Upgrade to CVS 1.11?

2001-01-08 Thread Dennis Jones

I am currently running a CVS 1.10.8 server on a 
Linux machine, with clients that are all Windows (95/98/NT/2000) 
machines.  All of the Windows clients are also version 1.10.8, which I got 
quite some time ago in the form of a binary from the internet.
I am thinking about upgrading to CVS 1.11, but 
I am not sure if I can (or should) upgrade the server without also upgrading the 
clients.  There does not yet appear to be a Windows binary of version 
1.11 available anywhere that I can find, and the only binary I can find now 
(at cvshome.org) is 1.10.5, which is pretty doggone old (I can't even find 
1.10.8 anymore -- what's up with that?).  Lots of Unix clients are 
getting built on a regular basis and are available as binaries, so why 
aren't Windows clients also built and made available?  I thought at least 
the major versions (like 1.11) were supposed to have Windows binaries 
So I guess my questions are:
1) Should upgrade the server to 1.11 even if 
Windows clients are still 1.10.8?
2) Is there someplace where one can find a Windows 
binary of 1.11?  If not, what sort of a build environment (and tools) 
are required to build one?
- Dennis

Re: Upgrade to CVS 1.11?

2001-01-08 Thread Larry Jones

Dennis Jones writes:
> I am thinking about upgrading to CVS 1.11, but I am not sure if I can =
> (or should) upgrade the server without also upgrading the clients.  =

You can, and you should.

-Larry Jones

I've never seen a sled catch fire before. -- Hobbes

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