Cyrus IMAP Sieve client with StartTLS: Connection reset by peer

2010-05-31 Thread Evgeniy Arbatov

I am trying to write a Sieve client that would support StartTLS (since
the default sieveshell does not have the StartTLS option). I got the
plain text version of my code to work. However, the StartTLS version
is not working, although, I am sending the identical commands with and
without the encryption.

For the reference, the plain text Sieve client in Python is:

conn.send('AUTHENTICATE PLAIN {' + str(len(user)) + +} +
'\x0d\x0a'+ user + '\x0d\x0a'); re = conn.recv(1024)
conn.send('PUTSCRIPT sieve {' + str(len(scriptFile))+ '+}\x0d\x0a')
conn.send(scriptFile + \n); re = conn.recv(1024)
conn.send('SETACTIVE sieve\x0d\x0a'); re = conn.recv(1024)

The same thing using SSL:

conn.send('STARTTLS\n'); print conn.recv(1024),
sslConn = ssl.wrap_socket(conn)

sslConn.write('AUTHENTICATE PLAIN {' + str(len(user)) + +}
+ '\x0d\x0a'+ user + '\x0d\x0a')
sslConn.write(user+\n); re =

sslConn.write('PUTSCRIPT sieve {' + str(len(scriptFile))+
sslConn.write(scriptFile + '\x0d\x0a'); re =
(1)sslConn.write('SETACTIVE sieve\x0d\x0a'); re =

After the command in (1) the SSL connection fails returning either:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./, line 94, in module
sslConn.write('SETACTIVE sieve\x0d\x0a'); re =
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 136, in read
socket.error: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer

Or an empty string in 're'.

The Cyrus IMAP 2.3.14 logs for Sieve client with SSL contain:

  sieve[26244]: canonified arbatove - arbatove
  sieve[26244]: login: host[] arbatove PLAIN+TLS User logged in
  sieve[26244]: Lost connection to client -- exiting
  master[28419]: process 26244 exited, status 0

If you want to see the whole client code, I put it here

Can you please help me to find the problem?

Thank you very much!


PS: Earlier I was trying to use Perl's Net::Sieve with TLS. There
StartTLS also failed without a good reason

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Re: Cyrus SPAM folder creation

2010-05-03 Thread Evgeniy Arbatov
Try using something like this:

createonpost: 1
autocreateinboxfolders: Sent|Drafts|Spam|Trash
autosubscribeinboxfolders:  Sent|Drafts|Spam|Trash



2010/5/3 Juan-Francisco Diez Léglise
 Hi everyone,

 I'm new in cyrus-imapd configuration. I install it well and it seems to
 work fine. But I have a doubt with one thing:

 ¿Is it possible to create a spam folder automatically when the mailbox
 is created?

 I don't find any information in the net about this. I hope someone can
 explain how to do this.


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Authorization with ptloader: Linux and LDAP backend combined

2010-01-13 Thread Evgeniy Arbatov

I have got one more problem with Cyrus IMAP and SASL/ptloader, that
does not allow me to be entirely happy with my setup.

The issue is that I want to be able to store the Cyrus IMAP admin
credentials locally on the Linux server, while all other users are
using LDAP backend for login. I thought of using PAM in saslauthd, but
this does not work, because I also use ptloader on the Cyrus IMAP
server and hence all the authentication is working well, but the
authorization fails (because ptloader always tries to query LDAP).

Is there a way to specify two different auth/author backends for
ptloader and SASL?

My imapd.conf is here

Thank you!

Best regards,

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Re: Same mailbox with different logins

2009-09-21 Thread Evgeniy Arbatov
Thank you for your replies! I've decided to go with canon_user plugin.
My next  question is how to use this plugin. I am trying to use LDAP
as authentication backend. What I could find are following imapd.conf

sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
sasl_mech_list: login plain
sasl_auxprop_plugin: ldapdb
sasl_ldapdb_uri: ldap://
sasl_ldapdb_canon_attr: mail
sasl_canon_user_plugin: ldapd
imap_sasl_canon_user_plugin: ldapdb
pop3_sasl_canon_user_plugin: ldapdb

Will this give me canonified username - firstname.lastn...@domain? Do
I need to make changes to LDAP for those settings to work?

After I configure this ldapdb plugin  I see in logs:

mail imaps[10161]: canonified earbatov - earbatov
mail imaps[10161]: badlogin: host [] plain [SASL(-4): no
mechanism available: desired canon_user plugin ldapdb not found]
mail imaps[10161]: badlogin: host [] plaintext earbatov
SASL(-4): no mechanism available: desired canon_user plugin ldapdb not

I put my complete imapd.conf here


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Same mailbox with different logins

2009-09-18 Thread Evgeniy Arbatov

A question: I want users authenticating with two different usernames
to Cyrus IMAP to be able to access the same mailbox.

For example, I wish this to be the case (login name - mailbox):

username - user/firstname.lastn...@domain
firstname.lastn...@domain -  user/firstname.lastn...@domain

What would be the way to proceed?

At the moment I have:

username - user/username
firstname.lastn...@domain -  user/firstname.lastn...@domain

With the two mailboxes being completely separate.

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,

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Re: Ptloader configuration in Cyrus IMAP

2009-08-31 Thread Evgeniy Arbatov

Finally I am able to get the ptloader working. In my case the major
issue was that I used Cyrus IMAP 2.3.7, that has a segmentation fault
when reading from LDAP. This issue was previously discussed in I solved the
problem by updating to Cyrus IMAP 2.3.14 + doing the above mentioned
configuration changes


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Re: Ptloader configuration in Cyrus IMAP

2009-08-20 Thread Evgeniy Arbatov
Thank you for your suggestions! They helped me a great deal.
The situation is better now, in a sense that ptloader connects to LDAP
and finds something.

After corrections my imapd.conf:

auth_mech: pts
pts_module: ldap
ptloader_sock: /var/lib/imap/socket/ptsock
ldap_uri: ldaps://
ldap_sasl: 0
ldap_size_limit: 20
ldap_filter: (uid=%U)
ldap_group_filter: (cn=%u)
ldap_member_method: filter
ldap_member_filter: (memberUid=%u)
ldap_member_attribute: cn
ldap_base: dc=example,dc=com
ldap_group_base: ou=groups,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
ldap_member_base: ou=groups,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com

The LDAP now looks as following:

dn: cn=admins,ou=groups,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
cn: admins
memberUid: earbatov
memberUid: user

I modified the permissions for the admins group:

sam user/postmaster group:admins lrswipkxte

The logs for ptloader now have:

 mail imaps[17540]: ptload(): pinging ptloader
 mail imaps[17540]: connected with no delay
 mail imaps[17540]: ptload(): connected
 mail imaps[17540]: timeout_select: sock = 17, rp = 0x0, wp =
0x4aa71af0, sec = 30
 mail imaps[17540]: timeout_select exiting. r = 1; errno = 0
 mail ptloader[17538]: accepted connection
 mail imaps[17540]: ptload sent data
 mail imaps[17540]: timeout_select: sock = 17, rp = 0x4aa71b70, wp =
0x0, sec = 30
 mail imaps[17540]: timeout_select exiting. r = 1; errno = 0
 mail imaps[17540]: ptload read data back
 mail imaps[17540]: ptload(): empty response from ptloader server
 mail master[17508]: process 17538 exited, signaled to death by 11
 mail master[17508]: service ptloader pid 17538 in READY state:
terminated abnormally
 mail imaps[17540]: No data available at all from ptload()
 mail imaps[17540]: ptload completely failed: unable to canonify
identifier: earbatov
 mail imaps[17540]: badlogin: [] plaintext
earbatov invalid user
 mail master[17613]: about to exec /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/ptloader
 mail ptloader[17613]: executed
 mail ptloader[17613]: starting: $Id: ptloader.c,v 2005/02/25
07:19:06 shadow Exp $

The LDAP logs show this:

ldap slapd[30259]: conn=20 op=2 SRCH
base=ou=groups,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com scope=2 deref=0
ldap slapd[30259]: conn=20 op=2 SRCH attr=cn
ldap slapd[30259]: conn=20 op=2 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 text=

And the ptdump tells:

user: admins time: 1250751529 groups: 0
user: cyrusimap time: 1250751556 groups: 0
user: group:admins time: 1250751780 groups: 0
user: postmaster time: 1250751701 groups: 0

Needless to say, the authorization fails, without even giving me
access to usual, not shared mailboxes.

 EA pts_module: ldap

 This module is currently very difficult to configure, IMHO.
 That's true. :) But it's doable.

I would be glad not to use this pts_module, but if I leave it to defaults I see:

 mail ptloader[18396]: starting: $Id: ptloader.c,v 2005/02/25
07:19:06 shadow Exp $
 mail ptloader[18396]: PTS module afskrb not supported
 mail master[18364]: process 18428 exited, status 75
 mail master[18364]: service ptloader pid 18428 in READY state:
terminated abnormally

Please refer me to any instructions on pts_module, if I do need to make changes.

One more question: I am confused about the role of ldap_group_filter
and ldap_group_base. Isn't ldap_member* enough?


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Ptloader configuration in Cyrus IMAP

2009-08-19 Thread Evgeniy Arbatov
Dear list,

I want to ask your advice on the use of ptloader for LDAP-based
authorization in Cyrus IMAP.

I configured my Cyrus IMAP to use ptloader:

ldap_uri: ldaps://

ldap_sasl: 0
pts_module: ldap

ldap_filter: (uid=%U)
ldap_base: dc=example,dc=com

ldap_group_filter: (cn=%u)
ldap_group_base: ou=groups,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com

ldap_member_method: attribute
ldap_member_attribute: member
ldap_member_base: ou=users,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com

ldap_size_limit: 20

In the LDAP I have the following entries:

dn: cn=admins,ou=groups,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
uid: admins
member: cn=Evgeniy Arbatov,ou=users,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com

dn: cn=Evgeniy Arbatov,ou=users,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
uid: earbatov

Via cyradm I add needed permissions for admins group:

 sam user/postmaster admins lrswipkxte

Then I successfully authenticate using earbatov UID, but shared
folders are not visible in the Thunderbird.

Moreover, I do not see any attempts of Cyrus IMAP to query LDAP for
authorization information. I know that TLS is working for this LDAP

Can you tell where I am wrong?

Thank you very much!


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Cyrus IMAP mailboxes with LDAP

2009-07-03 Thread Evgeniy Arbatov

I am looking for a way to store mailbox quotas and ACLs for Cyrus IMAP in
LDAP. Is there a ready made solution for this purpose? If not, how can it be
possibly done? Thank you!


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Re: Cyrus IMAP SASL authentication failure

2009-06-18 Thread Evgeniy Arbatov
Thank you for your suggestions! I figured out what was the problem in my

This was the OPTIONS setting in /etc/deafault/saslauthd. Since I run my
Postfix chrooted I had:
OPTIONS=-c -m /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd

In order for cyradm to identify users using I saslauthd, I also added
default OPTIONS setting to /etc/default/saslauthd file. So, my final
settings look like this:

OPTIONS=-c -m /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd
OPTIONS=-c -m /var/run/saslauthd


On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 4:12 PM, Jorey Bump wrote:

 Vladimir Vassiliev wrote, at 06/17/2009 09:02 AM:
  Here is an extract from my imapd.conf file:
  admins: cyrus
  imap_admins: cyrus
  sasl_mech_list: LOGIN
  sasl_minimum_layer: 1
  sasl_maximum_layer: 256
  sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
  Maybe it's because of sasl_minimum_layer: 1
  LOGIN gives you no security layer.

 Indeed. Try:

  cyradm --user cyrus --auth login localhost -tls

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Cyrus IMAP SASL authentication failure

2009-06-17 Thread Evgeniy Arbatov

I have a problem with Cyrus IMAP SASL authentication.

When I try to login to create Cyrus IMAP mailboxes, I see the following:

$ cyradm --user cyrus --auth login localhost
IMAP Password:
Login failed: generic failure at /usr/lib/perl5/Cyrus/IMAP/ line 119
cyradm: cannot authenticate to server with login as cyrus

This message appears even when I enter incorrect password. Can I be missing
some of the packages (I am running Ubuntu 9.04)?
I use sasldb authentication mechanism for saslauthd.

Here is an extract from my imapd.conf file:

admins: cyrus
imap_admins: cyrus
sasl_mech_list: LOGIN
sasl_minimum_layer: 1
sasl_maximum_layer: 256
sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd

This is what I see in my /var/log/mail.log
cyrus/imap[7257]: badlogin: localhost [::1] plaintext cyrus SASL(-1):
generic failure: checkpass failed

If I try to telnet on imap port I have:

Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
* OK computer Cyrus IMAP4 v2.2.13-Debian-2.2.13-14ubuntu3 server ready
imap login cyrus password
imap NO Login failed: generic failure

An interesting thing is that I have already setup Postfix sasldb
authentication on the same host and it works fine.

Any advice is much apreciated!  Thank you in advance!


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