Re: SSHD user-switching under Cygwin/XP (was Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum)

2003-12-10 Thread Derek Robert Price
Hash: SHA1

Nathan Kidd wrote:

 It took me some time to figure out the syntax, but I've now tried
 various permutations of net use.  I mostly am causing it to generate a
 lot of system errors:

 $ net use z: '\\empress\oberon' /user:oberon 'password'
 System error 5 has occurred.

 Access is denied.

 I didn't carefully read over this whole list of permutations, but at
 first glance, perhaps it's just the domain for oberon that's missing?


 net use z: \\empress\oberon /user:empress\oberon  password

Yep.  That's it, I just also have to login using a password rather than
my private/public key pair.



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Re: SSHD user-switching under Cygwin/XP (was Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum)

2003-12-10 Thread Derek Robert Price
Hash: SHA1

Nathan Kidd wrote:

 Derek Robert Price wrote:

 I didn't carefully read over this whole list of permutations, but at
 first glance, perhaps it's just the domain for oberon that's missing?


 net use z: \\empress\oberon /user:empress\oberon  password

 Yep.  That's it, I just also have to login using a password rather than
 my private/public key pair.

 As I revisit this, I note however, that this is not sufficient.  I'm
 trying to set up automated testing, so I couldn't enter the password if
 I wanted to - even saving to a file and attempting to echo it to ssh
 doesn't work because ssh grabs the TTY to get the password.  I really
 need to use public key authentication, but this prevents SSHD from
 grabbing the Windows authentication tokens.

 I think maybe this is a Windows (combined with SSHD?) limitation that I
 cannot get any access to network resources without authenticating with a

 I don't know if this helps in your situation, but if you are always
 testing from the same machine you could have a persistent connection
 to some share on empress using oberon's password.  Any subsequent
 access to any share on empress will automatically use this
 user/password without prompting for it.  That is, it is sufficient to
 simply run:
net use * \\empress\oberon

 But then if you do this you might as well make the original connection
 you want as persistent and never even bother with net use in your

 (On W2K, at least, it doesn't even seem possible to use a password
 from STDIN.)

That doesn't work.  As near as I can tell now based on my experiments
and reading, my problem is that I am attempting to launch the tests via
an automated ssh connection from another computer.  SSHD on Cygwin does
user-switching, but only gets Windows auth tokens if you use your
Windows password to login.  Since I can't use a password with ssh from
an automated script, I cannot get Windows auth tokens, and without
Windows auth tokens, Windows won't let me see or mount, _any_ network
share, not even a share that allows anonymous connections.


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Re: SSHD user-switching under Cygwin/XP (was Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum)

2003-12-10 Thread Derek Robert Price
Hash: SHA1

David Wood wrote:

Now I'm really out on a limb, but, what user is sshd running as before it
switches? Does logging into sshd without a password, using a key instead,
merely mean that no switch from this default sshd user occurs? If that's
the case, can we adjust the default user that sshd runs as?

Yes, according to the email archives I have found, I could run as my cvs
test user rather than LOCAL_SYSTEM or whatever the sshd account is by
default, but it would limit me to logging into the machine via ssh as
only the cvs test user, something else I am trying to avoid.  I could
also, possibly, set up the generic SSHD on one port and the cvs test
SSHD on another.  So far I am avoiding this because according to the
mailing lists and the one time I tried it, there are some permissions
issues in the DLLs that I am both reluctant to dive into with my level
of Windows expertise.


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We have servants and machines
in order that our will may be carried out
beyond the reach of our own arms.
Machines are more powerful than servants
and more obedient and less rebellious,
but machines have no judgement
and will not remonstrate with us
when our will is foolish,
and will not disobey us
when our will is evil.
In times and places where people despise the gods,
those most in need of servants have machines,
or choose servants who will behave like machines.
I believe this will continue
until the gods stop laughing.

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Re: SSHD user-switching under Cygwin/XP (was Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum)

2003-12-05 Thread Max Bowsher
Derek Robert Price wrote:
 My research so far leads me to believe that the problem is that the
 Local System Account does not have permission to access the drive.
 it set up for nightly testing (if anyone knows how to get Cygwin sshd to
 allow access to a mounted Samba share via its login shell, I could use
 some assistance).

I haven't been following the case-insensitivity thread, but is this the

You are logging in to Cygwin sshd using publickey auth (i.e. no password),
and you cannot access a Samba/Windows share that your user should be able

If so, the explanation is this:

sshd runs as the Windows SYSTEM user (or other user with sufficient rights)
to create Windows authentication tokens. These are fully valid on the local
machine, *but* if you do not log in with a password, the token does not
contain a password (because there is no way to know what it is - it is
hashed in the Windows password database). Therefore, no password = unable to
authenticate to remote machines, therefore unable to access network shares.

There is no elegant solution. Inelegant solutions include:
* Only log into sshd with a password.
* Put your password into a file only readable by you, and use it with the
Windows net use command during your .profile, to connect to the network


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: SSHD user-switching under Cygwin/XP (was Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum)

2003-12-05 Thread Derek Robert Price
Hash: SHA1

Max Bowsher wrote:

Derek Robert Price wrote:

My research so far leads me to believe that the problem is that the
Local System Account does not have permission to access the drive.


it set up for nightly testing (if anyone knows how to get Cygwin sshd to
allow access to a mounted Samba share via its login shell, I could use
some assistance).

I haven't been following the case-insensitivity thread, but is this the

You are logging in to Cygwin sshd using publickey auth (i.e. no password),
and you cannot access a Samba/Windows share that your user should be able


If so, the explanation is this:

sshd runs as the Windows SYSTEM user (or other user with sufficient rights)
to create Windows authentication tokens. These are fully valid on the local
machine, *but* if you do not log in with a password, the token does not
contain a password (because there is no way to know what it is - it is
hashed in the Windows password database). Therefore, no password =
unable to
authenticate to remote machines, therefore unable to access network shares.

There is no elegant solution. Inelegant solutions include:
* Only log into sshd with a password.

I can't.  I want to make this part of hte automated nightly testing and
currently, for security reasons, the testing account doesn't even have a

* Put your password into a file only readable by you, and use it with the
Windows net use command during your .profile, to connect to the network

It took me some time to figure out the syntax, but I've now tried
various permutations of net use.  I mostly am causing it to generate a
lot of system errors:

 $ net use z: '\\empress\oberon' /user:oberon 'password'
 System error 5 has occurred.

 Access is denied.



 $ net use '\\empress\oberon' /user:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 'password'
 System error 86 has occurred.

 The specified network password is not correct.

 $ net use '\\empress\oberon' /user:oberon 'password'
 System error 1312 has occurred.

 A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been

 $ net use z: '\\empress\oberon' /user:oberon
 Enter the password for 'oberon' to connect to 'empress': Enter the
 password for
 'oberon' to connect to 'empress': System error 5 has occurred.

 Access is denied.

 The password is invalid for \\empress\oberon.

 $ net use z: '\\empress\oberon' /user:oberon
 Enter the password for 'oberon' to connect to 'empress': Enter the
 password for
 'oberon' to connect to 'empress': System error 5 has occurred.

 Access is denied.

 The password is invalid for \\empress\oberon.

 $ net use z: '\\empress\oberon' /user:oberon 'password'
 System error 5 has occurred.

 Access is denied.


Note that in the cases where I do not supply a password, the prompt that
is presented times out with the error message in milliseconds.  There is
not nearly enough time for me to even hit a key.

SSHD does appear to be performing the user switch correctly.  I think
that is the reason I show up in the Administrators group, and I can
access my local files:

 $ id
 uid=1009(oberon) gid=513(None)


When the drive is already mounted from the XP desktop, the following
command claims to work:

 $ net use z:
 Local namez:
 Remote name   \\Empress\oberon
 Resource type Disk
 The command completed successfully.


But the drive still doesn't appear, even after issuing mount commands:

 $ ls /cygdrive/

 $ ls /cygdrive/z/
 ls: /cygdrive/z/: No such file or directory


I will note that `net use' still reports the Z: drive is inaccessible
after the previous command returns success:

 $ net use
 New connections will be remembered.

 Status   Local RemoteNetwork

 Unavailable  Z:\\Empress\oberon  Microsoft Windows Network
 The command completed successfully.


Any more hints?



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Re: SSHD user-switching under Cygwin/XP (was Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum)

2003-12-05 Thread Nathan Kidd
Derek Robert Price wrote:
* Put your password into a file only readable by you, and use it with the
Windows net use command during your .profile, to connect to the network
It took me some time to figure out the syntax, but I've now tried
various permutations of net use.  I mostly am causing it to generate a
lot of system errors:
$ net use z: '\\empress\oberon' /user:oberon 'password'
System error 5 has occurred.
Access is denied.
I didn't carefully read over this whole list of permutations, but at 
first glance, perhaps it's just the domain for oberon that's missing?


net use z: \\empress\oberon /user:empress\oberon  password


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-26 Thread Derek Robert Price
Hash: SHA1

I settled on a compromise for the nonce.  I fixed the latest case
insensitivity bug I knew of in 1.11.x and removed case insensitivity
support from feature entirely.  I've also added some tests of behavior
involving heterogeneous combinations of case sensitive and case
insensitive clients and servers to both branches though I've yet to get
it set up for nightly testing (if anyone knows how to get Cygwin sshd to
allow access to a mounted Samba share via its login shell, I could use
some assistance).

Since things look stable without case insensitivity support, I will
probably remove support from stable too if any new bugs crop up.

I'll probably roll a new release early next week.


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Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-26 Thread David Wood
Is the problem that you're not sure how to get the network drive into the 
sshd filesystem root? Or that when you try to that it fails?

If it were the latter, it would be reminiscent of a similar problem I had 
trying to get apache to serve files from a network drive on Windows XP. We 
found that the Local System Account that the apache service ran under by 
default did not have permissions to access the drive. 

If you were having trouble with it, you might look into what user the sshd 
process is running as, and whether that user has permission to access the 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 11/26/2003 
02:25:14 PM:

 Hash: SHA1
 I settled on a compromise for the nonce.  I fixed the latest case
 insensitivity bug I knew of in 1.11.x and removed case insensitivity
 support from feature entirely.  I've also added some tests of behavior
 involving heterogeneous combinations of case sensitive and case
 insensitive clients and servers to both branches though I've yet to get
 it set up for nightly testing (if anyone knows how to get Cygwin sshd to
 allow access to a mounted Samba share via its login shell, I could use
 some assistance).
 Since things look stable without case insensitivity support, I will
 probably remove support from stable too if any new bugs crop up.
 I'll probably roll a new release early next week.
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Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-06 Thread Larry Jones
Jim writes:
 Oh great so now tags like 'CheckPoint' 'CHECKpoint' 'checkpoint' are all
 different? how useless is that?  it's the IDEA of the word not the technical
 content of the word that should matter

And don't the words Therapist and TheRapist convey totally different

-Larry Jones

If I was being raised in a better environment, I wouldn't
do things like that. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-06 Thread Larry Jones
Chris Garrigues writes:
 Yes, Therapist and TheRapist do convey different ideas.  However, in an 
 actual English sentence, it's pretty damned clear what I'M GOING TO SEE MY 
 THERAPIST THIS AFTERNOON. means even without mixed case to clue you in.

Yes, case is less important when you have additional context like an
entire sentence.  The problem is that in most computer applications, we
don't have any contxt to allow us to distinguish one thing from
another, so case becomes more important.  You may have noticed that I
misspelled context in the previous sentence, or maybe not.  In either
event, I'm sure you had no trouble understanding what I meant.  Are you
now going to claim that English isn't spelling sensitive, either?

-Larry Jones

The surgeon general should issue a warning about playing with girls. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-06 Thread Derek Robert Price
Hash: SHA1
Chris Garrigues wrote:

|From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry Jones)
|Date:  Thu, 6 Nov 2003 11:49:29 -0500 (EST)
|Chris Garrigues writes:
|Yes, Therapist and TheRapist do convey different ideas.  However, in
|actual English sentence, it's pretty damned clear what I'M GOING TO SEE
|THERAPIST THIS AFTERNOON. means even without mixed case to clue you in.
|Yes, case is less important when you have additional context like an
|entire sentence.  The problem is that in most computer applications, we
|don't have any contxt to allow us to distinguish one thing from
|another, so case becomes more important.  You may have noticed that I
|misspelled context in the previous sentence, or maybe not.  In either
|event, I'm sure you had no trouble understanding what I meant.  Are you
|now going to claim that English isn't spelling sensitive, either?
|Careful now or you might end up making my point for me.
|The fact is that I didn't even notice that context was misspelled and
I did
|understand the sentence completely.  Given that human beings care and do
|understand things which are misspelled and which have differing case, it
|should be obvious that from a human interaction perspective, it would
be ideal
|if the computer could also understand things which are misspelled and have
|differing case.  Understanding misspelled words is a difficult task and is
|well beyond the scope of this email, but whether or not a computer language
|or operating system or software package is case sensitive or not is a
|design decision and IMHO, from the perspective of usability, Unix (and
C) made
|the wrong call.
|However, after over 30 years, this is not a decision which is going to be
|changed, so I just grumble about it in email every few years and go on with
|my life.
The salient point to me is that _sometimes_ case does make a difference
and a case insensitive filesystem can take that choice away from the
user in some circumstances.
Now, a filesystem, or perhaps something akin to bash's tab-completion
that would make sense of misspelled and miscased words, when it seemed
best, and would still allow words with conflicting case when requested,
might make sense, but I don't think CVS has any business fiddling around
at this level.  If a SysAdmin thinks it important that the CVS server
look case insensitive, that admin can install the repository in question
on a case insensitive file system.

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Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-06 Thread Derek Robert Price
Hash: SHA1
Ingolf Steinbach wrote:

|On Thursday 06 November 2003 06:24, Jim wrote:
|That's not really the point... how many times do you maintain ChangeLog,
|CHangeLog, changeLog, changelog in the same directory?
|On Solaris with SUNWspro installed:
|% ls /opt/SUNWspro/bin/??
|/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC  /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cb  /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc
|CC is the C++ compiler while cc is the C compiler.
Looks like cc's big brother to me.  :)


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We shall have our follies without doubt.  Some one or more of them will
always be afloat.  But ours will be the follies of enthusiasm, not of
bigotry, not of Jesuitism.  Bigotry is the disease of ignorance, of
morbid minds; enthusiasm of the free and buoyant.  Education and free
discussion are the antidotes of both.  We are destined to be a barrier
against the return of ignorance and barbarism.
   - Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 1816
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Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-06 Thread Eric Siegerman
On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 09:24:06PM -0800, Jim wrote:
 I suppose someone could have abused the case sensitivity and used capital
 cases of file extensions as backups... 'main.c' backed by 'main.C' though
 this seems like a bad habit.

Interesting choice of example :-)  Doesn't the latter mean C++ on
some systems?


|  | /\
|-_|/ Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
When I came back around from the dark side, there in front of me would
be the landing area where the crew was, and the Earth, all in the view
of my window. I couldn't help but think that there in front of me was
all of humanity, except me.
- Michael Collins, Apollo 11 Command Module Pilot

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-06 Thread Rick Genter
While I'm finding this whole discussion fascinating, it's beginning to aggravate me 
that it is occurring on both info-cvs and bug-cvs. Could the discussion be limited to 
one list only, please? Thank you.

Rick Genter
Sr. Software Engineer
Silverlink Communications
(781) 272-3080 x242

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-Original Message-
From: Eric Siegerman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 09:24:06PM -0800, Jim wrote:
 I suppose someone could have abused the case sensitivity and used capital
 cases of file extensions as backups... 'main.c' backed by 'main.C' though
 this seems like a bad habit.

Interesting choice of example :-)  Doesn't the latter mean C++ on
some systems?


|  | /\
|-_|/ Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
When I came back around from the dark side, there in front of me would
be the landing area where the crew was, and the Earth, all in the view
of my window. I couldn't help but think that there in front of me was
all of humanity, except me.
- Michael Collins, Apollo 11 Command Module Pilot

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Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-06 Thread Paul Sander
--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

WeLl mAdE ArguMent...

No, not at all. For example, of the 111 items in my home directory
right now, 17 of them use upper-case letters in a meaningful
way. Common practice is to name some things on Unix in a mixture of
cases, e.g. Makefile, Imakefile, ChangeLog.

That's not really the point... how many times do you maintain ChangeLog,
CHangeLog, changeLog, changelog in the same directory?  or Makefile and
makefile?  or .BASHrc, .bashRC, .BashRc, .bashrc ?  Is there even one
example of where it's logical to have the same name with a different case in
a directory?

I have worked in a shop where most directories contained a makefile and a
Makefile, and relied on the search order of the tools to choose the right
one.  The reason was because the product was a third-party source with its
own makefiles, and we used the second makefile to interface our build
system with theirs.  It was a gunky arrangement, but it saved us from
having to merge local changes into their makefiles after every code drop,
and any changes we made to their makefiles were generic in nature and could
be fed back to them.

--- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-06 Thread Derek Robert Price
Hash: SHA1
Rick Genter wrote:

|While I'm finding this whole discussion fascinating, it's beginning to
aggravate me that it is occurring on both info-cvs and bug-cvs. Could
the discussion be limited to one list only, please? Thank you.
I do that occasionally when I'm hoping for user and developer input on a
problem.  I think some people only read one list or the other.

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RE: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-06 Thread Jim.Hyslop
Rick Genter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While I'm finding this whole discussion fascinating, it's 
 beginning to aggravate me that it is occurring on both 
 info-cvs and bug-cvs. Could the discussion be limited to one 
 list only, please? Thank you.
I've a better idea - why don't we call a truce and agree to disagree on the
philosophy, and let Derek handle the situation as he sees best?

Jim Hyslop
Senior Software Designer
Leitch Technology International Inc. (
Columnist, C/C++ Users Journal (

Let's build software that works the way people expect.

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RE: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-06 Thread Jim.Hyslop
Ingolf Steinbach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Solaris with SUNWspro installed:
 CC is the C++ compiler while cc is the C compiler.
Thank you for supplying an example that supports my point.

Using that convention, it is impossible for you to know which compiler is
which, unless someone tells you or you refer to external documentation.
Wouldn't it just be easier to distinguish the two programs by giving them
names that are different and that *tell* you which one is which, such as gcc
and g++?

Just as in my earlier message I pointed out that jim and Jim are the
same name, cc and CC are the same name, from a human point of view. Read
them out loud. Both jim and Jim come out the same, don't they? We
*speak* labels as much as we read them, and spoken language does not make
case distinctions. I don't know about you, but when I read, I do not just
see the shapes of the letter combinations, I *hear* the words associated
with those combinations. Arcane labels such as cc and CC are spoken as
see see, unless you would habitually say little see little see and
uppercase see uppercase see.

BTW, in response to the earlier comment (not made by you, IIRC) that my
grade school teacher should have pointed out that only Jim is correct -
that's not really important (I refer you to e.e. cummings, a.a. milne and a
variety of other people who do not use capital letters in their names, by
the way). Jim may be the correct way of spelling it, but if I leave a note
for my wife and sign it jim she won't say Who the hell is jim? My
husband's name is Jim.

Jim Hyslop
Senior Software Designer
Leitch Technology International Inc. (
Columnist, C/C++ Users Journal (

Let's build software that works the way people expect.

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RE: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-06 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On Wednesday, November 5, 2003 at 10:11:45 (-0500), Jim.Hyslop wrote: ]
 Subject: RE: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

Hi Jim!  How are you!  How are things at Leitch?  :-)

 From the time we first learned to read, we have never considered the case of
 a word to be significant in determining the identity of an object being
 referred to.

I think you're headed _WAY_ off track there.

This really has nothing much to do with reading and human languages or
anything like that.

Case sensitivity is an important and useful feature in computer
languages, including filesystem naming.

Many of us consider those filesystems which cannot preserve case, but
which accept input in random case, to be so utterly broken as to be
undeserving of any attention whatsoever.  They create a situation where
the computer effectively considers the users to be too stupid or blind
or whatever to be able to say what we mean accurately.

Besides, there are lots of situations in plain old English where a
capitalised word has at least different connotations, if not also a
different meaning from its all lowercase companion.

 As you have probably gathered, my background is almost entirely
 Windows-based.  In case-sensitive (i.e. Unix) systems, what is the generally
 accepted practise with respect to naming files: is it generally considered
 bad practise to have two files with the same name, that differ only by case,
 in the same directory?

Nope -- indeed it is far more common than you might think to have files
with names which differ only in the case of their letters.

About the only thing in Unix history where the case of filename
characters has been ignored in some way has been with make where it
will try the file makefile and if it cannot find a file by that name
then it will try the file Makefile, though in this case it is quite
often used to advantage and files of both names will exist in a

 My understanding is that the common practise on Unix
 is to use all lower-case names, to avoid potential confusion.

Confusion has nothing to do with it -- it's all about SHOUTING! ;-)

It also had to do with having a distinguishing feature that made Unix
(and Multics) look better and smarter than all those ancient old
mainframe systems which only used uppercase characters.  Use of
lowercase letters distinguised Unix from many stuffy/stodgy old systems,
and ability to not only preserve case in file content and file names,
but also to distinguish between names differing only in case, gave Unix
(and Multics) a powerful new ability those older systems did not have.

(and the reason for not capitalizing many filenames was that it is
rather hard to touch type upper-case letters on a real Teletype ASR-33
-- those damn little round keys are hard enough to press on their own,
one at a time, without also trying to press a shift key with your other
hand at the same time too!)

 Let's build software that works the way people expect.

I expect my software to honour and recognize case differences in
filenames (and all other identifiers too!)

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098  VE3TCPRoboHack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-05 Thread Fabian Cenedese

I was investigating case sensitivity, thinking that it was somehow
necessary for the support of Windows clients, when it occurred to me
that the _only_ value-added feature this provides is that Windows users
don't need to specify the case of files and paths correctly in remote

We once had the minor problem that somehow files showed up twice
(e.g. doing an update). It turned out that the case of the file itself didn't
match the entry in the entries file. So cvs once reported the file from
the entries file and then again while looking for unknown files. It behaved
correctly, it just did the file twice. But that's something the local client
needs to handle (I guess) and not the server. So I don't know if this has
something to do with your actual work, I just thought I'd mention it.

(Actually that was some months ago, I don't know if this is still the case.
Can't test now).

bye  Fabi

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-05 Thread Jim

 We once had the minor problem that somehow files showed up twice
 (e.g. doing an update). It turned out that the case of the file itself
 match the entry in the entries file. So cvs once reported the file from
 the entries file and then again while looking for unknown files. It
 correctly, it just did the file twice. But that's something the local
 needs to handle (I guess) and not the server. So I don't know if this has
 something to do with your actual work, I just thought I'd mention it.

Yes - if you use a poor editor it will not preserve the case of the
filenames.  FAT32, NTFS both preserve the case, even if it doesn't actually
USE the case...  It is entirely feasible to leave CVS case sensitive and
make a note somewhere that the responsibility of preserving the case is on
the user.


OOP is a frame of mind, not a language.
The difference between a bug and a feature?  A feature's documented. What?
if I press the enter key the program crashes and makes the computer reboot?
... Yeah... it says right here - feature - quick reboot
Everything changes, what you hear today is gone tomorrow, and yesterday
might as well never have been.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-05 Thread Fabian Cenedese

 We once had the minor problem that somehow files showed up twice
 (e.g. doing an update). It turned out that the case of the file itself
 match the entry in the entries file. So cvs once reported the file from
 the entries file and then again while looking for unknown files. It
 correctly, it just did the file twice. But that's something the local
 needs to handle (I guess) and not the server. So I don't know if this has
 something to do with your actual work, I just thought I'd mention it.

Yes - if you use a poor editor it will not preserve the case of the
filenames.  FAT32, NTFS both preserve the case, even if it doesn't actually
USE the case...  It is entirely feasible to leave CVS case sensitive and
make a note somewhere that the responsibility of preserving the case is on
the user.

The strange thing here is that cvs is inconsequent. It should report the
file from the entries as missing and recreate it (though not possible on
Windows) and further should report an unknown file in the directory.
But what it did is really updating the file, so it could make the connection
between the different cases partly. Either it's case sensitive or it's not.
And that was with a local repository, so no client/server issues.

bye  Fabi

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-05 Thread Jim.Hyslop
Greg A. Woods [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ On Tuesday, November 4, 2003 at 13:57:25 (-0500), Derek 
 Robert Price wrote: ]
  Subject: Case insensitivity ad nauseum
  So anyway, why _don't_ we remove the case-insensitivity support?
 I can only say it should never ever have been put in in the first
First, Derek, let me thank you for all the work you have put in on this.

It sounds like I'm going to be the sole dissenting voice here, at least so
far. Let me explain my reasoning; it will be rather round-about, but please
bear with me. It will (I hope) make sense in the end.

Historically, computers have not had the processing power to be able to work
the way humans expect the world to work, so humans have always had to bend
to the limitations of the computer. While that may have been acceptable
forty years ago, in this day and age when using desktop or laptop systems,
it is not. Computers today are tools that should make the jobs easier for
human beings. Computers should bend to the expectations of humans, not the
other way around.

From the time we first learned to read, we have never considered the case of
a word to be significant in determining the identity of an object being
referred to. My name is Jim. My name is also JIM. If you're talking about
me, then it doesn't matter whether you spell my name Jim, JIM, or any of
the other six variations involving case: the label that you apply to me is
not case-sensitive. That's the way the world works... except in computer
sciences. Well, I believe the time has come to rectify that.

A file name is a label that a human applies to a particular entity called a
file. As I said earlier, case distinction in labelling entities is
irrelevant. Case-preserving, case-insensitive file systems are, in my
opinion, the correct way to model the world. In this respect Bill Gates
actually did something *right* with Windows (let's not go into the myriad
ways he went wrong - that's a whole other troll^H^H^H^H^H rant).

As you have probably gathered, my background is almost entirely
Windows-based. In case-sensitive (i.e. Unix) systems, what is the generally
accepted practise with respect to naming files: is it generally considered
bad practise to have two files with the same name, that differ only by case,
in the same directory? My understanding is that the common practise on Unix
is to use all lower-case names, to avoid potential confusion. Sounds to me
like this is a manually-operated (and therefore error-prone) convention
imposed in order to have, effectively, a case-insensitive, case-preserving
file naming system ;-)

Let's build software that works the way people expect. On a
case-insensitive, case-preserving file system such as Windows or (I believe)
Mac OS, that means making the program smart enough to realize that cvs rlog
myproject also means cvs rlog MyProject. If you put it in, you
unfortunately won't get a lot of Windows users saying thank you for making
it match the case, but if you leave it out you might get a lot of Windows
users saying WTF? Why am I getting an error with 'cvs rlog myproject'?
Whaddya mean it's case-sensitive?!? What a stupid program!!

It won't be easy, and I'm sure the problem is rather complex, but I truly
believe the end results *will* be worth the extra effort involved.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-05 Thread Derek Robert Price
Hash: SHA1
Jim.Hyslop wrote:

|It sounds like I'm going to be the sole dissenting voice here, at least so
|far. Let me explain my reasoning; it will be rather round-about, but please
|bear with me. It will (I hope) make sense in the end.
[. . . snip . . .]

|It won't be easy, and I'm sure the problem is rather complex, but I truly
|believe the end results *will* be worth the extra effort involved.
Are you volunteering to maintain this code?  I'm getting sick of it.  :)

Seriously, case-philosophies aside, we could remove the handling from
CVS and anyone sharing your beliefs could still install a
case-insensitive file system on a UNIX server and put their CVS
repository there to get the behaviour you want.
As it stands, Windows users will only get the behavior you prefer
_sometimes_, since as long as the repository exists on a case sensitive
file system, files with conflicting case can still exist in the
I don't think the overhead for such a small gain, the worth of which is
completely dependant on personal case-philosophy, and which system
administrators can configure according to their own personal
case-philosophy, is worth it.

- --

Get CVS support at!
- --
If virtuous, [the government] need not fear the fair operation of attack
and defense. Nature has given to man no other means of sifting the
truth, either in religion, law, or politics.
   - Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 1792
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Netscape -

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-05 Thread Steve McIntyre
On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 10:11:45AM -0500, Jim.Hyslop wrote:

It sounds like I'm going to be the sole dissenting voice here, at least so
far. Let me explain my reasoning; it will be rather round-about, but please
bear with me. It will (I hope) make sense in the end.


A file name is a label that a human applies to a particular entity called a
file. As I said earlier, case distinction in labelling entities is
irrelevant. Case-preserving, case-insensitive file systems are, in my
opinion, the correct way to model the world. In this respect Bill Gates
actually did something *right* with Windows (let's not go into the myriad
ways he went wrong - that's a whole other troll^H^H^H^H^H rant).

The problem with mixing case-sensitivity in this way is that it's just
about impossible to get right. The amount of work involved to do it
completely (and correctly) is horrendous. If you want an example, look
at the work the Samba team have to do to try and present a
case-insensitive view of a case-sensitive file system. And then
consider the whole gamut of different character sets and encodings out
there. Some systems do not have a one-to-one mapping from upper to
lower case and vice versa. If you want to do case-insensitivity
properly, it needs to be done all the way down. Anything else is a
grievous hack...

As you have probably gathered, my background is almost entirely
Windows-based. In case-sensitive (i.e. Unix) systems, what is the generally
accepted practise with respect to naming files: is it generally considered
bad practise to have two files with the same name, that differ only by case,
in the same directory? My understanding is that the common practise on Unix
is to use all lower-case names, to avoid potential confusion. Sounds to me
like this is a manually-operated (and therefore error-prone) convention
imposed in order to have, effectively, a case-insensitive, case-preserving
file naming system ;-)

No, not at all. For example, of the 111 items in my home directory
right now, 17 of them use upper-case letters in a meaningful
way. Common practice is to name some things on Unix in a mixture of
cases, e.g. Makefile, Imakefile, ChangeLog.

Let's build software that works the way people expect. On a
case-insensitive, case-preserving file system such as Windows or (I believe)
Mac OS, that means making the program smart enough to realize that cvs rlog
myproject also means cvs rlog MyProject. If you put it in, you
unfortunately won't get a lot of Windows users saying thank you for making
it match the case, but if you leave it out you might get a lot of Windows
users saying WTF? Why am I getting an error with 'cvs rlog myproject'?
Whaddya mean it's case-sensitive?!? What a stupid program!!

Another point I'd like to make: labels are case-sensitive
already. Live with it. Most of the Mac/Windows people who will ever
have to cope with cvs on their platform not being case-insensitive are
going to be programmers _anyway_. And you sure as hell cannot go
randomly mixing case in C/C++/Java source code! The only
non-programmers I've ever seen using CVS on Windows were using a
pretty GUI front-end which would hide all the details from them anyway
and would get the case correct by default.

It won't be easy, and I'm sure the problem is rather complex, but I truly
believe the end results *will* be worth the extra effort involved.

And I'd strongly recommend losing the current set of kludges that we
have that only cause confusion.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Is there anybody out there?

Description: PGP signature
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-05 Thread Derek Robert Price
Hash: SHA1
Jim wrote:

| Yes - if you use a poor editor it will not preserve the case of the
|filenames.  FAT32, NTFS both preserve the case, even if it doesn't actually
|USE the case...  It is entirely feasible to leave CVS case sensitive and
|make a note somewhere that the responsibility of preserving the case is on
|the user.
The note that the client needs to preserve case is already in the
client-server specification document (doc/cvs-client.texinfo).  If the
client is not preserving case in some instances, then it is a bug in the
An editor should not be able to affect this since the CVS client uses
the file name case in the CVS/Entries file and not the case passed in by
the user or in the filesystem unless the file does not exist in CVS/Entries.

- --

Get CVS support at!
- --
115. (A)bort, (R)etry, (I)nfluence with large hammer
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Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-05 Thread Derek Robert Price
Hash: SHA1
Fabian Cenedese wrote:

|The strange thing here is that cvs is inconsequent. It should report the
|file from the entries as missing and recreate it (though not possible on
|Windows) and further should report an unknown file in the directory.
|But what it did is really updating the file, so it could make the
|between the different cases partly. Either it's case sensitive or it's not.
|And that was with a local repository, so no client/server issues.
If I made this change, CVS clients would still treat the local workspace
files in a case insensitive manner.  Only the server wouldn't and the
CVS client/server specification already requires the client to preserve
the case of files it retrieved from the server and as far as I know the
CVS client does this properly.

- --

Get CVS support at!
- --
Thank GOD Microsoft doesn't build airplanes.
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Netscape -

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-05 Thread Kevin Layer
Jim.Hyslop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 is it generally considered
 bad practise to have two files with the same name, that differ only by case,
 in the same directory? 


 My understanding is that the common practise on Unix
 is to use all lower-case names, to avoid potential confusion. 

I've been using UNIX since the BSD 4.x days ('82).  I've never heard
this before.

 Sounds to me
 like this is a manually-operated (and therefore error-prone) convention
 imposed in order to have, effectively, a case-insensitive, case-preserving
 file naming system ;-)

Bad conclusion.

 Let's build software that works the way people expect. On a
 case-insensitive, case-preserving file system such as Windows or (I believe)
 Mac OS, 

But not Mac OS X.

 that means making the program smart enough to realize that cvs rlog
 myproject also means cvs rlog MyProject. If you put it in, you
 unfortunately won't get a lot of Windows users saying thank you for making
 it match the case, but if you leave it out you might get a lot of Windows
 users saying WTF? Why am I getting an error with 'cvs rlog myproject'?
 Whaddya mean it's case-sensitive?!? What a stupid program!!

If Windows is case preserving and people use dual case in names, why
allow them to be sloppy and specify the single case name?  The only
thing you are doing is supporting fuzzing thinking, IMO.


Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-05 Thread Jim.Hyslop
Donald Sharp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's not terribly uncommon to have both Makefile and makefile
 in some build trees I've seen( and they have a different meaning
 to make! ) on unix.  I wouldn't want cvs to stop surporting
 the ability to track this at all!  It's not unreasonable to have
 the same name with different cases, rare yes, but not unreasonable.
Oh, don't get me wrong - I'm not suggesting that CVS drop case-sensitive
support altogether. I realize that the case-sensitive nature of Unix will
probably never change, partly due to legacy issues and partly due to the
attitudes and philosophies of Unix users.

Jim Hyslop
Senior Software Designer
Leitch Technology International Inc. (
Columnist, C/C++ Users Journal (

Let's build software that works the way people expect.

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-05 Thread Jim.Hyslop
Steve McIntyre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Another point I'd like to make: labels are case-sensitive
 already. Live with it.
I think you missed my main point: *why* should the user have to deal with
it? Just because that's the way it works? Well then, let's *change* the
way it works, so people don't have to deal with it. Make the computer deal
with it.

Jim Hyslop
Senior Software Designer
Leitch Technology International Inc. (
Columnist, C/C++ Users Journal (

Let's build software that works the way people expect.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-05 Thread Steve McIntyre
On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 11:35:12AM -0500, Jim.Hyslop wrote:
Steve McIntyre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Another point I'd like to make: labels are case-sensitive
 already. Live with it.
I think you missed my main point: *why* should the user have to deal with
it? Just because that's the way it works? Well then, let's *change* the
way it works, so people don't have to deal with it. Make the computer deal
with it.

No, I didn't. Labels in *lots* of systems other than CVS are
case-sensitive and this will _not_ change any time soon, if ever. That
was _my_ point here. People work with them all the time. I disagree
with your fundamental premise that case-sensitivity is harder / less
intuitive, FWIW.

I'm very much with Derek on this point - if we can lose one of the
harder to maintain parts of the CVS code base and make the system more
consistent as a result, then *hell* yes. Do it!

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Can't keep my eyes from the circling sky,
Tongue-tied  twisted, Just an earth-bound misfit, I...

Description: PGP signature
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-05 Thread Derek Robert Price
Hash: SHA1
Derek Robert Price wrote:

| Jim.Hyslop wrote:
| |It sounds like I'm going to be the sole dissenting voice here, at
least so
| |far. Let me explain my reasoning; it will be rather round-about, but
| |bear with me. It will (I hope) make sense in the end.
| [. . . snip . . .]
| |It won't be easy, and I'm sure the problem is rather complex, but I truly
| |believe the end results *will* be worth the extra effort involved.
| Are you volunteering to maintain this code?  I'm getting sick of it.  :)
| Seriously, case-philosophies aside, we could remove the handling from
| CVS and anyone sharing your beliefs could still install a
| case-insensitive file system on a UNIX server and put their CVS
| repository there to get the behaviour you want.
| As it stands, Windows users will only get the behavior you prefer
| _sometimes_, since as long as the repository exists on a case sensitive
| file system, files with conflicting case can still exist in the
| repository.
| I don't think the overhead for such a small gain, the worth of which is
| completely dependant on personal case-philosophy, and which system
| administrators can configure according to their own personal
| case-philosophy, is worth it.
To phrase this in yet another way, I do not think it should be CVS's
responsiblity to hide this feature of the server's file system, in the
same way that UNIX and Mac OS X fail to attempt to make a mounted
case-insensitive filesystem appear to be case-sensitive.
This should not be CVS's responsibility.  As far as file names and file
systems are concerned, CVS should behave as an access mechanism and _ask
the filesystem if the file exists_.  If an administrator wants a CVS
server that behaves as if its filesystem is case insensitive, then the
administrator should install the server on a case insensitive filesystem.
Jim, you had to learn to use correct case and punctuation for your
English teacher, to extend your own metaphor.  You may think jim, Jim,
and JIM refer to the same thing, but some people will interpret them
differently, especially if we bring context into the picture.  I do not
think asking CVS users on Windows  to get the case correct (and mind you
this is only for checkout and the r* commands) is much more complicated
than this.  They do already manage it for their passwords, after all.
- --

Get CVS support at!
- --
It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no god.
It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.
~- Thomas Jefferson
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Netscape -

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-05 Thread Jim.Hyslop
Derek Robert Price [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are you volunteering to maintain this code?  I'm getting sick 
 of it.  :)
Ah, well... gee, look at the time! ;-)

 I don't think the overhead for such a small gain, the worth 
 of which is
 completely dependant on personal case-philosophy, and which system
 administrators can configure according to their own personal
 case-philosophy, is worth it.

OK. You're more familiar with the complexities and issues. I've had my say
on this.

Jim Hyslop
Senior Software Designer
Leitch Technology International Inc. (
Columnist, C/C++ Users Journal (

Let's build software that works the way people expect.

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-05 Thread Paul Sander
--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steve McIntyre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Another point I'd like to make: labels are case-sensitive
 already. Live with it.

I think you missed my main point: *why* should the user have to deal with
it? Just because that's the way it works? Well then, let's *change* the
way it works, so people don't have to deal with it. Make the computer deal
with it.

Having experienced the way it works both ways, I personally prefer the Unix
way.  (Unix was not my first OS, by the way.)

The problem here is as much a matter of taste as anything else.  Half the
users want case-senstivity, the rest want case-insensitivity with case-
preserving behavior.  Because computing resources are shared, then half
of the users are bound to be unhappy in a shop that requires
interoperability between systems.  There's no workable solution to the
problem at the filesystem or OS level, so it falls onto the shop to set
its own policy.

I think that the proper solution is not to change the OS, but to simplify
CVS.  CVS should support case-sensitivity, but provide more hooks so that
the shop can enforce its own naming policy.  That way, pure Unix shops
get what they want by default.  Canned triggers can enforce policies such
as no upper-case letters in a name or no two files in the same directory
can have names that differ only by case.  The triggers must apply at the
points where they make the most sense.

At present, such triggers can be invoked only at commit time.  In my opinion,
that is too late to be any good for enforcing naming conventions, because
by that time there may have been significant work done that depends on the
new file's name.  (Consider, for example, the case where a C header file is
refactored, and a fundamental data structure is moved to the new file.  If
local policy is to disallow nested #includes then many source files require
modifications to pick up the new file.  If two users add header files that
differ only in case concurrently, then a significant amount of rework is
needed to resolve the conflict.  Although we could argue that this specific
example is a project management problem, most of us have seen variations
of the problem.)

In my opinion, the cvs add command should be modified to invoke a trigger
and then reserve the name in the repository.  The cvs remove command should
be modified to invoke a trigger that enforces removal policy (and cancels
reservations if no versions have been committed to the file).

--- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-05 Thread Larry Jones
Jim.Hyslop writes:
 From the time we first learned to read, we have never considered the case of
 a word to be significant in determining the identity of an object being
 referred to.

That simply is not true, there are times when case is significant.  The
words Polish and polish, for example.  Likewise, Catholic and

 My name is Jim. My name is also JIM. If you're talking about
 me, then it doesn't matter whether you spell my name Jim, JIM, or any of
 the other six variations involving case: the label that you apply to me is
 not case-sensitive.

You must not have had a very good grade-school English teacher; mine
would have insisted that only Jim is correct.

-Larry Jones

Whatever it is, it's driving me crazy! -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-05 Thread Jim
WeLl mAdE ArguMent...

No, not at all. For example, of the 111 items in my home directory
right now, 17 of them use upper-case letters in a meaningful
way. Common practice is to name some things on Unix in a mixture of
cases, e.g. Makefile, Imakefile, ChangeLog.

That's not really the point... how many times do you maintain ChangeLog,
CHangeLog, changeLog, changelog in the same directory?  or Makefile and
makefile?  or .BASHrc, .bashRC, .BashRc, .bashrc ?  Is there even one
example of where it's logical to have the same name with a different case in
a directory?

I suppose someone could have abused the case sensitivity and used capital
cases of file extensions as backups... 'main.c' backed by 'main.C' though
this seems like a bad habit.

The arguments presented about the case insensitivity are rather valid...

Another point I'd like to make: labels are case-sensitive

Oh great so now tags like 'CheckPoint' 'CHECKpoint' 'checkpoint' are all
different? how useless is that?  it's the IDEA of the word not the technical
content of the word that should matter

Sorry for the bitter sarcasm.. I wish I had made such a valid argument for
the windows client maintaining \r's and not adding additional ones whens
storing \n's received from the server ... I mean the unix client has no
problem maintaining when there are \r's in the files stored in the
repository, both to and from with no arbitrary descisions to attach \r's to
\n's received from the server - leading to \r\r\n sequences in files.  I
even tried to touch the repositories I had to strip out the \r's since it
appears that they 'shouldn't' have been there in the first place, but gave
up and grudgingly accepted to use the cygwin port (and therefore the cygwin
dll's which change weekly) which don't have a problem maintaining the
correct characters for a line ending.  Anyhow sorry I'm digressing...

Unfortunatly looks like both issues lead to dead ends.

OOP is a frame of mind, not a language.
The difference between a bug and a feature?  A feature's documented. What?
if I press the enter key the program crashes and makes the computer reboot?
... Yeah... it says right here - feature - quick reboot
Everything changes, what you hear today is gone tomorrow, and yesterday
might as well never have been.
- Original Message -
From: Steve McIntyre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 7:33 AM
Subject: Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

 Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-04 Thread Tom Copeland
On Tue, 2003-11-04 at 13:57, Derek Robert Price wrote:
 So anyway, why _don't_ we remove the case-insensitivity support?  It
 seems to me that it has been causing an awful lot of headaches without a
 very good reason for supporting it.  So what if Windows users have to
 specify project case correctly during the initial checkout?  They had to
 anyhow when conflicting cases existed in the repository.

For what it's worth this sounds like an excellent idea to me.  



Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

2003-11-04 Thread Greg A. Woods
[ On Tuesday, November 4, 2003 at 13:57:25 (-0500), Derek Robert Price wrote: ]
 Subject: Case insensitivity ad nauseum

 So anyway, why _don't_ we remove the case-insensitivity support?

I can only say it should never ever have been put in in the first

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098  VE3TCPRoboHack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list