Sieve problem

2003-03-07 Thread dimon

I've setup cyrus IMAP with sieve a few weeks ago. It works just fine for me! 
But I couldn't find info how I can have global sieve rules. Is there a way to 
set up global rules for all users defined by administrator? I want sometimes 
change some rules for all my users, but going to each users folder is not a 
good idea at all. And I'd also like my users to override global rules by 
setting theit own. I couldn't find anything about that.

If somebody could point me to the right direction, it would be greatly 

Best regards,

Re: Problem authenticating with pop3proxyd

2003-03-07 Thread Rob Siemborski
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Etienne Goyer wrote:

> If I understand correctly, pop3proxyd will only attempt KERBEROS_V4 to
> authenticate to the backend.  Is that correct ?

Unless you set _mechs: in imapd.conf, it will default to

so if your backends are and

you need to set

mail1_mechs: DIGEST-MD5
mail2_mechs: DIGEST-MD5

or whatever.

This is mostly laziness on our part, and is fixed to actually query the
backend for what they can provide in the 2.2 code.


Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

Re: Problem authenticating with pop3proxyd

2003-03-07 Thread Etienne Goyer
Hi again,

I have been reading the source code of pop3proxyd this aftrenoon looking
for the cause of my problem.  I noticed the following in the function
proxy_authenticate() of pop3proxyd.c (around line 1222) :

/* we now do the actual SASL exchange */
r = sasl_client_start(backend_saslconn,
  config_getstring(buf, "KERBEROS_V4"),
  NULL, &out, &outlen, &mechusing);
if ((r != SASL_OK) && (r != SASL_CONTINUE)) {
return r;

If I understand correctly, pop3proxyd will only attempt KERBEROS_V4 to
authenticate to the backend.  Is that correct ?

Thanks in advance for your answer !

On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 02:00:02PM -0500, Etienne Goyer wrote:
> Hi,
> I have another problem with my Murder setup.  So far, I have it working
> fine with a frontend, a backend and an MUPDATE server on separate
> machine for IMAP.  All my server are configured to authenticate via
> saslauthd, which in turn is authenticating to LDAP.  Here is the
> imapd.conf on the frontend :
> ---
> configdirectory: /var/imap
> partition-default: /var/spool/imap
> admins: cyrus
> sasl_mech_list: PLAIN
> sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
> # Murder stuff
> imap1_password: **
> proxy_authname: murder
> mupdate_server: ldap1
> mupdate_username: cyrus
> mupdate_authname: cyrus
> mupdate_password: ***
> ---
> Here is the saslauthd.conf on the frontend :
> ---
> ldap_servers: ldap://
> ldap_bind_dn: cn=Manager,dc=test,dc=com
> ldap_bind_pw: *
> ldap_search_base: ou=people,dc=test,dc=com
> ---
> With an account that work correctly using IMAP (with Mozilla Mail and
> imtest), I have the following result :
> ---
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# telnet localhost 110
> Trying
> Connected to localhost.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> +OK Cyrus POP3 Murder v2.1.12 server ready <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> user egoyer
> +OK Name is a valid mailbox
> pass 
> -ERR Authentication to backend server failed
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> ---
> In auth.log on the frontend, I have the following :
> ---
> Mar  7 13:48:50 www1 pop3d[19251]: No worthy mechs found
> ---
> Beside the reason why I get this error and what I could do about it, I
> would be curious to know how pop3proxyd operate.  Is it :
> 1. Client open POP connection on frontend, frontend validate by whichever
> mean it is configured for (in my case, saslauthd), open an IMAP
> connection on the backend, translate POP <-> IMAP to satisfy client
> command.
> OR
> 2. Client open POP connection on frontend, get client credentials, open
> POP session on the backend using these credentials and just forward POP
> command/response from client to server and vice-versa.
> Thanks for your answer !
> -- 
> Etienne GoyerLinux Québec Technologies Inc.
> PGP Pub Key: 
> Fingerprint: F569 0394 098A FC70 B572  5D20 3129 3D86 8FD5 C853 

Etienne GoyerLinux Québec Technologies Inc.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP Pub Key: 
Fingerprint: F569 0394 098A FC70 B572  5D20 3129 3D86 8FD5 C853 

Re: MUPDATE master server

2003-03-07 Thread Jared Watkins

No kidding.

I'm looking forward to the donation that makes developing that possible.


Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

Any idea what it would take to make this happen... ballpark?


Version: 3.12
GIT/S/B d- s-:+ a- C$ UL$ P--- L+++$ E---
W+++ N++ o+ K- w O- M-- !V PS+ PE Y++ PGP++ t+
5- X+ R* tv+ b++ DI+ D G e++>+++ h+ r>+++ z* 

Re: MUPDATE master server

2003-03-07 Thread Rob Siemborski
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> >Its possible.  Make sure you understand that you're doing this for the
> >shared namespace though, otherwise you almost certainly want a more
> >traditional IMAP proxy like perdition.
> The main advantage that we are interested in is that we would have two IMAP
> connection points for clients located in two different geographical
> locations. The user which would connect wouldn't care at which locations he
> connects to the front end server because the frontend server would know on
> which back end server his mailbox is.

This is possible with perdition.

> >I think you should be sure Murder is what you want before you jump into
> >it.  It solves a very special problem that most people don't have.
> I think I will wait until Murder gets some kind of replication integrated
> as that would really give a big plus to the whole concept. You would then
> also have high availability.

No kidding.

I'm looking forward to the donation that makes developing that possible.


Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

Re: MUPDATE master server

2003-03-07 Thread marc . bigler

>Its possible.  Make sure you understand that you're doing this for the
>shared namespace though, otherwise you almost certainly want a more
>traditional IMAP proxy like perdition.

The main advantage that we are interested in is that we would have two IMAP
connection points for clients located in two different geographical
locations. The user which would connect wouldn't care at which locations he
connects to the front end server because the frontend server would know on
which back end server his mailbox is.

>I think you should be sure Murder is what you want before you jump into
>it.  It solves a very special problem that most people don't have.

I think I will wait until Murder gets some kind of replication integrated
as that would really give a big plus to the whole concept. You would then
also have high availability.

Thanks again for your comments


Problem authenticating with pop3proxyd

2003-03-07 Thread Etienne Goyer

I have another problem with my Murder setup.  So far, I have it working
fine with a frontend, a backend and an MUPDATE server on separate
machine for IMAP.  All my server are configured to authenticate via
saslauthd, which in turn is authenticating to LDAP.  Here is the
imapd.conf on the frontend :

configdirectory: /var/imap
partition-default: /var/spool/imap
admins: cyrus
sasl_mech_list: PLAIN
sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd

# Murder stuff
imap1_password: **
proxy_authname: murder
mupdate_server: ldap1
mupdate_username: cyrus
mupdate_authname: cyrus
mupdate_password: ***

Here is the saslauthd.conf on the frontend :

ldap_servers: ldap://
ldap_bind_dn: cn=Manager,dc=test,dc=com
ldap_bind_pw: *
ldap_search_base: ou=people,dc=test,dc=com

With an account that work correctly using IMAP (with Mozilla Mail and
imtest), I have the following result :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# telnet localhost 110
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK Cyrus POP3 Murder v2.1.12 server ready <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
user egoyer
+OK Name is a valid mailbox
-ERR Authentication to backend server failed
Connection closed by foreign host.

In auth.log on the frontend, I have the following :

Mar  7 13:48:50 www1 pop3d[19251]: No worthy mechs found

Beside the reason why I get this error and what I could do about it, I
would be curious to know how pop3proxyd operate.  Is it :

1. Client open POP connection on frontend, frontend validate by whichever
mean it is configured for (in my case, saslauthd), open an IMAP
connection on the backend, translate POP <-> IMAP to satisfy client


2. Client open POP connection on frontend, get client credentials, open
POP session on the backend using these credentials and just forward POP
command/response from client to server and vice-versa.

Thanks for your answer !

Etienne GoyerLinux Québec Technologies Inc.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP Pub Key: 
Fingerprint: F569 0394 098A FC70 B572  5D20 3129 3D86 8FD5 C853 

Re: delayed response from pop3d

2003-03-07 Thread Rob Siemborski
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Jon Rowell wrote:

> Since the upgrade, I am getting a delayed response from my pop3d.  I
> have pop3 running on port 10110 and imap running on 10443 (as stated in
> cyrus.conf).  If I startup master and then do "telnet localhost 10110"
> I get the usual telnet stuff about "connected to localhost" and "Escape
> character" but instead of getting the usual "+OK hostname Cyrus POP3
> v2.1.12 server ready ..." stuff it just sits there.  The greeting
> message does come up but it takes 5 minutes.  After the greeting comes
> up, the server works fine.
> Imap appears to work fine.  There is a split second delay that I don't
> remember being there but otherwise it is fine.

Run the strace/truss equivilant on the processes and see whats taking them
so long.

Offhand, it sounds like a /dev/random problem (not enough entropy), in
which case the solution is to link /dev/urandom to /dev/random.


Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

delayed response from pop3d

2003-03-07 Thread Jon Rowell
I have had a working version of cyrus imap 2.1.12 for about a month now 
until last night when I upgraded to Tru64 Unix 5.1B.  I was previously 
running 4.0g.

Since the upgrade, I am getting a delayed response from my pop3d.  I 
have pop3 running on port 10110 and imap running on 10443 (as stated in 
cyrus.conf).  If I startup master and then do "telnet localhost 10110" 
I get the usual telnet stuff about "connected to localhost" and "Escape 
character" but instead of getting the usual "+OK hostname Cyrus POP3 
v2.1.12 server ready ..." stuff it just sits there.  The greeting 
message does come up but it takes 5 minutes.  After the greeting comes 
up, the server works fine.

Imap appears to work fine.  There is a split second delay that I don't 
remember being there but otherwise it is fine.

Any ideas?

Jon Rowell

Re: MUPDATE master server

2003-03-07 Thread Rob Siemborski
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> >So, there's a partial failure, but the majority of the system survives.
> That sounds fine for me. Now I have the current configuration:
> 1 server at a colocation place and a few other servers at a hosting center,
> that would be two different geographical regions. Now with such a
> configuration is it possible to implement an interested Cyrus Murder
> environement ?

Its possible.  Make sure you understand that you're doing this for the
shared namespace though, otherwise you almost certainly want a more
traditional IMAP proxy like perdition.

Note that the murder was never intended to work in a geographicly
distributed fashion.  There may be lurking bugs/performance issues (though
based on how it actually works, I don't expect this).

> I see the current problem where the single server located at the colocation
> place will somehow need to act as front end and back end server at the same
> time, is that somehow possible ?

Yes.  Ken debugs complete murder configurations on a single laptop.

Of course, I don't recommend it (now you're costing yourself 2 IMAP
processes per connection on that machine instead of 1)

> Or shouldn't I even think about such a setting up a Cyrus murder
> environement with so less servers. What do you think about this setup ?

I think you should be sure Murder is what you want before you jump into
it.  It solves a very special problem that most people don't have.


Rob Siemborski | Andrew Systems Group * Research Systems Programmer
PGP:0x5CE32FCC | Cyert Hall 207 * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * 412.268.7456
Version: 3.12
GCS/IT/CM/PA d- s+: a-- C$ ULS$ P+++$ L+++() E W+ N o? K-
w O- M-- V-- PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP+ t+@ 5+++ R@ tv-@ b+ DI+++ G e h r- y?

RE: Creating Mailboxes via Script

2003-03-07 Thread Joe Dennick
Yes, I changed all of the values to reflect my system, and I tested it
with a few Print statements.  The MySQL piece works flawlessly.  I can
successfully telnet to port 143 on localhost and I have used that to set
up users in the past.  That's what has me baffled.  Everything should
work, but it doesn't.  I believe the Perl modules have changed in the
last 12 months or so.

Than you for your assistance on this!


-Original Message-
From: Patrick Boutilier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: Creating Mailboxes via Script


Did you change these values to what they sould be for your site? If so 
can you telnet to port 143 of the mail server and login that way?

  ( . login cyrususer cyruspass)

my $cyrususer = "user";
my $cyruspass = "pass";
my $mysqluser = "user";
my $mysqlpass = "pass";
my $mysqlhost = "host";
my $mysqldatabase = "database";
my $mysqluserfield = "field";
my $mysqlusertable = "table";
my $IMAPSERVER = "localhost";

Joe Dennick wrote:
> OK, I've been playing with this script and variations of it for a 
> while now, and I still can't get it to successfully login to the IMAP
server.  It always produces the following error:  Can't call method
"login" on an undefined value at ./bulk line 32.
> I had to go to to download the Net::IMAP module and get it 
> installed, but it still didn't make this error go away.  I'm no Perl 
> guru, but it looks to me like the connect on line 31 didn't 
> successfully complete causing line 32 to really get mad on the login 
> request.
> Any assistance would be greately appreciated!
> Thank you!
> Joe Dennick
> Patrick Boutilier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote the Mar 5, 2003 7:19 
> AM:
>>Joe Dennick wrote:
>>>We've got Cyrus-Imap 2.1.12 running very well for our company Red Hat

>>>8.0.  We are authenticating against a MySQL database that we use as a

>>>master Security Container for all of our application authentication 
>>>and entitlements.  We've already populated the database with all of 
>>>the user information required including usernames, passwords, shadow 
>>>passwords, email addresses, etc.  Now we need to create Cyrus-Imap 
>>>mailboxes for each user (close to 3,000 mailboxes).  I've seen 
>>>several articles that talk about scripting CYRADM to read a text file

>>>containing usernames, but I can't get any of the scripting examples 
>>>to work.  It appears as though Cyrus-Imap, or specifically CYRADM has

>>>changed since the examples were created.  Is there a way to script or

>>>batch create users?  All I really need to do is create the mailbox 
>>>and set the ACL so cyrus (admin
>>>account) has admin control over the mailbox.  I can manually create
>>>mailboxes with the following commands:
>>> cyradm --user cyrus localhost
>>> IMAP Password:  ***
>>> localhost.localdomain> createmailbox user.12345
>>> localhost.localdomain> setacl user.12345 cyrus all
>>> localhost.localdomain> quit
>>>Thank you in advance for your assistance.
>>>Joe Dennick
>>We use a variant of the following script to add new users but in your
>>case you should be able to use this as all your MySQL accounts need a 
>>Cyrus user created.
>>#!/usr/bin/perl -w
>>use File::Basename;
>>use Net::IMAP;
>>use DBI;
>>my $cyrususer = "user";
>>my $cyruspass = "pass";
>>my $mysqluser = "user";
>>my $mysqlpass = "pass";
>>my $mysqlhost = "host";
>>my $mysqldatabase = "database";
>>my $mysqluserfield = "field";
>>my $mysqlusertable = "table";
>>my $IMAPSERVER = "localhost";
>>$dbh = 
>>lpass") || die "SEM: MySQL database connected failed: $DBI::errstr\n";
>>my $select = "SELECT $mysqluserfield FROM $mysqlusertable";
>>my $sth = $dbh->prepare($select)
>>|| die "Can't prepare select statement: $DBI::errstr";
>>my $rc = $sth->execute
>>|| die "Can't execute statement: $DBI::errstr";
>>if ($sth->rows == 0) {
>>exit 1;
>>  # Login to IMAP server
>>  $imap = new Net::IMAP($IMAPSERVER, Synchronous => 1) || die "no
go $! !";
>>  $response = $imap->login($cyrususer, $cyruspass);
>>  print "Login: ", $response->status, "-", $response->status_text,

>>  while ($userid = $sth->fetchrow) {
>>  print "user.$userid\n";
>>  # Create the new mailbox
>>  $response = $imap->create(user.$userid);
>>  print "Create: ", $response->status, "-",
$response->status_text, "\n";
>>  }
>>  # Disconnect from IMAP server
>>  $response = $imap->logout();
>>  print "Logout: ", $response->status, "-",

Re: I might be a bone head... but I had tried --with-auth=ldap bymis take when running ./configure

2003-03-07 Thread Rob Siemborski
In 2.2, you can use LDAP as an authroization method (i.e. for groups),
except you need to use

--with-auth=pts and --with-pts=ldap


On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Edward Rudd wrote:

> The --with-auth option for cyrus-imapd is to specify unix or
> kerberos(krb) authentication (in the ./configure --help) LDAP is not an
> option for that.
> What you are wanting is the --with-ldap option for cyrus sasl 2 to
> enable ldap auth in saslauthd.
> On Tue, 2003-03-04 at 11:53, Blackard, Robert wrote:
> > Rather than saying that this was unsupported, it complained that it
> > couldn't find the auth_ldap library.  As I see it there are two
> > possibilities.
> >
> >
> >
> > First, Cyrus doesn't support LDAP authentication this way but rather
> > through SASL, and therefore this message is meaningless - and I'm a
> > bone head.
> >
> >
> >
> > Second, Cyrus does support direct LDAP authentication but since
> > auth_ldap is not longer shipped with RedHat 8.0 it can't find the
> > library.  If this is the case, and assuming the auth_ldap version in
> > question is from, then can I safely
> > download this version of auth_ldap and retry the build?
> --
> Edward Rudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

Re: MUPDATE master server

2003-03-07 Thread Rob Siemborski
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> What would then happen to mails when the MUPDATE master server goes down ?
> Will mail be undelivered and be bounced back ? I would like to avoid the
> MUPDATE master server to become the single point of failure.

In the event of a mupdate server failure lmtpproxyd will start returning
temporary failures to the MTA, so provided your MTA queues properly,
nothing should bounce.

In terms of IMAP functionality, users can no longer do folder operations
(create, delete, setacl, etc), but they can still read mail (of any
mailboxes with metadata that had been replicated across the frontends at
the time of the failure).

So, there's a partial failure, but the majority of the system survives.


Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

Re: MUPDATE master server

2003-03-07 Thread marc . bigler

Thanks for the answer.  I was reading the IMAP Aggregoatr: A Murder of IMAP
Servers (ag.html) that's why I didn't find my answer in that document.

So if I can only have one single MUPDATE master server the others would be
slaves right ?

What would then happen to mails when the MUPDATE master server goes down ?
Will mail be undelivered and be bounced back ? I would like to avoid the
MUPDATE master server to become the single point of failure.


Rob Siemborski   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]   cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Subject: Re: MUPDATE master server
03/07/03 05:04 

On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I am a bit confused on where should be ran the MUPDATE master server,
> should it be running on a Front End server, Back End Server or maybe a
> seperate server ? The documentation is not very explicit about this I
> think.

>From the documentation (install-murder.html):

 * One machine to become the MUPDATE master server. This can be the
   same as one of your frontend servers.

Presumably you could also run it on a backend with a separate imapd.conf

> Also is it possible to have two MUPDATE master servers for
> redundancy ?


> I am looking to the best way to get a maximum of redundancy and high
> availabilty between two different geographical sites where we would be
> running Cyrus v2.2. Are there maybe any examples around ?

The murder won't increase your redundancy.  It will only reduce the impact
of a failure.


Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

Re: MUPDATE master server

2003-03-07 Thread Rob Siemborski
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I am a bit confused on where should be ran the MUPDATE master server,
> should it be running on a Front End server, Back End Server or maybe a
> seperate server ? The documentation is not very explicit about this I
> think.

>From the documentation (install-murder.html):

 * One machine to become the MUPDATE master server. This can be the
   same as one of your frontend servers.

Presumably you could also run it on a backend with a separate imapd.conf file.

> Also is it possible to have two MUPDATE master servers for
> redundancy ?


> I am looking to the best way to get a maximum of redundancy and high
> availabilty between two different geographical sites where we would be
> running Cyrus v2.2. Are there maybe any examples around ?

The murder won't increase your redundancy.  It will only reduce the impact
of a failure.


Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

MUPDATE master server

2003-03-07 Thread marc . bigler

I am a bit confused on where should be ran the MUPDATE master server,
should it be running on a Front End server, Back End Server or maybe a
seperate server ? The documentation is not very explicit about this I
think. Also is it possible to have two MUPDATE master servers for
redundancy ?

I am looking to the best way to get a maximum of redundancy and high
availabilty between two different geographical sites where we would be
running Cyrus v2.2. Are there maybe any examples around ?

Many thanks


Re: postfix and cyrus + excuse for yesterday's post

2003-03-07 Thread Markus Welsch
I can only say 2 words to this :-)


Re: Unable to auth...

2003-03-07 Thread Eugene Chow
Kevin Hanna wrote:

hehe, yup I have an older version of sasl installed.

But now the question is... Why don't I have sasl 2 files installed? 
It should be found in /usr/local/bin or something like that. Execute
this command @ the root level:
find |grep saslpasswd2

to search for that file. If it isn't around then it's time to reinstall!

I have the cyrus-sasl-2.1.12.
I did the configure (below)
make install
(created symbolic like for the library).
But saslpasswd2 and sasldblistuse binaries are nowhere to be found.

Re: postfix and cyrus + excuse for yesterday's post

2003-03-07 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Fri, 07 Mar 2003, Markus Welsch wrote:
> Postfix 1.11. I could switch to a later version of Postfix - preferable 
> available as Debian package (like I'd prefer installing Cyrus as Debian 
> package also to ease maintenance for others).  

(it has backports of postfix, cyrus 2.1, amavisd-new, spamassassin,
squirrelmail...).   A new backport of postfix will be done as soon as 2.0.6
hits the unstable archive (and I can include the mysql drivers, then, if
they are not in the backport archive yet).

> Maybe somebody can point me to a howto, cause I've been searching the web 

Make sure you read the docs in the cyrus 2.1 Debian package.  They will
teach you enough to get a cyrus+postfix system working without mysql, and
then you just need to add mysql to the mix.  Which should be easy, since
both postfix and SASL can talk to mysql.

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

Re: postfix and cyrus + excuse for yesterday's post

2003-03-07 Thread Andrew Koros
I refered to RedHat becuase that is what I'am using. It would be hard to
support or answer questions about debian or SuSe becuase I do not have
them installed here.

Luc's document is more general and it will work with debian,FreeBSD or
slackware I think. Maybe you should try that document instead.



On Fri, 2003-03-07 at 13:46, Markus Welsch wrote:
> Thanks for your help so far :-)
> Another question: Any particular reason for making this tutorial specific to
> RedHat (base software install). I will have to build cyrus, etc from source
> anyways since it's not declared as stable in the versions you've mentioned on 
> Debian (at least not till now)
> I might post a request for help if I fail at some level then ...
> Could the quota restrictions also be stored (along with the user/password
> information) in the database ?
> Kind regards,
> Markus
Andrew Koros
Developer, Systems Services
UUNET (Kenya) Ltd
Tel: +254 2 69088618
Fax: +254 2 69088001

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Re: postfix and cyrus + excuse for yesterday's post

2003-03-07 Thread Markus Welsch
Thanks for your help so far :-)

Another question: Any particular reason for making this tutorial specific to
RedHat (base software install). I will have to build cyrus, etc from source
anyways since it's not declared as stable in the versions you've mentioned on 
Debian (at least not till now)

I might post a request for help if I fail at some level then ...

Could the quota restrictions also be stored (along with the user/password
information) in the database ?
Kind regards,


Re: postfix and cyrus + excuse for yesterday's post

2003-03-07 Thread Andrew Koros
On Fri, 2003-03-07 at 13:46, Markus Welsch wrote:

> Could the quota restrictions also be stored (along with the user/password
> information) in the database ?

Yes all the quota info is in the database and the web-cyradm can even
run on a seperate machine since the cyrus administration can done over
tcp/ip socket by the web-cyradm.

> Kind regards,
> Markus
Andrew Koros
Developer, Systems Services
UUNET (Kenya) Ltd
Tel: +254 2 69088618
Fax: +254 2 69088001

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Re: postfix and cyrus + excuse for yesterday's post

2003-03-07 Thread Andrew Koros
For web-cyradm there is no specific advantage. But I was developing a
mail and RADIUS system for our company that was very complex and needed
Referential integrity checks and triggers which are only in PostgreSQL.


For web-cyradm there is no specific advantage of postgresql over mysql. 
But I was developing a mail and RADIUS system for our company that was very
complex and needed referential integrity checks and triggers which are only
 in PostgreSQL.

In the process I decided to experiment on web-cyradm with postgresql and
documented it. With my document you can simply use mysql by just
installing pam-mysql and editing the pam.d/imap slightly and it would

If you intend to extend the web-cyradm system and make it more complex
with triggers/checks e.t.c you are better off with postgresql. Otherwise
mysql is nice fast and simple.

While I have no benchmark tests, it's all about choice in the end. :-)


On Fri, 2003-03-07 at 12:57, Markus Welsch wrote:
> Has there be any specific reasons why you've decided to use postgresql ?
> > Checkout Luc's howto for mysql at 
> >
> > and my postgresql howto at
> >
> > 
> > Andrew.
Andrew Koros
Developer, Systems Services
UUNET (Kenya) Ltd
Tel: +254 2 69088618
Fax: +254 2 69088001

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Re: postfix and cyrus + excuse for yesterday's post

2003-03-07 Thread Markus Welsch
Has there be any specific reasons why you've decided to use postgresql ?

Checkout Luc's howto for mysql at
and my postgresql howto at



2003-03-07 Thread Víctor Guerra

Hello everibody, i have a question, how can i to 
know the partition in which is located a mailbox using cyradm? I know that if i 
go to /var/spool/imap i see all the partitios and their respective mailboxes... 
but i need to know this using cyradm.

Re: postfix and cyrus + excuse for yesterday's post

2003-03-07 Thread Markus Welsch

Andrew Koros has created a nice howto. It's written for RedHat but that
shouldn't matter too much here:
This looks like a very detailed guide and using MySQL rather than postfix won't 
make such a big difference here. Thanks for that nice link!

I'll post my results to this list afterwards ... maybe some quick and dirty 
setup guide using Woody :-)

Kind Regards,


Re: postfix and cyrus + excuse for yesterday's post

2003-03-07 Thread Andrew Koros
Checkout Luc's howto for mysql at
and my postgresql howto at

On Fri, 2003-03-07 at 10:26, Markus Welsch wrote:
> Hi,
> First of all I'd like to excuse my post for yesterday ... adressed that to the 
> wrong mailing list as I wrote the message in a hurry. Anyways Courier lacks for 
> quota support (without patching it) and I didn't find any valueable information 
> about it on the web. Anyways, Cyrus seems to be more advanced than Courier 
> anyways and supports quota's ...
> I'd be happy to use Postfix and Cyrus as solution. But I'm needing some kind of 
> assistance here. Cyrus should get all user information (that is username, 
> password, quota) from a MySQL database. Currently I'm using Postfix 1.11. I 
> could switch to a later version of Postfix - preferable available as Debian 
> package (like I'd prefer installing Cyrus as Debian package also to ease 
> maintenance for others).
> Maybe somebody can point me to a howto, cause I've been searching the web for 
> hours and didn't come accross any useful information. Maybe a howto from scratch 
> or several howto's would be a good idea.
> Kind Regards,
> Markus
Andrew Koros
Developer, Systems Services
UUNET (Kenya) Ltd
Tel: +254 2 69088618
Fax: +254 2 69088001

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Re: postfix and cyrus + excuse for yesterday's post

2003-03-07 Thread Simon Matter
Markus Welsch schrieb:
> Hi,
> First of all I'd like to excuse my post for yesterday ... adressed that to the
> wrong mailing list as I wrote the message in a hurry. Anyways Courier lacks for
> quota support (without patching it) and I didn't find any valueable information
> about it on the web. Anyways, Cyrus seems to be more advanced than Courier
> anyways and supports quota's ...
> I'd be happy to use Postfix and Cyrus as solution. But I'm needing some kind of
> assistance here. Cyrus should get all user information (that is username,
> password, quota) from a MySQL database. Currently I'm using Postfix 1.11. I
> could switch to a later version of Postfix - preferable available as Debian
> package (like I'd prefer installing Cyrus as Debian package also to ease
> maintenance for others).
> Maybe somebody can point me to a howto, cause I've been searching the web for

Andrew Koros has created a nice howto. It's written for RedHat but that
shouldn't matter too much here:


> hours and didn't come accross any useful information. Maybe a howto from scratch
> or several howto's would be a good idea.
> Kind Regards,
> Markus