pam_mysql and cyrus_sasl

2003-03-12 Thread Andreas Meyer

I have a running Cyrus 2.1.12, Postfix 2.0.5 and cyrus-sasl.2.1.12.
I set up php-webcyradm with database mail. postfix delivers mail to
cyrus without a problem. I cannot get the mail with squirrelmail or

eta:/var/log # sasldblistusers2
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: userPassword
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: userPassword
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: cmusaslsecretOTP
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: cmusaslsecretOTP

eta:/var/log # telnet localhost 143
Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
* OK localhost Cyrus IMAP4 v2.1.12 server ready
. login cyrus cyruspass
. OK User logged in
. logout
* BYE LOGOUT received
. OK Completed
Connection closed by foreign host.

eta:/var/log # telnet localhost 143
Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
* OK localhost Cyrus IMAP4 v2.1.12 server ready
. login karl karlpass
. NO Login failed: authentication failure
. logout
* BYE LOGOUT received
. OK Completed
Connection closed by foreign host.

The according log:

eta saslauthd[983]: pam_sm_authenticate called.
eta saslauthd[983]: dbuser changed.
eta saslauthd[983]: dbpasswd changed.
eta saslauthd[983]: host changed.
eta saslauthd[983]: database changed.
eta saslauthd[983]: table changed.
eta saslauthd[983]: usercolumn changed.
eta saslauthd[983]: passwdcolumn changed.
eta saslauthd[983]: crypt changed.
eta saslauthd[983]: db_connect  called.
eta saslauthd[983]: returning 0 .
eta saslauthd[983]: db_checkpasswd called.
eta saslauthd[983]: pam_mysql: where clause =
eta saslauthd[983]: SELECT password FROM accountuser WHERE username='cyrus'
eta saslauthd[983]: sqlLog called.
eta saslauthd[983]: pam_mysql: error: sqllog set but logtable not set
eta saslauthd[983]: pam_mysql: error: sqllog set but logmsgcolumn not set
eta saslauthd[983]: pam_mysql: error: sqllog set but logusercolumn not set
eta saslauthd[983]: pam_mysql: error: sqllog set but loghostcolumn not set
eta saslauthd[983]: pam_mysql: error: sqllog set but logtimecolumn not set
eta saslauthd[983]: returning 0 .
eta saslauthd[983]: returning 0.
eta saslauthd[982]: pam_sm_authenticate called.
eta saslauthd[982]: dbuser changed.
eta saslauthd[982]: dbpasswd changed.
eta saslauthd[982]: host changed.
eta saslauthd[982]: database changed.
eta saslauthd[982]: table changed.
eta saslauthd[982]: usercolumn changed.
eta saslauthd[982]: passwdcolumn changed.
eta saslauthd[982]: crypt changed.
eta saslauthd[982]: db_connect  called.
eta saslauthd[982]: returning 0 .
eta saslauthd[982]: db_checkpasswd called.
eta saslauthd[982]: pam_mysql: where clause =
eta saslauthd[982]: SELECT password FROM accountuser WHERE username='karl'
eta saslauthd[982]: pam_mysql: select returned more than one result
eta saslauthd[982]: returning 7 after db_checkpasswd.
eta saslauthd[982]: AUTHFAIL: user=karl service=imap realm= [PAM auth error] 

I made so many tests and roundabouts, I do not longer understand what
is going on. The users cyrus and karl exist in sasldb2 and also in the
database mail (MySQL) with clearpassword.

eta:/var/log # saslpasswd2 -c andreas
Again (for verification):
eta:/var/log # telnet localhost 143
Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
* OK localhost Cyrus IMAP4 v2.1.12 server ready
. login cyrus cyruspass
. OK User logged in
. login andreas andreaspass # same as the cyruspass
. BAD Already logged in
. logout
* BYE LOGOUT received
. OK Completed
Connection closed by foreign host.

Why is andreas already logged in? due to the same passwd like cyrus?

Any help appreciated. Completly clueless.


  Andreas Meyer

Object Class   Common Name   userPassword
posixAccount   andreas   {SSHA}hpyqObx1/BXbKFgXoqCayoGsvIgPYiVc

Re: pam_mysql and cyrus_sasl

2003-03-12 Thread John Alton Tamplin
Andreas Meyer wrote:

eta saslauthd[982]: pam_mysql: where clause =
eta saslauthd[982]: SELECT password FROM accountuser WHERE username='karl'
eta saslauthd[982]: pam_mysql: select returned more than one result
eta saslauthd[982]: returning 7 after db_checkpasswd.
eta saslauthd[982]: AUTHFAIL: user=karl service=imap realm= [PAM auth error] 

It looks like you have multiple rows in your accountuser table that have 
username='karl' (you should probably have a unique index on it anyway), 
or else accountuser is a view that is matching more than one row.  The 
error message is telling you exactly what the problem is -- when it 
looks up the username in your mysql table, it is getting more than one 
row so it doesn't know what to use to validate the login.

John A. Tamplin   Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

Re: pam_mysql and cyrus_sasl

2003-03-12 Thread Andreas Meyer

Am Wed, 12 Mar 2003 15:01:36 -0500 schrieb John Alton Tamplin:

 eta saslauthd[982]: pam_mysql: where clause =
 eta saslauthd[982]: SELECT password FROM accountuser WHERE username='karl'
 eta saslauthd[982]: pam_mysql: select returned more than one result
 eta saslauthd[982]: returning 7 after db_checkpasswd.
 eta saslauthd[982]: AUTHFAIL: user=karl service=imap realm= [PAM auth error] 
 It looks like you have multiple rows in your accountuser table that have 
 username='karl' (you should probably have a unique index on it anyway), 
 or else accountuser is a view that is matching more than one row.  The 
 error message is telling you exactly what the problem is -- when it 
 looks up the username in your mysql table, it is getting more than one 
 row so it doesn't know what to use to validate the login.

ok, I installed the database newly according to the docs of php-webcyradm
and the problem pam_mysql: select returned more than one result is gone.
Seems I was reading an obsolete docu.

But the problem with squirrelmail or another MUA is still there:
eta imapd[2041]: accepted connection
eta imapd[2041]: badlogin: localhost[] plaintext andreas SASL(-13): \
 authentication failure: checkpass failed
eta master[968]: process 2041 exited, status 0
eta master[2050]: about to exec /usr/cyrus/bin/imapd
eta imap[2050]: executed
eta imapd[2050]: accepted connection
eta imapd[2050]: badlogin: localhost[] plaintext karl SASL(-13): \
 authentication failure: checkpass failed

sigh, don't know what to do. Postfix delivers without a problem.

Received: from eta.meyer.home ([unix socket])
by eta.meyer.home (Cyrus v2.1.12) with LMTP; Wed, 12 Mar 2003 23:32:08 +0100
X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
Received: from lo (localhost [])
by eta.meyer.home (Postfix 2.0.5 on eta.meyer.home) with ESMTP id 138898825
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Wed, 12 Mar 2003 23:31:44 +0100 (CET)
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 23:31:45 +0100 (CET)
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Postfix is using the same database in mysql and also is using saslauthd. 
If I only knew how to track this problem down.

# telnet localhost 143
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
* OK eta.meyer.home Cyrus IMAP4 v2.1.12 server ready
. login andreas andreaspass
. NO Login failed: authentication failure

What do I not understand here? Is this kind of authetication
not using saslauthd? I have this entry in imapd.conf:
sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
allowplaintext: yes
sasl_mech_list: PLAIN
servername: localhost

eta:/etc # /usr/local/bin/imtest -m login -a andreas localhost
S: * OK eta.meyer.home Cyrus IMAP4 v2.1.12 server ready
S: C01 OK Completed
Please enter your password:
C: L01 LOGIN andreas {8}
S: + go ahead
C: omitted
S: L01 NO Login failed: authentication failure
Authentication failed. generic failure
Security strength factor: 0

Postfix clearly has tables to look in for delivery.
hm this seems to become a sysyphuswork. Problem seems to be
with pam although I cannot see where.


  Andreas Meyer

Object Class   Common Name   userPassword
posixAccount   andreas   {SSHA}hpyqObx1/BXbKFgXoqCayoGsvIgPYiVc