Hi all,

I am pretty new to WinCVS so please forgive me, if I have overlooked
something obvious.
I want to write a Tcl/Tk script to check, if files are locked by someone
(puting out only one line per file)

Is there a script around, that I can use ?

WinCVS 1.1b14 comes with a SelectionTest.tcl script, which seems to fullfil
my requirements.

Unfortunately the following statement does always return 1 (file locked)
even on unlocked files

...  loop over files

        cvsbrowser info $file fileInfo
        cvsout "--> Locked :       " $fileInfo(locked) "\n"   --> always 1, even
for not locked files

Is this a bug in cvsbrowser ?
What is this cvsbrowser ?

Please can someone direct me in the right direction.

Thanks and best Regards,

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