Inserting message-insert-disposition-notification-to in Posting Styles

2007-06-29 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
(eval (message-insert-disposition-notification-to)) 

in .gnus to my Posting Styles mail folder setup, inserts the header in the
body of the message instead of the headers.  Ideally I'd like it to
pick the reply-to address for it from the 

(address"[EMAIL PROTECTED]") 
(name "Sivaram Neelakantan") 

of the posting styles config in the .gnus setup.

Is it possible?

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: how to get confirmation that mail was sent correctly

2007-07-25 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Guenter Wolpert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
> I'm using GNUS 5.9.0 for reading news and (mainly) for my e-mail.
> The mail system uses a POP server that used to be a dial-up
> conenction, no its a DSL router.
> What I'm currently missing is a feature to
> a) cause an acknowledgement when the mail was read by the recipient

Is this what you're looking for?  In a mail buffer, in the header
lines if you
--8<---cut here---start->8---
C-c M-n runs the command message-insert-disposition-notification-to
  which is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `message.el'.
It is bound to C-c M-n,   .

Request a disposition notification (return receipt) to this message.
Note that this should not be used in newsgroups.
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

> b) trace the mail as it is transferred from server to server.
> Both features are available in usual mail programs and I guess,
> GNUS can do also.

Please, can you explain this a little more?  I was under the
impression the mail one *receives* has the path traversal in the

> One more thing: Receiving a lot of spam, including completely empty
> mails, I wonder, whether GNUS responds to the above mentioned (a)
> acknowledge feature and how I can control this.

No idea here.



info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: gnus-posting-styles confusing

2007-08-13 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
आशीष शुक्ल Ashish Shukla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> I've 2 mail addresses, one I use for mailing lists, and other I use
> for rest of the communications. So if I'm sending mail to a mailing
> list, it should go from my email address ("mailing list" one),
> otherwise it will go from my default email address. So, is this
> possible using "gnus-posting-styles" ?


I have done something similar, please see

Just replace the newsgroup match regex with something of your specific
mail folder or user name matches.

Did that help?


info-gnus-english mailing list

Balanced windows in summary buffer?

2007-10-05 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
In the summary buffer, if I wanted balanced windows as a default, how
do it?  This is of course when there is a mail/article open.

M-x balance-windows does it, if I do it manually but can it be
configured for the summary buffer? 


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: msmtp and multiple smtp servers

2007-11-09 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Richard G Riley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> I tried the solution here:
> What happens is that gmail smtp servers replaces my "from" email with
> the one matching the first authinfo entry for "".So When I
> send an email using one of a couple of posting styles the recipient sees
> the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" as the from instead of "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" despite 
> the fact that
> msmtp had the from correctly set as [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the .msmtprc file.
> It is all quite confusing.
> Any help appreciated.

ummm...I wrote the first half of the page, so if you explain what's
the issue, I could revise the page for the better.  Maybe your Emacs
config for gnus and msmtprc without the identifying info could be a
good start.

Before sending the email, try checking the variable
message-sendmail-extra-arguments to see whether it points to the
correct alias of msmtprc profiles.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: msmtp and multiple smtp servers

2007-11-10 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Richard G Riley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Sivaram Neelakantan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Richard G Riley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> [...]
>>> I tried the solution here:


> OK, the problem is narrowed down.
> the account is correct. But its not matching the .msmtprc section.
> Instead it is dropping through to the default e.g
> ,
> | account abc
> | password abc123
> | 
> | account rgr
> | password rgr123
> | 
> | account default : rgr
> `
> in this case if the "from" is logged using message in the multi-smtp
> function then message correctly reports that account "abc" was selected
> into variable account. But the actual user & password picked up for the
> smtp chat with the gmail servers is that of rgr above : the default
> account.
> I have latest msmtp 1.4.13.
> This then makes me think there is indeed a problem with
> (setq message-sendmail-extra-arguments (list "-a" account))
> But examining it tells me
> message-sendmail-extra-arguments's value is ("-a" "abc")
> Is this correct? Has something changed here?
> So what else can I do to debug? I am dreading this being something so
> obvious with my config file.

Does your posting style look similar to this?

(setq gnus-parameters 
 (visible . t) 
 (display . all) 
  (address "[EMAIL PROTECTED]") 
  (name "Sivaram Neelakantan") 
  (eval (setq message-sendmail-extra-arguments '("-a" "siva"))) 
  (user-mail-address "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"))) 
  (address "[EMAIL PROTECTED]") 
  (name "Ss")
  (body "S") 
  (eval (setq message-sendmail-extra-arguments '("-a" "s"))) 
  (user-mail-address "[EMAIL PROTECTED]") 

Obviously, the sendmail args go into effect only when I *enter* the
specific folders.  The second argument is the account names in the
msmtprc file.

1.  Set the posting styles match for 2 different folders and check the
message-sendmail-extra-arguments value in each case (by entering the
folder) to see whether it changes from one value to the other.  If it
doesn't, fix your posting styles, first.

2.  Then send an email and check the logs and the sent mail folder on
gmail to check which smtp account it used.

The extra-args thingy goes into effect only when there is a match and
 that is achieved by entering a folder.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: xml-rpc / weblog backend with gnus?

2008-03-07 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
DigitalPig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> poppyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Hi, gnus,
>> Is there any such backends available? It would be nice if i can read
>> / post to the blogs (mime or my friends') with in gnus.
>> Cheers,
>> poppyer
>> -- 
> I don't know if there is in Gnus. But I know there are some under
> Emacs. The first choice to use is WebloggerMode
> ( You can post
> your blog entry by using that. For reading Blogs, You can use nnrss
> backend, which involving RSS mechanism like in Google Reader. In the
> group buffer, press "G" "R" and input the url you like.


I've tried using the weblogger files from the Emacs wiki site and I
can't seem to get it to work on blogger.

Here's what I did.
M-x weblogger-setup-weblog

username:sivaram (also tried sivaram AT
password: ##

and I got the following error.

Reading [text/html; charset=UTF-8]... 168 bytes of 159 bytes (106%)
Reading... done.
xml-rpc-request: Error during request: 405

How do I fix this?


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: xml-rpc / weblog backend with gnus?

2008-03-08 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
DigitalPig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Sivaram Neelakantan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> Hmmm... Weblogger cannot directly find your xmlrpc interface. For
> Blogger, try this:
> url:
> username: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (should include

That worked, except that titles are not appearing at all.  Blogger
does not seem to pick it up from the post Subject line or from the value
set in weblogger-default-title.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: xml-rpc / weblog backend with gnus?

2008-03-08 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
DigitalPig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> Try this:
> I download weblogger.el here. I tested it for Wordpress Blog and it
> works OK including the title. 


That's the one I've been using.  And the title is not appearing whether I use
html tags, set the defvar to something.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: xml-rpc / weblog backend with gnus?

2008-03-12 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Timo Geusch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


>> That worked, except that titles are not appearing at all.  Blogger
>> does not seem to pick it up from the post Subject line or from the value
>> set in weblogger-default-title.
> You're probably suffering from the same problem that I described in
> If you look at the XML generated by weblogger-mode, it's likely to be
> missing the title tags because chances are that you've got problems
> getting the capabilities from Blogger.

Thanks.  From your blog it appears you got it to work with mt?  Would
the same work with blogger?


info-gnus-english mailing list

Scoring on Digest mails

2008-03-18 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
I subscribe to some mailing lists in digest mode and I increased the
score on some writers of the list on the "from" header after hitting
C-d on the digest mail.  Now all the digest mails have been scored up
and are appearing in bold.

I'd like to revert this;  will  deleting the relevant SCORE and
.ADAPT be enough? 


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Sending...failed with exit value 65

2008-03-26 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Cezar Halmagean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi list,
>   I've recently set up msmtp and it looks like it's working properly
>   except for some cases (I don't really know which yet) I can
>   successfully send mail to myself but I sometimes get this error 
>   message-send-mail-with-sendmail: Sending...failed with exit value 65
>   when replying to mail from other people.

The error code can be checked in the log file or here

and for your case

 EX_DATAERR (65)   The input data was incorrect in some way.  This
   should only be used for user's data and not system

hmm...that doesn't seem to be too helpful.

try to send the same mail from the command line like this

create a file testmail.txt with a simple email body.
--8<---cut here---start->8---
Subject: Test

test email
--8<---cut here---end--->8---
 From the command line, issue this
msmtp --file=./msmtprc.txt < ./testmail.txt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Check what happens.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: How to change the font size

2008-04-12 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan

> I am using Emacs 21.3.1 (Windows version).  The default font size is
> too tiny to read.  Every time I need to do Options>Mule>Set font/font,
> and change its size to 14.
> How to write a line to do so in my .emacs file?
> Also, I found the font is ugly.  Is there any way to have a prettier
> font? Windows only.

(set-default-font "-outline-DejaVu Sans 

or something similar should work.

M-x display-fonts will show all installed fonts; paste the one you
 want between the quotes above.

 BTW, the Dejavu fonts can  be installed from the sourceforge site.


info-gnus-english mailing list

limiting group buffer view to groups having unread article > X

2008-05-05 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
A lot of mailing lists that I'm on are low volume with 1 to 2 posts
per day.  I'd like to make those groups visible only when the unread
count is greater than some arbitrary number, for each of them OR
globally for all the groups I read.

Is there a group parameters function that can be used?


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: OpenSSL with SMTP mail instead of GnuTLS

2008-09-19 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Phil Lord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sep 19, 2:28 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Sep 19, 12:44 am, Phil Lord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Actually, you might want to try a completely different option. I've
> been following
> instructions from on msmtp -- this is a lightweight SMTP client which
> looks to the outside world
> (specifically emacs!) like sendmail.
> I've managed to get it working with cygwin -- will be trying Ubuntu
> next, and it should work
> on mac, although I have no ability to test these.
> There's documentation on EmacsWiki about it; the config is a bit
> hairy at the moment, so I'll probably write a proper wrapper library
> for it at some point; smptmail-openssl.el can then be retired for
> the hack that it is.

er...if you meant this link

I wrote some bits of it and others improved upon it.  If there is
anything which is not clear, do tell, I'll clean it up.  FWIW, the
last time I checked, msmtp worked on Windows+Emacs too without cygwin.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Remove group name from subject

2008-10-01 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
george_007 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm reading an archived mailing list in gnus as news.
> Each article subject starts with "[name-of-mailing-list]".
> Is it possible not to display this string in subjects?
> It clutters the threads view.
> Jiri Pejchal

In my group parameters, I have this to suppress the standard subject
text part for the mail folder for all my SAS received posts.

((total-expire . t)
 (gnus-list-identifiers "SAS-L Digest -")
 (expiry-wait . 10))

gnus-list-identifiers is a variable defined in `gnus-sum.el'.
Regexp that matches list identifiers to be removed from subject.
This can also be a list of regexps.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Gmail IMAP to behave more like traditional IMAPs?

2008-10-12 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
I have no idea where Gmail's IMAP support deviates from the
standards.   Just thought I'd post the link where it claims one can
set it in such a way, that you can get the expected behaviour.

--8<---cut here---start->8---
There are also some more obscure options for those of you who want to
make Gmail's IMAP work more like traditional IMAP providers: you can
turn off auto-expunge or trash messages when they're no longer visible
through IMAP.

The IMAP protocol allows messages to be marked for deletion, a sort of
limbo state where a message is still present in the folder but slated
to be deleted the next time the folder is expunged. In our standard
IMAP implementation, when you mark a message as deleted, Gmail doesn't
let it linger in that state -- it deletes (or auto-expunges) it from
the folder right away. If you want the two-stage delete process, after
you've enabled this Lab, just select 'Do not automatically expunge
messages' under the 'Forwarding and POP/IMAP' tab in Settings.
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

For all those who have IMAP issues, this *might* help in fixing


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Maybe a solution for sending new messages to newsgroups

2008-10-14 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Hermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi, refering to my postings - cannot send newly created messages to
> newsgroups - I probably found the solution: I should have created
> local messages (i) instead of opening a new mail (m), which I did.  In
> the latter case outgoing messages are send over the internet using
> msmtp which addresses my ISP's server that doesn't know newsgroup's
> addresses.  I got the tip from the manual - sorry for the thread.
> Hermann
> -- 

What does hitting 'a' do for you in the Group or Summary buffer?  And
you can see the message/news creation options in the Menubar-->Post


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: How to ignore "Reply-To"?

2008-10-18 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Teemu Likonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How can I ignore Reply-To header when replying or (very-)wide-replying
> to a mail? Sometimes there's a need to overrule the Reply-To that was
> set by a mailing list software.

Well, the Gnus default is sane when you're in a mailing list group in
that you typically reply to the list.  That said, you could tinker

--8<---cut here---start->8---
 Elements like `(broken-reply-to . t)' signals that `Reply-To'
 headers in this group are to be ignored, and for the header to be
 hidden if `reply-to' is part of `gnus-boring-article-headers'.
 This can be useful if you're reading a mailing list group where
 the listserv has inserted `Reply-To' headers that point back to
 the listserv itself.  That is broken behavior.  So there!
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

in Group Parameters documentation in the manual.

Since the modification you wanted is infrequent, it's best to simply
edit the reply-to.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: When I customize a group, where is that metadata stored?

2008-10-28 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Wei Weng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Tassilo Horn wrote:


> I have seen often the "quote box" thing you have here in the few emacs related
> groups I read. How did you do it? You didn't do it manually, did you? :)
> Thanks
> Wei

Of course he did.  He spends hours getting it right!


Actually, look for boxquote.el which gives that "quote box".


info-gnus-english mailing list

spam in usenet groups; is there any setting in gnus to handle?

2008-11-08 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan

Some of the newsgroups that I follow seem to have been overrun with
spam.  Now, is there any settings in Gnus that can make those articles
get killfiled or disappear?  Is there a way to score it or make it
completely disappear from my Summary buffer?

I'd rather not set up the spam package
unless I have to.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: gnus and pine

2008-12-22 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Xavier Maillard  writes:


>> I would be interested to know if there are statistics about the
>> gnus userbase.
> Gnus is popular but I am pretty comfident there are not that much
> users.

You can say that again.  In the organisation where I work, so far
apart from me, none.  And all I get questions on

a) hey, what's that pic (gnus splash screen)
b) why are you working on MSDOS screens (I have a white on black
screen setup for Emacs)

Methinks, Gnus followers must be in the low thousands which itself
might be optimistic? :-)


info-gnus-english mailing list

Feature Request: Message-elide-region showing lines snipped and taking a string

2008-12-24 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan

The key C-c C-e currently elides a region of text and produces the


Can it have some customised options to show the number of lines of
text elided and also some text that the user can add?  Something like

[snipped 5 lines]
[5 lines of irrelevant text snipped]

Ideally, [...] or [snipped x lines] can be made default with the
option of the user being able to change the text.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Feature Request: Message-elide-region showing lines snipped and taking a string

2008-12-26 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Katsumi Yamaoka  writes:

>>>>>> Sivaram Neelakantan wrote:
>> The key C-c C-e currently elides a region of text and produces the
>> following
>> [...]

[snipped 40 lines]

works great. Thanks.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Feature Request: Message-elide-region showing lines snipped and taking a string

2008-12-26 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Reiner Steib  writes:

[snipped 27 lines]

Used Katsumi's patch.  Thanks anyway.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Can I grab mopre than one address for BBDB?

2009-01-08 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Andreas Davour  writes:

> Martin Fischer  writes:
>> Andreas Davour writes:
>>> Hi guys.
>>> I've been using BBDB for storing e-mail addresses from people for a
>>> while now. I've tried to find some info in the BBDB docs how to use it
>>> with gnus, but found little.
>>> If I get an e-mail From: FOO and CC: BAR is there a way to add BAR to my
>>> BBDB address book? Using : only adds FOO.
>>> Ideas?
>> M-x bbdb/gnus-show-all-recipients RET  ?
> That did the trick! Thanks Martin! Hmm. Are there any reasons not to have
> that command run every time I open an e-mail? Records already in my
> address book wont get affected, right?

[snipped 21 lines]

Well, I can't seem to get what you are missing apart from the feature
you asked but let me try explaining how I use BBDB; if that is of any
help to you.

When reading mail in the summary buffer hitting ';' prompts me to add
the name if it does not already exists.

C-c b asks me for a regex to search the BBDB and it shows the matches
in another buffer.  If that buffer is made the focus, hitting C-h m
will show all the keys you can use to edit/add names, aliases and

I seem to have the following customisations all over the place
;;in .emacs
 '(bbdb-get-addresses-headers (quote ((authors "From" "Resent-From" "Reply-To") 
(recipients "Resent-To" "Resent-CC" "To" "Cc" "CC" "BCC"
 '(bbdb-get-only-first-address-p nil)
 '(bbdb-info-file "c:/gnu/elisp/bbdb-2.35/texinfo/")

BBDB in .gnus.el
(require 'bbdb)
(require 'bbdb-com)
(require 'bbdb-gnus)
(require 'bbdb-hooks)
(require 'gnus-bbdb) 
;; ;;need for TAB expansion in headers for addresses
(require 'message-x);; search for message-x.el on the web
;; (setq message-x-body-function
;;   '(lambda () (interactive)(hippie-expand nil)))

(bbdb-initialize 'gnus 'message)
(add-hook 'gnus-startup-hook 'bbdb-insinuate-gnus)
(setq bbdb-send-mail-style 'message)
(add-hook 'message-setup-hook 'bbdb-define-all-aliases)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c b") 'bbdb)
(autoload 'bbdb/gnus-lines-and-from "bbdb-gnus")
(setq gnus-optional-headers 'bbdb/gnus-lines-and-from)
(setq bbdb-completion-display-record nil)
(setq bbdb-north-american-phone-numbers-p nil)
(setq bbdb-complete-name-allow-cycling t)
(setq bbdb-define-all-aliases-mode 'all)
(setq bbdb-default-country nil)

Have you had a chance to look at the info file?


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Why are incoming mails saved twice?

2009-06-08 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Hermann  writes:

> Hi,
> I use nnml as mail backend, and I figured out that arriving mails are
> stored twice:
> In ~/Mail/mail/misc with numbers and in
> ~/Mail as Incoming*.
> When I clean up my inbox, those Incoming* mails still exist.
> Is there a way to get rid of them without destroying the structure of
> mail handling? Simply deleting all this mails is perhaps no good idea?
> Hermann

I think you're referring to the incoming spool files.  Those can
automatically deleted by Gnus by setting the following.  Mine deletes
them after 1 day, you can set it to any value.

(setq mail-source-delete-incoming 1)
(setq mail-source-delete-old-incoming-confirm nil)


info-gnus-english mailing list

news server name change

2009-07-02 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
The news server that I use changed its name from to  And I made the 
corresponding change in the .authinfo file.  But apparently gnus 
is trying to connect to the old server name.

Where else should I be correcting the entries and preserve my 
subscriptions and stuff?


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: news server name change

2009-07-03 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan

Joe Fineman  writes:

[snipped 15 lines] 
groups, and that was a long agony the first time.  So I just 

the two references to the old name in my files.  The result was 

when I first logged in I found all the groups were empty; but I 

live with that.  Now everything is fine.

so what changes did you make and where?


info-gnus-english mailing list

removing all marks and starting over again

2009-07-20 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan

A couple of weeks back, I mentioned that the news server that I used
had a change.  And I edited the newsrc file to replace the news server
name with the new name.  Ever since, the unread count is varying
wildly for the groups I subscribe to.  It shows zero when I definitely
have not read some of the articles in each.

How do I reset the marks and start all over again?


info-gnus-english mailing list

Emacs 23.1 and sending email through msmtp

2009-07-30 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Apparently in 23.1, on windows at least, you may have to set 
message-send-mail-function explicitly to use sendmail.  On the earlier
22.2, this was not needed if you're using some other MDA.

(setq message-send-mail-function 'message-send-mail-with-sendmail)
;;;use msmtp instead of sendmail
(setq sendmail-program "/usr/sbin/msmtp")

Otherwise Emacs tries to launch the default windows associated mail
client.  In my case, it was puzzling to see it launch Firefox when I
was trying to send email.  A look at the docs showed that there are a
number of options to message-send-mail-function.

Hope this helps someone in a similar situation.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Emacs 23.1 and sending email through msmtp

2009-07-31 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Merciadri Luca  writes:

> On 31 juil, 04:07, Sivaram Neelakantan  wrote:

[snipped 17 lines]

> Do you want to answer to
> ?

Sorry, I can't help with that.  But have you tried to send an email
with a different email client and check whether it is faster?  If I'm
sending mail through msmtp, Gnus does wait for about 10 secs before UI
is accessible again and this is on Windows?


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Debugging msmtp in gnus

2009-09-02 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Thomas Bach  writes:

[snipped 43 lines]
Are you using 23.1 or 22.2?  Because 23.1 requires the first line
below to work

(setq message-send-mail-function 'message-send-mail-with-sendmail)
(setq sendmail-program "/usr/sbin/msmtp")
(setq message-sendmail-extra-arguments '("-a" "xx"))
(setq smtpmail-debug-info t) ; only to debug problems set to t if needed
(setq smtpmail-debug-verb t)

I use cygwin msmtp and win32 Emacs-23.1.  

What does the msmtp log say?  One other to check is to where msmtp
looks for its configuration files from within Emacs by launching it
within the Emacs shell.  On the new computer, the HOME env might be
different and that's why it's not working?


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Debugging msmtp in gnus

2009-09-03 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Thomas Bach  writes:

[snipped 21 lines]

>> What does the msmtp log say?  
> Thats another thing: msmtp doesn't log neither. It does when invoked
> on the command-line, but it doesn't when I am in gnus. Thats another
> reason why I'd like to have the whole command gnus invokes, just to
> check that there is really a /usr/bin/msmtp at the beginning.

hmmm...I'm fairly confident that this means, Emacs can't find msmtp to
send the email OR msmtp is looking at the wrong place for the
configuration files.

See, if I do M-x shell and type

/usr/sbin/msmtp --version
msmtp version 1.4.13
TLS/SSL library: OpenSSL
Authentication library: GNU SASL
Supported authentication methods:
plain cram-md5 digest-md5 external login 
IDN support: enabled
NLS: disabled
System configuration file name: /etc/msmtprc
User configuration file name: /cygdrive/c/Documents and 
Settings/sivaram/Application Data/.msmtprc

and from the cygwin command line

$ /usr/sbin/msmtp.exe --version
msmtp version 1.4.13
TLS/SSL library: OpenSSL
Authentication library: GNU SASL
Supported authentication methods:
plain cram-md5 digest-md5 external login
IDN support: enabled
NLS: disabled
System configuration file name: /etc/msmtprc
User configuration file name: /home/sivaram/.msmtprc

Try msmtp --version from within the Emacs shell and copy the msmtprc
file there and try again?

[snipped 10 lines]


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: ``You have lines longer than xx characters. Really post?''

2009-11-11 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Merciadri Luca  writes:

> Hi,
> When posting a message on Usenet, I often receive the message
> ``You have lines longer than xx characters. Really post(y/n)?''
> Is there a way to break lines after xx characters in Gnus?
> I had already written code in the .emacs to make this, but it seems
> not to be used in Gnus. Thanks.

You could try M-q to break the line automatically.

M-q runs the command fill-paragraph, which is an interactive compiled
Lisp function in `fill.el'.

It is bound to M-q.

If justify is non-nil (interactively, with prefix argument), justify as well.
If `sentence-end-double-space' is non-nil, then period followed by one
space does not end a sentence, so don't break a line there.
The variable `fill-column' controls the width for filling.

The fill-column var decides where the line will break.


info-gnus-english mailing list

POP: mail size details patch works

2010-04-03 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
I don't update my gnus that frequently so this may be a bit late.  But
whoever committed a patch for getting the mail size when fetching mail
via POP, well it works.

Retrieving message 1 of 4 from (29.0k)
Retrieving message 2 of 4 from (31.2k)
Retrieving message 3 of 4 from (26.9k)
Retrieving message 4 of 4 from (26.2k)

Before I used to get only the message, now I get the mail size too. 

Thanks for the patch.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: POP: mail size details patch works

2010-04-03 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Henri-Paul Indiogine  writes:

> Sivaram Neelakantan  writes:
>> I don't update my gnus that frequently so this may be a bit late.  But
>> whoever committed a patch for getting the mail size when fetching mail
>> via POP, well it works.
> I am wondering about updating my gnus.  95% of all my Emacs use is in gnus
> and org-mode.  It is fairly easy to keep org-mode updated and I do so
> each day:
> cd ~elisp/org-mode, git pull, make clean, make, make doc, sudo make install
> Is there a similar, relatively simple, method for updating gnus?
> I am running emacs23 on a Ubuntu Karmic laptop.
> Thanks,

Pretty straightforward,I'd think.  Do a cvs checkout of gnus first
(see Gnus webpage).  Do a ./configure making sure it can find the
right Emacs and then do make, that's it.  Don't do make install.  Add
the gnus cvs checked out folder into your path to make sure that's
read first.

Second time around when updating, do a cvs upd followed by make. 

I have my Emacs setup like this

C:/gnu/Emacs-2x.x (all the versions from 20.7)


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: POP: mail size details patch works

2010-04-04 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Henri-Paul Indiogine  writes:

[snipped 12 lines]

> In the case of org-mode I have the following:
> (setq load-path (cons "~/elisp/org-mode/lisp" load-path))
> (setq load-path (cons "~/elisp/org-mode/contrib/lisp" load-path))
> (require 'org-install)
> ...

[snipped 8 lines]

(add-to-list 'load-path "c:/gnu/elisp")
(setq load-path (cons "c:/gnu/elisp/gnus-cvs/lisp" load-path))
(setq load-path (cons "c:/gnu/elisp/bbdb-2.35/lisp" load-path))
(require 'gnus-load)
(require 'info)
;; add the info files of cygwin too
(setq Info-default-directory-list 
  (cons "c:/cygwin/usr/share/info" Info-default-directory-list))
;; point to the latest gnus doc instead of the default Emacs one
(setq Info-default-directory-list 
  (cons "c:/gnu/elisp/gnus-cvs/texi" Info-default-directory-list))
;;other info files found in different places
(setq Info-default-directory-list 
  (cons "c:/gnu/elisp/share/info" Info-default-directory-list))
(setq Info-default-directory-list 
  (cons "c:/gnu/share/info" Info-default-directory-list))

This is about all I think.


info-gnus-english mailing list

mails marked as read automatically after G z

2010-04-05 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan

On the mailing lists that I subscribe to, I did a G z to compress the
article numbers with G z on nnml groups and now all mail that comes in
are automatically marked as read in those groups.

nnml: Reading incoming mail from pop...
Opening TLS connection to `'...
Opening TLS connection with `gnutls-cli -p 995'...done
Opening TLS connection to `'...done
Retrieving message 1 of 1 from (11.5k)
Wrote c:/Documents and Settings/sivaram/Application Data/Mail/mail/misc/25
nnml: Reading incoming mail (1 new)...done
Reading active file via nnml...done

After the above messages, the mail was automatically marked as read.
Any idea how to fix this?  I'm on cvs Gnus.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Not quoting the email address in news/mailing lists followups

2010-04-26 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan

How do I configure the news/mailing lists followups and replies to not
quote the reply to address?

On another mailing list, I was asked to configure my mail client to
remove the email address

Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses
In Your Replies. Some mailers include the raw e-mail address
in the "Joe  wrote:" line. The web archives
for the mailing lists are publicly available. Let's not feed
the spam harvesters!


I couldn't see anything in the replies and follow ups section in the


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Not quoting the email address in news/mailing lists followups

2010-05-02 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
Daniel Pittman  writes:

> Sivaram Neelakantan  writes:
>> How do I configure the news/mailing lists followups and replies to not
>> quote the reply to address?
> C-h v message-citation-line-function 
> C-h v message-citation-line-format   
> You get to write your own function to mangle the email address as you prefer,
> or adjust the formatting preferences.  The later will allow you to omit the
> address entirely, though, without having to do more custom work.
I changed it to

(setq message-citation-line-format "On %a, %b %d %Y,%F %L wrote:\n")

is what I eval'ed and it doesn't seem to have changed the citation to
remove your email address.

What gives?

[snipped 25 lines]


info-gnus-english mailing list

editing .newsrc.eld file

2010-05-29 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
After renumbering my nnml articles (forgot the command in Gnus) in
some folders, all the marks are now knackered.  My mail.misc has
articles numbered 1-60 whiles the newsrc.eld file has something like
. 400 or so. which has resulted in not being able to see any mails at
all in the mail folder. And so on for other folders.  

How do I fix this?  What should I edit in the .newsrc.eld file?  I
also have some adaptive scoring files too, if it is of any relevance.


info-gnus-english mailing list

editing group info to fix issues

2010-09-18 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
I did a G z on some groups to sequence the article numbers and now I
can't see any unread mail; it all turns up as read in the nmml

Is this a bug?

I believe the way to fix this is to edit the group via G E to fix the
article numbers.  But I can't find any information in the info files
on how to interpret the G E buffer and what should be changed to get
to see unread mails.

Is there any info?  For e.g.  how do I interpret this?  The sas-l
folder has files going upto 647 and I can't see new emails as it's
getting marked as read.

("sas-l" 2
 ((1 . 647))
 ((tick 1)
   (1 . 637)
   (3558 . 3596)))  
 ((total-expire . t)
  (gnus-list-identifiers "SAS-L Digest -")
  (expiry-wait . 10)))


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: IMAP- Gmail mark sent as read

2010-12-24 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Fri, Dec 24 2010,Richard Riley wrote:

> Can someone suggest a way to make sent email as "read" in imap? I want
> to subscribe to my gmail "Sent Items" but dont want to see a total of
> "unread" in the Gnus group line.

Does setting this help?  Found this in the manual but not sure whether
it applies to IMAP.

 If non-`nil', automatically mark `Gcc' articles as read.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: organization in gnus

2011-02-20 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Mon, Feb 21 2011,prad  wrote:

> i'm trying develop more proper techniques for gnus now that i've used it for
> a couple of months.
> in a typical email system, i used folders. i don't know if this is a
> good way or not to do things.
> i know gnus offers levels which are like color settings for priority in
> email, but i don't have an understanding of how to best use this yet -
> or whether it can be a substitute for folders.
> what methods of organization do people use with gnus for both email
> and news?

You can still use folders in gnus.  Using nnml backend might be a good
bet as it's 1 file per email message.

and I think you're probably mixing up scoring with levels.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: General advice - incorporating gmail IMAP

2011-02-25 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Sun, Feb 20 2011,Harry Putnam wrote:


> Googling for windows pkgs of gnutls-cli or openssl.  What's
> available, is confusing.  
> Some of the pkgs available appear to be only for 32 bit, some seem pretty
> shakey as to being appropriate to windows7 and onward.
> Are there 64 bit pkgs that are known to work on win7 without lots of
> tweaking and fiddling?

Well, you're best bet on Windows is probably cygwin which has all the
above packages.  But my experience is limited to 32 bit XP.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: General advice - incorporating gmail IMAP

2011-02-26 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Sat, Feb 26 2011,Sivaram Neelakantan wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 20 2011,Harry Putnam wrote:

[snipped ]

> Well, you're best bet on Windows is probably cygwin which has all the
^ aargh! should be 'your'.  Dunce-->me.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: citation line above or below body?

2011-02-26 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Sat, Feb 26 2011,Damien Wyart wrote:

> * Sébastien Vauban  in gnu.emacs.gnus:
>> > ---8<---[snipped 19 lines]---8<---
>> I guess the above "elide" function is automatic. When pressing `C-h a', I see
>> I only have one version of it, the one (`message-elide-region') which inserts
>> ellipsis. How do you get a line-count?
> See these messages:

By coincidence, I'd mailed Lars to ask whether he could merge that
patch into message.el. I'd recently installed stuff on a new machine
and found that message-elide-region was not working for me.  Turns out
it's not applied to the file.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: libgnutls support?

2011-03-05 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Sun, Mar 06 2011,Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen wrote:

> David Kastrup  writes:
>> It would appear that Emacs now can be compiled with libgnutls support.
>> Is there a way or a plan for letting gnus make use of that?
> Gnus uses it automatically if you say
> (require 'gnutls)
> It's still experimental, though, which is why it's not used by default. 

and what would that entail in terms of .gnus configuration, if at all?


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Save old messages (nnml)

2011-06-04 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Sat, Jun 04 2011,Felix Natter wrote:

> hello,
> is there a software that converts nnml/nnmbox mail folders
> to HTML (or similar) so that they can be read (and maybe searched)
> without having that Gnus version around?
> I couldn't find anything via
> Thanks!

Not sure whether this would help or meets your needs...


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: How to display read articles?

2011-07-05 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Wed, Jul 06 2011,Angel de Vicente Angel de Vicente wrote:

[snipped 7 lines]

> I mean: after reading some articles, I exit the summary buffer, then
> later on I enter the group again, and the read articles are gone. I know
> that they are not deleted, and I've trying to find the option to let me
> see all the messages in a group (regardless of whether they had been
> read or not), but could not find it in the documentation. I'm sure it is
> somewhere in there, but the number of available options in Gnus is just
> overwhelming

Go to the Group listing and hit G P to go to Group Parameters and add
the following

((display . 100))

and then C-c C-c. This will show the last 100 articles and you can
change it to any number you choose to.

[snipped 10 lines]


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Incomingxxxxx files in Mail directory

2011-07-06 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Thu, Jul 07 2011,Slackrat  wrote:

> a écrit profondement:
> | Hi,
> | I'm slowly configuring Gnus to my taste (by the way, great software!!!),
> | but I still have some issues. One of them is regarding Incoming
> | files in my Mail directory. My setting involves calling fetchmail to get
> | mail from my IMAP server and drop it into my localhost spool
> | directory. Then Gnus takes that and populates the Mail directory with
> | all the mail (nnml back-end, in case it is relevant). All fine, but
> | loads of Incoming files are created in Mail directory (apparently
> | every time that I check the IMAP server and get new mail: more or less
> | every 15 minutes), which are apparentely not deleted. Is this normal?
> | Will they go away? Do I have to delete them?

> They only persist for 24 hours
> Otherwise set up an hourly cronjob to zap them:
> rm /home//Mail/Incoming*

If you set it to the following in gnus.el, those incoming files will
be deleted in 1 day(you can change it to any number).  If you want to
delete it immediately, change the value to t.

;;if retrieving from spool, delete temp file after 1 days
(setq mail-source-delete-incoming 1)
(setq mail-source-delete-old-incoming-confirm nil)

 If non-`nil', delete incoming files after handling them.  If `t',
 delete the files immediately, if `nil', never delete any files.
 If a positive number, delete files older than number of days (the
 deletion will only happen when receiving new mail).  You may also
 set `mail-source-delete-incoming' to `nil' and call
 `mail-source-delete-old-incoming' from a hook or interactively.
 `mail-source-delete-incoming' defaults to `10' in alpha Gnusae and
 `2' in released Gnusae.  *Note Gnus Development::.

See the section on Mail Source Customization in the Gnus manual.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Problem incorporating old mail from Thunderbird

2011-07-07 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Thu, Jul 07 2011,Angel de Vicente Angel de Vicente wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to import all my archived mail, which until now I was
> managing with Thunderbird. I have several archive files in Thunderbird,
> and all of them have worked very well when importing to Gnus (G f), but
> with one of them, it only finds 3 articles, despite the actual number
> being around 3700. 

[snipped 14 lines]

I have no idea how you're doing the importing of the emails.  It might
be a good idea to mail the list on how you're doing the
Thunderbird->Gnus migration so that it can help others, when you're
upto it.  Or even better do it on Emacswiki.

Now to your problem

How about moving small number of messages at a time to a new folder
within Thunderbird (don't know how its archiving works) and then
export it and see whether Gnus imports it correctly?  Maybe, the first
few messages in the archive may be borking the entire folder import?


info-gnus-english mailing list

unable to see mails in mail.misc

2011-09-29 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan

On No Gnus v0.17, GNU Emacs 23.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of
2011-03-10 on 3249CTO, after mail splitting, I can't see the mails in
the mail.misc even though the log says it's there and I can see the
article file number.

(setq nnmail-split-methods
  '(("sas-l" "^Subject:.*SAS-L*")
("mail.misc" "")))

which did this

Wrote c:/Documents and Settings/sivaram/Application Data/Mail/sas-l/1914
Wrote c:/Documents and Settings/sivaram/Application Data/Mail/sas-l/1915
Wrote c:/Documents and Settings/sivaram/Application Data/Mail/sas-l/1916
Wrote c:/Documents and Settings/sivaram/Application Data/Mail/mail/misc/443
nnml: Reading incoming mail (4 new)...done

Checking the folder, the file is there
  -rw-rw-rw-  1 sivaram None  17478 09-27 22:55 441
  -rw-rw-rw-  1 sivaram None   9309 09-28 22:11 442
  -rw-rw-rw-  1 sivaram None   3042 09-29 16:54 443

but I can't see it in mail.misc!  I don't have anything in Group
Parameters that would prevent viewing.

Where do I start debugging?


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: unable to see mails in mail.misc

2011-09-29 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Thu, Sep 29 2011,Sivaram Neelakantan wrote:

> On No Gnus v0.17, GNU Emacs 23.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of
> 2011-03-10 on 3249CTO, after mail splitting, I can't see the mails in

[snipped 21 lines]

> but I can't see it in mail.misc!  I don't have anything in Group
> Parameters that would prevent viewing.
> Where do I start debugging?
>  sivaram
>  -- 

addendum, If I do a G d in the Group buffer, I'm able to read that
folder and see all the mails

 424: nndir:c:/Documents and Settings/sivaram/Application 

which is a bit puzzling as to why nothing is showing up in the nnml
folder instead.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus Reply With Original Message Quoted

2011-10-06 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Thu, Oct 06 2011,Burton Samograd wrote:

> Hello,

[snipped 9 lines]

> Is there a setting to allow this behaviour to work properly? I'll add
> that I am running the git version of emacs so there might be a bug due
> to a new gnus merge, but I thought I would ask on here to see if anyone
> has any suggestions.
> Thanks.
> --
> Burton Samograd

What does 'R' instead of 'r' give as that's the key to quote the
original message?  And if 'R' does not work, can you tell what it's
bound to, in the Summary buffer by trying C-h k R ?


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: unable to see mails in mail.misc

2011-10-06 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Thu, Sep 29 2011,Sivaram Neelakantan wrote:

> On No Gnus v0.17, GNU Emacs 23.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of
> 2011-03-10 on 3249CTO, after mail splitting, I can't see the mails in
> the mail.misc even though the log says it's there and I can see the
> article file number.
> (setq nnmail-split-methods
>   '(("sas-l" "^Subject:.*SAS-L*")
>   ("mail.misc" "")))
> which did this
> Wrote c:/Documents and Settings/sivaram/Application Data/Mail/sas-l/1914
> Wrote c:/Documents and Settings/sivaram/Application Data/Mail/sas-l/1915
> Wrote c:/Documents and Settings/sivaram/Application Data/Mail/sas-l/1916
> Wrote c:/Documents and Settings/sivaram/Application Data/Mail/mail/misc/443
> nnml: Reading incoming mail (4 new)...done
> ...
> Checking the folder, the file is there
>   -rw-rw-rw-  1 sivaram None  17478 09-27 22:55 441
>   -rw-rw-rw-  1 sivaram None   9309 09-28 22:11 442
>   -rw-rw-rw-  1 sivaram None   3042 09-29 16:54 443
> but I can't see it in mail.misc!  I don't have anything in Group
> Parameters that would prevent viewing.
> Where do I start debugging?
>  sivaram
>  -- 



info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus Reply With Original Message Quoted

2011-10-06 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Thu, Oct 06 2011,Burton Samograd wrote:

> Sivaram,
> Please note this message was manually quoted.
>> What does 'R' instead of 'r' give as that's the key to quote the
>> original message?  And if 'R' does not work, can you tell what it's
>> bound to, in the Summary buffer by trying C-h k R ?
> When I type R on your message I get the following buffer:
> --------
> Sivaram Neelakantan  writes:
> That is it (without the dashed lines).
> R is bound to:
>R runs the command gnus-summary-reply-with-original

Stumped.  That's what is bound for me too.  You should probably
generate a bug report and mail it in.

M-x gnus-bug will capture details; please edit it to remove any info
that might be sensitive and then mail it in.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: unable to see mails in mail.misc

2011-10-06 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Fri, Oct 07 2011,Ian Zimmerman wrote:

>>> On No Gnus v0.17, GNU Emacs 23.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of
> I bet the problem is there.  (also your other problem with quoting.)

Err...why do you say that?  Mine is a stock install from the gnu

GNU Emacs 23.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2011-03-10 on 3249CTO 

is what I get for m-x Emacs-version on the XP laptop that I installed
it on.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Follow up via news

2011-12-10 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Sat, Dec 10 2011,Ian Zimmerman wrote:

> Hi.  For some odd reasons, I like all my groups served by my IMAP
> server, even those that are really newsgroups.  I do this by reading the
> newsfeed with suck [1] in a cronjob and mailing the articles to myself.
> This works pretty well, but there is one problem, I want to stop lurking
> and actually take part in the discussion.  So, I have to post to the
> original newsgroup.  But Gnus treats the articles as mail because they
> appear to come from IMAP, and so hitting "f" or "F" gives me a mail
> message to compose.
> How can I teach Gnus that some of my groups are really news and should
> be followed up to with a news post?

Interesting way of reading news...really!  I don't have an idea but I
think working with Posting Styles might be the way to force it to do
something newsy from news articles piped in through IMAP.

Guessing here.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: View seen articles in summary

2011-12-13 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Tue, Dec 13 2011,Philippe M. Coatmeur Philippe M. Coatmeur wrote:

> Hi everyone ; I'm getting up to speed with gnus and I really like to be
> able to format and mail any piece of text. But there is one thing that I
> can't seem to understand : How to make the (imap folders) summary display, 
> well, *all*
> articles exept those that I explicitely delete of flag otherwise ?
> The articles are here, they exist, I can search them using nnir, and
> they magically re-appear, bit how can I make them stay there ?

In the Group Buffer, against a group, hit ' G P' and enter the

((display . 100))

and then hit C-c C-c.  Now enter the group, you should see the last
100 articles; the number can be changed to suit your taste.  You may
also want to read up on 'Group Parameters' in the info file.

> Couple of additionnal noob questions :
> -How to make the mail fields (To:, Subject:, etc.) read-only ?

Could  you elaborate on this?

> -How to set the default number of displayed (nntp) articles, say to 200
>  ?
> Phil

See the first suggestion.  It may be a good idea to do it in the .gnus
file by doing something like this
 (visible . t) 
 (display . all) 
  (address "") 
  (name "Sivaram Neelakantan") 
  (body "\n\n sivaram\n -- \n") 
  (user-mail-address ""))) 

on a per group basis.  See also Posting Styles documentation.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus with multiple imap accounts: Google complains?

2012-02-13 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Mon, Feb 13 2012,Thorsten  wrote:

[snipped 13 lines]

>> Anybody out there who had the same problem? How do I convince google I'm
>> not a robot when I use w3m without X and cannot see the captchas? 
> It seems the problem has gone away by itself - using google with w3m
> works again. Not sure what happened. The magic healing forces of time
> probably. 

Is there a way to slow down the 4 simultaneous connections(say, random
time waits) to gmail, so that gmail doesn't think you're a bot?

Just asking


info-gnus-english mailing list

mairix use in Gnus

2012-03-11 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
In light of this post, can someone provide a few steps in indexing and
searching Gnus nnml email using mairix,please?  For a win32 Emacs

where Eli has apparently ported it to Windows.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: multiple gmail accounts: smtp and expiry

2012-04-17 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Sat, Apr 14 2012,George McNinch wrote:

> Hi,
> To the extent that this is useful, I thought I'd share some
> idea(s)/solution(s) to issues related to smtp and expiry for multiple
> gmail accounts in gnus.


If I may be bold enough to request, why don't you put this up in
emacswiki?  All I did for GnusMSMTP link in wiki was simply write down
stuff similar to way you'd done here.  It took me 10m to figure things
out on the wiki.

[snipped 113 lines]

And if people have better ideas, they'd correct it on the wiki.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: multiple gmail accounts: smtp and expiry

2012-04-18 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Tue, Apr 17 2012,Richard Riley wrote:

[snipped 19 lines]

>> And if people have better ideas, they'd correct it on the wiki.
> Except in reality they don't. Mutiple smtp accounts has numerous
> solutions - some which do and some which dont work with multiple gmail
> accounts and the latest Gnus and for someone not familiar with elisp to

True.  You at least know what didn't work.  :-)

[snipped 6 lines]


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: multiple gmail accounts: smtp and expiry

2012-04-20 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Wed, Apr 18 2012,Richard Riley wrote:

[snipped 15 lines]

> In addition the msmtp solution is not nice since (a) its external to
> emacs/gnus and (b) passwords are kept in clear text as opposed to the
> much more preferablie .authinfo.gpg. Possibly there is some cleaver way
> around that but I dont know.

Again true!  But If I had smtp, gmail accounts and all the knickknacks
working in Emacs, I wouldn't have gone on to looking at msmtp? 

[snipped 6 lines]


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Widows - Fetchmail type utility

2012-05-04 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Thu, May 03 2012,Slackrat  wrote:

> For the time being I am compelled to  use Windows in an Internet Cafe
> environment.
> Is there a utility to POP mail off servers apart from gnus itself which
> I am using and apart  from installing Cygwin

I believe you may be able to find windows compiled versions of mpop
which does pop

I haven't used it but the author does reply promptly to emails. 


info-gnus-english mailing list

OT: Have you met another Gnus user in person?

2012-09-09 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan

It just struck me that I have not met a single person who's a Gnus
user in flesh and blood; Emacs, once in a while but gnus?  Nyet, nada,

It's getting lonely you know...

Have you?


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: does anyone have a workaround for the "Hiding the thread moved us backwards, aborting!" bug yet?

2012-09-21 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Fri, Sep 21 2012,Randal L. Schwartz Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

> it's driving me crazy. :(

We're on a Gnus mailing list, which by definition is where the crazies
congregate (Have you seen normal email clients/MUAs, recently?).  You're not
out of the ordinary, here. :-)

And no, I have no idea of the bug or the resolution.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Colouring diff-part of an email

2013-03-06 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Wed, Mar 06 2013,Tassilo Horn wrote:

[snipped 7 lines]

> Not sure, but I think Gnus can already do highlighting of org-mode style
> source code blocks like the following:
> #+BEGIN_SRC diff
> +Some text added
> -Some text deleted 
> +Some more text added

Can see the above in colour, if it helps

[snipped 11 lines]


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: expiring with gnus-parameters

2013-06-27 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Fri, Jun 28 2013,Harry Putnam wrote:

[snipped 21 lines]

> The result I'm after is to have certain groups maintain a specific
> backlog of messages like 90 days worth or whatever, and to
> periodically total-expire them down to the actual 90 day backlog,
> without me actually doing any intervention.

Yes, me too. I've always wondered whether there's any way to do this
without opening the groups.  If it can be bound to M-g and that too
only once/24 hrs, it would be great.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: expiring with gnus-parameters

2013-07-01 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Mon, Jul 01 2013,Harry Putnam wrote:

> Sivaram Neelakantan  writes:

[snipped 15 lines]

> You are in luck Sivaram... I posted my question on the ding list and
> got this nifty reply from Eric Abrahamsen
> From gmane.emacs.gnus.general
>   Message-ID: <>
> Harry wrote:
>> The result I'm after is to have certain groups maintain a specific
>> backlog of messages like 90 days worth or whatever, and to
>> periodically total-expire them down to the actual 90 day backlog,
>> without me actually doing any intervention.
> Eric replied:
>> Does 'C-c C-M-X' (`gnus-group-expire-all-groups') do the trick? You
>> could put that in a hook to be called when gnus is started or stopped...

Thank you Harry and Eric.


info-gnus-english mailing list

change in default Follow up behaviour?

2013-07-01 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan

On this and other newsgroups, I believe a 'F' "follow up", to any
message would only send it to the newsgroup. It's been so long that I
don't notice the headers when I do a follow up but only have I noticed
that it replies to the poster and CCs the list.

Is that how follow ups are supposed to work?


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: change in default Follow up behaviour?

2013-07-02 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Tue, Jul 02 2013,Tassilo Horn wrote:

> Sivaram Neelakantan  writes:
>> On this and other newsgroups, I believe a 'F' "follow up", to any
>> message would only send it to the newsgroup. It's been so long that I
>> don't notice the headers when I do a follow up but only have I noticed
>> that it replies to the poster and CCs the list.
>> Is that how follow ups are supposed to work?
> No.  For me `F'/`f' just follows up to the newsgroup.  A wide reply `S
> W'/`S w' has the effect you describe.  I think following up becomes wide
> reply in groups where `gnus-mailing-list-mode' is active.
> Bye,
> Tassilo

My Group Parameters has this; do this affect Follow ups?

((to-list . "")
 (display . 100))

gnus-mailing-list-mode is a variable defined in `gnus-ml.el'.
Its value is nil


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: How to Track down why gmane is asking for authentication suddenly

2013-08-23 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Fri, Aug 23 2013,Harry Putnam wrote:

[snipped 35 lines]

> I suggest you check the cited gmane link above to see if your IP is
> similarly banned.
> I left word on gmane.discuss of what I've posted above but no one has
> responded.
> Maybe some one here can throw some light on this.

I vaguely remember getting banned a few years back and it then went
 away in a few days, I think.  Or I may have mailed Lars and he may
 fixed something


info-gnus-english mailing list

RSS article with images from blogger causes Gnus to hang

2014-01-21 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan

I've subscribed to the r-bloggers newsfeed and I've
noticed that if the article links to png image, gnus
kicks off an openssl client call on port 80 and it becomes
unresponsive.  C-g doesn't work and I'm forced to terminate Emacs 24.3
on Win 7.  I also have cygwin installed which has openssl which works
fine with Emacs I think, as I believe that connects to gmail to fetch
my emails.

Why are ssl calls triggered for blogger sites and how do I make it go
away or make Gnus give up if it doesn't connect?


info-gnus-english mailing list

using a browser from ma gnus 0.7

2014-01-30 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan

After subbing to some RSS groups, gnus seem to render the html as well
as images well.  Clicking on a link however doesn't seem to work.
What do I have to do get it sorted?  Either Gnusy rendered or
launching an external browser?  Any help appreciated as I don't
recollect what I did to get something in html rendered in gnus.  A
gnus search of url and browser in the info pages didn't seem to help.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: using a browser from ma gnus 0.7

2014-01-31 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Fri, Jan 31 2014,Lars Ingebrigtsen wrote:

> Sivaram Neelakantan  writes:
>> After subbing to some RSS groups, gnus seem to render the html as well
>> as images well.  Clicking on a link however doesn't seem to work.
> What's the value of the `mm-text-html-renderer' variable?  

It's shr 


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: using a browser from ma gnus 0.7

2014-01-31 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Fri, Jan 31 2014,Sivaram Neelakantan wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 31 2014,Lars Ingebrigtsen wrote:
>> Sivaram Neelakantan  writes:
>>> After subbing to some RSS groups, gnus seem to render the html as well
>>> as images well.  Clicking on a link however doesn't seem to work.
>> What's the value of the `mm-text-html-renderer' variable?  
> It's shr 
>  sivaram
>  -- 

Belay that.  Looks like I had this in .gnus.el

;; (setq browse-url-firefox-program "C:/Program Files/Mozilla 

which was causing issues.  Commenting it out and clicking on a link
now, automatically launches my default browser.

Apologies for the noise.


info-gnus-english mailing list

saving gwene RSS posts

2014-02-15 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan

What's the best/preferred way to save RSS full text feeds?  I've
subscribed to a few RSS feeds and I'd like to save some of those
articles/posts.  I think mailing them to myself is certainly not the

something like marking them and upon exiting the group, it copies the
article to a nnml folder, perhaps?


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: using a browser from ma gnus 0.7

2014-02-21 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Fri, Jan 31 2014,Lars Ingebrigtsen wrote:

> Sivaram Neelakantan  writes:
>> After subbing to some RSS groups, gnus seem to render the html as well
>> as images well.  Clicking on a link however doesn't seem to work.

A few more questions on shr.  Just wanted to know whether there are
options to magnify the text of the buffer and images.  Gnus renders
RSS posts beautifully but the images are resized and I do want to
magnify them while reading or reduce them further, if need be.

Firefox does this with the + - keys(both text and images).


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: saving gwene RSS posts

2014-03-06 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Wed, Mar 05 2014,Lars Ingebrigtsen wrote:

> Sivaram Neelakantan  writes:
>> What's the best/preferred way to save RSS full text feeds?  I've
>> subscribed to a few RSS feeds and I'd like to save some of those
>> articles/posts.  I think mailing them to myself is certainly not the
>> way.
>> something like marking them and upon exiting the group, it copies the
>> article to a nnml folder, perhaps?
> Gnus can copy messages to local storage using a caching mechanism.  See
> the manual for details.

I've had a look at article caching and I can't figure how that would
apply to my use case.  Some RSS articles I want to save for long term
reference.  Is it enough to simply copy them to some other folder,
preferably in the same format that I see in the gwene ng?  

3.16 Saving Articles section gives some options that I find it hard to
choose from.  Any advice?


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: saving gwene RSS posts

2014-04-15 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Thu, Mar 06 2014,Lars Ingebrigtsen wrote:

> Sivaram Neelakantan  writes:
>> I've had a look at article caching and I can't figure how that would
>> apply to my use case.  Some RSS articles I want to save for long term
>> reference.  Is it enough to simply copy them to some other folder,
>> preferably in the same format that I see in the gwene ng?  
> The `*' command will cache the message locally.

Looks like I misunderstood what the * option does for caching. I've
been marking some articles with * and I see that it has all expired
now and no longer in the group.

I think my use case goes like this.

How I keep certain articles in the group without it ever expiring
unless I mark it for deletion or delete it.  I've subbed to some RSS
feeds where I'd like to retain specific posts forever within the

How do I do that, please?


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: saving gwene RSS posts

2014-04-22 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Thu, Apr 17 2014,Wolfgang Jenkner wrote:

[snipped 17 lines]

> They should be still there, try `Y c' in the summary buffer, see

ahh, yes, that does bring it up. Thanks for the help

> (info "(gnus) Summary Generation Commands")
>> How I keep certain articles in the group without it ever expiring
>> unless I mark it for deletion or delete it.
> Change the value of gnus-use-cache from `passive' to some other non-nil
> value.  You can then mark those articles as `ticked' or `dormant' and
> that will automatically mark them as persistent as well.
> See (info "(gnus) Article Caching") and (info "(gnus) Unread Articles").
> Alternatively (well, even at the same time...) you could agentize the
> server in question and then you don't need any of the stuff described
> above since, by default, the agent doesn't expire ticked articles in its
> own cache (which is different from the cache described above).

Agentize is not something I want to try for fear of downloading
massive list of articles. Besides I'm likely to mess things up with


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: RSS feeds

2014-07-06 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Sat, Jul 05 2014,Steven Arntson wrote:

[snipped 14 lines]

> Gwene seems like it's been down for a couple of days. Anyone else had
> any trouble reaching it? One of those "" websites told me
> it wasn't just me.

works for me...


info-gnus-english mailing list

Cannot read partial active file msg

2015-01-21 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan

I just noticed that I keep getting this message over the last few
days.  What does this mean?

--8<---cut here---start->8---
Opening nntp server on
Cannot read partial active file from nntp server.
Reading active file via nndraft...done
--8<---cut here---end--->8---


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Cannot read partial active file msg

2015-01-29 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Thu, Jan 29 2015,Lars Ingebrigtsen wrote:

> Sivaram Neelakantan  writes:
>> I just noticed that I keep getting this message over the last few
>> days.  What does this mean?
>> Opening nntp server on
>> Cannot read partial active file from nntp server.
>> Reading active file via nndraft...done
> It probably means that the nntp server isn't returning any data when
> you're requesting a group listing.

That's weird, I was getting these messages as it was downloading
headers and now the server has completely stopped responding.

Dunno, will wait for the server to come up


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: .gnus init file

2015-02-01 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Sun, Feb 01 2015,btraven  wrote:

> I have both .emacs and .gnus in ~\ (w32 24.4) and am manually
> transfering gnus stuff from .emacs to .gnus
> Is there a way to have options > customize write to a
> custom-set-variables paragraph in .gnus instead of in .emacs or does all
> the gnus stuff set through customize have to stay in .emacs
> Also is this the right place to ask about using openssl, gnutls, and
> other non-Emacs apps needed to make gnus a mail reader as well as a news
> reader?
> I have all of this in \emacs\gnutls: 
> cacert.pem  libgnutls-28.dll  openssl.exe
> certtool.exelibgnutls-openssl-27.dll  psktool.exe
> danetool.exelibhogweed-2-5.dllReadMe.txt
> gnutls-cli-debug.exe  libiconv-2.dll  regex2.dll
> gnutls-cli.exe  libintl-8.dll srptool.exe
> gnutls-serv.exe   libnettle-4-7.dll   ssleay32.dll
> HashInfo.txtlibtasn1-6.dllzlib1.dll
> libeay32.dllocsptool.exe
> libgmp-10.dll   OpenSSL\ License.txt
> and ssl.el in \emacs\site-lisp but the ssl.el may not be current (from
> 1999).
> In the emacswiki I read:

I just set up Emacs +gnus+gmail mail send/receive on my win 7 laptop.
And this might not be what you were looking for but here goes anyway.

1.  Download the ezwinports bin files from sourceforge.  Just take all
of them, doesn't matter.  Look for w32-bin files I believe

2.  Put them in c:/gnu/ezwinports or c:/Emacs/ezwinports. err...unzip
them of course.

3. look at your C-h v dynamic-library-alist

Value: ((xpm "libxpm.dll" "xpm4.dll" "libXpm-nox4.dll")
 (png "libpng16.dll" "libpng16-16.dll")
 (tiff "libtiff-5.dll" "libtiff3.dll" "libtiff.dll")
 (jpeg "libjpeg-9.dll")
 (gif "libgif-7.dll")
 (svg "librsvg-2-2.dll")
 (gdk-pixbuf "libgdk_pixbuf-2.0-0.dll")
 (glib "libglib-2.0-0.dll")
 (gobject "libgobject-2.0-0.dll")
 (gnutls "libgnutls-28.dll" "libgnutls-26.dll")
 (libxml2 "libxml2-2.dll" "libxml2.dll")
 (zlib "zlib1.dll" "libz-1.dll"))

These dlls should be there in unzipped directory.

4.  Make sure that ezwinports dir is in the PATH in the "MY Computer"
settings. Adding the path in Emacs doesn't work.  And it has to be
there BEFORE the cygwin path.  which is important.

5.  I have this settings for my .gnus

--8<---cut here---start->8---
(setq mail-sources
  '((pop :server ""
 :port 995
 :user ""
 :password "x"
 :stream ssl)))
;;if retrieving from spool, delete temp file after 1 days
(setq mail-source-delete-incoming 1)
(setq mail-source-delete-old-incoming-confirm nil)
(eval-after-load "mail-source" '(require 'pop3))
(setq smtpmail-stream-type 'ssl)
(setq smtpmail-smtp-server "")
(setq smtpmail-smtp-service 465)
(setq smtpmail-debug-info t) ; only to debug problems set to t if needed
(setq smtpmail-debug-verb t)
;; ;;so that sent-mail folders see "To" headers instead of from
(setq gnus-extra-headers
  '(To ))
(setq gnus-verbose 7)
(setq gnus-verbose-backends 7)
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

I don't think I used anything other than stock gnus .el files or
anything outside of the the ezwinports.  In fact, I used msmtp before
but since the ezwinports binaries, it's fully native Emacs.

6.  You'd need an .authinfo file in ~/ directory


or somewhere

7. You may want to see this thread for more info

8. If this works, gnus would render html and images too.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: .gnus init file

2015-02-03 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Tue, Feb 03 2015,B. T. Raven wrote:

> Sivaram
> Neelakantan Mon,
> 02 Feb 2015 09:37:54 +0530
>>On Sun, Feb 01 2015,btraven  wrote:

[snipped 104 lines]

> Thanks, Sivaram. I have installed files you suggested above and added lines to
> .gnus, restarted emacs, and now gnus is much slower (long wait on black
> hourglass within Emacs. dynamic-library-alist shows same as before with older
> versions of dlls.

Please launch Emacs without your init file, and check the
dynamic-library-alist.  That list of DLLs especially the gnutls one
should be there in the ezwinports.  I'm assuming you're using the
stock install of Emacs 24.4 from the gnu website.

>My box is also win7 laptop (64-bit). I'm assuming that all
> this 32bit stuff will work since I think Emacs itself is still only 32 bit.

Yes, it will work.

> Anyway now gnus is not even usable as newsreader so I am posting via newsguy 
> web
> direct. I don't want to undo what I've done and will start reading the whole
> gnus manual to see if I can get more insight into what is going on. Anyway I 
> am
> not able to see where the old dll's are coming from.

Well, it is important that Emacs can find the exact versions of DLLs
of the alist that it think it needs.  Without that, nothing will work.
IF it is finding older versions of DLLs, you prolly have to root
through your win7 directories and at least temporarily rename those

>Is it necessary to restart w32 itself?

When I changed the PATH, I had to anyway reboot and so cannot say
either way; it might be a good idea to reboot, Win systems are funky. 

>There is a 493k libXpm.dll in the emacs.exe subdirectory
>(\emacs\bin). Is that supposed to be there?

That shouldn't be a cause of any issues.  You don't have to do
anything to it.

Add these to your .gnus.el

(setq smtpmail-debug-info t) ; only to debug problems set to t if needed
(setq smtpmail-debug-verb t)
(setq gnus-verbose 7)
(setq gnus-verbose-backends 7)

Typically you should see something like this in Messages buffer.

--8<---cut here---start->8---
Checking new news...
gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) GnuTLS library loaded: libgnutls-28.dll
gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) allocating credentials
gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) setting the trustfile:  
gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) setting the trustfile:  
gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) gnutls callbacks
gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) gnutls_init
gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) got non-default priority string: NORMAL
gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) setting the priority string
gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) non-fatal error: Resource temporarily unavailable, try 
again. [2715 times] certificate could not be verified.
gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) certificate signer was not found:
gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) certificate validation failed:
gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) allocating credentials
gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) setting the trustfile:  
gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) setting the trustfile:  
gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) gnutls callbacks
gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) gnutls_init
gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) got non-default priority string: NORMAL
gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) setting the priority string
gnutls.c: [1] (Emacs) non-fatal error: Resource temporarily unavailable, try 
again. [3324 times] certificate could not be verified.
--8<---cut here---end--->8---


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Displaying Images in HTML Mail

2015-03-03 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Sun, Mar 01 2015,Les Harris wrote:

> Can anyone point me in the right direction for configuring Gnus to
> display images in HTML mail?
> Running Gnus v5.13 as shipped with Emacs 24.4.  EWW renders the HTML in
> the Message buffer fine but loads no images. If I go to a URL outside of
> Gnus using EWW it renders images fine.  I have set gnus-inhibit-images
> to nil in my Gnus config and yet I still have no images showing in the
> Gnus message buffer for an HTML mail.
> I have yet to find the relevant configuration for this so I thought I
> would ask and see if anyone knew.
> Any help appreciated, thank you.

On which OS is this?  On what platform is Emacs runnings,as the
Windows port has a few steps that you need to follow.

The following thread might be useful

If you're able to see png/jpeg outside of gnus, then the above
instructions are moot.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Gnus Multiple Roles

2015-12-08 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Tue, Dec 08 2015,B.V. Raghav wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been successfully using alpine for a long time now. While
> switching to gnus, I feel that the functionality of alpine that I find
> missing are:

[snipped 8 lines]

> The setting was:
> (setq smtpmail-multi-associations
>   '((("To" . "help-gnu-emacs.*") bvraghav\.com)
>   ))
> Further I could not find a ready way to choose a specific smtp server
> setting.
> Is there a way with the library, or a simple(r) recipe, that I can
> adapt to my needs, in order to fulfil the requirements.

Please take a look at Gnus Posting Styles in the manual, it might be
what you're looking for


info-gnus-english mailing list

Is there a simple way to set up spam filtering?

2016-01-03 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan

So, I look at the docs and it's got a good deal of info on setting up
something to filter spam.  Me, I just want a spam folder, mark a few
mails as spam in mail.misc and over time gnus figures out the spam
mails and moves it automagically to spam folder.  Possible?

Seriously, the docs chapter on spam is hard.  Too hard to even set it
up.  And that's not even coming to the fancy splitting part.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Sending emails from multiple accounts on same smtp server

2016-02-16 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
I have an authinfo file of the following format

machine login password xxx port 587
machine login password xxx  port 587

Depending on the group I'm in, I'd like it to use one or the other
account.  I thought using a setup like

 (visible . t) 
 (display . all) 
  (address "") 
  (name "Sivaram Neelakantan") 
  (body "\n\nsivaram\n-- \n") 
  (user-mail-address ""))) 

in posting styles would choose the right smtp id to send from authinfo
but it doesn't seem to do that. Sometimes I see one or the other email
FROM header depending on which group I entered first

Any advice on how to make it choose the right smtp account based on
address? and set the appropriate headers?


info-gnus-english mailing list

Emacs 25.1 : gnus-load file, is it needed?

2016-09-19 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
I tried to launch gnus from Emacs 25.1 by commenting out this line
in my .emacs

;;(setq load-path (cons "c:/gnu/elisp/gnus-m0-15/lisp" load-path))
(require 'gnus-load)

and it promptly said, cannot find gnus-load.

What changes do I have to make now that I don't have to use gnus git


info-gnus-english mailing list

possible repost: create sent folder by year

2016-09-22 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
How do I make gnus create sent folders by year instead of the default
archive:sent.2016.09 etc?  I want to store my sent mails by year
instead of by year.

Not quite sure what to tweak.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: possible repost: create sent folder by year

2016-09-26 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Thu, Sep 22 2016,Adam Sjøgren wrote:

> Sivaram writes:
>> How do I make gnus create sent folders by year instead of the default
>> archive:sent.2016.09 etc?  I want to store my sent mails by year
>> instead of by year.
> I do it like this:
>   (setq gnus-message-archive-group
> '((if (message-news-p)
>   (concat "news-" (format-time-string "%Y"))
> (concat "mail-" (format-time-string "%Y")
> which creates yearly folders for news and mail, e.g. news-2016 and
> mail-2016.

Thanks.  I've used the code above and it created folders in the same

[snipped 6 lines]


info-gnus-english mailing list

retaining marked articles in summary buffer?

2017-02-25 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan

I usually mark articles that I want to read later with a * and it
stays in the group, which is fine.  However they disappear as new new
articles come in and I have to get them back by hitting Y c .  Is there
a way to keep them in the summary buffer but the usual expiry of non
marked articles happen?


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: retaining marked articles in summary buffer?

2017-02-26 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Sat, Feb 25 2017,Eric Abrahamsen wrote:

> Sivaram Neelakantan  writes:
>> I usually mark articles that I want to read later with a * and it
>> stays in the group, which is fine.  However they disappear as new new
>> articles come in and I have to get them back by hitting Y c .  Is there
>> a way to keep them in the summary buffer but the usual expiry of non
>> marked articles happen?
> I usually tick the articles, with "!". Does that work the way you want?

Right, what's the difference between * and ! then?  I was told to use
* a few years back.  I believe I mentioned that I wanted to keep the
article around indefinitely


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: retaining marked articles in summary buffer?

2017-02-26 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Sun, Feb 26 2017,Enrico Schumann wrote:

> On Sun, 26 Feb 2017, Adam Sjøgren writes:

[snipped 20 lines]

> When 'gnus-use-cache' is t, ticking (!) will also copy the
> article to the cache. See .

if it's set to t (gnus-use-cache), won't all articles be cached?  I
only want to do this for interesting articles


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: retaining marked articles in summary buffer?

2017-02-27 Thread Sivaram Neelakantan
On Mon, Feb 27 2017,Kevin Brubeck Unhammer wrote:

[snipped 12 lines]

>> if it's set to t (gnus-use-cache), won't all articles be cached?  I
>> only want to do this for interesting articles
> No, see Info gnus:
>  To turn caching on, set ‘gnus-use-cache’ to ‘t’.  By default, all
>   articles ticked or marked as dormant will then be copied over to your
>   local cache (‘gnus-cache-directory’).  
> (That probably shouldn've been mentioned in the docstring for
> gnus-use-cache, which is rather misleading: "use the cache to the full
> extent of the law" sounds like "cache everything").

so setting cache to t and marking with it ! will keep the article around
forever ignoring the expiry settings too, right?


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