I posted on the FastMail advent about our plans for releasing Cyrus 3.0 - it's 
a bit roundabout doing it this way rather than here first, but hey - we talked 
about it on Monday night's regular meeting.

Here's the blog post:


tl;dr, Ellie recently released 3.0beta6.  We're going to do a release candidate 
on Jan 13th and then release for real soon afterwards, so get testing!

There are no major changes expected before release.  I'll be doing a couple of 
small JMAP changes to align with the latest spec and possibly to add 
getMessageListUpdates if I can manage it in time.

Other than that, I'm looking a reverse UniqueId indexing similar to the RACL 
support - it's already in testing and might get added behind a default-off 
config switch.

We'll be assessing all the defaults.  I'm really tempted to turn RACL on, but 
it needs group support if your site uses groups, and that's not done yet, so 
I'd need someone willing to test it!


  Bron Gondwana
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