
I have a strange behaviour here, on cyrus-imapd-2.2.3. Everything is working fine, but when I look at the headers of a mail in my mailbox, I don't see all the headers "received" I'm used to.

For example, in the last cyrus-info mail : "Re: newbie question", I only see 2 received :

from boromir
from tyrion...

whereas if I look at the source of the mail (on the server), I see :

Received: from salsa.ec-nantes.fr (salsa.ec-nantes.fr [])
Received: from localhost (salsa [])
Received: from salsa.ec-nantes.fr ([])
Received: from lists2.andrew.cmu.edu (LISTS2.andrew.cmu.edu
Received: (from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Received: from smtp-out.rrz.uni-koeln.de (smtp-out.rrz.uni-koeln.de
Received: from smtp.uni-koeln.de (lvr6.rrz.uni-koeln.de [])
Received: from tyrion.rrz.uni-koeln.de (tyrion.rrz.Uni-Koeln.DE

Is there a way to see all the headers "Received" when I'm using an imap client ?


-- Nicolas Schmitz

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