cvs login failure

2000-10-12 Thread Luke Kendall

We had a Linux machine hosting a secure CVS archive, for some Windows and
Linux development.  Then the Linux PC died.  Fortunately, the CVS archive
was on its own drive, so we just put it into a 2nd Linux machine,
and re-did all the ssh and inetd configuration.

The Windows machines access the CVS archive via the pserver method,
using ssh.  The Linux machines just set CVSROOT to use the archive
directory (it's auto-mounted).

But the CVS archive isn't working for the Windows machines anymore;
any attempt to do a cvs login gets the error below:

CVSROOT set to :pserver:luke@localhost:/home/mantovani/cvs-archive
Started ssh, so now you need to cvs login:
(Logging in to luke@localhost)
CVS password:
cvs [login aborted]: authorization failed: server localhost rejected access

Is there any way to find out why the cvs client (or is it the server?)
rejected the login?  Is there any kind of logging information that can be

One fact that is probably a red herring, is that the window in which the
ssh connection to the CVS server is made, displays errors like:

$ DUPRE.: Connection to port 2401 forwarding to localhost:2401 requested.
Address maps to dupre, but this does not map back to the address - 

But we used to get errors like this with the now-dead Linux PC, and
everything worked fine.  We're using cvs version 1.10.6 under Red Hat
Linux 6.1, and the cvs client version is 1.10.

The only change was the replacement of one Linux PC with another.

Any suggestions?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs login failure

2000-10-13 Thread Mike Castle

On Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 02:42:15PM +1100, Luke Kendall wrote:
> But the CVS archive isn't working for the Windows machines anymore;
> any attempt to do a cvs login gets the error below:
> CVSROOT set to :pserver:luke@localhost:/home/mantovani/cvs-archive
> Started ssh, so now you need to cvs login:
> (Logging in to luke@localhost)
> CVS password:
> cvs [login aborted]: authorization failed: server localhost rejected access

Wait.  You are using ssh to log back into the Windows machine?
(luke@localhost)   That doesn't seem to make a lot of sense.  Or were you
just obscurring information there?

Why don't you use :ext:luke@linuxhost:/home/mantovani/cvs-archive

And set CVS_RSH to ssh.

   Mike Castle   Life is like a clock:  You can work constantly
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  and be right all the time, or not work at all and be right at least twice a day.  -- mrc
We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan.  -- Watchmen

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs login failure

2000-10-13 Thread Larry Jones

Luke Kendall writes:
> CVSROOT set to :pserver:luke@localhost:/home/mantovani/cvs-archive
> Started ssh, so now you need to cvs login:
> (Logging in to luke@localhost)
> CVS password:
> cvs [login aborted]: authorization failed: server localhost rejected access
> Is there any way to find out why the cvs client (or is it the server?)
> rejected the login?  Is there any kind of logging information that can be
> examined?

Like the message says, it's the server that rejected the login.  When
you get just that message with no additional information, it means that
either the user exists but the password didn't match, or the repository
you specified does not match one of the --allow-root= arguments
specified for the server (in /etc/inetd.conf, presumably).  The current
development version now has an additional message for the latter case,
so you'll be able to tell which it is in the future.

-Larry Jones

Another casualty of applied metaphysics. -- Hobbes

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs login failure

2000-10-15 Thread Luke Kendall

> Luke Kendall writes:
> > 
> > CVSROOT set to :pserver:luke@localhost:/home/mantovani/cvs-archive
> > Started ssh, so now you need to cvs login:
> > (Logging in to luke@localhost)
> > CVS password:
> > cvs [login aborted]: authorization failed: server localhost rejected access
> > 
> > Is there any way to find out why the cvs client (or is it the server?)
> > rejected the login?  Is there any kind of logging information that can be
> > examined?
> Like the message says, it's the server that rejected the login.  When
> you get just that message with no additional information, it means that
> either the user exists but the password didn't match,

If it was using the user CISRA/luke instead of luke (i.e. if for some
reason it was insisting on using the Windows domain name plus user name),
the password would fail to match.  Is there any way to force it to use
a specific user name?

> or the repository
> you specified does not match one of the --allow-root= arguments
> specified for the server (in /etc/inetd.conf, presumably).

No, it looks like:

cvspserver stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/bin/cvs 
--allow-root=/home/handy/cvs-archive pserver

Although the machine "handy" died, and was replaced by "mantovani",
the auto mounter has been adjusted to pretend matovani is handy.
We also tried explicitly changing the inetd.conf to refer to mantovani,
and killed inetd processes, but it made no difference.  :-(

> The current
> development version now has an additional message for the latter case,
> so you'll be able to tell which it is in the future.

Sounds helpful.  But are there any log messages we can use to find the
exact username it was using?  I'm suspicious of that.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs login failure

2000-10-16 Thread Luke Kendall

Mike Castle wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 02:42:15PM +1100, Luke Kendall wrote:
> > But the CVS archive isn't working for the Windows machines anymore;
> > any attempt to do a cvs login gets the error below:
> > 
> > CVSROOT set to :pserver:luke@localhost:/home/mantovani/cvs-archive
> > Started ssh, so now you need to cvs login:
> > (Logging in to luke@localhost)
> > CVS password:
> > cvs [login aborted]: authorization failed: server localhost rejected access
> Wait.  You are using ssh to log back into the Windows machine?
> (luke@localhost)   That doesn't seem to make a lot of sense.  Or were you
> just obscurring information there?

No, that's exactly what I used; it's the output from a script wrapped
around it that only starts an ssh connection to the cvs server machine
if there isn't already one running, and also sets some environment

Fundamentally it does this:

wterm sh -c "ssh -l $LOGNAME -L 2401:localhost:2401 mantovani" &
CVS_SERVER="/usr/bin/cvs"   export CVS_SERVER
cvs login

This means that at localhost on the client, and on localhost on the
server, an ssh connection to port 2401 is made.  So all cvs communications
are sent via ssh.  We use this because we're working on a clean room
project; it just happens to be the same system we use if working off

> Why don't you use :ext:luke@linuxhost:/home/mantovani/cvs-archive
> And set CVS_RSH to ssh.

See above.  Plus, it used
to work until we changed the CVS server from one Linux machine to
another.  And this way still works when talking to another server
serving another CVS archive.

A very significant fact: when logged into the cvs server, if we use
cvs login fails there!  Doing a trace of it, all we see is the
server sending the message "I HATE YOU".  So the password validation
appears to be failing.

In summary: I think we're using ssh for good reasons; it used to work;
changing from one Linux machine to another (and re-doing the config)
stopped it working; we can still use the technique to talk to another
server serving another CVS archive.

Any hints about how we diagnose this?  Does cvs provide any verbose
logging or debug mode?  AFAIK, cvs login takes no options.

My next step otherwise will be to modify the cvs source to generate
some information to trace what's going on.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs login failure

2000-10-17 Thread Derek R. Price

Luke Kendall wrote:

> Mike Castle wrote:
> > On Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 02:42:15PM +1100, Luke Kendall wrote:
> > > But the CVS archive isn't working for the Windows machines anymore;
> > > any attempt to do a cvs login gets the error below:
> > >
> > > CVSROOT set to :pserver:luke@localhost:/home/mantovani/cvs-archive
> > > Started ssh, so now you need to cvs login:
> > > (Logging in to luke@localhost)
> > > CVS password:
> > > cvs [login aborted]: authorization failed: server localhost rejected access
> >
> > Wait.  You are using ssh to log back into the Windows machine?
> > (luke@localhost)   That doesn't seem to make a lot of sense.  Or were you
> > just obscurring information there?
> No, that's exactly what I used; it's the output from a script wrapped
> around it that only starts an ssh connection to the cvs server machine
> if there isn't already one running, and also sets some environment
> variables.

That sure looks like the standard error message.  Are you sure you are sending the
right user name?  You said you move the CVS repository.  Are you sure your ssh is
still forwarding the connection to the correct machine and not to another without your
name in the password file?  Are you sure the repository root (--allow-root=...) hasn't
changed and is it still being specified correctly to the pserver command?

Play with CVS_CLIENT_LOG and see if you can trace more of the authentication.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenAvenue ( )
The cost of living hasn't affected its popularity.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs login failure

2000-10-17 Thread luke

On 17 Oct, Derek R. Price wrote:

> > No, that's exactly what I used; it's the output from a script wrapped
> > around it that only starts an ssh connection to the cvs server machine
> > if there isn't already one running, and also sets some environment
> > variables.
>  That sure looks like the standard error message.  Are you sure you are sending the
>  right user name?

>From the "(Logging in to luke@localhost)" message, it seems so.

>  You said you move the CVS repository.

Yes; we moved it from /home/handy/cvs-archive to
/home/mantovani/cvs-archive.  We set up amd to export /home/mantovani
and also to make a synonymous entry called /home/handy (since handy is
now defunct), as a convenience.  We tried both, incidentally, in the
inetd.conf file (killing inetd appropriately), but that made no

>  Are you sure your ssh is
>  still forwarding the connection to the correct machine and not to another without 
>  name in the password file?

Absolutely.  We use NIS for passwords.  They're only kept on one
machine.  And yes, the ssh forwards are always to localhost, so neither
the machine name at the client nor the server has to be hard-coded as
it were.

>  Are you sure the repository root (--allow-root=...) hasn't
>  changed and is it still being specified correctly to the pserver command?


cvspserver stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/bin/cvs 
--allow-root=/home/handy/cvs-archive pserver

>  Play with CVS_CLIENT_LOG and see if you can trace more of the authentication.

Ah!  This is what I was asking about and hoping for.  Some way to get
some extra logging or debug info.  I assume that the client defines
this env variable to be a filename, and log info is written to it.

I'll give that a try right now.  Thanks.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs login failure

2000-10-17 Thread luke

On 18 Oct, To: Derek R. Price wrote:
>  >  Play with CVS_CLIENT_LOG and see if you can trace more of the authentication. 
>  Ah!  This is what I was asking about and hoping for.  Some way to get 
>  some extra logging or debug info.  I assume that the client defines 
>  this env variable to be a filename, and log info is written to it. 
>  I'll give that a try right now.  Thanks. 

Under Windows (U/Win) I tried exporting CVS_CLIENT_LOG as
d:/home/luke/cvs-client.txt and tried to cvs login.  I couldn't
find a file whose name included the string cvs-client.txt on any local
drive.  (D: is a local drive.)

I also tried setting it to just plain "cvs-client.txt".  Same result.

On Linux, I tried setting it to /tmp/xxx and CVSROOT as:


Then did a cvs login (which succeeded, BTW), but no /tmp/xxx file
had been created.

I did a strings on the Windows cvs.exe and on /usr/bin/cvs on Linux,
and both have CVS_CLIENT_LOG, so I assume the facility works similarly
as in the source to cvs 1.10.8 that I have handy: it just opens
$ and $CVS_CLIENT_LOG.out and writes in there.

But nothing's happening.

Obviously I'm dramatically misunderstanding how you're supposed to use
CVS_CLIENT_LOG.  Can someone enlighten me?



Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs login failure

2000-10-18 Thread Derek R. Price


> I did a strings on the Windows cvs.exe and on /usr/bin/cvs on Linux,
> and both have CVS_CLIENT_LOG, so I assume the facility works similarly
> as in the source to cvs 1.10.8 that I have handy: it just opens
> $ and $CVS_CLIENT_LOG.out and writes in there.

No, that's about it.  I'm not sure what shell you are using, but in Bourne, Bash, and
Korn, you need to export environment variables for a child process to see them:

cvs ... login

Should produce two files, /tmp/ & /tmp/xxx.out .  The names are server relative
(YES, I know it's called a client log.  This one's a pet peeve of mine - maybe I'll
fix it someday), so *.in is a full transcript of what went into the server (what was
sent by the client) and *.out is a full transcript of what was sent by the server
(what was read by the client).

And I know it was working under Linux in 1.10.8 and in an almost 1.11 dev version, so
you shouldn't be having any problems there.

Whoops.   Just checked myself and CVS doesn't start writing to the client log until
after authentication, probably for the obvious reasons, but it does work under both
Linux & Windows in 1.11.

Anyway, I'd say your options are compiling a debug version under Windows and
attempting to trace the failed attempt or figure out what the difference between your
Windows & Linux CVSROOT specs are, since the Linux version worked.  Is LOGNAME set
differently on the two machines?  Try a CVSROOT with no variables in it.  CVS
shouldn't be filling anything into CVSROOT on either platform, so if the problem lies
there you should be able to fix it on the command line.

Also, try again to make sure that handy's IP address is the same regardless of which
machine you look it up on.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenAvenue ( )
I will not celebrate meaningless milestones.
I will not celebrate meaningless milestones.
I will not celebrate meaningless milestones...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs login failure

2000-10-26 Thread luke

(Oops.  Thought I had sent this off days ago...  Sorry.)

Some interesting news, below.  Good but puzzling.

On 18 Oct, Derek R. Price wrote:
> > I did a strings on the Windows cvs.exe and on /usr/bin/cvs on Linux,
> > and both have CVS_CLIENT_LOG, so I assume the facility works similarly
> > as in the source to cvs 1.10.8 that I have handy: it just opens
> > $ and $CVS_CLIENT_LOG.out and writes in there.
>  No, that's about it.  I'm not sure what shell you are using, but in Bourne, Bash, 
>  Korn, you need to export environment variables for a child process to see them:

Sure.  That's why I said I "exported" CVS_CLIENT_LOG.

>  Whoops.   Just checked myself and CVS doesn't start writing to the client log until
>  after authentication, probably for the obvious reasons, but it does work under both
>  Linux & Windows in 1.11.

So wouldn't get any debug for the part that's going wrong, anyway.

>  Anyway, I'd say your options are compiling a debug version under Windows and
>  attempting to trace the failed attempt or figure out what the difference between 
>  Windows & Linux CVSROOT specs are, since the Linux version worked.

I'll admit that it seems difficult to see how to setup the cvs server
to be run from gdb.  Hmm, maybe I could attach to it once it was

>  Is LOGNAME set
>  differently on the two machines?


>  Try a CVSROOT with no variables in it.  CVS
>  shouldn't be filling anything into CVSROOT on either platform, so if the problem 
>  there you should be able to fix it on the command line.

I think that's a small red herring.  I tried without a CVSROOT, using
the -d option, with the same result.

>  Also, try again to make sure that handy's IP address is the same regardless of which
>  machine you look it up on.

Handy is defunct; "mantovani" is the stand-in.  There is an amd entry
so that /home/handy is the same as /home/mantovani.  But our network is
solid and clean, and I'd be flabbergasted if mantovani's IP address
changed while the machine was running (the IP addresses are assigned
dynamically from a server).

And now for the good but puzzling news.  It's now working.

Now, keep in mind that this all used to work when Handy was alive; and
failed when Mantovani replaced it.  Both were running the same version
of Linux with the same versions of the same utilities installed.

Also involved is an old version of ssh compiled for Windows.

The problem only occurs if we don't explicitly specify the login id when
we make the ssh connection from the Windows box to the Linux CVS
server.  The ssh login succeeds, but when we later try to cvs login,
the cvs server on the Linux box rejects the login with the message
"authentication failure".

The mechanism works like this - let me use Win to stand for the Windows
client and Lin for the Linux server:

On Win we do: ssh -L 2401:localhost:2401 Lin

I gather this makes a loopback connection on port 2401 on localhost
(Win),  talking to a 2nd loopback ssh connection on port 2401 on Lin,
and because of our /etc/{services,inetd.conf} and pserver CVSROOT, cvs
talks via ssh.

With the ssh -l $LOGNAME it all works.  Without the -l $LOGNAME we get
the "authentication failure" error when the windows user tries to cvs
login - *even though the ssh login works*.

Each user only has a single login id.

Puzzles are:

1) If the -l $LOGNAME is needed, why did it work at all previously?

2) How can the ssh login succeed but the cvs login fail?  Where does the
   cvs server get the login id from?  The client?  If so, how does the
   ssh login id affect it?

I twigged to this after trying a new ssh compiled under U/Win 2.25,
which just happens to default to using "/$LOGNAME" as the login
id.  This forced me to specify -l $LOGNAME to make even the ssh login
succeed.  And after that, the cvs login worked.

So, we're happy that it's now working, but don't really understand what
went wrong, or why it now works.


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