Re: Replication and Deleted Files

2020-06-04 Thread Ian Batten via Info-cyrus

On Thu 04 Jun 2020 at 18:57:37, Michael Menge 
( wrote:


you also need to run cyr_expire on the "new_server" to remove the old
expunged mails and deleted folders.

Obvious when you try it!    Thanks so much.  

Expired 23 and expunged 7617 out of 289060 messages from 268 mailboxes

For some reason I had decided that you only ran cyr_expire on the master, and I 
was quite emphatic about it some years ago:

  # expire old stuff: dups 7 days, keep deletions for 3 days
  # XXX XXX XXX expire does not run on replica, does run on master XXX XXX XXX
  # expire        cmd="cyr_expire -E 7 -X 3 -D 3" at=0100

Thank you again,.,.I shall be back in another 25 years with another query :-)


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Re: Replication and Deleted Files

2020-06-04 Thread Michael Menge


Quoting Ian Batten via Info-cyrus :

Hi, long-time Cyrus user (25 years, I think), but stumped on this one…

I have an ancient Cyrus 2.5.11 on Solaris 11 installation I am  
trying to migrate off.  The strategy is to run rolling replication  
onto the new server (3.0.8-6+deb10u4 on Debian 10.4), and then point  
the DNS record at the new server.  With Covid, this has become more  
protracted than I would like, as I don’t want to accidentally mess  
up users who are isolating, so the replication has been running for  
some weeks.

The replication structure is old-server -> new-server -> (backup1,  
backup2) where backup1 and backup2 are configured as separate  
channels on new-server.  This has been running seemingly correctly  
for about three months now.

Today I decided to check all was well by using rsync -an to confirm  
that the replicas have everything that is on the master.  They do,  
in that using 

rsync -anvO --size-only  --exclude='cyrus.*'  
root@mail:/var/imap/partition1/user/ /var/imap/partition1/user 

where “mail” is the old server shows that there are no messages  
missing (—size-only because there’s some time slew in a few places,  
usually only of a few seconds, but up to a day in others).

However, reversing it:

rsync -anvO --size-only  --exclude='cyrus.*'  
/var/imap/partition1/user/ root@mail:/var/imap/partition1/user

Shows that there are a _lot_ of files on the replicas which are not  
on the master, some of them relating to recent deletions, but some  
of them seemingly quite old.  I am using:

delete_mode: delayed
expunge_mode: delayed

everywhere, running cyr_expire on the master but not on the  
replicas.  I have enough bandwidth that sync_reset and re-sync is  
realistic, but I’d rather not have to do that immediately prior to a  
cut-over.   These old files are a worry because if I ever had to  
reconstruct one of the mailboxes, presumably the deleted (I think)  
messages would all reappear.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

you also need to run cyr_expire on the "new_server" to remove the old
expunged mails and deleted folders.

I haven't used replication for backup but I suspect that cyr_expire is
also required your backup servers

M.MengeTel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
Universität Tübingen   Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung  mail:

Wächterstraße 76
72074 Tübingen

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Replication and Deleted Files

2020-06-04 Thread Ian Batten via Info-cyrus

Hi, long-time Cyrus user (25 years, I think), but stumped on this one…

I have an ancient Cyrus 2.5.11 on Solaris 11 installation I am trying to 
migrate off.  The strategy is to run rolling replication onto the new server 
(3.0.8-6+deb10u4 on Debian 10.4), and then point the DNS record at the new 
server.  With Covid, this has become more protracted than I would like, as I 
don’t want to accidentally mess up users who are isolating, so the replication 
has been running for some weeks.

The replication structure is old-server -> new-server -> (backup1, backup2) 
where backup1 and backup2 are configured as separate channels on new-server.  
This has been running seemingly correctly for about three months now.

Today I decided to check all was well by using rsync -an to confirm that the 
replicas have everything that is on the master.  They do, in that using 

rsync -anvO --size-only  --exclude='cyrus.*' 
root@mail:/var/imap/partition1/user/ /var/imap/partition1/user 

where “mail” is the old server shows that there are no messages missing 
(—size-only because there’s some time slew in a few places, usually only of a 
few seconds, but up to a day in others).

However, reversing it:

rsync -anvO --size-only  --exclude='cyrus.*' /var/imap/partition1/user/ 

Shows that there are a _lot_ of files on the replicas which are not on the 
master, some of them relating to recent deletions, but some of them seemingly 
quite old.  I am using:

delete_mode: delayed
expunge_mode: delayed

everywhere, running cyr_expire on the master but not on the replicas.  I have 
enough bandwidth that sync_reset and re-sync is realistic, but I’d rather not 
have to do that immediately prior to a cut-over.   These old files are a worry 
because if I ever had to reconstruct one of the mailboxes, presumably the 
deleted (I think) messages would all reappear.  Does anyone have any 


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