Hello List,

At home, i have cyrus-imapd-2_2 working with mysql  user database and
multidomain support. My MTA is sendmail-8-11.

My config is like this.

Cyrus.Conf  have to  lines for imapd service and lmtpunix (one for may
xxx.com domain and one for my yyy.com domain). This two domains have
distinct imap directories.

Sendmail.cf have defined one lmtp mailer and the mailertable have the lmtp
mailer entry for the two domains. With this configuration, I can read and
send mail inside my Home Network (include into sednmail access file).

The problem is that i don´t able to receive  message from the outside world.
Including my domains name into sendmail Cw class  is not a solution because
sendmail check for this user into linux space user ( and the user is not
found ). Deleting the domain name from the sendmail Cw class is not  the
solution too.

Please, can any one advice me about posible solutions and where find some
doc about it?.

Some thing like expand the check_rcpt ruleset in sendmail, to verify users
against myssql database.

Thanks in advanced

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