Re: Cyrus Muder

2007-11-26 Thread Derwyn Dpenha
Hi All,
 Is your postfix running chrooted? If yes check in that at least
 lmtp is not running chrooted.
I was trying murder on Fed box and came across this on

Delivering mail
To deliver mail to your Murder, configure your MTA just as you did
before, but instead of connecting directly to lmtpd, it should connect
to lmtpproxyd. You can connect to the lmtpproxyd running on the
frontend machines, or you can install master and lmtpproxyd on your
SMTP servers.

My cyrus.conf does seem to have
  lmtp  cmd=lmtpproxyd -a listen=*:lmtp prefork=1

  lmtp cmd=lmtpd listen=*:lmtp prefork=1
  lmtpunix cmd=lmtpd listen=/var/imap/socket/lmtp prefork=1

  lmtp  cmd=lmtpd -a listen=*:lmtp prefork=1
  lmtpunix  cmd=lmtpd listen=/var/imap/socket/lmtp prefork=1

The debug logs I get in cyrus is

Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: match_list_match: no match
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: flush_add: site id 7A25311E5AB status 4
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: smtp_loop: got 1 of 1
end-of-data replies
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: name_mask: resource
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: name_mask: software
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: scache_clnt_save_dest:
dest_label=lmtp:[]:24 dest_prop=4096
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: send attr request = save_dest
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: send attr ttl = 2
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: send attr label =
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: send attr property = 4096
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: send attr label =
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: private/scache: wanted
attribute: status
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: input attribute name: status
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: input attribute value: 0
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: private/scache: wanted
attribute: (list terminator)
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: input attribute name: (end)
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: scache_clnt_save_endp:
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: send attr request = save_endp
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: send attr ttl = 2
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: send attr label =
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: send attr property =
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: private/scache: wanted
attribute: dummy
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: input attribute name: dummy
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: input attribute value: (end)
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: private/scache: wanted
attribute: (list terminator)
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: input attribute name: (end)
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: private/scache: wanted
attribute: status
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: input attribute name: status
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: input attribute value: 0
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: private/scache: wanted
attribute: (list terminator)
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: input attribute name: (end)
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: deliver_request_final: send:  -1
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: send attr status =
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: send attr diag_type =
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: send attr diag_text =
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: send attr mta_type =
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: send attr mta_mname =
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: send attr action =
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: send attr reason =
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: send attr status = 4294967295
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: master_notify: status 1
Nov 26 16:41:48 location postfix/lmtp[29178]: connection closed

Wanted to know as to how to debug lmtpproxyd.

and wondering what I'm doing wrong here...


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Cyrus Muder

2007-11-22 Thread Derwyn Dpenha
Have been googling for a while now on murder and trying a test set it
up on fedora + Mailscanner + postfix + ldap.
when I run
mupdatetest -u murder -a murder -w murder master (where murder is the
username and passwd and master is the name  of the master mc defined
in /etc/hosts file.) All seems to worl fine from the fronend as well
as the backend I can authenticate.
The problem arises when I try to send mails from the front end I keep
getting a  error

Nov 23 12:28:59 location postfix/lmtp[19396]: 2DE2E11E5C6:
to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], relay=none, delay=68543,
delays=68542/0.37/0/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to[/var/imap/socket/lmtp]: Connection refused)

Cant seem to figure this one out... Has any one faced the same problem before?


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