SASL/Sieve problems

2006-04-13 Thread David H. Lynch Jr.
I recently had to rebuild a Cyrus 2.2 Mail Server.
I cloned the root partition first.
Built the new system.
copied the appropriate configuration from the old system, checked
permissions and got everything running.
Cyrus IMAP works fine.
cyradm works fine.
but sieve filters on accounts are inactive - they are present in

And sieveshell will not authenticate.
authlog has lots of  cyrus/sieve errors every time I try to run
basically sieveshell appears to be running through a bunch of SASL
authentication methods (NTLM, OTP, DIGEST-MD5, ..) and failing each
and finally complaining that there are no worthy mechs

I have scoured the old system and I can not find anywhere that
sieve/SASL is configured separately from cyrus imap - and my imapd.conf,
and cyrus.conf have not changed.
I am using sasldb for authentication. I have run sasldblistusers2
with expected results, checked permissions on everything sasl related.
What am I missing ? How can cyrus imap be using SASL correctly but
sieve is not ?

Dave Lynch  DLA Systems
Software Development:Embedded Linux
717.627.3770 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
fax: 1.253.369.9244Cell: 1.717.587.7774
Over 25 years' experience in platforms, languages, and technologies too 
numerous to list.

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Re: Outlook does not delete but displays deleted messages asstrike-trough

2005-12-11 Thread David H. Lynch Jr.
Bill Kearney wrote:
 I think outlook's utterly crappy handling of IMAP is a more powerful
 motivator.  Outlook Express, on the other hand, does a fine job of
 supporting IMAP.  But the regular Outlook 2003 and past versions have had
 absolutely crappy IMAP handling.  Such that it makes it almost impossible to
 use OL2003 against an IMAP server.  I long since gave up on it for IMAP

I migrated users from Outlook MAPI, to Outlook IMAP against an exchange
server in preparation for migrating to Cyrus.
For all its flaws Outlook IMAP works better than Outlook MAPI.
The only new problem was that Outlook IMAP would not properly use
the Outlook special folders like calendar, tasks and contacts when
accessed via IMAP. All Microsoft's Contacts, tasks, etc are is specially
formated messages. It would be really nice if tbird was able to parse
those messages, and use them as contacts, or calendar items.

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RE: Is it possible to store user contact/ address book in imap server?

2003-07-24 Thread David H. Lynch Jr.
I like Evolution, but as best as I can tell:

With there MAPI connector (which I do not have) you can access

But with straight evolution you can not access contacts, tasks,
etc created by outlook users. You can create evolution contacts, etc.
Which I believe are in a standards compliant format. But you still can
not access those create by outlook.

Finally, evolution only runs under Linux and like it or not for
the moment I need W32 IMAP clients.

Ultimately, Outlook is evil. But there does not exist a W32
client that duplicates its functionality. There are kludges, but I am
not looking to replace one mess with another.

The best I have seen thus far is evolution - BUT evolution is
Linux only, and like it or not I can't go there yet, and evolution does
not understand existing Outlook contacts etc. when stored on an IMAP
server, so I can not even just use it myself.

-Original Message-
From: Jonathan Marsden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:42 PM
Subject: RE: Is it possible to store user contact/ address book in imap

On 15 Jul 2003, David H. Lynch, Jr. writes:

   There is nothing special about contact/address book information.

 There is no reason you can not store contacts, tasks, calendar items, 
 ... In any IMAP server you choose. All they are is specially formatted


   The Problem is that there are no IMAP clients that can properly 
 understand and treat those messages as contacts, tasks, ...

No IMAP clients?  Ximian Evolution might qualify as one? :-)

For most enterprises, MS Outlook is the de facto expected and desired
client, like it or loathe it, for this sort of email plus calendaring
plus contacts setup.  The (commercial) Bynari Insight Connector addin
for Outlook handles this.  It is IMO far from perfect as an overall
email/ calendaring/ contacts solution, and has had some significant
stability issues on the client in the past.  But if you really need this
functionality, it does get the job done.  While officially Bynari will
only support it when used with their Insight Server, Insight Server is
really a package of Postfix + Cyrus + Apache + ProFTPd and a pretty
web-based management interface, so it can be used against Cyrus if you
are willing to experiment a little.

Jonathan Marsden| Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Making
1252 Judson Street  | Phone: +1 (909) 795-3877  | communications
Redlands, CA 92374  | Fax:   +1 (909) 795-0327  | reliably for
USA || missions

RE: Is it possible to store user contact/ address book in imap server?

2003-07-15 Thread David H. Lynch Jr.

There is nothing special about contact/address book information.
There is no reason you can not store contacts, tasks, calendar items,
... In any IMAP server you choose. All they are is specially formatted

The Problem is that there are no IMAP clients that can properly
understand and treat those messages as contacts, tasks, ...

With enormous difficulty it is possible to view contacts etc.
stored on an IMAP server with Outlook 2000. But it is not possible to
edit them or save new ones. I had hopes that Outlook 2002 would resolve
this - but it actually made the situation worse. You can not even
succeed in viewing a contact on an IMAP server.

Outlook actually goes out of its way to have less functionality
when talking IMAP than MAPI.

altnamespace question

2003-02-27 Thread David H. Lynch Jr.

Does subaddressing work when altnamespace  is enabled ?

I am sending to [EMAIL PROTECTED] But the message ends
up users inbox. Folder exists, and it has the correct name, the case is
right and I have lmtp downcase on anyway.

RE: Cyrus IMAPd 2.1.10 Released

2002-11-17 Thread David H. Lynch Jr.
The critical question is what do you want to accomplish ?

If all you are after is a plain ASCII text copy of the documentation,
then yes plain text is the easiest to maintain.
I think pretty much anything can be maintained at a distance. I am not
sure how one is superior to the other there.
But the moment you start talking about wanting it in multiple formats
you better seriously look at something else.
There are other choices besides SGML/XML/DOCBook, and a religious war
could ensue over trying to compare them.
The easiest to use is always the one you already know.
But assuming that you do not have allot of knowledge invested in one,
then I would suggest DocBook. It is SGML/XML compliant, there are lots
of tools, it can be easily translated to anything, And from what I can
see it is getting very heavily used.

But if somebody will actually maintain the documentation, I would not
care what they used.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Dennis K
Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2002 6:25 PM
To: 'Oleksandr Firsov'
Subject: RE: Cyrus IMAPd 2.1.10 Released

Correct me if I'm wrong, SGML and XML were interrelated, closely, 
Plus, XSLT transformations are a pain in themselves altogether, to the
point where plain text wins in terms of maintenance and production.

I believe a set of plaintext documentation can be maintained with RCS,
CVS or SCCS without problems by a distanced dev team, while XSLT will
require proper usage by the author manuals etc...

LaTex (Tex) are not stone age, XML has been around for a while as well,
just not used, but around.

(All this IMHO of course)

- DK

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Oleksandr
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 9:56 AM
To: Rob Siemborski; Andrew McNamara
Subject: Re: Cyrus IMAPd 2.1.10 Released 

Guys/girls What do You talking about?
doc tool, LaTex, etc... That is stone age terms.

I am not familiar with product discussed above, but for structured data
exist de-facto standard which used for such purposes. This is XML( kind
of SGML ) and some technology around.
In few words, for such kind of docs you need DTD (structure
definition file ) , XML -formatted document and XSL transformation
If noone familiar with DTD, there are tools to create it from sample
XML. Then there are bunch of XML editors, which can use DTD for making
edition much easy. Depend of target format (text, HTML, PDF, DOC, etc),
should be created XSL transformations. For HTML and text, it is better
to do it manually. But you can use automated tools as well.

We are using this technology for web site and applications

I can tell more...

- Original Message -
From: Andrew McNamara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Rob Siemborski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 9:44 PM
Subject: Re: Cyrus IMAPd 2.1.10 Released

 I feel that moving back to only plaintext is a step backwards.  I
 know much about SGML myself, so I'm not sure I'd want to be stuck 
 maintaining that, but it sounds interesting enough (and it would be
 to have general tools for keeping the documentation formatted,
instead of
 worrying when htmlstrip would next break).

 You could do worse than look at the Python documentation. The
 doco is current LaTeX with a bunch of custom macros. HTML, PDF, etc
 generated off the master LaTex markup. There is a background project
 use SGML (I think), but it's not there yet.

 Our company (not me personally) looked at doco tools a while back and
 to the conclusion that LaTeX was still the best choice out of a bad
lot -
 SGML was the next closest, although the tools were still rather

 Andrew McNamara, Senior Developer, Object Craft


2002-11-07 Thread David H. Lynch Jr.

Sorry, I was not meaning to imply that you were responsible for
the  documentation. 

I believe many months ago Ken produced an ASCII chart that
graphically represented much of this.
I did not understand it at the time, and I am not sure I fully
grasp it yet, but I am an architect 
and I tend to think visually.

Is the distinction between auxprop methods that use auxprop
and those that do not,
the requirement for a database (outside of any that Kerberos,
etc might maintain on its own) ?

LDAP has been uses for authentication - much the same was as
But I do understand that it is really a directory database, not
an authentication protocol.
All I was trying to say regarding LDAP, MySQL, ... is that some
methods require an independent database,
and there are a variety of choices for that database.

I believe I grasp the difference between saslauthd, auxprop and
other SASL native methods.

If I do not want to have to maintain an independent database of
users and secrets of some kind, 
my choices are GSSAPI, LOGIN, PLAIN, krb4, ANONYMOUS, and

krb4 and ANONYMOUS are not relevant to what I

While I have not yet succeeded with GSSAPI, there appears to be
sufficient documentation, 
and my problems are most likely with the idiosyncrasies of
integrating with M$'s Kerberos.
God forbid M$ should actually follow a standard.

Unless LOGIN or PLAIN trigger PAM, they do not help either.

saslauthd is inherently less secure, but that is not a huge
problem as for the moment the clients I have to 
deal with are going to be providing plain text passwords anyway.

saslauthd provides another set of choices, the most potentially
useful to me are kerberos5 and pam.

What little information I can find on saslauthd/kerberos5 seems
to indicate that it does not require 
as much to be configured correctly as SASL/GSSAPI, but I can not
find any documentation, 
It does not appear to take information from the local kerberos
when I tried it, 
the auth.log messages indicated a blank realm  (nor I
suspect where the kdc was to validate against)
regardless of the realm information in imapd.conf or
whatever was appended to the user ID.

Which leaves me stuck with PAM primarily because I can get there
and there is significantly more information
regarding configuring it.


-Original Message-
From: Rob Siemborski [mailto:rjs3;] 
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 9:24 AM
To: David H. Lynch Jr.
Subject: RE: SASL Docs

On Thu, 7 Nov 2002, David H. Lynch Jr. wrote:

   It does not help that virtually all the HOWTO's that are on
 net, as well as the book,
   are all pretty much obsolete and this particular issue is the
 they are most out of date about.

These resources aren't maintained by us, so there is very little we can
do about this.

   Most aspects of setting Cyrus IMAP up are not particularly
   But authorization/authentication is excruciatingly complex.

This is because it is a complicated issue.  Integrating cleanly with the
number of different authentication/authorization systems that are in
production throughout the world results in a large number of

   let me see if I understand correctly:
   no method except sasldb actually depends on

sasldb isn't a method per se.  It's just an auxprop plugin.  Think of it
as a database access method.

   However some methods require some form of local
 user database, and sasldb can be used to supply that database for 
 those methods.


   The methods that do NOT require a local user
 database are:
 Kerberos_V4, and ANONYMOUS.

These are the methods that don't require an auxprop plugin.

   (local above means specific to SASL, since LDAP
 or MYSQL could be remote)

I'm not sure what the distinction here is.  MySQL can supply the needed
information as it is distributed by SASL.  There's also an LDAP auxprop
plugin that is available from a third party, but we're not interested in
integrating for various reasons.

   I am assuming LDAP for SASL purposes is only a
 place to store under information
   NOT an authentication method ?

LDAP is only a directory access protocol, and therefor a place to store
information.  It's not an authentication method at all

   As best as I can tell the distinction between auxprqop methods
 saslauthd methods,
   is that an auxprop method could involve exchanging


2002-11-07 Thread David H. Lynch Jr.
While I still hope to get something else working - 

In my perfect world I would have kerberos working between the
systems (right now I have working krb5.conf, and a keytab, and I can
kinit against the W2K KDC, but saslauthd/pam_krb5, saslauthd/kerberos5
and GSSAPI all are unhappy)
of course in my dreams either MIT or Heimdal kerberos knows how
to work as the kdc for W2K, and maybe openldap knows how to replace M$'s
LDAP,  In fact while I am dreaming AutoCAD runs under Linux and W2K
can go to @#$?.

In a less perfect world (or maybe not) I would have either
saslauthd/pam_smbpass or saslauthd/pam_winbind working.
I am working on that right now, with marginal success.

But I could give up soon and then I would settle for anything
that did not require me to maintain multiple user lists all over the
place. Anyway, yes I would greatly appreciate whatever information you
can share on authenticating against a W2K AD. This is probably the only
thing stopping me from killing off exchange. Exchange has died for me
almost every xmas holiday for the past 4 or 5 years, requiring massive
amounts of effort to recover and just generally ruining my holiday. My
goal is to kill it off before it kills me.

-Original Message-
[mailto:owner-info-cyrus;] On Behalf Of Hank Beatty
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 2:26 PM
Subject: Re: SASL Docs


I have a setup where I have Cyrus is using saslauthd. Saslauthd is setup
to use PAM. Pam is using PAM_LDAP and PAM_LDAP is authenticating against
a MS AD domain controller.

That was probably the long way around, but it made sense at the time.

If you (or anyone else) is interested in how I did this let me know.


2002-11-04 Thread David H. Lynch Jr.
I have successfully setup a auxprop/sasldb configuration, but I have
been unsuccessful in getting any authorization/authentication scheme
that is more complex working.
   My problems seem to come from a weak understanding of SASL. I
have searched the net, the archives, and while there are RFC's and
programming information I have not found anything that approximates a
users guide to using SASL.
If I select a particular authentication module - say GSSAPI or NTLM,
where does it get any configuration information it might need, and how
do I figure out what options there are ? I have even looked through the
source for some of the modules and cursory looks are not revealing.
Can someone point me to some kind of user  docs for libsasl 2.1.9 ?
   Something that would answer questions like:
Do all methods depend on sasldb ?
What are the options for each module and how do
you set them ?
What is the difference between LOGIN and PLAIN ?

In the short run I am looking to do as much of the
authorization/authentication against something(Kerberos, NTLM, LDAP, ?)
in a W2K domain, and have as little duplicate setup on the Linux system.
In the long run I hope to kill off all W2K servers and move those
services to Linux, but today I would settle for not having to create and
maintain a whole new database of user ID's and Passwords on the Linux


2000-12-05 Thread David H. Lynch Jr.

I have to confess to a great deal of confusion regarding authentication

I am trying to get to a point were I can move Cyrus in to replace an
exchange system. I am getting tired of doing recovery of the exchange
mailstore when it bin-annually decides to self destruct.
Almost all the clients are outlook 2000 using IMAP.

Does the IMAP client have to support the authentication method chosen ? 
have not read the details of the IMAP spec, but wouldn't Outlook have to
support Kerberose to be able to make use of it ?

I would like to run Cyrus as a black box on a Linux machine. I do not ca
and would probably prefer if the accounts on the Linux machine had nothing
to do with the mail accounts. I would prefer that the mail accounts were
authorized against a W2K DC. I am gathering that gives my authentication
choices of:
Or K5 direct from SASL.

Since I do not need the IMAP users to validate in any other way on the Linux
box, a SASL direct method seems more appropriate than PAM. Which seems to
suggest K5.

However trying to connect Cyrus via K5 to a W2K DC seems to have an
enormous number of unknowns.

If the only thing I am using K5 for is Cyrus, do I need any other client
server authentication tools - I.E. Heimdal, or MIT K5 on the Linux box ? Do
I need to create a service account on the W2K DC for Cyrus ? Do I need to
create a machine account for the Linux box ? After I have all of this
working - if that is even possible, is Outlook going to be happy ?