Re: problem with imaps on cyrus-imapd-2.0.12

2001-03-26 Thread Andreas Rogge

--On Monday, March 26, 2001 12:52:16 +0200 rj45 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> But now if a clients connects using imaps the client gets an error to
> being impossible to establish the ssl connection. The  imaps port is open
> but no ssl connection can be established. I got this error in the cyrus
> server log files:
> Mar 26 12:38:25 factotum imapd[51746]: imaps: required OpenSSL options not
> present
> Mar 26 12:38:26 factotum /kernel: pid 51746 (imapd), uid 60: exited on
> signal 11
>  (core dumped)

I'm just guessing, but maybe you have made a mistake installing OpenSSL.
As of OpenSSL 0.9.6 it only creates the static libs by default, maybe you 
to check this.
Another issue is to check the .shlibs you're using. Wrong shlibs sometimes
cause such errors (and segfaults)

Andreas Rogge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Available on as Dyson

Authentication Problems

2001-03-23 Thread Andreas Rogge

When I try an initial connect to imapd (via cyradm) to create a usermailbox,
the server doesn't let me in. The according Message in syslog is
"Berkley-DB: cannot open /etc/sasldb: Invalid argument"

Does anyone have an idea of what's going on there?

I have created the sasldb and i have inserted the cyrus-superuser and 
user to it. The unprivileged account gives the same syslog-message, but the
login passes (as plaintext-auth)

I'm sorry to ask such a question here, but i don't know where to ask else.

Andreas Rogge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Available on as Dyson

Re: signalled to death by 11?

2001-03-23 Thread Andreas Rogge

--On Thursday, March 22, 2001 23:26:38 -0700 Cory Waddingham 

> I recently installed Cyrus 2.0.12 on a RedHat 6.2 system. When I start up
> the  server and attempt to connect, I get the following error in my log:
> process  exited, signaled to death by 11

The signals are described in man 7 signals. Signal 11 (aka SIGSEGV) means a
segmentation fault (i.e. the program tried to write to ram it didn't own)
this generally means a programming error or hardware failure or something
like this (maybe OS-error?).

Andreas Rogge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Available on as Dyson