Merging Question

2000-12-22 Thread Alexander Kamilewicz

Hello all,

I'm new to the list, and hoped to lurk a bit more before sending out a
question, but I find myself in need of some help.

Some background:  The CVS repository I am using was set up by someone
else.  I've been told to start using it and to get a number of our
products under CVS control ASAP.  I've had to learn CVS more or less on
my own, and have only been "learning" it for about 4 weeks.

The process I'm using will be heavy on importing Vendor releases into
the modules.  The way our business works (and I can't change this) is
that I'll get updates to an entire module from another group, and then
have to import this (since they don't use CVS) into that module under

The modules mostly consist of html pages, images, and some misc. stuff. 
Yes, they're websites.  

I've read all about Vendor branches in Karl Fogel's book and in the
Cederqvist and thought I knew what I was getting in to.  However, the
crux of my problem was that whenever I've been importing their new
changes into a module, I _never_ get a conflict message.  This is
important, because in most cases I _know_ a file has changed (usually

Thus, I embarked on the following simple exercise to prove myself right
or wrong:

1.  I create a directory called "acktest" with one file called "page1"
that has one line that says "first time".  No quotes in any of this, of

2.  I import this into CVS as such:  $cvs import acktest vendor1

3.  It imports fine.

4.  I rm -rf acktest.

5.  I repeat step #1 with the one change that the one and only line now
says "second time".

6.  I import this into CVS as such:  $cvs import acktest vendor2

7.  It imports fine with no conflicts.

8.  I rm -rf acktest

9.  I $cvs checkout acktest

10.  I get "page1" with "second time" and "first time" is nowhere to be

11.  And then, just to prove my fears, I go $cvs update -j vendor1

12.  And it is still acktest/page1 with "second time" as the only line
in the file.

This worries me, of course, because while it's good that the new "sites"
I'm receiving from Dev will now be in CVS, there appears to be a) no
version history and b) no way of "rolling back" when it turns out that
their new changes aren't up to snuff.

Anyway, sorry for the long-and-drawn-out email.  If anyone has any
suggestions as to where I'm going wrong, I'd very much appreciate it. 
Like I said, I've been looking for solutions to this problem in Karl
Fogel's book (Open Source Development with CVS) and in the Cederqvist
for a copule of weeks now, but I think I've reached an impasse.

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Re: Merging Question

2000-12-22 Thread Tony Byrne

>However, the
>crux of my problem was that whenever I've been importing their new
>changes into a module, I _never_ get a conflict message.  This is
>important, because in most cases I _know_ a file has changed (usually

Maybe I'm picking you up wrong in your description of the problem, but
if you only ever import new versions of a file into a vendor branch,
then I can't see how you would ever see a conflict.  If a file changes
external to your CVS repository between any two imports, then the
latter import will result in a new revision of the file being created
along the vendor branch, with another revision number.To use your

The first time you import page1 into the vendor branch you will see:

acktest/page1   --->

in the repository.  The second import of page1 will give you


and so on.  You can track what has changed in page1, between imports

cvs diff -r1.1.1.1 -r1.1.1.2 page1

If on the other hand you modify page1 local to the repository, between
imports, then when you commit your own changes, they will be committed
on the trunk:

actest/page1>   1.1

If you then do another import of page1 after it has been modified
externally, then you will need to merge your local changes -->
1.1 and their external changes --> into the version on
the trunk.  You may or may not see a conflict depending on whether you
and the other team both modified the same set of lines.



Tony Byrne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland.
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Re: Merging Question

2000-12-22 Thread Alexander Kamilewicz

Aha!  That makes considerably more sense than what I was trying to
figure out on my own.

Since changes generally haven't been made to the local repository
copies, there have been no conflicts, but the Vendor history _is_ being

Thanks so much for your answer - I feel a lot better about how I'm going
about this now.

And nice music, by the way.


Tony Byrne wrote:
> >However, the
> >crux of my problem was that whenever I've been importing their new
> >changes into a module, I _never_ get a conflict message.  This is
> >important, because in most cases I _know_ a file has changed (usually
> >index.htm).
> Maybe I'm picking you up wrong in your description of the problem, but
> if you only ever import new versions of a file into a vendor branch,
> then I can't see how you would ever see a conflict.  If a file changes
> external to your CVS repository between any two imports, then the
> latter import will result in a new revision of the file being created
> along the vendor branch, with another revision number.To use your
> example:

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If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately
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Re: Merging Question

2000-12-22 Thread Eric Siegerman

On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 10:13:08AM -0600, Alexander Kamilewicz wrote:
> However, the
> crux of my problem was that whenever I've been importing their new
> changes into a module, I _never_ get a conflict message.  This is
> important, because in most cases I _know_ a file has changed (usually
> index.htm).

No single change can result in a conflict.  In your example, the
distribution has changed, but you've made no local changes.
Similarly, if you had made a local change, but that particular
file was the same in the release-1 and release-2 distributions,
there wouldn't be a conflict.  A conflict only occurs when the
distribution and your local copy have *both* changed.

> Thus, I embarked on the following simple exercise to prove myself right
> or wrong:
> [Previous steps omitted, for now...]
> 7.  It imports fine with no conflicts.

And so it should, because there are no conflicts.  Thus, this
behaviour is also correct:

> 10.  I get "page1" with "second time" and "first time" is nowhere to be
> seen.

To create a conflict, modify this test procedure as follows:

> 1.  I create a directory called "acktest" with one file called "page1"
> that has one line that says "first time".  No quotes in any of this, of
> course.
> 2.  I import this into CVS as such:  $cvs import acktest vendor release1

  (NB: You have the right idea for the third argument, but
  the second should be the same for all import's; hence no
  need for a number.  I've changed it to from "vendor1" to

> 3.  It imports fine.

  3.1 Check out a sandbox:
cvs co -d acktest-sandbox acktest

  (NB: I call the sandbox "acktest-sandbox" here only to
  avoid collisions with the "acktest" directory, which you
  use for the third-party distributions.  In practice, I'd
  call the sandbox "acktest" and put the distribution
  directories elsewhere -- they're transient anyway.  Either
  way, I'd *certainly* avoid using the same directory for
  both purposes, with all the resulting deleting/recreating
  that you described.)

  3.2 Make a local change, and commit it:
cd acktest-sandbox
vi page1# Make it say "first time, revised"
cvs commit -m 'A local change to version "first time"'

  3.3 Tag the state of the world before doing the next import:
cvs tag release1-preupdate

  (I talked recently about how to do a "paranoid"
  import/merge; now I get to talk about why :-)  I'll do that
  in a minute; for now, just humour me and make this tag.)

> 4.  I rm -rf acktest.
> 5.  I repeat step #1 with the one change that the one and only line now
> says "second time".
> 6.  I import this into CVS as such:  $cvs import acktest vendor release2

  (NB: "vendor2" changed to "vendor", as in step 2)

> 7-b It imports, but says there's a conflict.

  7.1 Merge the changes:
cd acktest-sandbox
cvs update -jrelease1 -jrelease2

  7.2 Resolve the conflict:
cd acktest-sandbox
vi page1# We'll change it to "second time, plus first-time revisions"
cvs commit -m 'Merge "first-time" revisions into "second-time" distribution'

  7.3 Tag the results:
cvs tag release2-merged

  (NB: This is also part of the "paranoid merge".  It doesn't
  come into play in this message, and is shown only for

> 8.  I rm -rf acktest
> 9.  I $cvs checkout acktest
  (NB: There's no real need to do this in practice, since you still
  have acktest-sandbox.  But for the sake of argument, suppose you
  do it anyway.)

 10-b Now you get "second time, plus first-time revisions"

> [...] there appears to be a) no
> version history and b) no way of "rolling back" when it turns out that
> their new changes aren't up to snuff.

a) To convince yourself that there *is* version history, type:
cd acktest-sandbox
cvs log | more

b) To roll back to the first import, as received from the other
   group, do:
cd acktest-sandbox
cvs update -r release1

   But that loses your local patches to release1.  What you
   probably wanted was:
cvs update -r release1-preupdate# Roll back to release1, plus local 

   This is why we did step 3.3.

> This message is intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named
> herein. [7 more lines deleted]

Do the lawyers who dream this crap up ever subscribe to mailing
lists?  (Alexander, I know this isn't your doing; my gripe isn't
directed at you personally.)


|  | /\
|-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
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- Chris Garrigues

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Merging Question

2000-12-22 Thread Larry Jones

Alexander Kamilewicz writes:
> I've read all about Vendor branches in Karl Fogel's book and in the
> Cederqvist and thought I knew what I was getting in to.  However, the
> crux of my problem was that whenever I've been importing their new
> changes into a module, I _never_ get a conflict message.  This is
> important, because in most cases I _know_ a file has changed (usually
> index.htm).

You only get a conflict if two different people have modified the same
line of a file; otherwise, CVS just quietly merges the changes.  If
you're just importing code and never making any local changes, you'll
never see any conflicts.

> 8.  I rm -rf acktest
> 9.  I $cvs checkout acktest
> 10.  I get "page1" with "second time" and "first time" is nowhere to be
> seen.

That's to be expected -- you haven't specified any explicit version, so
you get the most recent one on the default branch (which is the vendor
branch in this case since you've never made any local changes; if you
had made local changes, it would be the trunk instead).

> 11.  And then, just to prove my fears, I go $cvs update -j vendor1
> 12.  And it is still acktest/page1 with "second time" as the only line
> in the file.

Of course.  You've asked CVS to merge in the changes between vendor1 and
vendor2, but you checked out vendor2 so they're already included and
there's nothing to do.  If you want to get the previous version, you
need to use -r instead of -j.

> This worries me, of course, because while it's good that the new "sites"
> I'm receiving from Dev will now be in CVS, there appears to be a) no
> version history and b) no way of "rolling back" when it turns out that
> their new changes aren't up to snuff.

Of course there's a version history -- do ``cvs log'' on a changed file
and you'll see.

-Larry Jones

My brain is trying to kill me. -- Calvin

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Merging question - from and to

2004-11-04 Thread Jeeva Sarma
I have a question about merging. I thought merging
with two -j options was 'from' revision and 'to'
This is what happened in my working area from trunk.

I have a file soa.pc, branched out at 1.2, now at
revision on branch, and 1.2 on trunk. I
check-out from trunk, then do

cvs update -j -j 1.2 soa.p
Nothing happens.

I then tried

cvs update -j 1.2 -j soa.pc

RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision
Merging differences between 1.2 and into

I also tried in another way, 

cvs update -j Br_CRMR2a_Dev soa.pc

cvs update -j HEAD soa.pc
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
Merging differences between 1.2 and 1.3 into soa.pc

I don't understand how this works? Is the order
from-to or to-from or how are we supposed to give the
-j options? Pls clarify.


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Re: Merging question - from and to

2004-11-04 Thread Pierre Asselin
Jeeva Sarma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a file soa.pc, branched out at 1.2, now at
> revision on branch, and 1.2 on trunk. I
> check-out from trunk, then do

> [ ... ]
> cvs update -j 1.2 -j soa.pc

Yes, like that.  The command means, merge all changes
that occurred between 1.2 and into the working copy,
which is what you want.

What is confusing you is that there are *three* revisions involved:
the base of the changes to merge, here 1.2, the endpoint of the
changes to merge, here, and the working copy, which doesn't
need to be called out by revision because it is the file sitting
in your sandbox at the moment.  In your case, the working copy is
identical to the base, but this isn't always true.

> RCS file:
> /cvsrep/cvsroot/ACE/ace/audit/care/soa/soa.pc,v
> retrieving revision 1.2
> retrieving revision
> Merging differences between 1.2 and into
> soa.pc

After which the soa.pc in your sandbox should be identical
to, but once again this was a special case because
your starting point was identical to 1.2 .

> cvs update -j HEAD soa.pc
> RCS file:
> /cvsrep/cvsroot/ACE/ace/audit/care/soa/soa.pc,v
> retrieving revision 1.2
> retrieving revision 1.3
> Merging differences between 1.2 and 1.3 into soa.pc

If you omit the first "-j", it defaults to the most recent
common ancestor of the given "-j" and of the working copy.
Here HEAD means 1.3, because you or someone else committed
changes after you checked out the sandbox with 1.2 .
The common ancestor of 1.3 and 1.2 is 1.2 so once again
you end up with a special case where the base and the
working revision are identical.  You are grabbing the
changes from 1.2 to 1.3 and injecting them in 1.2,
the result being identical to 1.3 .

BTW, if you lose track you can always do
rm soa.pc
cvs update soa.pc

to get a clean copy of the HEAD of the moment.

pa at panix dot com
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