Re: [OT] does gmane still allow nntp posting?

2018-07-31 Thread Stefan Huchler
Where do you report it to, my authorize emails don't work at the moment, too.

Adam Sjøgren  writes:

> Robert writes:
>> Is it still possible to post to mailing lists through gmane?  Or is it
>> just for mailing list archival now?  Thanks!
> It is possible, although some people are reporting problems with
> responding to the TMDA emails.
> Feel free to try in gmane.test
>   Best regards,
> Adam, who is sending this through

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: overwriting c catchup shortcut in Group buffer

2015-05-22 Thread Stefan Huchler
so a few days I found out what the problem was, I have activated
topic-mode that shadows the gnus-group-mode-map and I had to override
the gnus-topic-mode-map instead:

  (define-key gnus-topic-mode-map (kbd "c") 'previous-line)

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: overwriting c catchup shortcut in Group buffer

2015-05-10 Thread Stefan Huchler
Emanuel Berg  writes:

> but only if you were to change this frequently, which
> of course can be the case.

fly-keys is a modal mode you have a key to activate it and one to
deactivate it, in other modes you can type the letter c as example, and
in command mode you use it for previous-line.

So I think there is your frequent change?

> It works for me, so perhaps your mode, whatever it is,
> resets the keymap after that?

ok then I add that to the bugtracker to the author or fly-keys, just
wondered why it did work for Summary mode so I thought I just picked the
wrong hook map.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: overwriting c catchup shortcut in Group buffer

2015-05-10 Thread Stefan Huchler
Emanuel Berg  writes:

> Stefan Huchler  writes:
>> (progn
>>   (defun spiderbit-gnus-group-prepare-setup ()
>> "for `gnus-group-prepare'."
>> (local-set-key (kbd "c") 'previous-line) 
>> (local-set-key (kbd "t") 'next-line)
>> (local-set-key (kbd "h") 'backward-char)
>> (local-set-key (kbd "n") 'forward-char))
>>   (add-hook 'gnus-group-prepare-hook
>>   'spiderbit-gnus-group-prepare-setup))
> Do you have a `progn' here in order to be able to
> evaluate it all at once? Otherwise you don't need it.

I am using the package here:

the author told me that he handles mode specific overwrites in that

he used there much progn so I did the same, no special choice from me.

>> gnus-group-prepare-hook
>> gnus-group-menu-hook
>> gnus-group-mode-hook
> Try without using hooks:
> (require 'gnus-group)
> (define-key gnus-group-mode-map "h" 'backward-char)
> ;; (define-key ...

I did try it this way did not work too: I added your suggested blog to
this mode specific file mentioned above and evaluated it.

  (require 'gnus-group)
  (define-key gnus-group-mode-map (kbd "c") 'previous-line) 
  (define-key gnus-group-mode-map (kbd "t") 'next-line)
  (define-key gnus-group-mode-map (kbd "h") 'backward-char)
  (define-key gnus-group-mode-map (kbd "n") 'forward-char)

info-gnus-english mailing list

overwriting c catchup shortcut in Group buffer

2015-05-10 Thread Stefan Huchler
I try to overwrite the gnus group buffer with some keyboard-shortcuts,
but I dont find the right hook or method to do so.

I want to use direction keys on my home-row instead of the emacs C-f
standard keys or the normal arrow keys and in dvorak the 4 logical keys
under 8 on the right side are c/h/t/n.

  (defun spiderbit-gnus-group-prepare-setup ()
"for `gnus-group-prepare'."
(local-set-key (kbd "c") 'previous-line) 
(local-set-key (kbd "t") 'next-line)
(local-set-key (kbd "h") 'backward-char)
(local-set-key (kbd "n") 'forward-char))
  (add-hook 'gnus-group-prepare-hook

it worked well with the summary buffer with this hook:


but in the Group buffer I cant find the right hook I tried this 3:


I cant get gnus stop calling the catchup command instead
previous-line. Thanks for your help in advance.

info-gnus-english mailing list

own webbased newsgroup types

2015-02-04 Thread Stefan Huchler
I try to write own Group types for some web sites.

But I cant make any sense of old source parts. I am no big lisp
developer yet, but I dont find with google or emacshelp anything about
one thing.

  (let ((last (car (last articles)))
(did nil)

I have no idea what this "did" thing is supposed to be

found it here:


and here:

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: adapt in SCORE file does not work logicaly

2014-10-21 Thread Stefan Huchler
Emanuel Berg  writes:

> I.e, say some guy posts 100 posts, 10 are flame war
> posts, 10 are "1+" or "Me too" posts, but the 80 that
> remains are not bad at all. Here, I would like Gnus to
> only show the good posts. That is probably a
> non-trivial task to do, and it wouldn't be perfect,
> but I think it could be pretty good given some time
> for adjustments. There is a lot of material to train
> on so it could be a cool project in many ways :)

Hmm you can also Lower by Body substring or regex, so you should be able
to lower the scores by what u want.

L b s p (Lower body substring permanent) or instead of s I think r for

I don't really know what u miss you should be able to make very good filters.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: adapt in SCORE file does not work logicaly

2014-10-20 Thread Stefan Huchler
btw scoring is better than killing and what u do, because u have no 0-1
switch but u can have different levels of output quality filters, as
example hide thhreads that fall into several fitlers and have a really
bad (low) value, u could even sort by value and see the one u are
interested most first and so on.

I am just tired to hit 50 times a day L s s p and L a e p (author exact
permanenct) for every video, when I know it could happen more or less
automaticly or by pressing only k for everthing I dont like.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: adapt in SCORE file does not work logicaly

2014-10-20 Thread Stefan Huchler

scoring itself is pretty easy, most of the time I use it for youtube rss
"posts" so maybe its a bit differnt for me, but u just press L for lower
then s for subject then s for substring then p for permanent then u
choose the substring u want to lower in subjects or select cut out the
substring enter done.

how much it lowers the score I think there is some default but u can set
it, and u can set when messages get automaticly greyed out or hidden
completly or something like that.

The problem I have is not about scoring, its about ADAPTIVE scoring, so
that it automaticly get lowered or increased score values when u read it
or kill it or catchup to it etc.

and I even understand how that works in theory, I just dont want to use
it for every group but only one.

Hope that helped YOU and that somebody helps ME, now :)

info-gnus-english mailing list

adapt in SCORE file does not work logicaly

2014-10-19 Thread Stefan Huchler
the adapt variable in score files which u can set to ignore/nil/t works
as far as I understand it as a group specific version of
gnus-use-adaptive-scoring which is the global version of it, right?

So u can activate gnus-use-adaptive-scoring globaly and with
adapt=ignore dont use adaptive scoring for this group, and the other way

So far that makes much sense to me, but score does not allow the value
word or (word).


1. question: how can I do activate word based adaptive scoring for one

2. question: it would be logical to either allow the value (word)
there. Do I have to quote it somehow or something?

If I press 2 in gnus-score-customize on the score value menu which
stands for lisp expression, it just ignores it, it does not ask me for a
lisp expression.

thx for an answer!

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: What happened to nnslashdot and nnultimate

2014-07-25 Thread Stefan Huchler (Adam Sjøgren) writes:

> I would guess interest faded.

for forums there exist tapatalk so some people are still interested in
not using garbage browsers for such tasks, even a company probably earns
much money with that software.

> Cool! It sounds really easy, when you put it like that. Have you started
> working on this module yet? You seem really keen on it. Be sure to share
> it with the world, when you've got it working!

So u critisize me for trolling, then u troll 10 times more than I do,
that makes sense.

> It is also a good method to get people to dismiss you as a kook.

see last sentence thats true for u then too.

> Nobody wanted to do that for the bitrotten modules you so long for.
> It is no more complicated than that, really.

So u KNOW that? or u just GUESS GUESS GUESS around wildly or did u read
every forum posts on taht topic did u scan the internet for every
newsreader and other stuff?

I know and admit happily that I dont know all, so I ask if somebody else
knows something, I learned u dont know anything about my topic, good for
u if nobody else answers in 2-3 days, ok there is maybe really no
solution except doing something for myself or live with it. But because
I use gnus sinse a few months and maybe emacs since a year, I ask here
because I thought thats the point of this forums for people to ask
stuff. aka get support.

BTW I did never tell somebody to develop it for me or something else, I
just tried to get answers to facts that make no sense to me, again it
makes no sense to remove a big feature without a good reason from a
software. So maybe somebody else then u that dont have to guess why that
is stumbles over this post and gives a real answer.

> Well, the number of people who were willing to do the work to keep those
> two backends working was zero.

So u know that for a fact? u are a gnus developer?

> I have been known to throw trolls a bad apple or two. Like now.

so when I troll I am a troll and when u troll u throw apples ok.

> And what are you doing about it?

First I check if somebody else solved this problem before because I am
not stupid and dont want to reinvent the wheel again and again.

> Why do you find that odd? Show me some software that never has
> regressions.

But they have regression mostly out of a mistake, they dont explizitly
commit regressions most of the time.

> Oh, and what browser might that be?


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: What happened to nnslashdot and nnultimate

2014-07-24 Thread Stefan Huchler (Adam Sjøgren) writes:

> Webscraping forum-sites is a lot of work, as you have to keep up with
> every little change.

yes but they did it in the past, was it at that point in time easier?

> The websites that are making money on advertising probably don't have
> much incentive to not break access methods that effectively bypass their
> income.

yes so conzentrate first on the pages who arent owned by unmoralic
companies, I guess slashdot could be such site, and also something like should be stable enough taht not all 2 days web interface change.

that does not work against addblocks too, so thats no real answer if
they cant hinder the 90% people which use adblocks they will not care
about the 1% emacs users.

And another thing I get that nobody takes the time to support 100
differently random sites, that change here and there, but as example
with wordpress blog feature u would have one module for 99% of the blogs
so u had to support only one modul. Or some forum types I would even
have a use case for MyBB Forums, such software does only get a patch
every 1000 years so it would be also easy to support and u would support
thousends of sites with one modul.

> Oh, and people who use such systems are probably not the most
> forgiving/grateful people you can find. I suspect they are likely to
> bitch and moan, rather than do some work to solve the problem
> themselves.

Sorry dont take a bit of trolling from me personal, its just a good
technic to get some reactions / answers. And also to release some
frustration this garbage browsers generate onto everybody.

> 99% of the net population think it is good enough/don't care?

Most of the time there are no alternatives, so they only have the choice
to not write in forums or use that web ui, or do u have some data that
shows that people are happy or dont care about that issue, that some
people that are no developers what should be 90% dont do something about
it, doesnt mean they dont care about it, they just dont care so much
about it that they make a diploma in computer science or at least invest
100 hours to learn the skills to do that, if not more.

> Someone recently suggested that apps were nice for corporations like
> that because you can do anything with the users data, where browsers
> have at least some amount of user-centric protection.

Hmm, still both exists, facebook webinterface for mobile and the app
same with twitter, so not evil companies forced their users to use
these apps, the users like it better. So they do care, at least enough
to install and setup apps 10 minutes.

But if u messure how much users care, u should maybe shut down gnus too,
because 99% of the users dont care about gnus. Or emacs, 99% of the
people wordwide dont use emacs. its not always a question of the
quantity, also about the quality.

> I can speculate on why they were removed, if you really want: The code
> did not work anymore, and nobody was interested enough in the
> functionality to step up and fix it.

I just cant belive that all my problems are special to me, we have 7
Billion people on the world, so am I really the only person with that

Like u said tapatalk is proprietary and facebook app too so its no real
option, and u have the problem not fully solved too, because each apps
works slithly different.

> Maybe people interested in slashdot comments are more interested in
> ranting than doing work fixing code?

Lol normaly I dont use slashdot, it seemed to me only the most common
news site for technical people, and there was a backend.

> Maybe the answer is to spend the time doing something else? :-)

Maybe not, do u not comment on political stuff never when somebody
trolls u dont answer to him? :)

I just dont see mailing lists a complete replacement for news sites. But
if you say taht gnus users only use mailing lists and never open news
sites and never comment on youtube videos, I search on gwene or gmane if
I found there some newsgroups where I can answer to current news and try
to use them.

just looked again u cant answer to newsticker mailing lists... from
gwene or gmene, so we are back to tv time where u only get oneway brain
washing tv without possibility to argue against it, so that others have
achange to read the througth.

>   Best regards,


p.s. I just find it odd that gnus has regressions, is it a dying project
taht each day has less users or do people nowadays not do such stuff that
they could do in the past with gnus with another newsreader, or did they
all quit using emacs?

at least we get now in emacs 24.4 a modern textbased browser maybe with
that some forum modules re appear.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: What happened to nnslashdot and nnultimate

2014-07-23 Thread Stefan Huchler
ok u answered my quetion literaly. But the question behind my question
is, what else like that is there, and if nothing is there why.

Why would people want to use this horrific forums of websites which are
not consistent at all?

So either u comment on nothing as example a youtube video or a news on a
german news site, or u have to use this horrific slow website interfaces
with horrible mouse-only guis.

Even on smartphones u have software like tapatalk becuase browser suck
on mobile even more than on a big screen.

Even websites like facebook and twitter use non-browser-interfaces
because they know that webinterface is broken.

Its so retarded to buy 10 ssds 50gb ram and quadcore computers for what
to fire the 50 open tabs in the browser.

Its just the ugliest, incosistent, slowest, dumbest, resource-eating
idea to render newsgroups or stuff like that (forums) with html.

If it were only that it would be bad enough, but u cant even make the
font sizes bigger on websites without breaking every second website, and
then other sites just have to scroll sidewards if u give them less than
1024 pixels size horrizental.

Its a constant pain, and u say to me they removed that killer feature
without any reason.

Again to come the questions how am I supposed to write in a non painfull
way comments to blogs websites???

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: What happened to nnslashdot and nnultimate

2014-07-22 Thread Stefan Huchler
yes thats what I wanted basicly I want something like Tapatalk but as
foss and for the pc.

info-gnus-english mailing list

What happened to nnslashdot and nnultimate

2014-07-21 Thread Stefan Huchler
I experimented with shimbun but as far as I understand it its more or
less only there to show newstickers but not to view and post comments at
least thats not what I see in newsticker.

So I digged around further thought ok slashdot is pretty famous geek
site, so lets search for that and gnus and I found gnus documentation
which mentions nnslashdot and nnultimate as methods for gnus groups.

In the current documentation I dont find this methods anymore.

Did they just got removed and replaced with nothing else? I hate this
fuckin web-forums. So is there no way to use my themed consistend
newsreader (gnus) instead of this laggy flashy forums sites?

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: read mail gmail inside emacs?

2014-02-15 Thread Stefan Huchler
yes of course.

nnimap (imap support) is your friend.

but next time google maybe first ;)

info-gnus-english mailing list

How to use nnrss-ignore-article-fields

2014-01-26 Thread Stefan Huchler

I think nnrss-ignore-article-fields is documented to bad. I am not a
total pro emacs user and I am even worse (e)lisp programmer but it
should not be so hard to understand this.

I use rss for youtube feeds and nearly every hour I get 10 old feeds
that I marked as read already again.

It was even hard to find this variable as most likely the mechanism to
stop this.

Then I had to look into the source-code and find a post somewhere that
says that you have to raise the gnus-verbose level to 10 to see output
with what u can maybe find the fields you could put into that.

But even with that it seems that I dont understand what I have to

A example output looks like that:

"nnrss: Making hash index of (item nil (guid ((isPermaLink . "false"))
",2008:video:Zx5W7faSEJI") (pubDate nil "Fri, 24 Jan 2014
06:04:18 +") (atom:updated nil "2014-01-24T06:21:20.000Z") (category
((domain . "";))
"";) (title nil "Tendresse for
Ten | BSD Now 21") (description nil "")
(link nil
(author nil "Jupiter Broadcasting"))"

I set and evaluated following list:

(setq nnrss-ignore-article-fields '(slash:comments description atom:updated 
category title item tag))

but it did not prevent re-appearences of such articles.

I would love to get some help.


info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: RSS youtube feeds show read-flagged videos/messages again

2014-01-24 Thread Stefan Huchler
hmm I think I stumbled over a variable that is made for my problem:

Some feeds update constantly article fields during their publications,
e.g., to indicate the number of comments. However, if there is a
difference between the local article and the distant one, the latter is
considered to be new. To avoid this and discard some fields, set this
variable to the list of fields to be ignored. The default is

I will wait and see what it updates, description or something and set it
to ignore that.

Hope that is the fix.

info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: RSS youtube feeds show read-flagged videos/messages again

2014-01-24 Thread Stefan Huchler
Thanx for trying to help me ;)

But I think thats not the Problem, why would youtube rss contain again
and again old posts, should there not only be the newer ones. Hmm I try
to look at it in ascii form maybe I see the entrences.

here is such a example:
