Re: How to get CVS user (not system user) in a notification script

2000-06-21 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size

Uwe Fritsch wrote:
 Is there a way to get the CVS author name at the time when the loginfo
 trigger is run?

Put $USER on the command line that invokes, and I think
you'll get what you want.  The envariable USER contains the
server-side username; the $USER admin-file substitution gets
the client-side username.  (Or something like that.)

Ken Coarhttp://Golux.Com/coar/
Apache Software Foundation
"Apache Server for Dummies" http://Apache-Server.Com/
"Apache Server Unleashed"   http://ApacheUnleashed.Com/

How to get CVS user (not system user) in a notification script

2000-06-20 Thread Uwe Fritsch


we are using "" in the loginfo control file to send out
notification to developers on new check ins. We are using the passwd
access and have a public cvs account (cvsuser) for users which are
remote. CVS itself stores the remote user's name (let's say henry) for
the log message, but the public cvs user name prints the public cvs
user's name (cvsuser) because gets the name via getlogin()
function within Perl.

Is there a way to get the CVS author name at the time when the loginfo
trigger is run?

Thanks in advance,