hi all,

why bother fetching realms if you don't need them!

found an older kolab thread that dealt with this issue. in fact, the
solution is to ignore realms and just authenticate. 

i removed loginrealms: from imapd.conf and tweaked my saslauthd.conf and
remove any mention of realms:

ldap_servers: ldap://ldap.domain.com/
ldap_search_base: dc=domain,dc=com
ldap_version: 3

ldap_filter:  (& (mail=%u) (objectClass=gosaMailAccount))

i the started saslauthd as below, still using the -r so that the whole
user n...@domain.com gets passed to sasl:

saslauthd -m /var/run/saslauthd -a ldap -O/etc/saslauthd.conf -r

works like a charm


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