Re: New Cyrus project site and bugzilla

2010-09-16 Thread Matt Selsky
On Mon, 13 Sep 2010, Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:

 (On a separate note, if I go to Downloads - Getting Started and click
 on the AnonymousCVS wiki link then I get redirected back to the front
 page rather than to a page giving information on how to access CVS)


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RE: A beginner question about Murder

2010-09-16 Thread Michel Sébastien
we use a modified traditional murder, i.e. without murder daemon, to host 
more than 2 million mailboxes (dozen million entries in mboxlist with folders)

We started to host 200.000 mailboxes on the traditional murder, configured 
with berkeley as cyrusdb backend due to lot of corruptions with default 
skiplist format (cyrus 2.3.9).
However we had a lot of locks and contentions with berkeleydb, so we migrated 
later to cyrus 2.3.13 on a skiplist backend. Unfortunately the more we hosted 
mailboxes the more we had production issues. Indeed database resync is not 
incremental and servers restart were increasingly longer. Moreover we had 
instability with skiplist backend around 7.8 million entries and failed to 
reach 8 million entries.

Finally we chose to develop a customized mysql backend. Front-ends and 
back-ends are all connected to the same DB but SQL results are rewritten with 
plugins to make them happy (return mailbox type 1 for proxy en mailbox type 0 
for backend). Now there is no more latency or issue and mysql allows us to host 
more several dozens million of entries.

So, we are totally murderless. FEs are scalable thanks to mysql replication and 
BEs are almost high available (our mysql failover is read-only and don't permit 
acl or folder management, but it is acceptable for us).
We developed our owns mysql backend and we can share the source code if someone 
is interested (perhaps need some clean-up and code rewrite to adapt to the 
official sql backend)


-Message d'origine-
De : 
 De la part de Wesley Craig
Envoyé : jeudi 9 septembre 2010 20:16
À : Andrew Morgan
Cc : Shuvam Misra;
Objet : Re: A beginner question about Murder

On 08 Sep 2010, at 16:41, Andrew Morgan wrote:
 Unfortunately, I've never setup a unified Murder, so I don't fully
 understand what the advantages and disadvantages of it compared to a
 traditional Murder.  Maybe someone else can jump in here with their

The main advantage is that BEs can proxy for other BEs, no FEs are required.  
In m observation, the FEs are typically CPU bound, while the BEs are typically 
IO bound.  Since the BEs have an excess of CPU, it makes some sense to combine 
the two roles.

Other than the bugs one finds in new code, unified is logically superior to 
traditional and in the long run traditional should be retired.

In the future, I'd like to add unified replication, masterless murder, and 
auto failover. In my ideal minimum system, there are two machines, replicating 
to each other, providing high availability, proxying, etc.


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Re: Replication sync-server and Delayed Delete

2010-09-16 Thread gavin . gray
Hi there,
So is the side effect of deleted folders ending up on the default 
partition when delayed delete is switched on on a replicant machine a 
known issue for sync_server? A knock on effect of this seems to be that 
cyr_expire on the replicant doesn't find these DELETED folders when it 
runs to do a purge.

Could you suggest a safe alternative to cyr_expire in order to purge 
these misplace deleted folders?


Gavin Gray

On Wed, 15 Sep 2010, Bron Gondwana wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 12:29:18PM +0100, Gavin Gray wrote:
 Hi there,

 We have a cyrus murder using replication and we have a few questions
 about the behaviour we are seeing on our system.

 1. cyr_expire on the master doesn't cause any replication to happen.
 Is that 'correct'? In other words if we want to delete folders from
 the DELETED heirarchy on the replicant then we need to also run
 cyr_expire on the replicant?

 Yeah, pretty much.

 2. We're also a little unclear about replication vis a vis the
 delayed expunge and the unexpunge facility. Could you explain what
 ought to happen in terms of replication when email is expunged and
 then possibly unexpunged if anything?

 It's a bit messy.  Unexpunge is a sin against IMAP by the way, and
 has been replaced with generate new UID and promote in 2.4.  In
 which case it's just like a new append wit the same flags, and
 replicates like an append :)

 2.3 replication ignores expunges - it's as if they don't exist!  When
 the mailbox syncs, it nukes the records that aren't alive on the
 master from the replica.  If you re-inject them with unexpunge, it
 should find them and sync_combine_commit() the result.  I don't know
 if unexpunge inserts replication events though - somewhat doubt it.

 3. We are seeing a strange anomaly on the replication of deleting a folder.
e.g a user deletes a folder
the folder goes into the DELETED heirarchy of the partition
 the user's mailbox is on
the folder is also deleted from the replicant as we would expect
however the folder on the replicant goes into the DELETED
 heirarchy on a different partition(the default partition as
 specified in cyrus.conf). Is this normal?

 Replication and partitions is broken in some ways in 2.3.  It should
 be better in 2.4 I believe, though I haven't tested it.  I'm going to
 be releasing an alpha super-soon (it's been pushed to


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RE: A beginner question about Murder

2010-09-16 Thread Shuvam Misra
Dear Michel,

 we use a modified traditional murder, i.e. without murder daemon,
 to host more than 2 million mailboxes (dozen million entries in mboxlist
 with folders)

Wow, that's some figure. Care to share some details with the list? What
kind of hardware (both for servers and storage), what performance
observations, etc? How many of these 2 million mailboxes see at least one
login a day?


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RE: A beginner question about Murder

2010-09-16 Thread Michel Sébastien
yes I can share some little details.
So we use about ten common Intel based servers for BEs (sized to support loss 
of 2/3 servers) and store data on NAS. Users are active and filer is about tens 
of thousand nfsop/s at the busy hour.
About 10% to 20% of the users connect at least one time a day, globally 4 
million connections per day.


-Message d'origine-
De : 
 De la part de Shuvam Misra
Envoyé : jeudi 16 septembre 2010 10:48
À :
Objet : RE: A beginner question about Murder

Dear Michel,

 we use a modified traditional murder, i.e. without murder daemon,
 to host more than 2 million mailboxes (dozen million entries in mboxlist
 with folders)

Wow, that's some figure. Care to share some details with the list? What
kind of hardware (both for servers and storage), what performance
observations, etc? How many of these 2 million mailboxes see at least one
login a day?


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Re: De-duping attachments

2010-09-16 Thread Marc Patermann

Shuvam Misra schrieb am 15.09.2010 03:40 Uhr:

 How difficult or easy would it be to modify Cyrus to strip all
 attachments from emails and store them separately in files? In the
 message file, replace the attachment with a special tag which will point
 to the attachment file. Whenever the message is fetched for any reason,
 the original MIME-encoded message will be re-constructed and delivered.
mh, OK, I'm not sure if I should post this here, but the is another IMAP 
server (some say: the new kid on the block) and as I came above it a 
few day ago, they are working on the same thing:

I did not follow the discussion, but at least there is a discussion 
about this feature elsewhere.


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RE: A beginner question about Murder

2010-09-16 Thread Shuvam Misra
 So we use about ten common Intel based servers for BEs (sized to
 support loss of 2/3 servers) and store data on NAS. Users are active
 and filer is about tens of thousand nfsop/s at the busy hour.

 About 10% to 20% of the users connect at least one time a day, globally
 4 million connections per day.

These are quite massive figures -- I'm thoroughly impressed. I am
assuming that your back-ends experience 50,000-100,000 concurrent IMAP
connections during certain parts of the day. This means that each BE
takes 5,000-10,000 parallel connections. Can an ordinary Intel server
handle such loads? What's the CPU and RAM of each?

Also, how many NAS servers/appliances are being used? I would have
thought that something like NFS would be too slow for such heavy IO
loads, but evidently I'm wrong.


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Using SQL database to store mailboxes. deliverdb and etc ...

2010-09-16 Thread Lucas Zinato Carraro
I find in source of installer:   doc\man\imapd.conf.5.html

Some parameters :


sql_database: none

Name of the database which contains the cyrusdb table(s).

sql_engine: none

Name of the SQL engine to use.

Allowed values: mysql, pgsql, sqlite

sql_hostnames: empty string

Comma separated list of SQL servers (in host[:port] format).

sql_passwd: none

Password to use for authentication to the SQL server.

sql_user: none

Username to use for authentication to the SQL server.

- Its possible to convert a exist installation to use SQL ?
( How ? How can i create the necessary tables and import from a
skiplist database ? )

- Its is compatible with Aggregation ( Murder ) ?

- I can share the same database with frontends, backends and mupdate ?

( if not :
   I can share the same database with frontends , another with backends and
   another with mupdate ?  )


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