Re: imap impersonate

2017-01-19 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III via Info-cyrus
> "PG" == Patrick Goetz via Info-cyrus  
> writes:

PG> Why would you need to do this as opposed to, say, just setting up
PG> multiple personalities on your MUA?

I used impersonation to initially import mailboxes into Cyrus way back
when I switched from uw-imapd.  I guess it might also be useful to be
able to see the same view of a user's mailbox that they have without
having their password.

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Re: "Resource temporarily unavailable", systemd and your FAQ Webpage

2016-12-16 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III via Info-cyrus
> "NB" == Nic Bernstein via Info-cyrus  
> writes:

NB> I'm curious which Linux distribution
NB> you're using?

For the record, Fedora's systemd has task accounting enabled (and I've
added some information to the unit file about it).  I'm not sure about
RHEL7 as its systemd/system.conf file doesn't mention Tasks at all.

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Re: fetching spam from users junk folder

2016-12-06 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III via Info-cyrus
> "MS" == Marcus Schopen via Info-cyrus  
> writes:

MS> Hi, I'm looking for an easy way to fetch spams, which were moved
MS> into a special junk subfolder by users in their accounts. I'd like
MS> to move those messages from there to my account, so I can analyse
MS> them to adjust anti spam rules. How would you do that?

I posted about my setup for this just a couple of months ago.  I set up
a confirmed-spam folder for each user, which has an ACL that gives the
"spamkill" user access.  Then I have a simple program that pulls the
mail out of there and stuffs it in an mbox file, and another program to
run on my mail filter hosts that passes all of that spam to sa-learn.

You can find the relevant code at:

If you just wanted to be able to read the mail in those folders, though,
why not just add an ACL for yourself and read the mail normally?

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Re: Did calculating the quota change from 2.3 to 2.5?

2016-11-29 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III via Info-cyrus
> "BG" == Bron Gondwana via Info-cyrus  
> writes:

BG> If you use imapsync, it doesn't know about that, and will upload the
BG> same message twice. 2.5 doesn't have the smarts to recognise that
BG> it's the same message.

Fun random question: Does anything blow up if you run hardlink on your
mail spool?  (The hardlink program finds identical files and hardlinks

Given an index of message-id/filenames it should be possible to write a
deduplicator that's orders of magnitude faster than hardlink, but I have
a sneaking suspicion that someone's already done that.

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Re: watching and processing a Spam folder for each user

2016-09-29 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III via Info-cyrus
> "PB" == Patrick Boutilier via Info-cyrus 
>  writes:

PB> Only problem with that is users always seem to report some stuff as
PB> spam when it clearly isn't. :-)

True, but at least it's only a statistical thing.  You could easily
extract the From: headers and blacklist them, but that would be far more
problematic, I think.

What I really want to be able to do is to periodically plow through all
of the unread messages in everyone's mailboxes and pass them back
through spamassassin.  The blacklists lag the spam runs and it would be
nice to at least get rid of stuff which wasn't blocked initially but
which would be blocked later.  I guess I need to write some more code.

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Re: watching and processing a Spam folder for each user

2016-09-29 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III via Info-cyrus
> "BJM" == Brian J Murrell via Info-cyrus  
> writes:

BJM> So leaving out the latter part (the per-user database and handling,
BJM> etc.) I wonder what, if anything exists to monitor the Spam (and
BJM> NotSpam) folders for all users.

I have a system which sucks things out of everyone's "confirmed-spam"
folders and feeds it to spamassassin on each filtering host.  It's in
Perl (back from when I remembered how to do perl) and is probably

Run spamsuck to pull down all of the spam folders into mbox files and
empty them.  Note that the "spamkill" user (or whatever you choose to
call it) needs ACLs ("lrte", I think) on the confirmed-spam folder, so
your user creation process or sommething run as your admin user needs to
set that up.  There's no reason you couldn't pull out ham folders as

Run spamlearn on each filtering host to feed the sucked spam to
sa_learn.  This updates the global bayes databases, not anything
personal to each user.

I don't bother to do this all automatically, but you could.

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Re: how to deal with mail retention/archival.

2016-08-26 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III via Info-cyrus
> "GR(" == Giuseppe Ravasio (LU) via Info-cyrus 
>  writes:

GR(> I saw that someone proposed to make a sort of abuse of delayed
GR(> expunge, but I think that in order to comply with regulatory
GR(> retention should be better considering some specific software.

True, but it seems odd (to me, in a situation where I don't have
infinite money) to have basically two mail servers: one which actually
removes things when the user deletes stuff and one which doesn't.

I guess they can be optimized for different things, but it still seems
odd when we already have a server that can store as much mail as you
want, provides a means to access and search it with ACLs for auditors
and such, and of course is already installed and running.

If it were possible to hook the message deletion functions in cyrus to
move things to a different place in the hierarchy and then control
expiry on those differently than the regular folders, it would probably
be sufficient.  But that requires code and I don't have the skills to
write it.

Alternately, it _could_, instead of removing the message files at
deletion time, just move them somewhere.  Then you could script what you
want to do with them.  Certainly not super featureful but frankly when
the lawyers want something, I just dump mail files on them and let them
sort it out.

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Re: [cyrus 3.0] 20 delayed mailbox deleted limit?

2016-06-09 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III via Info-cyrus
> "BG" == Bron Gondwana  writes:

BG> Just to be really clear what this is.  It's per mailbox name - if
BG> you create and delete the SAME mailbox more 20 times, it only keeps
BG> the most recent 20 of that mailbox.

Hmm.  That's much less problematic, but it still allows someone to force
something to be deleted if they really want it to be deleted.  That's
not really an issue for me because my users wouldn't figure it out, but
I can imagine that someone using delayed expiry to easily implement some
sort of legal requirement might be unhappy.  But that's somewhat of a

 - J<

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Re: [cyrus 3.0] 20 delayed mailbox deleted limit?

2016-06-09 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III via Info-cyrus
> "BG" == Bron Gondwana via Info-cyrus  
> writes:

BG> How would you suggest we protect against exploiting delayed delete
BG> to fill the server without going over quota?

Well, I don't even run quotas.  But I do keep deleted messages around
for 12 weeks, and even if I didn't, I do delete accounts occasionally.
Deleting one account would go over the limit, and though I suck the
messages out to mbox format for the final archiving, an instant nuke of
older mailboxes would prevent an "easy" restore.

BG> Maybe a new quota
BG> field for "total mailbox usage including deleted stuff" that can be
BG> set to a high enough value that no reasonable user will ever hit it?

As long as I can just set it to 'unlimited', I don't care.  Disk is
cheap and I don't have enough users to worry about it.  But I've had
people delete all 100+ of their mailboxes before, and come screaming.

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Re: LDAP backed aliases

2016-03-30 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III via Info-cyrus
> "TG" == Tony Galecki via Info-cyrus  
> writes:

TG> I’ve done a quick search and haven’t come across anything yet. Is
TG> there a way to manage or pull alias information via LDAP? It could
TG> be that my google fu is weaker than yours.

Well, I have my aliases in LDAP and have for years, but that doesn't
involve cyrus at all.  It's done at the MTA level on our inbound mail
servers, though you could do it at the MTA level on your cyrus machine
as well.

My mail servers run Exim, but I doubt yours do so I don't think an
example from my configuration would be very useful to you.

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