Re: IMAP load testing tool?

2004-02-05 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn

--On Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2003 16:56 Uhr -0400 Ken Murchison 

Has anyone found or written a tool to load test an IMAP server (Cyrus in
particular) which simulates client (reader) traffic?
sorry for the late reply, but I don't remember any other answers, so I 
thought you might still be interested. A colleague and I have written a 
very, very rough Perl script that's supposed to do exactly that. I'm not 
sure how good a job of it it does ... anyway, I'm attaching it.

Cheers, Sebastian Hagedorn
Sebastian Hagedorn M.A. - RZKR-R1 (Gebäude 52), Zimmer 18
Zentrum für angewandte Informatik - Universitätsweiter Service RRZK
Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - Tel. +49-221-478-5587#!/usr/bin/perl

package imap;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Term::ReadKey;
use Cyrus::IMAP::Admin;

my ($client, $user, $host, $mech) = (undef, 'cyrus', '', 
my ($file, $rc, $newuser) = ('usernames', undef, undef);
my $quota = 0;
my $pwd = undef;
my @connections = ();
my @connusers = ();
my $commandcount = 0;
my $key;
my $value;
my @userlist;
my $nc;
my $max=10;
my $result;
my $resulttext;
my $debug=0;

GetOptions('host=s' = \$host,
   'user=s' = \$user,
   'mechanism=s' = \$mech,
   'max=i' = \$max,
   'file=s' = \$file,
   'debug' = \$debug,
   'quota=i' = \$quota);

ReadMode 2; # Echo off
print Password for Cyrus: ;
chop($pwd = STDIN);
print \n;
ReadMode 0;

# $client = imapconnection-new;
# printf State: %d\n, $client-getstate;
# print imapconnection::state $imapconnection::state\n;

open (IN, $file) or die $!;

@userlist = IN;

$quota = scalar @userlist;

# exit 0;

while (1) {
$nc = scalar (@connections);
if ($nc = $max) {
if (($nc == 0) or (int(rand(1000))  80)) {
AGAIN:  $rc = int(rand $quota)+1;
$newuser = $userlist[$rc];
chop $newuser;
print User: $newuser, now:, $nc+1, , # of commands: 
$result = openconn();
if (!$result) {
print STDERR Retrying ...\n;
redo AGAIN;
$rc = int(rand scalar(@connections));
$result = docommand ($rc);
if (!$result) {
splice (@connections, $rc, 1);
splice (@connusers, $rc, 1);

sub debugcomment {
return unless $debug;
my $comment = shift;
my $number = shift;
chomp $comment;
if ($number  -1) {
print $comment, $connusers[$number]\n;
print $comment\n;

sub docommand {
my $cnum = shift;
#   print Connection number $cnum\n;
my $rand = int(rand(1000));
if ($rand  950) {
debugcomment (Vor FETCH BODY, $cnum);
($result,$resulttext) = $connections[$cnum]-send('', '', 'FETCH 1:1 
if (!$result) {
print Result: $result, Text: $resulttext\n;
return 0;
return 1;
debugcomment (Vor LOGOUT, $cnum);
$connections[$cnum]-send('', '', 'LOGOUT');
return 0;

sub openconn {
push @connections, Cyrus::IMAP::Admin-new($host);
push @connusers, $newuser;
debugcomment (Vor authenticate, -1);
$connections[$#connections]-authenticate('-mechanism' = $mech,
'-user' = 'cyrus',
'-authz' = $newuser,
'-password' = $pwd
) or die Authentication failed!: $!;
if ($connections[$#connections]-error) {
print STDERR Error: , $connections[$#connections],\n;
pop @connections;
pop @connusers;
return 0;
debugcomment (Vor SELECT, $#connections);
($result,$resulttext) = $connections[$#connections]-send('', '', 'SELECT 
if (!$result) {
print Result: $result, Text: $resulttext\n;
return 0;
debugcomment (Vor SEARCH, $#connections);
($result,$resulttext) = $connections[$#connections]-send('', '', 'UID SEARCH 
if (!$result) {
print Result: $result, Text: $resulttext\n;
return 0;
debugcomment (Vor THREAD, $#connections);
($result,$resulttext) = $connections[$#connections]-send('', '', 'THREAD 
REFERENCES us-ascii ALL');
if (!$result) {
print Result: $result, Text: $resulttext\n;
return 0;
debugcomment (Vor FETCH FLAGS, 

IMAP load testing tool?

2003-06-19 Thread Ken Murchison
Has anyone found or written a tool to load test an IMAP server (Cyrus in 
particular) which simulates client (reader) traffic?

Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--

Re: IMAP load testing tool?

2003-06-19 Thread Jared Watkins
 Has anyone found or written a tool to load test an IMAP server (Cyrus in
 particular) which simulates client (reader) traffic?

I have used this one by eTesting labs with some success... it's a pita to
setup... but it does work well.
