Re: unable to send emails to Yahoo

2003-02-27 Thread Liviu Daia
On 27 February 2003, Andreas Freyvogel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am having a weird situation in the fact that on occasion we are
> unable to send emails to recipients at Yahoo.
> The error we are getting is:
> host[] said: 552
> Put ,E=\r\n at the end of Mether, Mtcp, or Msmtp in if you
> are
> using Solaris 2.5 (fixed in 2.5.1). I cannot accept messages with stray
> newlines.  Many SMTP servers will time out waiting for \r\n.\r\n.
> We are running on RedHat with Cyrus and Postfix. Anyone ideas from
> anyone would be greatly appreciated. The tough thing is that it does
> not happen every time.

This has nothing to do with Cyrus.  Record a faulty SMTP
conversation with tcpdump, like this:

tcpdump -w /file/name -s 2000 host and port 25

then put the resulting file somewhere on the web for reference, and post
the URL, a description of your problem, relevant logs, and the output of
"postconf -n" to the Postfix list.  This is likely to be a pipelining
problem at Yahoo, but you should check with the Postfix list anyway.


Liviu Daia

Dr. Liviu Daia   e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institute of Mathematics web page:
of the Romanian Academy  PGP key:

Re: Why doesn't IMAPd 2.1.1 support libsasl?

2002-01-23 Thread Liviu Daia

On 23 January 2002, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> AFAIK there is some port in work on postfix to use SASL2

Actually, nobody has bothered to actually start working at this yet
AFAIK.  On the contrary, a few people started pondering about moving
Postfix away from SASL for authentication.  The quality of SASL docs is
not exactly an incentive, you know.

> (which may be easier because Wietse won't encourage any SASLx usage
> but leave it as a contrib to postfix).

This is part of a bigger plan to move most of the "dictionary"
back-ends out of Postfix.


Liviu Daia

Dr. Liviu Daia   e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institute of Mathematics web page:
of the Romanian Academy  PGP key:

Re: Mail forwarding without '.forward'

2001-12-09 Thread Liviu Daia

On 9 December 2001, LF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would appreciate some advise here.
> I was trying to migrate from qmail to cyrus imap (with postfix) when
> I encounter this problem. If users request for the auto-forwarding
> feature (".forward" supported by postfix), does cyrus imap server
> support mail forwarding? I don't wanna use ".forward" feature offered
> by postfix because that will mean I have to create system accounts
> instead of cyrus-sasl accounts.

This _is_ a MTA problem.  With Postfix, RTFM about "forward_path" in
"man 8 local" (of course, in order for that to work, you have route your
messages to "local" first).  LDAP routing is another possible approach.


Liviu Daia

Dr. Liviu Daia   e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institute of Mathematics web page:
of the Romanian Academy  PGP key:

Re: formail creates deliver-unreadable format

2001-12-03 Thread Liviu Daia

On 3 December 2001, GOMBAS Gabor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 08:20:07AM +0200, Liviu Daia wrote:
> > (In case you wonder, MH utilities sometimes stick ">From " in the
> > middle of the headers.)
> Then they are broken

No, they aren't. :-) The MH format is not enforced by any RFC (and
neither is Berkeley mbox, BTW).  MH doesn't claim RFC compliance of its
internal format, or compatibility with Cyrus' deliver; it only claims it
can send and receive mail.  It's just that those nasty little creatures
commonly referred to as "users", sometimes want to sully the glittering
purity of our RFCs, by piping unclean MH messages into deliver.  What a
unbelievably disgusting idea, isn't it. :-)

> and should be fixed.

Nope, because:

> But do not try fixing something that is _not_ broken.

On a more serious note, if "fixing something that isn't broken"
triggers your jihad mood, how about seeing it as a little convenience
hack, that makes deliver do what most people seem to expect.
Personally, I don't care either way, because I'm not using either MH or
deliver, but like I said, the current behaviour is an unnecessary PITA.


Liviu Daia

Dr. Liviu Daia   e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institute of Mathematics web page:
of the Romanian Academy  PGP key:

Re: formail creates deliver-unreadable format

2001-12-02 Thread Liviu Daia

On 2 December 2001, Christopher D. Audley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> deliver is correct in reporting the error.  The 'From pilsl' line
> with no colon after the From is how the beginning of a new message is
> marked in an mbox file.  It is not a correct rfc822 header, and as the
> first line in the message, it is not a valid rfc822 message.

True.  However, this behaviour is an unnecessary PITA.  How about an
option for deliver to silently ignore "From " and ">From " lines?  (In
case you wonder, MH utilities sometimes stick ">From " in the middle of
the headers.)


Liviu Daia

Dr. Liviu Daia   e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institute of Mathematics web page:
of the Romanian Academy  PGP key:

Re: procmailrc

2001-10-23 Thread Liviu Daia

On 22 October 2001, Lance Hoffmeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a global procmailrc I created which I execute with fetchmali.
> It works somewhat but all mail seems to go to the Debian folder?
> What do I seem wrong in this?
> PATH=path/mail
> SHELL=/bin/sh
> HOME=path/mail
> DELIVER="/usr/sbin/cyrdeliver"
> SPAM=/dev/null
> :0:lance.lock
> * ^To:|^cc:|Cc:.*debian-user
> | tail +2 | $DELIVER -e -a lance -m Listserv.Debian

This doesn't really make sense, does it?  Procmail regexps are
case-insensitive by default, and "|" has a very low precedence.  Try
something like:

* ^(To|Cc):.*debian-user@
| ...

Better yet, use the predefined macro "^TO_":

* ^TO_debian-user@
    | ...

Better yet, ;-) use the "Sender:" header.


Liviu Daia

> :0:lance.lock
> * ^To:.*strawbale
> | tail +2 | $DELIVER -e -a lance -m Listserv.Strawbale
> :0:lance.lock
> * ^To:.*mutt
> | tail +2 | $DELIVER -e -a lance -m Listserv.muttuser
> :0:lance.lock
> | tail +2 | $DELIVER -e -a lance -m user.lance

Dr. Liviu Daia   e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institute of Mathematics web page:
of the Romanian Academy  PGP key: