Request for cyrus-announce mailing list.

2003-01-27 Thread Erik Enge
The traffic on info-cyrus is quite substantial if all one is interested
in are new releases and/or patches (especially security-related ones).

I do not see an announce-type mailinglist available from so I'm assuming there
isn't one.  I was wondering if there is any interest in creating one?


Re: Cyrus IMAP ; case studies, success stories, ... I need them

2003-01-09 Thread Erik Enge
Piet Ruyssinck [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If you're running Cyrus for a reasonably sized company or institution,
 please let me know, including the hardware you're using, number of
 (simultaneous) users, level of satisfaction, and other useful

We've been using Cyrus 2.1.9 in production for about one or two months
now.  I am very satisfied with how well it's doing.  The hardware we are
running on are Compaq boxes (RAID 5, 1GHz, 1GB RAM) and our server
running the Cyrus and Exim software is most likely quite bored at the
moment with load averages of 0.60, 0.97, 0.55 (it's running Horde and
some other stuff too).

We have roughly 30 users.  I think it's safe to say (watching the logs)
that at any time there are at least two users talking with Cyrus.

Currently, we have about 1.5GB on the Cyrus partition and accessing our
mailboxes is a snappy as ever.  I have many thousands of emails in my
mailbox and it seems to be as fast as ever to access any of them.

And I cannot praise the Sieve implementation enough.  I use it for all
my mail filtering and have had absolutely no problems with it.

You'll want to test your clients before rolling it out.  Outlook Express
and Outlook versions prior to Office 2002 have been giving me serious
headaches with how utterly broken they are.  We are moving away from
them as fast as we can.


Re: trouble with auths on cyrus imap

2003-01-08 Thread Erik Enge
jonathan giles [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Jan  7 14:20:10 popper2 saslauthd[113]: AUTHFAIL: user=user service=imap
 realm= [PAM auth error]

I believe I had the same problem until I added /etc/pam.d/imap with the
contents just like my /etc/pam.d/sshd (IIRC).


Re: A beginner question

2002-12-11 Thread Erik Enge
Jonas Jacobsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 How can I do to filter incoming mail to different IMAP folders?  On
 the Cyrus homepage, something called Sieve is mentioned. How do I use
 this? What package should I install? How do I use it with Cyrus IMAP?

Like Rob said, upgrade to something more recent (check out the cyrus21
Debian packages).  When you've done that, make sure you are starting the
'timsieved' process - check your /etc/cyrus.conf.

Then it's just a matter of doing something like.

  sieveshell --user=username --authname=if-other-than-username hostname

Examples of Sieve scripts and more resources can be found here:

I've been using Sieve in production for about a month or so now and I
don't think I could live without it.  :-)


Re: PostgreSQL backend: a waste of time?

2002-11-25 Thread Erik Enge
Ken Murchison [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 All of the db stuff _is_ isolated in the cyrusdb layer.  That's why it
 is so easy to switch between flat/skiplist/berkeley.

I wouldn't rate it as easy unless it was a config option at run-time,
not an option to configure at compile-time.


Re: to live or to fight

2002-11-19 Thread Erik Enge
Darci Antônio Tartari [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Could you give me more details about this solution. How can I
 implement it or where I can get more information about it ? The lmtpd
 is going down in a daily basis on my installation. It is going to make
 me crazy !!

I just recompiled with the correct switches (--with-duplicate-db) set to
skiplist.  './configure --help' should give you some pointers.


Re: Cyrus IMAPd 2.1.10 Released

2002-11-15 Thread Erik Enge
Rob Siemborski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It's really hard to keep formatted in any way that looks reasoanble.

I would say that your editor should take care of that (for me, Emacs
does an excellent job).
 There's also the fact that markup languages let you embed hyperlinks,

Did you evaluate Python's StructuredText?  I don't have a link handy but
I'm sure a google for it would reveal it quite fast.  I've used it for
some projects and it works pretty ok.  What I would do with it would be
to keep the plain text (or structured text document) as the a priori
representation and then, if you wanted to publish it on the web, just
have a cgi-script or something that ran it through the StructuredText

Then again, LaTex (or SGML) would probably give you the most
possibilities (and problems ;).


Re: Cyrus IMAPd 2.1.10 Released

2002-11-14 Thread Erik Enge
Lawrence Greenfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If someone has a good idea of how to make the documentation easier to
 deal with, we're all for it.

What's wrong with plain text?



2002-11-07 Thread Erik Enge
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Felix Cuello) writes:

 Nov  7 15:00:11 sinclair pop3d[3432]: login: sinclair[]
 fcuell plaintext
 Nov  7 15:00:49 sinclair saslauthd[554]: AUTHFAIL: user=fcuell
 service=pop realm=

Are you authenticating via PAM?  You might need to add an entry for
pop in /etc/pam.d.


How do I migrate seen databases to skiplist?

2002-11-01 Thread Erik Enge

I've converted all my databases in Cyrus (2.1.9) to skiplist in hopes of
stopping those annoying DBERROR messages.  In that process I came to
realize that I could not use the seen-files any more because they would
be incompatible with the new format.

Is there any way I can migrate those old files to the new format (I
believe they were Berkley DB - whatever is the default - and now they
are skiplist)?

Thanks in advance,


Cyrus logging informational messages with too high priority?

2002-10-30 Thread Erik Enge

The following error message seem to be at warn (syslog priority) or

  Oct 30 14:24:57 myhost imapd[12489]: idle for too long, closing connection

Shouldn't this be only an info, or is it really a warning that something
is about to go wrong (which how I think of warnings)?

The other day, I got the following in the log:

  Oct 30 12:49:34 myhost lmtpd[12178]: DBERROR db3: 5 lockers
  Oct 30 12:49:34 myhost lmtpd[12178]: DBERROR db3: 5 lockers
  Oct 30 12:49:35 myhost lmtpd[12185]: DBERROR db3: 6 lockers
  [more like these snipped]

I did some searching in the archives and the preferred solution seems to
be to recompile cyrus with a different database (flat, for example).  Is
this still the preferred solution?

My last problem might not be related to Cyrus, but I'd still like to
mention it in case other people have experienced anything similar.  I
have PHP (4.2.3), Horde (2.1) and IMP (3.1) installed on the same
server.  IMP is an IMAP client (in our case) which allows users to check
their email over the web (we want to loose Outlook :-).

For no reason that seem apparent to me, all of a sudden users started to
have problems login into IMP.  IMP authenticates users through IMAP.
The Cyrus log files told me that the authentication went fine, so I
proceeded to look to IMP and Horde.  After restarting Apache and MySQL
(both used indirectly by IMP/Horde) and still no solution, I tried
restarting Cyrus - which actually made everything ok again.

As I said, I don't know if this is anything Cyrus is to blame for, but I
thought I'd mention it.  Any pointers of any of these issues would be
greatly appreciated.



Re: Cyrus logging informational messages with too high priority?

2002-10-30 Thread Erik Enge
Rob Siemborski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It could probably go to LOG_INFO.

Is this a configuration option I can adujust?  Or can I recompile Cyrus
to use info instead?
 If you're using Berkeley DB 4 there's a bug in the locker counting
 code that causes this number to not be decremented, so it really isn't
 something to worry about unless there are other problems (like severe
 performance problems all the time).

Ok.  No, we're not having any other problems, as such, but the messages
do show up in our centralized logging system (which makes all
developers/sysadmins jump in their chairs) so I'd like for them to go
away.  I guess I'll do skiplist.
 If other clients were working, I'm going to blame the client that
 wasn't, but that's just me.

I'm so inclined too.
 If you could get protocol traces that'd be moure useful.

Unfortunately I can not reproduce the situation now.  I'll be on the
lookout for it again, though.


Re: Cyrus logging informational messages with too high priority?

2002-10-30 Thread Erik Enge
Rob Siemborski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It's in imap/imapd.c, near the top of cmdloop().

Will this be fixed in the next release?
 Keep in mind that this won't make them entirely go away, since
 Berkeley is still the prefered database for duplicate.db and
 tls_cache.db.  And they *are* a normal part of berkley db operation.

I'm not sure I understand.  Does that mean I cannot use
--with-duplicate-db and --with-tls-db as skiplist?  Will Berkley DB
still be used?


Re: Cyrus logging informational messages with too high priority?

2002-10-30 Thread Erik Enge
Rob Siemborski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 You can, it's just not a great idea performance-wise (skiplist is more
 optimized towards enumeration operatons than random access).

Keeping in mind that I will have about 50 users that access their
mailboxes all day, would I notice any performance impact of doing


Re: Cyrus logging informational messages with too high priority?

2002-10-30 Thread Erik Enge
Rob Siemborski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 That depends on a number of things.  mailboxes.db should be skiplist
 for performance reasons anyway.

What is skiplist?  Is the code included in Cyrus?



Re: When users delete mail, I want it to be moved to Trash.

2002-10-23 Thread Erik Enge
Eric Minto [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Imp has a patch that allows it to display messages in an Outlook-style
 format, with a folders pane and a message preview pane.

Where can I find this patch?



Re: When users delete mail, I want it to be moved to Trash.

2002-10-22 Thread Erik Enge
Fabian Fagerholm [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 What about introducing an ACL flag that would control the ability to
 expunge? (e)
Ah, now this I really like.  Then I could still have the users press
delete, but if they misconfigured their clients to try to EXPUNGE
directly from the Inbox or to actually delete anything from Trash, they
would get an error message (something which I could alert them about on
before-hand, naturally).



Re: When users delete mail, I want it to be moved to Trash.

2002-10-21 Thread Erik Enge
Rob Siemborski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 No, this is one advantage of single instance store.
Ah, yes.  Clever.  :-)

 Failing to provide a feature that no one has ever asked for (until
 now) isn't creating a problem.

Yes, that sounds reasonable.

Thanks for the rapid replies.  We will probably end up staying with our
current POP solution unless Outlook proves to behave smart and does not
delete mail but actually moves it to Trash before trying to EXPUNGE
(which would then fail because of lacking permissions on that mailbox).


Re: cannot connect to saslauthd server: No such file or directory

2002-10-18 Thread Erik Enge
Erik Enge [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm compiling cyrus-imapd and cyrus-sasl 2.1.9 from source and
 everything has gone fairly good until now.  I don't understand why I
 get this error message:
   Oct 17 18:25:04 localhost imapd[6803]: cannot connect to saslauthd 
   server: No such file or directory
   Oct 17 18:25:04 localhost imapd[6803]: badlogin: box1.ourdomain 
   [] plaintext testuser SASL(-1): generic failure: checkpass failed

I have some more information to offer.

If I try to start saslauthd by hand, like this:

  saslauthd -m /var/run/mux -a pam

and then do this:

  echo 1  /var/run/mux

I get:

  bash: /var/run/mux: No such device or address

Isn't that a bit odd?  Perhaps that is what my error is really about?

I've tried adding all my binaries and libraries in the PATH (I have
--prefix set to a non-standard place) but that didn't seem to help,

If anybody could shed any light on this, it would be greatly



Re: cannot connect to saslauthd server: No such file or directory [solved]

2002-10-18 Thread Erik Enge
Erik Enge [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have some more information to offer.

I straced 'master' with -f (follow forks) and saw that Cyrus looks for
/var/state/saslauthd/mux instead of /var/run/mux (as stated by the FAQ).
I guess it changed in the versions somewhere.

Anyway, I made saslauthd put the mux in /var/state/saslauthd and now
everything works as a charm.


cannot connect to saslauthd server: No such file or directory

2002-10-17 Thread Erik Enge

I'm compiling cyrus-imapd and cyrus-sasl 2.1.9 from source and
everything has gone fairly good until now.  I don't understand why I get
this error message:

  Oct 17 18:25:04 localhost imapd[6803]: cannot connect to saslauthd server: No such 
file or directory
  Oct 17 18:25:04 localhost imapd[6803]: badlogin: box1.ourdomain [] 
plaintext testuser SASL(-1): generic failure: checkpass failed

In my /etc/imapd.conf I have:

  sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd

and in /usr/lib/sasl/Cyrus.conf, I have:

  pwcheck_method: pam

saslauthd and all the Cyrus processes start and are running just fine.
The `mux' socket is in /var/run/saslauthd/ and everyone can read/write
to it.  (As per the FAQ.)

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

On a related note, why isn't Cyrus doing PAM authentiaction by itself?



Re: What format can Cyrus store mail in?

2002-10-08 Thread Erik Enge

Kevin P. Fleming [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Cyrus stores the messages themselves in individual text files,
 unchanged from the way they are passed in via LMTP.

So it's like maildir?

Could I copy the raw Cyrus directories and expect them to work with
other clients that supported maildir?



What format can Cyrus store mail in?

2002-10-07 Thread Erik Enge


I have been trying to figure out what formats Cyrus can store mail in,
but even though I have gotten hints here and there I have found no hard

Does it use Berkley DB to store the mail?  How about maildir/mailbox?


Erik Enge.