I am running Cyrus 2.1.11 (Solaris 9, mboxlist/seen=skiplist, sub=flat, duplicate/tls=db3_nosync), and periodically sieve stops working after the server has been up a couple of weeks. Upon further investigation, I find it is some problem with the deliver.db file, as running ctl_deliver -d results in "ctl_deliver: unable to init duplicate delivery database". Stopping and restarting master fixes the problem (perhaps because it runs ctl_cyrusdb -r?), and ctl_deliver -d dumps the database properly after this. No error messages appear in the logs (even logging at debug level) during normal operation, but trying to run ctl_deliver -d logs "DBERROR: opening /var/imap/deliver.db: Not enough space". There is 39G free swap space (out of 40G), and the machine has 8G RAM.

Has anyone else seen this problem? What can I do to get more information about what is causing it?

John A. Tamplin Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

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