Re: mail server replication

2004-05-21 Thread Paul Dekkers
Rob Siemborski wrote:
I hope this kind of functionality comes into cyrus once; I assume it 
is not there yet, I once asked this on the list before ;-) And maybe 
it shouldn't be too difficult, since there is already a 
synchronisation mechanism for NNTP in place, if I'm correct.
This is very hard -- if not impossible -- with only two machines, at 
the very least you'd need three in order to maintain a quorum of what 
the "real view" of the server is --

For example, think about what would happen if there was a network 
partition and two different messages were delivered to the split 
servers at the same time.  It's not an easy problem to solve-- keeping 
a hot spare is definately the way to go.
I agree; but what I meant was a synchronisation mechanism that can 
synchronise a spool with/to a hot spare server - without having the need 
for a RAID unit with two scsi interfaces. (This way you remove another 
SPOF ;-))

Maybe I see this a bit like the OpenLDAP slave/master replication idea: 
something must "switch" in order to make the slave the master and vise 
versa. Cyrus could synchronise the slave with every message delivered, 
or when keeping a log and synchronising the messages apart.

Although I think Gerard likes to see both servers active at the same 
time, I think the (master-slave kind) synchronisation would be a nice 
thing to start with. On the other hand, if I see what offlineimap can 
do, I assume it must be possible with just 2 servers to synchronise 
folders in a proper way (when keeping some history and logs on both 
sides, of course...), am I wrong? (This looks again a bit like 
bi-directional synchronisation as with unison, instead of master->slave 
think as with rsync or so.)

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Re: mail server replication

2004-05-21 Thread Neil Schneider

Paul Dekkers said:
> Rob,
> Rob Siemborski wrote:
>>> I hope this kind of functionality comes into cyrus once; I
>>> assume it
>>> is not there yet, I once asked this on the list before ;-) And
>>> maybe
>>> it shouldn't be too difficult, since there is already a
>>> synchronisation mechanism for NNTP in place, if I'm correct.
>> This is very hard -- if not impossible -- with only two
>> machines, at
>> the very least you'd need three in order to maintain a quorum of
>> what
>> the "real view" of the server is --
>> For example, think about what would happen if there was a
>> network
>> partition and two different messages were delivered to the split
>> servers at the same time.  It's not an easy problem to solve--
>> keeping
>> a hot spare is definately the way to go.
> I agree; but what I meant was a synchronisation mechanism that can
> synchronise a spool with/to a hot spare server - without having
> the need
> for a RAID unit with two scsi interfaces. (This way you remove
> another
> SPOF ;-))
> Maybe I see this a bit like the OpenLDAP slave/master replication
> idea:
> something must "switch" in order to make the slave the master and
> vise
> versa. Cyrus could synchronise the slave with every message
> delivered,
> or when keeping a log and synchronising the messages apart.
> Although I think Gerard likes to see both servers active at the
> same
> time, I think the (master-slave kind) synchronisation would be a
> nice
> thing to start with. On the other hand, if I see what offlineimap
> can
> do, I assume it must be possible with just 2 servers to
> synchronise
> folders in a proper way (when keeping some history and logs on
> both
> sides, of course...), am I wrong? (This looks again a bit like
> bi-directional synchronisation as with unison, instead of
> master->slave
> think as with rsync or so.)

Take a look at drbd . You can do exactly what
you are describing using drbd and heartbeat.

Neil Schneider 
Key fingerprint = 67F0 E493 FCC0 0A8C 769B  8209 32D7 1DB1 8460 C47D

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stirred by spiritless men. Enthusiasm in our daily work lightens
effort and turns even labor into pleasant tasks. --James Baldwin
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Re: cyrus-2.2.3 + cyrus-sasl + ldap problem

2004-05-21 Thread Rob Siemborski
On Fri, 21 May 2004, Andrew B. Panphiloff wrote:
why in first case saslauthd get "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and "realm="
but in second case it get "user=jeka" and "" ?
How fix this behaviour ?
Because SASL treats everything after the @ sign as a 'realm'.
You'll need to fix your filter accordingly (e.g. [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper
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Re: mail server replication

2004-05-21 Thread Rob Siemborski
On Fri, 21 May 2004, Paul Dekkers wrote:
Although I think Gerard likes to see both servers active at the same 
time, I think the (master-slave kind) synchronisation would be a nice 
thing to start with. On the other hand, if I see what offlineimap can 
do, I assume it must be possible with just 2 servers to synchronise 
folders in a proper way (when keeping some history and logs on both 
sides, of course...), am I wrong? (This looks again a bit like 
bi-directional synchronisation as with unison, instead of master->slave 
think as with rsync or so.)
I'm not familiar with what offlineimap does, but it isn't possible to have 
two servers syncing "in unison" without some user interaction to resolve 
conflicts when they occur after a network partition.

Obviously a master/slave situation is much easier to achieve.
Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper
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Moving mailboxes som one server to another?

2004-05-21 Thread Bjørn T Johansen
Is there another way of doing this than to copy the mailboxes and 
running reconstruct on every mailbox and every subfolder?
Or to put it simple, does anyone have a list on how to best do this?

Bjørn T Johansen (BSc,MNIF)
Executive Manager
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Havleik Consulting
Phone : +47 67 54 15 17 Bjørnebærstien 57
Fax : +47 67 54 13 91   N-1348 Rykkinn
Cellular : +47 926 93 298
"The stickers on the side of the box said "Supported Platforms: Windows 98,
Windows NT 4.0,
Windows 2000 or better", so clearly Linux was a supported platform."
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idle + sieve: only applies to INBOX?

2004-05-21 Thread Andreas

I use sieve extensively to filter my email to several mailboxes
(dozens) and I noticed that Thunderbird 0.6 uses the IDLE extension.

However, I also noticed that it is only applied to the INBOX mailbox,
and not the others.

So, how does idle work? Does it apply only to the currently selected
mailbox or to all mailboxes as a whole? If it applies only to the currently
selected mailbox, then should the client open one connection for each
mailbox, select it and issue the idle command in order to get notifications
for all mailboxes?

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Re: IMAP/LMTP/Quota locking problem

2004-05-21 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
--On Dienstag, 18. Mai 2004 8:53 Uhr -0400 Scott Adkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

--On Tuesday, May 18, 2004 9:13 AM +0200 Sebastian Hagedorn
thanks for the info. The patch was definitely added *after* 2.2.1 ...
hmm, now that I think about it: seems like it was even added after 2.2.3!
Is bug 1270 really fixed in CVS only?
Good question! :) I hope it is fixed :)
as we have learned it is in 2.2.4 ...
If I remember right, it has something to do with SSL.  Are you using SSL?
Yes. The IMAP session in question used TLS ...
Currently, we manage the problem by watching the sendmail syslog file
for System I/O errors on the Cyrus mailer (grep for
We don't get those. I wonder if we actually have separate problems. Or
maybe not. However, in our case the sendmail processes get stuck as well,
maybe due to our setting of DeliveryMode to interactive!?
I find that interesting... after an IMAP process locks the quota file, the
LMTP processes start to stack up.
 After awhile, anything trying to be
delivered to that user generates a System I/O error.
Not for us. I'm not sure what exactly happens to the sendmail processes, 
but they seem to get stuck as well. I haven't yet had the opportunity to 
analyse that.

Cheers, Sebastian Hagedorn
Sebastian Hagedorn M.A. - RZKR-R1 (Gebäude 52), Zimmer 18
Zentrum für angewandte Informatik - Universitätsweiter Service RRZK
Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - Tel. +49-221-478-5587

Description: PGP signature

Re: cyrus-2.2.3 + cyrus-sasl + ldap problem

2004-05-21 Thread Igor Brezac

On Fri, 21 May 2004, Andrew B. Panphiloff wrote:

> I have strange  behaviour of cyrus-imapd and cyrus-sasl.
> imapd config :
> --
> tls_ca_file: /etc/ssl/cyrus.pem
> tls_cert_file: /etc/ssl/cyrus.pem
> tls_key_file: /etc/ssl/cyrus.pem
> virtdomains: yes
> defaultdomain: localhost
> configdirectory: /var/imap
> partition-default: /var/spool/imap
> sievedir: /var/imap/sieve
> altnamespace: no
> unixhierarchysep: no
> lmtp_downcase_rcpt: yes
> admins: cyrus
> allowanonymouslogin: no
> popminpoll: 0
> autocreatequota: 10
> createonpost: yes
> autocreateinboxfolders: Sent | Drafts | Templates | Trash
> autosubscribeinboxfolders: Sent | Drafts
> umask: 077
> sieveusehomedir: false
> hashimapspool: true
> allowplaintext: yes
> sasl_mech_list: plain login
> sasl_minimum_layer: 0
> sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
> sasl_auto_transition: no
> tls_ca_path: /etc/ssl/certs
> tls_session_timeout: 1440
> tls_cipher_list: TLSv1:SSLv3:SSLv2:!NULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!LOW:@STRENGTH
> lmtpsocket: /var/run/cyrus/socket/lmtp
> idlesocket: /var/run/cyrus/socket/idle
> notifysocket: /var/run/cyrus/socket/notify
> ---
> saslauthd.conf config:
> ---
> ldap_servers: ldap://
> ldap_bind_dn: cn=admin,
> ldap_bind_pw: xxx
> ldap_version: 3
> ldap_search_base: ou=Mail,
> ldap_filter: mail=%u

Change to

ldap_filter: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

and things will work.

> why in first case saslauthd get "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and "realm="

if you want to emulate imapd behavior, you need to 'testsaslauthd -u jeka
-r -p xxx'

> but in second case it get "user=jeka" and "" ?
> How fix this behaviour ?

libsasl splits fully qualified username before it is passed to saslauthd.

An alternate fix is to download the cvs version of saslauthd and use -r
option which reassembles fully qualified username before it is passed to
authentication mechs.

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Re: idle + sieve: only applies to INBOX?

2004-05-21 Thread Rob Siemborski
On Fri, 21 May 2004, Andreas wrote:
So, how does idle work? Does it apply only to the currently selected
mailbox or to all mailboxes as a whole? If it applies only to the currently
selected mailbox, then should the client open one connection for each
mailbox, select it and issue the idle command in order to get notifications
for all mailboxes?
Just the currently selected mailbox (if any).  You can think of it as 
having the server acting as if a continuous stream of NOOP commands was 
arriving from the client.

Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

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Re: Moving mailboxes som one server to another?

2004-05-21 Thread Andrew J Caird
On Fri, 21 May 2004, [ISO-8859-1] Bjørn T Johansen wrote:

> Is there another way of doing this than to copy the mailboxes and
> running reconstruct on every mailbox and every subfolder? Or to put it
> simple, does anyone have a list on how to best do this?

  I think the generally accepted way of doing this is using IMAP to move
the mailboxes with mailutil or some other such program.  Lots of people
have done this other ways, but it seems that they often end up either
losing information, or investing a lot of energy in custom/local scripts
to make the move work.
  Search the archives (see the URL below) for "migrate" and you'll have
days worth of reading on this subject.  In the end, download the pine
source of University of Washington and compile the "mailutil" program that
comes with it.  An approximate command line is:
  mailutil copy {oldserver/novalidate-cert/authuser=admin/user=username} \

  Good luck.
Andrew Caird

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Re: mail server replication

2004-05-21 Thread Gerard Ceraso
Yeah, master slave sort of thing would work nice. If the server losses
an email or two that would be no problem. Plus I can always set up an MX
record for both servers so it would be delivered no matter what. This
way if one server goes down I have the other as a backup and if server
one catches on fire and I cannot get anything back I have server two,
and noone knows the difference. Its always good to have a backup :)


On Fri, 2004-05-21 at 09:23, Rob Siemborski wrote:
> On Fri, 21 May 2004, Paul Dekkers wrote:
> > Although I think Gerard likes to see both servers active at the same 
> > time, I think the (master-slave kind) synchronisation would be a nice 
> > thing to start with. On the other hand, if I see what offlineimap can 
> > do, I assume it must be possible with just 2 servers to synchronise 
> > folders in a proper way (when keeping some history and logs on both 
> > sides, of course...), am I wrong? (This looks again a bit like 
> > bi-directional synchronisation as with unison, instead of master->slave 
> > think as with rsync or so.)
> I'm not familiar with what offlineimap does, but it isn't possible to have 
> two servers syncing "in unison" without some user interaction to resolve 
> conflicts when they occur after a network partition.
> Obviously a master/slave situation is much easier to achieve.
> -Rob
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
> Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

virtdomains and GSSAPI auth

2004-05-21 Thread Jukka Salmi

on a system running Cyrus IMAP 2.2.3 I switched to using virtual domains.
GSSAPI authentication is used. From my imapd.conf:

admins: jukka/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
virtdomains: on

After getting a TGT for jukka/admin, when starting cyradm, syslog gets

May 21 16:25:10 bart imap[25634]: login:
[] jukka/[EMAIL PROTECTED] GSSAPI User logged in

but it seems that I'm not authenticated as the admin user, at least "lm"
doesn't show any mailboxes.

If I change the "defaultdomain" option to "" everything works
fine; syslog says

May 21 16:32:08 bart imap[25656]: login:
[] jukka/admin GSSAPI User logged in

What do I have to change to successfully authenticate as an admin user
if defaultdomain != Kerberos realm name?

TIA, Jukka

bashian roulette:
$ ((RANDOM%6)) || rm -rf ~
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Re: complett relocation from old to new server and cyrus version

2004-05-21 Thread Patrick Welche
On Wed, May 12, 2004 at 10:49:18AM +0200, Pascal Gienger wrote:
> 1. Dump your mailboxes-Database on the old system:
>   ctl_mboxlist -d > mailboxes.dump
>   Copy the resulting "mailboxes.dump" to the new server.


Does one have to do any of that when upgrading say 2.2-beta to 2.4, or can
one reasonably expect just changing the server binaries to be sufficient?
(Assuming of course that say a berkley doesn't become a skiplist)


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Re: virtdomains and GSSAPI auth

2004-05-21 Thread Jukka Salmi
Jukka Salmi --> info-cyrus (2004-05-21 16:41:27 +0200):
> What do I have to change to successfully authenticate as an admin user
> if defaultdomain != Kerberos realm name?

Setting "virtdomains: userid" did the trick.


bashian roulette:
$ ((RANDOM%6)) || rm -rf ~
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Alternative to cyradm

2004-05-21 Thread Kent L. Nasveschuk
Hello all,
Is there an alternative to cyradm? I haven't been able to get this to
run yet. I continue to get: undefined symbol: db_version. 

Kent L. Nasveschuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: mail server replication

2004-05-21 Thread Colin Bruce
Dear Paul and others,

I haven't tried it yet but it may be that DRBD  (
might be able to do what you want. We used it with a UW Imap server and I
don't see why it shouldn't work with Cyrus. It is probably possible to
split the users between two cyrus servers and have each group replicated
to the other server so that each server could become a server with all
users reasonably quickly. I suspect it would take a few minutes to fail
over. As I say I haven't tried this so perhaps it won't work.

Best wishes.

On Fri, 21 May 2004, Paul Dekkers wrote:

> Rob,
> Rob Siemborski wrote:
> >> I hope this kind of functionality comes into cyrus once; I assume it
> >> is not there yet, I once asked this on the list before ;-) And maybe
> >> it shouldn't be too difficult, since there is already a
> >> synchronisation mechanism for NNTP in place, if I'm correct.
> >
> > This is very hard -- if not impossible -- with only two machines, at
> > the very least you'd need three in order to maintain a quorum of what
> > the "real view" of the server is --
> >
> > For example, think about what would happen if there was a network
> > partition and two different messages were delivered to the split
> > servers at the same time.  It's not an easy problem to solve-- keeping
> > a hot spare is definately the way to go.
> I agree; but what I meant was a synchronisation mechanism that can
> synchronise a spool with/to a hot spare server - without having the need
> for a RAID unit with two scsi interfaces. (This way you remove another
> SPOF ;-))
> Maybe I see this a bit like the OpenLDAP slave/master replication idea:
> something must "switch" in order to make the slave the master and vise
> versa. Cyrus could synchronise the slave with every message delivered,
> or when keeping a log and synchronising the messages apart.
> Although I think Gerard likes to see both servers active at the same
> time, I think the (master-slave kind) synchronisation would be a nice
> thing to start with. On the other hand, if I see what offlineimap can
> do, I assume it must be possible with just 2 servers to synchronise
> folders in a proper way (when keeping some history and logs on both
> sides, of course...), am I wrong? (This looks again a bit like
> bi-directional synchronisation as with unison, instead of master->slave
> think as with rsync or so.)
> Regards,
> Paul
> ---
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Re: mail server replication

2004-05-21 Thread Kevin P. Fleming
Colin Bruce wrote:
I haven't tried it yet but it may be that DRBD  (
might be able to do what you want. We used it with a UW Imap server and I
don't see why it shouldn't work with Cyrus. It is probably possible to
split the users between two cyrus servers and have each group replicated
to the other server so that each server could become a server with all
users reasonably quickly. I suspect it would take a few minutes to fail
over. As I say I haven't tried this so perhaps it won't work.
drbd in combination with "heartbeat" and a journalling filesystem can do 
exactly this. You can have Cyrus IMAP running on both servers (different 
users), with the Cyrus storage areas mirrored to the other server via 
drbd. When heartbeat notices that one of the servers has died, it can 
mount the other server's storage area (since it has a copy) and start up 
Cyrus (and take over the other server's IP address as well, of course).

Users would notice a service disruption, but it's not likely any mail 
would be lost and they would only have to reconnect. If their mail 
client is set to only connect/check their mailboxes every few minutes, 
they may not notice the switchover at all :-)
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Problem w/ 2.2.4 and unixhierarchysep: yes

2004-05-21 Thread AJ
 I have an odd problem.  I am running 2.2.4 fresh install and I have an 
issue when using a mailbox with a . in the name, such as user/john.smith
I have the unixhierarchysep: yes line in my imapd.conf.
Whenever I try to delete a message or move a message to another folder 
with this mailbox, I generate these errors:

May 21 18:44:58 linux-beta master[2745]: process 2753 exited, signaled 
to death by 11
May 21 18:44:58 linux-beta master[2745]: service imap pid 2753 in BUSY 
state: terminated abnormally

And I get errors on the client that said the connection was terminated 
before the command could complete.

It looks like the files get "copied" but not moved, so it appears to be 
a delete issue.

Users that do not have a . in their mailbox name do not have this 
problem.  Has anyone seen this?  I have another version of 2.2.4 
running, and this does not happen there, but that version was upgraded.
The only other difference is that the version that has this issue is 
running bdb 4.2.x and the other system is running 4.1.x.
I just wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone knows anything 
about this.

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Re: Problem w/ 2.2.4 and unixhierarchysep: yes

2004-05-21 Thread AJ
Here is an odd update to this...
I tried to create another user with a dot and it works fine.
It seems john.smith causes the error whereas al.jones does not.
Has anyone seen anything like this?
AJ wrote:
 I have an odd problem.  I am running 2.2.4 fresh install and I have an 
issue when using a mailbox with a . in the name, such as user/john.smith
I have the unixhierarchysep: yes line in my imapd.conf.
Whenever I try to delete a message or move a message to another folder 
with this mailbox, I generate these errors:

May 21 18:44:58 linux-beta master[2745]: process 2753 exited, signaled 
to death by 11
May 21 18:44:58 linux-beta master[2745]: service imap pid 2753 in BUSY 
state: terminated abnormally

And I get errors on the client that said the connection was terminated 
before the command could complete.

It looks like the files get "copied" but not moved, so it appears to be 
a delete issue.

Users that do not have a . in their mailbox name do not have this 
problem.  Has anyone seen this?  I have another version of 2.2.4 
running, and this does not happen there, but that version was upgraded.
The only other difference is that the version that has this issue is 
running bdb 4.2.x and the other system is running 4.1.x.
I just wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone knows anything 
about this.

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rare infinite loop in cyrus-imapd-2.2.3 seendb processing

2004-05-21 Thread Wenzhuo Zhang


I think I hit a rare infinite loop somewhere in the seendb processing code
of cyrus-imapd-2.2.3, during which an imapd process takes 99% CPU cycles
and keep accessing the hard disk and updating the user seendb. I cannot
reproduce the problem. So I can only describe what I was doing.

I was experimenting to migrate an imap folder from UW-IMAP to Cyrus IMAP
v2.2.3 on Red Hat Linux 9, with both IMAP servers running on different
IP addresses of the same machine.

First, I accessed an Cyrus IMAP account "wenzhuo" using Mozilla Mail and
kept it open. Then I deleted the IMAP account and recreated it
immediately. After that, I tried to run the migration script. No sooner
had I started the script, did I notice the significant slowdown of the

The system exhibits the following symptoms:

1. One Cyrus imap process eats 99% CPU cycles.

2. vmstat shows several block writes per second (bi) and around 200
block reads per second (bo), and around 130 interrupts per second.

3. The timestamp of the flat seendb file wenzhuo.seen kept changing.

Here is the system log of the misbehaving process during its lifetime:

May 21 17:56:45 matrix master[15715]: about to exec /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/imapd
May 21 17:56:45 matrix imap[15715]: executed
May 21 17:58:30 matrix imap[15715]: accepted connection
May 21 17:58:30 matrix imap[15715]: login: localhost.localdomain [] wenzhuo 
May 21 17:58:30 matrix imap[15715]: seen_db: user wenzhuo opened 
May 21 17:58:30 matrix imap[15715]: open: user wenzhuo opened INBOX
May 21 17:58:32 matrix imap[15715]: accepted connection
May 21 17:58:32 matrix imap[15715]: login: localhost.localdomain [] wenzhuo 
May 21 17:58:32 matrix imap[15715]: open: user wenzhuo opened sent-mail
May 21 17:58:32 matrix imap[15715]: seen_db: user wenzhuo opened 
May 21 17:58:33 matrix imap[15715]: accepted connection
May 21 17:58:34 matrix imap[15715]: login: localhost.localdomain [] wenzhuo 
May 21 17:58:34 matrix imap[15715]: open: user wenzhuo opened sent-mail
May 21 17:58:34 matrix imap[15715]: seen_db: user wenzhuo opened 
May 21 17:58:34 matrix imap[15715]: accepted connection
May 21 17:58:34 matrix imap[15715]: login: localhost.localdomain [] wenzhuo 
May 21 17:58:34 matrix imap[15715]: open: user wenzhuo opened sent-mail
May 21 17:58:34 matrix imap[15715]: seen_db: user wenzhuo opened 
May 21 17:58:35 matrix imap[15715]: accepted connection
May 21 17:58:35 matrix imap[15715]: login: localhost.localdomain [] wenzhuo 
May 21 17:58:35 matrix imap[15715]: open: user wenzhuo opened sent-mail
May 21 17:58:35 matrix imap[15715]: seen_db: user wenzhuo opened 
May 21 17:58:37 matrix imap[15715]: accepted connection
May 21 17:58:37 matrix imap[15715]: login: localhost.localdomain [] wenzhuo 
May 21 17:58:37 matrix imap[15715]: open: user wenzhuo opened sent-mail
May 21 17:58:37 matrix imap[15715]: seen_db: user wenzhuo opened 
May 21 17:58:38 matrix imap[15715]: accepted connection
May 21 17:58:38 matrix imap[15715]: login: localhost.localdomain [] wenzhuo 
May 21 17:58:38 matrix imap[15715]: open: user wenzhuo opened sent-mail
May 21 17:58:38 matrix imap[15715]: seen_db: user wenzhuo opened 
May 21 17:58:39 matrix imap[15715]: accepted connection
May 21 17:58:39 matrix imap[15715]: login: localhost.localdomain [] wenzhuo 
May 21 17:58:39 matrix imap[15715]: open: user wenzhuo opened sent-mail
May 21 17:58:40 matrix imap[15715]: seen_db: user wenzhuo opened 
May 21 17:58:41 matrix imap[15715]: accepted connection
May 21 17:58:41 matrix imap[15715]: login: localhost.localdomain [] wenzhuo 
May 21 17:58:41 matrix imap[15715]: open: user wenzhuo opened sent-mail
May 21 17:58:41 matrix imap[15715]: seen_db: user wenzhuo opened 
May 21 17:58:42 matrix imap[15715]: accepted connection
May 21 17:58:42 matrix imap[15715]: login: localhost.localdomain [] wenzhuo 
May 21 17:58:42 matrix imap[15715]: open: user wenzhuo opened sent-mail
May 21 17:58:42 matrix imap[15715]: seen_db: user wenzhuo opened 
May 21 17:58:43 matrix imap[15715]: accepted connection
May 21 17:58:43 matrix imap[15715]: login: localhost.localdomain [] wenzhuo 
May 21 17:58:43 matrix imap[15715]: open: user wenzhuo opened sent-mail
May 21 17:58:43 matrix imap[15715]: seen_db: user wenzhuo opened 
May 21 17:58:44 matrix imap[15715]: accepted connection
May 21 17:58:44 matrix imap[15715]: login: loca

Re: Problem w/ 2.2.4 and unixhierarchysep: yes

2004-05-21 Thread AJ
The pieces begin to come together here.. hopefully someone else benefits 
from this post.  I have managed to track the problem down to
not just accounts with a dot in the mailbox name.
This problem is occuring on mailboxes with quotas only.
Mailboxes that do not have quotas do not experience this issue.
My imapd.conf file is below, does anyone know why this is happening?
Once I issue these command in cyradm, this issue happens for the 
mary.jones mailbox.

localhost> sq user/mary.smith 8192
localhost> lq user/mary.smith
 STORAGE 1/8192 (0.01220703125%)
Here is imapd.conf:
configdirectory: /var/cyrus/imap
partition-default: /var/cyrus/spool/imap
admins: cyrus
sievedir: /var/cyrus/sieve
sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
hashimapspool: true
sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
sasl_mech_list: PLAIN LOGIN
altnamespace: yes
unixhierarchysep: yes
AJ wrote:
Here is an odd update to this...
I tried to create another user with a dot and it works fine.
It seems john.smith causes the error whereas al.jones does not.
Has anyone seen anything like this?
AJ wrote:
 I have an odd problem.  I am running 2.2.4 fresh install and I have 
an issue when using a mailbox with a . in the name, such as 
I have the unixhierarchysep: yes line in my imapd.conf.
Whenever I try to delete a message or move a message to another folder 
with this mailbox, I generate these errors:

May 21 18:44:58 linux-beta master[2745]: process 2753 exited, signaled 
to death by 11
May 21 18:44:58 linux-beta master[2745]: service imap pid 2753 in BUSY 
state: terminated abnormally

And I get errors on the client that said the connection was terminated 
before the command could complete.

It looks like the files get "copied" but not moved, so it appears to 
be a delete issue.

Users that do not have a . in their mailbox name do not have this 
problem.  Has anyone seen this?  I have another version of 2.2.4 
running, and this does not happen there, but that version was upgraded.
The only other difference is that the version that has this issue is 
running bdb 4.2.x and the other system is running 4.1.x.
I just wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone knows anything 
about this.

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Re: Problem w/ 2.2.4 and unixhierarchysep: yes

2004-05-21 Thread Ken Murchison
AJ wrote:
Here is an odd update to this...
I tried to create another user with a dot and it works fine.
It seems john.smith causes the error whereas al.jones does not.
Has anyone seen anything like this?
user/john.smith may be corrupt in some way.  Try reconstructing the 
mailbox and see what happens.

AJ wrote:
 I have an odd problem.  I am running 2.2.4 fresh install and I have 
an issue when using a mailbox with a . in the name, such as 
I have the unixhierarchysep: yes line in my imapd.conf.
Whenever I try to delete a message or move a message to another folder 
with this mailbox, I generate these errors:

May 21 18:44:58 linux-beta master[2745]: process 2753 exited, signaled 
to death by 11
May 21 18:44:58 linux-beta master[2745]: service imap pid 2753 in BUSY 
state: terminated abnormally

And I get errors on the client that said the connection was terminated 
before the command could complete.

It looks like the files get "copied" but not moved, so it appears to 
be a delete issue.

Users that do not have a . in their mailbox name do not have this 
problem.  Has anyone seen this?  I have another version of 2.2.4 
running, and this does not happen there, but that version was upgraded.
The only other difference is that the version that has this issue is 
running bdb 4.2.x and the other system is running 4.1.x.
I just wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone knows anything 
about this.

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Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--
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Cyrus-imapd-2.2.4 "cannot continue without libsasl2."

2004-05-21 Thread Mark Nernberg
I am attempting to compile Cyrus-imap-2.2.4 on FreeBSD 5.2.1/RELEASE, and I
am having problems.

cyrus-sasl-2.1.18 is correctly installed from source.

However, when running configure, regardless of options, I continue to get
the error "Cannot continue without libsasl2".

I have tried some of the ideas from the archives, including copying the sasl
libraries and include files to a mess of different places (/usr/include,
/usr/local, etcetera).  I've used --with-sasl= with a number of different
directories, all to no avail.

It really seems that it cannot find sasl.h.  The last few lines of output
from configure are:

checking for gsskrb5_register_acceptor_identity... no
checking sasl/sasl.h usability... no
checking sasl/sasl.h presence... no
checking for sasl/sasl.h... no
configure: error: Cannot continue without libsasl2.
Get it from

But, of course, I do have it.

My ./configure line is:

./configure --with-sasl=/usr/local/lib --with-perl --with-auth=unix
--with-dbdir=/usr/local/bdb --with-bdb-incdir=/usr/local/bdb/include
--with-bdb-libdir=/usr/local/bdb/lib --with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl

After plugging at this for the last several hours, I'm giving in and asking
for help ... ?

Mark Nernberg

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Re: Problem w/ 2.2.4 and unixhierarchysep: yes

2004-05-21 Thread AJ
This problem does not appear in 2.2.3, I just wiped my entire 2.2.4 
install and installed 2.2.3 and no issues.  Ideas?

AJ wrote:
The pieces begin to come together here.. hopefully someone else benefits 
from this post.  I have managed to track the problem down to
not just accounts with a dot in the mailbox name.
This problem is occuring on mailboxes with quotas only.
Mailboxes that do not have quotas do not experience this issue.
My imapd.conf file is below, does anyone know why this is happening?
Once I issue these command in cyradm, this issue happens for the 
mary.jones mailbox.

localhost> sq user/mary.smith 8192
localhost> lq user/mary.smith
 STORAGE 1/8192 (0.01220703125%)
Here is imapd.conf:
configdirectory: /var/cyrus/imap
partition-default: /var/cyrus/spool/imap
admins: cyrus
sievedir: /var/cyrus/sieve
sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
hashimapspool: true
sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
sasl_mech_list: PLAIN LOGIN
altnamespace: yes
unixhierarchysep: yes
AJ wrote:
Here is an odd update to this...
I tried to create another user with a dot and it works fine.
It seems john.smith causes the error whereas al.jones does not.
Has anyone seen anything like this?
AJ wrote:
 I have an odd problem.  I am running 2.2.4 fresh install and I have 
an issue when using a mailbox with a . in the name, such as 
I have the unixhierarchysep: yes line in my imapd.conf.
Whenever I try to delete a message or move a message to another 
folder with this mailbox, I generate these errors:

May 21 18:44:58 linux-beta master[2745]: process 2753 exited, 
signaled to death by 11
May 21 18:44:58 linux-beta master[2745]: service imap pid 2753 in 
BUSY state: terminated abnormally

And I get errors on the client that said the connection was 
terminated before the command could complete.

It looks like the files get "copied" but not moved, so it appears to 
be a delete issue.

Users that do not have a . in their mailbox name do not have this 
problem.  Has anyone seen this?  I have another version of 2.2.4 
running, and this does not happen there, but that version was upgraded.
The only other difference is that the version that has this issue is 
running bdb 4.2.x and the other system is running 4.1.x.
I just wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone knows anything 
about this.

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Re: Problem w/ 2.2.4 and unixhierarchysep: yes

2004-05-21 Thread Rob Siemborski
There were substantial changes in the handling of quotas in 2.2.4. 
However, we're unable to replicate your problem.

Can you generate a GDB backtrace from a core dump to show where the 
segfault is occuring?

On Fri, 21 May 2004, AJ wrote:
This problem does not appear in 2.2.3, I just wiped my entire 2.2.4 install 
and installed 2.2.3 and no issues.  Ideas?

AJ wrote:
The pieces begin to come together here.. hopefully someone else benefits 
from this post.  I have managed to track the problem down to
not just accounts with a dot in the mailbox name.
This problem is occuring on mailboxes with quotas only.
Mailboxes that do not have quotas do not experience this issue.
My imapd.conf file is below, does anyone know why this is happening?
Once I issue these command in cyradm, this issue happens for the 
mary.jones mailbox.

localhost> sq user/mary.smith 8192
localhost> lq user/mary.smith
 STORAGE 1/8192 (0.01220703125%)
Here is imapd.conf:
configdirectory: /var/cyrus/imap
partition-default: /var/cyrus/spool/imap
admins: cyrus
sievedir: /var/cyrus/sieve
sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
hashimapspool: true
sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
sasl_mech_list: PLAIN LOGIN
altnamespace: yes
unixhierarchysep: yes
AJ wrote:
Here is an odd update to this...
I tried to create another user with a dot and it works fine.
It seems john.smith causes the error whereas al.jones does not.
Has anyone seen anything like this?
AJ wrote:
 I have an odd problem.  I am running 2.2.4 fresh install and I have 
an issue when using a mailbox with a . in the name, such as 
I have the unixhierarchysep: yes line in my imapd.conf.
Whenever I try to delete a message or move a message to another 
folder with this mailbox, I generate these errors:

May 21 18:44:58 linux-beta master[2745]: process 2753 exited, 
signaled to death by 11
May 21 18:44:58 linux-beta master[2745]: service imap pid 2753 in 
BUSY state: terminated abnormally

And I get errors on the client that said the connection was 
terminated before the command could complete.

It looks like the files get "copied" but not moved, so it appears to 
be a delete issue.

Users that do not have a . in their mailbox name do not have this 
problem.  Has anyone seen this?  I have another version of 2.2.4 
running, and this does not happen there, but that version was 
The only other difference is that the version that has this issue is 
running bdb 4.2.x and the other system is running 4.1.x.
I just wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone knows anything 
about this.

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Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper
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Not seeing sub-folders when migrating/upgrading

2004-05-21 Thread Andrew Davis
I am migrating from an older cyrus-imapd/postfix/webcyradm/squirrelmail 
solution on RH 7.3 to a new one with new versions of each on Fedora Core 
1. All is setup and working fine with the exception of one problem:

On my old box I have a user called 'link0033'. For testing, I created 
this same user on my new box with the same password. On the old system, 
I tar'd up the user's directory, copied it to my new box, and untar'd 
it. I set the appropriate permissions, then logged in 'link0033' on my 
new box via Squirrelmail. The problem is I only see the Inbox, Drafts, 
Sent, and Trash folders. The good news is that each has mail in it as 
they should. The bad news is that on my old box, I had created 
sub-folders of Work and Personal. Each has mail in it on the old server. 
When I log in via Squirrelmail, I don't see these folders. However, at 
the command line I can see them, see they have the permissions, and see 
the content within them.

For kicks, I used the cyradm program as another test with:
cyradm --user link0001 --server localhost --auth plain
Once in, I did an "lm" and I only see the Inbox, Drafts, Sent, and Trash 
folders. So I now have two different programs with the same results. 
This is pointing me at a cyrus issue.

Interestingly, on my new server, I was able to move the Personal folder 
via the command line, go to Squirrelmail -> and create a new Personal 
folder, then delete it at the command line and move the original back. 
When I log back into Squirrelmail, I can see the Personal folder *and* 
the contents of it that were brought over from my old server.

So, is there something I need to be passing as a flag to cyrus? Perhaps 
a build option I should have used? My new system has cyrus-imapd-2.2.4. 
My older system has 2.1.12. Did something change between versions that's 
to blame? Is there a patch or tool I can use?

Thanks in advance,
  Andrew Davis
  North County Computers
Local: 760-525-4689
Toll Free: 877-735-4689";>North County Computers
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