Problem connecting to remote repo from wincvs

2003-02-05 Thread Daniel Hurtubise
I'm trying to get this to work and I'm getting an error from the client.

WinCVS login returns an error. The following error is reported:

Cvs -d :pserver:dahurt@cvs:/usr/local/cvsroot login
Cvs [login aborted]: connect to failed: No
connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

I'm running CVS version:
[root@cvs]# cvs version
Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.1p1 (client/server)

I configured the cvspserver service on the Linux server (RH7.3) as:

service cvspserver
socket_type = stream
protocol= tcp
disable = no
wait= no
user= root
passenv =
server  = /usr/local/bin/cvs
server_args = -f --allow-root=/usr/local/cvsroot pserver

I updated config file to look for the user in the system password file. I
restarted xinetd.
Cvspserver is defined in /etc/services with port 2401.

Please, what am I missing?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Problem connecting to remote repo from wincvs

2003-02-06 Thread Gagneet Singh
Hi Daniel!

I think the problem is that the machine you are using does not have a host
name defined for it. also, it might not be visible over the network. There
are two remedies for this problem as far as I can see. Please correct me if
someone thinks I am wrong.

1. You need to define a host name for your CVS server. From what I made out
you are working on a Linux System. This can be done by running the 'neat'
aplication from console or if you do not have graphics then you need to edit
the network settings file. And set the host name for the machine. I think
this file should be someplace where the DNS name or 'bind' files are

2. Configure samba for your machine and set the host name in the samba
configuration file. This is in the /etc/samba directory if red hat
distribution has been installed. It might vary for other distributions.

Any problems, please do get back.


> --
> Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2003 16:31:23 -0600
> From: Daniel Hurtubise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: CVS-II Discussion Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Problem connecting to remote repo from wincvs
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Precedence: list
> Message: 5
> I'm trying to get this to work and I'm getting an error from the client.
> WinCVS login returns an error. The following error is reported:
> Cvs -d :pserver:dahurt@cvs:/usr/local/cvsroot login
> Cvs [login aborted]: connect to failed: No
> connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
> I'm running CVS version:
> [root@cvs]# cvs version
> Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.1p1 (client/server)
> I configured the cvspserver service on the Linux server (RH7.3) as:
> service cvspserver
> {
> socket_type = stream
> protocol= tcp
> disable = no
> wait= no
> user= root
> passenv =
> server  = /usr/local/bin/cvs
> server_args = -f --allow-root=/usr/local/cvsroot pserver
> }
> I updated config file to look for the user in the system password file. I
> restarted xinetd.
> Cvspserver is defined in /etc/services with port 2401.
> Please, what am I missing?
> Daniel.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Problem connecting to remote repo from wincvs

2003-02-13 Thread Larry Jones
Daniel Hurtubise writes:
> Cvs -d :pserver:dahurt@cvs:/usr/local/cvsroot login
> Cvs [login aborted]: connect to failed: No
> connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

That means that xinetd isn't listening for connections on port 2401. 
Double check your xinetd configuration and look in your syslog for error
messages from xinetd.  If that doesn't help, you may want to try running
xinetd in debug mode.

-Larry Jones

I hate being good. -- Calvin

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