patrick Spinler   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Mayo Foundation   phone:  507/284-9485

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: rename bug on OpenVMS - Patch

2001-12-03 Thread Patrick Spinler

Patrick Spinler wrote:
 On OpenVMS if you try to call the C runtime library rename function
 where the target file already exists and has only read privileges, the
 rename call with error.
 This happens in CVS if you've set your repository to strict locking
 (admin -L), user 1 commits a file, and user 2 does a cvs update.

    - I mean cvs watch on.  Sorry. :-(

-- Pat

  This message does not represent the policies or positions
 of the Mayo Foundation or its subsidiaries.
  Patrick Spinler   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Mayo Foundation   phone:  507/284-9485

Info-cvs mailing list

REPOST: WinCVS and ssh - Here's how to configure it.

2001-06-21 Thread Patrick Salsbury

Hi, all.
I've seen several more requests from people about using SSH with 
WinCVS, and wanted to re-post the info and directions on how to configure it. 
I'm about to sign off this list (trying to cut down my volume) and figured 
this one should make the rounds one more time. This one should probably go 
into the FAQ. (Might want to keep a copy handy for the next time people ask. 
I'm sure they will.)

For the record, as far as I've been able to determine, WinCVS does 
*not* work with SSH2. It needs SSH1 on the Windows box, and you can configure 
your SSH2 server to handle both versions of the protocol. 

Take care, and thanks for the reams of good info! :-)

   ___Think For Yourself
 Patrick G. Salsbury -
 Our Goal: Water, Food and Shelter for All...
Microsoft: when do you want to reformat your C drive today?

--- Forwarded Message

Date:Tue, 24 Apr 2001 14:24:51 -0700
From:Patrick Salsbury [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: WinCVS and ssh - Here's how to configure it.

On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 12:32:05PM -, Jim Knoll wrote:
 I found your post about problems setting up WinCVS and ssh, and was 
 wondering if you found a solution.  I think I am having a similar problem 
 with WinCVS 1.2 on NT4 and cvs 1.11 on FreeBSD4.2.  I can connect without a 
 password from the dos command prompt, but when I try it from WinCVS I get a 
 warning that the server returned unrecognized response 'ok' and WinCVS 
 I would appreciate any help you can give me.
Yes, Jim. I did figure this out. Took a few weeks of head-banging,
but it works, and I was able to roll it out to a team of folks working on
both NT and Windows 2000 machines. I've been meaning to post to the list
with the URL, so I'll CC: them on this note.

Full instructions on how to configure the WinCVS program with SSH1 is here:

Peer review and corrections are most welcome.

- -- 
   ___Think For Yourself
 Patrick G. Salsbury -
   Trying to figure out what to do with all that spent uranium? :-) Join the
  uranium-hot-rock mailing list! See
 Society doesn't work by enforcement. Society works by mutual respect.
  And mutual respect doesn't come without education.

Info-cvs mailing list

--- End of Forwarded Message

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: unsubscribe

2001-05-24 Thread Patrick Lynch

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: handling of MsWord-Documents in CVS ?

2001-05-18 Thread Patrick Lynch

Good morning,

I've been reading the traffic in regard to placing Word documents under
WinCvs and CVS and I'm getting concerned.

We've just started using WinCvs in order to place our source code under
version control.

I was able to checkin and checkout some Microsoft Word documents (Test
Plans, Design and Analysis docs...). These Word documents will not be
changed regularly and the changes should be minor. Our release schedule is
about 4 per year, so at most they will be changed 4 times a year...Our work
flow will be to check out, work the documents and check in. This will be a
'straight line' tree (that is, version 1.0, 1.1..., 2.0, 2.1...), no
branches and no merges for us...

Bottom line: with this 'scenario', will WinCvs support Microsoft Word
documents stored as 'binaries'?

Thank you,

-Original Message-
Eric Siegerman
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 2:50 PM
Subject: Re: handling of MsWord-Documents in CVS ?

On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 09:16:31AM -0400, Echlin, Michael wrote:
 The problem with binaries (and word files are binaries [...])
 6: hack cvs so that it uuencodes and decodes binary files on checkin and

This wouldn't help at all (the deltas would still be huge), and
it would probably be dangerous (you still couldn't do a
meaningful merge, but CVS might try anyway, and end up corrupting
the file).

Better would be to hack CVS so that it uses xdelta
( as its
underlying storage format.  There was a thread here not too long
ago about the pros and cons of that.


|  | /\
|-_|/ Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea.
- RFC 1925 (quoting an unnamed source)

Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: synchronizing cvs repositories in realtime

2001-05-17 Thread Patrick Salsbury

On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 05:22:36PM +0200, Jan Dittberner wrote:
 is there a working solution for synchronizing two cvs repositories
 in realtime?
 I mean the following scenario:
 - 2 servers running cvs in pserver mode
 - a user commits his changes to one of them
 - the change is automagically commited to the other server
 - another user commits changes to the second server
 - these are also send to the first server
 if there's no such solution existing, can you give any hints how
 to do something like this.
 Jan Dittberner
 newtron AG

Hmm. I'm not sure that having two master sites is going to be
easy to sync, but there are programs like mirror for duplicating
machines, as well as rsync, which are quite powerful. 
If you could assure that the users on one repository only used
certain modules (they were master for those modules, and the other site
was master for different ones), you could always mirror the master
sub-directories to the slave repository. Otherwise, I'd probably just
dedicate one repository as the master, and mirror that as a backup. Why do
you need two different ones that both get committed to?

   ___Think For Yourself
 Patrick G. Salsbury -
  Interested in Airships? See
A long memory is the most subversive idea in America.

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: query tag

2001-05-14 Thread Patrick Lynch

Good afternoon,
I need to leave this list for a month or so...
Can you let me know what I have to do.
Thank you,

-Original Message-
Larry Jones
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 10:39 AM
To: Thornley, David
Subject: Re: query tag

Thornley, David writes:

  From: Zanabria, Moises [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Is possible to know who person created a tag??
 If you have history enabled and usable (I can't access the file here
 it's become too large) you could use cvs history with the proper

No, you can't -- history only records rtag commands, it doesn't record
tag commands.

-Larry Jones

I can do that!  It's a free country!  I've got my rights! -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

WinCVS and ssh - Here's how to configure it.

2001-04-24 Thread Patrick Salsbury

On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 12:32:05PM -, Jim Knoll wrote:
 I found your post about problems setting up WinCVS and ssh, and was 
 wondering if you found a solution.  I think I am having a similar problem 
 with WinCVS 1.2 on NT4 and cvs 1.11 on FreeBSD4.2.  I can connect without a 
 password from the dos command prompt, but when I try it from WinCVS I get a 
 warning that the server returned unrecognized response 'ok' and WinCVS 
 I would appreciate any help you can give me.
Yes, Jim. I did figure this out. Took a few weeks of head-banging,
but it works, and I was able to roll it out to a team of folks working on
both NT and Windows 2000 machines. I've been meaning to post to the list
with the URL, so I'll CC: them on this note.

Full instructions on how to configure the WinCVS program with SSH1 is here:

Peer review and corrections are most welcome.

   ___Think For Yourself
 Patrick G. Salsbury -
   Trying to figure out what to do with all that spent uranium? :-) Join the
  uranium-hot-rock mailing list! See
 Society doesn't work by enforcement. Society works by mutual respect.
  And mutual respect doesn't come without education.

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: CVS bashing?

2001-04-12 Thread Patrick Lynch

Good morning,

Hi, I'm a long time independent contractor and a 'newbie' to WinCvs and CVS.

I've used many version control systems including SCCS, PVCS, Source Safe and
a variety of Customer created systems. My last Customer, at the insistance
of their Development Staff, replaced Source Safe with CVS.

At a previous Customer site, I was charged with getting PVCS operational,
since 6 months of develoment work by 20 programmers was lost due to the non
use of any version control system. This proved to be a substantial effort
requiring extensive planning and coordination and I had to work under the
direction of a corporate PVCS Administrator.

My experience with CVS and WinCvs has been very favorable. I was able to get
both CVS and WinCvs up and running, after reading the Cederqvist Manual and
'Open Source Development with CVS' by Karl Fogel and the 'WinCvs 1.1 Users
Guide' by Don Harper.

We will use WinCvs, since we will use it to archive not only C++ and Java
source but also Testing Documents and Results and Marketing Requirements and
System Requirments documents. Consequently, in addition to Developers,
Managers and Marketers will also use the system...

We will be using WinCvs with pserver and this allows us to install WinCvs on
a local Wintel PC (where the various working directories will be kept) and
the CVS Repository on a File Server...


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 3:58 PM
Subject: RE: CVS bashing?

There are obviously some areas where CVS can be improved - no doubt.
But if you compare it to some other commercial SCM system that I'm
familiar with, e.g. ENVY that comes with IBM's Visual Age for Java or
PVCS, it is much, much superior. If ClearCase were free I'm pretty sure
that I would choose it over CVS, but it's anything buy free. The
Subversion project is interesting, but they will no doubt barrow a lot
from CVS, if not code, then at least design and functionality. The
bottom line is that you can do a lot, lot worse than CVS, even if you
choose a commercial tool. My two cents...


 -Original Message-
 From: gary.heuston [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 1:04 PM
 To: info-cvs
 Subject: CVS bashing?

 Someone brought up a site on another mailing list about CVS and its
 limitations and was citing this as a reason to not use
 CVS...what do you
 all think about this?  Some of this stuff I have personally witmessed
 (i.e. large binary file problem, no directory versioning)  but I'm
 curious as to others opinions...


 Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: WinCVS Setup!

2001-03-28 Thread Patrick Lynch

Good morning,
Does anyone know how to get connected to the WinCvs mailing list?
I tried connecting thru yahoo but just run into a stone wall.
I'd appreciate any help.
Have a good day,

-Original Message-
Andy Bradford
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 12:31 AM
To: Rob Helmer; Brian Sequeira; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: WinCVS Setup! 

Thus said Rob Helmer on Tue, 27 Mar 2001 16:17:58 PST: exists, I can even ping it..
 Looks like their web server is down at the moment :(

He might also try

[---[system uptime]]
 10:30pm  up 41 days, 22:33,  6 users,  load average: 1.10, 1.18, 1.14

Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

'newbie' here, having a problem with check-out

2001-03-23 Thread Patrick Lynch

Good morning,

'newbie' here, so be kind.

This is what I've done so far:

1.  installed CVS on my local machine and went thru the import, checkout,
commit drill...everything works well...
2.  again, running CVS from the command line, I was able to connect my local
machine to my file-server using pserver...again everything worked well...
3.  installed WinCvs on my local machine and everything, yet once again, ran
4.  used WinCvs on my local machine and connected to my file-server using
pserver...this is where I ran into a was:
4.1 imported from my local machine a directory c:/docs with 2
sub-directories each of which contained two binary (Word and Excel) files,
4.2 deleted c:/docs...
4.3 checked out docs from the repository...
4.4 committed the c:/docs directory...
4.5 at this point, everything is working fine...
4.6 tried to check out docs from the repository and got the msg: "...*PANIC*
adminstration files missing...",
4.7 this, according to the manual, indicates a bad CVS file...
4.8 I deleted the CVS files from the c:/docs directories and tried to check
out again -- no luck, get the same error msg.
4.9 However, I can check out each of the files individually.

I'd appreciate any help.


Info-cvs mailing list

How do I subscribe?

2001-03-22 Thread Patrick Lynch

newbie here, just looking to establish contact

2001-03-15 Thread Patrick Lynch

How does CVS concurrently manage binary edits?

2001-01-29 Thread Patrick Salsbury

On Mon, Jan 22, 2001 at 12:04:07AM -0500, Larry Jones wrote:
 David Wen writes:
  How could I make only one person could edit a file and lock others out?
  Currently it can let more than 2 developers to edit the same file at the
  same time.  How to overcome this problem?
 It's not a problem -- it's the key thing that differentiates CVS from
 other version control systems.  It's the *concurrent* versions system,
 not the one-developer-at-a-time versions system.
 -Larry Jones
I'm currently implementing a Repository which contains documents
and code among a team of developers, project managers, etc., and have run
into a snag where I'm not sure CVS is capable of doing what I want.
For the most part, I want CVS to merely act as a data repository
for our work, and some of the users are Windows users, and are storing
Microsoft's crappy binary formats (*.doc, *.ppt, *.mpp, etc.) within the
repository. I've set up cvswrappers to work around those files and store
them without munging, but the question has come up several times: What
happens if two people edit the same binary file concurrently? 
To my knowledge CVS won't be able to do a think about it, but
perhaps even more importantly, will it flag the overlap? Will it let a user
know that they have just tried to commit a binary file that was editied,
*and not lose data in either file*? 

Microsoft has some sort of version/history thing at least within
Word. Theoretically, the users can try a manual merge if they have both
binaries. My question is just whether CVS would notify them, or silently
crunch the data? (I suspect not, since it's so rigorous with text-based

And yes, I know that binary-format files are a stupid way to do
things. But I have to do this in stages, and just getting people to use
version-control is a nice step. Maybe we can move them into non-MS tools
later on. 

Still also haven't found an answer to the WinCVS/SSH bug I posted
about last week. Where can I go to talk to the WinCVS developer community? doesn't seem to be on the net anymore, and the stuff
on appears to focus on the server-side software. I
can't find links for the WinCVS stuff, other than just to download a

   ___Think For Yourself
 Patrick G. Salsbury -
  Contribute to the "Laws We'd Like To See" project:
 "Brainwash yourself, before someone nasty beats you to it."
-World Entertainment War

Info-cvs mailing list

gnome cvs ?

2001-01-28 Thread Patrick Amirian

anyone know if there is a gnome gui for cvs ? (that really works)


Info-cvs mailing list

please help, cvs problem

2001-01-24 Thread Patrick Amirian

Hi and thanks for reading,

I'm trying to set up a cvs repository,
this is how I'm doing it,

create the directory /home/patrick/cvsroot
then I do
cvs -d /home/patrick/cvsroot init

then I create my xinetd.conf file oh by the way I'm on RH 7.0

service cvspserver
   socket_type = stream
   protocol= tcp
   wait= no
   user= root
   passenv =
   server  = /usr/bin/cvs
   server_args = --allow-root=/home/pamirian/cvsroot pserver

and then I create a passwd file in /home/patrick/cvsroot/CVSROOT directory

when I do

cvs -d :pserver:patrick@matrix:/home/patrick/cvsroot login
it asks for the pass, I type the pass and it works great

when I do
cvs -d :pserver:patrick@matrix:/home/patrick/cvsroot import -m "first 
test" test patrick start
it also works but at first it gives me this message,

cvs server: cannot open /root/.cvsignore: Permission denied.

then when I do a
cvs -d :pserver:patrick@matrix:/home/patrick/cvsroot checkout test

it gives me,
cvs server: cannot open /root/.cvsignore : Permission denied
cvs [server aborted]: can't chdir (/root): Permission denied

how can I fix this ?

please don't point me at howtos, I already have 2 cvs books and few cvs 
related documents but they don't cover this errors...

thank you very much for you time, I really appreciate it.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: please help, cvs problem

2001-01-24 Thread Patrick Amirian

my fault, consider pamirian being patrick
there is no problem with my directories... I'm not sure but it seems to 
be some kind of a permission problem when it's trying to access the 
/root/.cvsignore file ... why root tho ? is it because cvs is running as 
root ?

Michael Peck wrote:

 You have the allow-root set to /home/pamarian, but did a cvs init on
 /home/patrick.  That's the problem.
 Patrick Amirian wrote:
 Hi and thanks for reading,
 I'm trying to set up a cvs repository,
 this is how I'm doing it,
 create the directory /home/patrick/cvsroot
 then I do
 cvs -d /home/patrick/cvsroot init
 then I create my xinetd.conf file oh by the way I'm on RH 7.0
 service cvspserver
socket_type = stream
protocol= tcp
wait= no
user= root
passenv =
server  = /usr/bin/cvs
server_args = --allow-root=/home/pamirian/cvsroot pserver
 and then I create a passwd file in /home/patrick/cvsroot/CVSROOT directory
 when I do
 cvs -d :pserver:patrick@matrix:/home/patrick/cvsroot login
 it asks for the pass, I type the pass and it works great
 when I do
 cvs -d :pserver:patrick@matrix:/home/patrick/cvsroot import -m "first
 test" test patrick start
 it also works but at first it gives me this message,
 cvs server: cannot open /root/.cvsignore: Permission denied.
 then when I do a
 cvs -d :pserver:patrick@matrix:/home/patrick/cvsroot checkout test
 it gives me,
 cvs server: cannot open /root/.cvsignore : Permission denied
 cvs [server aborted]: can't chdir (/root): Permission denied
 how can I fix this ?
 please don't point me at howtos, I already have 2 cvs books and few cvs
 related documents but they don't cover this errors...
 thank you very much for you time, I really appreciate it.
 Info-cvs mailing list
 Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Trying to use WinCVS SSH2

2001-01-18 Thread Patrick Salsbury

Still haven't heard any replies on this. Am I the only one using SSH and

On Mon, Jan 15, 2001 at 03:44:46PM -0800, Patrick Salsbury wrote:
 Hi, all. I'm brand new to the list, but have a couple of years of CVS under
 my belt. I'm trying to configure a WinCVS client (working) to connect to a
 Linux-based CVS server (working), over an SSH2 link. 
   I can do any sort of command-line SSH2 stuff to the server just
 fine, including even a 'cvs -v' to get version info from the remote server.
 But it completely hangs when I try to use WinCVS and it issues the "cvs
 server" command. 
   I've looked through the OpenAvenue FAQ. I've looked through the
 OpenAvenue forum. I've looked through the arvhive of *this* list on
 egroups, and found the following post that almost perfectly describes my
 current situation. What I haven't found is an answer, and there doesn't
 seem to have been one posted to Jim's note last June. 
   Also, egroups seems to "protect" email addresses, so I can't mail
 Jim directly to find out if he learned the solution. So... here I am on the
 list, and you all get a 2nd chance to answer this one! :-)
   A couple more notes: 
   SSH connectivity to the CVS server works perfectly from Linux
 client to Linux server. The only problem is in getting WinCVS to *not* hang
 on "cvs server" commands. 
   The Linux CVS server is v.10.0.6.
   The client I'm using is WinCVS v.1.0.6 on NT 4.0 (Yes, this is
 older, but Jim tried it (below) with v.1.1b13, and had the same problem. So
 either this is long-standing bug, or we're both configuring it
   I have various people on my team who can connect via Linux, but I
 also have some who only have Windows access, so I need this to work before
 we can proceed. 
   I'm using a licensed version of F-Secure SSH, and it seems to work
 with everything except "cvs server". 
   I have just spotted the "SFSetup" program from and am reading through the tutorials. I
 haven't had a chance to try this. Does anyone know if it gets around this
   I have already sorted out the public-key authentication, so I'm not
 prompted for passwords when issuing SSH/CVS commands from a command line.
 (This is different from Jim's posting, below.) I am still hanging at the
 same place, though.
   Is this simply a bug with WinCVS? Is there a fix?
   Thanks for any/all help you can provide!
  ___Think For Yourself
Patrick G. Salsbury -
  Autopilots for ground- and air-cars:
 "Encrypt! Encrypt! OK! All-One-Key-Steganography-Privacy!
  God's law prevents decryption above 1024 bytes - Exceptions? None!"
 PS - Here's Jim's post from last June. This is pretty much exactly what I'm
 using and seeing. Right down to the error messages if I abort the little
 DOS window that pops up trying to execute "cvs server". 
 (Snip snip)
 Date: Fri Jun 23, 2000 1:14am
 Subject: My version of woes with WinCVS - SSH
 I have seen several messages from people trying to get WinCVS and SSH
 working together. Many of them are problems using the password server
 (pserver) or just getting SSH to authenticate correctly.  Maybe someone can
 help me with my version of WinCVS - SSH woes.
 I can connect from my NT 4.0 machine to a Unix system running Solaris 2.7
 using ssh2. The authentication challenge is received and passed.  Things
 run just fine.
 If I execute "cvs -d repository-directory status" directly via ssh2 the
 challenge is met, passed and cvs displays status information. So I can make
 connections via ssh2, find my repository, and run cvs on the remote Unix
 On the NT box when I use either the command line version of CVS or work
 through WinCVS, I set CVS_RSH to ssh2 and CVSROOT to
 The authentication challenge is received (with WinCVS it is in a popped up
 DOS window) and I can enter my secure phrase. At this point everything
 stops cold. If I login to the remote Unix system I see a 'cvs server'
 process running just fine. The local client is probably waiting for a
 response from the remote server. The two are just not talking to each
 other. I've turned on whatever verbose output I could find and that did not
 tell me much more.
 On the local NT side I'm using F-Secure SSH client v4.0 in Trial mode and
 WinCVS 1.1b13. On the remote Unix side I believe it is F-Secure's SSH code
 and CVS 1.10.
 Any assistance is greatly appreciate. I've banged my head against this one
 for awhile n

How to see what files have changed in a branch

2000-11-10 Thread Patrick Vacanti

We are currently developing off a branch and were planning to send out a
full build when we were complete.  But, management now wants to make it a
service pack.  Is there a CVS command, utility or process that can tell me
what files have changed in the branch vs. which ones have been untouched and
are the same as the ones in the trunk?  Thanks.

Patrick L. Vacanti
Development Environment Manager
(415) 913-5090

Info-cvs mailing list


2000-09-15 Thread Breithaupt, Patrick
Title: unsubscribe


getting Too many open files

2000-09-08 Thread Breithaupt, Patrick
Title: getting Too many open files

I'm trying to perform a checkout into a clean directory
from a cvs repository in California to a system here in Alabama.
Early in the morning for California, 9 am here, I am able to perform
checkouts or updates. 

After lunch here, it fails.

my command is like this:

cvs checkout -r rel_sept_8 abc

cvs [server aborted]: could not get working directory: Too many open files

Is this a function of the number of people communicating with the 
repository, or is it a function of network bandwidth, or something else?


Patrick L Breithaupt
 SDD Division
 Mentor Graphics


RE: getting Too many open files

2000-09-08 Thread Breithaupt, Patrick
Title: RE: getting Too many open files

This apears to be related to an invalid tag name
The error message might not be pointing me in the right direction,
but it appears that using the 'correct' tag name does work
MUCH better ;-)


-Original Message-
From: Breithaupt, Patrick 

cvs checkout -r rel_sept_8 abc
cvs [server aborted]: could not get working directory: Too many open files


Patrick L Breithaupt
 SDD Division
 Mentor Graphics


WinCVS login problem

2000-07-06 Thread Patrick Marion


I have installed WinCVS 1.0.6 on a Dell Dimension XPS T500  NT-Server 
SP6 (4.00.1381) with IE 5 5.00.2014.0216.  

I went to CVS Admin-Preference-General tab and updated the CVSROOT 
field with ":pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/MYCVSRep" and the 
Authentication field with ""passwd" file on the cvs server" (the "use 
version" field was set to "Uce cvs 1.10").

CVS Admin - Login,... gives me an authentication error:

cvs [login aborted]: authorization failed: server rejected access

If I go to the wincvs installation directory, and execute the local 
cvs executable whether with the -d option or by setting the CVSROOT 
environment variable with the same string as provided in the wincvs 
preference CVSROOT field, I can connect just fine.

What am I missing here?

Thanks for any help/pointers you can provide.


CVS client on Windows platform

2000-06-08 Thread patrick

My CVS server is in UNIX platform.  I am looking for a CVS client on 
Windows platform.  I have checked out some CVS useful sites (e.g.  Eventually, I find a suitable CVS client (i.e. 
wincvs).   However, I can't make it connecting to the CVS server.  As 
the documentation mentions that I can use SSH command and .rhost file 
to connect CVS server.  But as I know that, this method is used in 
UNIX-UNIX machine connection.  Please if anybody can teach me in 
details how to connect my CVS server by using WinCVS in my PC.  
Besides of WinCVS, is there any good CVS client software running in 
PC Windows environment ?

Compressed CVS Repositories?

2000-05-31 Thread Patrick K Notz


I've installed and am happily using CVS on my user account here at
school.  The problem is that we're allowed only a limited amount of
storage so I have to refrain from using CVS in some situations
(projects with images, binary files, etc.).

So, my question is: Is it possible for CVS to keep all repository
files in a compressed format?  Ideally, the compression would be the
final step in committing and the first in retrieving revisions so
that, for example, diffs would operate on the actual file and not the
compressed file.

Moreover, it would be nice if there were a way to do this so that a
user could write their own scripts to (un)process the RCS files rather
than to build compression into CVS.  That way a person could do things
like, say, encrypt the RCS files to make an even more secure

Any thoughts on how to do this?

Thanks ~ pat