Merging changes between branches

2002-03-31 Thread Yuval Rotem

Hi all,
We want to employ branches as a relatively isolated development environment,
so that a small team can share a branch for a specific feature (or task).
The branch is typically used for a few weeks, and when ready is merged to
the main trunk. This should be a classic use for a CVS branch, or so I
thought. I also used a very similar methodology in my previous company with
ClearCase as our CM tool, and it worked very well.

However, according to the docs, it seems that using CVS branches for this
purpose isn't that trivial, at least in one respect: It should be possible
to perform an update to merge changes from the main trunk into a branch (or
vice versa). In CVS this requires me to remember when the last update was,
and update with two -j flags, which is a bit awkward.

(In CC this was simpler. I guess the difference is that in CC you have a
real version graph for each file, and when you merge between versions you
add an edge to the graph, and you get a new common ancestor to be used in
your next merge operation).

We intend to write a set of scripts to make working with branches easier.
These scripts should also create the appropriate tags, handle the extra
book-keeping, handle locking, etc.

Has anyone else tried to do this or something similar? Is there a better


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Merging changes between branches

2002-03-31 Thread Pierre Asselin


We want to employ branches as a relatively isolated development environment,
[ ... ]
However, according to the docs, it seems that using CVS branches for this
purpose isn't that trivial, at least in one respect: It should be possible
to perform an update to merge changes from the main trunk into a branch (or
vice versa). In CVS this requires me to remember when the last update was,
and update with two -j flags, which is a bit awkward.

For multiple merges from branch to trunk, you plant a moving tag after
each merge.

$ : on the trunk
$ cvs update -jbranch_lasst_merge -jbranch_tip
$ cvs tag -F -rbranch_tip branch_last_merge

It's clumsy, but doable.  I'm not sure what to do for bidirectional
merges.  This could work:

--  On the branch, periodically merge *everything* from the trunk
since the branch started, planting a moving tag on the trunk
as above.  One moving tag per live branch.
--  To merge from branch to trunk, temporarily restore the trunk
to its state at branch creation time and merge the whole
$ cvs update -jHEAD -jbranch_starting_point
$ cvs update -jbranch
$ cvs update -jbranch_starting_point -jbranch_tip
(Use the latter command if files get deleted on the

It is essential that you merge all trunk changes to the branch,
otherwise you will lose code.  Hmmm, you may not need a moving tag
on the branch if you do it this way, since you always end up merging
the whole branch.  Caveat:  I've never tried it, and someone (Larry?)
said that CVS would get confused by two -j-j merges without an
intervening commit.  Not sure why, though.

Proposals to keep track of previous merges pop up on this newsgroup
from time to time.  Usually they entail extending the RCS grammar
(the newphrase production in the rcs(5) manpage).

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