Correct use of cyr_expire on replicas when expire annotations are in use

2020-06-13 Thread Ian Batten via Info-cyrus
What flags should I supply to cyr_expire in a replication configuration when I 
have expire annotations in use?

I have a replication relationship from a 2.5.12 machine (in the process of 
being replaced, but currently the master) to a 3.0.8-6+deb10u4  (as replica).

I have had problems with old messages not being deleted on the replica, and 
found I was not running cyr_expire on the replica.  I have configured it, so I 

master: cmd="cyr_expire -E 7 -X 3 -D 3" at=0100

slave: cmd="cyr_expire -E 7 -X 3 -D 3" at=0300

Since I installed this, I have had periodic replication failures.  What seems 
to happen is this:

 MAILBOX received NO response: IMAP_SYNC_CHECKSUM Checksum Failure
 CRC failure on sync for user.igb.routine, trying full update
 SYNCNOTICE: highestmodseq higher on replica user.igb.routine, updating 49317 
=> 49321
 SYNCERROR: guid mismatch user.igb.routine 46708 
 SYNCNOTICE: failed to prepare update for user.igb.routine: The remote 
Server(s) denied the operation
 do_folders(): update failed: user.igb.routine 'The remote Server(s) denied the 
 MAILBOX received NO response: IMAP_SYNC_CHECKSUM Checksum Failure
 CRC failure on sync for user.igb.routine, trying full update
 SYNCERROR: guid mismatch user.igb.routine 46708 
 SYNCNOTICE: failed to prepare update for user.igb.routine: The remote 
Server(s) denied the operation
 do_folders(): update failed: user.igb.routine 'The remote Server(s) denied the 
 IOERROR: The remote Server(s) denied the operation
 Error in do_sync(): bailing out! The remote Server(s) denied the operation

The synchronisation continues to do this, making no progress.  The clean-up is 
straightforward: I delete all the files in user.igb.routine on the replica, 
reconstruct -G -U user.igb.routine on replica, sync_client -m user.igb.routine 
on the master.    It then runs for a few days, and then goes bang again: 
suggestively, always in the early but not too early hours of the morning.  
What’s going wrong, and what’s needed to fix it properly?

user.igb.routine is the only mailbox I have which both (a) is relatively high 
traffic and (b) has the expire annotation.

My hypothesis (I only have 8 days of searchable logs, so this is n=small)  is 
that the failure happens as we replicate the first message to be delivered to 
user.igb.routine after 0300.   My supposition is that a trap is set by the 
delivery of a message into user.igb.routine between 0100 and 0300.  3 (the 
value of the “expire” annotation) days later at 0300, that message is deleted 
on the replica (as it is >(86400*3) seconds old) but was not deleted on the 
master (because when expire ran on the master, at 0100, the message was _not_ 
>(86400*3) seconds old).  Something bad happens during the replication run, and 
bad things then continue to ensue.

To test this theory my original thought was to run expire on the slave at the 
same time it runs on the master, making the race condition much smaller.  But I 
see that in 3.0.8 there is a “-a” flag to cyr_expire which suppresses 
processing of the expire annotation, which I assume deals with this case.

Am I thinking along the right lines?


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Re: Replication and Deleted Files

2020-06-04 Thread Ian Batten via Info-cyrus

On Thu 04 Jun 2020 at 18:57:37, Michael Menge 
( wrote:


you also need to run cyr_expire on the "new_server" to remove the old
expunged mails and deleted folders.

Obvious when you try it!    Thanks so much.  

Expired 23 and expunged 7617 out of 289060 messages from 268 mailboxes

For some reason I had decided that you only ran cyr_expire on the master, and I 
was quite emphatic about it some years ago:

  # expire old stuff: dups 7 days, keep deletions for 3 days
  # XXX XXX XXX expire does not run on replica, does run on master XXX XXX XXX
  # expire        cmd="cyr_expire -E 7 -X 3 -D 3" at=0100

Thank you again,.,.I shall be back in another 25 years with another query :-)


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Replication and Deleted Files

2020-06-04 Thread Ian Batten via Info-cyrus

Hi, long-time Cyrus user (25 years, I think), but stumped on this one…

I have an ancient Cyrus 2.5.11 on Solaris 11 installation I am trying to 
migrate off.  The strategy is to run rolling replication onto the new server 
(3.0.8-6+deb10u4 on Debian 10.4), and then point the DNS record at the new 
server.  With Covid, this has become more protracted than I would like, as I 
don’t want to accidentally mess up users who are isolating, so the replication 
has been running for some weeks.

The replication structure is old-server -> new-server -> (backup1, backup2) 
where backup1 and backup2 are configured as separate channels on new-server.  
This has been running seemingly correctly for about three months now.

Today I decided to check all was well by using rsync -an to confirm that the 
replicas have everything that is on the master.  They do, in that using 

rsync -anvO --size-only  --exclude='cyrus.*' 
root@mail:/var/imap/partition1/user/ /var/imap/partition1/user 

where “mail” is the old server shows that there are no messages missing 
(—size-only because there’s some time slew in a few places, usually only of a 
few seconds, but up to a day in others).

However, reversing it:

rsync -anvO --size-only  --exclude='cyrus.*' /var/imap/partition1/user/ 

Shows that there are a _lot_ of files on the replicas which are not on the 
master, some of them relating to recent deletions, but some of them seemingly 
quite old.  I am using:

delete_mode: delayed
expunge_mode: delayed

everywhere, running cyr_expire on the master but not on the replicas.  I have 
enough bandwidth that sync_reset and re-sync is realistic, but I’d rather not 
have to do that immediately prior to a cut-over.   These old files are a worry 
because if I ever had to reconstruct one of the mailboxes, presumably the 
deleted (I think) messages would all reappear.  Does anyone have any 


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Re: Replication rolling or cron?

2009-02-23 Thread Ian Batten
> (at FastMail we start it from cyrus.conf, but also have a job that
> runs from cron and checks that there's a sync_client running every 10
> minutes.

It also works well with SMF if you're a Solaris site.

$ svcs -x sync_client
svc:/network/sync_client:default (?)
  State: online since Thu Feb 12 22:53:26 2009
See: /var/svc/log/network-sync_client:default.log
Impact: None.

That way it restarts on failure.



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Re: imp webmail, cyrus imap and virus filtering

2009-02-20 Thread Ian Batten

On 20 Feb 09, at 1727, andreas moroder wrote:

> Hello,
> we have a imp/postfix/cyrus system. The mail that goes out and comes  
> in
> from/to our system via smtp is checked by trendmicros virus wall.
> The problem is mail that remains in our mailsystem and is accessed via
> imap from imp. Viruswall has no way to check this mail.
> Is it possible to write a sieve filter to start a virusscan on this  
> mail
> ( by scanning the specific file in the users mail directory ? ) every
> time a mail is created or read via imap ?

You need to integrate virus scanning into your postfix environment.   
Mail sent between users of your IMP environment presumably is handed  
off to postfix and thence to lmtpd or deliver, and if your virus  
scanning were performed there you'd be sorted.  If your virus scanning  
is instead an SMTP relay outside your internal system then you have a  

We use clamav-milter alongside every sendmail instance and therefore  
scan every piece of mail at every point of handling.


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Re: Security risk of POP3 & IMAP protocols

2009-02-13 Thread Ian Batten

On 13 Feb 09, at 0149, Joseph Brennan wrote:
> The protocol itself is no less secure than POP.

Security isn't about protocols, it's about systems, and I suspect POP3  
vs IMAP is metonymic for local vs remote mail storage.

I can see an argument that says that one problem with IMAP is that  
your entire mail store, which is much more interesting to an attacker  
than a message in flight or your current mail pending collection a la  
POP3, is under someone else's control.  So if, say, you use a whole  
disk encryption product, mail delivered via traditional POP3 will be  
wrapped in the arms of the encryption immediately after collection,  
while mail stored on a remote server and accessed via IMAP will have  
whatever security features the server has.

If you control the IMAP server (for some suitable value of `you') then  
a risk assessment is the same task in both scenarios.  However, if, as  
is common in many situations, the IMAP server isn't within the scope  
of a risk assessment, then I can imagine that your 27001 life is a  
little easier if you don't have a large pool of potentially sensitive  
data under someone else's (for some value of `someone else')  
control.   Data at rest is a different class of problem to data in  
motion, and IMAP implies a _lot_ of data at rest.

To make this more concrete, imagine you're an HR department within a  
large enterprise, handling job applications, CVs, disciplinary  
processes, dismissals, etc.  You need to demonstrate your compliance  
with your local data protection regulations.  The theft of a day's  
email would be severely embarrassing, but is analogous to the theft of  
a day's postal mail: a risk which most businesses would accept.  It  
would expose limited amounts of information about a small subset of  
your employees.

However, the theft of a year's or a decade's email would expose  
substantial information about a large percentage of your employees,  
and would be analogous to allowing a few filing cabinets to be stolen.

Your email system is run by your corporation's IT function in another  
jurisdiction which has laxer data protection laws --- say, an EU  
company whose head office is in the USA.

Do you (a) store all your long term records in the other jurisdiction  
or (b) store them locally?

Now I'm not defending the argument, and indeed here we have ~4TB of  
email on our Cyrus servers.  But I don't think the position is  
entirely without merit, and having gone through the simplifying and  
distorting mirror of sales droids I can see where it's come from...


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enforcing TLS certificates for replication

2009-01-22 Thread Ian Batten
With my private network hat on, I have a requirement to secure  
replication.  I have one machine in a data centre which runs 2.3.13 on  
Solaris 10.  I've recently brought up an Open Solaris machine at home,  
similarly running 2.3.13, with a static IP number and an appropriate  
hole in the firewall to run replication.  Which is all good, but I'm  
not at all sure how good my ISP is at preventing Bad People from mis- 
using IP numbers, so I'd like to require the sync_server to offer a  
certificate to prove its good will to the sync_client.  I assume I can  
do it, but what are the options?


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Re: Storage Sizing: IOPS per mailbox

2009-01-08 Thread Ian Batten

On 08 Jan 09, at 1508, Blake Hudson wrote:

>  Original Message  
> Subject: Storage Sizing: IOPS per mailbox
> From: ram 
> To: info-cyrus 
> Date: Friday, January 02, 2009 10:40:17 PM
>> When sizing a storage device for a large cyrus server, the typical
>> question asked by storage vendors is what is the IOPS required per
>> mailbox
>> M$$ Exchange has this concept of IOPS. and they suggest 1.5 IOPS per
>> mailbox ( heavy users )
>> If I use postfix and cyrus , on my imap server ( pure IMAP  
>> server .. All
>> spam filtering , outgoing mails , authentication etc happens on
>> different servers )
>> If the storage is used only for imap storage , what is the typical
>> "IOPS" requirement per user
>> We will probably assume 30-50 mails a day of average 100k , and an  
>> email
>> client checking for new mail every 5minutes
> In my experience I would estimate 0.1 IOPS per user for heavy users
> (thousands of emails per day, checked every few minutes) and 0.01 IOPS
> per user for typical ISP accounts (under a dozen emails, checked a few
> times daily).

Our IMAP server has as I type 1020 imap connections up, representing  
most of our staff.   The metadata (both /var/imap and per-mailbox) is  
in a ZFS pool configured as a two-way mirror of two-way stripes of SAS  
drives.  The load on that is low.  The zfs statistics on the metadata  
are as an example:

mailhost-new# zpool iostat 1
capacity operationsbandwidth
pool used  avail   read  write   read  write
--  -  -  -  -  -  -
pool1   54.4G  23.6G 12 77   489K   499K
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  0785  0  3.74M
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  0 14  0   135K
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  0 24  0   877K
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  0 33  0   242K
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  0 10  0  43.6K
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  0417  1.48K  2.06M
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  0 22  0   139K
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  0  1  0  7.92K
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  0  7  0  31.7K
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  0 20  0  83.2K
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  0504   1013  1.93M
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  0 23  0   574K
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  2 17  96.5K   123K
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  0 40  0   285K
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  0 26  0   123K
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  0698  1.98K  3.41M
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  0  3  0  15.8K
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  0 24  0   744K
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  0 16  0   713K
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  3 15   209K   147K
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  5569   760K  2.71M
pool1   54.4G  23.6G  0 16  0   222K

You can see the five-second sync.  The first line, average, figures  
aren't representative because they of course include backup activity.

The actual messages are stored in the lowest (`archive') QoS band of a  
Pillar Axiom 500, in NAS mode.  The load is very small on each of two  
2TB-ish partitions (it's approaching four pm, so the business is going  
at close to full load):


I/O Operations
Read I/Os per second: 58.677
Write I/Os per second: 7.129
Average Request Time: 4.475 ms
Current MB per second: 1.003
General Statistics
Read/Write Cache Hit Percentage: 69%
Read/Write I/O Ratio: 89:11


I/O Operations
Read I/Os per second: 46.733
Write I/Os per second: 9.467
Average Request Time: 1.923 ms
Current MB per second: 0.544
General Statistics
Read/Write Cache Hit Percentage: 56%
Read/Write I/O Ratio: 83:17

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