Re: Testing

2003-02-20 Thread Jeremy Rumpf

Re: compiling error - cannot find -lssl

2003-02-18 Thread Jeremy Rumpf
On Tuesday 18 February 2003 17:39 pm, Mike O'Rourke wrote:
 Hi Mark,

 Sorry to be jumping in so late, but I have been busy with LDAP,

 Did you compile SASL2 on your machine? If not, did you install it from the
 RPM's? RedHat (even as late as 8.0) only installs SASLv1 by default. You
 are trying to use SASLv1 to compile Cyrus-IMAPd 2.1.11! Try installing
 SASLv2 from the RPM's, if you do not care to download and compile it as

Not so with 8.0:

[root@director1 root]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Linux release 8.0 (Psyche)
[root@director1 root]#
[root@director1 root]# rpm -qa|grep sasl

To my knowledge the v1 RPMS aren't included with the 8.0 distro anymore.

 As to your original problem, again you need to tip your hat to the kind
 folks at RedHat. The default install does not install the static libraries
 for OpenSSL. So, unless you have explicitely installed the static libraries
 (I am not even sure they are available on the disks), if you look in
 /usr/lib, you will find only, and the files. Hence, -lssl finds no static libraries to link
 to, and chokes.


Same machine:

[root@director1 root]# ls -l /usr/lib/*ssl*
-rw-r--r--  1 root   root   281772 Aug  6  2002 /usr/lib/libssl.a
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root   root   26 Nov  8 07:16 /usr/lib/ - 

This is a rather default Server install, I can't say what a Workstation 
install is like.

Dunno what Mark's root problem is, just wanted to share the above tidbits...


Re: imapd's hang when maxchild count is reached

2003-02-11 Thread Jeremy Rumpf
On Thursday 06 February 2003 12:10 pm, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
 On Thu, 06 Feb 2003, Dave McMurtrie wrote:
  Would this actually work anyway?  If the parent were to pass a file

 You can send descriptors over sockets if your unix kernel supports it.
 Linux does, and apparently so does Solaris.

 Anyway, I dislike the idea of losing preforks heavily, it is bound to be a
 major pain when the system is overloaded.

The send descriptors idea would also allow a prefork. I would also agree that 
the one connection per child idea is out the door. 

One other idea, could it be portable enought to say, initialize a semaphore 
and set the resource count on it to the maximum number of connections. If a 
child accepts a connection, it will first have to gain the semaphore resource 
first. If it fails (all the semaphore resources are taken), then the child 
would know that the maximum number of connections has been exceeded and 
return an error to the connecting party.

I did read an old Bugzilla entry that said fully threading imapd and friends 
was an idea... Don't know if that has any affect on any future direction.

I haven't worked with semaphores for a long while so I could be talking outta 
my arse :).


Re: imapd's hang when maxchild count is reached

2003-02-05 Thread Jeremy Rumpf

 Hmmm... what does Sendmail do?  It's got lots of children, but still
 manages to refuse connections when it gets busy (RefuseLA)...  I kinda
 like that behavior.  I definitely like it better than keeping more and
 more sockets open.

 Stephen L. Ulmer  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Senior Systems Programmer
 Northeast Regional Data Center  VOX: (352) 392-2061
 University of Florida   FAX: (352) 392-9440

It may not prefork it's processes. The master process could accept the 
connection, fork, closes the socket (the child is now servicing it), and go 
back into a listen state. Therefore the master process can choose to reject 
connections without any coordination from the children. Children then have a 
service life of one connection and that's it.

They could also use a technique where a master process can pass file (socket) 
descriptors down to a child via a unix domain socket using sendmsg() or 
recvmsg(). In this case the master accepts the connection, passes the 
descriptor to a child via sendmsg(), closes the socket (the child should now 
be servicing it), and goes back to listening.

Either way, in the above, the master process is the only process that actually 
accepts the connections. 

I'm not sure how sendmail actually does it though, the above is purely 


Re: Problem with cyrus and deleting a message with a virus.

2003-01-21 Thread Jeremy Rumpf
On Tuesday 21 January 2003 16:58 pm, Will Day wrote:
 A short time ago, at a computer terminal not so far away, Mark London wrote:
  If you're messing around with the internal data stores of a program, and
  then you get upset when the program doesn't work, I'd say that you've
  created your own problem.
 I'm not messing with it, uvscan is doing it.  Is there a better software
 alternative that will delete viruses on the server?  Are we the only
  people using cyrus that are running virus scanning software on the

 We're using Cyrus and doing virus scanning (with uvscan in fact), but we do
 it from the MTA, before it reaches cyrus (using Anomy as content-filter in

Yes, amavis-new also will do this and is uvscan compatible.


Re: Latest on Cyrus and GFS?

2003-01-17 Thread Jeremy Rumpf
On Friday 17 January 2003 16:59 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A Murder allows segmentation (for most purposes) of the mailboxes.db,
 which is the single-most-contended-for resource in Cyrus (as far as I
 can tell).  The problem that *isn't* addresses is availability of each
 IMAP back-end.  We're hoping to use IBM's HACMP for this, I think that
 there is a Linux-ish, scriptable-takeover-on-hearbeat-failure hooya,
 though I don't know what it is called.

 Hi there, I think what you are talking about with that
 scriptable-takeover-on-heartbeat-failre is actually heartbeat itself
 available at :)


A more HACMPish solution would be Kimberlite:

Re: [PATCH][saslauthd] cyrus-sasl-2.1.10/saslauthd credential caching

2003-01-15 Thread Jeremy Rumpf
On Tuesday 14 January 2003 23:36 pm, Igor Brezac wrote:

 This stuff looks great and with a limited user sample (10) the performance
 improvement was almost 100 fold.  Keep in mind, this is my first crack at
 it.  I am using Solaris 9.  I am getting the following error

 # ./saslcache -s
 could not attach shared memory segment: 1200
 shmat: Invalid argument

 It is likely I need to adjust shared memory params.  I'll let you know
 what I find.

 One more note, can you make the changes against the  cvs version?


Ok, I've set things up on a Solaris 8 machine for testing. After a few tweaks, 
things appear to be working ok. One thing though, it seems that the maximum 
shared memory segment size on Solaris is 1M by default. Solaris users will 
have to tweak their system settings if a larger cache is desired. Due to 
this, I've set the default cache size to under 1M (down from ~4M). This way 
saslauthd will always start with the cache enabled under default 

Changes at:

Or fully patched source at:

I'll work on getting a diff against current cvs as well


Re: [PATCH][saslauthd] cyrus-sasl-2.1.10/saslauthd credential caching

2003-01-15 Thread Jeremy Rumpf
Thanks, excellent feedback. I've been busy coding away all day. I'm not quite 
ready for another realease, but I thought I'd drop a line with some of the 
mods I'm making (they're pretty major).

 The biggie:

 cache_lookup() writes the user-provided password hash into the hash table
 BEFORE it is verfied.  There's now a race where an attacker can submit an
 arbitrary string as a password, (if there's currently an entry in the
 cache, it will be evicted), then while the real lookup is happening he'll
 try a second authentication, which will succeed if cache_purge has not yet
 been called.

 I think I have a general problem with cache_lookup writing to the hash
 table, I'd expect lookup to be a read-only operation.  If it fails, we
 do a lookup to the backend anyway, and then only if we SUCCEED in that
 lookup do we write the good password to the table.

Round 3 now has:


 Another important one:

 No locking of any kind is used on the shared memory segment.  I'm not sure
 this is directly exploitable, but it could give odd behavior.

 Let's assume that we've fixed the above problem.  Now we have a
 cache_write() (that looks similar to the writing portion of the
 current cache_lookup()) instead of a cache_purge().

 If two processes are in cache_write at the same time, there's a race where
 they could both pick the same block to evict, and the result could be some
 mangled combination of both (or one or the other, but not both).

 Take this for instance (we assume that we had two cache misses, and that
 we only have one processor):

 There clearly needs to be some sort of semaphore on the table (or on
 entries, or something).

I've put in a first attempt at per bucket level locking via fcntl(). The only 
thing left to consider is if we should acquire a lock when the stats counters 
are updated. I'm not sure if the perf difference would be worth some 
inaccuracies in the hits/misses/attempts counters.

 Wasn't this originally going to use libmm?

My knowledge on libmm is brief (quick reading today),

Saslauthd already depends on fcntl() being there natively. 

If I understand correctly, libmm only does shm segment level locking. I'm not 
sure what the perf differences would be between per bucket level locking via 
fcntl() and table level locking via fcntl(). Since fcntl() is required by 
saslauthd, I went with per bucket level locking.

libmm introduces another dependency (including autconf checks), unless libmm 
would be distributed with the saslauthd package. I originally thought it 
beneficial to keep any additional dependencies down if a good alternative 
could be presented. 

Plus, all in all, it sounded pretty challenging. Haven't done any hard core 
coding in awhile :).


 I think shared memory is way overkill for the doors version, since it all
 takes place within one process.  Though, we'd still need to use some sort
 of councurrancy control.


Yes, I've started to addresses this to. I've broken out the memory allocation 
so that the unix IPC method will use a shared memory segment, while the doors 
IPC method would stick with a malloc'd segment. The doors IPC method will 
retain the fcntl() based locking for the malloc'd segment. I have some 
reading up to do on doors IPC (is it thread based?).

 Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
 Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper


[PATCH][saslauthd] cyrus-sasl-2.1.10/saslauthd credential caching

2003-01-14 Thread Jeremy Rumpf

I've been working on combining some of the ideas for a credential caching 
layer into saslauthd. This is the first release for review/comments/testing.


Three files have been added to the saslauthd package:

Four files have been modified

The saslauthd executable now accepts three new command line switches.

-c  Enables the credential cache
-s  Sets the size of the credential cache in kilobytes
-t  Sets the timeout of items in the credential cache in seconds

A show_usage() function has been added that dumps all possible options out 
when an invalid command line switch is found:

./saslauthd: invalid option -- -
usage: saslauthd [options]

option information:
  -a authmech  Selects the authentication mechanism to use.
  -c Enable credential caching.
  -d Enables debugging, run in the foreground.
  -O optionOptional argument to pass to the authentication
  -m path  Alternate path for the mux socket, must be absolute.
  -n threads   Number of worker threads to create
  -s kilobytes Size of the credential cache (in kilobytes)
  -t seconds   Timeout for items in the credential cache (in seconds)
  -T Honor time-of-day login restrictions.
  -v Display version information and available
 authentication mechanisms and exit.

The caching layer caches the username, realm, service, and an md5 hash of the 
passwords for all authentication mechanisms (LDAP, rimap, PAM, etc). It's 
been tested it on RedHat 7.2 Alpha and RedHat 7.3 Intel. I've also only been 
able to compile the modifications using the unix IPC option 
(saslauthd-unix.c). The same modifications have been made to the doors IPC 
option (saslauthd-doors.c), but have not been compiled or tested. More 
detailed information about the cache is in the README.cache file.

In addition to testsaslauthd, a second utility is included, saslcache. The 
saslcache utility can be used to attach to the shared memory segment and 
perform various tasks. The saslcache utility can be built by:

cd saslauthd
make saslcache 

Usage examples:

./saslcache -s  dumps out some information about the cache

Saslauthd Cache Detail:

  timeout (seconds)   :  28800
  total slots allocated   :  3643
  slots in use:  3
  total buckets   :  21858
  buckets per slot:  6
  buckets in use  :  3
  hash table size (bytes) :  2098536
  bucket size (bytes) :  96
  minimum slot allocation :  0
  maximum slot allocation :  1
  slots at maximum allocation :  3
  slots at minimum allocation :  3640
  overall hash table load :  0.00

  hits*   :  19
  misses* :  3
  total lookup attempts*  :  22
  hit ratio*  :  86.36

* May not be completely accurate

./saslcache -d  dumps the contents of the cache in a csv format

m3,,imap,1042513583,Mon Jan 13 22:06:23 2003
m2,,imap,1042513256,Mon Jan 13 22:00:56 2003
m1,,imap,1042513355,Mon Jan 13 22:02:35 2003

./saslcache -f  purges/deletes all entries in the cache

21858 entries purged


Test the doors IPC stuff.
Test on alternate OSs (only linux so far)
Have someone help with the autoconf stuff. I'm not very familiar with autoconf 
and modeled the modifications after those for testsaslauthd. I'm not sure if 
they're entirely correct.

For testing one should probably run saslauthd with the -d switch. The cache 
will log information to syslog (LOG_INFO|LOG_AUTH). Optionally, one could use 
the saslcache utility. 

Log Example:

saslauthd[27772]: cache_lookup: user=m2 realm= service=imap: not found, entry 
saslauthd[27772]: OK: user=m2 service=imap realm=
saslauthd[27772]: cache_lookup: user=m2 realm= service=imap: found with valid 
saslauthd[27772]: OK: user=m2 service=imap realm=
saslauthd[20673]: cache_lookup: user=m2 realm= service=imap: found with 
invalid passwd, passwd synced
saslauthd[20673]: cache_purge : prior lookup purged
saslauthd[20673]: AUTHFAIL: user=m2 service=imap realm=

Anyhow, if anyone wants to give it a whirl. Here's a first patch attempt 
against cyrus-sasl-2.1.10:

Or, a fully patched tar of cyrus-sasl-2.1.10 at:

Feedback welcome...


Re: saslauthd performance anxiety

2003-01-10 Thread Jeremy Rumpf
 This whole idea sounds great, especially as I'd expect a lot of the
 authentication load to come from a small number of users with their
 clients set to check mail every few minutes.

 For debugging it would help if there was a way to force a flush of the
 entire cache, and one to dump its contents. I'm not sure how you'd get
 saslauthd to recognise maintenance commands like this - maybe some method
 of out-of-band signalling, which seems better than tinkering with the
 socket protocol.

 Simon Brady mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ITS Technical Services
 University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand

How about SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2?


Re: saslauthd performance anxiety

2003-01-10 Thread Jeremy Rumpf
I always hashed the password as soon as they entered the cache. So the 
checkpoint dump would contain binary MD5, SHA hashes etc. They're not clear 
text per say, but I can see why some would not find even that ideal.


On Friday 10 January 2003 11:07 am, Paul M Fleming wrote:
 Personally I have issues with dumping the contents of a password cache
 to a file. Especially in this case, they WILL be stored in cleartext. I
 had planned on keeping somes stats (hits,misses,etc)

 Jeremy Rumpf wrote:
   This whole idea sounds great, especially as I'd expect a lot of the
   authentication load to come from a small number of users with their
   clients set to check mail every few minutes.
   For debugging it would help if there was a way to force a flush of the
   entire cache, and one to dump its contents. I'm not sure how you'd get
   saslauthd to recognise maintenance commands like this - maybe some
   method of out-of-band signalling, which seems better than tinkering
   with the socket protocol.
   Simon Brady mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ITS Technical Services
   University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
  How about SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2?

Re: saslauthd performance anxiety

2003-01-09 Thread Jeremy Rumpf

On Thursday 09 January 2003 03:55 pm, Paul M Fleming wrote:
 Timing out the passwords is simple ( I think ) I would store the time
 when the entry is added and force a reauth if the password has been
 cached longer than a timeout (for example one hour ). That forces a
 reauth at least every timeout period of time. If an entry isn't in the
 cache (or if it is different the entry would be removed and ) a reauth
 would be forced. Every successfull auth would be added to the cache.

Some time ago I wrote a plugin for the Netscape/iPlanet Directory server that 
intercepted bind authentications and passed them off to a kerberos backend. 
It allowed us to integrate LDAP services with our Kerberos environment. 
Anyhow, it implemented just this, with the timeouts and all. I also 
implemented a checkpoint feature where the hash table was periodically dumped 
to a file. That way if you restarted the LDAP server you wouldn't lose you're 
cached entries. You can grab a copy of the plugin at:

Look in the file krbdirp.c, specifically at the function 
validate_with_cache(). The text file CACHE also has some thoughts and ideas. 

The LDAP directory was used for an iPlanet mail setup to store user 
information. The idea of the credential cache has worked quite well. 
Implementing it for saslauthd would be a nice feature.

I'd be more than willing to help/contribute to the effort.


[PATCH] master -C command line option

2003-01-07 Thread Jeremy Rumpf

I've come across a need to be able to specify the configuration file (default 
of /etc/cyrus.conf) to the master process when starting it. 

As of cyrus 2.1.11 it appears that imapd and friends all accept the command 
line option of -C for specifying an alternate configuration file. Master 
though, only uses the hardcoded configuration file in masterconf.c.

Attached is a patch that implements the -C command line option for the master 

master -C /path/to/cyrus.conf

Questions, comments, flames welcome...


diff -ur cyrus-imapd-2.1.11.orig/master/master.c cyrus-imapd-2.1.11/master/master.c
--- cyrus-imapd-2.1.11.orig/master/master.c	2002-11-01 11:44:33.0 -0500
+++ cyrus-imapd-2.1.11/master/master.c	2003-01-07 22:10:24.0 -0500
@@ -1205,7 +1205,7 @@
 p = getenv(CYRUS_VERBOSE);
 if (p) verbose = atoi(p) + 1;
-while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, l:D)) != EOF) {
+while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, l:DC:)) != EOF) {
 	switch (opt) {
 	case 'l': /* user defined listen queue backlog */
 	listen_queue_backlog = atoi(optarg);
@@ -1213,6 +1213,9 @@
 	case 'D':
 	close_std = 0;
+	case 'C':
+	masterconf_set_filename(optarg);
+	break;
diff -ur cyrus-imapd-2.1.11.orig/master/masterconf.c cyrus-imapd-2.1.11/master/masterconf.c
--- cyrus-imapd-2.1.11.orig/master/masterconf.c	2002-11-06 15:43:31.0 -0500
+++ cyrus-imapd-2.1.11/master/masterconf.c	2003-01-07 22:19:21.0 -0500
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
 #define CONFIG_FILENAME /etc/cyrus.conf
+static char *config_filename = NULL;
 struct configlist {
 char *key;
 char *value;
@@ -71,6 +73,11 @@
 openlog(ident, LOG_PID, LOG_LOCAL6);
+if (config_filename == NULL) {
+if ((config_filename = strdup(CONFIG_FILENAME)) == NULL) 
+fatal(masterconf_init: memory allocation failed for: config_filename, EX_CONFIG);
 return 0;
@@ -79,6 +86,17 @@
 int lineno;
+void masterconf_set_filename(const char *filename)
+if (config_filename != NULL) {
+config_filename = NULL;
+if ((config_filename = strdup(filename)) == NULL) 
+fatal(masterconf_set_filename: memory allocation failed for: config_filename, EX_CONFIG);
 const char *masterconf_getstring(struct entry *e, const char *key, 
  const char *def)
@@ -101,7 +119,7 @@
 	if (*p != '') {
 		sprintf(k, configuration file %s: missing \ on line %d,
-			CONFIG_FILENAME, e-lineno);
+			config_filename, e-lineno);
 		fatal(k, EX_CONFIG);
 	} else {
@@ -197,10 +215,10 @@
 int lineno = 0;
 char buf[4096];
-infile = fopen(CONFIG_FILENAME, r);
+infile = fopen(config_filename, r);
 if (!infile) {
 	snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), can't open configuration file %s: %s,
-		CONFIG_FILENAME, strerror(errno));
+		config_filename, strerror(errno));
 	fatal(buf, EX_CONFIG);
diff -ur cyrus-imapd-2.1.11.orig/master/masterconf.h cyrus-imapd-2.1.11/master/masterconf.h
--- cyrus-imapd-2.1.11.orig/master/masterconf.h	2000-05-23 16:56:30.0 -0400
+++ cyrus-imapd-2.1.11/master/masterconf.h	2003-01-07 21:32:53.0 -0500
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@
 extern int masterconf_init(const char *ident);
+extern void masterconf_set_filename(const char *filename);
 struct entry;
 extern const char *masterconf_getstring(struct entry *e,

Re: cyradm headache

2002-12-18 Thread Jeremy Rumpf
On Wednesday 18 December 2002 11:20 am, Jorge Merlino wrote:
 I installed Cyrus IMAP to use it with Postfix.
 My problem is that the authentication with the sasldb database doesn't
 seems to work. When I run cyradm localhost y can type any string as the
 password and I get the prompt, but if I try to execute cm I get a
 Permission denied error.

 I'm including here a copy of my imapd.conf file where I set sasldb as the
 password checking method.
 The sasldb file itselfs seems to be correct (according to sasldblistusers)
 and the cyrus user is able to read and write it.
 I'll appreciate any help about this issue.


This is making a few assumptions (such as your using cyrus 2.1.x), but above 
you listed sasldblistusers. Are you using /etc/sasldb instead of /etc/sasldb2 
or sasldblistusers instead of sasldblistusers2. Also run cyradm like this:

cyradm --user cyrus --server localhost --auth CRAM-MD5


 configdirectory: /var/imap
 partition-default: /var/spool/imap
 admins: cyrus
 allowanonymouslogin: no
 autocreatequota: 1
 reject8bit: no
 quotawarn: 90
 timeout: 30
 poptimeout: 10
 dracinterval: 0
 drachost: localhost
 sasl_pwcheck_method: sasldb

Re: Slow LIST command

2002-12-12 Thread Jeremy Rumpf

 Cyrus doesn't do anything to increase the BDB cache
 size, and the default (256 kB) is way too small for any reasonably large
 site. With some 5 mailboxes and random operations, I found the hit rate
 for default BDB cache to be 70-80%. After growing the cache size to 2M, hit
 rate approached 99% and disk traffic was greatly reduced since most of the
 operations are reads anyway. Therefore processes could complete their work
 and release their locks much more quickly, and the dreaded DBERROR: xxx
 lockers messages stayed at a comfortable level.

Out of sheer curiosity. I'm assuming the skiplist backend also uses an in core 
cache as well? If so, is it also tuneable or does it dynamically extend 


Re: using Murder for migration from UW IMAP

2002-12-10 Thread Jeremy Rumpf
On Monday 09 December 2002 23:10 pm, John A. Tamplin wrote:
 Quoting Jeremy Rumpf [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  You might also want to consider using the perdition IMAP/Pop3 proxy. It's
  suited for something like this since it can use LDAP, MySQL, PostreSQL,
  local GDBM databases to lookup the real server for users.

 Thanks for the pointer.  Do you have a suggestion for an LMTP proxy that
 might use the same back-end database?

Not off hand, you can use Postfix's transport maps to kind of fake being an 
LMTP proxy. That would require you to put another MTA hop in the mix, or 
replace your boarder MTAs with postfix. I'm not sure how your layout is, but 
postfix + LDAP can do some pretty nifty things when it comes to mail routing 
(I'm sure other MTAs can as well, but I'm mostly fluent with postfix). From 
postfix's perspective, one address could be delivered via LMTP to a Cyrus 
mail backend, while another address can be SMTP delievered to another MTA 
running on a UW IMAP backend. Routing can be switched on the fly by updating 
the LDAP entry. I kind of describe what I'm talking about in this post:

I have plans to wrap this up into a more formal howto, but haven't found the 
time yet. If you have any other questions/ideas, feel free to ask.


Re: using Murder for migration from UW IMAP

2002-12-09 Thread Jeremy Rumpf
On Monday 09 December 2002 06:37 pm, John Alton Tamplin wrote:
 Would it be possible to use Murder to migrate from UW IMAP?  I have
 Cyrus setup and running on a new machine, but the problem is that taking
 everything down and converting all the mailboxes would be too much
 downtime (2-3 days).  What I was thinking of is setting up a frontend
 server with UW IMAP and Cyrus as the backend servers, with the initial
 mupdated database showing all the mailboxes were on the old IMAP server.
  UW IMAP isn't going to talk to mupdated, but if no mailboxes are being
 created there it seems like that won't matter.  As each mailbox is moved
 to the new server, the master list of mailboxes is reflected to update
 the new location.

  From my inspection of the documentation and some of the code, it looks
 like this should work with a couple of caveats (during the transition,
 users have to be prevented from creating new mailboxes -- this can be
 hacked in the code, and connections that have been referred to the old
 server have to be broken when the mailbox is transferred).  Does anyone
 see a reason why this won't work or any other gotchas to watch for? 

You might also want to consider using the perdition IMAP/Pop3 proxy. It's well 
suited for something like this since it can use LDAP, MySQL, PostreSQL, and 
local GDBM databases to lookup the real server for users.


Re: Newbie help: Domain names as part of user names/mailboxes/etc?

2002-11-26 Thread Jeremy Rumpf

 But imapd, by default, uses dots as separators.  So I can't just do:

  createmailbox [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 because that ends up looking like mailbox jay@jay with sub-mailbox fm.  And
 I can't just:

  createmailbox jay

 because I must authenticate as [EMAIL PROTECTED] and not just jay.

 I realize that I could use unixhierarchysep, and I probably will end up
 doing so anyway, but I suspect that there is a simpler answer I'm not
 seeing.  I've tried setting

unixhierarchysep is your answer for the mailbox question. Enable that and then 

createmailbox [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As far as sasl, it usually sets the default realm to the hostname of the 
machine it's running on. So [EMAIL PROTECTED] probably get's authenticated as 

So when you create the user in sasldb:

saslpasswd2 -c [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

and it will fill in the realm with If cyrus is running on 
the same machine, it should default the realm to be as 

sasldblistusers2 should give you something like:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] userPassword
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: cmusaslsecretOTP



Re: Cyrus IMAPd 2.1.10 Released

2002-11-15 Thread Jeremy Rumpf
On Thursday 14 November 2002 14:43 pm, Scott Russell wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 02:35:02PM -0500, Lawrence Greenfield wrote:
 Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 10:56:07 -0500
 From: Scott Russell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sooo... any reason why the docs aren't sgml and then built for text,
 html, ps, etc? Think of this as less of a request and more of 'would
 CMU be interested' type question. :)
  No objections, but it's one of those things of is it worth creating
  more dependencies versus the current very simple htmlstrip and html
  At one point I converted some of the files to XHTML and that process
  will probably continue slowly. If someone has a good idea of how to
  make the documentation easier to deal with, we're all for it.

 I'm not sure it would be easier. It's question of maintaining sgml
 docbook sources vs xhtml/html sources. The theoretical advantage is
 that the sgml/docbook tools are plentiful and easily exported to other

 It might also be a good motivation for me to get learning docbook/sgml :)

Last night I had some spare time, so I docbookafied a chapter in the CMU doc 
directory. Admittedly, I didn't spend much time on it and didn't use some of 
the more intricate features of docbook, but I thought it would be something 
as an example. The content is taken verbatim from the install-compile text 
file. A pdf generated output (from the docbook2pdf tool in RH 7.3) can be 
viewed here:

The docbook source can be grabbed from here:


Re: cyrus-sasl-2.1.x compile under redehat8.0

2002-11-10 Thread Jeremy Rumpf
On Sunday 10 November 2002 07:08 pm, aa wrote:

 I have to install cyrus-sasl-2.1.7/9 on my redhat 8.0

 But default is installed cyrus-sasl-2.1.7 with rpm's
 i can not removed the rpm's to much dependence.

 if i compile cyrus-sasl-2.1.9 on that system the makefile installed all
 under /usr/local/lib/sasl2 (normal) but i need sometimes a symlink to
 on /usr/lib/sasl2 is installed my cyrus-sasl-rpm's

 Please, could any say what i have to do ?

 I need cyrus-sasl and cyrus-imapd-2.1.x with authmethod pam (plain)
 I would use cyrus with lookup-tables in Mysql-db over pam

 thank's a lot for any Informations and help's

 Best wishes


You should be able to compile cyrus-sasl-2.1.9 over the redhat RPM and have it 
work. Or you could try removing the RPM compile/install 2.1.9 and if it 
doesn't work, reinstall the 2.1.7 RPM. I believe the redhat RPM is compiled 
with something equivalent to --prefix=/usr (you can verify with the SRPM).

The other option, would be to leave 2.1.9 installed into /usr/local/lib and 
modify your startup scripts in init.d to do this before you launch any of the 

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 

That will cause the linker to look in /usr/local/lib _before_ /usr/lib and 
should find the 2.1.9 libraries before the 2.1.7 libraries.

When you symlink /usr/lib/sasl2 to /usr/local/lib/sasl2 above, what you're 
actually doing is using the sasl 2.1.7 library with the sasl 2.1.9 modules. 
Your 2.1.7 library is /usr/lib/ and its modules are in 
/usr/lib/sasl2. As well, your 2.1.9 library is /usr/local/lib/ and 
its modules are in /usr/local/lib/sasl2. There will also be further issues 
with saslauthd.

I wouldn't really keep two copies around, especially since you'll be using a 
common auth method (ie pam), but the choice is yours. You can experiement 
with each, but make a backup first :).

Something like this should compile you a package like redhat's with what you 
want, but I can't guarantee it since I haven't personally done it.

./configure --enable-static --with-pic --enable-shared --disable-java
  --with-plugindir=/usr/lib/sasl2 --disable-krb4 --enable-gssapi=/usr/kerberos
  --with-rc4 --with-dblib=berkeley --with-saslauthd=/var/run/saslauthd
  --without-pwcheck --enable-anon --enable-cram --enable-digest
  --enable-plain --enable-login --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --with-pam


Re: posting troubles

2002-10-09 Thread Jeremy Rumpf

 Any suggestions on the second part of my question - is there a utility to
  take the qpopper mail file and feed it to cyrus so the mail ends up in the
  cyrus mailbox system ?



Re: how many users can Cyrus server support? -- is 5.5 msg/sec sl ow?

2002-09-27 Thread Jeremy Rumpf

 Do you really think that
 you run into performance problems with 25 msg/sec ? Do you _really_
 think that 25 msg/sec is so bad ? 25 msg/sec times 60 are 1500 msg/min
 times 60 are 9 msg/hour times 24 are 216 msg/day ! Do you really
 think that your machine will have to handle over 2 million messages
 _every_ day  ? Isn't that 2 million message think more a peak value on
 high load situations than the approximately everyday situation ?

At peak loads, not really. The MTA front ends on the system I work on route 
about 1.5 million messages a day. More specific, one backend server (Sun 
E4000), with 70k users, accepts approx 10-20 messages per second with 30 or 
so POP attempts per second (Qpopper, no IMAP yet). This all at peak times 
between 10AM and 2 or 3PM. 

I agree that Su isn't seeing the performance he should be getting, but I also 
see where he would _need_ this performance. Other alternatives for Su are out 
there, such as clustering IMAP back ends using either Perdition or the Murder system.

His use of Linux should not be a major issue.

Re: how many users can Cyrus server support? -- is 5.5 msg/sec sl ow?

2002-09-27 Thread Jeremy Rumpf

On Thursday 26 September 2002 23:37 pm, Su Li wrote:
 Oh man! you really did a lot to improve the the performance.

 I will for sure need to look into lmtpd temp file. So far I don't think
 Sendmail is a bottle neck, may be later it will be.

 RAID 5 is the slowest one, if I didn't remember wrong. I am using RAID 0,
 with no protection at all. I think your idea of mount a temp file system is
 good. But I not sure how to do that on Linux.

 Thank you so much for your help.

 If I can come up with some thing new, I 'll share with every body in the
 mailing list too.


RAID 0 will be faster than RAID 5. No parity, equal sriping across the drives. 
Best perfomance with protection would be RAID 0+1.

As for tmpfs on Linux, good tutorial/article:


Re: relaying with cyrus-imap

2002-09-27 Thread Jeremy Rumpf

On Friday 27 September 2002 15:05 pm, Jens wrote:
 I am still working on my first install of cyrus on my Debian box and I am
 trying to get all the little wrinkles sorted out.

 I was under the impression that once I set up a valid login authorization
 (I am using auxprop/sasldb), a user could log in and both send and receive
 email. The receiving part works great but when trying to send, postfix
 denies relaying. Could somebody point into the right direction as to what I
 have to do to allow a user that has authenticated to relay ? I realize that
 this is probably a postfix question but I am trying to use it with cyrus :)

 Another curious thing - I keep getting kerberos4 error messages in my
 auth.log file. It complains about no /etc/srvtab file  and that
 sasl_plugin_load failed for kerberos4. Since I am running debian, I use the
 package as provided and don't do any compilation or what not - is there any
 way of telling the system that I do not use kerberos4 ? Everything seems to
 run fine so this isn't a show stopper but it's a loose end I would like to


Add/update these lines in /etc/postfix/ (or whereever it's stashed)

smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, permit_auth_destination, 
permit_sasl_authenticated, reject

Those last two are one line. No idea about the krb4 messages.
