Re: FastMail.FM patchset - new patches

2007-03-15 Thread David Carter

On Thu, 15 Mar 2007, Bron Gondwana wrote:

* Make UUIDs work at all.  The initialisation order of the UUID
 subsystem was wrong, so we had very few messages with a non-zero UUID.

message_uuid_master_init() should only be called after become_cyrus(). 
Every time that message_uuid_master_next_child() overflows, master needs 

Is MASTER_UUID_FILE owned by a user other than cyrus on your systems? I 
can't see any other obvious reason that moving message_uuid_master_init() 
up a few lines would help. service_create() is binding ports, which 
obviously has to happen as root, while masterconf_getsection() is just 
parsing master.conf. I am probably missing something obvious here, but the 
current ordering works for me.

* MD5 UUIDs - we've created a new scheme for UUID generation, of
 the format: 02[first 11 bytes of message file md5].  This allows
 some basic integrity checking of the file on disk, and is still
 plenty random.  Also adds the non standard IMAP FETCHable items
 UUID, RFC822.MD5 (calculated on the fly), RFC822.FILESIZE (does
 a stat or looks at the MMAP result if something else needs it)

I don't think that this is safe. It is important that the UUIDs really are 
unique, which is the reason for the paranoia in message_uuid_master_init.

The assertion:

  Is it safe? - we calulated that with one billion messages you have a one
  in 1 billion chance of a birthday collision (two random messages with
  the same UUID). They then have to get in the same MAILBOXES collection
  to sync_client to affect each other anyway.

Isn't the case: UUIDs span all MAILBOXES and APPEND event until a restart. 
If a UUID appears in one event and then is referenced by a second event 
some minutes later then the first message seen will be reused.

At the moment sync_client in 2.3 tracks the last few thousand messages by 
UUIDs. My original code tracked the last few hundred thousand messages 
(diminishing returns, but useful when seeding accounts). There is a much 
greater chance of collisions there than just comparing two messages.

David Carter Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University Computing Service,Phone: (01223) 334502
New Museums Site, Pembroke Street,   Fax:   (01223) 334679
Cambridge UK. CB2 3QH.

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Re: FastMail.FM patchset - new patches

2007-03-15 Thread Rob Mueller

  Is it safe? - we calulated that with one billion messages you have a one
  in 1 billion chance of a birthday collision (two random messages with
  the same UUID). They then have to get in the same MAILBOXES collection
  to sync_client to affect each other anyway.

Isn't the case: UUIDs span all MAILBOXES and APPEND event until a restart. 
If a UUID appears in one event and then is referenced by a second event 
some minutes later then the first message seen will be reused.

Well, it's half true.

They then have to get in the same MAILBOXES collection
  to sync_client to affect each other anyway.

May not be true, but:

  Is it safe? - we calulated that with one billion messages you have a one
  in 1 billion chance of a birthday collision (two random messages with
  the same UUID).

Is true.

Basically the chance of collision is the same as looking at the birthday 

md5 distributes an input set over a uniform distribution of 2^128 numbers. 
By truncating to 11 bytes, we're distributing evenly over 2^88 different 

So from the page above "given n random integers drawn from a discrete 
uniform distribution with range [1,d], what is the probability p(n;d) that 
at least two numbers are the same?", we have an approximation formula given.

Lets try some different message counts:

$ perl -e 'for ($n=10**5;$n<=10**9;$n*=10) { $d=2**(8*11); print $n, " - ", 
1-exp(-$n*($n-1)/(2*$d)),"\n"; }'

10 - 0
100 - 1.66533453693773e-15
1000 - 1.6153745008296e-13
1 - 1.61558544320428e-11
10 - 1.61558710853882e-09

So even with 1 billion messages, the chance of a *collision* is still about 
1 in a billion.

Most of our stores have on the order of 1-10 million messages, I doubt 
anyone has a billion messages making the chance of collision much, much 
smaller again.


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Re: FastMail.FM patchset - new patches

2007-03-15 Thread David Carter

On Thu, 15 Mar 2007, Rob Mueller wrote:

May not be true, but:

  Is it safe? - we calulated that with one billion messages you have a one
  in 1 billion chance of a birthday collision (two random messages with
  the same UUID).

Is true.

Fair enough.

With hindsight I should probably have defined message UUIDs to be the full 
MD5 hash: 128 bits isn't that much worse than 96 bits per message. What is 
the CPU overhead like for calculating MD5 sums for everything on the fly?

UUIDs started out life as Mailbox UniqueID (64 bits) plus Message UID (32 
bits), hence the size and rather unfortunate name. The hash algorithmn 
used to generate mailbox uniqueIDs is a bit basic, which is why I switched 
to generating them on the fly from master.

David Carter Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University Computing Service,Phone: (01223) 334502
New Museums Site, Pembroke Street,   Fax:   (01223) 334679
Cambridge UK. CB2 3QH.

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Re: FastMail.FM patchset - new patches

2007-03-15 Thread Bron Gondwana

On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 13:09:04 + (GMT), "David Carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On Thu, 15 Mar 2007, Rob Mueller wrote:
> > May not be true, but:
> >
> >>   Is it safe? - we calulated that with one billion messages you have a one
> >>   in 1 billion chance of a birthday collision (two random messages with
> >>   the same UUID).
> >
> > Is true.
> Fair enough.
> With hindsight I should probably have defined message UUIDs to be the
> full 
> MD5 hash: 128 bits isn't that much worse than 96 bits per message. What
> is 
> the CPU overhead like for calculating MD5 sums for everything on the fly?

Honestly, we don't even notice it in the noise, especially since IO is the
main limiting factor on these machines.  Also, you only have to do it once
per message, at delivery time.  I'd be tempted to write an RFC for providing
both the MD5 and SHA1 hash via IMAP, and caching them both in the cyrus.cache
if not the cyrus.index.  Would make client clean-up-after-inconsistency
handling, and backups for that matter, much cleaner.

> UUIDs started out life as Mailbox UniqueID (64 bits) plus Message UID (32 
> bits), hence the size and rather unfortunate name. The hash algorithmn 
> used to generate mailbox uniqueIDs is a bit basic, which is why I
> switched 
> to generating them on the fly from master.

Sure.  The UUID code looks really bolted on, which I guess it is.
lib/message_uuid* are nice, but the master integration and pass-by-env
and stuff is pretty messy!  Really, we have already proved that we get by
fine without them (given how many were all zero in our system already!)

Oh - by the way, don't go rolling out all our patches all at once then
reconstructing your mailboxes to get new UUIDs, you'll find UUID mismatches
across your replication system really fast!  I'm going cleaning that up
now :(

  Bron Gondwana

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Re: IOERROR: fstating sieve script ??

2007-03-15 Thread FORMER 03 | Baltasar Cevc


On 15.03.2007, at 04:12, BipinDas wrote:
 I am used the autocreatepatch 2.3.1. It works fine. But when a  
mailbox created my /var/log/syslog shows the following error.

  Let me know why this happened and how to fix it.
 Mar 14 12:28:43 cyrus lmtpunix[12454]: IOERROR: fstating sieve script  
/var/spool/sieve/d/divya/defaultbc: No such file or directory.

It's just an informational message - turn down the logging level in  
syslogd.conf (or whatever your log daemon config file ist called) to  
make it disappear.
The message just tells you that sieve did not find a filter script for  
the user - thus all messages will be put into the inbox without  

Hope that clarifies things ;-)


Baltasar Cevc

_ FORMER 03 GmbH
_ infanteriestraße 19 haus 6 eg
_ D-80797 muenchen


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Re: IOERROR: fstating sieve script ??

2007-03-15 Thread Aristotelis

BipinDas wrote:

Hi All,
I am used the autocreatepatch 2.3.1. It works fine. But when a mailbox 
created my /var/log/syslog shows the following error.

 Let me know why this happened and how to fix it.

Mar 14 12:28:43 cyrus lmtpunix[12454]: IOERROR: fstating sieve script 
/var/spool/sieve/d/divya/defaultbc: No such file or directory.


 This is not a problem of the autocreate patch. Autocreate creates the 
user's mailbox, but you haven't used the functionality that adds 
automatically a default sieve script to the user. lmtp tries to see if 
there is a sieve script when it tries to deliver the message, there is 
none, so it prints this warning message.
  If you just use the autocreate inbox functionality of autocreate 
script this is normal. If you want the automatic setting up of sieve 
scripts on user creation see the section :

(D) Automatic creation of a predefined default sieve script.
in the readme file of the autocreate patch.

 Best regards,

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Re: Questions... need Sieve primer

2007-03-15 Thread Jason Bailey, Sun Advocate Webmaster

Malcolm Locke wrote:

On Wed, Mar 14, 2007 at 05:34:52PM -0600, Jason Bailey, Sun Advocate Webmaster 

Roland Felnhofer wrote:

Hi Jason,

is that what you want?

# Mail rules to file Junk
require ["fileinto"];
if allof (header :contains  "X-Spam-Flag" "YES") {
fileinto "INBOX.Junk";

Best regards

Jason Bailey, Sun Advocate Webmaster wrote:

Hello all,

I am familiar with what Sieve does, but have never used it. We now 
have a need, and I'm struggling to find info on sieve, particularly 
relating to Cyrus.
I want a sieve script that moves all mail marked as junk by spam 
assassin (x-spam-flag) into the "Junk" folder (for only one of 4 domains 
we host).
Is this possible, and if so, is there a good place to look for help? 
I know my Cyrus has sieve support and the directories are defined, but I 
don't know how to enable or install the script, and I have few questions 
on sieve scripting in general.


I think so, except I need it to only apply to one mail domain. In other 
words, if recipient is part of domain.com1, and X-Spam-Flag is set to 
YES, move it into the junk - otherwise do nothing. The reasoning is that 
the other domains we host are entirely POP3 based, and mail moved into 
junk folders on the server could be detrimental to their work flow.

Sieve is applied per mailbox, not across the whole server.  To upload
and enable the sieve script 'mysieve' for mailbox 'joebloggs':

$ sieveshell -a joebloggs -u joebloggs cyrusserver
# Enter joebloggs IMAP / POP password
> put mysieve
> activate mysieve
> list
mysieve <- active script

You will have to tune the contents of 'mysieve' to your needs, if you
google 'spamassassin sieve' you should find plenty of examples.


I have been doing some reading in the mean time, and discovered 
sieveshell. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow me to login.

unable to connect to server at /usr/bin/sieveshell line 174, 
line 1.

I checked the logs and it says:

Mar 14 17:08:16 fs2 sieve[2714]: executed
Mar 14 17:08:16 fs2 sieve[2714]: accepted connection
Mar 14 17:08:19 fs2 sieve[2714]: no secret in database
Mar 14 17:08:19 fs2 sieve[2714]: badlogin: localhost[] CRAM-MD5 
authentication failure
Mar 14 17:08:22 fs2 sieve[2714]: badlogin: localhost[] LOGIN 
authentication failure

Cyrus is set up to use /etc/sasldb2 for authentication. This is where 
I'm the most incapable when it comes to Cyrus. I'm lucky I even got the 
software to do what it does now.

In my imapd.conf, I have:

configdirectory: /var/lib/imap
partition-default: /var/spool/imap
sievedir: /var/lib/sieve
admins: cyrus
allowanonymouslogin: no
reject8bit: no
quotawarn: 90
timeout: 30
poptimeout: 10
dracinterval: 0
drachost: localhost
#sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
lmtp_overquota_perm_failure: no
lmtp_downcase_rcpt: yes
virtdomains: userid
autocreatequota: 102400
quotawarnkb: 5120
unixhierarchysep: yes
altnamespace: yes
allowplaintext: yes
sasl_pwcheck_method: auxprop
sasl_mech_list: PLAIN LOGIN CRAM-MD5

saslauthd is set up to use pam and is running (the default config for 
the rpm). I have /etc/pam.d/imap and /etc/pam.d/sieve. But given I am 
using /etc/sasldb2, shouldn't it look there before defaulting to 
saslauthd in the first place?

I am running SLES 10 on x86_64 (EM64T)

Jason Bailey, Web/IT Administrator
Sun Advocate / Emery County Progress
(435) 637-0732 (ext 31)

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Okay... sieve is per mailbox. That actually works out to my benefit.

So how do I get sieveshell to let me login? The authentication aspects 
of Cyrus are my weakest spot... I don't know what I'm doing. All I know 
is that it won't let me login. Documentation is spotty at best. What now?

The imaptest works, logins directly through cyrus (or cyradm, for that 
matter) work fine. But sieveshell doesn't.


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Re: Questions... need Sieve primer

2007-03-15 Thread Florian Gleixner

Since i had a hard time too to get sieveshell working here my workflow
how i found that out:
Do a telnet to your cyrus server port sieve(2000). It should give you a
hello and the capabilities:

telnet mailserver 2000

"IMPLEMENTATION" "Cyrus timsieved v2.2.13"
"SIEVE" "fileinto reject envelope vacation imapflags notify subaddress
relational comparator-i;ascii-numeric regex"

The second line gives you the auth mechs. I had a problem once where
there were no mechs listed there. The cause was a wrong entry in
imapd.conf in the field sasl_mech_list (which is not documented!).

Check your /var/log/messages while trying to log in. Saslauthd maybe
gives you some hints what she's trying.

sieveshell --authname=someusername mailserver:2000

One unsoved problem on my side: It tries some auth mechs and the first
one always fails, so it may be possible that the password is only
accepted on the 2nd or 3rd prompt because the first ones were unusable


Jason Bailey, Sun Advocate Webmaster schrieb:

>>> configdirectory: /var/lib/imap
>>> partition-default: /var/spool/imap
>>> sievedir: /var/lib/sieve
>>> admins: cyrus
>>> allowanonymouslogin: no
>>> reject8bit: no
>>> quotawarn: 90
>>> timeout: 30
>>> poptimeout: 10
>>> dracinterval: 0
>>> drachost: localhost
>>> #sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
>>> lmtp_overquota_perm_failure: no
>>> lmtp_downcase_rcpt: yes
>>> virtdomains: userid
>>> loginrealms:
>>> autocreatequota: 102400
>>> quotawarnkb: 5120
>>> unixhierarchysep: yes
>>> altnamespace: yes
>>> allowplaintext: yes
>>> sasl_pwcheck_method: auxprop
>>> sasl_mech_list: PLAIN LOGIN CRAM-MD5
>>> saslauthd is set up to use pam and is running (the default config for
>>> the rpm). I have /etc/pam.d/imap and /etc/pam.d/sieve. But given I am
>>> using /etc/sasldb2, shouldn't it look there before defaulting to
>>> saslauthd in the first place?
>>> I am running SLES 10 on x86_64 (EM64T)
>>> Jason Bailey, Web/IT Administrator
>>> Sun Advocate / Emery County Progress
>>> (435) 637-0732 (ext 31)
>>> Cyrus Home Page:
>>> Cyrus Wiki/FAQ:
>>> List Archives/Info:
> Okay... sieve is per mailbox. That actually works out to my benefit.
> So how do I get sieveshell to let me login? The authentication aspects
> of Cyrus are my weakest spot... I don't know what I'm doing. All I know
> is that it won't let me login. Documentation is spotty at best. What now?
> The imaptest works, logins directly through cyrus (or cyradm, for that
> matter) work fine. But sieveshell doesn't.
> Ideas?
> Cyrus Home Page:
> Cyrus Wiki/FAQ:
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Re: The annoyance of repeating Makefiles

2007-03-15 Thread Ken Murchison

Gary Mills wrote:

On Tue, Jan 23, 2007 at 09:50:32AM -0500, Ken Murchison wrote:

Gary Mills wrote:

This behavior is annoying because I build the Cyrus software on a
development server but then install it on other servers where there
is no compiler and the source tree is mounted read-only.  This breaks
`make install', which should only install things, not recompile them.
Can this be fixed, or am I condemned to hack Makefiles myself?
A 'make install' shouldn't compile anything if all of the generated 
files already exist.  I would consider this a bug and would gladly 
accept a patch which fixes this behavior.

I've attached a patch, against cyrus-imapd-2.3.8, that does just that.

I'm finally looking at this patch, but what if I just do 'make imapd'? 
If any of the source files has been updated, we won't get an update 

--- imap/Makefile.Oin   Tue Jan  9 11:41:35 2007
+++ imap/Makefile.inSat Feb 10 09:50:27 2007
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
lmtpstats.c lmtpstats.h xversion.h mupdate_err.c mupdate_err.h \
nntp_err.c nntp_err.h

+all: xversion $(BUILTSOURCES) $(PROGS) $(SUIDPROGS)
 pure: imapd.pure lmtpd.pure mupdate.pure
@@ -151,11 +151,10 @@
 ### Built Source Files

-   rm -f version.o
+xversion xversion.h:
AWK=$(AWK) $(srcdir)/
-xversion.h: xversion

+version.o: xversion.h
 pushstats.c: pushstats.snmp $(srcdir)/../snmp/snmpgen

$(srcdir)/../snmp/snmpgen $(srcdir)/pushstats.snmp
@@ -199,7 +198,7 @@
 $(SERVICE) lmtpd.o proxy.o $(LMTPOBJS) $(SIEVE_OBJS) \
 mutex_fake.o libimap.a $(SIEVE_LIBS) $(DEPLIBS) $(LIBS) $(LIB_WRAP)
-imapd: xversion $(IMAPDOBJS) mutex_fake.o libimap.a $(DEPLIBS) $(SERVICE)

+imapd: $(IMAPDOBJS) mutex_fake.o libimap.a $(DEPLIBS) $(SERVICE)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o imapd \
 $(SERVICE) $(IMAPDOBJS) mutex_fake.o \
libimap.a $(DEPLIBS) $(LIBS) $(LIB_WRAP)
--- imap/xversion.Osh   Wed Oct 22 13:03:00 2003
+++ imap/xversion.shSat Feb 10 08:04:31 2007
@@ -9,12 +9,13 @@

-printf "/* Generated automatically by */\n\n" > xversion.h

+printf "/* Generated automatically by */\n\n" > $TMPF
-printf "#define CYRUS_CVSDATE " >> xversion.h

+printf "#define CYRUS_CVSDATE " >> $TMPF
 find .. -name '*.[chly]' -print | \

xargs egrep '\$Id: ' | \
@@ -22,4 +23,12 @@
match ($0, pattern) {
printf "\"%s\"\n", substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH)
}' pattern="$DATEPAT $TIMEPAT" | \
-   sort | tail -1 >> xversion.h
+   sort | tail -1 >> $TMPF
+if [ -f xversion.h ] && cmp -s $TMPF xversion.h
+rm $TMPF
+mv $TMPF xversion.h
--- perl/Makefile.Oin   Wed Oct 22 13:50:17 2003
+++ perl/Makefile.inFri Feb  9 17:54:37 2007
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
@for d in  $(SUBDIRS); \
do \
(cd $$d; echo "### Making" all "in" `pwd`;  \
-   if [ -f Makefile.PL ]; then \
+   if [ -f Makefile.PL -a ! -f Makefile ]; then \
   LIB_RT="$(LIB_RT)" \
--- perl/sieve/Makefile.Oin Wed Oct 22 13:50:24 2003
+++ perl/sieve/  Fri Feb  9 18:02:16 2007
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
@for d in  $(SUBDIRS); \
do \
(cd $$d; echo "### Making" all "in" `pwd`;  \
-   if [ -f Makefile.PL ]; then \
+   if [ -f Makefile.PL -a ! -f Makefile ]; then \
   LIB_RT="$(LIB_RT)" \

Kenneth Murchison
Systems Programmer
Project Cyrus Developer/Maintainer
Carnegie Mellon University

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Re: vacation subject lines in cyrus sieve

2007-03-15 Thread Ken Murchison

Dickson Law wrote:

Hi all

If I do not include the :subject directive in my vacation script the 
reply subject line would be

'Re: X' where  is the original subject line.
But If I add :subject "Out of the Office" in the vacation script the 
subject line would be just that without appending the original subject.

My question is:

1. Is it suppose to work like that?

Yes, per the Sieve Vacation spec.  Actually the latest spec requires 
"Auto: "

2. If so, how can I make the original subject appear in the reply email 
with a customized subject ?

The only way would be to use the Sieve Variables extension in 
conjunction with the Vacation extension.  Cyrus currently doesn't have 
support for the variables extension.

Kenneth Murchison
Systems Programmer
Project Cyrus Developer/Maintainer
Carnegie Mellon University

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Re: POP3 Timeouts?

2007-03-15 Thread Ken Murchison

Blake Hudson wrote:

I am having a problem where long POP transactions are being closed by
the server.

I turned on per-user debugging, but didn't actually see the problem
until I ran a packet sniffer(wireshark) on the server.

The transaction goes as follows:
1) Client connects/auths
2) Client lists mailbox contents and retrieves messages in order
3) Client requests a large message, server send the message
4) Client issues the dele command, server issues a TCP RST (client
obliges with a Fin,Ack effectively closing the connection)

No errors are present in the log and the per user debugging makes it
look as though the client never issued a dele/quit.

This appears to be the POP timeout as increasing the timeout allowed the
download of larger messages. Is this the way the POP timeout is supposed
to work? I would assume as long as data is continuously being requested
by the client the timeout would not be counting. Is the timeout counter
instead based on the time between commands issued by the client?. I am
using Cyrus 2.3.1

This problem was fixed in 2.3.2.

Kenneth Murchison
Systems Programmer
Project Cyrus Developer/Maintainer
Carnegie Mellon University

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autocreate broken in 2.3?

2007-03-15 Thread Brian Dial
Using SuSE 10.2 with the included cyrus-imapd-2.2.13 I was able to gget
it to autocreate the inbox, some folders, and auto subscribe to some
folders upon authentication to my ldap server.  However, I recently did
a manual upgrade to cyrus 2.3.8 and it has all stopped working.  Cyrus
works fine on upgrade for the most part, but now it doesn't even create
the user's inbox upon authentication.  Is there any additional
directives needed in 2.3 that i could be missing?  Here is the relevant
portion of my imapd.conf

allowanonymouslogin: no
allowallsubscribe: 1
autocreateinboxfolders: Drafts|Sent Items
autosubscribesharedfolders: Projects
altnamespace: 1
sharedprefix: Shared Folders
autocreatequota: 10

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Re: FastMail.FM patchset - new patches

2007-03-15 Thread John Capo
Quoting David Carter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Is MASTER_UUID_FILE owned by a user other than cyrus on your systems? I 
> can't see any other obvious reason that moving message_uuid_master_init() 
> up a few lines would help. service_create() is binding ports, which 
> obviously has to happen as root, while masterconf_getsection() is just 
> parsing master.conf. I am probably missing something obvious here, but the 
> current ordering works for me.

UUIDs are working fine here too.  Anyone else have a broken UUID's?

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Message retention policies

2007-03-15 Thread Jason Bailey, Sun Advocate Webmaster
Is it possible to set up a message retention policy that deletes email 
that is, say, over a year old from the mailboxes on the server?

I know many IMAP servers do support message retention policies, but I 
have had difficult time finding thorough, concrete information on them 
regarding Cyrus. Does such a feature even exist?

Jason Bailey, Web/IT Administrator
Sun Advocate / Emery County Progress
(435) 637-0732 (ext 31)

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Re: FastMail.FM patchset - new patches

2007-03-15 Thread John Capo
Quoting John Capo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Quoting David Carter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > 
> > Is MASTER_UUID_FILE owned by a user other than cyrus on your systems? I 
> > can't see any other obvious reason that moving message_uuid_master_init() 
> > up a few lines would help. service_create() is binding ports, which 
> > obviously has to happen as root, while masterconf_getsection() is just 
> > parsing master.conf. I am probably missing something obvious here, but the 
> > current ordering works for me.
> UUIDs are working fine here too.  Anyone else have a broken UUID's?

Closer inspection shows UUID's should not work at all but they are.
masterconf_getsection() calls add_service() which inits the service
structures with have_uuid but have_uuid is not set till after the
services are initialized.

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Re: Message retention policies

2007-03-15 Thread Malcolm Locke
On Thu, Mar 15, 2007 at 04:24:00PM -0600, Jason Bailey, Sun Advocate Webmaster 
> Is it possible to set up a message retention policy that deletes email 
> that is, say, over a year old from the mailboxes on the server?
> I know many IMAP servers do support message retention policies, but I 
> have had difficult time finding thorough, concrete information on them 
> regarding Cyrus. Does such a feature even exist?

2 things need to be in place:

- The mailbox you want to have cleared out needs to have the 'expire'
  annotation set.  Easiest way is via cyradm, e.g. to set an expiry of
  30 days on joebloggs Trash folder.

  cyradm> mboxcfg user.joebloggs.Trash expire 30

- The cyr_expire command needs to be running in the EVENTS section of
  cyrus.conf.  I have:

delprune  cmd="cyr_expire -E 3" period=1440

  Which causes the expired messages to be deleted every 24 hours.
Malcolm Locke - Systems Administrator,

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Re: FastMail.FM patchset - new patches

2007-03-15 Thread Rob Mueller
With hindsight I should probably have defined message UUIDs to be the full 
MD5 hash: 128 bits isn't that much worse than 96 bits per message. What is 
the CPU overhead like for calculating MD5 sums for everything on the fly?

That would have been nice, and from an integrity point of view as well, 
being able to check at any time that a message on disk matched the UUID 
simply by computing it's MD5...

Anyway, too late now, though having the first 88 bits of the MD5 as the UUID 
seems to be working quite nicely.


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Re: The annoyance of repeating Makefiles

2007-03-15 Thread Gary Mills
On Thu, Mar 15, 2007 at 12:53:33PM -0400, Ken Murchison wrote:
> Gary Mills wrote:
> >On Tue, Jan 23, 2007 at 09:50:32AM -0500, Ken Murchison wrote:
> >>Gary Mills wrote:
> >>
> >>>This behavior is annoying because I build the Cyrus software on a
> >>>development server but then install it on other servers where there
> >>>is no compiler and the source tree is mounted read-only.  This breaks
> >>>`make install', which should only install things, not recompile them.
> >>>Can this be fixed, or am I condemned to hack Makefiles myself?
> >>A 'make install' shouldn't compile anything if all of the generated 
> >>files already exist.  I would consider this a bug and would gladly 
> >>accept a patch which fixes this behavior.
> >
> >I've attached a patch, against cyrus-imapd-2.3.8, that does just that.
> I'm finally looking at this patch, but what if I just do 'make imapd'? 
> If any of the source files has been updated, we won't get an update 

The perl portions are okay, but in the imap portion it seems that I've
fixed my problem but not yours.  The thing is that it's not possible to
have a file that's updated when any component is updated, and also
required by one of those components.  That's what causes the repeat.
My fix was not to change the timestamp on the file when its contents
had not changed.  That stopped the repeat, but doesn't give you what
you need for CVS.

However, since `make' only cares about the timestamp, and CVS only cares
about the content, of the xversion.h file, it might be possible to make
this work for both.  The trick would be to get the dependancies correct
in the Makefile.  I'll have another attempt, unless somebody beats me
to it.

-Gary Mills--Unix Support--U of M Academic Computing and Networking-

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Re: IOERROR: fstating sieve script ??(SOLVED)

2007-03-15 Thread BipinDas

Aristotelis wrote:
  Hi All,

I am used the autocreatepatch 2.3.1. It works fine. But when a mailbox
created my /var/log/syslog shows the following error.

 Let me know why this happened and how to fix it.

  Mar 14 12:28:43 cyrus lmtpunix[12454]:
IOERROR: fstating sieve script /var/spool/sieve/d/divya/defaultbc: No
such file or directory.


 This is not a problem of the autocreate patch. Autocreate creates the
user's mailbox, but you haven't used the functionality that adds
automatically a default sieve script to the user. lmtp tries to see if
there is a sieve script when it tries to deliver the message, there is
none, so it prints this warning message.
  If you just use the autocreate inbox functionality of autocreate
script this is normal. If you want the automatic setting up of sieve
scripts on user creation see the section :
(D) Automatic creation of a predefined default sieve script.
in the readme file of the autocreate patch.
 Best regards,

Thanks for all the comments made on my query. I had solved the problem.
And It works fine.


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Re: autocreate broken in 2.3?

2007-03-15 Thread Simon Matter
> Using SuSE 10.2 with the included cyrus-imapd-2.2.13 I was able to gget
> it to autocreate the inbox, some folders, and auto subscribe to some
> folders upon authentication to my ldap server.  However, I recently did
> a manual upgrade to cyrus 2.3.8 and it has all stopped working.  Cyrus

Did you include the autocreate patches? The source distribution doesn't
include it.


> works fine on upgrade for the most part, but now it doesn't even create
> the user's inbox upon authentication.  Is there any additional
> directives needed in 2.3 that i could be missing?  Here is the relevant
> portion of my imapd.conf
> allowanonymouslogin: no
> allowallsubscribe: 1
> autocreateinboxfolders: Drafts|Sent Items
> autosubscribesharedfolders: Projects
> altnamespace: 1
> sharedprefix: Shared Folders
> autocreatequota: 10
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Re: Posting usenet news articles

2007-03-15 Thread Micha Kersloot
Nobody using the nntp part of Cyrus?

Op woensdag 14-03-2007 om 16:12 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Micha
> I hope someone can help me with this problem.
> I've managed to get som newsgroups into Cyrus and I can read them with my
> e-mail client and with a netnews client. I can post new messages, but they
> do not get forwarded to my usenet peer.
> The only part of the configuration that seems important is:
> # News setup
> partition-news: /var/spool/cyrus/news
> newsspool: /var/spool/news
> newsprefix: netnews
> newspeer:*,!control.*,@local.*
> newspostuser: netnews
> I have no real clue where to start looking ehh help?
> Greetings,
> Micha Kersloot
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Met vriendelijke groet,

Micha Kersloot

Controleer uw eigen IT.

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