Failed opening 'D.B.php'

2002-12-25 Thread Yann Debonne



Upon logging into web-cyradm I get the following error:


Warning: Failed opening 'DB.php' for inclusion 
(include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php/PEAR') in 
/home/www/web-cyradm/ on line 12

Fatal error: Undefined class name 'db' in /home/www/web-cyradm/ 
on line 16


Currently in my /etc/php.ini:

include_path = ".:/usr/local/lib/php/PEAR"

I've tried all these options individually:

include_path = ".:/usr/local/lib/php" (using this option, web-cyradm can't 
find PEAR in it's sub-directory)
include_path = ".:/usr/local/lib/php/PEAR:/usr/local/lib/php"
include_path = ".:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php/PEAR"

I even tried a symbolic link:

ln -s /usr/local/lib/php/DB.php /usr/local/lib/php/PEAR/DB.php

and while this rids the error message, all I get is a blank white page upon 
login.  And I do have register_globals set to on.

Any ideas?



P.S.  Merry Christmas

Re: [PATCH][CVS IMAPd 2.1] lmtp_downcase_rcpt implementation (Re:Case Sensitivity)

2002-12-25 Thread Amos Gouaux
> On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 00:37:19 -0600 (CST),
> Scott Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (ss) writes:

ss> Damn, I fouind it earlier. Do a search for canonical, and/or lowercase
ss> and/or regex.

Really, it applies to any map lookup, which is why we haven't run
into any problems...

ss> It's actually funny: Back in ~2000 Weitse sent several E-mails stating
ss> that Postfix lowercased everything because he felt it was simply
ss> unacceptable to require end users to know what CaPiTaLiZaTiOn (he even
ss> typed it that way!) a user name was, even though the RFC specified that
ss> the MTA be case sensitive.

ss> Cut to earlier this year, and he decides to stop lowercasing everything...

Yeah, for one that professes displeasure at inconsistency, it seems
ironic.  When I saw the latest discussion I had a twitch in my gut,
but life has been so hectic lately that I didn't dive in.

Oh well


[PATCH][CVS IMAPd 2.1] lmtp_downcase_rcpt implementation (2)

2002-12-25 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
Here's the improved patch. It skips over the +Mailbox part of the recipient,
in the most straightforward way possible ;-)

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

diff -ru cyrus-imapd.orig/imap/lmtpengine.c cyrus-imapd/imap/lmtpengine.c
--- cyrus-imapd.orig/imap/lmtpengine.c  2002-11-03 12:33:59.0 -0200
+++ cyrus-imapd/imap/lmtpengine.c   2002-12-25 10:57:30.0 -0200
@@ -1114,9 +1114,12 @@
 char *user;
 int r, sl;
 address_data_t *ret = (address_data_t *) xmalloc(sizeof(address_data_t));
+int forcedowncase;
 assert(addr != NULL && msg != NULL);
+forcedowncase = config_getswitch("lmtp_downcase_rcpt", 0);
 if (*addr == '<') addr++;
 dest = user = addr;
@@ -1147,13 +1150,18 @@
 else {
+   while (*addr != '@' && *addr != '>' && *addr != '+') {
+   if (*addr == '\\') addr++;
+   if (! forcedowncase) *dest++ = *addr++;
+   else *dest++ = TOLOWER(*addr++);
+   }
while (*addr != '@' && *addr != '>') {
if (*addr == '\\') addr++;
*dest++ = *addr++;
 *dest = '\0';
 r = verify_user(user, ignorequota ? -1 : msg->size, msg->authstate);
 if (r) {
/* we lost */
diff -ru cyrus-imapd.orig/man/imapd.conf.5 cyrus-imapd/man/imapd.conf.5
--- cyrus-imapd.orig/man/imapd.conf.5   2002-11-21 09:11:37.0 -0200
+++ cyrus-imapd/man/imapd.conf.52002-12-25 10:56:13.0 -0200
@@ -232,6 +232,8 @@
 mailbox is over quota.  By default, the failure is temporary.
 .IP "\fBlmtp_allowplaintext:\fR " 5
 Allow the use of the SASL PLAIN mechanism for LMTP.
+.IP "\fBlmtp_downcase_rcpt:\fR no" 5
+If enabled, lmtpd will convert the recipient address to lowercase.
 .IP "\fBpostuser:\fR " 5
 Userid used to deliver messages to shared folders.  For example, if
 set to "bb", email sent to "bb+shared.blah" would be delivered to the