Re: Pre-forking strange behaviour

2003-01-19 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Sun, 19 Jan 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> So seeing this behaviour I wanted to ask on this mailing list if this is a
> normal behaviour ? I am not so sure but I would say no. At least everything

Well, it is a nominal behaviour :)

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

Pre-forking strange behaviour

2003-01-19 Thread marc . bigler

I've just remarked a strange behaviour of the master process presumably. I
am using the same cyrus.conf as the prefork.conf example configuration

So now what I've remarked is that just after starting cyrus's master
process it starts the following processes:

hostname% ps -fu cyrus
   cyrus   855   846  0 23:15:12 pts/10:00 lmtpd
   cyrus   852   846  0 23:15:11 pts/10:00 imapd -s
   cyrus   854   846  0 23:15:12 pts/10:00 pop3d -s
   cyrus   853   846  0 23:15:11 pts/10:00 pop3d
   cyrus   850   846  0   0:00 
   cyrus   851   846  0 23:15:11 pts/10:00 imapd
   cyrus   846 1  0 23:15:10 pts/10:00 /opt/cyrimap/bin/master

As you can see here the is a zombie process "" and it didn't fork
the processes correctly as in the config file (5 imapd, 3 pop3, and so on).
But after waiting 1 or sometimes 2 minutes then it forks all the required
processes correctly as you can see here:

hostname% ps -fu cyrus
   cyrus   859   846  0 23:17:28 pts/10:00 imapd
   cyrus   861   846  0 23:17:28 pts/10:00 imapd
   cyrus   864   846  0 23:17:29 pts/10:00 pop3d
   cyrus   863   846  0 23:17:29 pts/10:00 pop3d
   cyrus   855   846  0 23:15:12 pts/10:00 lmtpd
   cyrus   862   846  0 23:17:29 pts/10:00 imapd
   cyrus   852   846  0 23:15:11 pts/10:00 imapd -s
   cyrus   860   846  0 23:17:28 pts/10:00 imapd
   cyrus   854   846  0 23:15:12 pts/10:00 pop3d -s
   cyrus   853   846  0 23:15:11 pts/10:00 pop3d
   cyrus   851   846  0 23:15:11 pts/10:00 imapd
   cyrus   846 1  0 23:15:10 pts/10:00 /opt/cyrimap/bin/master

So seeing this behaviour I wanted to ask on this mailing list if this is a
normal behaviour ? I am not so sure but I would say no. At least everything
works fine... but I don't think this is normal. As OS I am using Solaris 9
on a Sun box.

Many thanks
