Re: GOsa and shared mailbox [SOLVED]

2004-11-18 Thread Raphaël 'SurcouF' Bordet
Raphaël 'SurcouF' Bordet wrote:
  I'm using GOsa 2.1.3 on a RHE ES 3 with postfix 2.0.16,
cyrus-imapd 2.2.6 and openldap 2.0.27.
I've patched php4 with patch[1] wrote by Mario Mineti that implemente
getacl function to php
and needed by GOsa to set up mail account for groups, like this
following ldif described:
# ldapsearch -x -LLL -b 'dc=sopragroup,dc=fra'
'(&(objectclass=gosaMailAccount)(|([EMAIL PROTECTED])([EMAIL PROTECTED])))' 

dn: cn=support,ou=groups,ou=exploitation,dc=sopragroup,dc=fra
cn: support
description: Exploitants de la platerforme
gidNumber: 1004
memberUid: otrsadm
memberUid: rbordet
memberUid: sroby
gosaMailServer: imap://imap.demat.sopragroup.fra
gosaMailQuota: 5
gosaMailDeliveryMode: [L]
gosaSharedFolderTarget: share+support
objectClass: gosaMailAccount
objectClass: top
objectClass: posixGroup
Postfix is configure like this:
   virtual_mailbox_maps = ldap:demat, ldap:shared
   virtual_alias_maps = ldap:demat, ldap:shared
   demat_server_host = localhost
   demat_search_base = dc=sopragroup,dc=fra
   #demat_scope = sub
   #demat_bind = no
   demat_query_filter = (&(objectclass=gosaMailAccount)(mail=%s))
   demat_result_attribute = uid
   shared_server_host = localhost
   shared_search_base = ou=groups,ou=exploitation,dc=sopragroup,dc=fra
   #shared_scope = sub
   #shared_bind = no
   shared_query_filter =
   #shared_result_attribute =
   shared_result_attribute = gosaSharedFolderTarget
I've tried many options for both cyrus-imapd and postfix to get shared
folders support work, but I've failed...
configdirectory: /var/lib/imap
partition-default: /var/spool/imap
admins: admin
sievedir: /var/lib/imap/sieve
sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
hashimapspool: true
sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
sasl_mech_list: PLAIN
tls_cert_file: /usr/share/ssl/certs/cyrus-imapd.pem
tls_key_file: /usr/share/ssl/certs/cyrus-imapd.pem
tls_ca_file: /usr/share/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
autocreatequota: 1
#createonpost: yes
createonlogin: yes
autocreateinboxfolder: Envoyes|Brouillons|Spam|Modeles
autosubscribeinboxfolder: Envoyes|Brouillons|Spam|Modeles
newsmaster: admin
#userprefix: Autres utilisateurs
altnamespace: no
#postuser: shared
#sharedprefix: shared
Using GOsa, I've created a user named "share" and set imapd.conf's 
postuser directive to his name and it's works fine.

dn: uid=share,ou=users,dc=sopragroup,dc=fra
sn: share
givenName: share
uid: share
cn: share share
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: gosaAccount
Raphaël 'SurcouF' Bordet | surcouf at debianfr dot net
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GOsa and shared mailbox

2004-11-17 Thread Raphaël 'SurcouF' Bordet
  I'm using GOsa 2.1.3 on a RHE ES 3 with postfix 2.0.16,
cyrus-imapd 2.2.6 and openldap 2.0.27.
I've patched php4 with patch[1] wrote by Mario Mineti that implemente
getacl function to php
and needed by GOsa to set up mail account for groups, like this
following ldif described:
# ldapsearch -x -LLL -b 'dc=sopragroup,dc=fra'
'(&(objectclass=gosaMailAccount)(|([EMAIL PROTECTED])([EMAIL PROTECTED])))'
dn: cn=support,ou=groups,ou=exploitation,dc=sopragroup,dc=fra
cn: support
description: Exploitants de la platerforme
gidNumber: 1004
memberUid: otrsadm
memberUid: rbordet
memberUid: sroby
gosaMailServer: imap://imap.demat.sopragroup.fra
gosaMailQuota: 5
gosaMailDeliveryMode: [L]
gosaSharedFolderTarget: share+support
objectClass: gosaMailAccount
objectClass: top
objectClass: posixGroup
Postfix is configure like this:
   virtual_mailbox_maps = ldap:demat, ldap:shared
   virtual_alias_maps = ldap:demat, ldap:shared
   demat_server_host = localhost
   demat_search_base = dc=sopragroup,dc=fra
   #demat_scope = sub
   #demat_bind = no
   demat_query_filter = (&(objectclass=gosaMailAccount)(mail=%s))
   demat_result_attribute = uid
   shared_server_host = localhost
   shared_search_base = ou=groups,ou=exploitation,dc=sopragroup,dc=fra
   #shared_scope = sub
   #shared_bind = no
   shared_query_filter =
   #shared_result_attribute =
   shared_result_attribute = gosaSharedFolderTarget
I've tried many options for both cyrus-imapd and postfix to get shared
folders support work, but I've failed...
configdirectory: /var/lib/imap
partition-default: /var/spool/imap
admins: admin
sievedir: /var/lib/imap/sieve
sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
hashimapspool: true
sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
sasl_mech_list: PLAIN
tls_cert_file: /usr/share/ssl/certs/cyrus-imapd.pem
tls_key_file: /usr/share/ssl/certs/cyrus-imapd.pem
tls_ca_file: /usr/share/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
autocreatequota: 1
#createonpost: yes
createonlogin: yes
autocreateinboxfolder: Envoyes|Brouillons|Spam|Modeles
autosubscribeinboxfolder: Envoyes|Brouillons|Spam|Modeles
newsmaster: admin
#userprefix: Autres utilisateurs
altnamespace: no
#postuser: shared
#sharedprefix: shared
Note: I can send a mail to a user of gosa but I can send a mail to a
shared folder created with or without gosa...
Note: When I edit mail account for group, Gosa create a shared folder
like this:
localhost.localdomain> lam support
rbordet lrsp
sroby lrsp
otrsadm lrswipcda
anyone p
Any idea to help me to get gosa working fine with shared folders will be
Raphaël 'SurcouF' Bordet | surcouf at debianfr dot net
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Address extension and unixhierarchysep

2004-03-18 Thread \"SurcouF\" Bordet

I've successfully tested address extension on my installation (postfix +
cyrus-imapd on a debian sid) but only for the first level of folders to
an account.
If I sent an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], this worked.
But, if I sent another email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], this
doesn't worked...
I'm setting "unixhierarchysep" option to "yes" in /etc/imapd.conf as
described at,
and I'm asking if the separator remains dot ?

Any ideas ?

Raphaël "SurcouF" Bordet

Home Page:
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Cyrus-imapd 2.2.3 and Debian sid

2004-03-15 Thread \"SurcouF\" Bordet
I'm trying to build last release of cyrus-imapd under debian sid, and
I'm getting the same error than Cristian Livadaru[1] in the past. If I
install db 4.1 with this following command:
# apt-get install libdb4.1-dev
I'm getting both libdb3 and libdb4.1 installed on the same system,
and when I'm trying to configure again, I'm getting this following
checking for db_create in -ldb-4.2... no
checking for db_create in -ldb4.2... no
checking for db_create in -ldb42... no
checking for db_create in -ldb-4.1... no
checking for db_create in -ldb4.1... no
checking for db_create in -ldb41... no
checking for db_create in -ldb-4.0... no
checking for db_create in -ldb4.0... no
checking for db_create in -ldb-4... no
checking for db_create in -ldb40... no
checking for db_create in -ldb4... no
checking for db_create in -ldb-3.3... no
checking for db_create in -ldb3.3... no
checking for db_create in -ldb33... no
checking for db_create in -ldb-3.2... no
checking for db_create in -ldb3.2... no
checking for db_create in -ldb32... no
checking for db_create in -ldb-3.1... no
checking for db_create in -ldb3.1... no
checking for db_create in -ldb31... no
checking for db_create in -ldb-3... no
checking for db_create in -ldb30... no
checking for db_create in -ldb3... no
checking for db_create in -ldb... no
checking for db_open in -ldb... no
configure: error: Berkeley DB 3.x or later was not found.  You may need
supply the --with-bdb-libdir or --with-bdb-incdir configure options.
make: *** [configure-stamp] Error 1

Any ideas ?

[1]:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg15454.html
Raphaël "SurcouF" Bordet

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Murder and another IMAP server than cyrus-imapd

2003-06-09 Thread \"SurcouF\" Bordet


Can I using another IMAP server than cyrus-imapd with cyrus-murder ? If
not, how can I add a "IMAP proxy" for remote IMAP server to my local
IMAP server ?

Best regards,

Raphaël "SurcouF" Bordet

Re: fetchmail and cyrus lmtp

2003-06-04 Thread \"SurcouF\" Bordet
Le mer 04/06/2003 à 02:27, Neal Lippman a écrit :
> I had a great deal of trouble with fetchmail forwarding into cyrus until
> I added the "smtpname" clause to each line in fetchmailrc, eg you might
> use:
>   smtpname "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> or some similar variant. I don't know if that will help you, but was I
> was getting was lmtp syntax errors on the FIRST message retrieved with
> each fetchmail run to do a problemin the way fetchmail was creating the
> RCPT TO line in the forwarded email; adding the smtpname clause fixed it
> although I was unable to pin down exactly where in the source code the
> problem was arising.

You're right, this is working fine with: smtpname

Thanks a lot ! ;-)

Raphaël "SurcouF" Bordet

fetchmail and cyrus lmtp

2003-06-04 Thread \"SurcouF\" Bordet

I've got some troubles with fetchmail I have configured like this
following, under Debian sid as daemon:

poll proto pop3 
user "06" is raphael here
password ""
smtphost "/var/run/cyrus/socket/lmtp"
I don't want use local smtp server because it redondant: postfix already
send mail to cyrus via lmtp... But, when fetchmail retreive a remote
mail, I've got this following in /var/log/

Jun  4 01:15:39 mabelrode fetchmail[511]: 1 message for 0672889480 at (2803 octets). 
Jun  4 01:15:39 mabelrode fetchmail[511]: reading message
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:1 of 1 (2803 octets) 
Jun  4 01:15:39 mabelrode fetchmail[511]: LMTP error: 501 5.5.4 Syntax
error in parameters 

But, I've set cyrus to bind lmtp TCP port... Any idea ?

Best regards,

Raphaël "SurcouF" Bordet