Re: Authentication diagram?

2004-08-04 Thread Craig Ringer
On Thu, 2004-08-05 at 09:51, Ken Murchison wrote:

> > There's a PDF here:
> >
> Its not there, that's why I posted the .sxd link.

Whoops; you're quite right. I'll make sure to correct that in a bit.

Craig Ringer

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Re: Your Cyrus-SpamAssassin integration

2004-08-04 Thread Dominic Ijichi
Quoting "Denis V. Suhanov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello,
> It  has  probably already been discussed, but anyway - how do you guys
> deal  with  the integration of Cyrus IMAP and SpamAssassin? Given that
> most  of the users do not have home folders and it is preferrable that
> each  of  them  have their own idea of what spam is and what it isn't?
> What would you recommends? I thought of having a My SQL background for
> SA-settings  and  some  kind  (failed  to  find  any) web interface to
> control  it...  or maybe something like cron-controlled sa-learn --ham
> and sa-learn --spam?

Shouldn't SA be done at the MTA stage?  I do it as a Postfix post-queue content
filter using Amavisd-new and call SA along with ClamAV and DCC, works
brilliantly.  Amavisd-new controls SA, including SQL/LDAP maps.  If you want a
nice easy web interface, check out the Horde sub-project Sam (, i
believe recent versions handle SA and Amavisd-new SQL maps for individual settings.

hope this helps

> Thanks for your recommendations.
> --
> Best regards,
>  Denis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ---
> Cyrus Home Page:
> Cyrus Wiki/FAQ:
> List Archives/Info:

This message was penned by the hand of Dom
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Re: Authentication diagram?

2004-08-04 Thread Ken Murchison
Craig Ringer wrote:
On Thu, 2004-08-05 at 03:30, Ken Murchison wrote:
Wil Cooley wrote:

Someone on IRC (#cyrus on was asking about
authentication options and I recalled that someone had put together a
nice PDF of the way the various layers operate.  I can't find this PDF
on the Wiki; could someone point me to it?

It's not on the wiki because I still need to make some final fixes to it
and add some useful text content to go with it. It'll happen someday,
honest ;-)

I think the raw doc is here:

Yep. I did it when trying to get my head around authentication in Cyrus,
and it needs a bit of work, but it may be helpful anyway.
There's a PDF here:
Its not there, that's why I posted the .sxd link.
Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--
Cyrus Home Page:
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Your Cyrus-SpamAssassin integration

2004-08-04 Thread Denis V. Suhanov

It  has  probably already been discussed, but anyway - how do you guys
deal  with  the integration of Cyrus IMAP and SpamAssassin? Given that
most  of the users do not have home folders and it is preferrable that
each  of  them  have their own idea of what spam is and what it isn't?
What would you recommends? I thought of having a My SQL background for
SA-settings  and  some  kind  (failed  to  find  any) web interface to
control  it...  or maybe something like cron-controlled sa-learn --ham
and sa-learn --spam?

Thanks for your recommendations.

Best regards,
 Denis mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Authentication diagram?

2004-08-04 Thread Craig Ringer
On Thu, 2004-08-05 at 03:30, Ken Murchison wrote:
> Wil Cooley wrote:
> > Someone on IRC (#cyrus on was asking about
> > authentication options and I recalled that someone had put together a
> > nice PDF of the way the various layers operate.  I can't find this PDF
> > on the Wiki; could someone point me to it?

It's not on the wiki because I still need to make some final fixes to it
and add some useful text content to go with it. It'll happen someday,
honest ;-)

> I think the raw doc is here:

Yep. I did it when trying to get my head around authentication in Cyrus,
and it needs a bit of work, but it may be helpful anyway.

There's a PDF here:

> But I have no idea what app creates .sxd files. Draw, as someone else already mentioned.

As for renaming to .zip, you can do that ... but reading the extracted
XML won't be particularly enlightening.

Craig Ringer

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Re: Cyrus Login

2004-08-04 Thread Andreas
On Wed, Aug 04, 2004 at 03:57:22PM +, Cory D. Wiles wrote:
> However when i try to get into the cyradm and login i get a 'Segmentation
> Fault' error.  Just when I could have had everything fixed.

Looking at your logs, seems to be the problem I had (have?). I opened a ticket
about this, take a look to see if it's similar to your case:

Basically, I had segfaults in the following conditions:
- not specify a mechanism
- the library chooses digest-md5
- enter the wrong password
- the library attempts another method, this time GSSAPI
- if gssapi doesn't work, core dump. If it works, I just login.

> Thoughts on why I can't login into cyradm?

Try forcing a specific authentication mechanism. And provide both usernames and
authorization names in the command line.
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Re: Cyrus Login

2004-08-04 Thread Derrick J Brashear
On Wed, 4 Aug 2004, Cory D. Wiles wrote:
When i try to run:
$cyradm -user cyradmin stasis
and enter my password is when I get the segmentation fault error.
Can you do the following?
gdb cyradm
run -user cyradmin stasis
(type your password)
and when you get the SEGV, type
and tell us the backtrace you get?
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Re: Cyrus Login

2004-08-04 Thread Cory D. Wiles
I wish I had gotten this email just about an hour sooner.  I got so frustrated with 
everything that I recompiled sasl2 and cyrus-imap.  During the compile process I was 
still looking up reference material and ran across some cyradm information and 
realized that I hadn't created the mailbox 'user.cwiles'. 

However when i try to get into the cyradm and login i get a 'Segmentation Fault' 
error.  Just when I could have had everything fixed.

My saslauthd config line is:
./configure --disable-krb4 --disable-gssapi --disable-cram --disable-digest  

My cyrus-imap config line is:
./configure --with-auth=unix --with-perl=/usr/bin/perl 
--with-comm_err=/usr/include/et/com_err.h --with-idle=idled 
--with-mboxlist-db=skiplist --with-seen-db=skiplist --with-duplicate-db=skiplist 

When i try to run:
$cyradm -user cyradmin stasis
and enter my password is when I get the segmentation fault error.

here is my auth.log

Aug  4 13:53:54 stasis imap[22007]: unable to open Berkeley db /etc/sasldb2: No such 
file or directory
Aug  4 13:53:54 stasis imap[22007]: no OTP secret in database
Aug  4 13:53:57 stasis perl: GSSAPI Error: Miscellaneous failure (No credentials cache 
Aug  4 13:53:57 stasis imap[22007]: DIGEST-MD5 server step 1
Aug  4 13:53:57 stasis perl: DIGEST-MD5 client step 2
Aug  4 13:53:57 stasis imap[22007]: DIGEST-MD5 server step 2
Aug  4 13:53:57 stasis imap[22007]: unable to open Berkeley db /etc/sasldb2: No such 
file or directory
Aug  4 13:53:57 stasis imap[22007]: unable to open Berkeley db /etc/sasldb2: No such 
file or directory
Aug  4 13:53:57 stasis imap[22007]: no secret in database

Aug  4 13:53:51 stasis master[22007]: about to exec /usr/cyrus/bin/imapd
Aug  4 13:53:51 stasis imap[22007]: executed
Aug  4 13:53:51 stasis imap[22007]: accepted connection
Aug  4 13:53:54 stasis imap[22007]: badlogin: 
[] OTP [SASL(-13): user not found: no OTP secret in database]
Aug  4 13:53:57 stasis imap[22007]: badlogin: 
[] DIGEST-MD5 [SASL(-13): user not found: no secret in database]

Thoughts on why I can't login into cyradm?

> I sent this yesterday but I think I forgot some important information.
> I have been working getting cyrus 2.2.8 running for the past two days but
> I am having some serious issues. When my email client prompts me for the
> password I get the following error: 'Sending password did not succeed.
> Mail server responded:Unable to locate
> maildrop: Mailbox doesn't exist.'

Did you create the mailbox for cwiles? Cyrus doesn't create it
automagically (until you patched cyrus to do it). Login with cyradm and do
a 'cm user.cwiles'.


> Here are some of the files that I think might help diagnos the problem.
> Like i said I have tried everything to get this to work, but I know that
> there is something that I am missing.
> ++Latest auth.log file
> Aug  2 06:39:13 stasis sshd(pam_unix)[18076]: authentication failure;
> logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=NODEVssh ruser=
>  user=cwiles
> Aug  2 06:39:19 stasis sshd(pam_unix)[18078]: session opened for user
> cwiles by (uid=500)
> Aug  2 07:32:20 stasis pop3[18118]: could not find auxprop plugin, was
> searching for '[all]'
> ++end auth.log file
> ++Latest imapd.log+
> Aug  2 07:32:17 stasis master[18118]: about to exec /usr/cyrus/bin/pop3d
> Aug  2 07:32:17 stasis pop3[18118]: executed
> Aug  2 07:32:17 stasis pop3[18118]: accepted connection
> Aug  2 07:32:20 stasis pop3[18118]: login:
> [] cwiles plaintext User logged in
> Aug  2 07:32:23 stasis pop3[18118]: Unable to locate maildrop for cwiles:
> Mailbox does not exist
> Aug  2 07:33:45 stasis master[17414]: process 18118 exited, status 0
> ++end imapd.log+
> ++Latest messages+++
> Aug  2 07:27:35 stasis ctl_cyrusdb[18116]: checkpointing cyrus databases
> Aug  2 07:27:35 stasis ctl_cyrusdb[18116]: done checkpointing cyrus
> databases
> Aug  2 07:32:20 stasis pop3[18118]: login:
> [] cwiles plaintext User logged in
> Aug  2 07:32:23 stasis pop3[18118]: Unable to locate maildrop for cwiles:
> Mailbox does not exist
> Aug  2 07:38:23 stasis su(pam_unix)[18124]: session opened for user root
> by cwiles(uid=500)
> +
> ++Begin /etc/imapd.conf+
> configdirectory: /var/imap
> partition-default: /var/spool/imap
> admins: cyradmin
> sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
> sievedir: /usr/local/sieve

Re: Authentication diagram?

2004-08-04 Thread Luc Brouard
On Wed, Aug 04, 2004 at 03:30:51PM -0400, Ken Murchison wrote:
> Wil Cooley wrote:
> >Someone on IRC (#cyrus on was asking about
> >authentication options and I recalled that someone had put together a
> >nice PDF of the way the various layers operate.  I can't find this PDF
> >on the Wiki; could someone point me to it?
> I think the raw doc is here:
> But I have no idea what app creates .sxd files.

All .sx something are documents ..
.sxd = Drawing

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RE: Authentication diagram?

2004-08-04 Thread Dudi Goldenberg

Wil Cooley wrote:

> Someone on IRC (#cyrus on was asking about
> authentication options and I recalled that someone had put together a
> nice PDF of the way the various layers operate.  I can't find this PDF
> on the Wiki; could someone point me to it?

 >I think the raw doc is here:
 >But I have no idea what app creates .sxd files.

Just rename the .sxd file to .zip, it's a zip file.



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Re: Authentication diagram?

2004-08-04 Thread Wil Cooley
On Wed, 2004-08-04 at 12:30, Ken Murchison wrote:
> Wil Cooley wrote:
> > Someone on IRC (#cyrus on was asking about
> > authentication options and I recalled that someone had put together a
> > nice PDF of the way the various layers operate.  I can't find this PDF
> > on the Wiki; could someone point me to it?
> I think the raw doc is here:


> But I have no idea what app creates .sxd files. 

Naked Ape Consulting

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Authentication diagram?

2004-08-04 Thread Ken Murchison
Wil Cooley wrote:
Someone on IRC (#cyrus on was asking about
authentication options and I recalled that someone had put together a
nice PDF of the way the various layers operate.  I can't find this PDF
on the Wiki; could someone point me to it?
I think the raw doc is here:
But I have no idea what app creates .sxd files.
Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--
Cyrus Home Page:
Cyrus Wiki/FAQ:
List Archives/Info:

Authentication diagram?

2004-08-04 Thread Wil Cooley

Someone on IRC (#cyrus on was asking about
authentication options and I recalled that someone had put together a
nice PDF of the way the various layers operate.  I can't find this PDF
on the Wiki; could someone point me to it?

Naked Ape Consulting

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Moved Mail Store

2004-08-04 Thread Derrick Seymour
I recently moved my mail store from one server to another, well actually
from one hard drive to a RAID system (Same Server).  I reinstalled the
entire OS and I thought that if I just used a 'ditto' to copy over my mail
store everything would work out fine.  But I use Squirrel Mail as my webmail
and all of the messages that were in the boxes prior to my movement are not
showing up anymore.  I know they are there, I can read them from the command
line, and all of my new messages have appeared in the same directory (with
all the same permissions) as the old messages, but I can only read the newly
created ones.

Here are some server specs:

IMAP? (don't know)
PHP 4.3.x (not to sure)
Web Server  Apache 1.3.x (not to sure)
PlatformMac OSX 10.3.4

Any help would be great...


Derrick Seymour
Administrative Services
Northeastern Regional Information Center
Capital Region BOCES

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Re: Potential problem and patch: IMAP 2.2.8

2004-08-04 Thread Ken Murchison
Nikola Milutinovic wrote:
Hi all.
Cyrus IMAP 2.2.8
Tru64 UNIX 5.1B
Native CC
I was just compiling Cyrus IMAP 2.2.8 and due to some other problems 
(Tru64 oddities), I payed close attention to the compilation process. I 
noticed a potentially problematic warning:

cc: Warning: cyrusdb_quotalegacy.c, line 531: In this statement, the 
referenced type of the pointer value "&datalen" is "unsigned long", 
which is not compatible with "int". (ptrmismatch)
r = myfetch(db, globbuf.gl_pathv[i], &data, &datalen, tid);

As you can see, a pointer to "long" (actually "size_t") is being passed 
as a pointer to "int". This is problematic on Tru64 UNIX, since size of 
"long" is 64bit, while "int" is 32bit. From my point of view it is 
problematic in any case, so I made a simple patch:

*** lib/cyrusdb_quotalegacy.c.orig  Wed Aug  4 13:38:36 2004
--- lib/cyrusdb_quotalegacy.c   Wed Aug  4 13:46:00 2004
*** 526,532 
  for (i = 0; i < globbuf.gl_pathc; i++) {
const char *data, *key;
!   size_t keylen, datalen;
r = myfetch(db, globbuf.gl_pathv[i], &data, &datalen, tid);
if (r) break;
--- 526,532 
  for (i = 0; i < globbuf.gl_pathc; i++) {
const char *data, *key;
!   int keylen, datalen;
r = myfetch(db, globbuf.gl_pathv[i], &data, &datalen, tid);
if (r) break;
I haven't tested it, but I'm sure it will work, while I can't say for 
sure if the unpatched version would work or break. The bug manifesting 
would depend on whether the system is small-endian or big-endian and 
only if "long" and "int" have a different size. I'm not really sure if 
Alpha is big- or small-endian.
Fixed in CVS.  Thanks.
Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--
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Re: System-wide sieve filter

2004-08-04 Thread Nikos Voutsinas

Ben Poliakoff wrote:
* Nikos Voutsinas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040619 06:34]:
Also I suppose that a lot of people would like an extended autocreate
Inbox patch with an "autocreatesievescript" option.

Coming in a little late here.  Has anyone tried to extend the autocreate
patch with this "autocreatesievescript" functionality?  We could
certainly use it here...
It is our Intention to extend, the autocreate inbox patch with the 
requested functionality. But for the time being no one is working on 
this, at least no one in university of Athens. Nevertheless patches for 
the patch :) and enhancements are always more than welcome.

Nikos Voutsinas
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Potential problem and patch: IMAP 2.2.8

2004-08-04 Thread Nikola Milutinovic
Hi all.
Cyrus IMAP 2.2.8
Tru64 UNIX 5.1B
Native CC
I was just compiling Cyrus IMAP 2.2.8 and due to some other problems 
(Tru64 oddities), I payed close attention to the compilation process. I 
noticed a potentially problematic warning:

cc: Warning: cyrusdb_quotalegacy.c, line 531: In this statement, the 
referenced type of the pointer value "&datalen" is "unsigned long", 
which is not compatible with "int". (ptrmismatch)
r = myfetch(db, globbuf.gl_pathv[i], &data, &datalen, tid);

As you can see, a pointer to "long" (actually "size_t") is being passed 
as a pointer to "int". This is problematic on Tru64 UNIX, since size of 
"long" is 64bit, while "int" is 32bit. From my point of view it is 
problematic in any case, so I made a simple patch:

*** lib/cyrusdb_quotalegacy.c.orig  Wed Aug  4 13:38:36 2004
--- lib/cyrusdb_quotalegacy.c   Wed Aug  4 13:46:00 2004
*** 526,532 
  for (i = 0; i < globbuf.gl_pathc; i++) {
const char *data, *key;
!   size_t keylen, datalen;
r = myfetch(db, globbuf.gl_pathv[i], &data, &datalen, tid);
if (r) break;
--- 526,532 
  for (i = 0; i < globbuf.gl_pathc; i++) {
const char *data, *key;
!   int keylen, datalen;
r = myfetch(db, globbuf.gl_pathv[i], &data, &datalen, tid);
if (r) break;
I haven't tested it, but I'm sure it will work, while I can't say for 
sure if the unpatched version would work or break. The bug manifesting 
would depend on whether the system is small-endian or big-endian and 
only if "long" and "int" have a different size. I'm not really sure if 
Alpha is big- or small-endian.

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Re: cyrus login troubles

2004-08-04 Thread Simon Matter
> I sent this yesterday but I think I forgot some important information.
> I have been working getting cyrus 2.2.8 running for the past two days but
> I am having some serious issues. When my email client prompts me for the
> password I get the following error: 'Sending password did not succeed.
> Mail server responded:Unable to locate
> maildrop: Mailbox doesn't exist.'

Did you create the mailbox for cwiles? Cyrus doesn't create it
automagically (until you patched cyrus to do it). Login with cyradm and do
a 'cm user.cwiles'.


> Here are some of the files that I think might help diagnos the problem.
> Like i said I have tried everything to get this to work, but I know that
> there is something that I am missing.
> ++Latest auth.log file
> Aug  2 06:39:13 stasis sshd(pam_unix)[18076]: authentication failure;
> logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=NODEVssh ruser=
>  user=cwiles
> Aug  2 06:39:19 stasis sshd(pam_unix)[18078]: session opened for user
> cwiles by (uid=500)
> Aug  2 07:32:20 stasis pop3[18118]: could not find auxprop plugin, was
> searching for '[all]'
> ++end auth.log file
> ++Latest imapd.log+
> Aug  2 07:32:17 stasis master[18118]: about to exec /usr/cyrus/bin/pop3d
> Aug  2 07:32:17 stasis pop3[18118]: executed
> Aug  2 07:32:17 stasis pop3[18118]: accepted connection
> Aug  2 07:32:20 stasis pop3[18118]: login:
> [] cwiles plaintext User logged in
> Aug  2 07:32:23 stasis pop3[18118]: Unable to locate maildrop for cwiles:
> Mailbox does not exist
> Aug  2 07:33:45 stasis master[17414]: process 18118 exited, status 0
> ++end imapd.log+
> ++Latest messages+++
> Aug  2 07:27:35 stasis ctl_cyrusdb[18116]: checkpointing cyrus databases
> Aug  2 07:27:35 stasis ctl_cyrusdb[18116]: done checkpointing cyrus
> databases
> Aug  2 07:32:20 stasis pop3[18118]: login:
> [] cwiles plaintext User logged in
> Aug  2 07:32:23 stasis pop3[18118]: Unable to locate maildrop for cwiles:
> Mailbox does not exist
> Aug  2 07:38:23 stasis su(pam_unix)[18124]: session opened for user root
> by cwiles(uid=500)
> +
> ++Begin /etc/imapd.conf+
> configdirectory: /var/imap
> partition-default: /var/spool/imap
> admins: cyradmin
> sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
> sievedir: /usr/local/sieve
> hashimapspool: true
> altnamespace: yes
> unixhierarchysep: yes
> sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
> timeout: 90
> allowplaintext: yes
> ++end /etc/imapd.conf+++
> ++Begin /etc/cyrus.conf+
> # standard standalone server implementation
>   # do not delete this entry!
>   recover   cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -r"
>   # this is only necessary if using idled for IMAP IDLE
> #  idledcmd="idled"
> }
> # UNIX sockets start with a slash and are put into /var/imap/socket
>   # add or remove based on preferences
>   imap  cmd="imapd" listen="imap" prefork=0
>   imaps cmd="imapd -s" listen="imaps" prefork=0
>   pop3  cmd="pop3d" listen="pop3" prefork=0
>   pop3s cmd="pop3d -s" listen="pop3s" prefork=0
>   sieve cmd="timsieved" listen="sieve" prefork=0
>   # these are only necessary if receiving/exporting usenet via NNTP
> #  nntp cmd="nntpd" listen="nntp" prefork=0
> #  nntpscmd="nntpd -s" listen="nntps" prefork=0
>   # at least one LMTP is required for delivery
> #  lmtp cmd="lmtpd" listen="lmtp" prefork=0
>   lmtpunix  cmd="lmtpd" listen="/var/imap/socket/lmtp" prefork=0
>   # this is only necessary if using notifications
> #  notify   cmd="notifyd" listen="/var/imap/socket/notify" proto="udp"
> prefork=1
> }
>   # this is required
>   checkpointcmd="ctl_cyrusdb -c" period=30
>   # this is only necessary if using duplicate delivery suppression,
>   # Sieve or NNTP
>   delprune  cmd="cyr_expire -E 3" at=0400
>   # this is only necessary if caching TLS sessions
>   tlsprune  cmd="tls_prune" at=0400
> }
> ++end /etc/cyrus.conf+++
> Any insight to this would be greatly appreciated. Setting up a mail server
> is a NEW concept for me and guidance would be greatly appreciated.
> ---
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