RE: Newbie cvs question - large project

2005-04-11 Thread Jim.Hyslop
> Thanks for the replies. Regarding the 'millions of source 
> files' remark
> - sorry, but what I meant was my project has thousands (2000+) of
> source files, with a combined size (including bitmap resources etc) of
> hundreds of megabytes.
Ah, that sounds much more sane and manageable.

> That said, could you give a tip on what's the
> best way for the programmers to modify the project?
Same as I said the other day - try to break it down into smaller modules
that can be compiled independently.

Also keep in mind that you don't have to do a full checkout every time
someone checks in a file - you only have to update the file(s) that changed.

Jim Hyslop
Senior Software Designer
Leitch Technology International Inc. ( )
Columnist, C/C++ Users Journal ( )

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Newbie cvs question - large project

2005-04-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Jim, Alan
Thanks for the replies. Regarding the 'millions of source files' remark
- sorry, but what I meant was my project has thousands (2000+) of
source files, with a combined size (including bitmap resources etc) of
hundreds of megabytes. That said, could you give a tip on what's the
best way for the programmers to modify the project?

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Newbie cvs question - large project

2005-04-08 Thread Alan Dayley
Jim.Hyslop wrote:
2. As our project is very large, with millions of source files
(literally), performing cvs release and checking out the whole project
The mind boggles. *Millions* of source files? May I ask what kind of project
this is?
Yes, please.  Do tell.  I am very curious.

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Newbie cvs question - large project

2005-04-08 Thread Jim.Hyslop
> 1.We are currently working on a large project now. As the project is
> currently under way, we are constantly making changes to the codes,
> with different people changing different part of the codes. In this
> situation, what is the best way to start implementing CVS? I was
> thinking of establishing a reference version, create a new module in
> CVS for this version, and have everybody checks out the version and
> start working from there. Is there a better way to do this?
That's the general way of working.

> 2. As our project is very large, with millions of source files
> (literally), performing cvs release and checking out the whole project
> everytime are certainly not feasible. To overcome this, I was thinking
> of letting each programmer works on his/her own part of the code, so
> after the initial checking out of the whole project (as 
> described in my
> first question), each programmer will only modify/commit his/her own
> codes. The drawback of this is of course nobody will have the complete
> newest version of the project. Is there a better way to do this?
The mind boggles. *Millions* of source files? May I ask what kind of project
this is?

Your project sounds like it is completely out of control - and that's not
something CVS, nor any other source control tool, is going to help you
overcome. You're going to need some serious project management disciplines
in place. Start by partitioning this into sub-projects which can be checked
out and worked on independently of the other sub-projects.

Jim Hyslop
Senior Software Designer
Leitch Technology International Inc. ( )
Columnist, C/C++ Users Journal ( )

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