Re: virtual hosting, revisited...

2000-12-11 Thread Michael Fair

I have thought a lot about this.  I even patched
1.6.24 to use email addresses as IDs, and had
different domains residing in different namespaces 
(implemented as different top-level folders).  

This allowed each domain to have its own set of 
users and shared folders without name collisions 
in other domains.  The patch was alpha quality and 
only patched the imapd directory.

I authenticated out of a database using the domain
name as the table name to get the data out of and
didn't do any "per domain" configuration other
than creating a separate partition for each.

It worked, but was by no means a generic solution.
It was merely a proof of concept to see how much
work was really involved.  "A lot, but doable"
was my conclusion.  It's certainly no small task,
however the Cyrus system is far from being a lost
cause about it.  In fact, during the "upgrade"
several other features can easily be integrated
with minimal extra effort.  Such as a (compile time)
configurable separator character for those who 
want something other than "." and the ability to 
create folders at the same level as "inbox" (like 
Drafts, Trash, Sent Items, etc..)

I had targeted these points as my conditions 
of satisfaction:
- Different domains authenticate out of potentially
different sources.  (Essentially becomes each domain
has it's own configuration information).

- Allow any legal folder name in a domain without 
naming conflicts from other domains.

- Each domain stores its directories in a different
subtree of the filesystem.  Essentially allowing you
to "delete" one subtree and all associated files for
that domain would be deleted (Misusing the "partition" 
feature of cyrus partially addresses this one).

- Have some method for determining which domain the
user was attempting to reach (using email address as
login, binding to a unique IP, special tags in the 
user name (like myd_username or yourd_username), other).

These are some "first thoughts" about the subject.  
What I really have questions about are what the right 
way to go about it is.  Do we use the "realm" feature
of SASL and Kerberos to handle the domain separation
or reserve those for something else?  I personally
disagree with the 1 IP per domain theory of virtual
hosting, but it is used by many people and thus
should be supported.  Furthermore, without some way
of finding out what domain a client is trying to 
reach _before_ it tries to login the only method
is to somehow encode the domain into the userid,
which is also a sub-optimal solution.

I am thinking that since the modifications actually
create a very different product, we might even 
need to use a completely separate CVS branch so 
that things could be broken while people did the 
modifications, and then merged back into the main
source tree once it was stable enough to be considered.

These modifications combined with what the server
already does would make cyrus the "feature complete"
server for me to use in all my installations.

I absolutely believe that we will get virtual domain
support coded into the server soon enough.  I know
I'm not the only one who has this set of patches as 
a high prioirity on their "TODO" list.  Eventually
one of us is going to come up with a good, clean,
solution and take the time to complete the patches.

Fortunately, the CMU guys have been gracious enough
to let us know that these patches would be accepted
which removes the "I hope I'm not wasting my effort"
concern that I had when I originally thought about
doing it.

May we all be blessed with good tidings,
-- Michael --

- Original Message - 
From: "Amos Gouaux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2000 6:23 PM
Subject: virtual hosting, revisited... 

> A while ago there was some ideas kicking around regarding supporting
> different virtual domains.  Have these thoughts progressed any?
> Just curious where that had been left off.
> Perhaps master could take a -c option to override the imapd.conf
> location?  You could then select a LMTP socket specific for that
> domain.  I guess the other issue would be to have imapd listen on a
> specific IP address.  (A capability that would also be nice for the
> lmtpd server.)
> While having one imapd.conf support the various domains would be
> convenient, seems like that would be a rather considerable task to
> encapsulate all those settings at a per-domain level.  At that
> point, wouldn't it just be practical to have a different imapd.conf
> anyway?  On the other hand, I suppose it could be like the ISC DHCP
> server config file.
> -- 
> Amos

Re: Proper way to repair and remove quota in Cyrus 1.6.24

2000-12-11 Thread Daryl Tester

Paul Wiechman wrote:

> edited it in /proc/sys/fs/file-max
> Went to the extreme to try to get it to work.

Well, as I said, you need to bump up fs.inode-max (/proc/sys/fs/inode-max
in old-speak) as well, plus you neet to bump up your per-process
limit (the kernel documentation in Documentation/proc.txt mentions
this).  On my RedHat 6.1 box, ulimit -Sn and -Hn return 1024, so
unless you've adjusted those as well, you'll still strike this limit.

  Daryl Tester,  Software Wrangler and Bit Herder, IOCANE Pty. Ltd.

"Who knows what men lurk in the heart of eval?"

Re: Proper way to repair and remove quota in Cyrus 1.6.24

2000-12-11 Thread David L. Parsley

I forgot to mention: when my Linux box ran out of fd's, LOTS of
mailboxes got corrupted db files and such.  Very messy.  In the end, I
ran 'at 2am' and had it do a reconstruct -r user.  For a while there,
reconstruct was my friend.  Thankfully, I haven't needed to run it in a


Paul Wiechman wrote:
> edited it in /proc/sys/fs/file-max
> Went to the extreme to try to get it to work.
> Paul
> Daryl Tester wrote:
> >
> > Paul Wiechman wrote:
> >
> > > That didn't work. Gave Linux 65535 FD's and quota still gives 'quota:
> > > System I/O error Too many open files'.
> >
> > _Where_ (and how) did you give Linux that many file descriptors?
> > There is a system wide limit defined (in fs.file-max and
> > fs.inode-max in sysctl naming convention, from memory), and a
> > per-process limit defined by ulimit.  And I believe with the
> > system wide limit, fs.inode-max >= 3 * fs.file-max.
> >
> > --
> > Regards,
> >   Daryl Tester,  Software Wrangler and Bit Herder, IOCANE Pty. Ltd.
> >
> > "Who knows what men lurk in the heart of eval?"

David L. Parsley
Network Administrator
Roanoke College

Re: How to tell imapd and imspd to advertize LOGIN?

2000-12-11 Thread Ken Murchison

> I'm using cyrus-imapd-2.0.7, cyrus-imspd-v1.6a2, and sendmail-8.11.1
> with cyrus-sasl-1.5.24.  I've built SASL with LOGIN authentication.
> How to I tell imapd and imspd to advertize this method?  They only
> advertize DIGEST-MD5 and CRAM-MD5 now.  For sendmail, I had to add
> LOGIN to the AuthMechanisms list in to make it announce
> What do I do with imapd and imspd?

I don't know about imspd, but for imapd run it with '-p 2' (or higher). 
Check imapd(8) for details.

Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--

Un-deletable mailbox

2000-12-11 Thread Shelley Waltz

I am running cyrus imap-1.6.24 on RH6.2
A user created(with Netscape, a folder under
INBOX.Collaborators named "B.R.Shaw"
This had the effect of creating directories
B, R, and Shaw under Collaborators.
This is not what he wanted, but he cannot remove
the folders using netscape, nor can I as administrator
Note the parens on mailbox user.arnold.Collaborators.B
Why is this?

imap> listmailbox "user.arnold.Collaborators"
imap> listmailbox "user.arnold.Collaborators.B"

imap> setaclmailbox user.arnold.Collaborators.B cyrusadmin d
command failed: Mailbox does not exist

How can I remove this mailbox?

Shelley Waltz

Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine (CABM)
679 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08854-5638
phone: (732) 235-3346

Re: Generic notify hook

2000-12-11 Thread Chris Stratford

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, Jeremy Howard wrote:

> I'd like to see something like this generic notify hook added to the
> distribution--what do others think? The Perl daemon needn't necessarily be
> included, although I think that would be handy too.

Now, that would be nice.  We've got a system that currently does the
notification in a program sitting between the MTA and deliver, which we
want to update to use LMTP deliveries (ie. no intermediate delivery
agent.)  Having this sort of facility available would let us do this
without losing the ability to do notification (your code should be handy
here, but a standard feature in the distribution would be even better.)


Re: Proper way to repair and remove quota in Cyrus 1.6.24

2000-12-11 Thread David L. Parsley

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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Paul Wiechman wrote:
> OK,
> Thanks, How do I tell Linux to add more file descriptors?

echo 16384 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max

I've had to do this on LOTS of my Linux boxen.  This should be
documented somewhere in cyrus docs, since any reasonable size server
will need this.  I think the default is 4096, and you'll hit that
quick.  If your running RedHat, look at the /etc/sysctl.conf file for
the best way to do this on boot.


David L. Parsley
Network Administrator
Roanoke College

Re: How to tell imapd and imspd to advertize LOGIN?

2000-12-11 Thread mills

Kenneth Murchison writes:
>I don't know about imspd, but for imapd run it with '-p 2' (or higher). 
>Check imapd(8) for details.

And here I was reading the source looking for a way, and RTFM would
have done it.  However, I wouldn't have guessed that from the man page:

 -p ssf
  Tell imapd that  an  external  layer  exists.   An  SSF
  (security strength factor) of 1 means an integrity pro-
  tection layer exists.  Any higher SSF implies some form
  of privacy protection.

Now, my real problem is that I'm using a php-based web client that
uses imap-2000a c-client to connect to the Cyrus IMAP (and IMSP)
servers.  Both run on the same host, so network security is not an
issue.  C-client is supposed to authenticate with either CRAM-MD5
or LOGIN, but it seems only to use CRAM-MD5.  I suspect that this is
because the servers don't advertize LOGIN.  I'm using the
auto_transition feature of SASL to populate the CRAM-MD5 database
from plaintext passwords.  This means that users can login via the
php-based web client until they have done one plaintext login by
some other method.  The result is mass confusion.  I need a way out
of this mess without degrading security too much.  Any suggestions?

-Gary Mills--Unix Support--U of M Academic Computing and Networking-

Re: virtual hosting, revisited...

2000-12-11 Thread Amos Gouaux

> On Sun, 10 Dec 2000 22:48:33 -0800,
> Michael Fair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (mf) writes:

mf> I have thought a lot about this.  I even patched
mf> 1.6.24 to use email addresses as IDs, and had
mf> different domains residing in different namespaces 
mf> (implemented as different top-level folders).  

Would the folks login using their email address as the login name?

mf> This allowed each domain to have its own set of 
mf> users and shared folders without name collisions 
mf> in other domains.

As I think it should be.  Though, I suppose they share
configuration settings, correct? 

mf> I authenticated out of a database using the domain
mf> name as the table name to get the data out of and
mf> didn't do any "per domain" configuration other
mf> than creating a separate partition for each.

Ah, I see.

mf> It worked, but was by no means a generic solution.
mf> It was merely a proof of concept to see how much
mf> work was really involved.  "A lot, but doable"
mf> was my conclusion.  It's certainly no small task,
mf> however the Cyrus system is far from being a lost
mf> cause about it.  In fact, during the "upgrade"
mf> several other features can easily be integrated
mf> with minimal extra effort.  Such as a (compile time)
mf> configurable separator character for those who 
mf> want something other than "." and the ability to 
mf> create folders at the same level as "inbox" (like 
mf> Drafts, Trash, Sent Items, etc..)

Hmm... this is getting pretty involved

My concern with this approach, as you later point out, is that it
deviates enormously from the original code base.  It seems to also
introduce considerable complexity, but perhaps that's just from a
first reading of this.  Also, I don't think that having folks login
using their fully qualified email address is desirable.  It
certainly doesn't convey that they are using their own little
service, which ideally is the perception most desirable when
providing a service to totally disjoint domains.

Perhaps not ultimately the most desirable in the long run, but seems
to me that simply providing a `-c configfile' option to master,
which then propagated that setting to all the auxiliary services, is
the tidiest code-wise.  Even if more elaborate schemes were to
subsequently follow, it's not like the availability of this `-c'
option would preclude that.  Seems like this might be useful for
other things, like testing or something.

The next thing, and even this doesn't seem like it would be too
complicated, would be to allow binding the services to particular
addresses.  Perhaps a syntax along these lines:

  imap  cmd="imapd" listen="imap" prefork=0
  imap  cmd="imapd" listen="" prefork=0
  imap  cmd="imapd" listen="[]:imap" prefork=0

Perhaps I'm taking too many liberties with over simplification, but
it seems like this would rather expediently provide the capability
to support multiple domains without radically diverging from the
current source code.

As for the jail approach suggested, I'm afraid that one of the
potential deployments is using Solaris 8, on an E250 to be exact.


Re: Cyrus/SASL Authentication

2000-12-11 Thread James Presley

Hey guys,
I was wondering if anyone knew of a tool or method for migrating Cyrus-imap
from a freebsd machine to a linux 7.0 machine. We are using postfix instead
of sendmail. I want to try to preserve the emails and mailbox structure as
much as possible. Thanks in advance.
