Re: OT: Cyrus IMAP Interacting with Thunderbird 2.0

2007-04-30 Thread Wolfgang Breyha
Jo Rhett wrote:
> On Apr 30, 2007, at 6:38 AM, Wolfgang Breyha wrote:
>>'s not thunderbirds fault
> Um... I disagree.  So do the thunderbird developers.

No, they don't. See

cyrus has to support 'c' and 'd' flag as required by RFC 4314. They made a
quick fix to check the RFC 4314 't' flag, too. And they opened a second
'bug' to implement full RFC 4314 support. See

> Fixing the ACL is a backwards hack to support an obsolete IMAP
> specification.  Updating Thunderbird to properly read the modern flags
> was the appropriate fix, which has already been committed to the tree
> and may appear in the next update.

Again, no. RFC 4314 requires the server to support 'c' and 'd' flag from
RFC 2068. And cyrus does it. But as I meantioned before there was a change
from cyrus 2.3.7 to 2.3.8. At least 2.3.7 added 'c' and 'd' on the fly
while answering ACL requests if the appropriate RFC 4314 flags were set in
the stored ACL. cyrus 2.3.8 now writes the 'c' and 'd' flag into the stored
ACL. If you're upgrading from 2.3.7 to 2.3.8 some people have missing 'c'
and 'd' flags in their ACLs and they are not added automatically anymore.
This get's fixed by simply setting the same ACLs again since cyrus sets 'c'
and 'd' accordingly now.

Regards, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
Vienna University Computer Center | Austria

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Re: OT: Cyrus IMAP Interacting with Thunderbird 2.0

2007-04-30 Thread Jo Rhett

On Apr 30, 2007, at 6:38 AM, Wolfgang Breyha wrote:'s not thunderbirds fault

Um... I disagree.  So do the thunderbird developers.

Fixing the ACL is a backwards hack to support an obsolete IMAP  
specification.  Updating Thunderbird to properly read the modern  
flags was the appropriate fix, which has already been committed to  
the tree and may appear in the next update.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: OT: Cyrus IMAP Interacting with Thunderbird 2.0

2007-04-30 Thread Jo Rhett

On Apr 28, 2007, at 9:41 AM, Forrest Aldrich wrote:
This is slightly off-topic; however, I've been referred here  
because the behavior we're seeing is unexplainable (as of yet).
When I update to Thunderbird 2.0, the delete button and menu  
function is disabled for the account that is on FreeBSD.

If you had searched either this list or the thunderbird bugzilla  
archives you would have found the answer.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: OT: Cyrus IMAP Interacting with Thunderbird 2.0

2007-04-30 Thread Wolfgang Breyha
Forrest Aldrich wrote, on 28.04.2007 18:41:
> It's been suggested that there may be something different about Cyrus in 
> the IMAP command sequence - but that seems very vague.  I don't see why 
> it shouldn't just work.  I can try recompiling the FreeBSD port and see 
> if that resolves it.  I'm sure my libraries are up-to-date, and 
> certainly if there were problems I would have seen it by now with other 
> functions.

Look at the thread starting here...
and's not thunderbirds fault and it's "easily" fixed by resetting your ACLs.

Regards, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
Vienna University Computer Center | Austria

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Re: OT: Cyrus IMAP Interacting with Thunderbird 2.0

2007-04-28 Thread Frédéric BRIAND
I've made a fresh install on a brand new centos 5 server last week, and
upgraded thunderbird to release 2.0.0 on linux (Fedora 6) and windows XP
clients and everything is fine.

You are right though with the delete icon in the tool bar. Yet it seems
to be a problem with the way thunderbird refreshes this icon. This is
one test I have done:
- create a "test" folder in the inbox (with thunderbird) so that you get
several folders (Drafts, Templates, Sent, Trash, Junk,...test...);
- highlight one of the emails in the inbox: the delete icon gets red;
- click the junk mailbox, the delete icon gets disactivated -> good;
- click the test mailbox; the delete icon remains disactivated -> not good;
- re-highlight the email in the inbox, the delete icon gets red;
- click the test mailbox, the delete icon _remains_ red ->good;
- click the templates mailbox, the delete icon gets disactivated -> good

So I'd say it's a thunderbird problem. When the delete icon is red you
can of course delete the test mailbox. The way it behaves is quite queer!

As a matter of fact there is no problem with the contextual menu, as far
as I can see.


Forrest Aldrich wrote:
> This is slightly off-topic; however, I've been referred here because the
> behavior we're seeing is unexplainable (as of yet).
> I have Cyrus 2.3.8 on FreeBSD_6.1, and on a couple of Linux systems
> (Fedora Core 6).
> When I update to Thunderbird 2.0, the delete button and menu function is
> disabled for the account that is on FreeBSD.
> When I remain with or downgrade to Thunderbird 1.5, it is fine.
> I posted a message to the Thunderbird forums and I'll continue to pursue
> it, perhaps by debugging, etc.
> However, I wanted to ask here to see if anyone might have a clue about
> why this happens.   It's not due to anything theme-orientated, or
> plugins.   (yes, I've done fresh installs in other locations, and get
> the same result).
> The client machines are Windows (XP and Vista).
> It's been suggested that there may be something different about Cyrus in
> the IMAP command sequence - but that seems very vague.  I don't see why
> it shouldn't just work.  I can try recompiling the FreeBSD port and see
> if that resolves it.  I'm sure my libraries are up-to-date, and
> certainly if there were problems I would have seen it by now with other
> functions.
> Thank you.
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fn;quoted-printable:nom qui appara=C3=AEtra =C3=A0 l'=C3=A9cran
n;quoted-printable:nom de famille;pr=C3=A9nom
org;quoted-printable:nom de l'entreprise;d=C3=A9partement
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tel;fax:telephone fax
tel;pager:telephone pager
tel;home:telephone perso
tel;cell:telephone mobile
note;quoted-printable:Remarques personnelles sous forme de texte.=0D=0A=
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	nis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus ac tellus. Nun=
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	 luctus commodo. Nullam quis est non felis viverra mollis. Donec a massa=
	 in elit laoreet dictum. Donec commodo, tortor vitae iaculis egestas, mi=
	 neque congue ante, vitae pharetra nulla orci id tellus. Praesent et puru=
	s. Aenean risus nibh, sodales in, congue eget, molestie vel, turpis. Maur=
	is eu erat sed nibh porttitor interdum. Quisque elementum, metus et molli=
	s interdum, orci lacus aliquet mauris, sit amet feugiat ipsum nisi sit=
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	t magna in justo eleifend placerat. Proin congue. Pellentesque eleifend=
	 sagittis pede. Suspendisse lacinia.
url:page web de l'entreprise

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OT: Cyrus IMAP Interacting with Thunderbird 2.0

2007-04-28 Thread Forrest Aldrich
This is slightly off-topic; however, I've been referred here because the 
behavior we're seeing is unexplainable (as of yet).

I have Cyrus 2.3.8 on FreeBSD_6.1, and on a couple of Linux systems 
(Fedora Core 6).

When I update to Thunderbird 2.0, the delete button and menu function is 
disabled for the account that is on FreeBSD.

When I remain with or downgrade to Thunderbird 1.5, it is fine.

I posted a message to the Thunderbird forums and I'll continue to pursue 
it, perhaps by debugging, etc. 

However, I wanted to ask here to see if anyone might have a clue about 
why this happens.   It's not due to anything theme-orientated, or 
plugins.   (yes, I've done fresh installs in other locations, and get 
the same result).

The client machines are Windows (XP and Vista).

It's been suggested that there may be something different about Cyrus in 
the IMAP command sequence - but that seems very vague.  I don't see why 
it shouldn't just work.  I can try recompiling the FreeBSD port and see 
if that resolves it.  I'm sure my libraries are up-to-date, and 
certainly if there were problems I would have seen it by now with other 

Thank you.

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