nnrss doesn't work at all for me.

2005-02-20 Thread David Carlton
I'm using Gnus 5.10.6 (as distributed with XEmacs, where I'm using the
Fedora Core 2 RPMs for the latter).  The manual distributed with
XEmacs doesn't mention rss, but googling for 'gnus rss' turns up
<http://www.gnus.org/manual/gnus_193.html>.  The manual on that web
page claims to be for Gnus 5.10.2; frankly, I'm dubious about that.

* Should I expect to be able to use nnrss with 5.10.6?  (And what Gnus
  version is the online manual for?)

Anyways, optimistically following the instructions listed on that web
page, I type 'B', then nnrss, then enter
http://slashdot.org/slashdot.rss.  It asks me if I want to download
extra categories.  If I answer 'n', I get an empty buffer.  If I
answer 'y', I get a buffer looking like this:

K  0: Business: general.CRM news
K  0: Business: general.Entrepreneur news
K  0: Business: general.Human resources news
K  0: Business: general.IP and patents news
K  0: Business: general.Job markets news
K  0: Business: general.Law news

Which isn't very useful.

Am I doing something wrong, does nnrss just not work with the version
of Gnus I'm using, or what?

David Carlton
Info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: nnrss doesn't work at all for me.

2005-02-21 Thread David Carlton
On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 22:51:04 -0800, Jesse Alama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> I had the same trouble (with Gnus, with documentation) when I wanted
> to subscribe to some RSS groups.  My solution: in the *Group* buffer,
> type `G R', then enter the URL.

Lovely!  I tried it out (shameless plug:
<http://www.bactrian.org/~carlton/blog/feed/rss2/>), and it worked

David Carlton
Info-gnus-english mailing list

xemacs crash with gnus, x86_64

2006-05-11 Thread David Carlton
se_1 ()
#47 0x0045f1ba in Freally_early_error_handler ()
#48 0x0045f1d9 in Freally_early_error_handler ()
#49 0x004780e9 in internal_catch ()
#50 0x0045f31d in initial_command_loop ()
#51 0x00474b4b in xemacs_21_4_19_x86_64_redhat_linux ()
#52 0x0047562b in main ()

Any ideas what's going on?  If not, how can I help figure out what's
going on?  I'm happy (or at least willing :-) ) to rebuild XEmacs
myself to improve debuggability, if that's necessary.

Hmm: the fact that touching .newsrc, which (I think) forces
.newsrc.eld to be rebuilt, has an effect, suggests that there might be
an issue with reading the latter; it's a bit long to include in a
newsgroup posting, but I'm happy to e-mail it to people if that would

David Carlton
info-gnus-english mailing list

limiting articles and tagging

2008-03-30 Thread David Carlton
I'd like a way to mark certain articles in an nnmail group with a tag
(e.g. articles I want to respond to, articles where I'm waiting for a
specific response), and then to have a way to only see the matching
articles in that group.  (I don't need an open-ended set of tags,
though I wouldn't mind that; having three or four user-defined tags is
all I really need.)

I've been looking at the manual sections on "Marking Articles" and
"Limiting", and it seems like a lot of the underlying functionality is
in place, but I can't quite figure out a way to do exactly what I
want; can somebody offer advice?

David Carlton
info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: limiting articles and tagging

2008-04-01 Thread David Carlton
On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 04:21:03 +0200, Richard G Riley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> David Carlton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> I'd like a way to mark certain articles in an nnmail group with a tag
>> (e.g. articles I want to respond to, articles where I'm waiting for a
>> specific response), and then to have a way to only see the matching
>> articles in that group.

> While not exactly what you want, I tend to use org-mode for this - I
> simply "remember" the mails/posts I want to respond to and tag
> them/schedule them accordingly in org files. Doing the work is then a
> single key press away from my agenda/list of things to do (org-mode
> stores a link to the gnus article).

Thanks, I'll look into that - that sounds like it might be a good fit
for me, too.

David Carlton
info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: limiting articles and tagging

2008-04-01 Thread David Carlton
On Tue, 01 Apr 2008 16:09:56 +0200, Bastien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> William Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I would also like to know a better way if any.  At present, I use "!".

> I use a combination of "!" (ticking) "?" (dormant article) and
> association with my org-mode set up.

Huh, didn't know about ?.  I think ! and ? is barely too small for me,
but maybe that will work.  I'll start with org-mode, though, since it
seems to be getting several votes.

David Carlton
info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: limiting articles and tagging

2008-04-02 Thread David Carlton
On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 17:42:39 -0700, David Carlton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> I'd like a way to mark certain articles in an nnmail group with a tag
> (e.g. articles I want to respond to, articles where I'm waiting for a
> specific response), and then to have a way to only see the matching
> articles in that group.  (I don't need an open-ended set of tags,
> though I wouldn't mind that; having three or four user-defined tags is
> all I really need.)

Thanks for the responses so far.  I'm still considering org-mode; I
haven't yet given up on an internal-to-gnus solution, though.

I looked at the existing marks; I don't think they'll do the trick,
and unfortunately the marks mechanism doesn't seem like it's
extensible at all.  Browsing through the other gnus-summary-limit
functions, though, "gnus-summary-limit-to-extra" caught my eye.

Just what are the consequences of adding a header to
gnus-extra-headers?  I'm thinking that I could add in another header
there ("X-Tag", say), write some simple commands to edit messages to
add/modify the X-Tag: header in the current article, and write some
wrappers to gnus-summary-limit-to-extra to pick out the articles that
I want.

Does that sound like it should work?  Are there any gotchas I should
know about before I start tinkering with it?  I'm worried that there
might be some index of the extra headers for articles that could cause
problems if I go this route, or something like that.

Also, gnus-summary-limit-to-extra doesn't look that complicated; could
I write a function that does something similar to it but doesn't care
about gnus-extra-headers?  gnus-summary-limit-to-extra calls
gnus-summary-find-matching; when looking through the latter function,
at first I was afraid that it depends on there being a
narrowly-defined set of mail-header-XXX functions, but will
mail-header-extra work with an arbitrary header, will gnus-data-header
return all the headers?

Obviously, I'm not too familiar with the Gnus code base; I'm happy to
do some experimentation, but any tips that people had would be greatly

David Carlton
info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: limiting articles and tagging

2008-04-02 Thread David Carlton
On Wed, 02 Apr 2008 15:43:14 -0700, David Carlton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 17:42:39 -0700, David Carlton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>> I'd like a way to mark certain articles in an nnmail group with a tag
>> (e.g. articles I want to respond to, articles where I'm waiting for a
>> specific response), and then to have a way to only see the matching
>> articles in that group.

> I looked at the existing marks; I don't think they'll do the trick,
> and unfortunately the marks mechanism doesn't seem like it's
> extensible at all.  Browsing through the other gnus-summary-limit
> functions, though, "gnus-summary-limit-to-extra" caught my eye.

> Just what are the consequences of adding a header to
> gnus-extra-headers?  I'm thinking that I could add in another header
> there ("X-Tag", say), write some simple commands to edit messages to
> add/modify the X-Tag: header in the current article, and write some
> wrappers to gnus-summary-limit-to-extra to pick out the articles that
> I want.

> Does that sound like it should work?  Are there any gotchas I should
> know about before I start tinkering with it?  I'm worried that there
> might be some index of the extra headers for articles that could cause
> problems if I go this route, or something like that.

> Also, gnus-summary-limit-to-extra doesn't look that complicated; could
> I write a function that does something similar to it but doesn't care
> about gnus-extra-headers?  gnus-summary-limit-to-extra calls
> gnus-summary-find-matching; when looking through the latter function,
> at first I was afraid that it depends on there being a
> narrowly-defined set of mail-header-XXX functions, but will
> mail-header-extra work with an arbitrary header, will gnus-data-header
> return all the headers?

I poked around some more; the bad news is that, no, gnus-data-header
only returns some of the headers (including ones in
gnus-extra-headers), but the good news is that now the code makes a
bit more sense to me, and I'm less worried about some sort of weird
cache being there that I'm not aware of.  So I think I'll try that
route when I have a few spare minutes, unless somebody knows why it's
a bad idea...

David Carlton
info-gnus-english mailing list