
2002-03-25 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Good Morning,

Any one using the cyrus-graphtools.1.0  in 2.1.1?



Websieve SSL

2002-02-21 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Hi Folks!

I am having a hard time getting Websieve to play nice with SSL.
Any one have experience with this combination?
Websieve seems happy vanilla, but is choking on the SSL part.

 have a Sun Solaris 8 server with :

 perl, v5.6.1 built for sun4-solaris

My SSL works on my regular server, with Websieve I have these websieve.conf:

# default system ports of timsieved/imapd daemons
#your mail domain
$maildomain='' ;

#use SSL for server connections
#requires IO::Socket::SSL, Net::SSLeay, OpenSSL


The behavior is I get to the login screen okay enter everything and it hangs. Before I 
changed the
websieve.conf imapport I would get an error the it could not connect.

Any ideas where I did something wrong?

Thank you for your time!


RE: Sieve woes, but closer maybe? + SHAMELESS BRIBE

2002-02-21 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Hi Mike,

I can relate to your despair, no pizza need apply if this helps.

1. have you tried WebSieve? Has a lot more out of the box preconfigured treats in it.
2.  Did you compile cyrus with sieve support disabled accidentally?
3. do you have a straight up mail.log not just imap.log? a mail.debug line in 
syslog.conf helps enormously for this.

-Original Message-
From:   Mike Grommet [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, February 21, 2002 2:26 AM
Subject:Sieve woes, but closer maybe? + SHAMELESS BRIBE

I'm really at the end of my rope here, so, I'm
offering free pizza to the person who can figure out my pain and make it all

I'll order a large pizza with the toppings of your choice, from the delivery
place of your choosing, and have it delivered to you at home / offfice /
wherever :)
I'm completely serious here :)  Who says theres no such thing as a free
lunch (Ok, I believe it was Heinlien)?

Ok, I'm really stumped when it comes to sieve configuration with sendmail...

I can telnet to the sieve port just fine.  Cyrus seems to perform just
dandy.  Sieve scritps are happily
being placed into /usr/sieve/whatever

Is there other information I can supply?  I'm seeing really weird behavior
from 2 different sieve scripts, a reject script and a vacation script

I found this reject examle script in the ether...  Its getting on the
server, and is activated.

require "fileinto";
require "reject";
if header :contains "Subject" "Shockwave"
 {reject "Possible virus? Check your system!";}

my imap log looks like this:
Feb 21 01:29:26 sammonsmail master[13201]: about to exec
Feb 21 01:29:26 sammonsmail service-lmtpunix[13201]: executed
Feb 21 01:29:26 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: accepted connection
Feb 21 01:29:26 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: lmtp connection preauth'd as
Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail master[13206]: about to exec
Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail service-lmtpunix[13206]: executed
Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: accepted connection
Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: lmtp connection preauth'd as
Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail lmtpd[13206]: accepted connection
Feb 21 01:29:27 sammonsmail lmtpd[13206]: lmtp connection preauth'd as
Feb 21 01:29:28 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: accepted connection
Feb 21 01:29:28 sammonsmail lmtpd[13201]: lmtp connection preauth'd as

My mail log looks like this when one of these messges goes in::
Feb 21 01:40:35 sammonsmail sendmail[13277]: g1L6eYUG013277: from=,
size=632, class=0, nrcpts=1,
msgid=<013f01c1baa5$021b5380$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA, []
Feb 21 01:40:35 sammonsmail sendmail[13280]: g1L6eYUG013277: to=,
delay=00:00:01, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=cyrus, pri=30625, dsn=2.0.0,

And thats it... no vacation message is ever sent, and nothing odd is showing
up in my imap log.

The reject script doesnt reject... the mail is sent right on through...

# standard standalone server implementation

  # do not delete these entries!
  mboxlist  cmd="ctl_mboxlist -r"
  deliver   cmd="ctl_deliver -r"

  # this is only necessary if using idled for IMAP IDLE
#  idledcmd="idled"

# UNIX sockets start with a slash and are put into /var/imap/socket
  # add or remove based on preferences
  imap  cmd="imapd" listen="imap" prefork=0
  imaps cmd="imapd -s" listen="imaps" prefork=0
  pop3  cmd="pop3d" listen="pop3" prefork=0
  pop3s cmd="pop3d -s" listen="pop3s" prefork=0
  sieve cmd="timsieved" listen="sieve" prefork=0

  # at least one LMTP is required for delivery
#  lmtp cmd="lmtpd" listen="lmtp" prefork=0
  lmtpunix  cmd="lmtpd" listen="/var/imap/socket/lmtp" prefork=0

  # this is required
  checkpointcmd="ctl_mboxlist -c" period=30

  # this is only necessary if using duplicate delivery suppression
  delprune  cmd="ctl_deliver -E 3" period=1440

Relevant contents

define(`CYRUS_MAILER_FLAGS', `A5@/:|SmXz')dnl
define(`CYRUS_MAILER_ARGS', `deliver -l -e')
define(`CYRUS_BB_MAILER_ARGS',`deliver -l -e -m $u')dnl


R$=N$: $#local $: $1
R$=N < @ $=w . >$: $#local $: $1
Rbb + $+ < @ $=w . >$#cyrusbb $: $1

Which gets translated to these .cf contents:

RE: rebuilding mailboxes.db

2002-02-13 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Are you running it as the user cyrus?

I had a similar problem pre 2.0.16 and had to re install cyrus(upgraded to 2.0.16).
Took about 10 mintues and worked great after that.
reconstruct -f worked sweet.


-Original Message-
From:   Bernard Frit [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, February 12, 2002 9:48 PM
To: Info-Cyrus (E-mail)
Subject:rebuilding mailboxes.db

I'm running a 2.0.16 cyrus-imapd and after a filesystem
corruption, I'm not able to rebuild mailboxes.db.

After executing reconstruct I got a blank mailboxes.db without
any reference to existing mailboxes in /var/spool/imap

When trying to exec reconstruct -m I got
reconstructing mailboxes.db currently not supported

Any help appreciated
Bernard FRIT

Mailing list software

2002-02-12 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Afternoon folks,

I'm curious to know what mailing list cyrus admins like.
I have a solaris server w/sendmail/cyrus.

I was going to stick Majordomo on it,(In fact it is installed).
However grumbling from the users seems to indicate they'd like something more 

Any ideas?

Looked at Mailman, saw it didn't really like sendmail.
Am looking at LISTSERV.

Big issues are stripping attachments,(want to), limiting resend tries.



RE: not receiving email

2002-02-04 Thread Kiarna Boyd


On my Solaris servers I test mail without involving the ISP side.

I use the mail or mail utilities to generate an email that the server 
should just send to itself.
Then I watch to see if the server responds and collects it, or gives an 
So workflow,  mail out to just the server, then does the sendmail accept 
it? Does it go into the mqueue? Does it go to /var/spool/imap/user/username 
mail box?

Also do you have mail.log and imapd.log to read?

server thoth user cyrus

mailx -v cyrus@thoth
subject: test1

>Control D<(sends it)

Then I watch to see if the server responds and collects it, or gives an 

thoth#cyrus... Connecting to localhost via relay...
220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.12.2/8.12.2; Mon, 4 Feb 2002 
12:17:38 -0500 (EST)
>>> EHLO Hello localhost [], pleased to meet you
250 HELP
250 2.1.0 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Sender ok
>>> DATA
250 2.1.5 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Recipient ok
354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
>>> .
250 2.0.0 g14HHcWK009320 Message accepted for delivery
cyrus... Sent (g14HHcWK009320 Message accepted for delivery)
Closing connection to localhost
>>> QUIT
221 2.0.0 closing connection

-Original Message-
From:   Steven M Bloomfield [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Monday, February 04, 2002 11:55 AM
Subject:not receiving email

I'm having big problems getting cyrus to receive emails.
My configuration is
Redhat 7.1
Cyrus 2.0.13
Sendmail 8

Cyrus looks like it's working correctly, I can login, authentication works
ok etc.
I can telnet to Cyrus imap and pop3 ports.
I have used Squirrelmail to create an additional folder which appears ok.
I can use squirrelmail to send mail outwards, but if i reply cyrus doesn't
recieve any e-mail.
it's not even there when i telnet into pop3 and look for it.
If I try sending to myself, that doesn't work either.  I have checked with
my ISP that the MX records are set, everything seems fine.

I have tried removing cyrus and installing off an RPM, I still get the 

Can anyone help me please?  All I can think is that there is something 
with permissions and e-mail isn't being stored?


Steven M Bloomfield
Webmaster, Virtual Manchester
0161 228 6155

RE: imapd hungs

2002-01-30 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Hi Enric,

I'm curious what tool you are using to test the imapd?

-Original Message-
From:   Enric Ramos [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, January 30, 2002 8:17 AM
Subject:imapd hungs


I'm testing cyrus 2.0.15 (apllying it a mail stress tool) and imapd
process hungs...
It hangs always when the server has between 145 and 155 imapd
When I say "hungs" I mean that, for instance, if I make a connection to
port 143, the imapd process doesn't responds properly...

[root@cyrus2 bin]# telnet localhost 143
Connected to cyrus2.
Escape character is '^]'

In this situation the server has a lot of memory available, has no
uptime and it seems that is doing "nothing"...
If the stress is not very hihgh... the cyrus works perfectly...

I have configured the imapd process in order to server until 500 childs
with the maxchild directive..

cyrus.conf looks like this:

# standard standalone server implementation

  # do not delete these entries!
  mboxlist  cmd="ctl_mboxlist -r"
  deliver   cmd="ctl_deliver -r"

  # this is only necessary if using idled for IMAP IDLE
#  idledcmd="idled"

# UNIX sockets start with a slash and are put into /var/imap/sockets
  # add or remove based on preferences
  imap  cmd="imapd" listen="imap" prefork=20 maxchild=500 
  # imaps   cmd="imapd -s" listen="imaps" prefork=1
  pop3  cmd="pop3d" listen="pop3" prefork=10 maxchild=50
  # pop3s   cmd="pop3d -s" listen="pop3s" prefork=1
  sieve cmd="timsieved" listen="sieve" prefork=0

  # at least one LMTP is required for delivery
#  lmtp cmd="lmtpd" listen="lmtp" prefork=0
  lmtpunix  cmd="lmtpd" listen="/var/imap/socket/lmtp" prefork=5

  # this is required
  checkpointcmd="ctl_mboxlist -c" period=30

  # this is only necessary if using duplicate delivery suppression
  delprune  cmd="ctl_deliver -E 3" period=1440

Any iadea ?



PAM Soalris 8

2002-01-21 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Any one have any happy examples of their pam.conf file for solaris 8?
Cyrus/sasl/imap etc...

RE: mailboxes, db or flat

2002-01-17 Thread Kiarna Boyd

I don't think you're paranoid, well, overly.
All my servers are named very carefully, and get their own engineers(a.k.a toy).
My newest cyrus server(thoth) will receive a fabulous lifelike toy donkey if it 
manages to survive a month in production.
Most of my older servers are making due with festive drink umbrellas at the moment.
I never discuss replacing servers  in the server room.


(can you tell I spend too much time at work?)

-Original Message-
From:   Amos Gouaux [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, January 17, 2002 8:04 AM
Subject:Re: mailboxes, db or flat

> On Thu, 17 Jan 2002 12:34:47 +0200 (EET),
> Leena Heino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (lh) writes:

lh> We are consider upgrading Cyrus IMAP from 1.6.25 to 2.1.1. I have some
lh> hesitation of using BerkeleyDB with mailboxes. We currently have around
lh> 32000 lines in the mailboxes file.

I think a bigger concern is the actual load you tend to see.  Before
we upgraded to a post-2.0.16 CVS snapshot back in September of this
year we had just over 64000 lines in our mailboxes file, however
we've been using BDB mailboxes database without serious problems
(*knock on wood*).  This is a Solaris 8 box--recently patched--with
BDB 3.3.11.

(I hate talking about machines, especially those that have been
doing fairly well.  I'm convinced they can hear you.  Just when you
say everything is all peachy, they up and loose a drive, power
supply, memory goes bad, etc, etc.  Now ain't that paranoid!)


2002-01-07 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Good morning Folks,

IS there any one on the list that is willing to do contract support for 

Also what are people using for mailing lists?



server build

2001-12-18 Thread Kiarna Boyd

So after months of planning it and hassling all of you fine generous folks 
for insight,
(I'm spending x-mas implementing it)
I'm a little nervous to be truthful as I have a tiny window to get it to 
work right.

So far:
Sun E220R (2- 450 mhz) 2 gig RAM 1-36  gig drive  1- 36 gig miror
Solaris 2.7
80 gig RAID (will be mounted /var/spool/imap)

Planned software:

Sendmail 8.12.1
Cyrus 2.16
Silkymail 1.1.2
sleepycat 4.0.14

I am biting my nails over Sieve(okay I am a big chicken)
Also all those folks who suggested Postfix, I heard you and appreciated 
your insight, but it was an internal head count of who knows Sendmail. (i'm 
in an edu, can you tell?)

I tried to hook up with CyrusSoft so that I won't drive you all nuts with 
my questions.

Please wish me luck and send me any last minute suggests to change the 

I'm still on the fence about the Sieve.I'll probably do it, but I 
am nervous!

Thank you so much!
 This is the most helpful list I have every been on.

Enjoy your holidays!



2001-12-17 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Good Morning folks!

Does anyone recommend where to get support for cyrus/silkymail?
My company is interseted in having a vendor contract to support a core system. 
Something about me taking vacations. ;)


p.s I tried contacting cyrusoft a bunch of times but nobody got back to me.

RE: Mail forwarding without '.forward'

2001-12-10 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Can you point me at some good sieve documentation to go with my cyrus upgrade?
( I have
Any other favs.

-Original Message-
From:   John Wade [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Sunday, December 09, 2001 11:42 PM
To: LF
Subject:Re: Mail forwarding without '.forward'

The easiest way to do this is with sieve.  (Built in to cyrus 2.X) 
 Users can access a simple tool like easysieve from a web browser to set 
the forwarding address.Also supports fancier features like vacation 
autoreplies, etc.  

Hope this helps,
John Wade

LF wrote:

>I would appreciate some advise here.
>I was trying to migrate from qmail to cyrus imap (with postfix) when I
>encounter this problem. If users request for the auto-forwarding feature
>(".forward" supported by postfix), does cyrus imap server support
>mail forwarding? I don't wanna use ".forward" feature offered by postfix
>because that will mean I have to create system accounts
>instead of cyrus-sasl accounts.
> Please help.
>Million thks!

RE: where do full mailboxes send messages

2001-11-26 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Depends what is under the cyrus.
My sendmail queues the message for several days.
It will email me, the postmaster, saying the message could not be delivered.
It will try redelivering it based on what the queue is set to.
Does that help?


-Original Message-
From:   Andreas Freyvogel [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Monday, November 26, 2001 1:14 PM
Subject:where do full mailboxes send messages

Good Day all!

I have a quick question: if a users mailbox is full what does the system do
with that message? As far as I am able to see it does not send a response to
the sender saying it cannot be delivered, but it does not keep it either.

Thank you in advance for any assistance or thoughts.


install Docs

2001-11-26 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Good Morning!

I hope every one had a good Thanks Giving

I am trying to gather cyrus docs, listed below are the ones I know of and use.
If anyone has other favorites, could you please email them to me?


RE: moving cyrus to another server

2001-11-15 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Hi John!

I would be grateful if you posted the steps!


-Original Message-
From:   John Wade [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:58 AM
Subject:Re: moving cyrus to another server

Hi Vincent,

When we migrated two servers from Cyrus 1.5.x to Cyrus 2.0.16 on new hardware
we just shutdown cyrus and the MTA and used nfs to copy the 35GB of files.
I movied everything in:  /var/spool/imap, var/imap/user, /var/imap/quota and
the /var/imap/mailboxes file.   As a previous post indicated,  you may have
to do a ctl_mboxlist dump and import if you are using the 2.0.x berkeley db
and if you are using sieve, you will have to grab the sieve files.   The only
other cleanup I had to do was to fix file ownership, which was my own fault
for not using the same uid for the cyrus user on both boxes.  Since we use
external authenticatio via LDAP,  I did not have to worry about moving that.

Of course, since it was an upgrade we did a lot of other things in the move
including hashing the user and quota directories, reditributing our users in
a new partition structure and fixing the delete permissions for the admin
user in the mailboxes database.

If anyone is interested in the full set of steps, I could post it to the

John Wade

> > Hello,
> > Next week I will be moving to another ISP. Is there
> > a way to migrate my cyrus imap mailboxes to the new
> > server in a painless manner?
> > Thanks

RE: moving cyrus to another server

2001-11-15 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Hi Guys!

I have to replace my mail server over the next few weeks. Are you thinking 
about imapxfer because the new server is controlled by your new ISP?
I am curious because I was going to use a glorified tar command to 
copy/move my mailboxes

-Original Message-
From:   Emiliano [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, November 15, 2001 12:41 AM
Subject:Re: moving cyrus to another server

Hiya Vincent,

> Next week I will be moving to another ISP. Is there
> a way to migrate my cyrus imap mailboxes to the new
> server in a painless manner?

I've had some success with imapxfer (the not-so-success part was
probably a conflict between courier and cyrus -- don't get ne started on
courier). I have a version here that doesn't require you to login three
times per folder (bah), it's yours if you want it. Needs c-client and
dotconf to compile.


RE: upgrade help

2001-11-09 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Thanks Amos!

I think I am going to go with Michael's suggested U60 w/2 450 MHz and 2 Gig memory. Or 
The E220R seems a bit excessive for us right now. I have 1000 users about 50 % imap.
I will slap external RAID for 80 gig  space growth on it 

I think I have to use the E220r for its intend purpose..sigh...
(How many production servers can one girl rebuild in a month?)

Thanks for the /usr/sbin/nscd -g from it I have:
98% passwd cache hit rate
50 %  group cache hit rate
60 % hosts cache hit rate

What is ideal?

I really appreciate everyone's help.
This list is soo useful!


-Original Message-
From:   Amos Gouaux [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Friday, November 09, 2001 10:06 AM
Subject:Re: upgrade help

>>>>> On Fri, 9 Nov 2001 08:29:53 -0500,
>>>>> Kiarna Boyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (kb) writes:

kb> I have a E220 R my predessesor bought sitting in a box, I have
kb> to dig it out and see what it has for 

Oh gee, if you've got that, crack open the box.  I would imagine
that would be sufficient, even if it only had one processor.  You
just might need to get an external array for storage since this only
holds two disks.

kb> Memory and disks. What do you suggest for nscd settings?
kb> Using top

nscd?  For your install base I'd be somewhat surprised that you'd
have to alter nscd all that much.  You could raise the passwd entry
by some prime number.  On our E250 looks like I've got:

   suggested-size  passwd  701

Just run this command periodically to see how you're doing:

 /usr/sbin/nscd -g

If the hit rate isn't so swell, try bumping up the suggested-size.

Oh, on a more personally note, I've seen some spooky things with
some of the Solaris 7 patches, particularly the kernel and libthread
patches.  While I know many folks are using this release, personally
I have a bit more faith with Solaris 8

And I guess while I'm at it, my first inclination would be to move
Sendmail to a different host, then wire (reverse-pair) a direct
connection between the hosts.  Both MTA work and Cyrus are heavy I/O
hogs and running them separately has worked well for us (though we
happen to be using Postfix, but all MTA are going to suck I/O.)

Hell, if you did that, you might even be able to get by with a Netra
T1 AC200 for the Sendmail host.  Unlike the X1, this box uses SCSI
drives and has at least 1 PCI slot.  The EDU price on this is pretty

Then again, your numbers indicated you were more CPU bound than I/O
bound, so maybe this would just be overkill.


RE: upgrade help

2001-11-09 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Good Morning Michael,

I really appreciate your help.
I just inherited this system and am trying to figure it out.

All I can say about the mailstats is 'Doh!'.
I reintialized the mailstats file this AM.
Hopefully that will pick up some actually useful information.

I have a E220 R my predessesor bought sitting in a box, I have to dig it out and see 
what it has for
Memory and disks. What do you suggest for nscd settings?
Using top

last pid: 22925;  load averages:  1.95,  2.40,  4.20   08:20:51
81 processes:  76 sleeping, 4 running, 1 on cpu
CPU states:  2.2% idle, 68.4% user, 29.4% kernel,  0.0% iowait,  0.0% swap
Memory: 384M real, 54M free, 134M swap in use, 378M swap free

22777 root   1  310 3056K 2824K run 0:07 14.87% sendmail
22559 root   1  220 2880K 2528K run 0:02  6.85% sendmail
22787 cyrus  1  580   17M 3312K sleep   0:02  4.83% lmtpd
22783 cyrus  1  580   17M 3424K sleep   0:02  3.65% lmtpd
22840 cyrus  1  480   17M 3288K sleep   0:00  2.90% lmtpd
22276 cyrus  1  530   17M 3344K sleep   0:03  2.73% lmtpd
22887 root   1  320 2824K 2448K run 0:00  2.15% sendmail
21999 root   1  120 3224K 2904K sleep   0:08  1.65% sendmail
22871 cyrus  1  580   17M 3304K sleep   0:00  1.25% lmtpd
22679 cyrus  1  580   17M 3312K sleep   0:01  1.14% lmtpd
22904 cyrus  1  280   17M 3264K run 0:00  1.02% lmtpd
22921 cyrus  1  330 2440K 1544K sleep   0:00  0.95% deliver
22668 root   1  110 2912K 2568K sleep   0:03  0.88% sendmail
22849 root   1  580 1776K 1464K cpu 0:00  0.65% top-3.5b8-sun4u
  196 root  14  520 4984K 1792K sleep   6:09  0.61% syslogd

Your statistics from dec 14 aren't all that usefull unfortunately ;^(
We have slightly more users than you though only about 1000 are active 
users with about 700 logged in during the day (and night for that matter, 
many never log out). We have a U450 with 2 400MHz procesors and 2GB of 
memory and it sleeps most of the time. I would suggest an U220R/U60 or a 
U450 if you have one lying around, probably one processor will be enough 
but you need much more memory. You may be able to continue with your U5 if 
you increase your memory and improve your disk system e.g. with an SRC/P. 
The ide disks are a bit slow, particularly the older 4GB disks, replace 
them if you can and move swap to a fast disk. You can also improve 
performance by changing the nscd settings, they are probably TOO low, 
particularly the negative cache times. I would also suggest installing top 
so that you can see who is using that 70%.

This space intentionally left non-blank.

upgrade help

2001-11-08 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Hey guys!

I am still tuning my server Solaris 2.7 Sendmail 8 cyrus 2.0.16

Looks like I just need bigger server.
I changed the config to look locally for .forwards rather than $Home/.forward. My cpu 
is still at 100% use.
I am seeing 70% user  21% kernel  0.0% io 0.0% swap

lmtpd,sendmail,deliver,  are all the big users

The box is Ultra 5 1 400Mhz 384 Megabytes memory.

What would be big enough to support 2000 users of imap & large files?
Here's my mailstats:

Statistics from Thu Dec 14 14:33:33 2000
 M   msgsfr  bytes_from   msgstobytes_to  msgsrej msgsdis  Mailer
 00  0K 3040  52104K0   0  prog
 10  0K   14188K0   0  *file*
 5   827592   23007462K   587625   18078469K15102   0  esmtp
 9   324507   12682365K   841128   15233311K24745   0  cyrus
 T  1152099   35689827K  1431807   33364072K39847   0
 C  1152099  143180739847



denying a user

2001-10-29 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Good afternoon!

I have Solaris 2.7 running cyrus 2.0.16 on Sendmail 8.

I am looking for a quick way to deny a user from sending mail through the server.
We have a few nimda people left and even though I have a virus filter running I want 
to block the users from sending any mail.

Any suggestions?


RE: forwarding

2001-10-24 Thread Kiarna Boyd


-Original Message-
From:   Jules Agee [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, October 23, 2001 7:11 PM
To: info-cyrus
Subject:Re: forwarding

Sieve scripts?

Kiarna Boyd wrote:

>I have 2.0.16 and sendmail 8 on Solaris 7.
>I am looking for a graceful solution for .forwards.
>Anyone have a better solution than the traditional home dir .forward?

Jules Agee
System Administrator
Pacific Coast Feather Co.

Private communication between citizens is necessary to ensure the
continued preservation of freedom. For more information, see:

My public encryption key is available here:


2001-10-23 Thread Kiarna Boyd

I have 2.0.16 and sendmail 8 on Solaris 7.

I am looking for a graceful solution for .forwards.
Anyone have a better solution than the traditional home dir .forward?



RE: copying whole folder trees from one server to another

2001-10-23 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Hi Darrell!
On unix I use tar commands and rsh/ssh.
On the same server you can leave off the rsh bit. I like ssh myself. Make sure you can 
rsh/ssh first!
Also this is a very intense command it will overwrite files.

cd to the directory you wish to copy


tar cvfp - .| rsh server;(cd /var/spool/imap;tar xvfp -)

or on same server

cd /var/spool/imap/user/kboyd

tar cvfp - .|(cd /backup/imap/user/kboyd; tar xvfp -)

I use this to copy gigs of data.

Hope it helps!

-Original Message-
From:   darrell berry [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, October 23, 2001 10:59 AM
Subject:copying whole folder trees from one server to another


i asked a while back about migration tools which could copy whole user
folder trees form one imap server to another, and had no repsonse...has
anyone used such a tool? i've tried imapcopy, which is fone, but only does
inbox, not subfolders thereof...

all help very much appreciated!


Strange through put.

2001-10-23 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Good Morning!

I have a Solaris 7 Ultra 5 w/384 Megabytes running cyrus 2.0.16 on top of 
sendmail 8.

My server has a 100 base ether card and on full duplex running on a 100 
base port. ( I checked it with ndd -get)

Okay the strange thing is that we are now using a network performance 
monitor and I am seeing the server crunched at about 11 meg through put!
10m is average 11m  spikes. The only thing on this server is the mail. The 
CPU is currently hanging at around 30 % idle.

Any ideas?

Thank you Thank you!


RE: perl script for adding users

2001-10-04 Thread Kiarna Boyd

I inherited an excellent script that works wonderfully.Thank you Joe Balsama!
I have replaced the site specifics with generic cyrususer and 
I use this script to add and delete user mailboxes.
It queries the server for the user via NIS ypmatch.

I shall paste it here as I do not know if the list takes attachments?



my $list = '';
my $arg = '';
my $username = '';
my $command = '';

$login_info =
  "eval cyradm connect cyr_conn\n" .
  "eval cyr_conn authenticate -pwcommand {{\n" .
  "   set hostname \"\"\n" .
  "   set adminid \"cyrususer\"\n" .
  "   set adminpw \"password\"\n" .
  "   list \$adminid \$adminpw\n" .
  "   }}\n\n";

$usage =
  "\nmailboxes [ADD|DEL] [-f FILE] [-u USERNAME]\n" .
  "creates new mailboxes on\n";

unless (@ARGV) {die "$usage\n"; }
unless (( $ARGV[0] eq 'ADD' ) || ( $ARGV[0] eq 'DEL' )) {die "$usage\n"; }

my $command = $ARGV[0];

while (<@ARGV>)
if ($ARGV[0] eq '-f')
  $list = "1";
  open LIST, @ARGV[1] || die "Can't open LIST\n$usage";
if ($ARGV[0] eq '-u')
  $username = @ARGV[1] || die "No username provided\n$usage";
  $arg = "1";

if (( $list eq '1' ) && ( $command eq 'ADD' ))
  while () 
if ( -f "make.cyr.boxes" ) { unlink "make.cyr.boxes"; }
umask 0077;
open CMDS, ">>make.cyr.boxes" || die "Can't open CMDS for writing\n";
print CMDS $login_info;
$user = $_;
chomp $user;
$user =~ s/^(\w+):.+$/$1/;
if ( system("ypmatch $user passwd") eq '0' ) 
   # (^ if uid actually exists)
   print CMDS "puts \"\\ncreate inbox for user " . $user . "\\n\"\n";
   print CMDS "cyr_conn createmailbox user." . $user . "\n";
   print CMDS "puts \"\\nset quota for " . $user . " 8000k\\n\"\n";
   print CMDS "cyr_conn setquota user." . $user . " storage 8000\n";
   close CMDS;
   system ("/usr/local/sbin/cyradm", "-file", "make.cyr.boxes");
} else {
   print "$user: No such user\n";
   close LIST;
} elsif (( $list eq '1' ) && ( $command eq 'DEL' )) {
die "\$list = $list  :  Cannot $command from a file (too unsafe)\n$usage";

if ($arg) 
if ( -f "make.cyr.boxes" ) { unlink "make.cyr.boxes"; }
umask 0077;
open CMDS, ">>make.cyr.boxes" || die "Can't open CMDS for writing\n";
print CMDS $login_info;
$user = $username;
chomp $user;
$user =~ s/^(\w+):.+$/$1/;
if ( system("ypmatch $user passwd") eq '0' ) 
   # (^ if uid actually exists)
   if ( $command eq 'ADD' )
print CMDS "puts \"\\ncreate inbox for user " . $user . "\\n\"\n";
print CMDS "cyr_conn createmailbox user." . $user . "\n";
print CMDS "puts \"\\nset quota for " . $user . " 8000k\\n\"\n";
print CMDS "cyr_conn setquota user." . $user . " storage 8000\n";
   } elsif ( $command eq 'DEL' ) {
print CMDS "puts \"\\ndelete inbox for user " . $user . "\\n\"\n";
print CMDS "cyr_conn setaclmailbox user." . $user . " cyrus all\n";
print CMDS "cyr_conn deletemailbox user." . $user . "\n";
   } else { 
die "Invalid command: $command\n"; 

close CMDS;
   system ("/usr/local/sbin/cyradm", "-file", "make.cyr.boxes");
} else {
   print "$user: No such user\n";


-Original Message-
From:   Daniel Schwager [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, October 04, 2001 2:02 AM
To: Vincent Stoessel
Subject:Re: perl script for adding users

Vincent Stoessel wrote:
> Anyone have a sample perl script for adding new users for
> cyrus?

.. and anyone habe a sample perl script for changing user-permissions
   recursive ??




DT Netsolution GmbH -  Talaeckerstr. 30 -  D-70437 Stuttgart
Tel: +49-711-5505915-0   Fax: +49-711-5505915-12

RE: New server

2001-10-04 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Thank you!
I hadn't heard that postfix was more efficiant than sendmail. I shall have to look 
into it.
Was the migration form sendmail to postfix difficult?
I greatly appreciate your input!


p.s I very much enjoyed your sig file.

-Original Message-
From:   Nick Simicich [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, October 03, 2001 7:18 PM
To: Info-Cyrus (E-mail)
Subject:RE: New server

At 02:25 PM 10/3/2001 -0400, Kiarna Boyd wrote:
>Yes you are right if that is a base performance.
>I have 2.0.16 currently for cyrus. Sendmail 8.22.
>Is there specific  tuning I need to do?
>Are there FAQ's available?

I was running sendmail on a P-100 which primarily served as a mailing list 
host.  I was sending out about 140,000 pieces of mail a week, and it was 
slamming the poor P-100.  My average queue delay was about 1 hour 40 
minutes for mail delivered without bounceback.  I am now running postfix, 
still on the same hardware, my average delay in queue is under 10 minutes 
and instead of the delivery process being cpu bound, postfix takes less 
than 10% of the cpu and mail runs i/o bound.  Postfix was essentially a 
drop-in replacement for sendmail, I think I had to change one place where I 
was invoking sendmail because I used an odd option that postfix's sendmail 
compatibility interface did not support.

On a different system, I have postfix and cyrus well integrated.  I am not 
nearly at your load levels on that system, so I can't provide any 
guidance.  But if I were running 42% of my CPU for mail delivery, I would 
look to postfix or another mail system as a way of saving most of that.

>My mail queue is high and I have about 20 imap seesions at peak.
>Nfs auto mounts to user home dirs. Mailboxes are local to the server though.
>I show 7 sendmail processes each at around 6 %.
>Thanks for your help!

War is an ugly thing, but it is not the ugliest of things. The decayed and 
degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is 
worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to 
fight, nothing he cares about more than his own personal safety, is a 
miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made so by the 
exertions of better men than himself. -- John Stuart Mill
Nick Simicich - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: New server

2001-10-03 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Yes you are right if that is a base performance.
I have 2.0.16 currently for cyrus. Sendmail 8.22.

Is there specific  tuning I need to do?
Are there FAQ's available?

My mail queue is high and I have about 20 imap seesions at peak.

Nfs auto mounts to user home dirs. Mailboxes are local to the server though.

I show 7 sendmail processes each at around 6 %.

Thanks for your help!


-Original Message-
From:   Lawrence Greenfield [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, October 03, 2001 2:04 PM
To: Info-Cyrus (E-mail); [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Re: New server

It's much more important that you understand what is causing such a
high load on your system right now.

We support over 5000 concurrent connections on two 450 MHz
UltraSpace-II processors and 2 gigs of memory, and run at peak times
at around a 3 load average.

It's also important to think about I/O channels.

You also didn't mention what version of Cyrus you're running.


   From: Kiarna Boyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2001 08:27:31 -0400
   Organization: GSD

   Good morning folks!

   I want to draw on your collective experience on cyrus servers hardware.
   I currently have a Sun Ultra 10 with a 400Mhz processor and half gig of ram.
   An average of 150+ concurrent users is pegging my CPU at high 90's between kernel 
use and user.
   If I break it down it is the heavy IMAP traffic.

   So I need to spec out a new ideal server.

   I am thinking 2 processor and a full gig of ram.

   However I want to plan on 400+ concurrency just to have some elbow room.
   This is a school so we get a a lot of surprise email traffic.

   Any suggestions?

   I really appreciate you taking the time to help me with this!


New server

2001-10-03 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Good morning folks!

I want to draw on your collective experience on cyrus servers hardware.
I currently have a Sun Ultra 10 with a 400Mhz processor and half gig of ram.
An average of 150+ concurrent users is pegging my CPU at high 90's between kernel use 
and user.
If I break it down it is the heavy IMAP traffic.

So I need to spec out a new ideal server.

I am thinking 2 processor and a full gig of ram.

However I want to plan on 400+ concurrency just to have some elbow room.
This is a school so we get a a lot of surprise email traffic.

Any suggestions?

I really appreciate you taking the time to help me with this!



2001-09-17 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Hi guys,

I am looking for good tuneing docs for 2.0.16. Any one have favorites?



2.0.16 Install trouble shooting 'ar', quota fixed

2001-09-16 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Hi guys!

Just a dinky note to mention my upgrade from 2.0.7 to 2.0.16 went really well.
It did fix my quota issues with quota -f not working. All users now have their quota 
Only snag was I had to add  /usr/ccs/bin to my path to get /usr/ccs/bin/ar to run 
within the make scripts.

Thanks again to all of you who gave me suggestions and advice!


upgrading cyrus verion

2001-09-14 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Good Morning!

To repair my quota woes I have to upgrade my cyrus install.

PLEASE tell me from your experience what version you currently find to be the most 

I am running 2.0.7

I appreciate it!


RE: Problem with deliver [URGENT]

2001-09-13 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Hi Patrick,

I have seen the same behavior on my server.

I did a global mailbox reconstruct and it seemed to go away.

Hope that helps!


-Original Message-
Sent:   Thursday, September 13, 2001 11:46 AM
To: Cyrus Imap mailing List
Subject:Problem with deliver [URGENT]
Importance: High

Please someone can help me with that
3 times i post about this problem and never get any answer :((

i use sendmail Swict 2.1
cyrus 2.0.16
on Solaris 2.6

my syrus mailer specification :

Mcyrus, P=/usr/local/bin/deliver, F=lsDFMnPqAh5@/:|, S=EnvFromL, 
 U=cyrus:cyrus, T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix,
 A=deliver -e -m $h -- $u

Mcyrusbb,   P=/usr/local/bin/deliver, F=lsDFMnPu, S=EnvFromL, 
 U=cyrus:cyrus, T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix,
 A=deliver -e -m $u

sometine (randomly)
no deliver is made to one of my user (random)
when i do a ps -ef |grep deliver
i have :

  cyrus 19672 19671  0 00:03:19 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus 20763 20762  0 10:17:56 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus  9690  9689  0 20:14:56 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus   411   410  0 04:11:46 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus  9874  9873  0 07:47:16 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus 22026 22025  0 10:31:19 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus   406   405  0 04:11:45 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus 14624 14619  0 22:05:45 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus  5614  5613  0 18:42:28 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus   456   455  0 04:12:12 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus 24718 24716  0 11:09:13 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus   435   434  0 04:11:54 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
 root 26057 10426  0 11:26:41 pts/00:00 grep deliver
cyrus 23954 23953  0 10:58:35 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus 22926 22925  0 10:42:55 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus 24751 24750  0 11:09:34 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus   400   399  0 04:11:43 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus   429   428  0 04:11:52 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus 17313 17312  0 09:43:20 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus   447   445  0 04:12:06 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus 21787 21786  0 10:30:18 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus 16114 16113  0 09:30:27 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus 16559 16558  0 09:35:29 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus   423   422  0 04:11:48 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  --  toto 
  cyrus   452   451  0 04:12:08 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus 18770 18769  0 09:57:34 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus  6995  6994  0 19:14:27 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus   417   416  0 04:11:47 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto
cyrus 17214 17213  0 09:40:50 ?0:00 deliver -e -m  -- toto

the user cannot receive any mail
each mail sent creat a new entry in the ps
only one user is affected at the same time


Best Regards
__(   /
   |  |  /
   \   | This message is transmitted by   |  \
\  |   100 % recycled electrons   |___\
/  |__(

disk block corruption

2001-09-13 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Good Afternoon!

Have any of you seen cyrus db writes doing anything odd to disk blocks?

I have replaced a drive where the errors where on the cyrus partition.

Might just be coincidence, but this is exactly where my quota db's got corrupted.

Chicken and the egg!

(I am prepping to upgrade the cyrus on the new disk, incase the badness was disk -> 



RE: Quota root problems

2001-09-07 Thread Kiarna Boyd

I have noticed the new accounts do not have a cyrus.seen file in the mailbox.How can I 
force this?
quota -f is broken...

-Original Message-
From:   Kiarna Boyd [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Friday, September 07, 2001 2:10 PM
Subject:Quota root problems

Good Afternoon!

I am having very weird behavior out of my Cyrus 2.0.7 quota.

On user mailboxes that were upgraded, everything seems to be okay. But on mailboxes 
created after, I get the following error:

New Account:
> lq user.mpill
STORAGE 0/8000 (0%)
> setquota user.mpill 9000
> lqr user.mpill

old account:
> lqr user.rsanna
user.rsanna STORAGE 20902/3 (69%)

any suggestions?

Quota root problems

2001-09-07 Thread Kiarna Boyd

Good Afternoon!

I am having very weird behavior out of my Cyrus 2.0.7 quota.

On user mailboxes that were upgraded, everything seems to be okay. But on mailboxes 
created after, I get the following error:

New Account:
> lq user.mpill
STORAGE 0/8000 (0%)
> setquota user.mpill 9000
> lqr user.mpill

old account:
> lqr user.rsanna
user.rsanna STORAGE 20902/3 (69%)

any suggestions?

cyrus quota error

2001-08-31 Thread Kiarna Boyd

I am a newbie Cyrus Admin just inherited a 2.0.7 Cyrus configuration.
My user quotas are not equaling the actual mailboxes. When I try to run as user cyrus 
the quota -f option I receive the following error:

 quota: Internal error: assertion failed: cyrusdb_db3.c: 187: dbinit && fname && ret

I have tried it with imapd and sendmail running, and with them off.

Anyone have a suggestion?

Thank you for your time!

I am armed with only my O'Reilly IMAP book...
