Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-02-07 Thread Sergei Organov
Greg A. Woods [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [ On Wednesday, February 2, 2005 at 15:33:28 (-0800), Mark D. Baushke wrote: ]
  Subject: Re: CVS diff and unknown files. 
  Greg A. Woods [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Yes -- we are in almost full agreement, but it cannot use '-n'.  (no
   commitinfo scripts are run with '-n' and I don't think they should be or
   ever need to be)
  I believe this statement does not reflect the current state of cvs. 
 You're right of course.  cvs -n commit does contact the server (as it
 should of course) and it does run any commitinfo scripts.  I was no
 doubt confusing commit with add when I made that claim.
 But this just makes it even easier to answer Paul's idea for a server
 based technical control over file naming.  He simply needs to write a
 commitinfo script that checks new names against his file naming policies
 and then instruct his users to cvs -n commit newfile whenever they
 want to check their new filenames against the server's policies.  They
 don't have to commit empty files and they don't have to 
 In fact his new customized CVS client could even combine these
 operations, and any wrapper/front-end program could trivially do so as

Greg, I tried hard indeed to explain exactly this to Paul. It's
hopeless. He doesn't buy the idea, -- he just can't forget his favorite
add-time triggers.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-02-05 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On Wednesday, February 2, 2005 at 12:08:54 (-0800), Paul Sander wrote: ]
 Subject: Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

 So while you believe that add-time hooks are folly, there's another 
 half of the community that thinks they're very useful.  Sergei, in the 
 SCM world, there are many issues in which half of the community thinks 
 one way, the other half thinks the opposite.

Note that _I_ don't really have a set opinion either way w.r.t. whether
it's a good thing to be able to enforce policies on new files.

I just know that cvs add is not ever going to be the right place to
implement technical controls for such policies.

Greg A. Woods

H:+1 416 218-0098  W:+1 416 489-5852 x122  VE3TCP  RoboHack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL 

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-02-05 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On Wednesday, February 2, 2005 at 15:33:28 (-0800), Mark D. Baushke wrote: ]
 Subject: Re: CVS diff and unknown files. 

 Greg A. Woods [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Yes -- we are in almost full agreement, but it cannot use '-n'.  (no
  commitinfo scripts are run with '-n' and I don't think they should be or
  ever need to be)
 I believe this statement does not reflect the current state of cvs. 

You're right of course.  cvs -n commit does contact the server (as it
should of course) and it does run any commitinfo scripts.  I was no
doubt confusing commit with add when I made that claim.

But this just makes it even easier to answer Paul's idea for a server
based technical control over file naming.  He simply needs to write a
commitinfo script that checks new names against his file naming policies
and then instruct his users to cvs -n commit newfile whenever they
want to check their new filenames against the server's policies.  They
don't have to commit empty files and they don't have to 

In fact his new customized CVS client could even combine these
operations, and any wrapper/front-end program could trivially do so as

 In addition, the current 'cvs' requires that you actually contact the
 server to cause a new directory to be added.

Well, yes, but that's clearly a bug -- ans something that we have all
wanted to fix for a very very VERY long time now.

It is a bug that should have been fixed when the client and server parts
of CVS were first separated.

There never was any fundamental requirement for creating a new empty
directory in the repository -- it was the way it was done internally
before CVS was ever split into client and server, it's still just a
cheap, poor, hack that only slightly simplifies one minor aspect of the
internal implementation.  I think use of a simple stack structure would
easily avoid this nasty hack, though fixing the code while the code
still implements the stand-alone unified non-C/S variant would still be
a bit complicated, but it wouldn't be hard to re-implement the non-C/S
variant as a client and server that communicate through a pair of local
pipes (that might even allow for clean-up of a lot of code!).

Another reason it's a bug is that most people I know (myself included :-)
feel that making any change to the repository that doesn't go through
cvs commit is just plain wrong, never mind that cvs add can also be
used as a kind of denial-of-service attack against one's colleagues,
and even when SSH is used the normal auditing trail for making changes
to the repository is not followed and no record is even made in the
history file (if one is being used), so significant forensic work would
be needed to identify the culprit, especially on a busy server.

In fact these reasons were all part of the impetus behind my re-design
of cvs add in the first place.  (along with the desire to replace cvs
import once and for all as the way to create a new non-vendor module
from an existing set of project files, and of course with the goal of
making cvs add a true and complete match for cvs rm in its design)

Greg A. Woods

H:+1 416 218-0098  W:+1 416 489-5852 x122  VE3TCP  RoboHack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL 

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-02-02 Thread Paul Sander
On Feb 1, 2005, at 8:16 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
On Jan 31, 2005, at 9:30 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
That's not to say that we will *always* know at add time that the
commit will fail; failures can occur due to problems in their 
which are clearly not ready to check at add time.
Well, if I understand correctly, your intentionally want to have 
checks at add-time than at commit-time. Instead, you can do it in the
commit-time trigger by skipping some of the tests if the file in
question is new one.
Oh, so what you're saying is that rather than making CVS differentiate
between the two sets of triggers, you want the commitinfo script to do
it instead. I suppose that's doable.
Exactly! I took too much time to explain this. Should be either my or
your fault (or both).
But I'll counter with this: Why not combine commitinfo, loginfo, and
taginfo the same way? My argument is that add-time triggers differ
from commitinfo triggers in the same way that commitinfo triggers
differ from those others: They run at different times for different
All the triggers you've mentioned have no common tasks to do. On the
other hand, add-time checks you have in mind are subset of commit-time
checks you have in mind. The subset is easily achieved by bypassing 
of checks.
Okay so you understand why it's a bad idea to overload too much 
functionality.  I argue that combining add-time and commit-time 
triggers is also overloading things too much.  There's the established 
commit-time feature that is being modified so that it now runs twice 
rather than once.  If this were indeed done, then thousands of existing 
CVS admins are inconvenienced because they must rewrite their existing 
commitinfo triggers to bypass their current operation at add-time, and 
plus both the CVS authors and the administrators must work through a 
change of interface in an existing feature.

If you examine the implementation, you'd realize that CVS implements 
its trigger support pretty much in a generic fashion, basically 
invoking a function call with different parameters depending on the 
trigger.  So there's really no invention going on when adding a new 
trigger.  And it turns out that overloading an existing one is 
demonstrably harmful.

I would have no objection to add-time-script if there were a separate
server operation called add-file-to-the-working-copy, or
check-if-file-name-is-ok-for-repository, but AFAIK there is currently
no such operations. I consider inventing new server operation just to
implement some policy that you have in mind and that could be
implemented using existing functionality anyway to be an overkill,
If you go back and read Mark's postings, he mentions that my proposal 
requires no changes to the client/server protocol, so it's really not 
inventing a new server operation in a very real sense.  It changes the 
behavior of the server, but if at add-time you invoke the option to 
avoid contacting the server, then why do you care?

You need to get out of the server. The server's not the one we're
trying to make happy here. It's the user that matters, and the tools
must bend to the users, not the other way around.
From an implementation standpoint, there's no difference between the
triggers, other than the conditions in which they fire and the files
in which they're configured. Thus the argument you make in the above
paragraph simply makes no sense.
It's you who needs to get out of the server, not me. You propose server
changes, not me. If the functionality has nothing to do with the 
then get out of the server indeed.
Yes, you do propose server changes:  You propose invoking an existing 
trigger in a second place.  I argue that implementing a second one 
performs the same function that you propose, but in a cleaner way that 
preserves existing practice.

If I do in fact understand you to be recommending that commitinfo be
used at add time, then I must disagree. Triggers used at commit time
to check the content of files (like Greg's RCS Id trigger, for
example) are not appropriate to use at add time. Things like 
that the user has the right to add a file, or checking that the name
of the file complies with policy, are legitimate to check at add 
They can also be checked at commit time, and the current proposal 
that because the add-time triggers are optional.
So the only thing you need to know in the commitinfo is what user is
trying to do and decide what checks are required based on this
information. If commitinfo currently doesn't have all the required
information, maybe it's better to fix it instead of inventing yet
another hack in the form of add-time triggers?
What you're really proposing is an alternative implementation for 
triggers. Think about it.
It's how it looks from your point of view. From my point of view I
propose alternative implementation of the functionality you need 
inventing anything new, 

Re: Triggers (was Re: CVS diff and unknown files.)

2005-02-02 Thread Paul Sander
On Feb 1, 2005, at 12:03 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[ On Saturday, January 29, 2005 at 15:22:34 (-0800), Paul Sander 
wrote: ]
Subject: Re: Triggers (was Re: CVS diff and unknown files.)

You don't seem to understand the fact that cvs add and cvs rm are
supposed to be exactly the same as vi or any other file modification
tool (except they operate on the whole file and all its content at 
What I understand is that they are that way, and that they have always 
been that way.  I might even accept the argument that they're supposed 
to be that way.  What I will not accept is that they *must* be that 
way, and I argue that there is value if they are changed.

You don't seem to understand that your insanely powerful drive to have
policy controls over everything is quite contrary to the very design
goals of CVS overall.
I do not have an insanely powerful drive to have policy controls over 
everything.  I have strong desire to have some control over things that 
meet one of these two criteria:
- By consensus, they offer significant advantage in time and expense.
- They are demonstrably harmful, i.e. have been used to cause 
significant harm in the past.

CVS is _NOT_ a complete SCM solution and it's not supposed to try to be
one either.
Adding triggers won't make it a complete SCM solution.  But they would 
make it easier to integrate it with other tools to create one.  That is 
what I'm after.

Wrappers are enablers, not enforcers.  By their nature, they cannot be
Yes, they can be.  You need to think a little more outside the box
you've built around your ideas.
Okay suggest a way to do it that's easier than adding a trigger to CVS.
Triggers, on the other hand, are enforcers.
Actually that's one thing they cannot be -- at least not at any hard
technical controls level.  CVS is not a security tool.
I'm not asking CVS to be a security tool.  I'm asking for more places 
for it to say no when users attempt things that are not permitted by 
the project.

CVS is not about enforcing policy.  CVS is not a complete SCM solution.
Obviously not, that's why we're having this argument.
CVS is a very simple file versioning tool that is designed to keep as
much out of the way of the user as is possible and only do exactly what
the user wants, and to do it only when the user wants it done, and to
only try to do a very select set of operations on a very select set of
object types.  NOTHING more.
Fine.  Give me the hooks I need and I'll make it into what I need it to 

Tell me something.  If this were true, why does your commitinfo check
for valid RCS ID's?  Why don't you periodically run a script to check
your sources for them?
Because it's easier and infinitely more efficient to have CVS run that
script exactly once when it's needed on exactly the files it needs to
run it on and never any other time and never on any other files.
Yep, that's what I want, too.  I just have different actions that I 
want to perform.

Here's another horror story.  On another project, we're using a 
control system that has a command that does what cvs rm does, but
with an instant commit.  It also has an option to perform a recursive
Why is that a horror story?  The whole point of versioning systems is
that you can undo your changes.  After all you didn't say that the
command did what rm -rf /* does when root runs it -- i.e. it didn't
make a permanent, irreversible, change that affected everyone.
True, but it did make a temporary, reversible change that affected 
everyone.  And it took hundreds of man-hours to recover.  TWICE!!!  
This is not acceptable.

 The CM guy for that
project was concerned about such capability in the hands of the end
users, and raised the issue with management about whether or not to
make it an admin function.
Than he is, or was at that time, a paranoid idiot who doesn't, or
didn't, understand the tools and their utility.
It took them a day to
restore visibility of all of the files, and a week to redo the
legitimate deletions that had accumulated.
Clearly that tool wasn't very well designed and implemented to do even
the very most basic job of change management.
Really?  In CVS, the corresponding actions are to run cvs add on 
every file found in the attic, review the tree, and run cvs rm for 
the files that had been legitimately removed prior to the hiccup.  Had 
we used CVS, we would have been in exactly the same boat.  If we'd had 
the ability to limit the effect of the removal command, we could have 
either forced the user to rethink what they were doing or at least 
reduce the amount of work required for recovery.  That would have been 

There are many ways we could have limited the effects of the removal 
that would have not gotten in the user's way, at least to a lesser 
degree than the amount of work required to recover.  We could have:
- Disabled the recursive descent option for end users (i.e. have an 
admin do it).
- Limited the depth of the removal.
- Limited

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-02-02 Thread Sergei Organov
Greg A. Woods [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 [ On , January 31, 2005 at 20:30:21 (+0300), Sergei Organov wrote: ]
  Subject: Re: CVS diff and unknown files.
  Don't you wish to even try to understand the suggestion? The suggestion
  is: invoke *the same triggers* both at 'cvs add' and 'cvs commit' time,
  -- there is no need for separate triggers.
 No, using the same scripting hook at both add and commit times would be
 bad, VERY bad.

Sure. But I didn't in fact suggest it. I in fact argue in favor of
absence of add-time hooks on the server at all. Let me try to explain,
as the exact meaning of the suggestion has been somehow lost in the
endless discussion with Paul.

What do we exactly mean by add-time here? The time when cvs add
client command is invoked, or the time when new file is to be committed
to the repository using cvs commit?

If the latter, that is not the topic of this discussion.

If the former, then server should not care/know about cvs add at all,
so there is no such thing as add-to-working-copy time from the point
of view of server, so there could be no server hooks invoked at this
non-existing time, so these non-existing hooks can be neither the same
nor different from commit-time hooks. In other words, I believe there
should be no cvs add server command at all.

What I actually meant in the phrase you've taken out of contents and
commented against is: iff somebody decides he needs to perform some
checks on the server whenever user adds files to his working copy, he
can arrange to invoke cvs -n commit after every cvs add (or as
[optional] part of cvs add). This effectively makes *virtual*
add-time hooks equal to commit-time hooks without any server-side
add-time hooks.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-02-02 Thread Paul Sander
On Feb 2, 2005, at 5:02 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Greg A. Woods [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
[ On , January 31, 2005 at 20:30:21 (+0300), Sergei Organov wrote: ]
Subject: Re: CVS diff and unknown files.
Don't you wish to even try to understand the suggestion? The 
is: invoke *the same triggers* both at 'cvs add' and 'cvs commit' 
-- there is no need for separate triggers.
No, using the same scripting hook at both add and commit times would 
bad, VERY bad.
Sure. But I didn't in fact suggest it. I in fact argue in favor of
absence of add-time hooks on the server at all. Let me try to explain,
as the exact meaning of the suggestion has been somehow lost in the
endless discussion with Paul.
What do we exactly mean by add-time here? The time when cvs add
client command is invoked, or the time when new file is to be committed
to the repository using cvs commit?
I think we agree that add-time is the moment that the user invokes the 
cvs add command.

If the latter, that is not the topic of this discussion.
If the former, then server should not care/know about cvs add at all,
so there is no such thing as add-to-working-copy time from the point
of view of server, so there could be no server hooks invoked at this
non-existing time, so these non-existing hooks can be neither the same
nor different from commit-time hooks. In other words, I believe there
should be no cvs add server command at all.
My argument has always been that, for certain policies that do not 
involve evaluating the content of a file (like enforcement of naming 
conventions) that there is value to having an add-time check.  The 
reason for this is that if certain classes of early actions are 
botched, it's better to find out sooner than later, because doing so 
can save the user from a lot of lost work.

So while you believe that add-time hooks are folly, there's another 
half of the community that thinks they're very useful.  Sergei, in the 
SCM world, there are many issues in which half of the community thinks 
one way, the other half thinks the opposite.  This is apparently one of 
those issues, at least with CVS.  There is no winning the argument on 
either side.  All that can be done is to build a solution that 
satisfies one side without inconveniencing the other side too much.

I believe that my proposal does exactly that.  To recap:
- Create an add-time trigger mechanism that
  - Has an interface identical to the existing *info files
  - Registers the add-time triggers in a new file, perhaps named 
- On the client side and selected by the user, perform one of the 
following actions when the user invokes the cvs add command
  - Record the new file in the Entries file without contacting the 
  - Contact the server to run the addinfo trigger, recording the new 
file in the Entries file if the trigger complete successfully
- Run the addinfo trigger prior to any commitinfo trigger when the user 
invokes the cvs commit command

The reasons I believe this proposal satisfies all requirements are:
- Using addinfo triggers is a decision of individual projects.
- Users are not required to change their working habits.
- Users and projects that need add-time triggers get them.
- For CVS administrators, this is fully backward compatible.
- For CVS users, a new option to cvs add appears which either:
  - contacts the server by default but is defeated forever in one 
action or on the command line
  - does not contact the server by default but is enabled forever in 
one action or on the command line

In other words, it has zero impact on those who don't want or need it, 
but it's available to those who do.

What I actually meant in the phrase you've taken out of contents and
commented against is: iff somebody decides he needs to perform some
checks on the server whenever user adds files to his working copy, he
can arrange to invoke cvs -n commit after every cvs add (or as
[optional] part of cvs add). This effectively makes *virtual*
add-time hooks equal to commit-time hooks without any server-side
add-time hooks.
The problem is that if you reuse the commit-time hooks in this way, you 
are overloading that capability in a way that I (and apparently Greg) 
believe is not appropriate.

Paul Sander   | Lets stick to the new mistakes and get rid of the 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | ones -- William Brown

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-02-02 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On Wednesday, February 2, 2005 at 01:58:31 (-0800), Paul Sander wrote: ]
 Subject: Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

 I argue that combining add-time and commit-time 
 triggers is also overloading things too much.

You don't seem to understand yet that an add or rm is NO different
than any other change.  Please refer to my reply to Sergei and try to
learn this simple fact.

 Because in my experience, users don't heed warnings.  Whenever I need 
 to get their attention, I need to hit them over head with a failure.  

Exactly.  People learn (best) from their mistakes.

Greg A. Woods

H:+1 416 218-0098  W:+1 416 489-5852 x122  VE3TCP  RoboHack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL 

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-02-02 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On , February 2, 2005 at 16:02:12 (+0300), Sergei Organov wrote: ]
 Subject: Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

 What do we exactly mean by add-time here? The time when cvs add
 client command is invoked, or the time when new file is to be committed
 to the repository using cvs commit?

I've always meant the former -- i.e. add-time == 'cvs add' invocation.

To me the latter is a non-existant, and completely bogus, concept that's
best squashed and never thought of again.

 If the former, then server should not care/know about cvs add at all,
 so there is no such thing as add-to-working-copy time from the point
 of view of server, so there could be no server hooks invoked at this
 non-existing time, so these non-existing hooks can be neither the same
 nor different from commit-time hooks. In other words, I believe there
 should be no cvs add server command at all.

Hurray!  Yes, exactly!  cvs add (and cvs rm) are no different than
using vi or emacs, etc. to change files in the working directory.
The only difference being that the user needs to do something special to
record the presence of a to-be-managed (or or lack of presence of a
formerly managed) file in the working directory's CVS administrative
state files since normal local filesystem operations do not, and cannot,
be noticed after-the-fact by CVS.

 What I actually meant in the phrase you've taken out of contents and
 commented against is: iff somebody decides he needs to perform some
 checks on the server whenever user adds files to his working copy, he
 can arrange to invoke cvs -n commit after every cvs add (or as
 [optional] part of cvs add). This effectively makes *virtual*
 add-time hooks equal to commit-time hooks without any server-side
 add-time hooks.

Yes -- we are in almost full agreement, but it cannot use '-n'.  (no
commitinfo scripts are run with '-n' and I don't think they should be or
ever need to be)

Also it's best not to ever even use the phrase add-time hooks, virtual
or otherwise.  A commit of an added file is no different than any other
commit except that the file whole content now appears, not just some
changes to the file (or alternately every line of an empty file is
changed and replaced with all the lines of the new file).  It's
literally equivalent to diff /dev/null newfile.c.

Commitinfo scripting hooks can (or at least they should be able to)
check to see if the whole file is appearing, or there are just changes
to an existing file, and one or more of those scripts can make decisions
based on any criteria available about the new file at commit time.

A commit of a new file is just a change of all the lines in the file.

One could even consider, logically speaking, that the file was dead (and
effectively in the Attic) and now it's being resurrected.  In fact
that's _exactly_ what happens when a file is removed  committed, and
then added and committed again.

Greg A. Woods

H:+1 416 218-0098  W:+1 416 489-5852 x122  VE3TCP  RoboHack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL 

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-02-02 Thread Mark D. Baushke
Hash: SHA1

Greg A. Woods [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Yes -- we are in almost full agreement, but it cannot use '-n'.  (no
 commitinfo scripts are run with '-n' and I don't think they should be or
 ever need to be)

I believe this statement does not reflect the current state of cvs. 
(I may have missed something where you wanted to change the existing
behavior and are using that as the basis for your statement.)

The commitinfo triggers are run even when the -n switch is used. Try it
for yourself with a stock version of cvs 1.11.x or cvs 1.12.x.

  cvs -d `uname -n`:/tmp/my-repos init
  cvs -d `uname -n`:/tmp/my-repos co CVSROOT
  echo 'DEFAULT echo commitinfo trigger running:'  commitinfo
  cvs commit -m new-default commitinfo
  touch foo
  cvs add foo
  cvs -n ci -madd-foo foo

You should get the output:

  commitinfo trigger running: /tmp/my-repos/CVSROOT foo

In addition, the current 'cvs' requires that you actually contact the
server to cause a new directory to be added. If I just do a simulated
call that modifies a 'mkdir newdir  cvs add newdir' to these steps:

  mkdir newdir newdir/CVS
  echo 'D/newdir'  CVS/Entries
  cp CVS/Root newdir/CVS/Root
  echo `cat CVS/Repository`/newdir  newdir/CVS/Repository
  touch newdir/CVS/Entries

then subsequent 'cvs update' operations will have problems such as this:

  % cvs up
  cvs update: Updating .
  A foo
  cvs update: Updating newdir
  cvs update: cannot open directory /tmp/my-repos/CVSROOT/newdir: No such file 
or directory
  cvs update: skipping directory newdir

which will require that 'newdir' be created via a 'cvs add' conversation
with the server eventually.

As a reminder, no matter how much folks believe things should be different:
  - currently the 'cvs add' command talks to the server

  - on the occasion of a 'directory' being added, the directory is
created in the repository if a lock may be created and valid
permissions exist to create it. Next, the loginfo trigger is run.

Any changes to cvs to alter the behavior of 'cvs add' should allow for
new clients to talk to old servers and for old clients to talk to new
servers in addition to new clients talking with new servers.

-- Mark
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (FreeBSD)


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-02-01 Thread Sergei Organov
Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Jan 30, 2005, at 2:18 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Todd Denniston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Sergei Organov wrote:
  Todd Denniston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  If cvs -n commit runs the triggers to do your check(see my
  question above), I have another question: in a remote server setup
  (i.e., :pserver:, :ext:) which test was failed, the add or the
  normal commit?
  With my approach there is no add-to-working-copy-time triggers,
  adding of a new file is normal commit (the commit time trigger
  should have a way to check if the file is already in the repository
  or not). So your question reduces to the following: how client
  knows what exactly failed? and the answer is through appropriate
  error message, as usual.
  Please notice that with separate add-to-working-copy-time triggers the
  situation at commit time is exactly the same as those triggers must be
  run at commit time anyway. What's an answer to your question in this
  There is a certain amount beauty in the simplicity in keeping the status
  quo, which works. :)
  Unfortunately, it doesn't work, sorry -- that's why I've initiated this
  thread in the first place.
 Huh? You know what status quo means, right? It means the way things

Sure. And the way things are aka status quo doesn't work for me, --
that's the problem.

 You seem to be arguing both ways.

I don't think so. I even can't guess what are these ways you have in your

 Would you post a message stating your point of view, completely,
 please? Thanks!

I need a way to generate 'cvs diff' against read-only repository. To
achieve this it's enough to fix 'cvs add' so that it either doesn't
contact the repository at all, or just doesn't require write permission
to the repository to succeed.

As a response to the question, I've got a reference to the discussion
about new 'cvs add' implementation, where you, Paul, argue in favor of
new implementation of 'cvs add' to contact the repository to run some
new scripts you called add-time triggers. I then tried to tell that I'm
yet another person here who is against such a thing and tried to suggest
another way of achieving your actual goal, -- checking something against
repository at add-to-working-copy time using existing commit-time


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-02-01 Thread Paul Sander
On Feb 1, 2005, at 2:51 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Would you post a message stating your point of view, completely,
please? Thanks!
I need a way to generate 'cvs diff' against read-only repository. To
achieve this it's enough to fix 'cvs add' so that it either doesn't
contact the repository at all, or just doesn't require write permission
to the repository to succeed.
As a response to the question, I've got a reference to the discussion
about new 'cvs add' implementation, where you, Paul, argue in favor of
new implementation of 'cvs add' to contact the repository to run some
new scripts you called add-time triggers. I then tried to tell that I'm
yet another person here who is against such a thing and tried to 
another way of achieving your actual goal, -- checking something 
repository at add-to-working-copy time using existing commit-time
There are two proposals on the table.  The first is Greg Woods' 
proposal to make cvs add be a purely local operation.  The second is 
mine, which implements add-time triggers that require calling the 
server but in a way that the user can opt out of them when invoking 
cvs add.

Does that meet your need?
Paul Sander   | Lets stick to the new mistakes and get rid of the 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | ones -- William Brown

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-02-01 Thread Sergei Organov
Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Feb 1, 2005, at 2:51 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Would you post a message stating your point of view, completely,
  please? Thanks!
  I need a way to generate 'cvs diff' against read-only repository. To
  achieve this it's enough to fix 'cvs add' so that it either doesn't
  contact the repository at all, or just doesn't require write permission
  to the repository to succeed.
  As a response to the question, I've got a reference to the discussion
  about new 'cvs add' implementation, where you, Paul, argue in favor of
  new implementation of 'cvs add' to contact the repository to run some
  new scripts you called add-time triggers. I then tried to tell that I'm
  yet another person here who is against such a thing and tried to suggest
  another way of achieving your actual goal, -- checking something against
  repository at add-to-working-copy time using existing commit-time
 There are two proposals on the table. The first is Greg Woods'
 proposal to make cvs add be a purely local operation. The second is
 mine, which implements add-time triggers that require calling the
 server but in a way that the user can opt out of them when invoking
 cvs add.

 Does that meet your need?

I like Greg's proposal and explicitly stated it first time I touched
this issue after reading relevant thread I've been pointed at.

I don't like your proposal and explicitly stated it first time I touched
the issue. Though your proposal is in fact orthogonal to my original
concern with 'cvs diff' and thus I don't care that much about it.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-02-01 Thread Sergei Organov
Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Jan 31, 2005, at 9:30 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Don't you wish to even try to understand the suggestion? The suggestion
  is: invoke *the same triggers* both at 'cvs add' and 'cvs commit' time,
  -- there is no need for separate triggers.
 I understand it perfectly. What you don't seem to understand is that
 the set of possible actions taken at add time is different from those
 actions taken at commit time.

Triggers and actions taken aren't the same thing. I fail to see why the
same trigger can't take different actions.

 These two sets cannot simply be combined and run at both times.

You already said that add-time checks is subset of commit-time checks.
Just bypass some tests if the triggers are invoked at add-time.

  That's not to say that we will *always* know at add time that the
  commit will fail; failures can occur due to problems in their content
  which are clearly not ready to check at add time.
  Well, if I understand correctly, your intentionally want to have weaker
  checks at add-time than at commit-time. Instead, you can do it in the
  commit-time trigger by skipping some of the tests if the file in
  question is new one.
 Oh, so what you're saying is that rather than making CVS differentiate
 between the two sets of triggers, you want the commitinfo script to do
 it instead. I suppose that's doable.

Exactly! I took too much time to explain this. Should be either my or
your fault (or both).

 But I'll counter with this: Why not combine commitinfo, loginfo, and
 taginfo the same way? My argument is that add-time triggers differ
 from commitinfo triggers in the same way that commitinfo triggers
 differ from those others: They run at different times for different

All the triggers you've mentioned have no common tasks to do. On the
other hand, add-time checks you have in mind are subset of commit-time
checks you have in mind. The subset is easily achieved by bypassing some
of checks.

I would have no objection to add-time-script if there were a separate
server operation called add-file-to-the-working-copy, or
check-if-file-name-is-ok-for-repository, but AFAIK there is currently
no such operations. I consider inventing new server operation just to
implement some policy that you have in mind and that could be
implemented using existing functionality anyway to be an overkill,

  What's new is that we can cause cvs add to fail under certain
  conditions that we know in advance will cause commitinfo to refuse a
  file. To make sure that the condition is checked, we do it a second
  time before commitinfo, because some users insist on defeating it the
  first time.
  What functionality is lacking? cvs -n ci allows you to do it. All you
  require is cvs add to *enforce* the checks. I have two levels of
  objection here:
  1. Enforcement by cvs add of the checks doesn't require introduction
 of separate add triggers as usual commit triggers could do the
 job as well.
  My argument is that it does not in fact do the job as well. I've
  given a number of reasons why in earlier messages.
  No, you didn't. Or at least I somehow missed them. The fact that
  currently CVS doesn't invoke any triggers at add-time has nothing to do
  with my objection. The question is what is so different about add-time
  triggers from the point of view of *server* so that it's not enough to
  just invoke commit-time scripts at the add-time?
 You need to get out of the server. The server's not the one we're
 trying to make happy here. It's the user that matters, and the tools
 must bend to the users, not the other way around.
 From an implementation standpoint, there's no difference between the
 triggers, other than the conditions in which they fire and the files
 in which they're configured. Thus the argument you make in the above
 paragraph simply makes no sense.

It's you who needs to get out of the server, not me. You propose server
changes, not me. If the functionality has nothing to do with the server,
then get out of the server indeed.

 Triggers certainly don't have full control over the user's workspace.
 But they can decide what interactions with the server are acceptable
 to the server's admin. That is why they're good as enforcers.

That's why they are good as enforcers of things that happen on the
server. They (fortunately) have absolutely no control over the
user's workspace.

 Wrappers don't have that capability, because they have no way to be
 final authority to decide what is acceptable to the server.

Yes, wrappers don't have that capability, enforcing things on the
server, but unlike server-side triggers, they do have capabilities (to
the level your favorite OS allows you) over the user workspace.

CVS client commands are in fact just wrappers above the CVS
client/server protocol. If you believe wrappers don't have policy
enforcement capabilities, then your attempts to implement this
capability in CVS 

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-02-01 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On Saturday, January 29, 2005 at 13:09:59 (-0800), Paul Sander wrote: ]
 Subject: Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

 But think about what's really going on.

You need to try harder to follow your own advice.

 the work will be refused anyway, why would you possibly want to 
 deliberately proceed toward a dead end?  If you really, really want to 
 go that route, the add-time test is optional anyway.

Sometimes the user does want to add the file to his local workspace even
though it would be refused at commit time, or even though it might cause
a conflict with some other user's added file at update time.

(that's _ALWAYS_ in my own case, actually)

 What you do privately in your workspace isn't my concern.

Exactly, so if I want cvs update to show my locally added files then
that's my business -- just as I can make changes to existing files that
the commitinfo script might also reject.

cvs add and cvs rm are no different than vi -- they make changes
in the local workspace and when they are used is NONE OF YOUR CONCERN.

If _YOU_ want a cvs add check against repostitory rules in _YOUR_ shop
then _YOU_ can add YOUR OWN PRIVATE wrapper script that implements that
check for _YOUR_ users and _YOUR_ users _ALONE_.

Greg A. Woods

H:+1 416 218-0098  W:+1 416 489-5852 x122  VE3TCP  RoboHack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL 

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Triggers (was Re: CVS diff and unknown files.)

2005-02-01 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On Saturday, January 29, 2005 at 15:22:34 (-0800), Paul Sander wrote: ]
 Subject: Re: Triggers (was Re: CVS diff and unknown files.)

 But you fail to 
 understand the problem.

I understand the problem perfectly.

You don't seem to understand the fact that cvs add and cvs rm are
supposed to be exactly the same as vi or any other file modification
tool (except they operate on the whole file and all its content at once).

You don't seem to understand that your insanely powerful drive to have
policy controls over everything is quite contrary to the very design
goals of CVS overall.

CVS is _NOT_ a complete SCM solution and it's not supposed to try to be
one either.

If you think cvs add (or cvs rm) should invoke addinfo and
rminfo scripts on the server then you are using the wrong tool.

 Wrappers are enablers, not enforcers.  By their nature, they cannot be 

Yes, they can be.  You need to think a little more outside the box
you've built around your ideas.

 Triggers, on the other hand, are enforcers.

Actually that's one thing they cannot be -- at least not at any hard
technical controls level.  CVS is not a security tool.

CVS is not about enforcing policy.  CVS is not a complete SCM solution.

CVS is a very simple file versioning tool that is designed to keep as
much out of the way of the user as is possible and only do exactly what
the user wants, and to do it only when the user wants it done, and to
only try to do a very select set of operations on a very select set of
object types.  NOTHING more.

If you want more and you think CVS should give you more then you're
trying to use the wrong tool for the job.

 Tell me something.  If this were true, why does your commitinfo check 
 for valid RCS ID's?  Why don't you periodically run a script to check 
 your sources for them?

Because it's easier and infinitely more efficient to have CVS run that
script exactly once when it's needed on exactly the files it needs to
run it on and never any other time and never on any other files.

It's just a reminder though -- it can be foiled, or disabled on purpose
for certain files if necessary.

 Here's another horror story.  On another project, we're using a version 
 control system that has a command that does what cvs rm does, but 
 with an instant commit.  It also has an option to perform a recursive 

Why is that a horror story?  The whole point of versioning systems is
that you can undo your changes.  After all you didn't say that the
command did what rm -rf /* does when root runs it -- i.e. it didn't
make a permanent, irreversible, change that affected everyone.

  The CM guy for that 
 project was concerned about such capability in the hands of the end 
 users, and raised the issue with management about whether or not to 
 make it an admin function.

Than he is, or was at that time, a paranoid idiot who doesn't, or
didn't, understand the tools and their utility.

 It took them a day to 
 restore visibility of all of the files, and a week to redo the 
 legitimate deletions that had accumulated.

Clearly that tool wasn't very well designed and implemented to do even
the very most basic job of change management.

 CVS suffers the same vulnerability.  Forgive me for thinking your 
 argument is bogus, because experience proves otherwise.

vulnerability?  Next you'll say that vi suffers the same
vulnerabilty too because it's just too easy to delete all the lines in a
file with one tiny command.  B.S.

Many commonly used filesystems suffer the same vulnerabiltiy too -- and
quite often CVS repositories live on such filesystems.  OOH!  The world
is such a dangerous and scary place -- we'd better just hide and do

 So, what you're recommending is that I rewrite the CVS server to fix my 

No, just the client.  You might want to add other supplementary
server-like programs that run on the server to go along with CVS, and
they might be invoke by your new client.

Greg A. Woods

H:+1 416 218-0098  W:+1 416 489-5852 x122  VE3TCP  RoboHack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL 

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Triggers (was Re: CVS diff and unknown files.)

2005-02-01 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On Sunday, January 30, 2005 at 16:45:35 (-0800), Paul Sander wrote: ]
 Subject: Re: Triggers (was Re: CVS diff and unknown files.)

 It's not so unusual for people who have done SCM for many years on 
 large and varied projects.

Well it depends -- you seem to belong to a (hopefully small and
dwindling) group of extremely policy centered, control oriented, SCM
managers.  Not every large shop (still) does things that way.  Lots of
very large and diverse projects use CVS quite successfully without any
policy enforcement at the CVS repository level.

Software development and management doesn't have to be hierarchically
and strictly controlled in the way you seem to think it should.  The
tools don't have to get in the way of the users.  Change tracking tools
like CVS really should only ever track changes, and the only server-side
scripting that's needed to do that is the kind that CVS more or less has
already:  hooks to make flexible site-specific reporting easier to

Your style of SCM would be much better matched to something like Aegis.
Why don't you go away from CVS and play with Aegis for a while.  You
might need a bit of a paradigm shift at the management level to make
good use of it, but it really will give you far more control than you
could ever get from anything even remotely like CVS.

Greg A. Woods

H:+1 416 218-0098  W:+1 416 489-5852 x122  VE3TCP  RoboHack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL 

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-02-01 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On , January 31, 2005 at 20:30:21 (+0300), Sergei Organov wrote: ]
 Subject: Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

 Don't you wish to even try to understand the suggestion? The suggestion
 is: invoke *the same triggers* both at 'cvs add' and 'cvs commit' time,
 -- there is no need for separate triggers.

No, using the same scripting hook at both add and commit times would be
bad, VERY bad.

(maybe IFF one had add-time hooks then one might use one script in both
the addinfo and commitinfo configurations, which might conceptually be
called using the same triggers, but that would of course only be
possible if one could/would contact the server at add time and if one
did actaully have an addinfo script hook configuration file.  ;-)

Greg A. Woods

H:+1 416 218-0098  W:+1 416 489-5852 x122  VE3TCP  RoboHack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL 

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-31 Thread Sergei Organov
Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Jan 30, 2005, at 6:40 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Jan 28, 2005, at 8:50 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Jan 27, 2005, at 1:07 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Just to understand your point better, do you propose 'cvs add -c
  new_file' and 'cvs ci new_file' run exactly the same set of triggers?
  Different sets?
  I think the consensus in the last iteration of the topic was that, if
  add-time triggers were implemented, they would run as a client-side
  option at add-time and and be obligatory at commit time, preceding
  commit-time triggers. Doubling the overhead was the only way we came
  up with at the time that guaranteed that the add-time triggers fired
  at least once prior to the first commit of a new file.
  Well, so the answer to my question is the two trigger sets are
  different. But it in turn means that it could be the case that I won't
  be able to 'cvs ci new_file' even though 'cvs add -c new_file' just said
  the file is OK to be added. IMHO that's a mess. And I believe this mess
  is direct consequence of poor design choices you are advocating, sorry.
  A commitinfo trigger can always refuse a file for which cvs add
  completed successfully. There's nothing new here. If you don't like
  that, then don't use commitinfo.

I propose to use commit-time triggers by cvs add -c time instead of
special add-to-repository-time triggers.

  In my design the triggers are the same, so there is no such problem.
  Either the file is OK for repository or not, -- simple and clear. The
  less problems, -- the better.
 Okay, don't use the add-time triggers in your shop. No one is forcing
 you to.

Don't you wish to even try to understand the suggestion? The suggestion
is: invoke *the same triggers* both at 'cvs add' and 'cvs commit' time,
-- there is no need for separate triggers.

  In your design there is OK for addition, but wrong for commit that
  IMHO is a nonsense. I believe such a design is seriously flawed, sorry.
 Wait a second.  The OK for addition, but wrong for commit is exactly the
 status quo.

Yes, but you propose to improve this using some new thing called
add-time triggers, and I try to explain that you will get even better
results if you invoke commit-time triggers at add-time.

 The cvs add command succeeds, cvs commit fails due to commitinfo.
 What I'm proposing is bad for addition, bad for commit, where cvs
 add fails on those occasions when we know at that moment that cvs
 commit will also fail.

Why don't just run *the same* script on addition to see if it would
actually fail? Why do you need *separate* scripts?

 That's not to say that we will *always* know at add time that the
 commit will fail; failures can occur due to problems in their content
 which are clearly not ready to check at add time.

Well, if I understand correctly, your intentionally want to have weaker
checks at add-time than at commit-time. Instead, you can do it in the
commit-time trigger by skipping some of the tests if the file in
question is new one.

  What's new is that we can cause cvs add to fail under certain
  conditions that we know in advance will cause commitinfo to refuse a
  file. To make sure that the condition is checked, we do it a second
  time before commitinfo, because some users insist on defeating it the
  first time.
  What functionality is lacking? cvs -n ci allows you to do it. All you
  require is cvs add to *enforce* the checks. I have two levels of
  objection here:
  1. Enforcement by cvs add of the checks doesn't require introduction
 of separate add triggers as usual commit triggers could do the
 job as well.
 My argument is that it does not in fact do the job as well.  I've given a
 number of reasons why in earlier messages.

No, you didn't. Or at least I somehow missed them. The fact that
currently CVS doesn't invoke any triggers at add-time has nothing to do
with my objection. The question is what is so different about add-time
triggers from the point of view of *server* so that it's not enough to
just invoke commit-time scripts at the add-time?

  2. Enforcement by cvs add of the checks is wrong idea by itself as CVS
 is not a project management tool and should not be. If your project
 indeed requires such things, let users execute your wrappers instead
 of direct CVS commands.
 Wrappers are not capable of enforcing policy by their nature.  Triggers are.
 I've explained why this is so, also.

You've indeed tried to explain, but I don't see anybody but you who
agrees with the explanation. One of my argument is that triggers, being
run on the server, have no way to impose any policies with respect to
working copies, which are under the full control of clients.


  Can you suggest another way to enforce add-time policy in a way that's
  centrally controlled by the CVS admin?
  Sure. Commit 

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-30 Thread Sergei Organov
Todd Denniston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Sergei Organov wrote:
  Todd Denniston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   If cvs -n commit runs the triggers to do your check(see my
   question above), I have another question: in a remote server setup
   (i.e., :pserver:, :ext:) which test was failed, the add or the
   normal commit?
  With my approach there is no add-to-working-copy-time triggers,
  adding of a new file is normal commit (the commit time trigger
  should have a way to check if the file is already in the repository
  or not). So your question reduces to the following: how client
  knows what exactly failed? and the answer is through appropriate
  error message, as usual.
  Please notice that with separate add-to-working-copy-time triggers the
  situation at commit time is exactly the same as those triggers must be
  run at commit time anyway. What's an answer to your question in this

 There is a certain amount beauty in the simplicity in keeping the status
 quo, which works. :)

Unfortunately, it doesn't work, sorry -- that's why I've initiated this
thread in the first place.

 There is also beauty in having the options you want, and none that get
 in other peoples way. For one of these options much more energy must
 be expended. :)

That's why I've tried to suggest a way to implement things that is
rather simple. Still it provides an option to check if a new file will
be allowed to go into repository.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-30 Thread Sergei Organov
Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Jan 28, 2005, at 11:36 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If you consider my suggestion, there will be no such a beast as
  add-to-working-copy-time trigger. The commit trigger will notice the
  file is new and invoke appropriate additional actions (if any). That's
  all. There is absolutely no need for separate add-to-working-copy-time
  triggers. Clients still have ability to check if their new files will be
  accepted by the repository using cvs -n commit.
 What you suggest is exactly the status quo.  The problem is that the status
 quo fails to meet the needs of part of the CVS community.  The reason is
 because there's an underlying assumption that project policies are voluntary.
 That assumption is false, and for good reason.

It seems that you attempt to turn CVS itself into a project management
tool. If that's your actual intention, please say it aloud, and I'll
immediately stop all of my previous arguments and replace them with a
single one: CVS should not be turned into a project management tool.

Meanwhile, everything I write below is written in an assumption that
*CVS* still is only *concurrent versions system*, not a project
management one. From this point of view the only essential thing for CVS
w.r.t. project management is to provide just enough functionality to
allow to build project management tools on top of it.

 Where I work, our projects run for several years and have several
 teams come in to do different things over its lifetime. (The company
 maintains its market responsiveness by running multiple similar
 projects concurrently, which allows several product releases per year.
 I won't go into why this is the case, but suffice it to say that it
 goes as fast as it goes and there's no speeding things up.) Over the
 lifetime of the project, the number of files under source control
 swells up well into the 6-figure range. To manage the complexity and
 to assist the human factors of exploration, we live on certain
 conventions. We have conventions for directory structure, conventions
 for types of data that sit in what directories, and dozens of naming
 conventions for files and directories. Our test suites have many
 optional features, and different sets of these optional features are
 required to run in different directories. Violations of the
 conventions can cause the test suites to run incorrectly. Because no
 errors are reported, there may be significant delays until the
 problems are detected. At that time, the cost to repair the defects
 may be huge, in the 6-figure range. And this doesn't consider the
 humiliation felt by the poor guy who made the typo while creating the

IMHO in your case you shouldn't teach users to use CVS at all, -- you
should teach them to use your project management tool, so they won't be
aware about cvs add at all. If CVS lacks some functionality and that
prevents you from building your tools on top of it, please provide some
evidence this functionality is a must to achieve what you need.

 Therein lies the justification for add-time policy checking. Yes,
 commit-time checking will still save many thousands of dollars in
 repairs, but add-time policy checking saves even more.

CVS doesn't prevent you from implementing whatever add-time checks you
need on the client side. If you think otherwise, please provide an

 And true, the projects I describe don't use CVS. But in the past at
 another company that produced similar products using similar
 processes, we did in fact use CVS, and we faced the same problems.
 Most of the people in this forum don't seem to face these kinds of
 problems to this extent, but anyone who does cross-platform
 development faces similar problems.

These problems are an issue of a good project management tool, not CVS.
If you don't have suitable project management tools, it's not CVS
problem. It would be CVS problem if it didn't provide enough
functionality to allow you to build a suitable project management tool
on top of it.

  If cvs -n commit runs the triggers to do your check(see my
  question above), I have another question: in a remote server setup
  (i.e., :pserver:, :ext:) which test was failed, the add or the
  normal commit?
  With my approach there is no add-to-working-copy-time triggers,
  adding of a new file is normal commit (the commit time trigger
  should have a way to check if the file is already in the repository
  or not). So your question reduces to the following: how client
  knows what exactly failed? and the answer is through appropriate
  error message, as usual.
  Please notice that with separate add-to-working-copy-time triggers the
  situation at commit time is exactly the same as those triggers must be
  run at commit time anyway. What's an answer to your question in this
 The answer lies not in the if the trigger runs, but when. History
 has shown that defects are easier, faster, and cheaper to fix when
 detected early. 

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-30 Thread Sergei Organov
Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Jan 28, 2005, at 9:34 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sergei Organov wrote:
  Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Jan 27, 2005, at 1:07 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If cvs add will only warn about the problems, -- that's
  OK with me as a user.
  Actually, the way I see the situation is it only prevents the add if you
  have requested the check with -c, if you have not used -c there is no
  connection to the server and therefor can be no warning or prevention.
 Actually, to err on the side of safety (which I define as policy enforcement
 in this case), I recommend that the trigger be enabled by default.  The power
 users can turn it off in their .cvsrc files.  I have two reasons for this:
 The first is that they're the ones who express an opinion and there are fewer
 of them than there are ordinary users, and the second is that they're the
 ones most capable of making the change in their own environments.

The fundamental problem with your approach is that policy enforcement at
the client side is not CVS business. You still didn't explain what's
wrong with writing your own scripts on top of CVS to enforce whatever
policies you wish on the client side, or, if there is nothing wrong
about it, how CVS prevents you from enforcing whatever policies you need
on the client side.

 This opinion hasn't been clear in all of my posts, but this is how I really
 think it should work.

For me this point has been clear from the very beginning.

 On this point I seem to be getting overruled because most of the
 members of this group are power users and don't adequately represent
 the end user community.

It seems you miss the point, at least my point. I in fact don't care
much if -c is default or not provided CVS still allows me to add
files to the working copy offline. I care about it as a (hopefully
rather experienced) programmer that immediately sees fundamental
deficiencies in the underlying design. Not being CVS designer I don't in
fact care about it that much either, -- just tried to explain an
alternative design that I believe is better.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-30 Thread Sergei Organov
Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Jan 28, 2005, at 8:50 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Jan 27, 2005, at 1:07 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Just to understand your point better, do you propose 'cvs add -c
  new_file' and 'cvs ci new_file' run exactly the same set of triggers?
  Different sets?
  I think the consensus in the last iteration of the topic was that, if
  add-time triggers were implemented, they would run as a client-side
  option at add-time and and be obligatory at commit time, preceding
  commit-time triggers. Doubling the overhead was the only way we came
  up with at the time that guaranteed that the add-time triggers fired
  at least once prior to the first commit of a new file.
  Well, so the answer to my question is the two trigger sets are
  different. But it in turn means that it could be the case that I won't
  be able to 'cvs ci new_file' even though 'cvs add -c new_file' just said
  the file is OK to be added. IMHO that's a mess. And I believe this mess
  is direct consequence of poor design choices you are advocating, sorry.
 A commitinfo trigger can always refuse a file for which cvs add
 completed successfully. There's nothing new here. If you don't like
 that, then don't use commitinfo.

In my design the triggers are the same, so there is no such problem.
Either the file is OK for repository or not, -- simple and clear. The
less problems, -- the better.

In your design there is OK for addition, but wrong for commit that
IMHO is a nonsense. I believe such a design is seriously flawed, sorry.

 What's new is that we can cause cvs add to fail under certain
 conditions that we know in advance will cause commitinfo to refuse a
 file. To make sure that the condition is checked, we do it a second
 time before commitinfo, because some users insist on defeating it the
 first time.

What functionality is lacking? cvs -n ci allows you to do it. All you
require is cvs add to *enforce* the checks. I have two levels of
objection here:

1. Enforcement by cvs add of the checks doesn't require introduction
   of separate add triggers as usual commit triggers could do the
   job as well.

2. Enforcement by cvs add of the checks is wrong idea by itself as CVS
   is not a project management tool and should not be. If your project
   indeed requires such things, let users execute your wrappers instead
   of direct CVS commands.

  Another point that I would like to make, however, is that CVS can
  become more feature-rich, support multiple policies, and have a
  simpler user interface (in most use cases, at least) all at the same
  time. The problem is that most of us here are too close to the
  implementation to take a fresh view of the problem.
  In the core CVS program the cvs add and cvs remove operations
  must be fixed to be equivalent to vi file.c -- i.e. operations
  which _ONLY_ affect the local working directory and which _NEVER_
  contact the server.
  See above. If there are no add-time triggers, then I can live with
  what you say. On the other hand, some shops REQUIRE add-time triggers,
  and if add-time triggers are used then contacting the server is
  REQUIRED to make them run.
  Sorry, add-time with respect to what? Add-time w.r.t. to working copy is
  entirely different from the add-time w.r.t. repository. Do you realize
  currently there is no command but 'cvs ci' meaning add this file to the
  repository? Add time w.r.t. repository currently happens when you 'cvs
  commit' the new file. Do you propose to change this?
  What I mean by add-time is the moment in which the user invokes
  the cvs add command. The canonical example of such a trigger is
  one that enforces naming conventions, but there are other reasons
  to control what the user can add. (Some shops don't want users
  creating directories, for example, and require the CM team to do it
  for them.)
  So, provided that cvs add adds the file to the working copy, your
  definition means add-time to working copy. Requiring server triggers
  to be run at add-time to working copy seems rather strange design choice
  in my opinion.
 Can you suggest another way to enforce add-time policy in a way that's
 centrally controlled by the CVS admin?

Sure. Commit triggers. If cvs add is capable to invoke them, if it
invokes them by default, and if trigger failure results in a warning or
in error are additional concerns. The primary concern is that separate
add-time triggers are not required.

BTW, if you believe your project indeed requires it, arrange wrappers
that clients will run instead of cvs add. In fact, as you requirements
are in the field of project management, your users should never invoke
CVS commands directly, -- it's the job of your project management tool
to invoke CVS commands when required.

  When cvs add runs, I don't care whether or not the CVS server
  modifies the repository. Some people seem to think that running cvs
  add while 

Re: Triggers (was Re: CVS diff and unknown files.)

2005-01-30 Thread Sergei Organov
[...] Sorry, I've skipped all the above.

Paul, your vision of the software world, including client/server,
wrappers, triggers, scripts, libraries, security, etc. seems to be so
unusual that it makes it very difficult to discuss these things with
you. It seems you leave in an entirely different world and therefore
need entirely different tools.

As a suggestion, don't give computers to the users, -- only dumb
terminals connected to a server where all the policies are enforced the
way you like. I mean it, really, that seems to be the only perfect
solution to all of your problems. Better yet, whatever the users do,
the result should be exactly the same, otherwise some monkey will find a
way to misuse the tools and will waste a few days of his precious time
trying to recover.

Sorry for the sarcasm above, -- I'm really sorry you need to live in
such a world and I really don't see how CVS can help you.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-30 Thread Paul Sander
On Jan 30, 2005, at 2:18 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Todd Denniston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Sergei Organov wrote:
Todd Denniston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
If cvs -n commit runs the triggers to do your check(see my
question above), I have another question: in a remote server setup
(i.e., :pserver:, :ext:) which test was failed, the add or the
normal commit?
With my approach there is no add-to-working-copy-time triggers,
adding of a new file is normal commit (the commit time trigger
should have a way to check if the file is already in the repository
or not). So your question reduces to the following: how client
knows what exactly failed? and the answer is through appropriate
error message, as usual.
Please notice that with separate add-to-working-copy-time triggers 
situation at commit time is exactly the same as those triggers must 
run at commit time anyway. What's an answer to your question in this
There is a certain amount beauty in the simplicity in keeping the 
quo, which works. :)
Unfortunately, it doesn't work, sorry -- that's why I've initiated this
thread in the first place.
Huh?  You know what status quo means, right?  It means the way 
things are.  You seem to be arguing both ways.  Would you post a 
message stating your point of view, completely, please?  Thanks!

There is also beauty in having the options you want, and none that get
in other peoples way. For one of these options much more energy must
be expended. :)
That's why I've tried to suggest a way to implement things that is
rather simple. Still it provides an option to check if a new file will
be allowed to go into repository.
Unfortunately, if checking for compliance is an option, it will never 
(or at least very rarely) be taken for one of the following reasons:

- They think they are already in compliance and don't need to check.
- They think they have legitimate cause to break policy.
- They're unaware of the policy.
- They forget to check.
It's possible to have a third party check periodically, as Greg 
suggests.  But that method isn't as effective as automatic enforcement 
at the moment the violation occurs.

Paul Sander   | To do two things at once is to do neither
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Publilius Syrus, Roman philosopher, 100 B.C.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-30 Thread Paul Sander
On Jan 30, 2005, at 3:28 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
On Jan 28, 2005, at 11:36 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If you consider my suggestion, there will be no such a beast as
add-to-working-copy-time trigger. The commit trigger will notice the
file is new and invoke appropriate additional actions (if any). 
all. There is absolutely no need for separate 
triggers. Clients still have ability to check if their new files 
will be
accepted by the repository using cvs -n commit.
What you suggest is exactly the status quo.  The problem is that the 
quo fails to meet the needs of part of the CVS community.  The reason 
because there's an underlying assumption that project policies are 
That assumption is false, and for good reason.
It seems that you attempt to turn CVS itself into a project management
tool. If that's your actual intention, please say it aloud, and I'll
immediately stop all of my previous arguments and replace them with a
single one: CVS should not be turned into a project management tool.
Project management is not something that can be implemented in a single 
tool.  It encompasses a lot of things ranging from identifying a market 
all the way to end-of-life support.  Accomplishing it well involves a 
great many things, including planning and scheduling (the part that 
project management tools do), methodology (including policies, 
toolsets, and disciplines), and many other things, all of which must 
integrate and interoperate with each each other successfully.

I'm not asking for CVS to be a project management tool in any sense.  
What I'm asking for is a hook on which to hang other parts of project 
management.  The commitinfo hook already exists, and it's effective at 
what it does.  All I'm asking for is another hook, to be used as the 
project sees fit.

Where I work, our projects run for several years and have several
teams come in to do different things over its lifetime. (The company
maintains its market responsiveness by running multiple similar
projects concurrently, which allows several product releases per year.
I won't go into why this is the case, but suffice it to say that it
goes as fast as it goes and there's no speeding things up.) Over the
lifetime of the project, the number of files under source control
swells up well into the 6-figure range. To manage the complexity and
to assist the human factors of exploration, we live on certain
conventions. We have conventions for directory structure, conventions
for types of data that sit in what directories, and dozens of naming
conventions for files and directories. Our test suites have many
optional features, and different sets of these optional features are
required to run in different directories. Violations of the
conventions can cause the test suites to run incorrectly. Because no
errors are reported, there may be significant delays until the
problems are detected. At that time, the cost to repair the defects
may be huge, in the 6-figure range. And this doesn't consider the
humiliation felt by the poor guy who made the typo while creating the
IMHO in your case you shouldn't teach users to use CVS at all, -- you
should teach them to use your project management tool, so they won't be
aware about cvs add at all. If CVS lacks some functionality and that
prevents you from building your tools on top of it, please provide some
evidence this functionality is a must to achieve what you need.
Okay, CVS lacks an ability for cvs add to invoke a script, in the 
same manner that cvs commit invokes scripts via the commitinfo file, 
to validate the addition.

Therein lies the justification for add-time policy checking. Yes,
commit-time checking will still save many thousands of dollars in
repairs, but add-time policy checking saves even more.
CVS doesn't prevent you from implementing whatever add-time checks you
need on the client side. If you think otherwise, please provide an
See above.
And true, the projects I describe don't use CVS. But in the past at
another company that produced similar products using similar
processes, we did in fact use CVS, and we faced the same problems.
Most of the people in this forum don't seem to face these kinds of
problems to this extent, but anyone who does cross-platform
development faces similar problems.
These problems are an issue of a good project management tool, not CVS.
If you don't have suitable project management tools, it's not CVS
problem. It would be CVS problem if it didn't provide enough
functionality to allow you to build a suitable project management tool
on top of it.
It doesn't see above.
If cvs -n commit runs the triggers to do your check(see my
question above), I have another question: in a remote server setup
(i.e., :pserver:, :ext:) which test was failed, the add or the
normal commit?
With my approach there is no add-to-working-copy-time triggers,
adding of a new file is normal 

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-30 Thread Paul Sander
On Jan 30, 2005, at 3:42 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
On Jan 28, 2005, at 9:34 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sergei Organov wrote:
Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
On Jan 27, 2005, at 1:07 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If cvs add will only warn about the problems, -- that's
OK with me as a user.
Actually, the way I see the situation is it only prevents the add if 
have requested the check with -c, if you have not used -c there is no
connection to the server and therefor can be no warning or 
Actually, to err on the side of safety (which I define as policy 
in this case), I recommend that the trigger be enabled by default.  
The power
users can turn it off in their .cvsrc files.  I have two reasons for 
The first is that they're the ones who express an opinion and there 
are fewer
of them than there are ordinary users, and the second is that 
they're the
ones most capable of making the change in their own environments.
The fundamental problem with your approach is that policy enforcement 
the client side is not CVS business. You still didn't explain what's
wrong with writing your own scripts on top of CVS to enforce whatever
policies you wish on the client side, or, if there is nothing wrong
about it, how CVS prevents you from enforcing whatever policies you 
on the client side.
I agree that there's a limit beyond which CVS should not interfere with 
the user.  The user should, for example, be able to use whatever tools 
in his workspace as he deems necessary, provided it interoperates with 
rest of the methodology.  Creating and deleting files in the workspace 
is clearly within the user's purview.  However, as soon as the user 
declares an intent to store a file in the repository, he begins to 
subject himself to the policies of the project.  Sooner or later, 
before he commits his work, he must comply.

Granted the time between cvs add and cvs commit is kind of a grey 
area, and the scope of add-time policy enforcement is pretty limited.  
(Access control and naming conventions are pretty much all you can do 
at that point.  Arguing that it's reasonable to check the content of a 
file (for example) at that point is bogus, in my opinion.)  But for 
those things that are reasonable to check,  adding to CVS the ability 
to check them is totally reasonable.

On this point I seem to be getting overruled because most of the
members of this group are power users and don't adequately represent
the end user community.
It seems you miss the point, at least my point. I in fact don't care
much if -c is default or not provided CVS still allows me to add
files to the working copy offline. I care about it as a (hopefully
rather experienced) programmer that immediately sees fundamental
deficiencies in the underlying design. Not being CVS designer I don't 
fact care about it that much either, -- just tried to explain an
alternative design that I believe is better.
The add-time trigger proposal accommodates your requirement to have 
cvs add complete successfully when working offline.  In your case, 
detection violations of add-time policy would be deferred until commit 
time, and you might be forced into some significant rework.  You're 
clearly willing to take that risk and pay the cost, and that's your 

In my opinion, having the user run cvs -n commit right after cvs 
add is not at all a better solution to this particular problem.

Paul Sander   | To do two things at once is to do neither
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Publilius Syrus, Roman philosopher, 100 B.C.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-30 Thread Paul Sander
On Jan 30, 2005, at 6:40 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
On Jan 28, 2005, at 8:50 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
On Jan 27, 2005, at 1:07 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Just to understand your point better, do you propose 'cvs add -c
new_file' and 'cvs ci new_file' run exactly the same set of 
Different sets?
I think the consensus in the last iteration of the topic was that, 
add-time triggers were implemented, they would run as a client-side
option at add-time and and be obligatory at commit time, preceding
commit-time triggers. Doubling the overhead was the only way we came
up with at the time that guaranteed that the add-time triggers fired
at least once prior to the first commit of a new file.
Well, so the answer to my question is the two trigger sets are
different. But it in turn means that it could be the case that I 
be able to 'cvs ci new_file' even though 'cvs add -c new_file' just 

the file is OK to be added. IMHO that's a mess. And I believe this 
is direct consequence of poor design choices you are advocating, 
A commitinfo trigger can always refuse a file for which cvs add
completed successfully. There's nothing new here. If you don't like
that, then don't use commitinfo.
In my design the triggers are the same, so there is no such problem.
Either the file is OK for repository or not, -- simple and clear. The
less problems, -- the better.
Okay, don't use the add-time triggers in your shop.  No one is forcing 
you to.

In your design there is OK for addition, but wrong for commit that
IMHO is a nonsense. I believe such a design is seriously flawed, sorry.
Wait a second.  The OK for addition, but wrong for commit is exactly 
the status quo.  The cvs add command succeeds, cvs commit fails due 
to commitinfo.  What I'm proposing is bad for addition, bad for 
commit, where cvs add fails on those occasions when we know at that 
moment that cvs commit will also fail.  That's not to say that we 
will *always* know at add time that the commit will fail; failures can 
occur due to problems in their content which are clearly not ready to 
check at add time.

What's new is that we can cause cvs add to fail under certain
conditions that we know in advance will cause commitinfo to refuse a
file. To make sure that the condition is checked, we do it a second
time before commitinfo, because some users insist on defeating it the
first time.
What functionality is lacking? cvs -n ci allows you to do it. All you
require is cvs add to *enforce* the checks. I have two levels of
objection here:
1. Enforcement by cvs add of the checks doesn't require introduction
   of separate add triggers as usual commit triggers could do the
   job as well.
My argument is that it does not in fact do the job as well.  I've 
given a number of reasons why in earlier messages.

2. Enforcement by cvs add of the checks is wrong idea by itself as 
   is not a project management tool and should not be. If your project
   indeed requires such things, let users execute your wrappers instead
   of direct CVS commands.
Wrappers are not capable of enforcing policy by their nature.  Triggers 
are.  I've explained why this is so, also.

Another point that I would like to make, however, is that CVS can
become more feature-rich, support multiple policies, and have a
simpler user interface (in most use cases, at least) all at the 
time. The problem is that most of us here are too close to the
implementation to take a fresh view of the problem.

In the core CVS program the cvs add and cvs remove operations
must be fixed to be equivalent to vi file.c -- i.e. operations
which _ONLY_ affect the local working directory and which _NEVER_
contact the server.
See above. If there are no add-time triggers, then I can live with
what you say. On the other hand, some shops REQUIRE add-time 
and if add-time triggers are used then contacting the server is
REQUIRED to make them run.
Sorry, add-time with respect to what? Add-time w.r.t. to working 
copy is
entirely different from the add-time w.r.t. repository. Do you 
currently there is no command but 'cvs ci' meaning add this file 
to the
repository? Add time w.r.t. repository currently happens when you 
commit' the new file. Do you propose to change this?
What I mean by add-time is the moment in which the user invokes
the cvs add command. The canonical example of such a trigger is
one that enforces naming conventions, but there are other reasons
to control what the user can add. (Some shops don't want users
creating directories, for example, and require the CM team to do it
for them.)
So, provided that cvs add adds the file to the working copy, your
definition means add-time to working copy. Requiring server 
to be run at add-time to working copy seems rather strange design 
in my opinion.
Can you suggest another way to enforce add-time policy in a way 

Re: Triggers (was Re: CVS diff and unknown files.)

2005-01-30 Thread Paul Sander
On Jan 30, 2005, at 7:09 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Paul, your vision of the software world, including client/server,
wrappers, triggers, scripts, libraries, security, etc. seems to be so
unusual that it makes it very difficult to discuss these things with
you. It seems you leave in an entirely different world and therefore
need entirely different tools.
It's not so unusual for people who have done SCM for many years on 
large and varied projects.

As a suggestion, don't give computers to the users, -- only dumb
terminals connected to a server where all the policies are enforced the
way you like. I mean it, really, that seems to be the only perfect
solution to all of your problems. Better yet, whatever the users do,
the result should be exactly the same, otherwise some monkey will find 
way to misuse the tools and will waste a few days of his precious time
trying to recover.
There are technical solutions to most of the problems I've encountered 
so far, certainly all of the ones I've ever brought up in this forum.  
Hobbling the users for my benefit isn't the answer in the long term.

Sorry for the sarcasm above, -- I'm really sorry you need to live in
such a world and I really don't see how CVS can help you.
As critical as I am about CVS, I really have only 3 or 4 really hot 
buttons about it.  Triggers happen to be one of them.  :-)

Paul Sander   | Lets stick to the new mistakes and get rid of the 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | ones -- William Brown

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-29 Thread Paul Sander
On Jan 28, 2005, at 8:50 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
On Jan 27, 2005, at 1:07 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Just to understand your point better, do you propose 'cvs add -c
new_file' and 'cvs ci new_file' run exactly the same set of triggers?
Different sets?
I think the consensus in the last iteration of the topic was that, if
add-time triggers were implemented, they would run as a client-side
option at add-time and and be obligatory at commit time, preceding
commit-time triggers. Doubling the overhead was the only way we came
up with at the time that guaranteed that the add-time triggers fired
at least once prior to the first commit of a new file.
Well, so the answer to my question is the two trigger sets are
different. But it in turn means that it could be the case that I won't
be able to 'cvs ci new_file' even though 'cvs add -c new_file' just 
the file is OK to be added. IMHO that's a mess. And I believe this mess
is direct consequence of poor design choices you are advocating, sorry.
A commitinfo trigger can always refuse a file for which cvs add 
completed successfully.  There's nothing new here.  If you don't like 
that, then don't use commitinfo.

What's new is that we can cause cvs add to fail under certain 
conditions that we know in advance will cause commitinfo to refuse a 
file.  To make sure that the condition is checked, we do it a second 
time before commitinfo, because some users insist on defeating it the 
first time.

Another point that I would like to make, however, is that CVS can
become more feature-rich, support multiple policies, and have a
simpler user interface (in most use cases, at least) all at the same
time. The problem is that most of us here are too close to the
implementation to take a fresh view of the problem.
In the core CVS program the cvs add and cvs remove operations
must be fixed to be equivalent to vi file.c -- i.e. operations
which _ONLY_ affect the local working directory and which _NEVER_
contact the server.
See above. If there are no add-time triggers, then I can live with
what you say. On the other hand, some shops REQUIRE add-time 
and if add-time triggers are used then contacting the server is
REQUIRED to make them run.
Sorry, add-time with respect to what? Add-time w.r.t. to working 
copy is
entirely different from the add-time w.r.t. repository. Do you 
currently there is no command but 'cvs ci' meaning add this file to 
repository? Add time w.r.t. repository currently happens when you 
commit' the new file. Do you propose to change this?
What I mean by add-time is the moment in which the user invokes the 
add command.  The canonical example of such a trigger is one that 
naming conventions, but there are other reasons to control what the 
user can
add.  (Some shops don't want users creating directories, for example, 
require the CM team to do it for them.)
So, provided that cvs add adds the file to the working copy, your
definition means add-time to working copy. Requiring server triggers
to be run at add-time to working copy seems rather strange design 
in my opinion.
Can you suggest another way to enforce add-time policy in a way that's 
centrally controlled by the CVS admin?

When cvs add runs, I don't care whether or not the CVS server
modifies the repository. Some people seem to think that running cvs
add while disconnected is a useful thing to do. (I take the attitude
that client/server applications shouldn't be expected to run without a
working network, so I'd never run any CVS command when I was unable to
connect to the server.)
Very strange attitude. And a very unusual definition of expectations
associated with client/server applications. Having this definition, 
client isn't supposed to let you do anything with the mail on your
computer without a working network?!
I rely heavily on IMAP and SMTP for mail transport.  At work, my mail 
client lives on an NFS server.  So no, I don't expect mail to work when 
the network is down.

BTW, the definition of client/server implies the presence of a 
network for communication between the two parts, without which the 
application fails.  The other method is usually called monolithic, in 
which the application is self-contained.  CVS works both ways, but most 
of us prefer a remote repository, hence the client/server 

However, since triggers enforce policy and must not be defeatable,
e.g. by changing one's path or bypassing a wrapper or hacking the
client machine, they're best implemented as a server feature. It's for
that reason, assuming add-time triggers are implemented, they require
a connection to the server.
The add-time triggers you are advocating would then create an
unfortunate precedent of preventing user from modifying his working 
at a will of CVS repository administrator! PLEASE, DON'T DO IT TO CVS!
Sorry for shouting. Fortunately, as triggers are run on the server,

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-29 Thread Paul Sander
On Jan 28, 2005, at 9:34 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sergei Organov wrote:
Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
On Jan 27, 2005, at 1:07 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If cvs add will only warn about the problems, -- that's
OK with me as a user.
Actually, the way I see the situation is it only prevents the add if 
have requested the check with -c, if you have not used -c there is no
connection to the server and therefor can be no warning or prevention.
Actually, to err on the side of safety (which I define as policy 
enforcement in this case), I recommend that the trigger be enabled by 
default.  The power users can turn it off in their .cvsrc files.  I 
have two reasons for this:  The first is that they're the ones who 
express an opinion and there are fewer of them than there are 
ordinary users, and the second is that they're the ones most capable 
of making the change in their own environments.

This opinion hasn't been clear in all of my posts, but this is how I 
really think it should work.  On this point I seem to be getting 
overruled because most of the members of this group are power users and 
don't adequately represent the end user community.

Paul Sander   | To do two things at once is to do neither
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Publilius Syrus, Roman philosopher, 100 B.C.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-29 Thread Paul Sander
On Jan 28, 2005, at 11:36 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Todd Denniston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Sergei Organov wrote:
Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
On Jan 27, 2005, at 1:07 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Just to understand your point better, do you propose 'cvs add -c
new_file' and 'cvs ci new_file' run exactly the same set of 
Different sets?
I think the consensus in the last iteration of the topic was that, 
add-time triggers were implemented, they would run as a client-side
option at add-time and and be obligatory at commit time, preceding
commit-time triggers. Doubling the overhead was the only way we came
up with at the time that guaranteed that the add-time triggers fired
at least once prior to the first commit of a new file.
Well, so the answer to my question is the two trigger sets are
different. But it in turn means that it could be the case that I 
be able to 'cvs ci new_file' even though 'cvs add -c new_file' just 
the file is OK to be added. IMHO that's a mess. And I believe this 
is direct consequence of poor design choices you are advocating, 

Careful, Last discussion time it was indicated that if add triggers 
were to
be added, then for them to be useful they would have to run at add 
(when the flag requesting them was passed) AND more importantly at 
time, so commit on the server would if it had never seen the file 
before run
the add trigger and then the normal commit trigger.
So as long as the add trigger (script) had not changed between 'cvs 
add -c'
(IIRC that was the flag) and commit time and the trigger allowed the 
then the server would at commit time
run the add trigger, get a pass
run any commit triggers, get a pass if appropriate.

So in adding the add trigger functionality, the person patching CVS 
have to recognize the signals in the code indicating new 
file/directory at
commit, and connect the hook there too.
If you consider my suggestion, there will be no such a beast as
add-to-working-copy-time trigger. The commit trigger will notice the
file is new and invoke appropriate additional actions (if any). That's
all. There is absolutely no need for separate 
triggers. Clients still have ability to check if their new files will 
accepted by the repository using cvs -n commit.
What you suggest is exactly the status quo.  The problem is that the 
status quo fails to meet the needs of part of the CVS community.  The 
reason is because there's an underlying assumption that project 
policies are voluntary.  That assumption is false, and for good reason.

Where I work, our projects run for several years and have several teams 
come in to do different things over its lifetime.  (The company 
maintains its market responsiveness by running multiple similar 
projects concurrently, which allows several product releases per year.  
I won't go into why this is the case, but suffice it to say that it 
goes as fast as it goes and there's no speeding things up.)  Over the 
lifetime of the project, the number of files under source control 
swells up well into the 6-figure range.  To manage the complexity and 
to assist the human factors of exploration, we live on certain 
conventions.  We have conventions for directory structure, conventions 
for types of data that sit in what directories, and dozens of naming 
conventions for files and directories.  Our test suites have many 
optional features, and different sets of these optional features are 
required to run in different directories.  Violations of the 
conventions can cause the test suites to run incorrectly.  Because no 
errors are reported, there may be significant delays until the problems 
are detected.  At that time, the cost to repair the defects may be 
huge, in the 6-figure range.  And this doesn't consider the humiliation 
felt by the poor guy who made the typo while creating the file.

Therein lies the justification for add-time policy checking.  Yes, 
commit-time checking will still save many thousands of dollars in 
repairs, but add-time policy checking saves even more.

And true, the projects I describe don't use CVS.  But in the past at 
another company that produced similar products using similar processes, 
we did in fact use CVS, and we faced the same problems.  Most of the 
people in this forum don't seem to face these kinds of problems to this 
extent, but anyone who does cross-platform development faces similar 

If cvs -n commit runs the triggers to do your check(see my question
above), I have another question: in a remote server setup (i.e., 
:ext:) which test was failed, the add or the normal commit?
With my approach there is no add-to-working-copy-time triggers, adding 
of a new
file is normal commit (the commit time trigger should have a way to 
if the file is already in the repository or not). So your question
reduces to the following: how client knows what exactly failed? and
the answer is 

Re: Triggers (was Re: CVS diff and unknown files.)

2005-01-29 Thread Paul Sander
On Jan 28, 2005, at 3:55 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[ On Friday, January 28, 2005 at 03:26:05 (-0800), Paul Sander wrote: ]
Subject: Triggers (was Re: CVS diff and unknown files.)
Sigh.  Just because you haven't found a use for add-time triggers
within the scope of your blinders, doesn't mean that no one has.
You don't seem to understand.
A new file, from the repository's point of view, thus from any
repository policy point of view, does not exist until commit time.
The existing commitinfo hooks are more than adequate enough to enforce
any repository policy on the new file, be it by name, or by content.
(my own commitinfo scripts check that the new file has a proper RCS Id,
for example)
I understand perfectly what you're saying and why.  But you fail to 
understand the problem.  I'm not talking about anything from the 
repository point of view; my arguments are from the user's and project 
manager's point of view.  Using naming conventions as an example, it's 
true that at the point the project ships, it doesn't matter from a 
quality for feature perspective when a defect was found and fixed, as 
long as the policy is checked sometime before the release.

What I'm talking about is something else:  The cost to fix defects.  
Once again, history has shown that defects found early are easier, 
faster, and cheaper to fix than defects that are found late.  If 
someone creates a new file and spends a day integrating it into the 
project only to have it rejected by a commit due to a naming policy 
violation, then he gets to spend another day fixing the mistake.  This 
is an unnecessary effort if only the developer had found out in the 
morning that the name of his file was bad rather than in the evening.

Also, wrappers are not always the answer.
Wrappers are always the answer when you want to do something policy
related in the working directory.  THEY MUST BE.  The core CVS program,
by design, does not involve itself in policy matters affecting the
working directories.  The core CVS program is not a complete SCM
Wrappers are enablers, not enforcers.  By their nature, they cannot be 
enforcers.  You can automate some process using some script, and you 
can even mandate its use.  But you can't enforce its use because as 
long as there's something more primitive available the user can drop 
down and use that instead.

Triggers, on the other hand, are enforcers.  They block higher-level 
functions when their programmed preconditions aren't met, and they 
force actions when their programmed preconditions are met.  Wrappers 
are simply incapable of this.

- Wrappers can be subverted by the users, sometimes accidentally,
sometimes deliberately.
If your users are so lazy, ill informed, or antagonistic of their 
workers, that your shop worries about users subverting wrapper
programs, even accidentally, then CVS is _NOT_ the right tool for your
Tell me something.  If this were true, why does your commitinfo check 
for valid RCS ID's?  Why don't you periodically run a script to check 
your sources for them?

- Some users must be kept away from certain features.
If your users are so lazy, ill informed, or antagonistic of their 
workers, that your shop worries about users accessing certain features,
even accidentally, then CVS is _NOT_ the right tool for your shop.
Here's another horror story.  On another project, we're using a version 
control system that has a command that does what cvs rm does, but 
with an instant commit.  It also has an option to perform a recursive 
descent.  (Those who believe that remove/add of entire directory 
structures is a reasonable implementation of the ability to rename a 
directory can understand the need for this.)  The CM guy for that 
project was concerned about such capability in the hands of the end 
users, and raised the issue with management about whether or not to 
make it an admin function.

Every end user of that tool undergoes 2-3 hours of training and is 
given documentation.  They also undergo another 1-2 hours to learn how 
the tool is tightly integrated with one of our mission critical tools.  
There are also on-site mentors and online support for the tool.  It was 
on this basis that senior team leads and management crushed the CM guy 
mercilessly, claiming that no one would possibly be so irresponsible as 
to use that command in a damaging way.

Within two weeks of that argument, someone used that command at the 
very top of their source tree.  (This person reported directly to the 
guy who made the responsibility argument.)  It took them a day to 
restore visibility of all of the files, and a week to redo the 
legitimate deletions that had accumulated.  Within a week after 
completing the recovery, someone else used that command again, at the 
very top of their source tree.

CVS suffers the same vulnerability.  Forgive me for thinking your 
argument is bogus, because experience proves otherwise.

- Access to certain features must

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-28 Thread Paul Sander
On Jan 27, 2005, at 1:07 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
What register adds in the repo nonsense are you talking about? The
proposal I made simply requires a contact with the server to run the
add-time triggers; it does NOT require add-time modifications of the
repository by the CVS server itself. If the triggers drop turds in the
repository, then that's a different matter. Also remember that my
proposal includes a way to shut off the add-time triggers as a client
configuration, deferring them to commit time to accommodate users like
Just to understand your point better, do you propose 'cvs add -c
new_file' and 'cvs ci new_file' run exactly the same set of triggers?
Different sets?
I think the consensus in the last iteration of the topic was that, if 
add-time triggers were implemented, they would run as a client-side 
option at add-time and and be obligatory at commit time, preceding 
commit-time triggers.  Doubling the overhead was the only way we came 
up with at the time that guaranteed that the add-time triggers fired at 
least once prior to the first commit of a new file.

Another point that I would like to make, however, is that CVS can
become more feature-rich, support multiple policies, and have a
simpler user interface (in most use cases, at least) all at the same
time. The problem is that most of us here are too close to the
implementation to take a fresh view of the problem.
In the core CVS program the cvs add and cvs remove operations
must be fixed to be equivalent to vi file.c -- i.e. operations
which _ONLY_ affect the local working directory and which _NEVER_
contact the server.
See above. If there are no add-time triggers, then I can live with
what you say. On the other hand, some shops REQUIRE add-time triggers,
and if add-time triggers are used then contacting the server is
REQUIRED to make them run.
Sorry, add-time with respect to what? Add-time w.r.t. to working copy 
entirely different from the add-time w.r.t. repository. Do you realize
currently there is no command but 'cvs ci' meaning add this file to 
repository? Add time w.r.t. repository currently happens when you 'cvs
commit' the new file. Do you propose to change this?
What I mean by add-time is the moment in which the user invokes the 
cvs add command.  The canonical example of such a trigger is one that 
enforces naming conventions, but there are other reasons to control 
what the user can add.  (Some shops don't want users creating 
directories, for example, and require the CM team to do it for them.)

When cvs add runs, I don't care whether or not the CVS server 
modifies the repository.  Some people seem to think that running cvs 
add while disconnected is a useful thing to do.  (I take the attitude 
that client/server applications shouldn't be expected to run without a 
working network, so I'd never run any CVS command when I was unable to 
connect to the server.)  However, since triggers enforce policy and 
must not be defeatable, e.g. by changing one's path or bypassing a 
wrapper or hacking the client machine, they're best implemented as a 
server feature.  It's for that reason, assuming add-time triggers are 
implemented, they require a connection to the server.

In fact the semantics of proposed 'cvs add -c' is: add this file to 
working copy and check if the repository will allow me to commit this
new file if I decide to. In this semantic only the latter part has
anything to do with the repository, and it is commit, not add,
that's why I suggested 'cvs commit' would be more logical place to 
for such things.
Certain conditions that will allow me to commit this new file if I 
decide to can be checked at the time the user invokes the cvs add 
command.  The rationale is that if a failure condition can be detected 
at add-time then any conditions deriving from those creating the 
failure condition can be halted, thus avoiding costly recovery action 
at the time when the first commit actually fails.

For example, suppose a mixed Windows/Unix shop requires all files to 
have upper-case 8.3 file names.  A new programmer splits a header file 
and creates a new foo.h.  He adds the file, then proceeds to modify all 
of the source files to include the new foo.h.  Then he updates all of 
the dependencies in his makefiles.   He builds and tests on Unix.  He 
types cvs commit, types a very detailed log of his actions, and 
finally punches the screen.  This person might have saved a day's work, 
his equipment, and his knuckles if only cvs add had said Sorry, this 
new file violates our naming policy, try renaming it to FOO.H instead.

To get your semantics, it seems you need a new operation with the
semantics add the file to the working copy and to the repository, but
don't give it to anybody on 'cvs update' yet, until I latter commit the
addition. Do you propose exactly this? How could it be done without
write access to the repository?
The semantics I want are to 

Triggers (was Re: CVS diff and unknown files.)

2005-01-28 Thread Paul Sander
On Jan 27, 2005, at 12:36 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[ On Wednesday, January 26, 2005 at 21:05:46 (-0800), Paul Sander 
wrote: ]
Subject: Re: CVS diff and unknown files.
See above.  If there are no add-time triggers, then I can live with
what you say.  On the other hand, some shops REQUIRE add-time 
and if add-time triggers are used then contacting the server is
REQUIRED to make them run.  I had hoped that this was clear in the 
go-round, but apparently not.
Developers who think they require add-time triggers need their heads
examined, but if they really think they want to implement them then 
have all the power of any programming language they desire to do so in
a pogram that they build over and above and outside the core CVS 
Sigh.  Just because you haven't found a use for add-time triggers 
within the scope of your blinders, doesn't mean that no one has.

Also, wrappers are not always the answer.  Sure, it's possible to 
duplicate the CVS command line and invokes whatever tools enforce 
policy for the given shop.  The thing is, it's a huge duplication of 
effort when many shops do it, plus the wrappers must contact the server 
to insure uniform enforcement.  We already have code that does that, 
and it's called cvs.  It's faster, cheaper, easier, and more robust 
to add it to CVS.

Agreed.  But the tool must be sufficiently flexible to allow robust
implementations of policies.  Sometimes triggers are the right way 
wrapper scripts are not), and we've identified one area here where CVS
is not sufficiently flexible.
That's pure and utter bullshit.
These so poortly named triggers in CVS now were a poor idea from the
start which have been misperceived by folks such as yourself (and no
doubt your blathering on about your misperceptions has only spread the
problem further) and they've been rather poorly implemented to boot.
I agree that triggers as implemented by CVS are poor.  They're better 
than they once were, but they're still poor.  That doesn't mean they're 
not needed or shouldn't be used (or fixed).

If you think you want policy control over working directories then
either you're using the wrong tool for the job, or you need to think
more like a true toolsmith and build your policy enforcement tools over
and above and outside the core CVS program where they belong.
Are you arguing here that I should not be using triggers, or that I 
should not be using CVS?  If the former, then Greg, the ignorance shown 
by that statement utterly astonishes.

My current employment has me implementing process automation and policy 
enforcement every day.  One of my current projects is to design an 
engineering change order (ECO) process and the necessary tools to 
implement it.  This is the third such process that I have done (for 
different projects) in the past two years.  We don't use CVS for these 
projects, but rather a home-grown system.  Until recently it had no 
triggers, and even now their implementation is incomplete.  In other 
words, we face the same limitations with this system as we would have 
with CVS.

People (other than myself, working on other projects) demanded that 
triggers be added to this version control system for the following 
reasons, which are valid:

- The command given by the user doesn't always have enough information 
for a wrapper to determine all of the artifacts affected by the 
trigger.  Some processing by the version control system is required 
before refinements take over.
- Wrappers can be subverted by the users, sometimes accidentally, 
sometimes deliberately.
- Some users must be kept away from certain features.
- Access to certain features must be restricted conditionally upon the 
user's specific task.
- The runtime cost of certain actions is much cheaper when invoked at a 
level below the command line.
- In client/server environments, certain actions must be performed in 
the context of the server, not in the context of the user.  The 
security model is such that access to the server is given only to 
certain trusted applications.
- Wrappers can only add functionality.  They cannot remove or limit 
existing functionality.
- The actions of wrappers cannot be incorporated into the back-end 
transactions implemented by the version control primitives.
- Wrappers cannot utilize or control primitive operations at a lower 
level than the command line.

Now I will give an example that will absolutely horrify you:  We have 
actually identified cases where our counterparts of cvs checkout and 
cvs update must be restricted in ways that don't involve classical 
access control.  This directly counters your assertion that policies 
don't reign over individuals' workspaces.

The requirements are:
- There is a notion of development phase and frozen phase.
- Different branches of the project can be in different phases.
- During the development phase, all users have access to all versions 
of all files.
- During the frozen phase:
  - Users who work

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-28 Thread Sergei Organov
Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Jan 27, 2005, at 1:07 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Just to understand your point better, do you propose 'cvs add -c
  new_file' and 'cvs ci new_file' run exactly the same set of triggers?
  Different sets?
 I think the consensus in the last iteration of the topic was that, if
 add-time triggers were implemented, they would run as a client-side
 option at add-time and and be obligatory at commit time, preceding
 commit-time triggers. Doubling the overhead was the only way we came
 up with at the time that guaranteed that the add-time triggers fired
 at least once prior to the first commit of a new file.

Well, so the answer to my question is the two trigger sets are
different. But it in turn means that it could be the case that I won't
be able to 'cvs ci new_file' even though 'cvs add -c new_file' just said
the file is OK to be added. IMHO that's a mess. And I believe this mess
is direct consequence of poor design choices you are advocating, sorry.

  Another point that I would like to make, however, is that CVS can
  become more feature-rich, support multiple policies, and have a
  simpler user interface (in most use cases, at least) all at the same
  time. The problem is that most of us here are too close to the
  implementation to take a fresh view of the problem.
  In the core CVS program the cvs add and cvs remove operations
  must be fixed to be equivalent to vi file.c -- i.e. operations
  which _ONLY_ affect the local working directory and which _NEVER_
  contact the server.
  See above. If there are no add-time triggers, then I can live with
  what you say. On the other hand, some shops REQUIRE add-time triggers,
  and if add-time triggers are used then contacting the server is
  REQUIRED to make them run.
  Sorry, add-time with respect to what? Add-time w.r.t. to working copy is
  entirely different from the add-time w.r.t. repository. Do you realize
  currently there is no command but 'cvs ci' meaning add this file to the
  repository? Add time w.r.t. repository currently happens when you 'cvs
  commit' the new file. Do you propose to change this?
 What I mean by add-time is the moment in which the user invokes the cvs
 add command.  The canonical example of such a trigger is one that enforces
 naming conventions, but there are other reasons to control what the user can
 add.  (Some shops don't want users creating directories, for example, and
 require the CM team to do it for them.)

So, provided that cvs add adds the file to the working copy, your
definition means add-time to working copy. Requiring server triggers
to be run at add-time to working copy seems rather strange design choice
in my opinion.

 When cvs add runs, I don't care whether or not the CVS server
 modifies the repository. Some people seem to think that running cvs
 add while disconnected is a useful thing to do. (I take the attitude
 that client/server applications shouldn't be expected to run without a
 working network, so I'd never run any CVS command when I was unable to
 connect to the server.)

Very strange attitude. And a very unusual definition of expectations
associated with client/server applications. Having this definition, mail
client isn't supposed to let you do anything with the mail on your
computer without a working network?!

 However, since triggers enforce policy and must not be defeatable,
 e.g. by changing one's path or bypassing a wrapper or hacking the
 client machine, they're best implemented as a server feature. It's for
 that reason, assuming add-time triggers are implemented, they require
 a connection to the server.

The add-time triggers you are advocating would then create an
unfortunate precedent of preventing user from modifying his working copy
at a will of CVS repository administrator! PLEASE, DON'T DO IT TO CVS!
Sorry for shouting. Fortunately, as triggers are run on the server,
there is in fact no way to actually impose any policy on the client

  In fact the semantics of proposed 'cvs add -c' is: add this file to the
  working copy and check if the repository will allow me to commit this
  new file if I decide to. In this semantic only the latter part has
  anything to do with the repository, and it is commit, not add,
  that's why I suggested 'cvs commit' would be more logical place to check
  for such things.
 Certain conditions that will allow me to commit this new file if I
 decide to can be checked at the time the user invokes the cvs add
 command. The rationale is that if a failure condition can be detected
 at add-time then any conditions deriving from those creating the
 failure condition can be halted, thus avoiding costly recovery action
 at the time when the first commit actually fails.

The problem is that you still try at add-to-the-working-copy time to
impose policies that in fact make sense at the add-to-repository time.

 For example, suppose a mixed Windows/Unix shop requires all files to
 have upper-case 

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-28 Thread Todd Denniston
Sergei Organov wrote:
 Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Jan 27, 2005, at 1:07 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Just to understand your point better, do you propose 'cvs add -c
   new_file' and 'cvs ci new_file' run exactly the same set of triggers?
   Different sets?
  I think the consensus in the last iteration of the topic was that, if
  add-time triggers were implemented, they would run as a client-side
  option at add-time and and be obligatory at commit time, preceding
  commit-time triggers. Doubling the overhead was the only way we came
  up with at the time that guaranteed that the add-time triggers fired
  at least once prior to the first commit of a new file.
 Well, so the answer to my question is the two trigger sets are
 different. But it in turn means that it could be the case that I won't
 be able to 'cvs ci new_file' even though 'cvs add -c new_file' just said
 the file is OK to be added. IMHO that's a mess. And I believe this mess
 is direct consequence of poor design choices you are advocating, sorry.

Careful, Last discussion time it was indicated that if add triggers were to
be added, then for them to be useful they would have to run at add time
(when the flag requesting them was passed) AND more importantly at commit
time, so commit on the server would if it had never seen the file before run
the add trigger and then the normal commit trigger.
So as long as the add trigger (script) had not changed between 'cvs add -c'
(IIRC that was the flag) and commit time and the trigger allowed the add,
then the server would at commit time 
run the add trigger, get a pass 
run any commit triggers, get a pass if appropriate.

So in adding the add trigger functionality, the person patching CVS would
have to recognize the signals in the code indicating new file/directory at
commit, and connect the hook there too.

  When cvs add runs, I don't care whether or not the CVS server
  modifies the repository. Some people seem to think that running cvs
  add while disconnected is a useful thing to do. (I take the attitude
  that client/server applications shouldn't be expected to run without a
  working network, so I'd never run any CVS command when I was unable to
  connect to the server.)
 Very strange attitude. And a very unusual definition of expectations
 associated with client/server applications. Having this definition, mail
 client isn't supposed to let you do anything with the mail on your
 computer without a working network?!

If you are using IMAP, that is a true statement, for all mail boxes ON the
server. If you have downloaded the mail to your local disks you can work
with it there off-line (I have this kind of setup).  As has been mentioned,
the contact to the server for add should require a flag being set (for
Paul's group they would put the flag in each of their .cvsrc files). So it
does require a working connection, but only if you, like Paul, require add
time trigger checking.

  For example, suppose a mixed Windows/Unix shop requires all files to
  have upper-case 8.3 file names. A new programmer splits a header file
  and creates a new foo.h. He adds the file, then proceeds to modify all
  of the source files to include the new foo.h. Then he updates all of
  the dependencies in his makefiles. He builds and tests on Unix. He
  types cvs commit, types a very detailed log of his actions, and
  finally punches the screen. This person might have saved a day's work,
  his equipment, and his knuckles if only cvs add had said Sorry,
  this new file violates our naming policy, try renaming it to FOO.H
 ... and what? Is the file added to the working copy or not? If not, then
 if I've specified a few files, are they all not added, or only those
 that didn't pass the test? Still I'm opposed to the idea that cvs add
 would refrain from adding files to the working copy. It's not repository
 administrator business to decide what I can and what I can't do to my
 working copy. 

It could be if it is company policy. Remember those silly things many of us
just sign to get hired? (yes bad practice I know)

 If cvs add will only warn about the problems, -- that's
 OK with me as a user.

Actually, the way I see the situation is it only prevents the add if you
have requested the check with -c, if you have not used -c there is no
connection to the server and therefor can be no warning or prevention.

  It would run the add-time triggers (for the first commit) and then the
  commit-time triggers.
 Will cvs -n ci new_file run the triggers in the design you have in

Does cvs -n ci file run the commit trigger now (cvs-1.11/1.12)? if yes
then the modified version should run the add, if no, then no.

 Whatever the reasons for duplication are, the fact is that the server
 must run add-time triggers when new file is being added to the
 repository. Adding files to repository is what cvs commit does. Then
 it's logical for cvs -n commit to run the 

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-28 Thread Sergei Organov
Todd Denniston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Sergei Organov wrote:
  Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   On Jan 27, 2005, at 1:07 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Just to understand your point better, do you propose 'cvs add -c
new_file' and 'cvs ci new_file' run exactly the same set of triggers?
Different sets?
   I think the consensus in the last iteration of the topic was that, if
   add-time triggers were implemented, they would run as a client-side
   option at add-time and and be obligatory at commit time, preceding
   commit-time triggers. Doubling the overhead was the only way we came
   up with at the time that guaranteed that the add-time triggers fired
   at least once prior to the first commit of a new file.
  Well, so the answer to my question is the two trigger sets are
  different. But it in turn means that it could be the case that I won't
  be able to 'cvs ci new_file' even though 'cvs add -c new_file' just said
  the file is OK to be added. IMHO that's a mess. And I believe this mess
  is direct consequence of poor design choices you are advocating, sorry.
 Careful, Last discussion time it was indicated that if add triggers were to
 be added, then for them to be useful they would have to run at add time
 (when the flag requesting them was passed) AND more importantly at commit
 time, so commit on the server would if it had never seen the file before run
 the add trigger and then the normal commit trigger.
 So as long as the add trigger (script) had not changed between 'cvs add -c'
 (IIRC that was the flag) and commit time and the trigger allowed the add,
 then the server would at commit time 
 run the add trigger, get a pass 
 run any commit triggers, get a pass if appropriate.
 So in adding the add trigger functionality, the person patching CVS would
 have to recognize the signals in the code indicating new file/directory at
 commit, and connect the hook there too.

If you consider my suggestion, there will be no such a beast as
add-to-working-copy-time trigger. The commit trigger will notice the
file is new and invoke appropriate additional actions (if any). That's
all. There is absolutely no need for separate add-to-working-copy-time
triggers. Clients still have ability to check if their new files will be
accepted by the repository using cvs -n commit.


 As has been mentioned, the contact to the server for add should
 require a flag being set (for Paul's group they would put the flag in
 each of their .cvsrc files). So it does require a working connection,
 but only if you, like Paul, require add time trigger checking.

With my design you don't have ugly add-to-working-copy-time triggers and
still have the functionality of checking if new files are OK from the
point of view of repository policies. Usual commit time trigger can do
the job.


 If cvs -n commit runs the triggers to do your check(see my question
 above), I have another question: in a remote server setup (i.e., :pserver:,
 :ext:) which test was failed, the add or the normal commit?

With my approach there is no add-to-working-copy-time triggers, adding of a new
file is normal commit (the commit time trigger should have a way to check
if the file is already in the repository or not). So your question
reduces to the following: how client knows what exactly failed? and
the answer is through appropriate error message, as usual.

Please notice that with separate add-to-working-copy-time triggers the
situation at commit time is exactly the same as those triggers must be
run at commit time anyway. What's an answer to your question in this


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-28 Thread Todd Denniston
Sergei Organov wrote:
 Todd Denniston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  If cvs -n commit runs the triggers to do your check(see my question
  above), I have another question: in a remote server setup (i.e., :pserver:,
  :ext:) which test was failed, the add or the normal commit?
 With my approach there is no add-to-working-copy-time triggers, adding of a 
 file is normal commit (the commit time trigger should have a way to check
 if the file is already in the repository or not). So your question
 reduces to the following: how client knows what exactly failed? and
 the answer is through appropriate error message, as usual.
 Please notice that with separate add-to-working-copy-time triggers the
 situation at commit time is exactly the same as those triggers must be
 run at commit time anyway. What's an answer to your question in this
There is a certain amount beauty in the simplicity in keeping the status
quo, which works. :)
There is also beauty in having the options you want, and none that get in
other peoples way.
For one of these options much more energy must be expended. :)

Todd Denniston
Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC Crane) 
Harnessing the Power of Technology for the Warfighter

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Triggers (was Re: CVS diff and unknown files.)

2005-01-28 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On Friday, January 28, 2005 at 03:26:05 (-0800), Paul Sander wrote: ]
 Subject: Triggers (was Re: CVS diff and unknown files.)

 Sigh.  Just because you haven't found a use for add-time triggers 
 within the scope of your blinders, doesn't mean that no one has.

You don't seem to understand.

A new file, from the repository's point of view, thus from any
repository policy point of view, does not exist until commit time.

The existing commitinfo hooks are more than adequate enough to enforce
any repository policy on the new file, be it by name, or by content.

(my own commitinfo scripts check that the new file has a proper RCS Id,
for example)

 Also, wrappers are not always the answer.

Wrappers are always the answer when you want to do something policy
related in the working directory.  THEY MUST BE.  The core CVS program,
by design, does not involve itself in policy matters affecting the
working directories.  The core CVS program is not a complete SCM

 Are you arguing here that I should not be using triggers, or that I 
 should not be using CVS?

If your developers are so lazy, ill informed, or antagonistic of their
fellow workers, that your shop needs every little move they make, even
in their working directories, mediated by some policy-enforcing
big-brother overseerer, then CVS is _NOT_ the right tool for your shop.

 - Wrappers can be subverted by the users, sometimes accidentally, 
 sometimes deliberately.

If your users are so lazy, ill informed, or antagonistic of their fellow
workers, that your shop worries about users subverting wrapper
programs, even accidentally, then CVS is _NOT_ the right tool for your

 - Some users must be kept away from certain features.

If your users are so lazy, ill informed, or antagonistic of their fellow
workers, that your shop worries about users accessing certain features,
even accidentally, then CVS is _NOT_ the right tool for your shop.

 - Access to certain features must be restricted conditionally upon the 
 user's specific task.

If your users are so lazy, ill informed, or antagonistic of their fellow
workers, that your shop worries about users accessing certain features,
even accidentally, then CVS is _NOT_ the right tool for your shop.

 - In client/server environments, certain actions must be performed in 
 the context of the server, not in the context of the user.

Any wrapper script can also contact the server.  Write a client/server
wrapper scripting environment -- it's trivial to do.

 security model is such that access to the server is given only to 
 certain trusted applications.

Either make the wrapper a trusted application, or brainwipe your
security officer and go find one who actually knows a thing or two about
computer security, instead of one who simply reads the Idiots books.

 - Wrappers can only add functionality.  They cannot remove or limit 
 existing functionality.

WRONG.  Wrapper programs can trivially prevent or mediate all

 - Wrappers cannot utilize or control primitive operations at a lower 
 level than the command line.

Not my problem!  ;-)

But, yes, they can -- you have the source.

Your wrapper could very easily be any new client front-end that talks
to the server, perhaps over multiple channels even.

Greg A. Woods

H:+1 416 218-0098  W:+1 416 489-5852 x122  VE3TCP  RoboHack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL 

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-27 Thread Sergei Organov
Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 What register adds in the repo nonsense are you talking about? The
 proposal I made simply requires a contact with the server to run the
 add-time triggers; it does NOT require add-time modifications of the
 repository by the CVS server itself. If the triggers drop turds in the
 repository, then that's a different matter. Also remember that my
 proposal includes a way to shut off the add-time triggers as a client
 configuration, deferring them to commit time to accommodate users like

Just to understand your point better, do you propose 'cvs add -c
new_file' and 'cvs ci new_file' run exactly the same set of triggers?
Different sets?

 Another point that I would like to make, however, is that CVS can
 become more feature-rich, support multiple policies, and have a
 simpler user interface (in most use cases, at least) all at the same
 time. The problem is that most of us here are too close to the
 implementation to take a fresh view of the problem.
  In the core CVS program the cvs add and cvs remove operations
  must be fixed to be equivalent to vi file.c -- i.e. operations
  which _ONLY_ affect the local working directory and which _NEVER_
  contact the server.
 See above. If there are no add-time triggers, then I can live with
 what you say. On the other hand, some shops REQUIRE add-time triggers,
 and if add-time triggers are used then contacting the server is
 REQUIRED to make them run.

Sorry, add-time with respect to what? Add-time w.r.t. to working copy is
entirely different from the add-time w.r.t. repository. Do you realize
currently there is no command but 'cvs ci' meaning add this file to the
repository? Add time w.r.t. repository currently happens when you 'cvs
commit' the new file. Do you propose to change this?

In fact the semantics of proposed 'cvs add -c' is: add this file to the
working copy and check if the repository will allow me to commit this
new file if I decide to. In this semantic only the latter part has
anything to do with the repository, and it is commit, not add,
that's why I suggested 'cvs commit' would be more logical place to check
for such things.

To get your semantics, it seems you need a new operation with the
semantics add the file to the working copy and to the repository, but
don't give it to anybody on 'cvs update' yet, until I latter commit the
addition. Do you propose exactly this? How could it be done without
write access to the repository?

 I had hoped that this was clear in the last go-round, but apparently

For me it is not, sorry. Let me give yet another example. Suppose I've
created a new_file today and have checked it's ok using proposed 'cvs
add -c new_file' command. Two days later what I've checked could already
be wrong (policy change, another user added the same file, etc.). So
there are two questions:

1. How do I repeat my check later? By just repeating 'cvs add -c
   new_file'? This would produce warnings new_file has already been
   added that is not a good thing for an operation intended to make
   checks, I'm afraid.

2. Should 'cvs -n ci new_file' run the same triggers 'cvs add -c
   new_file' runs? If exactly the same, then why the duplication?

  Policy goes above -- it is not hard-coded in the core functionality.
 Agreed. But the tool must be sufficiently flexible to allow robust
 implementations of policies. Sometimes triggers are the right way (and
 wrapper scripts are not), and we've identified one area here where CVS
 is not sufficiently flexible.

That's why I insist CVS should have sane set of elementary operations
that could be then combined in different ways. I have no objection
against compound CVS commands that do multiple things (preferably
making them atomic), but existing of corresponding elementary commands
is a must, I believe. Designing tools in a different manner results in a
lack of flexibility, or at least my experience suggests it does.

  On Jan 25, 2005, at 9:29 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Besides, concerning informing the user about problems ASAP, I find
  myself using 'cvs add' and 'cvs remove' as *late* as possible (as
  close to the commit as possible) due to the oddities in CVS
  behavior described below. Consider the following use-case where
  the intent of tagging is to mark the repository state just before
  committing of a set of changes that includes adding and/or
  removing of some files:
  $ cd working_copy
  $ echo a  a
  $ cvs add a
  cvs server: scheduling file `a' for addition
  cvs server: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently
  [... time passes ... and now I'm ready to commit...]
  $ cvs update
  $ cvs tag -F before-my-changes
  cvs server: nothing known about a
  cvs [server aborted]: correct the above errors first!
  Oops! Need to remove file back to be able to tag the repository!
  Doesn't error nothing known about a look funny by the way? Shouldn't
  'cvs update' show N meaning nothing known instead of A as the

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-27 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On Wednesday, January 26, 2005 at 21:05:46 (-0800), Paul Sander wrote: ]
 Subject: Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

 See above.  If there are no add-time triggers, then I can live with 
 what you say.  On the other hand, some shops REQUIRE add-time triggers, 
 and if add-time triggers are used then contacting the server is 
 REQUIRED to make them run.  I had hoped that this was clear in the last 
 go-round, but apparently not.

Developers who think they require add-time triggers need their heads
examined, but if they really think they want to implement them then they
have all the power of any programming language they desire to do so in
a pogram that they build over and above and outside the core CVS program.

 Agreed.  But the tool must be sufficiently flexible to allow robust 
 implementations of policies.  Sometimes triggers are the right way (and 
 wrapper scripts are not), and we've identified one area here where CVS 
 is not sufficiently flexible.

That's pure and utter bullshit.

These so poortly named triggers in CVS now were a poor idea from the
start which have been misperceived by folks such as yourself (and no
doubt your blathering on about your misperceptions has only spread the
problem further) and they've been rather poorly implemented to boot.

If you think you want policy control over working directories then
either you're using the wrong tool for the job, or you need to think
more like a true toolsmith and build your policy enforcement tools over
and above and outside the core CVS program where they belong.

 It's frequently said to users that tags apply to the versions in your 
 workspace when cvs tag is used.

If that's the way it is being said then that is misleading.

Tags applied by the cvs tag command go, by default, against the
BASE REVISIONS of the files in the workspace.

(and besides, files in the working directories don't really have
revisions -- they were derived from their base revision and they may, or
may not, have local changes)

  But on the other hand, 
 having an atomic commit/tag operation would be useful if it existed...

once again you're trying to use, or thinking of using, the wrong tool
for the job.

CVS does not, should not, and need not, try to guarantee atomicity for
higher-level SCM abstractions.

 The problem was that cvs tag was complaining that it could not tag 
 the foo file.  This is because CVS didn't remember what version it had 
 after the rm.

Well obvsiously cvs does remember the base revision of a locally removed
file (1.3 in this case):

5:31 [1872] $ cvs status which.csh
File: no file which.csh Status: Locally Removed

   Working revision:-1.3Tue Jun 17 21:13:33 2003
   Repository revision: 1.3 
   Sticky Tag:  netbsd-1-6 (branch: 1.3.12)
   Sticky Date: (none)
   Sticky Options:  (none)

The bug in cvs tag -F is that it just doesn't make use of that memory.

Greg A. Woods

H:+1 416 218-0098  W:+1 416 489-5852 x122  VE3TCP  RoboHack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL 

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-27 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On , January 27, 2005 at 12:07:39 (+0300), Sergei Organov wrote: ]
 Subject: Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

 Well, to tell the truth, all this tagging I do would be not an issue
 should CVS support changesets. The tagging in my use-cases is in fact an
 attempt to somehow mark a changeset to be able to retrieve it later (in a
 form of diff between two tags).

CVS does support the concept of creating and managing sets of changes --
It just does not do so in the more general way you seem to think you
want it to.

Fundamentally in CVS every change set is the set of changes to the group
of files committed by any given cvs commit command.  Commits are more
or less atomic and the combined commit log for each change set can be
used to identify the change set.

Abstract change sets which are unrelated to the fundamental change sets
are created by using tags or branches.

Branches are currently, IMO, the best way to manage arbitrary abstract
change sets; and tags are second best, as you're discovering.

However the most commonly used technique are those basic fundamental
change sets inherently created by CVS with combined commits.  Most of
the free-OS projects that use CVS use this technique.  NetBSD, for
example, now has it down to a pretty much automated procedure and
they've enhanced their commit-log generating script to include the exact
CVS commands necessary to extract each change set on demand.  See any of
the recent commit log entries posted here for example:

These postings are then used by developers to identify change sets which
are to be pulled up to a release branch.  See this procedure
docuemnted here:

Note that I'm just a user of NetBSD, not one of the core developers.  :-)

Training your developers to work on one change at a time (per working
directory), and to always commit everything involved in a given change
with one single cvs commit command may not be so easy though,
especially if they've grown too accustomed to other practices.  In this
case forcing them to put each unique change set on a unique branch will
help.  Of course using branches to manage change sets in a larger full
SCM environment will require additional techniques and procedures, but
how they are designed and implemented depends almost entirely on your
specific local SCM goals and requirements.

Greg A. Woods

H:+1 416 218-0098  W:+1 416 489-5852 x122  VE3TCP  RoboHack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL 

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-26 Thread Paul Sander
On Jan 25, 2005, at 9:29 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Todd Denniston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Paul had a case for desiring in certain cases to contact the server 
on add.
Both cases _are valid_, my desire would be for add to contact the 
only when an extra flag is passed.
Well, I believe Paul case (lost productivity) is valid, but has nothing
to do with 'cvs add', sorry. There is currently no way for CVS to force
the user to run 'cvs add' as soon as he creates a file in the working
copy anyway, so the user can be unaware about the problems for an
undefined time period no matter how 'cvs add' is implemented.
CVS doesn't have to force the user to run cvs add as soon as 
possible.  But for those who religiously add files as soon as they 
create them, they won't have to wait to find errors that can be 
detected at add time.  Those of you who prefer to wait to discover 
these errors can do so by postponing the adds as long as you like, and 
in fact my proposal allows for disabling the checks altogether at add 
time and catching them at commit time instead as CVS currently does.

The whole point is to *enable* early detection of these kinds of 
problems for people who need the help, while letting those who don't 
care maintain their status quo.  A large part of the CVS audience these 
days is in mixed-platform shops where naming conventions must be 
strictly enforced to maintain a smooth process end-to-end.  These are 
the people who need the help, and it should not require an act of an 
admin and the possible loss of history to recover from a stupid mistake 
that could have been avoided early on.

continuation of Pauls' arguments leads me to the requirement for CVS to
notice new/removed files/directories automatically making 'cvs add' and
'cvs remove' obsolete in the first place, not that I'm in favor of the
I'm afraid I don't see how this is a logical continuation of my 
arguments.  I think it's unlikely that CVS will ever be able to second 
guess the user's intent when files appear or disappear in the 
workspace.  The add and remove commands are clearly necessary to signal 
the introduction and abandonment of sources.

I do believe that 'cvs -n commit' is the right way to check if the
repository is willing to accept changes. If one needs functionality to
check only additions and/or removals, then this functionality could be
provided through 'cvs commit' so that it would be possible not only to
check, but also to commit additions and/or removals only. This way
Pauls' requested 'cvs add' functionality will be available through 'cvs
-n commit -O add', provided the '-O add' means additions only. This 
IMHO more logical and consistent than -C switch proposed for the 'cvs
So, to add a file, the user must:
edit file
cvs add file
cvs -n commit file
edit file
cvs commit file
Why not just skip the third step and run the check in one command?  
It's the addition of optional capability by adding to the command 
stream that makes clunky user interfaces.  Things that are done 
together should be done in the same commands.

Adding more command line options to the second command doesn't help, 
either, because it just makes the learning curve higher.  It's a much 
simpler user model and implementation to just put in the add hook and 
edit .cvsrc to shut it off.  That way, you set it once and forget it; 
you don't have to continually remember to run some arcane series of 
commands to do simple things.

The other thing to consider here is that by adding the second command, 
you put responsibility of enforcing policy on the user, not on the 
tool.  That opens up avenues for mistakes that are more natural than 
procedure.  The proposal that I'm making prefers procedure while 
keeping the barrier low for those who believe that they can defeat it 

Making changes to the working copy (be it editing existing files or
adding/removing files/directories) and verifying these changes against
the repository are separate activities. Let them continue to be
different activities, please.
You obviously view your toolset as a small collection of primitive 
tools that you can combine in arbitrary ways to cool and useful things. 
 And when you say you want to this then all you need to do to this 
is that and that and the other thing, no problem.

But then there's the other half of the users, who say All I want to do 
is this, and don't bother me with the details.  All they want to do is 
accomplish some common task that happens to be what you consider to be 
two primitives.  But since configuration management isn't interesting 
to them, they want one command to do what they want.  Sure, it could be 
scripted, but then they to learn still more tools, which they won't do 
because they think the learning curve is too high.  It's way easier to 
make the tool perform the sequences of actions that the user wants than 
to make the users remember every nuance of some tool they prefer not to 
use in the first 

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-26 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On Wednesday, January 26, 2005 at 01:01:55 (-0800), Paul Sander wrote: ]
 Subject: Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

 You're falling into the same trap that Greg does, which is to think 
 that the way CVS works today is the way that it simply must work 
 (except when he has an idea to make it better for himself).  I agree 
 that your use case points out another ugly wart in the way that CVS was 
 designed and implemented.

Well since I believe the design to be correct and the best possible for
the goals and requirements, it's certinaly not an ugly wart.

What would be ugly would be some all-knowing big-brother implementation
that forced policy on everyone despite the fact that everyone's needs
differ.  (and I'm talking of course about multiple groups each with
their own repositories, not multiple individuals using the same repo)

If you want these kinds of policies then you can trivially implement
them over and above the core cvs program using wrapper programs and/or
scripts.  Even your stupid register adds in the repo nonsense can be
easily implemented by wrapper programs and a tiny registry on the server.

In the core CVS program the cvs add and cvs remove operations must
be fixed to be equivalent to vi file.c -- i.e. operations which _ONLY_
affect the local working directory and which _NEVER_ contact the server.

Policy goes above -- it is not hard-coded in the core functionality.

 On Jan 25, 2005, at 9:29 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Besides, concerning informing the user about problems ASAP, I find
  myself using 'cvs add' and 'cvs remove' as *late* as possible (as close
  to the commit as possible) due to the oddities in CVS behavior 
  below. Consider the following use-case where the intent of tagging is 
  mark the repository state just before committing of a set of changes
  that includes adding and/or removing of some files:
  $ cd working_copy
  $ echo a  a
  $ cvs add a
  cvs server: scheduling file `a' for addition
  cvs server: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently
  [... time passes ... and now I'm ready to commit...]
  $ cvs update
  $ cvs tag -F before-my-changes
  cvs server: nothing known about a
  cvs [server aborted]: correct the above errors first!
  Oops! Need to remove file back to be able to tag the repository!
  Doesn't error nothing known about a look funny by the way? Shouldn't
  'cvs update' show N meaning nothing known instead of A as the
  status of the file then :)

No, CVS shouldn't say anything about the unknown file.  The tag is being
applied to the base revisions of the files in the working directory.  A
newly added, but uncommitted, file is simply like any other changed file
in the working directory and the '-F' should ignore it just as it
ignores the changes to files that are already in the repository.

I.e. that is a bug, pure and simple.

 But consider this:  All I want to do is tag my files before I commit 
 them, and don't concern me with the detail.  Okay, which versions do 
 you want tagged, the ones that appear in your workspace when you did 
 the update, or the ones that will appear in the repository when you 

That's a nonsensical question.  Tags can only be applied to revisions
that are already in the repository.  Tags applied with cvs tag always
begin with the base revisions that the working directory was created

However if you keep in mind that you cannot commit changes to
out-of-date files, the silly dilema you pose proves to be even more

(and if you want to tag specific revisions in the repository without
respect to the state of any working directory then you would use cvs
rtag for that)

  The tag command should be changed to do what you want and 
 expect, not to force you into some bogus sequence of commands just to 
 satisfy the tool.

The cvs tag and cvs rtag commands can already do exactly what he
wants, and what he expects -- and the ordering of commands is not
bogus, but rather a clear and obvious progression of steps.  Things
have to be done in the proper order.  You can't commit changes you
haven't made yet, for example.

  Somewhat similar problem exists with 'cvs remove' (here the problem is
  even harder to avoid as 'cvs update' re-creates missing files not 
  with 'cvs remove'):
  $ rm b  # don't need this file anymore
  $ cvs remove b  # need this to prevent 'update' from re-creating it.
  cvs server: scheduling `b' for removal
  cvs server: use 'cvs commit' to remove this file permanently
  [... time passes ... and now I'm ready to commit...]
  $ cvs update
  $ cvs tag -F before-my-changes
  cvs server: Tagging .
  cvs server: skipping removed but un-commited file `b'
  Oops! Need to undo the 'cvs remove' of the file to be able to correctly
  tag it in the repository.
 Again, this is a human factors issue that wasn't well considered when 
 CVS was designed.

No, this one is a bug, pure and simple.

The uncommitted remove

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-26 Thread Paul Sander
On Jan 26, 2005, at 11:06 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[ On Wednesday, January 26, 2005 at 01:01:55 (-0800), Paul Sander 
wrote: ]
Subject: Re: CVS diff and unknown files.
You're falling into the same trap that Greg does, which is to think
that the way CVS works today is the way that it simply must work
(except when he has an idea to make it better for himself).  I agree
that your use case points out another ugly wart in the way that CVS 
designed and implemented.
Well since I believe the design to be correct and the best possible for
the goals and requirements, it's certinaly not an ugly wart.
Okay, so we're in violent agreement on that small point!  :-)
What would be ugly would be some all-knowing big-brother implementation
that forced policy on everyone despite the fact that everyone's needs
differ.  (and I'm talking of course about multiple groups each with
their own repositories, not multiple individuals using the same repo)
If you want these kinds of policies then you can trivially implement
them over and above the core cvs program using wrapper programs 
scripts.  Even your stupid register adds in the repo nonsense can be
easily implemented by wrapper programs and a tiny registry on the 
What register adds in the repo nonsense are you talking about?  The 
proposal I made simply requires a contact with the server to run the 
add-time triggers; it does NOT require add-time modifications of the 
repository by the CVS server itself.  If the triggers drop turds in the 
repository, then that's a different matter.  Also remember that my 
proposal includes a way to shut off the add-time triggers as a client 
configuration, deferring them to commit time to accommodate users like 

Another point that I would like to make, however, is that CVS can 
become more feature-rich, support multiple policies, and have a simpler 
user interface (in most use cases, at least) all at the same time.  The 
problem is that most of us here are too close to the implementation to 
take a fresh view of the problem.

In the core CVS program the cvs add and cvs remove operations must
be fixed to be equivalent to vi file.c -- i.e. operations which 
affect the local working directory and which _NEVER_ contact the 
See above.  If there are no add-time triggers, then I can live with 
what you say.  On the other hand, some shops REQUIRE add-time triggers, 
and if add-time triggers are used then contacting the server is 
REQUIRED to make them run.  I had hoped that this was clear in the last 
go-round, but apparently not.

Policy goes above -- it is not hard-coded in the core functionality.
Agreed.  But the tool must be sufficiently flexible to allow robust 
implementations of policies.  Sometimes triggers are the right way (and 
wrapper scripts are not), and we've identified one area here where CVS 
is not sufficiently flexible.

On Jan 25, 2005, at 9:29 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Besides, concerning informing the user about problems ASAP, I find
myself using 'cvs add' and 'cvs remove' as *late* as possible (as 
to the commit as possible) due to the oddities in CVS behavior
below. Consider the following use-case where the intent of tagging is
mark the repository state just before committing of a set of changes
that includes adding and/or removing of some files:

$ cd working_copy
$ echo a  a
$ cvs add a
cvs server: scheduling file `a' for addition
cvs server: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently
[... time passes ... and now I'm ready to commit...]
$ cvs update
$ cvs tag -F before-my-changes
cvs server: nothing known about a
cvs [server aborted]: correct the above errors first!
Oops! Need to remove file back to be able to tag the repository!
Doesn't error nothing known about a look funny by the way? 
'cvs update' show N meaning nothing known instead of A as the
status of the file then :)
No, CVS shouldn't say anything about the unknown file.  The tag is 
applied to the base revisions of the files in the working directory.  A
newly added, but uncommitted, file is simply like any other changed 
in the working directory and the '-F' should ignore it just as it
ignores the changes to files that are already in the repository.

I.e. that is a bug, pure and simple.

But consider this:  All I want to do is tag my files before I commit
them, and don't concern me with the detail.  Okay, which versions do
you want tagged, the ones that appear in your workspace when you did
the update, or the ones that will appear in the repository when you
That's a nonsensical question.  Tags can only be applied to revisions
that are already in the repository.  Tags applied with cvs tag always
begin with the base revisions that the working directory was created
Remember, I take a user-centric view of the world when I discuss CVS.  
It's frequently said to users that tags apply to the versions in your 
workspace when cvs tag is used.  But after

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-25 Thread Sergei Organov
Todd Denniston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Sergei Organov wrote:
  Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   On Jan 24, 2005, at 6:20 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is there any sound reason why 'cvs add' and 'cvs remove' commands
  require *write* access to the repo?
 I believe what Paul means, is that no one has yet owned up to writing or
 submitted the patches to implement the changes.
 Please see the linked thread to answer your question.
 Greg  I believe there is no need in the normal case for add to contact the
 repo, especially to write, unfortunately it is currently implemented to
 Paul had a case for desiring in certain cases to contact the server on add.
 Both cases _are valid_, my desire would be for add to contact the server
 only when an extra flag is passed.
 the trick I showed you is the fake I was speaking of in:
 Please understand the linked thread before posting much on this, as the heat
 got kind of high the last time we discussed it.

Thanks a lot for the links, -- I'll study them. I have no intention
to raise the heat on this issue even higher indeed.

So, this particular issue aside for now and returning to the initial
problem, aren't there any proposals/suggested patches to add an option
to the 'cvs diff' to include unknown files into the output the same
way it now includes locally added but not committed files? Does such
extension somehow interferes with the cvs way of doing things?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-25 Thread Sergei Organov
Todd Denniston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Sergei Organov wrote:
  Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   On Jan 24, 2005, at 6:20 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   It's unclear if that particular change will be made, or if made
   whether or not it will stay. The requirement to supply add-time
   triggers has been identified (by a number of users), which requires a
   contact with the server. This has undergone some heated debate.
  Well, the problem described is in fact not in contacting with server,
  but in requiring write access to the repository.
  Is there any sound reason why 'cvs add' and 'cvs remove' commands
  require *write* access to the repo?
 I believe what Paul means, is that no one has yet owned up to writing or
 submitted the patches to implement the changes.
 Please see the linked thread to answer your question.

Wow! Nice discussion indeed! I'm sorry I somehow missed it (apparently
thinking that it's yet another discussion about cvs import that IMHO
is hopelessly broken for the purpose of tracking third-party sources
albeit CVS manual suggest otherwise).

 Greg  I believe there is no need in the normal case for add to contact the
 repo, especially to write, unfortunately it is currently implemented to

I'm another one here who believes Greg and you are right.

 Paul had a case for desiring in certain cases to contact the server on add.
 Both cases _are valid_, my desire would be for add to contact the server
 only when an extra flag is passed.

Well, I believe Paul case (lost productivity) is valid, but has nothing
to do with 'cvs add', sorry. There is currently no way for CVS to force
the user to run 'cvs add' as soon as he creates a file in the working
copy anyway, so the user can be unaware about the problems for an
undefined time period no matter how 'cvs add' is implemented. Logical
continuation of Pauls' arguments leads me to the requirement for CVS to
notice new/removed files/directories automatically making 'cvs add' and
'cvs remove' obsolete in the first place, not that I'm in favor of the

I do believe that 'cvs -n commit' is the right way to check if the
repository is willing to accept changes. If one needs functionality to
check only additions and/or removals, then this functionality could be
provided through 'cvs commit' so that it would be possible not only to
check, but also to commit additions and/or removals only. This way
Pauls' requested 'cvs add' functionality will be available through 'cvs
-n commit -O add', provided the '-O add' means additions only. This is
IMHO more logical and consistent than -C switch proposed for the 'cvs

Making changes to the working copy (be it editing existing files or
adding/removing files/directories) and verifying these changes against
the repository are separate activities. Let them continue to be
different activities, please.

In my point of view, the optimal CVS behavior is the following:

1. Neither 'cvs add' nor 'cvs remove' ever contact repository (-C
   aside, see below).

2. To check if the changes are OK without actually committing them,
   including addition and removal of files, 'cvs -n commit' should be

3. -O (add|remove|change) option could be implemented in 'cvs commit' if
   somebody finds enough sense in it (I don't).

4. Provided -O is implemented, -C option for add (and remove) could then
   be implemented to be semantically the same as running 'cvs add files'
   followed by 'cvs -n commit -O add files'. I.e., it will warn about
   the problems, not prevent the operation.

   [By the way, why is it -C, and not -c? There is similar option for
   cvs tag called -c]

Besides, concerning informing the user about problems ASAP, I find
myself using 'cvs add' and 'cvs remove' as *late* as possible (as close
to the commit as possible) due to the oddities in CVS behavior described
below. Consider the following use-case where the intent of tagging is to
mark the repository state just before committing of a set of changes
that includes adding and/or removing of some files:

$ cd working_copy
$ echo a  a
$ cvs add a
cvs server: scheduling file `a' for addition
cvs server: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently
[... time passes ... and now I'm ready to commit...]
$ cvs update
$ cvs tag -F before-my-changes
cvs server: nothing known about a
cvs [server aborted]: correct the above errors first!

Oops! Need to remove file back to be able to tag the repository! 

Doesn't error nothing known about a look funny by the way? Shouldn't
'cvs update' show N meaning nothing known instead of A as the
status of the file then :)

Somewhat similar problem exists with 'cvs remove' (here the problem is
even harder to avoid as 'cvs update' re-creates missing files not marked
with 'cvs remove'):

$ rm b  # don't need this file anymore
$ cvs remove b  # need this to prevent 'update' from re-creating it.
cvs server: scheduling `b' for removal
cvs server: use 'cvs commit' to remove 

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-25 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On Saturday, January 22, 2005 at 18:59:33 (-0800), Mark D. Baushke wrote: ]
 Subject: Re: CVS diff and unknown files. 

  cvs add does not (and must not :-) contact the server.
 When I use
 mkdir foo
 cvs add foo
 it contacts the server and creates the directory on the remote
 reposiotry using either the current stable or feature releases of CVS.

Hmmm... yes, of course.

I was of course thinking of the desired behaviour and of a few tiny but
inappropriate hacks I've made to my local version to work around this
problem until such time as the desired behaviour becomes the norm.

Sorry for the confusion!  ;-)

FYI I couldn't send mail directly to you [EMAIL PROTECTED] anyway.  Your DNS
is broken and now you're also listed at

$ host -v -t mx
Query about for record types MX
Query for MX records done, 1 answer, status: no error
The following answer is not authoritative:
Answer section contains (1 record):
javad.ruIN  MX  10
Checking if is a canonical hostname ...   IN  CNAME IN  A
 *** MX host is not canonical

Greg A. Woods

H:+1 416 218-0098  W:+1 416 489-5852 x122  VE3TCP  RoboHack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL 

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-24 Thread Sergei Organov
Greg A. Woods [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [ On , January 21, 2005 at 20:06:37 (+0300), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ]
  Subject: CVS diff and unknown files.
  Is there a way to include contents of unknown files into the 'cvs
  diff' output?
  I did try the -N switch but it doesn't seem to do the trick.
 You must cvs add the files before they can be seen as new.
  I can't 'cvs add' the files as the repository is read-only for me
  (public read-only repository of an open-source project).
 Yes, you can, or at least you should be able to.
 cvs add does not (and must not :-) contact the server.

Well, it does :( :

$ echo dummy  dummy.txt
$ cvs add -m  dummy.txt
cvs [server aborted]: add requires write access to the repository


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-24 Thread Todd Denniston
Sergei Organov wrote:
 Greg A. Woods [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  [ On , January 21, 2005 at 20:06:37 (+0300), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ]
   Subject: CVS diff and unknown files.
   Is there a way to include contents of unknown files into the 'cvs
   diff' output?
   I did try the -N switch but it doesn't seem to do the trick.
  You must cvs add the files before they can be seen as new.
   I can't 'cvs add' the files as the repository is read-only for me
   (public read-only repository of an open-source project).
  Yes, you can, or at least you should be able to.
  cvs add does not (and must not :-) contact the server.
 Well, it does :( :
 $ echo dummy  dummy.txt
 $ cvs add -m  dummy.txt
 cvs [server aborted]: add requires write access to the repository
Until the Fix that Greg described late last year is put in, you can (I
think) trick cvs at least for files.

***begin cvs_trick_add
#! /bin/bash
echo  /$1/0/dummy timestamp//  CVS/Entries
echo  cvs trick added $1 to the Entries file.
***end cvs_trick_add

cvs_trick_add dummy.txt
Todd Denniston
Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC Crane) 
Harnessing the Power of Technology for the Warfighter

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-24 Thread Sergei Organov
Todd Denniston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  $ echo dummy  dummy.txt
  $ cvs add -m  dummy.txt
  cvs [server aborted]: add requires write access to the repository

 Until the Fix that Greg described late last year is put in, you can (I
 think) trick cvs at least for files.
 ***begin cvs_trick_add
 #! /bin/bash
 echo  /$1/0/dummy timestamp//  CVS/Entries
 echo  cvs trick added $1 to the Entries file.
 ***end cvs_trick_add
 cvs_trick_add dummy.txt

Thanks a lot for the trick, Todd! Though I usually try to avoid
temptation to edit CVS/ files manually, it seems that in this case it's
indeed easier than replicating of the whole project into another directory
and using regular 'diff' to compare them.

Glad to hear things are going to be changed in the (hopefully near)


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-24 Thread Paul Sander
On Jan 24, 2005, at 6:20 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Todd Denniston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
$ echo dummy  dummy.txt
$ cvs add -m  dummy.txt
cvs [server aborted]: add requires write access to the repository
Until the Fix that Greg described late last year is put in, you can (I
think) trick cvs at least for files.
***begin cvs_trick_add
#! /bin/bash
echo  /$1/0/dummy timestamp//  CVS/Entries
echo  cvs trick added $1 to the Entries file.
***end cvs_trick_add
cvs_trick_add dummy.txt
Thanks a lot for the trick, Todd! Though I usually try to avoid
temptation to edit CVS/ files manually, it seems that in this case it's
indeed easier than replicating of the whole project into another 
and using regular 'diff' to compare them.

Glad to hear things are going to be changed in the (hopefully near)
It's unclear if that particular change will be made, or if made whether 
or not it will stay.  The requirement to supply add-time triggers has 
been identified (by a number of users), which requires a contact with 
the server.  This has undergone some heated debate.

Paul Sander   | Lets stick to the new mistakes and get rid of the 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | ones -- William Brown

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-24 Thread Sergei Organov
Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Jan 24, 2005, at 6:20 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Todd Denniston [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  $ echo dummy  dummy.txt
  $ cvs add -m  dummy.txt
  cvs [server aborted]: add requires write access to the repository
  Until the Fix that Greg described late last year is put in, you can (I
  think) trick cvs at least for files.
  ***begin cvs_trick_add
  #! /bin/bash
  echo  /$1/0/dummy timestamp//  CVS/Entries
  echo  cvs trick added $1 to the Entries file.
  ***end cvs_trick_add
  cvs_trick_add dummy.txt
  Thanks a lot for the trick, Todd! Though I usually try to avoid
  temptation to edit CVS/ files manually, it seems that in this case it's
  indeed easier than replicating of the whole project into another directory
  and using regular 'diff' to compare them.
  Glad to hear things are going to be changed in the (hopefully near)
 It's unclear if that particular change will be made, or if made
 whether or not it will stay. The requirement to supply add-time
 triggers has been identified (by a number of users), which requires a
 contact with the server. This has undergone some heated debate.

Well, the problem described is in fact not in contacting with server,
but in requiring write access to the repository.

Is there any sound reason why 'cvs add' and 'cvs remove' commands
require *write* access to the repo?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-24 Thread Larry Jones
Sergei Organov writes:
 Is there any sound reason why 'cvs add' and 'cvs remove' commands
 require *write* access to the repo?

CVS add of a directory modifies the repository, but I suspect the actual
motivation was the principle that you should tell someone that they're
not allowed to do what they're trying to do as soon as possible rather
than as late as possible.

-Larry Jones

Philistines. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-24 Thread Todd Denniston
Sergei Organov wrote:
 Paul Sander [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Jan 24, 2005, at 6:20 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It's unclear if that particular change will be made, or if made
  whether or not it will stay. The requirement to supply add-time
  triggers has been identified (by a number of users), which requires a
  contact with the server. This has undergone some heated debate.
 Well, the problem described is in fact not in contacting with server,
 but in requiring write access to the repository.
 Is there any sound reason why 'cvs add' and 'cvs remove' commands
 require *write* access to the repo?
I believe what Paul means, is that no one has yet owned up to writing or
submitted the patches to implement the changes.

Please see the linked thread to answer your question.
Greg  I believe there is no need in the normal case for add to contact the
repo, especially to write, unfortunately it is currently implemented to
Paul had a case for desiring in certain cases to contact the server on add.
Both cases _are valid_, my desire would be for add to contact the server
only when an extra flag is passed.

the trick I showed you is the fake I was speaking of in:

Please understand the linked thread before posting much on this, as the heat
got kind of high the last time we discussed it.

Todd Denniston
Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC Crane) 
Harnessing the Power of Technology for the Warfighter

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-22 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On , January 21, 2005 at 20:06:37 (+0300), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ]
 Subject: CVS diff and unknown files.

 Is there a way to include contents of unknown files into the 'cvs
 diff' output?
 I did try the -N switch but it doesn't seem to do the trick.

You must cvs add the files before they can be seen as new.

 I can't 'cvs add' the files as the repository is read-only for me
 (public read-only repository of an open-source project).

Yes, you can, or at least you should be able to.

cvs add does not (and must not :-) contact the server.

Greg A. Woods

H:+1 416 218-0098  W:+1 416 489-5852 x122  VE3TCP  RoboHack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL 

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-22 Thread Mark D. Baushke
Hash: SHA1

Hi Greg,

Greg A. Woods [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [ On , January 21, 2005 at 20:06:37 (+0300), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ]
  Subject: CVS diff and unknown files.
  Is there a way to include contents of unknown files into the 'cvs
  diff' output?
  I did try the -N switch but it doesn't seem to do the trick.
 You must cvs add the files before they can be seen as new.
  I can't 'cvs add' the files as the repository is read-only for me
  (public read-only repository of an open-source project).
 Yes, you can, or at least you should be able to.
 cvs add does not (and must not :-) contact the server.

When I use

mkdir foo
cvs add foo

it contacts the server and creates the directory on the remote
reposiotry using either the current stable or feature releases of CVS.

In addition, I believe you will find that a 'cvs add' for a normal file
will also contact the server in order to create a CVS/Entries entry for
the new file with a '0' version and a 'dummy timestamp' as well.

While it has been proposed that this behavior should be changed, no
change to this behavior has been committed to the CVS sources as yet.

So, even if it 'must not' exhibit this behavior, it does appear to
exhibit it at present.

-- Mark
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (FreeBSD)


Info-cvs mailing list

CVS diff and unknown files.

2005-01-21 Thread osv

Is there a way to include contents of unknown files into the 'cvs
diff' output?

I did try the -N switch but it doesn't seem to do the trick.

I can't 'cvs add' the files as the repository is read-only for me
(public read-only repository of an open-source project).

Thanks in advance.


Info-cvs mailing list